The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    O Oonnjht
JW by Jlairtrn CiirrvtA
o o o o o o
rise approached It He brought back
the report that the boy was having a
severe nttack but that Brown was
proving himself a good nurse He had
cleared awny the underbrush about the
cabin eo that the boyu mother could
see It from an up stairs window and
be hung out one flag when the patient
wns better and two when he wa8
worse or was supposed to be though
he never got out the second flag
At last the crisis wns past and the
boy began slowly to Improve But It
took a long while nnd It wns many
days before the doctor was Justified in
making arrangements to remove the
two In quarantine One day be said
ll Hi i
o 9
r No
Wheres your home
Whore my lint hangs
He moved nway toward the linrn
nnd tlic woman returned to tlie house
When the husband nnd the other
men enme in nt supper time the strnn
per was asleep on the hay At bedtime
he wns still bleeping henvlly nnd they
did not disturb him ltut in the morn
ing early as It was they met him com
ing up the rocky pnth from the direc
tion of the creek where he had mnde n
much needeil toilet Uogcrs the form
er rendlly struck n bnrgnln with him
nnd nfter brenkfnfst he went awny to
the harvest field with the others lie
proved Oil industrious workman and
ntnld not only through the wheat cut
ting but during the stacking of the
grain nnd while the other fall work
went on after the other hands had
gone and only the farmer and his son
a lad of home 18 remained He had
Mild that his name wns Brown Once
ho was nwny nt Hnwks Landing for
three days and on his return slept lu
the barn for the best part of 114 hours
It was the old enemy
October had come nnd the long wind
ing ravines when looked down upon
from the bluff edges had become like
valleys of fire with the red of the ma
ple nnd the sumac nnd the glorious
flaming yellow of the trembling pop
lars The thrashing of the wheat wns
going on everywhere From before the
nun rose In the morning until darkness
came there floated from the fields the
low monotonous hum of the thrashing
machines nnd nt night the sky glowed
with reflections of the burning straw
Macks One dny somewhat earlier
perhaps in the latter pnrt of Septem
ber n small stenmboat bound north
hnd momentarily thrust her nose inio
the slate colored sands of the HaWks
Landing levee The gangplank had
been hastily lowered and something
carried down and left on the long wind
row of driftwood Then the steamer
backed off and with a cloud of black
smoke pouring from her chimneys
plowed away up the river The some
thing left ou the bank of bark nnd
chips was a sick man lie was carried
to a neighboring barroom to await the
return of the only doctor from a visit
to the country When he came two
hours Inter he said the man was near
unto death with the smallpox
This was the start small enough
but soon the disease appeared here nnd
there in the neighborhood and began to
fpread especially among the thrashing
machine crews
One dny the oldest Rogers boy who
had been nway down the river a few
miles with a machine came home corn
plaining that he was 111 The doctor
took but a moment to decide that he
was suffering from the dreaded dis
ease Then kindly but firmly the doc
tor said that he must be taken away
o as not to endanger the rest of the
family and suggested an isolated wood
choppers cabin n half mile away on
the other side of the conlee
And some one will have to be found
to take care of him went on the doc
tor His mother started to speak to
pay that she would go when Brown
got up from his chair nnd took the sick
boys hand at the same time saying
Ill go if Its agreeble to all con
cerned Ive had It five years ago
down at Natchez
In 20 minutes the doctor and the pa
tient and the nurse rode away across
1he gulch and up the narrow trail to
the cabin
Many anxious dnyB followed for the
Rogers family The doctor went every
inornlng to visit the cabin but no one
The hot last of July sun poured down
upon the dusty road nlotig the nnrrow
coulee which led back among the bluffs
and up to the prairie stretching away
to the west And at this time despite
the metropolitan pretensions of Hawks
Landing with Its twoscore of Missis
sippi steamboats a day this prairie
except for a narrow fringe along the
bluff edge was unbroken by the plow
of the settler for Minnesota was still
a territory and the civil wnr wns n
decade or more In the future
Ip the narrow trail and through the
titlfliug dust a man was tolling He
looked rough even in that wild neigh
borhood and Impressed the beholder nt
first sight as being middle aged though
closer inspection gave the idea of few
er years He carried n dilapidated
black satchel evidently nearly empty
slung over his shoulder on a bit of pine
slab apparently a piece of driftwood
but still fresh from some up river saw
mill His coat was suspended on the
end of this stick beyond the valise He
wore a rather wide leather belt and
his trousers were thrust In his boots
from the top of one of which projected
the handle of a dirk knife n utensil
much affected by the stenmboat men
nnd raftsmen of the time and region
ostensibly for table and other uses of
domestic pence but really for employ
ment in public brawls when the linnd
of these worthy citizens wns turned
against their brother men Every
thing in fact Indicated that the man
plodding onward was a river mnn on
his way to the harvest fields of the cul
tivated strip
It was late in the afternoon when he
reached the first house still a little be
low the level ol the prairie He turned
up the steep Incline which led from the
road nnd dragged himself almost stag
gered toward the house At the door
he dropped his coat and bng sat down
on the lower step nnd rested his head
In his hands Some one was moving
about Inside the house but he made no
effort to open communication
By and by a woman thin and per
haps 50 years of age came to the door
with a dish pnu In her hands She
started slightly as she saw the figure
before her but only slightly for fig
ures of the chnracter were too com
Well what do you want she said
rather sharply
He looked up and for a moment
seemed to be pulling his wits together
Then he said simply Work
Well we want another man but he
needs to be right smart Can you bind
your station V
Yes tomorrow
You dont pear as If you could to
day She looked at him a moment as
he sat with his head bowed Then she
ndded Have you been drinking He
looked up julckly and for the first time
gazed squarely In her eyes
Yes he said
Thought so was the womans
comment Well rest up and when
my husband comes down from the field
hell talk with you
The man rose nnd looked toward the
barn Ill just go out and camp on the
hay he said Then he added quickly
as he drew a very blnck brier pipe
from his pocket and laid It on the Btep
Ill leave that here
Youd better leave your bottle here
too said the woman
The man started slightly then drew
an empty flask from hla pocket looked
at It a moment nnd turned and threw
It down tho rocky gulch
If youd done that before you
emptied It youd a been better off
tnld the woman He made no reply
You look more Intelligent than most
of these fellers that come along went
on the woman candidly Dont you
know better
Then why dont you stop
I cant
Sposen you try If you Btny here
well do what we can to help you
The man looked at her his manner
showing nice surprise than anything
else I never had much help he said
elowly But It wouldnt do any good
It doesnt rontter anyhow
It must to some one returned the
woman Ilavent you got friends
Brown tomorrow Im going to take
you both back Ilavent told the boys
folks yet been use 1 want to surpilse
them Ill be up about 10 oclock
When the next moinlng the doctor
drove tip the coulee he noticed how
bare the ticcH weie becoming Only
the few cedars and spruces and the
little red oaks for up on tin bluff
sides relieved the nakedness of the
Fcone The brook bounded down the
gulch foaming over the rocks and
crossing the road In a noisy Impetuous
wny It was chilly nnd as ho got foi
ther up the coulee he met n few Hakes
of snow swirling down on the north
west wind
Bad day lo bring my patient down
he muttered but Its time he was at
home Guess the family will give him
a warm reception- and Brown too
lie turned off the main road to follow
tho path to the cabin Standing In the
shelter of a rock was Brown
1 was Just waiting for you doe
said the man Reckon Ill go along
down to the Landing I spose Its been
long enough so that If 1 was going to
have that there t mnllpox 1 would linve
It nlnt It V
Yes but you Mild you had had it
anyhow Didnt you
Brown scratched a match on the rock
deliberately and lit his pipe
Ive been thinking It over doc he
said slowly ami Ive come to the con
clusion that it was something elbe 1
had yellow fever I believe Tell the
OvcrliiilnlKoiKT In Coffee
Coffee Is a powerful Irritant of the
cerebro spinal nervous system Re
cent tests have shown that It Increases
mental and bodily waste rather than
retards It as has been claimed Cof
fee poisoning is sometimes mistaken
for the troubles engendered by the use
of alcohol In both cases the stomach
and nervous system are the sufferers
Caffelc and alcoholic gastritis are
nenrly Identical as to their symptoms
The use of coffee by childien has In
several cases caused an arrest of de
velopment Cases have been reported
of delirium tremens brought on by the
excessive use of coffee It Is related
In a foreign medical Journal that n
mnn In the absence of his wife un
dertook to make his own coffee Not
knowing the correct proportions for
use he took about one quarter of a
pound of fresh roasted coffee for two
cups Two hours afterward he com
plained of vertigo headache and nt
flrst trembling of the legs only which
soon became general followed by sev
eral other distressing symptoms some
of which continued a day or two
By a busy physician It Is stated that
at least two thirds of his practice
comes from the excessive use of codec
The excessive use of ten and coffee
as well as the use of alcoholic liquors
often almost wholly obliterates the
senso of taste Health Culture
folks goodby And lie stnrted downi
the road
But where are you going called
the doctor
Where Oh anywhere Just go
inggoing home
But Wheres that
Home Oh where my hat hangs
When Rogers renched the Landing
three hours later determined to find
him and carry him home he wns told
that the man he sought had taken pas
sage on a down river steamboat This
Information came first hand from the
man who had helped him up the gang
The Hill and be Title
There Is nn amusing English defini
tion of gentleman It Is A mnn who
wearB a silk hat and if he has no other
title Insists upon having Esq added to
his name when letters are addressed to
The west end Londoner of social
pretensions accepts this definition in
practice Rummer nnd wiuter In rain
or shine he wears a high Bilk hat in
the streets of London and carries it
Into the drawing room when he pays
nn afternoon call It Is only when he
takes a train for the provinces or for
tho continent that he ventures to use
more comfortable headgear
He also expects to have the distinc
tion of esquire when a letter Is ad
dressed to him and 1b highly offended
If he finds on the envelope the prefix
Mr As a mnttcr of fact the num
ber of English gentlemen who are le
gally entitled to the mediaeval honors
of esquire Is luBlgnlficnnt It Is a
self assumed title which signifies noth
ing that Is substantial In rank or priv
Iu common use in London esquire
simply means that the person so ad
dresbed does not choose to be associ
ated with tradesmen nnd ordinary
working people and that he Is a gen
tlemnn who Invarlnbb wears a till
hut Youths Companion
Dremlful Diict rlulntr
The Wife Dont you think our daugh
ters voice improved
The Husband I dout know It mny
be that as we crow older our hearing be
comes less acute PbUadeluMa Nertk
We are asked If a fanner has not n
better right to the fish lu the river
which runs through his form than tho
man who lives down the rher In Rome
town This will have to be answered
from a legal and not from an ethical
standpoint The law of the country
holds that he has only an equal right
to the Huh lu the stream with his towu
brother down the river The law
broadly recognition the rights of the
general public lu all streams of run
ning water and meandered lnkes
Though the fish mny be lu the river
the bed of which he owns he still does
not own the water or the llsh In it and
Is Just as strictly bound by the lawH
governing the season and method of
taking the llsh as though he lived
somewhere else lie has a common
right with all others living tributary
to the stream to the use of the water
and must neither divert Its How or In
jure Its quality to the detriment of
Ills neighbors down stream A pond
which Ih formed by the spring over
flow of n river and which at all other
times Is entirely Isolated from the
stream Is lu the same category as the
flowing river and though such pond be
full of llsh left there by the overllow
the owner of the pond possesses no ex
clusive right to or ownership In such
llsh If a man should sink a flowing
well and thereby create a llsh pond
which he stocked up with llsh he then
becomes the absolute owner of such
pond and all that It may contain ami
the public i -quires no rights whatever
thereto Owning such pond and Its
flsh he may further catch them and
kill them whenever he wants to re
gardless of close or open seasons The
right to cner upon a mans laud In
pursuit of llsh lu u stream varies In
different states In some states where
a man has stocked the stream he can
bar out the public but he cannot dam
or obstruct the stream so ns to prevent
the run of such llsh to other portions
of the Ht renin not controlled by him
In most btates the right to walk up a
stream or run a boat thereon nnd
catch the fUh therein Is allowed the
common law of trespass not applying
Eastern formers develop an agricul
tural virtue from sheer force of cir
cumstances which could It find a foot
hold among those of the west would
do much to add to the prosperity of
the western man We refer to the prac
tice of ccoi uny lu the matter of little
things the looking after the small
of the farm and the avoid
ance of minor wastes An eastern
farmer once said that the wastes of a
Aostorn farm would easily constitute
he profits of an eastern one When
land Is cheap and labor high much of
this western waste Is absolutely un
avoidable Then the soli was so rich
and productive that the very excess if
crops naturally fostered u wasteful
method of caring for them Thus the
straw was burned In the Held and the
cornstnlks left to rot while hay was
put up In poor Icalcy ricks with a go
devil because this way required but
a minimum of hand labor Fifteen
nnd M cent corn makes men careless
in the matter of feeding It when one
man and team will raise lfiOO bushels
of It with 45 days work But as the
value of the western farm Increases
the eastern virtue of saving can b
applied to the management of the
western farm with much advantage
In fact It must be so applied If even
the good western form Is to be mnde
profitable We notice n marked Im
provement along tills line during tne
past few years There Is but little
machinery now left to winter In the
field barns are taking the place of old
sheds for stock nnd the storage of the
crops wet spots are being drained nnd
wnsto corners of the forms being util
ized more of the products of the form
nre bplng converted into finished prod
ucts on the farm nnd year by yenr
western wnstes become less and less
We are asked whether with the re
moval of the timber of the country
and the cultivation of tho soil tho
average ralufnll of a given territory
shrinks No It does not The rainfall
will of course vnry from year to year
as It has always done but the average
precipitation will remain the same It
Is true that with the removal of the
timber and tho cultivation of the soil
drought periods probably become more
marked this being cnuscd by the more
rapid removal of tho water from ti
surface Into the artificial ditches and
waterways and nlso by tho greater
amount evaporated from the soil I
growing crops These two agencies
account for the drying out of the largu
areas of wet lands all through the
west The rainfall of the Mississippi
valley comeH not from moisture evap
orated from the soli of tho valley It
self but almost wholly from tho wa
ter pumped up by the sun from the
gulf of Mexico This being the case
it follows that so long as the gulf re
mains and the sun keeps at work there
can be no visible change In the ralnfnd
of the valley Itself The lesson which
needs to be learned under the changed
conditions 1 how best to conserve the
rainfall for that undergoes no change
It hns nlways been that laws passed
by the several states for the protection
of game and other birds have been
held In general contempt No lawp
have been bo difficult of enforcement
and none so little rcgnrded It Is of
special Interest then to note that tho
general government Is about to tako
a hand In this good work and that at
last our game and song birds will be
under the protection of national laws
which will be executed by United
States marshals and federal courts an
authority which the people hold In pro
found respect Congressman Iicey of
Iowa Is entitled to the thanks of all
lovers of bird life for hi efforts la se
curing tbl legislation
Mlinte III thrlMeiilnir
At llaiiisbury Manor Ktigliind their
once resided a poulterers family of the
name of Duck The third son waH lo
be chilstened and the mother wanted
the name to be William Just before
stalling to IiiiicIi the nuise ran up
stairs to the father who was laid up
with gout to ell him they were off
What be going to call tin nurse
Missus siijn Its to be William was
the reply William be Mowed Mild
the Invalid Call mi plain Bill lu
accordance with these laconic lustruc
tloiis the nurse gave the name of Plain
bill to the clergyman and the Infant
was christened accoidlngly
In an even funnier wa Is the queer
Phiistlan name of Mr Ono I Ichlner of
rccUhain ai tinted for When his
parents and sponsors tirrhed at the
church his name had not been settled
upon and when the clergy man said
Name this child one of the friends
said John and another said Oh
no inclining not John and as no one
else spoke the clergyman thought that
was to be his name and baptized him
Ono The full account of the baptism
Is contained In Blaucks History of
A clergymans son oucIich for the
following My father was baptizing a
boy of 0 ears of age The names giv
en were Benjamin Joseph After the
ceremony he said to the boj You have
two very good names and you ought
to be a good boy How did you come
by then Please sir said the boy
we was twins and the other died
Knj For llliu
You understand of course pursued
the lawyer what Is meant by a pre
ponderance of evidence
Yes sir replied the man whom lie
was examining with reference to his
qualifications as a Juror
Lei me have your Idea of It If you
I understand It 1 tell you
Well what Is It
Why anybody can understand
I would like to have your definition
of It
I know what It Is all right When
I tell you I know what a tiling is 1
know It Thats all there Is about
Well what was the question I asked
You ought to know what that was
If youve forgot your own questions
dont try to get me to remember them
for you
I dont want to hear any more of
that kind of talk Interposed the court
Answer the questions addressed to
you by the counsel
Judge I did lie asked me if I
knew what It was and I said I did
Are you sure you understand what
Is meant by the term preponderance of
Of course I am Judge
Well let us hear your Idea of it
Its evidence previously pondered
Chicago Tribune
No Time In AVnte
Im a business man he wild
brusquely and Ive no time to waste
1 want to marry your daughter fan
I have her I
The merchant gasped
You seem to be in n good deal of a
hurry he suggested I
I am leplled the suitor As I told
you I am a business man I made up
my mind that I wanted a wife nnd 1
started out to get one Ive secured
the refusal of two girls tills morning
but my option expires lu il hours and
If I cant have your daughter I want lo
close with one of them before Its too
late Do I get her
Good Theres nothing like having
n clear understanding One of the oth
ers lives In the next block and the
other Is half a mile away Ill take the
nearest save a good ten mlnntes of
valuable time nnd get back to my desk
In time to look over the late mail
Thore6 no use letting the minor affairs
of life encroach on ones business
Good day eir Chicago Tost
Vucalnn Ilnln
Apropos of the wonderful ancient
ruins In Yucatan Bald a New Orleans
college professor there Is one very
fortunate circumstance which has pro
tected them almost entirely from po
liatlon by the Indians It Ih currently
believed by the natives all through
that part of the country thnl the ruins
are haunted and that devils will carry
awny anybody who attempts to molest
them This superstition hns been en
couraged by explorers nnd Is n better
fcafeguard than n picket of soldiers
A Gem of London llnmor
Well goodby Mr Green It was so
nice of you to come It does father
such n lot of good to have some one to
talk to
I was delighted to come Miss
Brown but Im afraid Im not much
of a conversationalist
My dear Mr Green dont let that
trouble you Fathers Ideal listener Is
an absolute Idiot with no conversation
whatever nud I know he has enjoyed
himself tremendously tonight I Lon
don Punch
Didnt Know Dorr
In discussing the want of compre
hension of one branch of art for anoth
er Mr Sutherland Edwards says that
when Gustave Dore began to Illustrate
the Idylls of the King Tennyson did
not even know hlra by name
I wonder what they are going to do
with my Idylls next he Fold to a
friend They have now got n mnn
called Dore without the accent to Il
lustrate them
There is a bnsls for the claim of the
epicure that ho can distinguish be
tween American made and French or
Italian made macaroni spaghetti ver
micelli nouilles etc The Italian nnd
French makers employ lu their manu
facture n special hard wheat grown
only lu Taganrog Husgla
I inn ALL YQUlt
Vwz T
Im hiiI nt
Dr Humph revs
Spec 111 cs cure by acting diroolly upon
tho disease without uxcltlng diuordor in
nny other part of tho ayHlom
ii cmntfl ruiact
I Inrro Oiiitf Ntton Innnmnmtlnnn UA
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H Nriimlaln Toolliiiclin Kncoaclio iH
Hick Homlncliu VcrlUo 21
10 lvnprililiMKitloiiWofikntoniiulilt1
I 1 Miirrmrj or ililiiful IVrlnila 2H
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Kl Croup InrvimllU IIonnoiioMi iH
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in llliruiimlliiiii Hliouinntlo rnliiA 23
lO Mnlnrln CIiIIIh Puvur nnd Aruo 23
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iO Whoopliip Cough 23
27 HUnrv llrnr 23
2R Nrrou lMllty 100
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llumiihreyii Wed Cul Cot Wllllmn ii Jobn Hla
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Anrono kpihIIiik n skplrli nnd denerljplloii limy
quickly HiMortnlti our opinion frun ttlioLlmr nil
Invention In prohnlily ptitnnliihln CoiniiiunlrH
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