r f a a rj nLKxxc3zxX2exx3Cxx - - - - - i IV i - n W M a a a JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Woalhorby Ckosnoy and Alick Monro carTiiHJtrr ltoo nr wnATiticnnr cttiwmnr Ann amok wunno tLLuunununtt nr iu a ouUlta - s wv riiArTKii xix The dny pnsscd nml nfter It numl of tlu nielli Imt JilMt before tlnwn llio re llof which 1 linil io1hhIim1 eiiiiuv Umlit onver f llio darkness Aloe lintl landed Ills lniivy loml of men from Onlloy Island on the west ulinro of tbo luirbnr tiwii to Its outrnucc lint out of hIrIH of the Spanish sentinels nt tlm caves mouth Then lie returned to Shelter Island nml took ofT Inn IVniro ny nml the others whom we hud left there The two parties Joined nml liaullnjr their bout up IiIkIi nml dry nmrehed with silent Imsto round the luirbnr till they eninu to the Hut before llio cuve Here leaving the otherii it in bushed In the thlekut Job TrultiUlon nml Alec rrnwled tlirotiRlt the jrrnsH nml stalked the sentinels who ns their fancied Recurlty hnd itiiulu them cure Icbb were easily surprised nml sllenc cd Then the rest of the party came up nt n run and formed n circle round tltn mouth of the cave The Spaniards hearing ho noise camo out to discover Its cause but nft cr some three or four of them had fall en In the scunio they drew back again Into the darkness Alee thereupon Hworc thnt he would smoke them like ho many Hitches of bncott If they Rave hi in nny more trouble and at the threat they surrendered nt discretion After they had been dlsnrmed nml plnced for security together with the Galley Island prisoners In a conven ient hIbIo of the cave a small party wns left to guard them nml the rest uniting themselves with the captives arquebuses made their way to tbo Temple hill to relievo ub Completely shielded by the thick un dergrowth and by the darkness they Their fancied security had made than careless were nblo to surround our lieslegera and cover them with the arquebuses before they ntndo their presctico known The first Indication which Don Snttcho and his crew had that they were trapped was the call to lay down their nrnis and surrender or they wero nil dead inon and the gallant don see ing the light of his own watch fl e glinting on steel barrels nil around him cured neither to parley nor to light but did ns he was told And by so doing he probably saved many lives both Spnnlsi mid English The long struggle was over nml now the tdnves had become masters ami the masters slaves The Spaniards had lost not n few more men In the Html skir mish nt tho cave for there were bitter nml relentless swords against them but except thnt the man called Bnm had died of his wounds on Shelter In land and lay burled there no more 15ng llsh had fallen There were 12 of us left nnd each man ready and able to fight like n bulldog If need be We hnd many wounds but as the poorness of our recent entertainments had kept us all spare of body natures unaided sur gery would soon heal thorn for It la only when men nro full tlcshed ami hot blooded that wounds bring fever iu their train Our prisoners wero 122 all told nnd to nrrnnge for the snfest manner of disposing of them a council vns held as soon ns all hands had rested houo whnt Tho old innn whoso prophecies hnd brought him great respect was fleively nnxious to kill them nil forthwith nnd most of the men the older ones espe cially wero Inclined to agree with him Ylllle Trehallou however would not hear of It He had recovered hut skin enp nnd now rubbed It fore and nft ncross his bald pate with fierce energy while ho spoke No no old man said he Its HI counsel you be giving us this time Ill kill Spaniards with you lu hot blood as long as I can stand an never ask for a finer sport but to butcher them de fenseless nn unresisting Isnt uu Hug llsb sailors Job at all Its a common hangmans work thats what It is nn Willie Trehallou haint going to sully hook or fist by doing It On tho high ueas he added retlectlvely I grunt you Its different There you can blind fold a prisoner nn leave the gangway open nn then if so ho chooses to march overboard why It balnt your fault an youve no cnll to bring tho ship to uu waBtc time In picking him up Hut this that you be wanting us to do old man lb murder Ob bo hoi Ah ha laughed tho old man What dainty gentleman have we here Why Willie Thehallon you with a face molded out of a Port lngale orange by four stroke of a marline spike you with a bodjr tf Vsj a a t - cale and graceful as n side of beef von thnt have lost n hnnd and an cyo lu Moody warfare with thcHC samo gentle Spaniards for whom you plead so prettily nre your feelings become so nice and llnnlklug that vou blench and turn sick like n girl nt the thought of a don or two dancing the devils hornpipe on eniply air Is that you Willie Trehallon Aye renlled the boatswain sullen ly thats me If you like n fighter with tho best o you but never u mur derer Whntl cried the old man nngrlly Will you never lenrn Ilnvo not their benthigH Jalllngs Rtnrvlngs cursings iiiniln you ruffer enough yet Tender hearted maiden thnt you nre you will let the wuhph regain their nest onco more nnd then youll wonder that they come out with fresh venom In their tails to sting you ngnln Come Job tell this dainty undo of yours bow you served tho wasp that senmed thnt purple near icross your forehead Crushed un said Job with a grin Ever n fool was Job muttered his uncle to the rest of us nn now he turns fools evidence Job chuckled nnd the old man broke out Into his weird unearthly laugh Oh ho hot Fools both do you say my pretty boatswain Well perhaps It Is so ib here fool by birth I fool by Spanish torture nnd yet both of us nt times wiser by tunny a long fathom than every tnnn of you Never scoff nt fools my mnsters The em peror of the Indies has n fool for his viricr and a motley coat rules half tho courts of Europe Ah ba hat Listen to me now At times I can be the niail dest merriest cleverest fool of the lot I can Jest for you rule for you cast omens for vou prophesy for you nnd all without sight of star or burning et mystic charm but now I do none of these He hauled himself pnluful to his feet rnd looked round upon them with a gesture of frightful menace No I bid you Blay Slay these cursed Spaniards front commandant to cabin lad And if It be a crime on my bend be It Slay Ills voice rose to n shriek at these last words and his listeners shrank back nnd shuddered when they met his eyes Aye he went on If It be murder I care not Look nt theso legs like two guarled and crushed old willows Ev ery bone lu them has been crushed by Spanish tortures See these distorted arms knotted like a conjurers hand kerchief On 7e on this body senmed with tlre8cnrred with whips and pinch ers Aye I nut a poor cripple now but n short score of years ago 1 could have thrnshed big John Topp there as easily ns he could trouuee mo now with his little linger What could give atone ment for these hurts And yet I do not bid you torture these Spaniards In like kind but only slay them Slay them Slay them And then then An what then old man asked the boatswain Then exclaimed the old man fiercely make me your captain and I promise you gold beyond your wildest dreams I will lead you to Mauoa Thero arose a torrent of voices as he finished speaking Sonto declared that Captain Ireland was our leader ami thnt the old mans words were treason others that they tinted the very name of tho golden city nnd wltllo a few called upon tho old man to sny more the rest pressed Alec to speak I Join ed my voice to these last and by out Bhotttlug the others gained silence My lads he said there Is not one of us here who has cause to love the Spaniards least of all I who havo lost a father nt their hands but let us not sully our souls with their murder No no we can do better than that we can make them useful Wo have a safe prison for them In tho cave and they shall bo our slaves As for Mn uoa many of its who sailed to these seas In tho Bristol Morchnnt have spent years In the search for It al ready and the prospect of continuing the quest does not tempt us Hut Span- Ish galleons and plate ships litter the main like Islands In an archipelago and every one of them contains treas ure Now my plain Is to make these our qunrry for from them a stout Eng lish ship- can reap revenge and pluuder both So she should put In one fellow Hut captain we havent got that same stout ship Wo have hands sirrah replied Alec and somo of us brains besides Tito wrecks will afford both material nnd tools nnd we have plenty of cap tlvo labor to make the work light There are artificers among us nud I myself have somo knowledge of tho shipwrights craft and so I say let us collect our plankings nt once and begin to set up the stocks on which to lay a keel lias any one of you a better plan to offer To ha coutfuuoJ next Friday A Widows Love Affair Receives a eetbock if she has offen sive breath through constipation bil iousness or stomooh trouble bnt Dr Kings New Life Pills always cure those troablos clean the system sweeten the breath banish headache best in the world tor liver kidueys and bowels Only 35 cents at tha Kiesau Drug Oo THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MARCH 22 1901 IX uty HR KUS BJUH Shocking Deed of an Insane Mother at Coldbrook Mass AXE AND OLUB ARE USED Ijjt Undid nn the HnU nmt Minn Tries lo Tli Hit Own I II ly fill Hue n Drcp IhkIi In Her Tliruit With u lluitr lltlt Will IIi mh ur Coldbrook Mass March 22 -Mrs Llzzlo Nariunoro while In a fit of Insanity yesterday killed her six chil dren lit her home a farm house half a mile from this village and then tried to take her own life The children three boys and three girls ranged from 10 years to a babe of 10 months nud their lives were taken by the mother with an axe nml a club She laid the blood drenched bodies on the beds two on one bed and the other four on a bed In another roc in and then attempted to take her own life by cutting her throat with a razor When discovered she was In the bed on which the bodies of four children were lying Although she cut a deep gusli In her throat nnd suffered the loss of much blood It is believed she will recover Kmnk Narnmore tho husband nnd father left his home at the usual hour yesterday morning to go to his work tit a sawmill and at that time his wife did not attract his attention by noting strangely When lie reached tho house he was prostrated with grief by the loss of his family Each of the chil dren had evidently received several blows as their heads were terribly bruised and blood was scattered In nil directions Mrs Nnramore had evi dently made preparations for the deed ns the doors were all locked and barred with sticks of wood She appeared ra tional this morning and displayed signs of sorrow for the deed she hud com mitted although she Is unable to give nny reason for killing the children Murders III Three Children Wntervllle Me March 22 Jacob Dearborn of Clinton murdered his three children yesterday with uu use nt their home In that town BATES ORDERED frJbtvlAHA New Commumlur Is Chosen Tor Depart ment r the Missouri Omaha March 22 General John C Hates now iu command of a force of volunteers In the Philippines has been ordered to return to the United States and relieve General Merrinni in command of the Department of the Missouri He will sail within a week nnd will probably be at his new post In Omaha by the latter part of April He will be accompanied by General S B M Young who Is to assume com mand of the Department of Califor nia vice General Shafter retired General Hates Is no stranger In Oma hn As colonel of the Second Infantry he spent a number of years hero sta tioned at old Fort Omaha leaving with his regiment when that post was ubandoucd for Fort Keogh LATEST NEWS OF TRADE Chicago Grain nnd Proviiloiu Chleigo Mu it h HI A bicuk of 00c in May pork wns the feature on Yhungc to dny This commodity cIommI 51c lower while lunl clomnl n slmdp nnd ribs 57Vi liluher YcMtordnys serious war talk wns mirontlrmeil nud thin hud n doirsilne ef fect on wheat which closed nt n decline of fto Corn closed Uu nud oats Uc lower Closing prices Whent Murch 75c May 70Vi70c July Xc Corn March tV Msy nnd July Outa March Sliiy 24Je Pork Miucb JluYJO May 1035 July iow Iurd Mnreh JTM Muy 7S7W July 787Mi Sept 7ltt UllM Murcb T7uSt777W May 7732 777W July y707W Sept 770 Cuub quotations Nn red wheat iVM 77V4u No 3 red wheat 7237ny4c No 3 spring wheat 072700 No a hard wheat 72ytfi733 No 3 hnnl wheat 70372He No 2 corn No a mm SOVVR IOc No 2 outs aVMiae Nn white oats 2820c No 3 white oati 27M28Wc Chicago Live Stock Chicago March 8 000 liicludliiir 200 Texuua Htoern Htromr to lOo higher butchers toek xteady to atrong goon io prune aieers niKKuuW poor to medium t7VifllH Mockers nnd feudert 27yHt cows 270jN40 heifers 27B 470 caiiner1 f2OtMtfn3 bulla 2C0a 4W enlvoH strong HBoaoOO Txns fed steers 400rt000 Texna grant steers 340 6400 Texas hulls 25037V today 10000 tomorrow 13000 left over 2500 active Rftloc higher top CIS mixed and butchers 58V3015 good to choice heavy IIOoV301S rough heavy 383Q5ftt light f5R5a507tt bulk of sales 00ao07W Sheep Itecelpta 12 000 sheep steady to btrong lambs about steady good to choice wethers 471300 fair to choice mixed 450fro80 western sheep 475C500 yearlings 477310 un tlve lambs 47Vsjri40 western lumbs 310 QO40 Kansas City Tlvn Stook Kansas City March 2300 natives 300 Tenuis M calves gen orally 10c higher native beef ulcers 430 500 stockera nnd feeders 1003000 western fed steers 4 33C310 Texans and Indlaus 3838490 cows 323R42S heif ers 350486 canners 22 310 bulls 300S4dO nalves 4000000 8500 10c higher top 600 bulk of ales 380300 heavy 500000 mixed packers 5803390 light 5505824 pigs 500SSO Sheep Receipts 4200 itroug western lamb 3003550 western wethers 450000 western yearlings 47Vu5I0 ewes 1002450 cults 273 G375 South Omaha Live Stock South Otuuha March 21 Cattle Re ceipts 2100 strong to 10c higher native beef btet rs 4004540 western steers 380 0400 Texan steers 3 231100 cows ad heifers 11X2 15c higher 330440 canners 200tt3t stockers and feederB 32547B calves 3302700 bulls stags etc 279 S4sa Il0B3 naclDts 4300 active lOo higher heavy 382Ml87Vi mixed 380 jjB82y4 light 575ft380 pigs 500fiTO bulk of sales Q60ft383 Sherp Ileeelp s nOOO strong uctlvc yearlings 4T030WJ wethers 4254C5 ewes 37SQ423 com mon and stock sheep 3793300 Iambs 40051523 Keiuarkubls Cures for liheuiuatltiii Vindicator Rutberfordton N O The Editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efllcaoy of Chamber- Sores ana Ulcers That old sore or ulcer which liai been a source of pain worry nnd anxiety to you for five or ten years maylw longer doesnt heal because you are not using the proper treat tnent but arc trying to cure It with salves nnd washes While theae arc soothing and relieve pain to some extent no real permanent good can cotne from their use because the disease wm Bttartstih5atoacsvsr an A Gunshot Wound de took nml rnnriiiflril In nk It n t lnl Ti - i trouble and forced the txilqnn mil nt ntv hlnrul soon nrterwariUthcKorc m9c ussz Strikes a Itlch Find I was troubled for seveial years with chronic indigestion and nervous de bility writes F J Green of Lancaster N H no remedy helped me until I began using Electrio Bitters whioh did me more good than all the medicines I ever used They havo also kept my wife in excellent health for years She says Electric Bitters are jnst splondid for female troubles that they are a grand tonio and invigorator for weak run down women No other medioino can take Ub place in our family Try them Only 50 cents Satisfaction guaranteed by the Kiesau Drug Co Good Advice The most miserable beings in tho world are those Buffering from Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint More than seventy five per cent of tho people in the United States are aftlictod with theso two diseases and their effects r suoh ns Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Costiveness Palpitation of the Heart Heart burn Waterbrasb Gnawing and Bnrning Pains at the Pit of the Stomach Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa greeable Taste in the Mouth Coming up of Food after Eating Low Spirits eto Go to yonr Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greens Prize Almanao Kiesau Drug Co A Good Thine Germau Syrup iB the special prescrip tion of Dr A Bosohee a celebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discov eries in Medloines It quiokly euros Coughs Colds and all Lnug troubles of the severest nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy con dition It is not an experimental modi oine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case whioh its rapidly increasing sole every season Itirest y roo have perfect me of the leg which was swollen nnd very stllT for n loun time DRAIN THE SYSTEM ENDANGER LIFE is in iuc uiood mm lar ncyomt me rcaclt of external applications a sore nenis promptly wlicn the blood is in good condition but ftovon if it is diseased Th tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse spreading and eating deeper into the flesh They nre a constant drain upon the system gradually hut surely ruin the health and sap the very life A lerson s capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure S b h makes n rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers and is the only medicine that docs localise no other can reach deep seated blood troubles Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixtures are too weak nnd watery to overcome n deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood Do not waste valuable tune experimenting with them noinc years ago I wni shot In the IeH leg receiving what I considered only a Might wound It i elopeil Into a running ore and cine me n great dcnl of pain 1 wni treated by many doctors and v w uicuics mu nunc iiiu me nny I had heard S S S ltlclilv recommended v tritllMHtf SSS tteemeil to Ret rlchl at the healed up and wan cured sound nnd well I now J It McBkavkr Mwrcuccburg Ky S S S is the onlv purely vegetable blood purifier known is iiiuui vi ruois mm ncros oi wonucrttii puritymg properties which no poison can resist S S S tptickly and effectually clears the blood of all morbid unhealthy humors and the old troublesome sore heals At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up When a little scratch or hurt fnils to heal readily you may be sure your blood is bad S S S will soon put it in order nud keep it so ir McIical Department is iu charge of experienced physicians who have made blood diseases a life study If you will write them about your case they will Kindly SSS lurmsu an lntormaliou or advice wanted without any charge whatever Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA BA Iains Pain Balm twico with tho most rotnnrknblo results in each caso First with rheumatism iu thd shoulder from whioh ho sufforcd uxoruointing pain for ton days which was relieved with two applications of Pain Halm rubbiug tho parts afllictcd and realizing instant bono fit and outiro relief in a very short time Secoud in rhoutuatism iu thigh joint almost prostrating him with sevoro pain which was relieved by two applications rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night and gottlng up frco from pain For salo by Kiesau Drug Co Its Free If It Fulls to Cure Hootol tho great pile- cure A pile pipe froo with each package Wo sell it nnder n positive written gaarantoe No Cure No Pay 50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drag Oo Bow to Cure a Cold Dont go to bed Dont stop work Dont tnko a Turkish bath and render yourself liable to an attack of pneu monia Krausos Cold Cure in conven ient capsule form will cure you in 24 hourB They are pleasant to take and cause no ringing in your head or other disagrooablo sensations Price 25 cents Sold by Geo B Ohristoph When you want a physic that is mild nnd gentlo easy to take and pleasant iu otlect use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 23 cents Samples free Every box guaranteed For sale by tho Kiesau Drug Co Headache often results from a disor dered condition of the stomach and con stipation of the bowels A dose or two of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure tho headache Sold by the Kiesau Drug Co A Good Cough Merilclna forChlldreu I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlains Cough Remedy says F P Moron a well kuown and popular baker of Petersburg Va We have given it to oar children when troubled with bad coughs also whooping cough and it has always given perfect satisfac tion It was recommended to me by a druggist as tho best cough medicine for children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug Sold by Kiesau Drug Co An Honrtut Medicine for Ia Grippe Georgo W Waitt of South Cardiner Me says i I have had the worst cough cold chills and grip audjhave taken lots of trash of no account bnt profit to the vender Chamberlains Congh Remedy is tho only thing that has done any good whatever I have used one bottle of it and the chills cold and grip havo all left me I congi atulate the manufacturers of on honest medi cine For sole by Kiesau Drug Co Jennie To have a round beaatifal neck wiggle your head from side to side every night nnd take Rooky Mountain Tea Its a short oat to a graceful fonu 85 cents Geo B Christopii Kindles anew the fires of youth balances up the joys aud sorrows of life Its vain and foolish not to use Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co 35 cents Geo B Ohristoph Mrs O E VanDeuson of Kilbourn Wis was afllioted with stomach trouble and constipation for a long time She says I have tried many preparations bnt none have done me the good that Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets have These tablets are for salo at the Kiesau Drug Co Price 25 cents Samples free Nasal Catarrh quiokly yields to treat- ment by Elys Croani Halm which is ably aromatic It is received through the nostrils cleanses and heals tho whole faco over which it diffuses itself Druggists sell tho COo sizo Trial size by mail 10 cents Test it and you arp sure to continue tho treatment - n t Announcement To accomuiodato tuoso who nro partial to tho use of atomizers iu applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal i n T1 ClM tue proprjuiurn jiruuaju ucwuuuuum liquid form which will bo known as lilya LiquKl Cream Halm Prico including tho praying tube is 75 cents Druggists or by mail Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation Its as Certalu as Death and Taxes that Reotol the great pile remedy will cure the piles A pile pipe free with each package We sell it on positivo writteu guarantee No Care No Pay 60o Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Kriiusea Cold Cure for colds in tho head chest throat or any portion of tho body breaks up a cold in 21 hours without interruption to work Will provont colds if taken whon first symptoms appear Price 25c Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Nerves Llko a Flntlron A woman who suffered for threo years from nervous prostration says two bottles of Lichtys Colory Nervo Com pound effected a complete cure Sho hardly knows today whether sho has nerves or not as she never feels them It is certaluly a wonderful remedy Sold by Geo B Ohristoph A Had Combination A bad oold in bad weather Weoks Tablets will break up the combination by breaking up tho bad oold while you sleep No Cure No Pay 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Sole agents If you want some just as good I make it myself remedy try an Imita tion Rocky Mountain Tea Twill make you sick and keep you sick Geo B Christopii When You Get n Headache dont waste a minute bnt go to yonr druggist and get a box of Krausos Head ache Capsules They will prevout pain even though your skull wore cracked They are harmless too Road the guar antee Price 25o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph A Horrible Outbreak Of large sores on my little daughters head developed into a case of scald head writes C D Isbill of Morgan town Tenn but Buoklens Arnica Salve completely cured her Its a guaranteed cure for eczema tetter salt rheum pimples sores ulcers and piles Only 25 cents at the Kiesau Drug Co Night Was Her Terror I would cough nearly all night long writes Mrs Ohas Applegate of Alex andria Ind and could hardly get any sleep I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood but when all other medicines failed three 100 bottles of Dr KingB New Discovery wholly cured me aud I gained 58 pounds Its absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs colds la grippe bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Price 50 cents and 100 Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug Co confirms Two million bottlos sold an nually Boschees German Syrup waw introduced in tho United States in 18G8 and is now sold in every town nnd vil lago in the civilized world Threo doses will relieve any ordiuary cough Price 75 cts Got Greons Prize Almanao Kiesau Drug Co Sherlfl Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a venditioni exponas issued by Ohr Schnvland clerk of tho of tho distriot court of Madison county Nebraska upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in the district court of Madison county Nebraska on tho ninth day of April 1100 in favor of T C Oannon as plaintiff and against John E Olney Charlotte E Olney Charles E Olney et al as defendants for tho sum of two thousand thirty one dollars and 40 cents 200140 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 91900 and costs taxed at two hun dred and eighty two dollars and seventy three cents 28273 and accruing costs I will offer the following described real estate heretofore appraised under and by virtue of an order of sale to wit Lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 10 in block six 0 of tho town of Norfolk Nebraska for palo to the highest bidder for cash in hand on tho 10th day of April 1001 at tho hour of 1 oclock p m of said day in front of the east door of the court house in Madison Nobraskn that being the building wherein tho last term of court was held when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned Dated this 8th day of March 1901 Geo W Losey Sheriff of said Countr To Cure a Cold While You Sleep Take Weeks Break-Up-A-Cold Tab lets We will cheerfully refund the purchase price it it fails to cure Price 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages thero should bo cleanliness Elys Cream Balm cleanoe soothes and heals the diseased membrane It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils spreads over the memurano and is absorbed Relief ia Im mediate and a cure follows It is not drying does not produce sneezing Large Slze 60 cents at Drug gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall ELY BROTHERS BO Warren Street New Yerlc ARC liwrxcriuff roATHf atnovAL 0 a an fbtomjh64 srvsim maun wi wkpvl UB 9k COWPOWATCP UM RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY IV si jrjiifj THE 4BsjR JbUKNTOS xua I nuc rTiiHnil AIM FMI eSrf lltOOlT0N orAii V nXALC IRHTCULMITI re SBfSSfl itttttVJXrBCt lon i U Z Made Well Man of Me produces the above remits In 30 day II acta powerfully and quiokly Cores when all olhecs fstl Young men wlU regain their lost manhood and oM men will recover their youthful vigor by ovine BEVIVO It quiokly and surely restarts Nenoaa ness Lost Vitality Impotensy Nightly Flfirlfms fpotPowsriraning Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects ot self -abuse or excess and Indiscretion which naOtsonaforatndybuslnesaormarriica It not only enres by starting at the seat of disease but Is a great nerve tonio and blood builder bring ing back the pink slow to pais cheeks and re storing the fire of youth ft wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having BEVIVOiM other It can be carried in vest pocket By mall 100 per pscksge or sis tor Soo with s posi tive -written smarantee to ear or raraa4 the money Book and advise t roe Address BOYAl MEDICINE CO lbSSSSS Porsale in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi Lw3p Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trsde mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sol4 In bulk Accept no substl tute Ask your druggist RED CROSS t5 V M ILLS W w VB t IA G Rtocaavc PILLS arc puaris VCGITABIZ ICSWAI Antn CFfrcTV rHCYHAVCTHl TA I m UNquALinEO CNoosstrtua ortvenv PHYSKtMs rArHAWITH THl IN DC CINCHONA Cflk DCS MOINESsjutf For 8ale by Ge ge B Ohristoph g i S - is