The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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X traim Woumnn Club Iloliln an Oprn MrrU
iliK nml Tlinno Imniit Duviili mi
1 Afternoon to Art Topic
Tho Womans rlnb hold an open meet
ing Momlny nftornoon nt the homo of
Mrs Blrohnrd with nbout 7ft Indies
yrrsont This was mi nrt meeting niul
tho papers and pictures with tho oxcop
Hon of tho Madonnas nil represented
American nrt
Tho wills of tho various rooms woro
covered with Illustrations of tho differ
ent brnuohos of nrt In tho halls woro
noon plotnros representing sculpture nnd
illustrating The walls of tho first par
3or woro covered with studies and
photogravures representing American
painting Hero wero nlso to bo soon
many beautiful pieces both In oil and
water oolors painted by Iho hostess her
self A collodion of MndonunH adorned
tho wnlls of the second parlor
At II oclock tho meeting was called to
order by itho vlco president who in a
fow woll chosen words stated tho ob
ject of tho mooting
Tho first numlior on the program waH
music a duet by Mesdamos Hazon and
vSSuydor This was followed by n papor
on American sculpture by Mrs Taft
which showed caroful prnparation1
After hoaring bucIi a papor one cannot
hut feel proud of tho progress that
America has made in this branch of art
since its beginning about a century ago
At tho Paris exposition American
pculpturo took moro prl7es and medals
thou that of any country oxcopt Franco
und America oxhlbited tho work of only
41 sculptors while Franco exhibited tho
work of 100
Mrs liirchurd road a papor on paint
ing which Bhowod hdw thoroughly she
understood hor snbjoct From t ho papor
it was learned that American artists
while possibly not bo numerous as thoso of
eomo Knropoau countries nro doing
work which Is not surpassed by any
Jand or school
Mrs Utrohards papor showed much
originality Tho uoxt number on tho
program was a trio sung by Mosdames
Green Snyder and Utter
Mrs Hazen road a dolightful paper on
IMadonuas written by Mrs Russol of
Glonwood la in whioh wero described
tho various classes of Madonnas of
which thoro nro flvo Tho Sistiuo Ib
anost admired of all
Mrs Woatherby read a paper on il
lustrating This paper was especially
interesting from tuo fact that it dealt
with a subject which all can appreciate
We are in constant touch with illustrat
ing for the timo has como when fow
books or magazines aro comploto with-
out tho touch of tho artists hand Our
beautiful country affords bouutifnl ma
terial in scenery for this branch of art
Mrs Weathorbys papor gave an ac
count of tho evolution of tho art of
illustrating during tho past century
Tho closing number on tho program
was a most beautiful solo by Mrs Green
which was enjoyod by all
At the close of tho program light re
freshments wero served in tho dining
room whioh was appropriately decorated
with pottod plants lighted candles and
decorations in club colors
1 Each guest was presented with a
small pallet und brush us a souvenir of
the occasion
John Goosly was in town from Hos
JriuB yesterday
W T Graham was in Norfolk Mop
day from Laurel
W W Day was a city visitor yester
day from Wiusido
A L IIowinoB was a vieitor over
night from Wayne
S L Filk was a Norfolk guest over
sight from Humphrey
J W Risk was a city visitor
JBattle Creek over night
Mrs U E Foster returned to
homo in Plaiuview yestcrdny
S A Kilpatrick and daughter of Mad
ison wero in Norfolk last night
Postmaster P F
Sprecher was a pas
senger for Lincoln at noon today
Photographer O P Miohael mado a
trip to and from Stanton yesterday
Sheriff Geo W Loeey of Madison
had ofiicial business in Norfolk yester
Jkliss Ethel Long who has been very
ill for tho past two weeks is much im
P O Faulspiok and K E McBary
were in town over night from Clear
Dr Frank Salter has purchased the
O G Somers residence property on
South Twelfth Btreet
Mrs J T Lindsay of Niobrara who
has been the guest of Mrs S H Long
Jeffc today for Council Bluffs la
H E Sidler Walter Leach and J W
and F G Vuucleave were Norfolk
guests from Fallerton over night
Judge and Mrs Powers went to Mnd
ison today tho judge to attend court
and Mrs Powers to visit Mrs Willis
Mrs D 0 Harrington who lives on
Philip avenue between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets is very sick with
O H Withey f Fremont represent
ing the Nye Buchanan Commission
company of South Oniahn was in tho
city yesterday on business
Tho nhnanao says spring begins to
morrow morning at 1 oclock but tlion
tho almauao doesnt know everything
any moro than docs Hev Irl Hicks
Mapes llas on will soon vacato their
presont ofllco rooms in the Loonnrd
block nnd will movo into tho Mast
block Mr and Mrs IiConard will oc
cupy tho rooms over tho drug htoro
O I Hamstreet leaves tonight for
Crawford Nebraska at which plaoo
Mrs Hamstreet nnd tho ohlldron will
romaln until Juno while Mr Hamstreet
will go on to Wyoming
Hoy Hight returned laRt night from 11
visit near lndopondonoo lown Horr
porta that whon ho loft tho weather
was very spring like with rain thunder
and lightning as features
Mrs ltudat wont to Wost Point today
and Mrs Asmus will go down Saturday
Thoy go to assist In tho colebration of
tho birthday of thoir mother Mrs
Kredoriok Koch which will take placo
Miss Mead of Chicago has arrived to
take tho position of trimmer with Dnr
laud Bisters during tho present season
Hho was oxpeoted somo days ago but has
boon delayed by sickness Miss Mead
has had an oxporieuco of flvo years as
trimmer in Chicago
Hoffman Smith aro soon to movo
thoir furniture stock into tho Mapes
building at presont occupied by G M
Thompsons grocery store Work is to
bo commoncod at ouco of constructing a
brick addition in tho rear of tho Btoro
room tho size of tho addition to bo -10
by 85 foot
M O Burnett and his gnng of bridge
buildors left for Columbus today and
will build a bridge across tho Losoko
croek at that placo As soon as that
contract is complotod the gang will re
turn to Norfolk nnd construct a bridge
aoroRS tho North Fork rivor this sido of
tho croamory
Tho examination of tho classes for
confirmation nt the Luthornu churches
will take placo next Sunday nnd tho
confirmation ceremonies will bo hold on
tho Sunday following tho illst Tho
class in Christ church consists of 18
young pooplo while in St Paul church
tho class has 21 members
Tho villago marshal of Croighton in
search of tho horso nnd buggy stolon
Monday night from W H BnttorDold
Son wont to Noligh yesterday and
thoro found tho rig tho horso having
beou turned loose on tho streets Tho
thlof or thieves had successfully made
their escapo but evidently found it
nocossary to abandon the horse nnd
Somo Fromontors do Jnot like the
Salvation Army n little bit ltecoutly
tho mooting of that organization was
adjourned because someone had placed
a ploco of tin on tho top of tho chimney
and tho Army was smoked out At nu
other timo thoir electric lights wero
stolon Sunday night a brick was
thrown through tho platn glass window
of tho building in which tho meetings
aro held and another wns tossed through
a panel in tho rear door barely missing
Mrs ltoshou who was reading from tho
pulpit The fcllowH responsible for tho
attack will undoubtedly bo punished if
apprehended as Mayor Yaughau de
clares that Any religious meeting is
eutitlod to the fullest poBsiblo protec
Tho lecturo on liqnid air and experi
ments with tho substance on tho even
ing of tho JMth will undoubtedly be one
of the most interesting features of the
North Kebraskn Teachers association to
bo held hero the last week in this month
Interest iuthis curious scientific produc
tion has been revived hero since it has
boon known that the people of Norfolk
aud vicinity would havo an opportunity
of learning moro about it by hoaring its
qualities explained by an expert aud his
talk illustrated by demonstrations A
harmloss appearing liquid that will boil
ou a cake of ice freeze a flame over
whioh it is placed convert alcohol aud
morcury into a Bolid freeze tin and cop
per until it is brittle as glass and ac
complish other wonders not only ex
cites the curiosity of the people but is
worth investigating and the attendance
at the entertainment will undoubtedly
be largo
Tho weather for the last 24 hours has
been anything but springlike and winter
has been asserting his right to linger in
the lap of spring with a vigor that ad
mits of no dispute Tho wind from the
north commoncod to blow Monday and
has continued siuco often with the
velocity of a gale LaBt oveniug the
weather was as blizzard like as it has
been any time this winter The wind
was icy cold and considerable suow fell
which was blown into drifts along with
the dust of tho streets The meroury
has fallen steadily and last night it
reached the minimum of six degrees
The weather is particularly disagreeable
in that people generally have thoir
thoughts set on spring aud aro anxious
to have the balmy season ushered in
without unnecessary delay There is
one thing for which all may have reason
to bo thaukful however aud that is that
the dovolopmout of fruit blossoms has
been delayed Ordinarily a few warm
days lu early spring serves to open tho
bnds aud thoy are nipped by tho uext frost
following with disastrous results to the
fruit crop It is not too late for that to
S5So IVTL ti ZaT 1 autttfrV wiA1i4lll1tV31
- -- - -
happon yet and n fow days liko last
Sunday would havo dono tho dnmngo
but with this sovoro cold snap now on it
may keop cold nntil warm woather
comes to stay Thoso who nro fond of
fruit will hopo that this spring may
prove an exception to tho general rulo
and that fruit such as is raised hero
will bo abundant
Frank McCnllnm drove to Battlo
Creek last Sundny
Itov G W Damon was a Battlo
Crook visitor Friday
Mrs Wm Crooko is very sick with
inflammatory rheumatism
Owen Wndo of Battlo Oreok mado a
business trip to this city Monday
Nellie Luton visited at Tildeu from
Friday oveniug to Sunday evening
Tho markets Wheat Jill oats 20
shell corn 2lj car corn 2f ryo 15
Bud Lowls shot a good sized wolf on
hiB fathers farm hiBt Friday morning
Miss Huby Lewis and Bud Lowin
drove to Tlldou to spond tho Sabbath
Prlncipnl Walter Pilger spent Satur
day and Suuday at his homo in Norfolk
Miss Lizzie Hopkins of Tildeu visltod
In this burg last Monday and Tuesday
the guest of Nollio Luton
Tho residence of Dr Kindred is Hear
ing completion When flulshod it will
bo as cozy us any in tho city
Homer McDonald enmo down from
Tildeu Saturday and visited relatives in
thiB city till Sunday oveniug
Improvements aro boing mado on tho
building occupied by Tho Pross in tho
shape of an addition to tho rear end
Mr and Mrs Ed Burnham and
daughter Fay of Tildon wero tho
guests of Mr aud Mrs Wm McDonald
Sunday afternoon
Tho public school of this city close to
day for a woeks vacation This gives
our teachers an opportunity to attend
tho northeastern association whioh will
bo hold at Norfolk March 27 28 and 29
Notwithstanding the stormy weather
tho show entitled Johnsons Black
Oddity was grooted by a full house
last Monday ovoning Barring a fow
vulgarities most of the audience seemed
well pleased
Mr Frank Stilwell has sold his
butchor business to A O Johnson tho
lntter to tako possession on tho first of
April Mr Stilwell will not remain in
Meadow Grovo though ho does not know
just where he will locate
Or Iiitret to Gnrilenera
Vicks Garden and Floral Guide for
1001 is a masterpiece of tho printers art
and will be sent freo to all customers of
180 aud 1000 and to others who request
it It is issued by James Vicks Sons of
Rochester N Y successors of their
father who started in the sood business
in 184 Tho firm has been always uni
form and reliable and persons contem
plating the planting of a flower and
vegetable garden will do well to consult
them The Gnido always handsome is
this year prettier than ever and is as its
namo indicates a reliable guide to
gardeners aud farmers The beautiful
lithographed covers oncloso a compre
hensive cataloguo 6f staple seeds and
novelties and is illustrated with hand
some half tone pictures of Mowers o
vegetables produced from the seeds
propagated by the Arm It is a work
that caunot be appreciated without be
ing seen and is so easily acquired that no
one should be without it It will assist
in making plans for tho spring aud
summer garden work Address at once
James Vicks Sons Rochester N Y
At A ltlpe Old Age
Mrs Wilhelmiua Wetzel aged 82
years died laBt evening at 8 oclock at
tho home of her 6onLudwig Wetzel on
East Norfolk avenue from old age
Tho funeral will be held from Christ
Lutheran church Rev J P Mueller
officiating tomorrow afternoon at 1
oclock and the remains will bo interred
in tho cemetery east of the city
The deceased has lived in Norfolk
during tho past 20 yerrs nino years of
which she has made her home with her
She was born atDnbor Germany and
came to this country in 1881 She
leaves five children two in Germany
and three in this country besides a
largo number of grandchildren and sev
eral great grandchildren
August Pribbernow is another son
who besides Mr Wetzel makes Nor
folk his home
Tho sympathy of many friends is ex
tended the bereaved family
Goshen 111 Geuesse Pure Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
since a paokago of yourGrain O prepar
ation was loft at my ofllco I took it
home and gave it a trial and I havo to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java aud Mocha in our
family hut I am tree to say I liko tho
Grain 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jacksok M D
The Norfolk Nursery
Sells ssed potatoes pure Early Ohio
Six Weeks Early Triumph and Early
Peach Blows Also ash box elders
elm and maple 8 to 12 feet high
Cherry applo plum trees aud small
fruit plants forest trees seedlings roso
bushes flowering shrubs aud overgreous
Call ou or address E D Hammond
Norfolk Nebraska
VSHAiw 1vk iS5 rUWtr
itTf sfT7 V jTBtE ra
Al Pilger of Pilger was in Norfolk
last ovoning
O E Burnham was down from Til
don yesterday
F S Lambort was in tho city Tues
day from Gordon
Tonight is tho regular meeting night
of tho city council
G A Eborly was in the city from
Stanton yestcrdny
F II Walter represented Wakefield
in Norfolk yesterday
L V Johnson of Lincoln wne a
visitor yesterday
J P Nuhalo was a Norfolk visitor
ycatorday from Atkinson
F W Book returned last night from
a business trip to Lincoln
Ex Judgo Douglas Cones was in tho
city yesterday from Pierce
Arthur Luudbeig was a Norfolk vis
itor over night from Wayne
J R Guruoy of Wiusido had business
to transact in Norfolk Tuesday
Tho wind of Tuesday overturned somo
of tho Bidowalks at tho Grant school
Mr aud MrB Slg Schavland camo up
from Madison last night to see Norfolk
D J Kocnistolu democratic candi
date for mayor of Norfolk went to
Madison today
Miss Nottio Lowe of The News force
is at homo sick with a threatened at
tack of pnoumoniu
County Surveyor W H Lowe went to
Madison yesterday to testify on a case
before tho district court
County Superintendent O W Cruin
is over from Madison today on business
connected with his position
Mrs S F Sharpless went to Laurel
yestorday to attend a missionary meet
ing of tho Presbyterian church
Judge J F Boyd was in the city yes
terday on hiB way from Oak dale to Mad
ison to preside at district court
Miss Lizzie Sommler entertained a
fow young lady friends Inst evening nt
Her home on North Tenth street
J W Smith who travels for Haley
Co of Sioux City is sick with pneumonia
at hiB homo on Madison avenue
Farmers at Beemer hud commenced
to sow wheat but the work was
abandoned when tho blizzard struck
Mr and Mrs W S Edeus of Verdigre
have a new daughter born last Thurs
day morning Its weight was four
The work of remodeling the second
floor of the Marquardt block for the use
of the Elks for lodge purposes has com
Mrs W H Clark returned today
from Lincoln where she went as a dele
gate to the grand lodge Ladies of the
H W Winter has returned from
Madison where he has been attending
a session of the board of county com
E W Hayes of Indianapolis Ind is
expected hero tonight on tho 9 oclock
train to visit his parents Mr and Mrs
S W Hayes
E P Wentherby has removed his law
ofllco from the Marquardt block to tho
rooniB in tho Mast block formerly occu
pied by Geo A Latimer
Mies Agnes Fiere of tho Johnson Dry
Goods company returned last night from
Wisner where Bho went to attend the
funeral of her grandmother
The Fremont teachers went in a body
to Omaha recently to visit the schools
of the metropolis and get pointers on
teaching tho young idea how to shoot
Gottleib Heckman is still very low
with pneumonia at his home on Madi
son avenue and it is understood that but
Blight hopes of his recovery are enter
Arthur Hansen has recently returned
to his homo in Fromont after a year and
a half service in the Philippine islands
He brought back a number of interest
ing relics
Honnesy Leroylo and hiB company
havo arrived in Norfolk and will present
Other Peoples Money at the Audi
torium this evening They bri ng a large
amount of special scenery
Meadow larks and other spring birds
are in evidence again today and their
oheery notes contain no complaint of
the rather severe spell of squaw winter
to which they have been subjected
H H Patterson bos resigned his posi
tion as president of the Norfolk Tontine
association and he desires to have the
public understand the fact that he baB
severed all connection with that associa
The murder trials of Rhea Gardner
and Darrell recently completed nt Fre
mont have cost Dodge county almost
3600 It was rather expensive but the
riddanco of tho gang is undoubtedly
worth all it codts
Barnhill Ramsay have rented the
small building at tho corner of Norfolk
avenue aud Sixth street formerly occu
pied as a shoo Bhop by F II Gruenwald
aud will open up a stock of wall paper
aud paints therein
The contract for tho erection of tho
now Main street steel bridgo across
the North Fork has been let by the
conuty commissioners to tho Canton
Bridge compauy of Canton Ohio of
which John W Towle of Omaha
- 5
is agent Tho matorinl hus been
ordorod nnd wotk will begin as soon as
it arrives
Nowman Grovo Herald Peter
hors family certainly havo had thoir
Bfmro or nfHlotion this winter Small
pox has now mado its nppoarnnco thoro
Young Tom is tho nftlictod ono It is
said to boa mild caso TIiIb caso 1b
about twelvo miles northoast of this
town It is nenror Lindsay and not
much fnrthor from Madison than from
Nowman Grovo and can as fairly bo
considered belonging to either of thoso
places as this
Eggs nt tho rato of two enra n week
have been bhlppod from tho Dexter cold
Btorago horo to Lowell Mas Ono car
load wns shipped today A car contains
155 cases and each caso contains 10
dozon eggs so that a carload is 13050
dozen or 103800 eggs Tho hens in tho
territory tributary to Norfolk nppoar to
havo boon doing their full duty when
thoy furnish J27G00 eggs a week
through 0110 firm to eastern consumers
bosideB supplying all local demands
Pierce Lender A special train con
slsting of fourteen double dock cars
londod with sheep left Pierce Tuesday
afternoon There wore 8000 head in
tho train load and belonged to Zimmer
man Arnot who hnvo been wintering
a largo number of sheoD on tho Duff
ranch north of town This takes about
half tho bunch nnd tho romainder will
bo shipped later on Thoy go to Omaha
where thoy will bo inspected and then
reshipped to Rockford Illinois John
uoii ana Lew Aimer wont alone to look
after them
Scribner News Mr and Mrs Wm
Huebner who conduct tho Huobnor
house nt Hot Springs S D arrived in
Scribner Monday morning and viBitod
with friends until tho next day On ao
oount of their limited timo they were
not ablo to call on all their acquaintances
although they much desired to do so
Whilo at Hooper thoy received notice of
tho death of thoir nephew Henry
Huebner a young merchant of Hadnr
The information however did not
reach them until after the funeral had
taken place
Tbo small dwelling second east of the
North Fork river bridgo on Norfolk
avenue was destroyed by fire about 10
oclock last night An alarm was
turned in and the department responded
promptly but as the property was out
side tho water limits tho hose companies
could do no good and did not therefore
go over with their carts The hook and
ladder truck was hauled over but the
company could do nothing toward sav
ing the building It had been occupied
by a family up to a week or ten days
ago but has been vacant since The
origin of the fire is a mystery but in
cendiarism is strongly hinted at as there
was a plainly distinguishable smell of
coal oil in tho vicinity The property
belonged to Carl Asmus and there was
no insurance on tho building Mr
Asmus however does not put an esti
mate on the loss as it has never been of
value to him He thinks that perhaps
the loss is the greater to the poor people
who havo occupied it from time to time
paying for the privilege little or no rent
Ho is inclined to believe that the fire
was an accidental one Btarted by
children or tramps
An Kxtract from Ucr Letter
If you could only bo here this winter
morning nnd see for yourself you would
no longor doubt me Roses are bloom
ing in our front yard and all naturo is
ns far advanced in this lovely American
summerland as it will be in your cold
eastern home by June
Wo made the journey from Missouri
rivor to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes
an important item in tho winter A
trip to California is made delightful by
the perfect service and luxurious ac
commodation of The Overland Limited
which is perhaps tho most finely
equipped train in tho world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Juneman Agent
Every Tuesday in March and April
tho Union Paoiflo will soil tickets from
Nebraska and Kansas points at the fol
lowing greatly reduced rat9s
To California San Francisco Los
Angeles San Diego including all main
lino points north California State line
to Cdlton San Beruandino and San
Diego 2500
To Utah Idaho Oregon Montana
Washington Ogden and Salt Lake
City Utah Butte and Helena Montana
Portland Ore Spokane Wash Ta
coma and Seattle Wash f 3500
Full information cheerfully furnished
ounppllcatiouby F W Juneman Agent
Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bossndor to Great Britain on the career
and character of Abraham Lincoln his
early lifo hiB early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
tho later years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed bis name so
high on the worlds roll of honor and
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee cfc St Paul Railway aud may
be had by sendiug six 0 cents in jost
ago to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
Jell O The New Dessert
pleases allthe family Four flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
J Try it today
Burned District Embraces Two
Square Blocks
llrnwery Iro IIiiuapj Aincrlrnn Car anil
rounilry Ktpnlr Shop nnd Tlfty llox
Cnr tnmtuiiiril Spnrk From a railing
LliKlne Slnrti DWnstrom Hlnzc
St Louis March If Perhaps tho
most disastrous lire in the history of
the southslde yesterday burned the leo
storage plant of tho Anheuser Busch
Brewing company the repair shop of
the American Car nnd Foundry com
pany together with a number of box
cars the factory of Stule Co pickle
inunufacturers live rooming houses
and n number of small sheds The
total dnuinge Is estimated nt 100000
the greater part of which is covered by
Insurance Two 111011 employes of tho
American Car and Foundry compnny
were Injured but not seriously The
burned district embraced two square
blocks bounded by Kcpp Utah First
nnd Kosciusko streets
The tire broke out nt 3225 In one of
the Anheuser Busch Ice houses nil of
which are connected A spark from a
passing switch engine is credited with
having Ignited strnw In tho loft
While the lire was In progress a stiff
southeast wind blew across the river
from tho Illinois side fanning tho
flames and making the work of the fire
men an exceedingly difficult one Piles
of lumber adjacent to the stornge
house quickly ignited causing n heat
tlint wns Intense The wind blew
great clouds of smoke Into the faces
of the firemen Several valuable build
ings which escaped damage were
seriously threatened By far the
greater danger attached to buildings
more remote from tho scene of de
struction but In the direct line of the
wind For miles the river levee Is
fronted with lumber yards factories
nnd warehouses while on tho railroad
tracks with their numerous switches
were scores of box cars ninny of them
loaded with lumber nnd other material
which would make rich food for thc
flnmes The high wind lifted burning
embers aud carried them for blocks
to the northwest terrorizing residents
nnd several times the department was
compelled to divide Its force In nn
Fwer to reports of the igniting of fires
elsewhere No buildings not in the Im
mediate path of the flames suffered
damage however although cautious
residents and business men ns far
away as six blocks from the scene re
moved goods nnd furnishings from
dwellings nnd stores in a fear that tho
fire would develop Into a widespread
Following Is a llt of the losses
Anheuser Busfh Ice stornge plant
37000 American Car and Foundry
companys car shed 910000 0 old box
cars belonging to the Anheuser Busch
nnd William 7 Lemp Brewing com
panies 2000 Stulo Cos plant
SOOO flvo rooming houses 15000
Tho St Louis Steam Forge nnd Iron
works woro destroyed by fire nt mid
night Loss 100000
Only Ten llnllilliiKs In A Hinge of Memphis
Loft StnuilliiGr
Seymour lnd March 19 The en
tire village of Memphhi a place of 500
inhabitants and located 15 miles south
of here was destroyed by fire yester
day and many of the people are with
out shelter or food The property loss
Is over 150000
The lire started from n spark from
Ilaus stnve factory and In less than
nn hour the entire town wns In flames
Many head of cattle nnd several
horses were burned Seventy five
dwellings were burned nnd only ten
wore left standing Several hundred
persons were sheltered last night Jn
farm houses and barns but scores
were obliged to remain up all night
from lack of shelter
is hard enough as
it is It is to her that
we owe our world
and everything
should be made as
easy as possible for
ner at tne time
childbirth This
is just what
will do It will make
babys cominir easv
9 jvk
r 1 -v tit
and painless and that without tak
ing dangerous drugs into the sys
tem It is simply to be applied to
the muscles of the abdomen It
penetrates through the skin carry
ing strength and elasticity with ft
It strengthens the whole system and
prevents all of the discomforts of
The mother of a plumb babe in
Panama Mo says I have used
Jer na and can Ira5se t
Get Mothers rriend at the
Drug Store 1 per bottle
The Bradfield Regulator Co
Write for our free illustrated book
Before Daby is Born