The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Secretary Chamberlain Makes
Announcement In Commons
Dpcldrn to right to
the Hitter Knit Unless Atom lntornltU
Conditions Arc Iruuted and Hope of
Speedy Ktutlng or Wrr io UllmitierliiE
London March 10 Joseph Cham
berlain the colonial secretary has
Just Informed the house or cominoiiH
thnt General Botha has rejected the
peace terms offered him
General ltothn Mr Chamberlain
said hud conveyed the Information
in a letter to General In
which he announced that he was not
disposed to recommend the terms of
peace General Kitchener was In
structed to offer him to the earnest con
sideration of his government Gen
eral Botha added Unit his government
and Its chief olllcers entirely agreed
with his view
The Issuance of parliamentary pa
pers on the negotiations between Gen
eral Botha nnd Lord Kitchener has
been delayed The Idea that Lord
Kitchener initiated the negotiations
rather than General Botha as sup
posed is unpalatable to the dally press
The Dally Kxpress under the cap
tion Our Bojected Suit asked why
the government Instructed Lord Kitch
ener to sue for peace after the mur
der of the pence envoys and concludes
Let the war be pressed to the utmost
nnd let further reinforcements be
pushed forward but above all let us
have no more negotiations
Former Postal Superintendent Dctul
Chicago March 20 Leander D
Parker for 18 years general superin
tendent of the Postal Telegraph com
pany died at his home lu lOvanston
yesterday after a long Illness Mr
Parker resigned his position with the
Postal Telegraph company the first
of the year owing to ill health Mr
rarker had charge of the construction
of the western lines of the Postal
when that company was extending
Its system throughout the west lie
entered the service In 1S55 and for
the tlrst three years of the civil war
served as a military operator Mr
Parker was bom in Canada in 1SI57
Not In a Conferring Mood
Cedar Haplds la March 120 Vieo
President Williams of the Burlington
Cedar Ituplds and Northern gave a
statement to the Commercial club in
answer to the charges of the men and
suggested they send a committee to
confer with him with a view of set
tling differences The men are now
preparing statements claiming Mr
Williams has not presented the facts
as they exist They show no inclina
tion to send a committee to confer
with Mr Williams and It Is probable
there will be no settlement before
the end of the week
Country Belle Slashes Rival
Portsmouth O March 20 Word
has reached this city of a terrible fight
which occurred on Turkey creek
about 15 miles from this city Mollie
Wissmnn and Nellie Gray two young
country belles quarreled over the at
tentions shown them by Ed Montgom
ery Miss Wissman stabbed Miss
Gray In two places one wound in
the back being over six inches In
length She was arrested and will
toe held pending developments
Status of the Transvaal
Washington March 20 The status
of the Transvaal and Orange Free
State In the eye of the government of
the United States will be for the first
time fixed when a consul general Is
sent out to Pretoria to succeed Adel
bert Huy who has just returned to
Washington on leave of absence but
without the purpose to go back to
Pretoria It is said that so far there
has been absolutely no official declara
tion on that point
Indict Switchmen Treasurer
Buffalo March 20 The grand Jury
has reported three indictments against
John E Tipton secretary treasurer of
the Switchmens Union of North
America each charging grand larceny
In the second degree for having ap
propriated money belonging to the
union The total shortage In his ac
counts Is Bald to be 203
Liquor Laden Vessel fines Ashore
St Johns N V March 20 The
French barkentlne Aquitnlue from
Bayonno for St Pierre witli a cargo
of wines spirits nnd supplies for the
French Bank llshlng fleet Is nshore
off Capo Ilunp on the south coast of
Newfoundland Its crew escaped
Tho ship Is badly damaged and the
coast folks are looting it
Stepmother of Gaueral Lew Wallace Dead
Indianapolis Murch 20 Mrs Zer
lda G Walluce widow of tho late
Governor Wallace died yesterday at
the homo of her daughter Mrs J II
Stelner at Cataract near this city
aged 84 year Mrs Wallace was
the stepmother of General Lew Wal
lace the author
Hirer Season Opens Tuesday
Burlington Ia March 20 The river
season will opon hero next Tuesday
The river Is entirely clear of floating
Ice and the crew of the Elolso the
local packet went to Keokuk yester
day to bring the boat out of her winter
Storm In Nebraska
Lincoln Murch 20 A storm of snow
and wind raged all over southeast
ern Nebraska yesterday Railroad
trains are slightly delayed In Un
coin street curs were Impeded and
traffic an some of the lines was aban
Fillce Open llre on Students Kilting lrl
nnd Wounding ICIglity
St Petersburg March 20 Scrlotii
riots occurred In St Petersburg yes
terday on the occasion of a solemn
mass In tho cathedral of Our Lady
of Kasnn for the repose of tho soul
of M Bogliepoff the minister of pub
lic Instruction who was shot nnd fa
tally wounded by Karpevleh The po
lice tired their revolvers and It Is ru
mored Unit live students were killed
ami 80 others wounded Wholesnln
arrests Including many women fol
lowed the rioting
Three hundred arrests were ninde
today The minister of Justice was
fired on last week and the life of an
other minister has also been attempted
Missouri Valley tho Center or a Hllrard
High Winds and lusts or Snow
ltallrond Trnnio Dolujed
Chicago March 20 A snow storm
approaching a blizzard in severity
swept over the Missouri river valley
yesterday and last night Nebraska
western Iowa Wyoming Kansas and
Missouri felt the effects of the storm
which tied up street car traffic In
many cities and delayed railroad traf
In northwest Michigan where tho
roads had not recovered from the pre
vious storm a heavy wind has come
up which Is expected to do much dam
Wisconsin reports heavy snows with
the rivers nnd streams out of their
banks Near Itaclne serious floods are
feared At Prairie du Chlen the lower
part of the town Is Hooded and IS
Inches or water Is over the railroad
Minnesota was also In the grasp of
a severe blizzard
Withdraw Cnutlrnry Cliuigrs
Louisville March 20 In the police
court yesterday the conspiracy charges
against W Greer Campbell E G Ben
nett and Wilbur Beatty Denver cap
italists were dismissed on motion of
tho prosecution The charges were
preferred by p Gait Miller of Louis
ville and were the result of a transac
tion by which the Denver men sought
to purchase a big tract of land belong
ing to the defunct Cumberland Land
company and the Commonwealth Land
company The Denver men discovered
thnt they could not secure a clear
title and they sought to recover money
they had paid on the deal
Adtlses Judgment Agaluit Hunk
St Louis March 20 Former Judge
James A Seddon who was appointed
referee to hear testimony in the 2r0
000 damage suit brought by ex-Governor
William J Stone receiver of the
Mullanphy Savings bank against the
directors of the bank for alleged care
lessness lu tho management of the
bank has filed his report in Judge
Douglas court recommending that
Judgment for large amounts be ren
dered against the bank officials
Warning to the Public
Washington March 20 In response
to numerous complaints of damages
to fragile articles sent through the
mails the postoffico department has
ishued a general order warning the pub
lic to use more care in nronnrlnir
tides to stand rough handling Post
masters are also directed to warn par
ties mailing Insecure r nut mi niwk
ages that tho packages are very liable
to damage In transit
Mob Cheated of Victim
Dallas Tex March 20 Sheriff
Johnson has returned from San An
tonio where lie took Andrew Norris
the Corslcana negro whom the mob
had voted to burn Norris is In
dicted for criminally assaulting and
murdering a white woman uear Cor
slcana and was lu the Dallas Jail to
prevent lynching
Madlsouville Ky suffered a fire
loss of 125000 Tuesday
Seven gunners were killed by the
explosion of a howitzer shell at Secun
derabad India Tuesday
The Tennessee house Tuesriov nnnn
Imously rejected the bill limiting raco
meetings In Tennessee to ten days
F II Lord general passenger agent
of the Chicago Great Western railway
lins resigned J P Elmer will take his
The Minnesota senate Tuesday
passed the Slvright oleomargarine bill
which Is extremely strict lu Its pro
Amos Rusie the Hoosicr baseball
pitcher signed a contract Tuesday
to play with the Cincinnati team the
coming season
Reports from various portions or
the Texas wheat belt show the outlook
is not promising The Hessian fly has
appeared la central Texas and great
damage has been done
Tho condition of Chief Dennis J
Swenle of tho Chicago Are department
Is very serious and his physicians de
clare that he must never attempt ac
tive work again
The grand Jury of Hudson county
New Jersey Tuesday handed down
an Indictment ugalnst Thomas G
Barker for tho shooting of the Rev
John Keller at Arlington on Feb 8
Mrs Emmons Blaine according to
an announcement by President Will
iam R Harper at tho University of
Chicago convocation Tuesday has
given 1000000 to Uie University of
Chicago school of education
J F Elder auditor of the St Joseph
and Grand Island railway confirms
tho report of his resignation He says
he is to become the general mnnuger
of a new road now building In the
southwest His successor is U W
Mllllmau of Atlanta i
rwnm wawmiumem
D E Thompson Named for
Short Term Scnatorship
Rnsrwater Lends In the Hallollng With
MelUleJohn and Currle for Males
Antls Ueiiinlu Away From Caucus and
Kefiise to llo Hound by Its Autlou
Lincoln March 20 In the Repub
lican senatorial caucus last night Da
vid E Thompson of Lincoln was nom
inated for the short term vacancy on
the seventh ballot receiving M voles
llvo more than necessary under the
rules of the caucus
Fifty three or llfty four attended
out of a Republican membership of 71
Seventeen or eighteen members de
clined to go Into the caucus under
the rules provided In the new call and
as they refused to be bound by Its ac
tion It Is a question whether Mr
Thompsons nomination will be ratllled
by the Joint convention of the legis
lature ut noon today The caucus was
called together at 8 oclock Thomp
son led from the start the tlrst ballot
giving him his normal strength
There was no material change until
the sixth when he received 10 On I ho
seventh ballot ten more votes said to
have been hose of the supporters of
Edward Rosewater were thrown to
him and he was declared the nom
The members who refused to enter
the cnucus were Arends BrKleilek
Brown Furnas Cain Crounse Evans
llathornc Juvenat Marshall artln
McCarthy Mendenhall Oleson Owciih
Rohwer Steele and Swanson These
men refused to sign the Thompson
call which required 45 to nominate
In the caucus
The nomination of Mr Thompson H
popularly supposed to be the result
I of an agreement with Edward Rose
I water at least there was an exchange
j of votes between the two When the
confusion ami excitement following
the nomination had subsided balloting
was begun for the long term But
three candidates were brought out
Rosewnter Melklejohn and Currle
The Thompson men divided between
Rosewnter and Melklejohn mid the
contest soon settled down to Ihese
two tho vote throughout -10 ballots
when a recess was taken for lunch
Rtuiidliig about the same the -Mill re
sulting Rosewnter 50 Melklejohn
15 Currle 8 The members who re-
Chances Noted In Joint llnllot
Lincoln March 20 Six changes
j were recorded on Joint ballot for
United States senators yesterday
Ilinshaw gathered in two votes Snn
dall and Sinlthborger that hud been
with him before Crounse nlso
brought back two in Whltinoru and
Owens while Lowe returned to
Melklejohn and Lull In to Currle
These changes reduced Rosewuter to
15 and raised Ilinshaw to 20 and
Crounse to ft being plainly merely a
movement of the so called antls
Kebrak t House KimoU Measure for Nor
mal School at Peru
The home resumed consideration of
tho salaries and appropriation 1111 and
finished the schedule for the Peru
normnl school The llnance ways
nnd means committee recommended
an appropriation of 45000 Hawxby
moved to Increase it to 50000 but
was defeated A motion by Taylor
to raise it to 17000 was finally car
The senate after two days debate
on Senator Millers amendments In
troduced for the purpose of making
Ineffective the waste bond bill was
voted down the chair casting the de
ciding vote
Wholesale Desertion From Nary
Norfolk Va March 20 Wholesale
desertions from the ships at the navy
ynrd are reported Some men who de
serted from the Topeka have Immmi ap
prehended and will be tried by sum
mary court martini Many of the ap
prentices nnd seamen aboard the
cruiser Dixie however have escaped
Tho deserters are all Inland JudB or
lake sailors The report that n heavy
draft of the men from tho Dixie was
to be sent to the Asiatic squadron Is
given an the probable cause of the de
sertions It Is said the total number
of deserters from tho Dixie Is 81
Death or Wind Cava Guide
not Springs S D March 20 John
Stabler who lias become well known
to visitors to Wind envc died of
Brlghts disease and was burled here
Monday He was familiarly known
as Honest John When Mr Bryan
visited the cave a couple of years ago
he was so favorably Impressed with
tho genial story teller who nctcnl as
guide that he had him as his guest In
the town that evening
Grain Dealers Convention
Council Bluffs March 20 The an
nual meeting of the grain dealers
union of southwestern Iowa nnd north
western Missouri was In tho league
rooms at tho Grand hotel yesterday
and had one of the largest attendance
In years These officers were elected
President D Hunker Hamburg In
Vice president E II Van Sholuck El
liott la secretary and treasurer G
A Stobbins Coburg la
Storm Hampers Ilustuess
Beatrice Neb March 20 A heavy
snow storm prevailed here yesterday
A high wind with a speed of 30 miles
per hour mude It almost Impossible
for podestrlnns to reach their places
of business Trains are somewhat
delayed and telegraph lines are more
or leas affectwl as well as telephonic j
SMiUl Aloctlug or lritiismiilliptnl l
scngnr Association
Chicago March 20 A special meet
lug of the Transcontinental Passenger
association was held yesterday for tin
purpose of devising way of strengthen
ing the rate situation It win llnally
decided that the sale of colonist
tickets nhouhl be strictly confined to
Tuesday nnd that there should bo no
more deviations from that rule All
the roads gave pledges that they would
not make any concessions In the an
nounced rates for the Epworth league
convention lu San Francisco nett July
A schedule of circuitous route rule
was prepared for Unit event mid It will
have to secure the consent of roads not
members or the association before It
can be effective
ami freight on lint lliiKlon
Meet lu llmd On Collision
rirtiiiirn Is Killed
Johnson Neb March 20 A wreck
occurred on the Burlington and Mis
souri about two miles east or here
at 415 p in yesterday passenger
train No PS east bound colliding with
westbound freight No llt
Fireman Fred Jensen of the passim
ger train Is dead and Engineer George
McMllleu of the same train is seri
ously Injured but It Is thought not fa
tally Both men lived lu Nebraska
City nnd have families No other
trainmen nor passengers were Injured
A furious mid almost blinding snow
storm had been raging nil day drift lug
badly and Hilling all the cuts The
freight wns stuck In a drift and the
engineer of the passenger train evl
dently fulled to hear torpedoes or sen
the signals which were given
As a result the passenger crashed
Into the engine of the freight which
was stuck In the sonwdrlft owing to
the blinding storm The urcimiu and
engineer of the passenger probably did
not have time to Jump after seeing
the Impending danger It appears that
the llieinan attempted to Jump but
probably was caught some way and
ns a result was nevoroly scalded or
strangled by the steam anil died In
about an hour
Masked Cnttlommi Shoot Two Hundred
Muiei lliilonglng to A C Iuiltlus
Delta Colo March 20 Trouble has
broken out between cattle and sheep
men In this section Sixty live masked
men shot 200 sheep belonging to A
C Perkins which were In territory
claimed by the cattlemen as excluslvo
grazjng ground for cattle
Chase Iteiused to S rr
Des Moines March 20 W P Chnse
refused to sell his Des Moines baseball
franchise for 10000 while attending
the meeting or the magnates of the
Western league at St Paul Minn
which adjourned last Monday night
after a three days session Indian
apolis nnd Louisville were anxious to
get the franchise of St Joseph and
Des Moines ho said St Josenh
wns offered 10000 outright and was
willing to take It and get out If Des
Moines would do the same The two
hnd to go together It was the same
way with Denver and Colorado
Springs They could have sold for that
price but Colorado Springs would not
take any price Neither would Des
Ilnuk Itobbers IIo Dynamite
Emporia Kan March 20 Burglars
entered the bank at Madison 20 miles
south or here yesterday and used
dynamite to blow open the doors of the
vault The force of the explosion
aroused the Inhabitants and the rob
bers were frightened away before they
secured nnv money A posse started
In pursuit but the fugitives escaped
The officers here believe there Is an
organized band of bank robbers oper
ating lu this part of the state as this
Is the third robbery attempted in this
county within two weeks and dyna
mite lias been used each time
Save Many Head of Stock
Washington March 20 Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson estimated yes
terday that over 0000000 worth of
young live stock throughout the
country were saved during 1000 by
the prompt use of medicine for black
leg sent out by the department In
formation he has Just received shows
that over 2500000 doses of vaccine
were distributed by the department
during the year
HajsTwoStilUe Will He Ordered
Shainokin Pa March 20 George
Hurtleln secretary of District No 1
of the United Mine Workers union
said that If a general tleup Is ordered
two strike orders will be issued simul
taneously one to the miners and the
other to the engineers pumpmen and
tlremen In this event he says the
mines will flood of their own account
unless the ofllclals operate the machin
lloralina aud the Abbot Matched
Boston March 20 Boralma and The
Abbot have been matched to race ror
a purse of 50000 the race to take
place at Reudvllle next September
The owners of both horses will each
post 10000 today at a meeting to l
held in New York The match was
arranged by telephone
fit Joseph Capitalist Dead
St Joseph Mo March 18 Peter
Hughes aged 08 for many years a
prominent business man of this city
died suddenly in Washington yester
day He wus the builder and owner
of the Hughes otllco building aud
other business htores of this city
hick Soldiers Iteturn
Snn Francisco March 18 The trans
port Kllpatrlck with 400 sick soldiers
has arrived from Manila Four pri
vates died on the voyage
Iff NO
1 esi Tirnfe cccnei
wrBsaMHsi w WBBUWU
Tbls Isa dsrtnff lUtoment but fliu
tars semis bear It out srsr tlms
Combination Corn
roTOluuunisn corn gruwiutf
Billion DollprOrnuB
flrratnit marrri of the ksj
lxtoDsofbsrpcrscrs First
cropslx weeks altar sowing
What Is It i
Catalogue talis
s4Uls NOTICE null
r uulw 10 aitim
MIU S3 Lu va A OUJ
ZiQ bobrl lr AA Rti
0srlcTUliitirAIIuuLUWerlStllissu4tl I
John ASalzerSeedCoUCrosu wit
HT prM m m asT a
LJasfaBffaf ftM
Fasal asBBBslfll h D9
jl H
For 14 Cents
Ws msll tba Mlowlrlf twt tS BMtlllM
I pklBlas llltod TsmI Rm4 a 15
Buss rtlirilOaUaB 10
anrtSCrt senator bos 10
IllCrdt Iittb1 10
ll Ds KsSUkfcW
U X a r UtUc S4
Worth 100 hr 14
Skofl 10 puiilM Mrs clUt will
utll ou tin toKiotr villi our grasl
llWtlrslwl 84 Csuloi ttlllss tl stoat
Slr Illlltaa Dollar Grass
AUe Choice Onloa Beta 0c lb
Tettilwr Us IhosMndtst iclWn
UMa tod rtm k 4 opou iol lis
saliaJsaotlee Whra ssm res plul
8kU bu will ntitr do wIlWl
W aAUta HID CO UtVssssWav
To make a Portiinc The Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Again
Twentieth Century Farmer
Offer n Number of Mnanlflocnt Prizes to those whs
will uct ns Agents
And 30 Other Cnah Prizes ranging from 500 to 25
THID TWENTIETH ClflNTU ItY FARMER hi published by Th
Boo Publishing Company of Omahn and la an agricultural and fam
ily magozlno of unusual merit There aro department for every
member of the family apodal articles by men of known reputation
and Illustration will bo a prominent feature
Write for sample copy and ask for particulars eonccrnlne th
prlzca Q
Tlin TWBNTITCTn OIONTURY FARMER and this paper Will
be sent to you one year for
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting
Sail Lake City
To San Francisco
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
15 1
Hours Quicker Hi
oilier line
in any
310 M - Shtrtor Minn any
k a I other line
For time tablet nnd full information call on
Edisons Phonograph
Hotter than n Piano Orgnn or Music Box for It Rings and talks aa well as plays and
dont coat us much It reproducer tho music of nny instrument band or orchestra tells
utorics und siujH the old familiar hy raiiH as well us tho popular songs it is always ready
8ro thnt Mr Edisons siKnaturo ii on every machine CU
logiies o all dcnlcrs or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New Vort
Unrig to m Fnni a Tost
Leigh Neb March 111 -Andrew a
Peterson was found dead hanging to
a feme post He had lived with his
Ron Andrew lfi miles KoulheiiHt of
Leigh The man had made a rope out
of several plecon of binding twine tied
it around lils neck and hung the loop
of the other end over the top or Hie
fence post When found his lifeless
form whh lu a sitting posture par
tially resting on the ground
No Postponement of 8t Ionls Fair
St Louis March lll Kormer fJor
ernor Francis who returned to fit
Louis from New York yesterday stated
that the rumor that the worlds fair
would bo postponed until 1001 wns
without foundation As soon an the
Worlds Knlr company Is organized nnd
Incorporated work will Immediately
commence und will be pressed toward
completion with all possible haste
Koenistein s Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
QQun YEARLY to Christian
tpuUU niun or woman to look
tor our growing lmsinees in thin
fuf adjoining counties to act an
j manuger and correspondent work
T can bo doue at your homo Enclose
self addressed stamped envelope
j for particulars to H A Sherman
Gonoral Manager Corcoran Build-
ing opposite United Statea Treas
Z ury Washington D O
Illinois Central R R
wnsraEJR toubists
Tho Illinois ntrnl dnsiroii to call attention
to the unaxcollwt Horvice thnt Is offered by it
linod to tho boutli for tho baiiboii of 1KW 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM Personally conduct
ed Uuub tlirougu to
Log AriKoIett nnd Han
Francisco via New
OrliiniB in coimoetion
EVERY wllhtlioSmithemPa
WEDNESDAY cc innvlng Chicago
momTVJo on tho Controls fait
MORNING Now Orhians Srww
ciiil connection also mndo by this train witli
dnily trains out of Nour Orloium for tho Pacific
Const Tho Limit from ChicuKo every een
iiifr connects on Mondays and Thursdays at
Now Orloims nftor Docemlwr 18 1K99 with thj
of tho Southern Pnciflo Hiving special through
service io sau rraucisco
fL O
Double dally serv
ice is maintained out
of St Louis via tha
Illinois Central and
counoctluff line to
Ka and Atlanta thro1
sleeninc car tn Juclr
sonyiue rionua DeluB carried ou tuo
leaving St Louis every evening This train at
well as the Day Kxpresa leuving St Louia lu
iuo morning aro ixnu boiki truing to NnBhYllle
uavlug uirougii couches und sleoplng cars run
ning through Martin Tonn and tho N U St
Ii Hy Connection via this line for all priuci
pal poinU in tho Bout lionet such as Charleston
Wilmington Aikin and Savannah aud for at
points in riuriuu
Daily from Chicago to Memphis aud New Oil
points in tue on mo linos or the lllinoi
Central aud Y it M Y railroads will be ruu 01
tho first and third Tuesduy of each month dui
lUBiiio wimor season
Full nartloulars concernlnir all nf th alma
oanbehadof agents of the Illinois Central a
by addressing A H Hanson Q P A Cbiotg