The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Local High School Pupils After
District Honors
Will Itfiprnitmit Norfolk al Ihn Olnlrliit
OonlvKl rrtinrnin for tlin North Nnliraa
Un Tine hrm Mvcthifr ti l Until Horn
During tho lnst Wnk In Mnrah
Irom BMnnlnrn Dallyi
Tho local oratorical content hold in
tho High roIiooI room laHt ovonlug was
largoly attended nuil proved very inter
esting Tho object of tho ooutotit was
to suloot a candtdato for district honors
horoon tho night of tho 27th whim
pupils from tho various Bohools of north
NohranUa would participate
Tho threo contestants handled tholr
subjects with remarkable sucenns and
tho judges oxporloncod soino dlflloulty
in roaohlug a decision
First honors woro given to Nollio
Handlpy of tho humorous class whoso
subjoot was Mo and Jimmy
Klbixbotli Hharploss of thn dramatio
cIbbs whoso subjoot wan Old Aoo
was given socond plaoo by tho judgoH
Tho judges wero Hov J 1 Parkor
Mrs A N Gereoko and H 0 Mutant
Program of North Nnlirtulcit Toarlinnt Tor
March 7 UK anil
Tho program of tho fifteenth annual
mooting of tho North NobrusluiToaohora
association to bo hold in this city Maroh
137 28 and 2 hnB been issuod All hob
eious of tho association will bo huld in
tho Auditorium Tho oflloors of the as
sociation are II K Wolfo South
Omaha prosldont P F Panatmkor
Hartington vioo prosldout Mamlo K
Wallace Pioroo vice president Lucy
S Williams Norfolk treasurer D 0
OGonuor Norfolk H H secretary
Oomntltteo on arraugoments D 0
OConnor and tho teaohors of Norfolk
Commit tco on ourollmout 0 W Gram
of Madison and Mary MoKinloy of
Ponca Cotnmitteo on roooption Tho
Womans club of Norfolk
Following is tho program as au
This flret sossion is dovoted nntiroly to
the general influences of tho childs in
herltanoo and enviroumout
Herodlty By a Physloian
Early Homo Llfo of Children Mrtt J
O Bresslor Wayne
IufluonooB of tho First Sohool Years
Edith Stocking Woyno
Sooial i Environment Mm A D
Pratt Norfolk
Influonco of Suporintondont Toucher
and Board of Education on Pupila J
L Laird Fremont
kvknino 7 50 oclock
Oratorical Contest RoprwoutntivoB
from High schools in Northoru Ne
Session dovoted to reading
Heading in the Grades Aims and
Methods A MoMurray North Bond
Discussion A II Daughorty Hum
A Course in Bonding for tho Lust
Threo Years of tho Grammar Grades
E B Shormun Sohuylor
Discussion Yulloy Gurlinger Nor
The Sohool Library and How to Uso
It Amy Bruner West Poiut
Vocal Expression in Reading O S
Wort man Hartington
Tho Professional Roadiug of the
Teacher E P Wilson Ponca
Illustrative Work in tho Grades
Evelyn Fuller St Edwards
DiHOUssion Mollio Taylor Battlo
Constructive Exorcises in tho Lowor
Grades Lulu D Neihardt Bancroft
Discussion Gntcia Kiddor Norfolk
Tho Purpose and Placo of Written
Compositions Jasper Hunt Wakollold
Discussion Emma Bikor Wayne
The Relation Botwoou High School
and University W G Hiroaa Pioroo
General Discussion
Lecture Colonial Money Dr E
Benjamiu Andrews Ohauoellor of the
University of Nebraska
Does the Grammar Sohool Seouro
Satisfactory Results in tho Fundamental
Operations in Arithmetio J J King
Discussion W II Stoiubaoli Genoa
What have we Gained and what have
we Lost by Recent Changes in Touching
Arithmetio R G Mosamau Madison
Discussion J M Riohardaou Oak
The Correlation of Arithmetio Algebra
and Geometry in the Last Years of the
Grammar School W 0 Cobb West
Disoussion Mury Maguiro Orcigh
Election of Officers
L 18
aftkhnoon I I0 oclock
WhntHhonld thoOrammar School At
tomptiu Solonco V M Gregg Wujno
Disoussiou Charlcn Arnot Scribtter
What May tho Suporintondont Do for
Ills Touchers D D Murtludalo
DiBOUflfllon L M Poworn Ncllgh
Self Dirootod Activity an an Aim In
Kduoatlon S O Wilson Fremont
Address State Superintendent W K
In High Sohool Building
Rural Teachers Loudor J S Han
cock Stanton
Primary Teachers Loader Kva Mixor
Grammnr Grudo Tooohors Loudor
E A MoGlusHon Grand Island
High Sohool Touohorri Tjoador Frank
Soykora South Omaha
County Suporiutondiitts Loader M
K Mauning West Point
Lecture with Demonstrations Liquid
Air Prof J 13 Woodland
Supt OConnor of Norfolk is arrang
ing for an exhibition of school work
which will bo of great valuo to tho visit
ing tonohors Phut to spoud an hour or
two examining and comparing the re
sults obtnlnod by our host touchers
Tho association will bo undor obliga
tion to the resident musloiuns of Nor
folk for tho musio of Weduosday to
tho department of music of Wayne
normal for that of Thursday and to
thodopurtmont of musio of Fremont
uormnl for that of Fridny
Nspocial attention is di rooted to tho
evening lootures Enrolled mombors
will rocelvo tickets of admission with
out cost All others will bo charged
tho usual prioo of admission
Tho teaohors and friends of education
in northern Nebraska will be glad of
tho opportunity to hoar Chancellor An
drews of tho state uulvorslty Iu addi
tion to tho interest attaching to tho
chief educator of tho state tho reputa
tion of Dr Androws both us u thinker
and n man of action promises u raro
trout Tho chancellors woll known
studios in oconomio solonco tit him to
speak as ouo having authority on Col
onial Money
Prof Woodland willgive a brief his
tory of tho attempts to liquify air and
a dosorlption of tho process now used by
which 800 oubio feet of air is compressod
into one oubio foot of liquid resembling
water but many timos coldor than ico
Ho will tell us that boiling wator is not
us much hotter than ice as liquid air is
coldor than ice And for two hours he
will try to enable ua to roalizo thia
truth by performing many wonderful
and beautiful experiments
Service Merialn llelnc Distributed to ICni
ployiwof tho Illinois Central
In commemoration of the flftioth an
niversary of tho incorporation of tho
Illinois Central Railroad company
through tho act of tho state of Illinois
approved February 10 1851 upon reo
ommoudntlon of Mr Stuyvesant Fish
president the board of direotors deoided
in January last that tho company would
give as a souvenir to overy person in tho
employ of tho company during tho
month of February 1001 who ahall
have sorvod continuously for one year or
more a bronze medal bearing the trade
mark of tho company and on the reverae
side the name of the employe and the
number of full years in whioh ho shall
have served thooompany
The inedals have been prepared by
Moasra Tiffany Oompanyof Now
York and are of aimple but ohasto de
sign workodout in sharp lines of relief
One aido is an adaptation of the com
panys trade mark bearing the familiar
legend Central Mississippi Valley
Route in a diamond with Illinois
Central R R Co Chartered February
15 1851 in tho encompasaing circle
underlying the two boiug radioal burs
On tho reverse following tho rim in re
lief lottera ia Service Souvenir Fiftieth
Anuiveraary 1851 1001 aurroundiug au
inner Inscription whioh reads I 0 R
R Co to after years continu
ous Borvico the individual name and
years of aorvico being insoribod on the
modal of each person receiving one A
marked feuturoof thia distribution is
the fact that preoisoly the same bronze
medal ia given to everyouo who haa been
continuously in the employ of the com
pany No distinction whatever ia made
between tho highest and the lowest
the services of those who labor with
their hands and those of tho chief exec
utive oftleers and board of direotors be
ing recognized in precisely the same
way Themedals are being delivered
in installments and have already been
ciroulatod on some sections of tho road
Letter LUt
List of lettors remaining uncalled for
at the poatouJeo March 18 1901
G M Barnes 2 Charlie Borrurn
Robert Donaldson Egyptian Remedy
CoJ2 EllasJGeorge Jess Henry 2
A Kaudher Theo Koohe W G
McGoe Pearl Miller F W Turtle
If not called for in 30 daya will be
Bent to tho dead letter ofllco
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Sprkciujb P M
Colonel rtnnUFr TelU Hott he Co4a
Win Outracrril In the Irrllmlnnrira
unit How a Hangnlnarr Outcome
Wna Happily Averted
tCopyrluht 1M0 by C 13 Loirtu
I had gone to a small town In Mis
tnnlppl to rent nnd recuperate mill
Bald tho colonel an ho restored bin glass
to tho tabto to rest nnd recuperate
after my hard work In the state sen
ate I hadnt boon there a day when
I mot up with n person who cnllod him
self General Blum Ho didnt have tho
look of a general mih but I didnt
start In asking questions I accepted
hla word that lie had been a general
accepted his word as a gentleman
doos nnd he Invited mo Into tho nenr
est barroom to Imbibe n cocktail Wo
didnt Imbibe When tho general called
for drinks for fwo his order waH not
taken In other words null an ha
didnt put down his money the cock
tails remnlned unmixed The general
looked at me appeallngly but I turned
away I would not hurt his feelings
by offering to pny for the drinks
Had General Blum stopped thero
all would have been well but he did
not atop Next day ho called on mo to
talk over tho lato wnh It wasnt ten
minutes hiiIi before I began to doubt
him 1 found that he didnt know tho
difference between a charge of cavalry
and a drove of mewls When ho had
related how he led his division at Get
tysburg dashed forward at Spottsyl
vaula and received three wounds at
Petersburg I rose up I rose up to my
full height suh nnd looking him
straight between the eyes I said
General Blum yo will excuse me
sub but where can 1 And yor wah rec
Nowhere he replied They were
so Jealous of me that It has never been
written up
Wo had a few other words suh and
I felt that It was due to my dignity to
challenge him Ho received the chal
lenge coolly and sent his friend to ar
range matters Claiming to be a sol
dier and a gentleman he selected pick
axes as weapons Think of It suh
think of a gentleman taking such a
course I refused of cose Then ho
turned to plantation hoes to cotton
hooks to ball clubs and to long han
dled shovels It was my duty under
the circumstances to preserve my dig
nity and It has gone down In history
that I preserved It I Insisted that we
fight with sword or pistol and I re
fused to dignify him by debating his
proposals Then General Blum him
self called to see me Ho found mo
frigid and determined Colonel Bun
ker says he yo have doubted my ve
racity and I desire to shed yor blood
I desire to shed It by the quart and tho
gallon If yo are not a coward yo
will meet me at sunrise across the riv
eracross tho river snh As the chal
lenged party I have the choice of weap
ons I will name scythes suh scythes
at two paces The scythe Is an em
blem of time Colonel Bunker and It
was with a scythe I mowed down
scores of the enemy at Appomattox
I stood on my dignity suh stood
on my dignity and rejected the weap
ons No gentleman had ever fought
a duel with a scythe In his hands It
would degrade the code degrade the
code suh and make me a public
laughing stock I stormed at that
man suh I begged and entreated and
even sought to bribe him to meet me
with pistols or swords But he was
Arm Ho wus settled on scythes nnd
would not budge I bowed him
out and appealed to the public And
on my honah suh on the honah of tho
man who led the desperate chargo at
Cedar Mountain the public agreed with
General Blum Yes suh the public
contended that It was my duty as a
gentleman to engago In a duel with
ecythes I brought forward the code
for 300 years past but it made no dif
A duel with scythes suh a meet
ing on the field of honah with farm
ing Implements No gentlemans dig
nity would permit of It I argued and
protested and disputed but General
Blum and the public were firm In
standing to my guns I lost prestige
At tho end of three days scarcely a
man In town would nod to me and
tho newspapers were asking If Colo
nel Bunker was afraid It was then
sub and only then that I resolved to
fight tho general with his own weap
ons I must do It to save my prestige
The public was with mo at once I
had my pick of 20 different scythes
and I was determined from tho first
that I would begin at the generals
heels and gradually cut him down to
his ueck No mercy should be shown
In such a case Public excitement ran
as high as If a state election was be
ing held and when the morning of the
duel came there were hundreds on the
Kround to see I set foth with my
wcylho on my shoulder and was first
on the ground but tho general wan
only n few minutes behind me I linil
planned to begin at his heels but his
plan wns to begin at tny head I saw
It In his eyes n wo stood there Yes
suh he meant to decapitate me nt the
first sweep Mo than thnt ho had
sent to Now Orleans for a special
ncythc and ho had secured one about
two rods long
By and by we were ready I felt
my loss of dignity but I had to savo
my honah Tho word was about to bo
given and In another moment tho em
blems of time would have been Bwlsh
lug through the nlr when a mewl who
was chased by a nigger canio gallop
ing that wny Ho busted through tho
people suh he busted his way right
along and he struck the general and
knocked him Into a ditch and then
planted both heels on my stomach and
rendered me unconscious for half an
hour The duel didnt go on When I
got tny breath nguln I offered to pro
ceed from a sitting position and al
though tho general was telescoped by
the collision It Is dU6 to him to say
that he would have stood on ouo log
and fought It out But It was not to
be Tho public decided that all par
ties Including the mewl had wiped
away auy stains on their reputations
nnd we were escorted to town by our
And of course you and the general
drank together and made up I asked
Of cose suh of cose thnt Is the
general didnt Invite me nnd I didnt
Invito til m but when a third party
proposed cocktails a party whose cred
it wns good nt tho bar we accompa
nied1 him And as to the making up
biiIi we had imbibed nnd replaced our
glasses when I looked at my late an
tagonist nnd said
General Blum I cannot doubt your
valor suh
And he looked at me with eyes
which were moist nnd replied
Colonel Bunker the man who ques
tions your chivalry Is my enemy
Then our hands met our friend
called for throe more nnd the loving
cup restored peace and good will
M Quad
Scientist Fnll to Afrree an to now
the End Will Come
Scientists seem to agree that the
earth some day Is to bo destroyed by a
gigantic cataclysm but fnll to ngree
upon the how Dr nenry Smith
Williams In writing In Harpers
Monthly on Some Unsolved Scientific
Problems says
If so much uncertainty nttends
these fundamental questions aa to the
earths past nnd present it Is not
Btrnugo that open problems ns to her
future nre still more numerous We
have seen how according to Professor
Darwins computations the moou
threatens to come back to earth with
destructive force some day Yet Pro
fessor Darwin himself urges that there
are elments of fallibility In the data
Involved that rob the computation of
all certainty
Much the same thing Is true of per
haps all the estimates that have been
made as to the earths ultimate fate
Thus It has been suggested that even
should the suns heat not forsake us
our day will become month long and
then year long that all the water of
the globe must ultimately filter Into Its
depths nnd nil the air 11 y off Into
spnee leaving our earth as dry and as
devoid of atmosphere as the moon and
finally that ether friction If It exists
or in default of that meteoric friction
must ultimately bring the earth back
to the sun
But in all these prognostications
there arc possible compensating factors
that vitiate the estimates and leave
the exact results In doubt The last
word of the cosmic science of our cen
tury Is a prophecy of evil If annihila
tion be an evil But It Is left for the
science of another generation to point
out more clearly tho exact terms la
which the prophecy Is most likely to
be fulfilled
Found the Eadi
An Irishman who was out of work
went on board a vessel that was in
the harbor and asked the captain If be
could find him work on the ship
Well said the captain at the same
time handing tho Irishman u piece of
rope If you can find three ends to
that rope you shall have some work
The Irishman got hold of tho rope
nnd showing it to the captain said
Thats one end your honor Then he
took hold of the other end and show
ing It to the captain as before said
And thats two ends your honor
Then taking hold of both ends of tho
rope he threw It overboard saying
And faith theres nnother end to It
your honor
ne wus immediately engaged Lon
don King
A WhUtler Story
A Colorado millionaire extremely
millionaire one who was getting up an
art gallery went to Whistlers studio in
the Rue du Bac says Vance Thomp
son In his Paris letter to The Saturday
Evening Post He glanced casually
at the pictures on the walls sympho
nies in rose and gold In blue and gray
In brown and green
How much for the lot he asked
with the confidence of one who owns
gold mines
Four millions said Whistler
My posthumous prices And the
painter added Good morning
The Son of Clenrymen
De Candale the distinguished French
savant says that the sons of ministers
have contributed to science more emi
nent men than has any other class
Ho might have added too that they
have also swelled the ranks of the
poets theologians and not a few of
the mllitnry heroes of the past Bat
urday Evening Post-
The Norfolk Gash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fiue Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our fain ns
Mellow rich coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter aud Eggs
That we are constantly growing iu the art of mak
iug Fine Photos and our products will always be
found to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards aud Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
Ilenl Estate Transfer
The following are the transfers of
real estate in Madison county for the
week ending March 1G 1901 as re
ported by D J Koenigstein oillcial ab
M Harris to 0 E Harris and wife
s 5 feet of lot 1 and n 10 feet of lot C
block 45 Clark Madison Mill Co add
to Madison 1100
TJ S of America to Burr Taft
Warner Hale and wife to Bertha
Gardels lot 8 and part lot 1 block IS
Battlo Creek
Peter N Campbell and wife to Harry
Tanuehill w of sw 24-25-1
Bernard Grant to Arvilla Mason lots
15 and 10 block 6 Koenigsteins 3rd
add to Norfolk
F Dederman and wife to Frank L
Dederman sw of nwK and nw of
8w2 28 and sej of ne and nej of
8e 80-24-2 snbj to mtg of 700
Enoch O Halverson and wife to M
O Solso lots 15 and 1G in sub div of lots
0 7 8 and 9 block 1 R R add to
Newman Grove subj to 100 on mtg
Madison Co B L Assn to John E
Rector lotB G and 7 block 29 F W
Barnes 3rd add to Madison
S W Duel and wife to Mary A Gray
lot 10 West Meadow Grove 90
L O Davis and wife to J M Elrod
lots 7 and 8 block 8 Bauchs add to
Mary Ingham and husband to Chas
B Burrows lot 3 block 1G Western
Town Lot Gos add to Norfolk Juno
T Karge and huBband to Charles
Evans se 13-23-4 correction deed
O S Smith and wife to Ella OShea
8 of nwJ4 9 21 4 1500
Rochester Loan Bkg Co to Mary
A Larrabee lot 1 block il Dedermans
add to Norfolk 050
J G Troutman and wife to F M
MoElrath n 41 feet of lots 7 and 8
blockjl Matheweons 2nd add to Nor
Jos Neary and wife to J D Larra
bee lot 9 block 2 Hillside Terrace add
to Norfolk G50
J B Fisher and wife to Wilholm
Kamrath w of eK 7-21-3 2G0O
J H Jackson and wife to Robert
Ochnng lot 4 West Meadow Grove
Delphia A Quick and husband to
Frank O Upton lot 1 block 0 Paso
walks 3rd add to Norfolk 850
W M Condon and wife to Fred Kohl
u4 21-21-1 9500
kWm Blatt and wife to Chas B Dnr
land lots 11 and 12 block G Kimball
Blairs add and lot 11 block 11 West
ern Town Lot Cos add to Norfolk
Junction 75
Henry Olausaen and wife to John H
deGroot lot 10 block 8 Olausena Ceme
Geo M Hayden to Abram L Knesol
swK of neK and w of BeJ 35 244
Ferdinand Uttecht to Cora Bello Cook
sl 5 of block 9 Glen Park add to Nor
folk 60
Goorge J Brechler to Fred Hoffman
uwK 33-24-3 2700
Robert E Pool and wife to Edw
Fuerst lot G block 7 Battle Creek
Phillip Beck to Robert Pool lot G
block 7 Battlo Creek 350
Farmers Loan Trust Co to Anton
Risse nwM 3-24-3
Margie Lowmau to S O Campbell
lots G and 7 block 3 Pork add to Madi
son 75
Talcott O Olney efc al to Mary G
Sjimjj WBaaMMagTaaa
Mathowson lot G block 3 Matthewsons
2nd add to Norfolk
Madison B S Asso to Mary A
Webb w of lots G and 7 block 31
BarnoB 3rd add to Madison
Danl Johnson to Chas P Bengtsou
lot 11 block 11 A O Johnsons add to
Newman Grove 75
Otto Jensen and wife to Henry O
Truman e of lot 4 block 4 Pasewalks
add to Norfolk 700
Andrew J Durland to Charles Knapp
lota G 7 and 8 block 4 Koenigstoins 2nd
aaa to Norfolk 3000
Samnel L Gardner and wife to
Charles Knapp part of se of nej 21-24-1
John S Robinson et al to Charles
Knapp part ne of ne 23-24-1
William D Mister and wife to S L
Gardner lots 8 9 10 11 12 and 13
block 1G Dnrlands 1st add to Norfolk
1 etc
P Barnes to Albert Zessin part of
nwj of swj 32-22-1
Wilhelmine Voecks to Florian Wid
halm Jot 12 Wards sub lots to Norfolk
Thomas Dongher to Delphia A Quick
lot 3 blook 3 Western Town Lot Cos
add to Norfolk Junction 750
A NebritHku Story
The Nebraska State Journal contains
the following bit of news from its special
Chicago correspondent concerning the
laundry disaster which oconrred In that
oity last week
D H Bradley former Lincoln cor
respondent for the Omaha World-Herald
was among the number of men work
ing on the explosion While passing
through the city a few days before re
turning from New York he had been
offered a position on The Chronicle
which he accepted The Doreus
sion was his first local story
Working alongside Mr Bradley but
on The Record wasR O Manlev form
erly dramatic critic for the Nebraska
State Journal and later city editor of
of Fremont Tribune Not far away
was Oato Bentley of the
formerly a resident of Kearney
and Matthew White of The Tribune
nephew of Martin White late chief of
police of Omaha It was a Nebraska
story apparently
Hammond Louisiana An Ideal Health
and Winter Iteiort
Tho passenger department of tho Illi
noia Central Railroad company has just
issued a now edition of Hammond
Louisiana as a Winter Resort a hnaii
tif nl illustrated folder showing a few of
tne winter attractions in and about
Hammond copies of whioh will hn
mailed free on application to the under
For those in good or moderate
Btance no point in the Bouth offers such
Inducements The olimate is nnsnr
passed The arteaan wator eraallAnt
Society almost entirely northern and
ine notel and boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of it si
in the north and at moderate ratoa
J F Mkimy
Asst Gon Pass Agt 111 Cent RR
Dubuque Iowa
What Shall We Ilave for Dussert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
a delicious dessert P
pared in two minutes No baking I add
not waier ana set to cool Flavors
Lemon orange rasuberrv and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
For 30 dayB from this date will
glYeono7 double roll room of nannr
with every 500 purohaso at
manB Wall Paper Store
nl tilt flMn