The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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When Doctors
Optician X
Nervousness headaches
sleeplessness and dizziness often
puzzle the best physicians
Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
direct cause
Nothing1 can effect a permanent cure
that does not remove the cause
That is what our scientifically fitted
glasses do
Dr of Ophthalmology
Office Cor 4th and Main SU
Yards Bast U I Depot Phone 3S
The Best Paint Made
Will cover 300 square feet two coats
Contains pare lead and oil Shown by
chemical test there is no paint ou the
market equal to its durability and cover
ing capacity We can vouch for this as
we have handled the Monarch Paiut for
twelve years If you think of painting
your house let us figure with you We
can save you money
Remember our large stock of Wall
Paper cheaper than ever
Kiesai Dnlfl Bo
The following is from one of Mr
Johnsons customers whom he never
saw The bill was sold in competition
with Montgomery Ward Co and the
Omaha department stores
Eobkrt Wyo Feby 10 1901 Mr
C H Johnson Norfolk Nebr Dear
Sir Please allow me to thank you for
the manner in which you packed the
goods purchased from you They all
came in in good shape and well wrap
ped and we are well pleased with all
bought of you
We have a nice and comfortable little
home here and if you should ever be
fortunate enough to be in this locality
you have a warm invitation from both
myself and wife to call upon us
Yours truly
H H McClure
The Wstber
OonditionB of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a xn to
Maximum temperature 54
Minimum temperature 26
Average 40
Preolpitotton 00
Total precipitation for month 13
Snowfall 00
Total snowfall for month 200
Barometer 2024
Forecast for Nebraska Generally
fair tonight and Saturday except pos
sibly unsettled east portion Warmer
east portion tonight Colder Saturday
Earl Sidler is a late victim of the grip
A girl baby was born last night to
Mr and Mrs G W Lee of Edgewater
A masquerade party is to bo given by
the South Norfolk club in Railway hall
this evening
Mrs Ladhoff who has been sick with
pneumonia at her home on South Third
street is improving
A ton was born last night to Mr and
Mrg Kmll Lichtonbcrg who livo two
miles north of lludtir
M Yount is packing his household
goods preparatory to moving to Okla
homa Ho expects to loavo in a day or
A A Ahlnian is opening up a bicyclo
shop at Madison and Wm Ahluiau
drovo over there today with a load of
Norfolk lodge No 10 1 O O F hnd
another IntoroEUng meeting last oven
ing and conferred degrees on a number
of candidates
S R MoFarland was chosen as alter
nate delegate to a ho supremo biennial
convention by the grand lodgo Knights
of tho Maccabees which was in session
this week at Lincoln
In a dispute over tho lino botwoou
their farms near ONeill resulting in a
free-for-all fight Jacob Schweitzer was
severely nut in tho neck and head by
Lee Morrison Wednesday
lho building tenanted by tho Inskoep
millinery store is to bo romovod from
tho lot it occupios nt present and a two
storybrlok block will bo erected in its
place Tho now building will bo used for
saloon purposes
A shipment of 12 Ilolgian hares all
but three of whibh wero young animals
attracted considerable attention at tho
express ofllco this morning They wore
being shipped from Breghton Col to
E 11 Benedict of ONeill this state
Tho east bound Union Pacific freight
mot with an accident yesterday between
and Winsido that delayed
traffic for several hours A flange ou
ouo of tho wheels broke and a truck was
derailed which splintored up some
ties and spread the rails Tho train
was delayed until a now truck could be
received from Sioux City and tho dam
ago to tho traok repaired No ouo was
injured and tho damage was slight
The Loyal Mystic Legion of America
held a special meeting last Monday
evening at which a number of candi
dates were initiated into tho mysteries
of the order After the initatory exor
cise refreshments were served and a
social and fraternal timo was had Sev
eral candidates have been reported foi
the next regular meeting Monday even
ing March 25 The work has been in
charge of Deputy W E Arnold of
A census of the town is being taken
under tho auspices of members of the
First Baptist church Tho object of tho
census is to ascertain how many citizens
are members of the churches how
many children each family has and
what Snnday school they attend Tho
city is being thoroughly canvassed
and it is expected that some in
teresting statistics will bo compiled
Citizens can materially aid in the work
by giving prompt aud intelligent at
tention to the canvassers
The team of H A Pasowalk which
was attached to a new lumber wagon
ran away yesterday The wagon was
occupied by Herman Nenow and Clias
Brubaker who were returning from
Mr Pasewalks place Bouth of tho city
Tho tongue of the wagon was broken in
some manner when the horses had at
tained a good speed and the end at
tached to the wagon ran into the ground
raising it up and tipping it over The
men were thrown out and while Bru
baker escaped without serious injury
Nenow si ffered a broken leg
Hennesy Leroylo and his company
gave a highly creditable performance
last night at the Auditorium when
Other Peoples Money E O Townes
oomedy success was presented The
production is full of genuine wit minus
the smut and insinuations vhich charac
terize many so called modern comedies
andjthe parts were well handled Tho
play was along the same lines as some
of the old time comedies which many
people are old fashioned enough to be-
lieve are superior in every sense to tho
modern productions Mr Leroyle as
Hutchinson Hopper of tho Chicago
Board of Trade was moBt clever in act
ing his part and J Charles Haydon as
Oliver Starbird Hoppers clerk was
deserving of especial mention although
every member of the cast performed
artistically The stage settings were
excellent The attendance was fairly
good and audience appreciative
Opening March 27 at Dnrlands
Choice veal at Earos
Miss E J Bender is represented in
todays issue with a new millinery ad
vertisement which should receive the
attention of those who contemplate pur
chasing anything in her line this season
Hardings caeamery butter at Gliss
Wasted A girl for general house
work Mrs J B Barnes
Fine mutton at Earos
Wild ducks at Glissmans
For Sale A team of horses weigh
ing about 1300 pounds each new
wagon harness and two seated surrey
Call on E D Perry Norfolk Juuctiou
Six lots in The Heights 80 each
S L Gardner
Goods at Thompsons at cost must
be sold this month Call aud get prices
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odioivs Sen
Smnll Amount f HtlftltieM TrHiMict il li
the fit 1iitlmra
Tho city connoil mot in regular session
last evening with Mayor Robertson and
Connclluion Ummimiud Degner Grant
Hookman Spollnian and Uhlo present
Absent Bullock
Minutes of tho regular mooting of
March 7 were read aud approved
Tho auditing committee reported back
as correct tho treasurer reports for
January and February and tho report
of tho polioo judge for Fobrnaiy
Tho public works committee rojtorted
worlc ou tho pumps nt tho waterworks
station as very slow and unsatisfactory
and wore of tho opinion that tho pump
was really in worse condition than
before tho work began
On motion tho mayor was anthori7od
toapioint n conunltteo of three council
mon to confer with Mr Bullock and
Instruct him to return the parts of the
pump which had been taken away aud
to fix it at once
Tho mayor appointed as such commit
too Uhlo chairman Brummnud and
Bond of L Vet7ol as engineer at the
waterworks waB presented and on mo
tion was accepted and approved
Moat for a good Sunday dinner should
bo ordered of Euro
Choice quality Rock Spiings pea
Rock Springs lump and nut
Hanua lump nud nut
IlliuoiB lump
Hocking Valley lump
And all sizes of hard coal at Salters
Wild ducks at Glissmans
Dressed chickens and ducks at Karos
moat market
Mrs Diltz was a city visitor yesterday
from Pierce
O S Aodick of Pender wns in town
last ovening
S R Hill of Battle Creek was in the
city last ovening
Mrs A J Blllerbeck of Osmond was
in tho city yesterday
Mrs H A Drebert was a passenger
for Omaha this morning
N S Raymond of Creighton was a
Norfolk visitor over night
Mrs Shippee of Tilden i6 visiting her
son Will at South Norfolk
Alex A Altschuler was a Norfolk
guest from Omaha yesterday
Mrs Wm Seymour of Omaha is vis
iting with relatives in the city
Geo W Talbot and Roy Talbot of
Fullerton wore in Norfolk yesterduy
Misses Nellie and Jessie Howe have
returned from a three months visit in
Otto II Maass of Battle Creek waB
circulating through Norfolk streets yes
terday iw -
Ed Jenkins came up from Columbus
last nighttovisit his brother C D
J N Bundick returned from St lPaul
yesterday jWherehe had been in theiu
terestof the 6ugar lactory
Mrs Tom Sheean who has been visit
ing Mrs LVMrBeoler returned to her
home in Fremont this morning
E M Norton will leave tonight for
LuskiWyoming where he will put an
acetylene lighting system in the resi
dence of Thomas iiell
O H Birch and J W Ashburn of
Tilden wore Norfolk visitors yesterday
Mr Ashburn is the gentleman who
singlo honded captured the three Elgin
Judge J B Barnes returned from a
trip to Lincoln last night Ho was ac
companied by his son Eim who has
been under the weather and will recu
perate at home
Miss Martha Millc who has been
visiting her sister Mrs W Schroeder
left today for her borne in Zumbrota
Minn Mrs Sohroeder accompanied her
and will visit several months
Ira L Hungerford formerly connected
with the Times Tribune of this city
now circulation and advertising man
ager of the Dcadwood Pioneer Times
was in the city today greeting old
friends He is here to attend the trial
of his case against the Times Tribune
company which goes over to an equity
term of the district court
Fresh Baltimore oysters select and
standard at Glissmans
Pork and beef of the best quality at
Choice veal at Glisemans
Ed Jenkins came up from Columbus
There are still a few cast of scarlet
foyer about town
Dave Wallace the small pox patient
is reported as nearly well
Ernest Luebke of Battle Crook was
visiting his cousin Deputy Cloik Heil
man Wednesday
Mrs O A Swallow came up from
Humphrey Wednesday for a few days
visit with her parents
Tho county assessors met with the
commissioners Tuesday all being pres
ent but Geo Connolly of Battlo Creek
District court convened Wodncsday
noon The case of Driving Park associ
ation vs Box was continued Case of
guardianship of Hannah unibino ap
peal from comity court was ready for
trial Thursday morning
Waller Mead has po far recovered
from his recent illness as to lo able to
sit up a short timo each In v Ills
brother Edgar who has been hero for
several weeks departed for his home in
Bolvidoro 111 Monday
In tho case of State against Charles
Parks tho jury returned a verdict of
guilty Saturday morning Court then
adjourned until Wednosdny noon Tho
case of State against Gilt Wright for tho
same offense Is ox pooled to coine up for
trial next Monday
Tho county commissioners met In ad
journed session Monday Bids for a
now stool bridge at tho foot of Norfolk
avo 2l feet roadway and a plxfoot side
walk aud all bridges for tho year were
opened and tho bid of Canton Bridge
Co of Canton Ohio accepted
Ira L Hungerford formerly of Nor
folk but now of Doadwood was in town
Tuesday looking after tho collection a
judgment of between sjl00 and 100
which ho has against tho Norfolk Print
ing Co lately decided in his favor by the
district court allllmilng the judgement
of the county judge
Boiled ham nt Olissutuus
1 F Webster Sundaycd in Platte
James Barker has opened a blacksmith
shop on Main street
Two of Nato Rowletts children huvo
the whooping cough
Maurice Curbcrry returned Tuesdny
from a visit in Iowa
Mrs O M Mooro went to Pierce
Monday to visit friends
MrB Charles May went to Falls City
Saturday to see her mother who is seri
ously ill
Henry Wagner from Hooper bos
routed and moved onto a farm two miles
northwest of town
S S Haymnn state mannger of tho
M B A and Deputy L M Wolfe
visited tho lodgejioro last Friday evou
While we aro waiting for the flowers to
bloom wo will sell
In the Newest Designs aud at the Low
est Prices
We carry a com
plete line of High
Grade Groceries
There is scarcely a 3
thing in the whole i
Grocery linethat you t
cant find here and
we keep them fresh
and clean too
We have just re
ceived a lot of H J
Heinz Food Prod- x
ucts acknowledged
to be the best See t
X them in our window
Kn nfl EACH I 22 lots well locat
4uUUU od at the Junction in this
city for sale at T000 each A SNAP
nf PER ACRE 60 acres of
OPt IUU first class HAY LAND
within two miles of Norfolk at f 5000
per acre
I U MENT A good business proper
ty on Main street between 4th and 5th
streets at a prico that will pay 10 per
cent on tho investment
We extend you a cordial invitation to wilness
tho working of tho
iront Majestic Stool and Malleable Iron Range
at our store
ovcry day from March 25 to March 10
Wo will show you how to bake biscuits brown
top Jind bottom in throe minutos
how to cook with ono half tho fuel you are now using
and show you an article
that if pi porly used will last a lifetime
Hot Coflennnd lliseuil served JJ MOOItlO
i very day dining the
exhibition Norfolk Nob
With each Great Majestic Range sold during
this sale wc will actually give Free
1 18 oz all Copper Majestic Tea Kettle worth 150
I No h Steel Enameled Pot and Cover 135
1 No It Steel Enameled Pot and Cover 150
2 Patent Marble Enameled Pudding Pans 00
1 Sot Drip PaiiH fully finished 75
2 Solid Stool Kliillotii i 80
I Steel Griddle 50
I Heep Pattern I Me Plates 20
Oomeslic f wBdB0sry I Standard
Sewing Machines
Domestic S Standard I
Also a full line of Baby Carriages
Hoffman Smith
Easter Novelties
for Easter Novelties nnd the greatest line of Season
able Practical Reliable Dependable Millinery we
have ever shown
vA fVt Xvvvi Avlvv
f announces a special display of Pattern Hats Bonnets
and Millinery Novelties on
Wednesday Thursday
Friday and Saturday
March 27 to 30
The trimmed designs will embrace many Genuine
French Patterns together with a superb collection of
Miss Korkows designs
A cordial invitation is extended to the public to
visit these Special Exhibitions of Headgear
Open Evenings on the
Dates of the Display