The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Gold Emblems for the Winners
on the 27th
Senior 01ns Will Itorelve thn ContcMnntu
t the High SclmolKahltilt of Nvliool
Work Will tie tlnrotl by the
People Should Show lloiltnllljr
From Tuoeilnys Dnlly
SuporintoudoiitD 0 OConnor tliia
morning received tho modals to bo given
to tho successful contestants nt tho
north Nobraska High school declamatory
contest to bo hold in tho Norfolk Audi
toriuni on tho evening of the 37th
Thoy aro of gold of ueut design and
handsomely ongrnved Thcro nro six
of tho medals a first and second prize to
bo conferred in each of tho three classes
oratorical dramatic and humorous
Thoy aro engraved with the initials N
N H S D A tho namo of tho class in
-which tho successful contestant won
and nro designated as first and second
prize tho first boing nlso somewhat
larger thaii tho second Tho medals
will bo on exhibition in tho window of
Leonards drug storo during tho next
few days
Those taking part in tho contest will
bo mndo to feel at homo so far as tho
members of tho Senior class of tho Nor
folk High school aro concerned for thoy
have arranged to givo a reception to
visiting contestants on Wednesday after
noon tho day of tho contest in tho
High school buildiug
Other arrangements for the teachers
mooting next week aro progressing
satisfactorily Tho school oxhibit col
lected under tho supervision of Super
intendent OConnor will bo placed in
the High school building on tho 27th
The exhibit represents actual v orkdoue
in all tho grades of the Norfolk schools
In order to mako the meeting of tho
association a success and cause tho visi
tors to feel that Norfolk is n pleasant
place in which to convene it will bo
necessary for tho residents of tho city
to toko an interest in and attend the
meetings make tho visitors feel at homo
in every way possible and show to them
in tho truest sense Norfolks hospitable
side At their meeting held hero two
years ago some of the visiting teachers
were inclined to tho belief that thoir
presence was not appreciated and
that their work in tho interest of edu
cation was not fully understood Other
organizations holding district or stato
meetings here have been warmly re
ceived by the citizens who have endeav
ored to make their stay pleasant and
profitable The teachers composing
this association are as fully entitled to a
cordial reception as any of them They
devote their time to tho people in giving
their children instruction and certainly
citizens should indicate an appreciation
of their work Devote a few hours of
each day they aro hero Tn getting ac
quainted nnd the acquaintances thus
formednro certain to prove mutually
beneficial and helpful
Teachers who board at hotels can ma
terially aid in the matter of getting ac
quainted with each other and citizens
Heretofore when the association has
met it has been customary for tho
gentlemen teachers to congregate in tho
lobbies and offices of the hotel while
the ladies have repaired to the parlors
They commingled only at the meetings
when conversation was either wholly
impossible or limited Sociability and
acquaintanceship was therefore largely
impossible and thoir visit would have
been much more satisfactory if there
had been no division during the day
and evening
The citizens can likewise materia
aid tho association by liberally patroniz
ing their entertainment features These
will cost the association considerable
and the people oaunot only aid in meet
ing the qxpense but may enjoy the
features with the teachers and feel that
they are fully recompensed by tho in
struction and amusement obtained
It is hoped by tho local committees
that thiB will be one of tho most pleas
ant and profitablo so eions in tho history
of tho association and they hope for the
hoarty co operation of tho citizens in
making it so
Prof F Warrant HypnotlHt
It seems that F Warrant woll known
in Norfolk as tho builder of the Audi
toriam has at last engaged in a pur
suit at whioh he should bo perfectly at
home anyway there are quite a number
of people who should be willing to
testify to his powers of making subjects
do that for which they afterward feel a
sort of regret The gentleman is now n
full fledged hypnotist with a Prof
uttaohment to his cognomen Tho
Sioux City Journal of Friday thus re
viows his performance at that place
Prof F Warrant hynotist enter
tained n very sparse audienco at tho
Grand opera house last evening with his
powers of hypnotism Tho Bhow was
much after the stylo of others of tho
kind which have been in Sioux City
only uot as good as some 0 B Hull
secretary of the Y M 0 A aud
Walter Nivling aotod as a committeo of
two chosen from the house to decide
that the feats performed by tho pro
fessor were genuine Mr Hall under
went a test The professor made his
feet fast to the floor aud then invited
Mr Hall to kick his heels up in tho air
Mr Hull failed to kick aud scorned to
bo dooldodly under tho professors
powor But when Mr Nivling was
triod by tho professor a failure resulted
Aftor much lalor on tho hypnotists
part Mr Nivling wns asked to kick and
ho camo within nn inch of lauding his
brogau in the hypnotists oyo Tho
professor gavo him up as a bad subjoot
During tho ovening subjects woro
put uudor hypnotic iuiluonco and mado
to do many ludicrous things
T L Ackorman was up from Stnnton
ovor night
S T Black was tn tho city today
from Piurco
Goo W Clark of Humphrey is n Nor
folk visitor today
M II Hampton of ONeill was in
Norfolk last night
Dr A II Corbott of Madison was in
tho city over night
J D Romis was a city visitor yestor
day from Bloointlcld
Tho front of Miss Bonders millinory
storo is being repainted
Mrs Shcoau arrived this noon from
Fromout to visit with Mis L M Bcolor
Dr F W Toal superintendent of tho
hospital for insane is it Omaha on busi
W R Ellis of Bloomflold is in tho
city greeting friouds nnd transacting
Paul Karo was in tho city over night
rotnruiug to his homo iu Lyons this
Mr and Mrs John Hamilton of Stan
ton aro visiting at the homo of Mr aud
Mrs D F Sidlor
Mr and Mrs Goo A Brooks of Bazilo
Mills wero in the city this morning on
their way homo from Omaha
Now strawberries have made their ap
pearance on tho market at -10 cents per
with tho bottoms woll elevated iu tho
Mr aud Mrs Morris Mayor gavo a
dinner party last evening at their homo
on Norfolk avenue aud very pleasantly
entertained a number of guests
Word comes from Madison that tho
jury in the Parks caso has agreed to a
verdict of guilty Tho latest in
formation does not stnte that sentence
has been pronounced
Invitations to tho wedding of Col
Wm Hayward and Miss Sarah Coo
Ireland which is to take place at Ne
braska City on Monday afternoon
March 2 have been issued
Millard Greens drny with a load of
20 bushels of potatoes aboard tipped
over yesterday afternoon in the rear of
the Pacific hotel The starchy vegetable
was very liberally distributed aud tho
tongue of the dray was broken
The chilly north wind which has pre
vailed for about a week this morning
gave way to a gentlo southern breeze
and thoughts of house cleaning garden
ing and active farming operations are
again looming up on the horizon It is
generally hoped that March has had its
blow out
An aged couple named McFarland
living near Columbus was struck by
the Albion Passenger train on tho Union
Pacific this afternoon and botli man
aud woman wero instantly killed Th6y
were attempting to cross the track
ahead of tho train
At a meeting of W R O held Satur
day afternoon the following resolutions
were adopted
Whereas In view of the loss we have
sustained by tho death of our friend and
associate and worthy member of our
order Mrs Beswick and still greater
loss sustained by those who wore nearer
and dearest to her Therefore
Resolved By tho W R O No 140 of
Norfolk Neb That it is but a just
tribute to her memory to Bay that in re
gretting her removal from us wo mourn
for one who was in every way worthy
of our respect and esteem
Resolved That we sincerely sympa
thize with tho bereaved family in this
hour of affliction and commend them
for consolation to Him who doeth all
things well
Resolved That these testimonials of
our sympathy and sorrow be forwarded
to tue family of our departed mend by
the secretary of this meeting
Mrs C F Eiseiky
Mks F Lauhofk
Mrs Mary Howe
The health of Mr Satterlee who has
boen very sick is greatly improved
The house vaoated by Mr Walker is
to bo ocoupied by Mr Denton and
Mr aud Mrs Canoto expect to begin
housekeeping in the residence vacated
by Mr Glass
E Jacobs expects to move from Nor
folk this week and tho house at present
occupied by his family will be taken by
Thos Belt
Tho Dolan house recently vacated by
A J Ryel lias been taken by Mr
Walker clerk in tho division superin
tendents office
Rev John JelTeries expects to leave
next week for his new homo in Milford
aud tho houso to be vacated by him will
become tho homo of Mr Wilkinson of
the firm of Roland Wilkinson
Mrs J O Trout man spent Stturdny
in Wnkefiold
Birolay Jonos of Colnmbns was hero
Saturday night
Sam Lang was in town Saturday
night from Madison
Roy Talbot of Ftillurton had busluoss
in Norfolk Saturday
J W Mahor was in Norfolk from
Columbus Saturday
Rov W R MoKim was n possongor
today for Hartingtou
S Redmond of Pieroo was nSundny
night guest iu Norfolk
Miss Olllo Busoh of Madison is tho
guost of Norfolk friends
F E Martin of Battlo Creek Enter
priso is a city visitor today
P M Cargor of Madison was a city
visitor Saturday nnd Sunday
Mrs Powers accompanied hor husband
down from Piorco this morning
It E McJay was in tho city over
Saturday night from Clearwater
D E Mallar and J L Coxworocity
visitors this morning from Plaiuview
Ed Walters was up from Humphrey
visiting Norfolk friends ovor Sunday
Norris Hitchcock and II S Ropport
wero Norfohc visitors today from Piorco
Fred Roborts has accopted a position
at tho sugar factory as asslstnut muster
Mrs Dr Persons aud Miss Etta How
ard of Stanton wero shopping iu the
city Saturday
Mrs Ludwig Wotzol is sick the result
of having overworked caring for hor
St Patrick ribbons and badges woro
worn iu Norfolk yesterday by a largo
number of pooplo
Two people from Niobrara woro ini
morsod at tho BaptiBt church nt yester
day mornings services
Wm Beswick is moving hero from
Council Bluffs Iown and will occupy a
residouco on South Fourth stroot
Miss Roso Gorbor is sick with appen
dicitis at the homo of Mr and Mrs L
M Beolor whore sho is employed
Mrs M E Lobuow and children de
parted yestorday for Omaha whore Jtho
fumily will mnko their futurolhomo
Miss Agnes Piero wont to Wisncr
Saturday in response to a message an
nouncing the death of hor grandmother
John Woills left this morning for
Mauitou Colorado where ho will re
main with his father until tho latters
Arthur Pilger F M Yeazel and
Arnold Heilmau wore city visitors yes
terday haviug drivou over from the
county seat
F L Estabrook has about completed
the building of an addition to his homo
on South Ninth street and is otherwise
improving the property
Editors Kelly of tho Wisnor Free
Press Powers of tho Pierce Leader and
Nellor of tho Plainviow Republican
wero in th city this morning on business
Father Walsh camo in from Omaha
Friday and wont to Battlo Creek Satur
day evening Frontal there ho goes to
Tildeu and other points covered by his
Tho creek was besieged yesterday by
a large number of persons who enjoy
piscatorial pnrsuitsbut it has not yet
been learned that any phonomenal
catches wero made
W B Hazel has resigned his position
in W O Halls barber shop and will
leave tomorrow with his wife for
Mound City Mo where he expects to
open up a shop for himself
Tho name of Dr A Bear has been
placed on the city ticket by the demo
cratic committeo as candidate for mem
ber of the board of education in place of
G A Laikart who haB declined the
J A Willey of Chadron is in town
today His family is breaking up houso
keopiug for tho summer Mrs Willey
going to Iowa to take care of her
mother who is not well and quite ad
vanced in years
E A Bullock returned Saturday
night from a two weeks trip east includ
ing a visit to Chicago Harlan and Sioux
City Iowa2 Mrs Bullock who accom
panied himon the trip will visit for
some time with a sister at Walnut
The Bachelor Girls had an open meet
ing and entertained thoir gentlemen
friends Friday evening at tho homo of
Miss Lillian Luikart High five waB a
leading amusement at which Dr
Scoboe won first prizo and Clarence
Suiter was successful in taking tho
When tho wind from tho north got up
to its accustomed speed this morning it
gave ovidence of a need of street sprink
ling scarcely exceeded during a dry
summer Tho dust was whirled through
thu streets iu clouds and tho merchant
aud housewifo woro considerably dis
Friends of O E Hartford aro urging
his appointment as a member of tho
state board of barber examiners Mr
Hartford is fully capablo of filling tho
position and wonld mako a trustworthy
energetio membor The pooplo of Nor
folk would bo pleased to have him thus
Miss Amanda Willo went to Omaha
Saturday and returned this noon Sho
went to bo pUKout dm lug an operation
on her sister Mrs Warren Hurbert
which sho Hulmillted to Saturday at tho
M E hospital nnd which has proven
very successful Mr and Mrs Hurlbort
wont downJFriday aud will return ns
soon as Mrs Hurlbert is nblo to travel
Tho woathor was very balmy and
npiugliko yosterday and every ono ap
parently improved tho opportunity of
taking an airing buggy ridlng boing
especially popular The capacity i f tho
livery barns to furnish rigs was tnxod to
supply tho demand of those sooklng re
creation Today Old Borons has nimiit
assorted his sway aftor a couple of days
rost and appears U bo anxious to make
up for lost time by exerting unusual
Tho following tieltot has been placed
in the Held by a cuucuh of voters at
Stanton held last Thursday night
Mayor Dr E O Underberg clerk W
T McFarland treasurer John Sohlnd
ler olty engineer W 0 Vaughn
pollco judge J W Maokoy council
men First ward Fred Foyorherm
Second ward Adam Pilger MeFur
lands for city clerk soem to be very
popular in this section of the state
West Point Republican Commis
sionors John J Hughes H W Winter
and Chris Smith of Madison county
woro in West Point Monday and Tues
day inspecting the big iron and steel
bridge across the Elkhoru at this city
iunaiBou county is about to unlhl a
a double roadway bridge across
tho Northfork river in the city of
Norfolk nnd tlifo commissioners desired
to got a few pointers on steel bridgoB bo
foro tho contract was let The Norfolk
structure will bo wider than ours but
not so long
Norfolk connoll No 120 Union Com
morniul Travolors held a meeting Sat
urday night and elootod the following
oillcors for the ensuing torm Senior
counselor E D Erskino junior coun
selor F Coryell past counselor F J
Cashiu secretary treasurer O F Tap
port conductor G Moeller pago J
Sturgeon seutinol A Nyland execu
tive committee J T Thompson L E
Walorstodt E Witmor andOL Hyde
roprosontntivos to grand lodge which
meets in Omaha May I and 4 O F Tup
port and L E Wullerstedt
Mrs W II Bucholz gavo a spinster
party to a company of lady friends Sat
urday afternoon Guests woro costumed
in a stylo popularly attributed to maiden
ladies who had passed tho season of
youth without encountering tho bans of
Hymou Thoir grotosquo appearanco
famished an abundance of amusement
When it camo time to say goodbye
to their hostess tho entire com
pany repaired to tho homo of Col
and Mrs S W Hayes and congratu
lated that worthy couplo upon having
attained the 00th aunivorsary of their
wedded lifo
One of tho streots most used by
pedestrians outside of Main is Madison
avenue and it iB a fact that tho side
walks along that stroot are in a do
plorablo condition and dangerous to lifo
aud limb Tho railroad companies havo
recently pnt in substantial walks across
thoir trucks but thoso abutting some of
tho residence proporty are in bad repair
Property owners should seo to it that
thoy are put in better condition aud
show a spirit of pride if not regard for
the convenience of pooplo who use the
walk Boards and stringers aro rotten
and holos where boards are missing nro
Death of a Iloneer
Mrs Rioke Sporn wife of T F Sporn
died at her home southeast of tho city
at 11 oclock Saturday night The fu
neral wns held this afternoon at 2 30
oclock from St Punl Lutheran church
Rov Wm Hoelzel conducting the serv
Tho decensed was 50 years of age and
for tho past two or throe years has suf
fered from dropsy She has been bed
fast and helpless during tho last throo
months of that time and has beon ex
ceedingly distressed
Mrs Sporn was ono of the first settlers
of this vicinity coming hero with her
father Judgo Wagner in 1800 they
being mombers of tho first colony Sho
was united in marriage to Mr Sporn
after her arrival in Nebraska Besides
tho husband seven children mourn
hor deatli
Tho family has a host of friends who
will eympnthizo with tho members loft
behind over tho loss thoy have sustained
A large number of frionds and neigh
bors followed the remains to their lust
resting place
A Uooil
German Syrnp is tho special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated
German Physician and is acknowledged
to bo ono of tho most fortunato discover
ies in Medicine It quickly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing as it does
tho canso of tho affection nnd leaving tho
parts in a strong and healthy condition
It is not an experimental mediciuo but
has stood tho test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
increasing salo overy season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
cheos Gormau Syrup was introduced iu
tho Unites States iu 1808 and is now
sold iu evory town and vilhigo in tho
civilized world Three doses will relievo
any ordinary oongh Prico 7ft cts Get
Greous Prizo Almanac Asa It Leon
Ularaiico Clark is having a Mush with
tho grip
L 0 Barnot was up from Stanton
0 E Waldon wns down from Crtrigh
ton yesterday
S P Bloy was a Norfolk visitor yes
torday from Pietce
U A Itolincrs was a visitor from
Pierce this morning
Sol Mayor Is confined to his rooms
with an attack of sickness
Miss Nora Nelson of Tildon was shop
ping iu tho city yesterday
P A Clark was a city visitor from
tho county seat yesterday
R R Montgomery of Randolph had
busiuoss iu Norfolk last night
E M aud P B Loach woro Norfolk
guests over night from Elm Grove
Mr and Mrs Eugene kMorrinn are
visiting relatives iu WisMrthiswook
John W Warrick of Meadow Grovo
transacted business in Norfolk yester
Superintendent Reynolds left this
morning on a trip around the Albion
Mr and Mrs Win Reek who live on
South Third street welcomed a son to
their home last night
S T Axlell landlord of tho hotel at
WiuHiiuwus Hamplingthojuru of Nor
folk hotels yesterday
Dr P II Salter wont to Atkinson
last night to attend another physician
who is Hick with pneumonia
Tom Bell of Lusk Wyo pont Sun
day with Norfolk relatives and yester
day wont to Iowa tojmrchuso registered
a took
Tho electrio light company bus re
coivod nu additional shipment of poles
for tho proposed extension of its light
ing system
Bort Thomas who clerks iu the
grocory department of tho Fair store
went to Sioux City yesterday and will
rotnrn today
Mrand Mrs i A Werner S It
McFarland and Mrs W II Mark left
for Lincoln to attend tho grand lodges
It O T Mand L O T M
Mr and Mrs W O Chapman and
Miss Huttio Chapman of Fremont are
visiting Norfolk relatives From bore
thoy exiwct to go to Long Pine
Gilbort Fleming of Saunders county
who recently purchased a farm west of
tho city has completed a new residence
thereon and left today for his former
homo after his fumily
A Ranvklov who travels for a whole
salo crockery houso iu St Paul Minn
and who bus boon living in Yankton S
D has rentod tho Latimer houso in Tho
Heights aud will inovo his family to
Norfolk in tho near future
Mr and Mrs W II Bucholz wero
passougcrs for Omaha on the noon train
and expoct to bo ubseut a couple of days
Mr Bucholz goes to attend a meeting
of bankers which will bo held in tho
parlors of tho Puxtou hotel tomorrow
Tho school of Miss Lota Blakely who
has boen teaching near Warnorvillo wns
closedlast Friday owing to tho preva
lence of scarlot fever in that neighbor
hood and tho term will not bo complotod
There romained fivo weeks of tho school
year that will not bo finished
Tho Dakota City Eaglo says that a
woman of that town saw an advertise
ment in an ensteru paper promising
dress patterns and a sot of dishes in re
turn for a little canvassing and 125
Sho complied with tho conditions nnd
last week received two sheets of paper
on which woro printed thrco dress
patterns and n picturo of a sot of dishes
H 0 Truman democratic candidato
for city clerk has declined to mako tho
raco and has withdrawn his namo from
tho ticket It is stated that his reason
for declining is that ho wantedto cast
hiB voto for tho present clerk S R Mc
Farland aud that the only way ho saw
of doing it with a clear conscience was
to have his namo stricken off which he
hasteuod to do
The trustees of tho Northeast No
braska Bankers association held a meet
ing last night in the directors room of
tho Norfolk National bank and arranged
a program for tho association which is
to bo held in this city April 22 The
members of tho board attending tho
meeting woro J F Crosby Hoskins
H D Miller Stanton E R Gurney
Wiusido John Forrest Ponder W G
Graham Laurel and G A Luikart aud
W II Buoholz of this city
Sessions Boll have recently mounted
a Philippine monkey that was a pet in
tho family of H II Hoyt of South Ntr
folk Tho intolligontjlittlo animal was
brought from tho islandsby a uophew
of Mr Hoyt soma time ago and but
recently took 6ick nnd diod Ho was
oxtroinely intelligent for his kind and
acted most human especially during his
fatal illness He is mounted most
naturally and looks as though ho wero
just ready to como dowu and eugago in
a mischievous prank
A horse and buggy belonging to W
II ButterfloldSon were stolen from
tho stablo of Goorgo D Butterfield nt
Creightou last night about 10 oclock
No trace of tho thief or thieves cau bo
found Tracks could be followod for a
short distauco bat finally became ob
scured and were lost The animal isl
J m
r frr rfiiffariiirri
described us n dark ohostnut inaro
weighing about 1 1500 pounds Tho
vehicle was n road wagon with rod
running gear aud manufactured at
tho Molluo 111 works Tho buggy1
rontatned a bnffulo robe and othor
articles for comfort and oonvoni
onco iu making a drivo Two
burglaries were committed at Croightort
on tho night preceding this theft and it
is believed that tho burglars mny havo
boon tho ones who stolo tho horso and
hnggy Mr Iluttetlleld authorizes tho
offering of a reward of f for tho re
turn of the horso and buggy and an add
itional fT0 reward for tho arrest and
conviction of the thief or thiovos This
Is a liberal offer and will undoubtedly
prove an incentive for a vigorous search
for clues on the part of pollco officials
It has been determined that tho city
conventions recently held were not
entitled to select candidates for tho
ollloo of police judge as that ofllcor it
chosen for two yours and Judge Hayes
having been elected n year ago has ono
year of his term remaining to be com
pleted Accordingly both candidates
appeared before City Clerk McFarland
aud rcquoHted the withdrawal or their
nuinoN from tho ticket which was done
It is a constitutional provision iu the
judical department that pollco Judges
justices or pence constables and other
elected city officials under that depart
ment shall be chosen for a term of two
years and the statutes while provid
ing for tho election or mayor olty olerk
and other officials iu u city or this clus t
each year makes an exception in the
matter of electing police judge to com
ply with the provisions of tho constitu
lion In ihsuing the culls and conduct
ing tho conventions this exception was
not noted and both parties solected
candidates fori ho position It is prob
able that the central committees should
have taken tho matter in hand and with
drawn their cuniliilates but inasmuoh
as it has beon satisfaotorily arranged be
tween the candidates and I he city clerk
Ihoquostion will undoubtedly bo con
sidered as sutisructorily settled by tho
fKf J
IimiiI Ailvlcn
The most miserable beings in tho world
nro those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint More than seventy
five per cent of tho people in tho United
States aro ulllicted with thoso two dis
eases and thoir effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick lloaduoho Habitual Cost
ivoncss Palpitation of tho HourtHoart
burn Vutcrbrush Guuwing and Burn
ing Pains at tho Pit of Stomuch Yellow
Skin Oouted tongue and Disagroeablo
TuHto in tho Mouth Coining up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Goto
your Druggist aud get a bottloof August
Flower for 75 contn Two dosos will re
lieve you Try it Got Greens Prizo
Almanao Asa It Leonard
Tho complete Borvico of Tho Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enables paBhoiigois to roach tho princi
pal cities botweon tho north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possible space ot timo but also
in the most comfortable and on joy able
manner Tho dining curs on this train
are stookod with tho best tho market
affords All mouls served a la carto
Nobody knowb all about itz
and nothing now known will
always cure it
Doctors try Scotts Emul
sion of Cod Liver Oil when
they think it is caused by im
perfect digestion of food
You can do the same
It may or may not be caused
by the failure of stomach and
bowels to do their work Iff
it i you will cure it if not
am will do no harm
The way to cure a disease
to stop its cause and help
the body get back to its habit
f health
When Scotts Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil does that it
cures when it dont it dont
cure It never does harm
The genuine has
this picture on it take
rOgk no other
MJ u you nave not
tried it send for free
sample its agreeable
taste will surprise
409 Pearl St N Y
juc and Sioq all druggists