The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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For mayor T 11 A PA9EWA1 K
Forclork 8 11 MrFAHLANU
Fortroasuror P 1 HEMj
For engineer V H LOWi
For members of the school board
Counollmanlc Ticket
First ward E J SCHOKKGGE
Third ward Ion term C KW
Third wnrd short term J CLEMENTS
Fourth ward A HKCKMAN
Count do Casollano is fcurfnl that ho
canuot livo on 225000 n year It ifi a
fcoggardly stipend to bo sure Ho should
oome to Nebraska nnd run a newspaper
until his income iB Bufliciont to hiB
Russell Sage commends Andrew Car
negie for his generous and oharitablo
donations to tho comfort and well being
-of others but tho old man ovidontly
doesnt beliovo that hiBOompoor is sot
ting an example which it would bo
policy for him to follow Uncle Rubs
is quite imbued with tho boliof that all
charity begins and ends at home as far
ns ho is personally concerned
Columbus streets nro not paved with
gold and the sidewalks are not con
structed of solid stool according to the
Telegram which says Bellwood has
been asked to pay 5000 for maintain
ing a aldowalk with looso boards one of
which tripped a citizen and injured him
for life OolumbuB would be bankrupt
in s day if every citizen who gets his
shins barked on bad sidowalks should
ask for damages
Canadians do not like the American
protective tariff policy to any groat ex
tnt Fortunately for this country they
didnt have the framing of it Their
cause has or did have some staunch
supporters in the United States how
ever and Mr Bryan and others of his
party would have speedily enacted a
tariff law favorable to the Canadians
and other foreigners and dotermental to
United States citizens if they had been
given an opportunity
The people of Japan propose to be up-to-date
and naturally come to the fore
most country for their pointers E
Jkmokichl and Y Yamato traffic man
ager and mechanical superintendent of
Japans longest railroad have returned
home after several months spent in
studying methods of railroading em
ployed in the United States Their in
interest in American railroads is a com-
r jiliment to those responsible for their
present state of development
The legislatures of 27 states within a
iew years past have asked congress to
call a constitutional convention to
amend the constitution so that United
States senators may be elected by direct
vote of the people Three more states
would make the requisite two thirds
and congress would be constrained to
call the convention This is provided
for by article 5 of the constitution which
allows the states to take the initiative in
proposed changes The senate is op
posed to the election of senators direct
and the legislatures must institute the
reform if it is done Contests like that
taking place before the Nebraska legis
lature are urging the change as nothing
else could and the constitution will un
doubtedly be amendod at as early a date
as possible Public sentiment in Ne
i liraska certainly favors the change
Contract for MitdUon County A minted to
Clinton Hrldge Co County Assess
ors Oct Heady to Ilnt Property
Madison March 18 Board of county
commisKiouors of Madison county Ne
braska mot pursuant to adjournment
Present John J Hughes Christ
Schuiitt and 11 W Winter
Minutos of last mooting wcro read
and on motion approved
Board proceeded to open bids for the
construction of bridges and to make
comparison of tho same
On motion board adjourned to 7
oclock p m
Board met pursuant to adjournment
and proceeded with the work of com
paring bridge 1Mb and plane
On motion the contract for building
bridges required by county for tho en
suing year was awarded to tho Canton
Bridgo company tholr bid and plans
being tho best and most satisfactory
On motion board adjourned to 8 a hi
March 111
Board met pursuant to adjournment
On motion contract and bond of tho
Canton Bridgo company was approved
On motion bond of W N Huso for
county printing was approved
On motion tho following bills were
State Journal Co blank books sfO15
W N Huso publishing treasurers
htatomeut 90 commissioners pro
ceedings 318 bar docket etc 5415
J B Hume lumber and coal l HlTlt
V H Powers transcript in Woibuor
case f 1 20
C E Gossard modical attendance for
Prisoner Halo 350
Nebraska Tolophono Co toll 325
W B Reynolds stationery 2050
O E Gibbs two wolf scalps 4
U W Darlington two wolf sculps
Sessions Bell coflln and grave lot
for Charles Richardson 1350
Lee Herdman certified copy of opin
ion in Spaulding case 270
O D Hamstroet uailB 140
On motion board adjourned to 1
oclock to meet with assessors
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
All assessors were present excepting
Goo Connolly of Battle Creek precinct
Assessors were organized by electing
Herman Gorecko chairman and J L
Ryuearsou secretary Following is a
synopsis of their proceedings
PThat aHreal and personal property be
assessed at one fifth of full valuation
That farm and driving horses be
valued at from 5 to 12o
That mules be valued the same as
That stalliouB and jacks be valued at
100 to fC00
That horses kept for speed purposes
be valued from 25 to 200
Cattle one year old and under 8 to
15 two years old 15 to 25 three
years old and over and cows 20 to 40
fat cattle 30 to 50 thoroughbred
cattle 25 to 80 sheep from 3 to 5
hogs according to market price on the
first day of April
That all grain held for speculation be
Minutes were read and approved On
motion assessors adjourned
On motion the following bills wero ol
C W Crum salary and office ex
penses 12020
Phil Bauch postage express etc
two months 2455
Ole Johnson bridge work 5
Crowell Lumber Co lumber 6345
L B Baker coal for poor farm 7717
applied on personal tax
A S Andrew one wolf scalp 2 ap
plied on personal tax
F J Squirrel three wolf 6calps 0
Geo E Richardson insurance on
poor form 50
Dr A Bear medical attendance on
L Cleveland and Win Morris paupers
Smith Premier Co stationery 225
Win Brummund bridge work 2075
Opening Sale of SPRING FOOT WEAR
Beginning SATURDAY MARCH 23 and continuing for ONE WEEK ONLY
Wc will place on sale one of the Most Complete Lines of Footwear ever shown in Northeast Nebraska We have bought for this sale one thou
sand six hundred pair of SAMPLE SHOES which we arc going to sell you at less than the manufacturers price It is not necessary for us to tell
you about the values wc arc going to offer as our previous sale of Sample Shoes tell the story First come first served Positively no Sample
Shoes sold before above date as wc wish our patrons to all have an equal show Remember the date
The Notff oik Heuus
W N HUSK PubUebor
KitnfaltiilitMl ISM
Ktery lny except Hunilay Hy rnrrior per
week 15 cculB lly mnll por jenr t0U0
The Newt established ISM
The Journal cttablli lipd 1M7
Every Frldny lly mull or yenr JlW
Bnterixi nt Hie Ioetolllce nt Norfolk Neb lie
coud class matter
Telephones Kdltorlnl IVpartment No 22
lluslne Ofllce mid Job Rooms No C2
applied on personal tax 520 balance
H Naegelo moat for pauper 2 ap
plied on personal tax
I I Bonnet wiring court house
motor etc 10525
Carl Abuiuh merchandise for pauper
Dr Bortha Ahlman medical attend
ance on pauper 10
Bauin Bros blaukots etc for pest
house 410 appliod on personal tax
M R Green hauling to post house
150 applied on personal tax
W H Law caring for patient at pest
houso 40 applied on personal tax 25
cents balance 4575
H H Luke meals furnished to pest
houso inmates 2750
Hoffman Smith cots etc for pest
house 200 applied on personal tax
Dr A Bear attending patient nt pest
houso 00
Albert Moses bridgo work 150
Albert Degner nails 0 80
Affidavit of W II Lowe as to exemp
tion from poll tax for the years 1878
1885 and 1887 on account of being a
pensioner was received and approved
and the clerk was instructed to make
correction on tax list
On motion the board adjourned to 7
oclock p m
Board met pursuant to adjourment
On motion the following bonds were
A W Goldsworthy road overseer
district No 12
Thos Ambroz road overseer district
No 22
J F Reeves road overseer district
No 19
C M Boyles road overseer district
No 5
Henry Suuderman road overseer dis
trict No 20
Herman Gall road overseer district
No 17
F 11 Palmer justice of the peace
Emerick precinct
Jerry Birks constable Shell Creek
On motion board proceeded with
work on tho delinquent tax list
On motion board adjourned to 8 a m
March 20
Board met pursuant to adjournment
and on motion proceeded with work on
delinquent tax list
On motion adjourned to 1 p m
Board met at 1 oclock and proceeded
with work on delinquent tax list
On motion the following bills were
J A Edinger window shades cover
ing tables etc 3340
R O Miles postage exchange etc
four months 7000
pust Kanl salary for Febrnary 35
On motion board adjourned to April
10 at 1 oclock p m
Phil Baucu
County Clerk
Houses tor sale
T B Odious
DrFrank Salter Diseases of children
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Sbilkb
Fresh fish at Glismans
Joseph Rotter of Tilden was down
here Monday
W B Fuerst and P Boepel were
Norfolk visitors Tuesday
Clinton D Smith of Madison was over
here on business last Thursday
Misses Maggie and Katie ONeill ar
rived home Friday from college
Thos Moyers of Norfolk was visiting
here Friday with his brother A G
Lots of new buildings mostly dwell
ings will go up here in the near future
A M Lovelace has been sick in bed
for the last week He is reported better
John Horriok left Tuesday for Billings
Mont where he has been the last three
August Sump of Lind6ay was visiting
here Wednesday with Herman Eucker
and family
Owen ONeill went up to Garfield
One Door West of Beeler Bros Norfolk Nebr
county Sunday to look after his ranch
property there
Uncle Mike Conley who has been
sick for a long time was around on tho
streets again Saturday
Dr Tannor 1b the hardest working
man in our commnnlty because he is
on tho road almost day and night
Mrs Day tho mother of our jovial
station agent went home to Jefferson
la Monday nftor a two months visit
Mrs Montross and children were vis
iting her parents Mr and Mrs W W
Quivey at Pierce from Saturday till
G F Warnko and Carl Goet6ch who
have been visiting here for about one
month with M Warnke and Albert
Roewert wont home to Wisconsin Mon
There was shipped Monday George
Berry two carloads of sheep Howard
Miller Lumber Co one carload of hogs
L B Baker one of hogs and J Osborn
ono of hogs
A B Richardson formerly of Emerick
lives in Valley precinct near Battle
Croek now Ho fools that he will be i
with white people all the time and will
soon start a postofilco on his place
Sam Hanen Co of Madison are here
this week to move Herman Hogrofes
dwelling onto a lot north of the High
school and Mr Hogrefe will erect a
fancy dwelling on the lot across from
tho Lutheran church
Last week the Howard Miller Lumber
Co bought eloven acres of the Pioneer
Town Site company and Otto H Moos
four acres in the part of town that is
called Highland Park We understand
the consideration was 100 per acre
The electors of our village held a cau
cus Saturday at O H Maas office and
nominated W A Barnes and Fred
Brechler on the citizens ticket This
was a combined business because Henry
Neuwerk acted as chairman and F E
Martin as secretary and the candidates
are one good republican and one hot
Farm and oity loans
The Dcrland Tbcbt Oo
Sturgeon is the piano man
Choice veal at Glissmans
Farm land and city property for sole
by G R Seller
100 Jtewurd 100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in nil its stages and that is
catarrh Hulls Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity Catarrh being a
constitutional disease requires a con
stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh
Care is taken internally acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing Its work The proprietors have
bo much faith in its curative powers
that they off one hundred dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for list
of testimonials
Address F J Cheney Co To
lodo O
Sold by druggist 76c
Halls Family Pills are the best
Pan American KipoclUon
Nothing sinoe the Worlds Fair at
Chicago in 1893 has elicited the wide
spread interest that is manifest all over
the world in the Pan American exposi
tion which iB to be held in Buffalo
from May 1 to November 1 1901
The purpose of the exposition is to
illustrate the progress of the countries
of the western hemisphere during a cen
tury of wonderful achievements and to
bring together into closer relationship
the people composing the many 6tat6s
territories and countries of the three
Americas Acting under proper author
ity the president of the United States
has invited all tho republics and col
onies of the American hemisphere to
join in commemorating the close of the
nineteenth and the beginning of the
agjcgawi vafaaer
Q A LU1KABT President
CHAB 8 BRIDGE Vice Pmbident
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Hny nnd cell exchange on this country nnd all parte of Europe Farm Loans
Directors Uahl Asmcb W H Johnson Chas S Bbjbge C W Bbaabcb
Hwank U A Luikabt T F Mgmminqbb L Sessions
South side Main St between 2d and 3d Telephone 41
twentieth century by holding this inter
national exposition on the Niagara
For this important event the Nickel
Plate road has issued an attractive
descriptive folder pamphlet elaborately
illustrating the Pan American exposi
tion the buildings and the grounds
The Nickel Plato road is the short line
between Chicago and Buffalo and af
fords competent train service from Chi
cago to Buffalo New York City Bos
ton and all points east with traiuB of
modern equipment on which m extra
fares are charged also dining car serv
ice of the highest order It affords
meals in its dining cars on the individ
ual club plan ranging in price from 35
cents to 1
Call on any ticket agent for Pan
American folder of the Nickel Plate
road or address John Y Calahan gen
eral agent 111 Adams streetChicago
Parties desiring hotel or rooming ac
commodations at Buffalo on Niagara
Falls daring any period of the Pan
American exposition are invited to
apply by letter or otherwise to F J
Moore general agent 291 Main St
Buffalo N Y
Notice of City Election
Notice is hereby given to the qualified
electors of the city of Norfolk Nebraska
that the annual election of said city
will be held In the different wards on
Tuesday the 2nd day of April 1901
for the purpose of electing one mayor
one clerk one treasurer one city engi
neer one police judge one councilman
from the First ward one councilman
from the Second ward one councilman
from the Third ward for the two years
term one oouncilman from the Third
ward for a one year term one council
man from the Fourth ward
The polling places in the different
wards shall be as follows
First ward at city hall
Second ward at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fourth ward at Junction hose house
Polls shall remain open at each of the
said polling places from 9 oclock in the
forenoon to 7 oclock in the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Neb March 7 1901
Attest W M Robertson
S R McFakland Mayor
City Clerk
Notice of School KlectloD
Notice is hereby given that at the an
nual election to be held in Norfolk Ne
braska on Tuesday the 2nd day of
April 1901 there will be two persons
chosen as members of the board of edu
cation of the school district of the city
of Norfolk Nebraska at which election
the polling places in the various words
will be the same as for the city elec
First ward at city hall
Second word at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fonrth ward at Junction hose house
AUresident voters of the district out
side the various oity wards shall vote at
the city hall polling place
Polls shall remain open at each of said
polliu places from 9 oclock in tho fore
noon until 7 oclock In the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Nebraska March 7
Attest W M Rodertsov
S R McFarland Mayor
City Clerk
i M D Tyler
Attorneys at Law
rjRc s Parker
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician andrSurgeon
Ofllce Citizens National Bank Building
Telephone 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main and 13th St
Telephone 9
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Ofllce over Citizens National Bank Resldene
one block north of Congregational church
Office over Leonards Drue Store
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Op stairs in Cotton block oyer Baurae stor
First class work guaranteed
Norfolk - Nebraska
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 Mastlblock
Norfolk Nebraska-
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers ana Embalmeri
Betsions Blk Norfolk AteJ
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
BraaAch Avenue
and Third St