1 1 rt r B YOU DID It food to wander luck agilB Auong the old home tolVi It rnther rtthflct t nun To hm the same oM Joke iA To her somebody nay 1 kneir V You when ou wire t kid But onie on telli ou of The foollili things you did Tour heart beat lighter aa It did In long forgotten days When at ome well remembered ipot Reflectively you gate But It aeemi queer that ill jour good And noble deed are hid And people only call to mind The foollili things you did They talk of others whove gone out Into tome foreign land They tell of things these other folks lme done and they tetm grand But when It comes to talk of ou Their minds cannot be rid Of the belief youd like to hear 4 The foolish things ou did Tou know youre done a thing or two Which show jouve got some sense But etery time they talk of jou Theyre certain to commence With tales of What a fool you were When you lived here a kldj They hae forgotten all except The foolish things 5011 did Baltimore American WoHoHoHonoHoHHonoHoHonoKoa IlOillGllIf o o A Tlo of Shnkortomi Ky s 2 BY ARTHUR PENDENMS ST JOHN 5 o o aoatofeofcoMoVtolritofcotooiioVtofcott The wind rose enrly that October morning anil came over the meadows shaking showers of red leaves from the elms Little Sister Cynthia came out to mo to the dairy with her Shaker bonnet pushed off her glossy hair rus tling the heaps of leaves as she walked and stopping to listen at the sound as If she liked It What are you doing child I ask ed for of late I had come to fear for her she was so young and so taken up with noticing ordinary things like the catbirds that had a nest out by the spring or the way the hills looked when they were spotted all over with shadows My heart ached sometimes when she would turn her great shining eyes to me She was sanctilied I knew but It didnt seem safe for sim ple Shaker folk to bo seeing something out of the ordinary In everyday things What am I doing Sister Caroline Why Just listening she said I dont see much sense listening to a lot of dead leaves rustllug I answer ed I always feel gloomy and uncom fortable until theyre raked up and set on fire Thats the reason I like It she said because it sounds solemn Youll And enough solemn tilings In this world without hunting up dead leaves 1 answered You are likely to hear a solemner and awf uller sound before long i What do yu mean she asked They ore getting ready to fight I said pointing over the hills Brother Paul has just told me that there Is go ing to be a great battle They will maim and murder each other How terrible she said her lips quivering Why do men do such things Before I could answer her there came the clatter of horses and a par ty of soldiers rode by with youug Henry Pendleton at their head Ah I said hes a flue lad Its a pity he was born Into wickedness to be spoiled He doesnt look wicked she said as the young officer waved his cap to us Nay Cynthia I returned my fear coming back think not of mans looks It does not become a child of the church Why I never think of him Sister Caroline she said seriously I never saw him but once or twice when he came over to the village for Brother Paul I cant even remember what he Is like except his voice when he laughs and his brown curly hair Ah my child I answered remem ber that love Is lust and leadeth to damnation Do not let the thought enter your heart Oh Sister Caroline she said with a shudder you know I could sooner bring myself to do murder than to yield to the awful lust you have told me of And she covered her eyes as If that could shut out the thought Cynthia was molding the little but- ter pats and printing them when the battle began We could hear the sound of the canuon like faroff thunder over the hills At flrpt the peals were few and far between then they grew fast er until In the middle of the afternoon when It was an angry roar sulleu like a storm In August The men were plowing In the fields and I could see them stop at the furrows end to speak to each other We women tried to go about our tasks but generally met to gether to shake our heads over the wicked men who were shooting and murdering Cynthia seemed to feel It more than all of us and when the roar grew louder shuddered aa one with a chill The sun went down In a smoky haze all red and bloody Then there was a pause the very wind stopped still and suddenly a long deep roll ran off to the south louder and fiercer than the rest Then all grew still and the darkness came on swiftly Cynthia was sitting with me and when we heard no more he breathed a high of relief and said At last As she went to get the can dles a solitary horseman clattered down the road At daybreak there were the tramp of many soldiers and the clank of arms In our peaceful village We left our break fasthalf eaten ourselves to give them fodd and drink I would have spared Cynthia for some were rough men wild eyed and smoke begrimed but she came out with the rest and even went without quailing among the wagons where the wounded lay groaning With these rode Brother Paul look lug haggard ns one who had not slept He stopped n wagon In front of Center House and bade me make his room ready for his friend Henry Pendleton How 1 exclaimed In sudden dis may Is he hurt Yea shot through the breast ho answered Cynthia paled as one suddenly dizzy and I too felt slek at heart Isnt It horrible Sister Caroline Bhe said as we went In to fix the bed Then with her usual thoughtfulnesi she offered to give up her room to the young soldier for It was larger and lighter So they carried him In and laid him on the little bed In Cynthias room It was Brother Paul himself though who left her to nurse his friend and Joined me In caring for the hungry sol diers The young man slept when the doctors left him and sitting there with her sewing she looked up from time to time at his pale face Her tender heart was touched as she watched him lying there wounded unto death So young she thought and so Rorely wounded Yea and I will pray for him And she went down on her knees by the bed her own bed all her guileless heart going out In a plea for mercy Then the young soldier opened his eyes and dazed with sleep thought the kneeling figure his sister So you have come Alice he said putting hs arm around her neck Nay site exclaimed starting up in affright It is I Sister Cynthia When I went In the next afternoon he was lying with his eyes closed smiling to himself sometimes as one In a reverie Cynthia was bending over her sewing and did not look up when he greeted me God forgive me for It but I could never look on Henry Pendleton without wishing he had been born my son There was a tak ing way about everything that lie did Just the way he wished you good morn ing was enough to put you in a good humor all day We had so many wounded soldiers left with us that I could not let thia be long out but she came back even before I finished a little sewing Sister Cynthia he said as she en tered I am going to ask you to do me a little favor I want you to write a letter to my mother for me Yea she said half breathless from her walking It was a brave letter making light of his wound and full of cheery plans for getting a leave of absence I lis tened to ills comforting love words as he urged her not to come back into the enemys country where It was danger ous It sounded new and strange to me too and I did not wonder that Cynthias hand shook Poor lad how pale he looked as he lay there I could not help smoothing his pillow as I went out Cynthia came down after awhile to mail his letter and hunted me out Sister Caroline she said seriously did you ever see my mother No child I answered a little hurt for had I not been a mother to her these 20 years and loved her more than if I had begotten her In Iniquity She turned away a few steps and then came back Sister Caroline she said you have been a mother to me and I havent loved you half enough And she put her arms around my neck and kissed me I suppose I was a foolish old woman to fold her In my arms and weep over her as I did She went back up stairs to the wounded man but Brother Paul had come In and was talking to his friend Cynthia walked slowly on to my room Paul she heard him say play for me I am sad lying here I did not know then that music was the tie of friendship between them I had never seen the violin for Brother Paul had played In secret the beautiful but ungodly songs nnd as for Cynthia she had heard only the little organ in the meeting house that Paul said was cracked and poor child It was no wonder that she fell now under tho spell of that ungodly music and heard things she had uever dreamed of It was like getting glimpses Into a new world where all the beautiful things were you had ever heard or seen But there was pain mixed with the pleas ure and It gave you a sort of yearning as he changed to a song to somebody he called Annie Laurie I am an old woman and hate ungodly music but I stood there with one foot on the step and listened like one in a spell How much more It must have meant to Cyn thia It Isnt strange the idea came to her that In some way she had missed something In life a beautiful and spir itual something altogether desirable She sat there with her eyes fixed on one cloud that was golden still In tho gray twilight and prayed to God for the unknown something So I found her when I came to see why she was late to supper Cynthia who was ever prompt in the least of her duties Tho next afternoon we wero In tho workroom down stairs when I heard Brother Pauls step Cynthia looked up at tho door twice then after he was outside got up suddenly and ran after him I wondered much for among us men and women have no needless com munication with each other I heard her call his name and he was Just at the window when she camo up breath ing quickly Brother Paul she said do you know Annie Laurie Yea he said turning quickly Why Is she very beautiful Yea he said very And I could sec a curious smile on his lips and a light In his eyes I did not notlco that Oyuthla caught her breath quickly I was so taken up with the thought that Brother Paul was In danger of that Btrauge womuu You havent told me why you ask ed he went on Then Cynthias eyes fell and sho stammered something and came back Into the house before he could answer Ho looked after her ns If he would fol low and tell her more but Instead turn ed and walked off rapidly As I was going up stairs the next morning 1 stopped on the lauding to rect for I was spent with much watch ing the night before Sister Cynthln I heard the young soldier say I must nsk you to write another letter for me I have waited hoping to gain strength myself but Ho stopped nnd I noticed that his voice was weaker Yea certainly she said ami I heard her getting the paper I am ready she added after a pause Is It to be to your mother No he nnswered and grew silent There Is such a thing as pure love he said presently A man can care for a woman for herself for the soul of her ho ran work for her Htiffer for her die for her If need be How can this pure feeling be confounded with that foul thing lust Dont you see what I mean Yea she said softly And I am not asking you to do wrong to write to her for me Nay she said and her voice sound ed far away Ah why did I not go In then Why did 1 sit there a poor weak old wom an and listen with tears In my eyes to his beautiful love words so tender and gentle and sad and brave He forgot her who wrote and spoke as though he were face to face with the other one his voice grew full and round again and the tones of It made mo tremble as I sat there on the steps When he came to close and say good by I could not hear It and stole softly back down stairs Cynthia came down presently and her lashes were still wet with tears The next morning was unnaturally still with bltH of tender blue sky be tween the fleecy mists Soon a wind blew up drawing ono wide lllmy cloud across the sky a gray cold cloud that thickening hung drearily above the empty world where the wind blus tered through leafless trees The young soldier was worse Ills breathing was slow and heavy and now and then a faint moan passed his lips Cynthia sat watching him with the lines drawn tight at her mouth and her big eyes tense 1 sent her out but soon saw her coming back across tho bleak meadows with her eyes bent to the ground He grew restless and feverish through the afternoon and talked in broken scraps about his homo and the days when lie was a boy He fell asleep at last Just as the gray day was slip ping off over the hills I went to my own room for awhile and soon I heard Brother Pauls familiar step Cynthia motioned him to a seat at the foot of the bed and presently I heard her speaking in a low voice There was something he wanted to tell you Brother Paul she said Perhaps I ought to do It for he may talk of It in his delirium She paused He cares for somebody a woman I was glad she didnt say love Yes said Brother Paul with a sud den anxiety in his deep voice He wauted you to know that his love was pure that love can be pure I know It already he said his voice trembling You She stopped suddenly Yes He paused and then was about to speak when the young soldier Interrupted Louise he said his voice clear and ringing again my dear Louise I knew you would jorne His hand was out stretched and Cynthia took It without hesitation Hurrying in I could see the peaceful look on his face as she bent over him It hurts me to breathe Louise he said presently Lift me up wont you Cynthia put her arm under him and lifted him until his head rested on her own bosom Then he drew a long breath and smiled I am going now Louise he said and raising his arm he brought her head down until her lips touched his His breath came deep and peaceful and then Cynthia unclasped his arm and laid him back on tho pillow dead but a new light shone In her face Tho unknown something had come and she knew it Louisville Courier Journal An AlnrmliiK Case Sir William Harcourt once visited a man-of-war lying off the Hampshire coast After dinner the weather prov ing rather rough the captain a small dapper man suggested that Sir Wil liam should sleep on board and surren dered his own berth for the night to the ex chaucellor of the exchequer Next morning tho captains sailor servant who knew nothing of tho change of berths brought a cup of cof fee to the cabin door and knocked once or twlco without receiving an answer Somewhat alarmed he opened tho cab In door and asked Dont you want your coffee this morning sir The only reply was a growl and the frightened Bailor saw a gigantic figure turn over under tho bedclothes Drop ping the coffee ho rushed to the ships surgeon exclaiming For goodness sake sir come to the captain Hes speechless and swollen to ten times tils uatural size London Tit Bits Ilnskln and Plevna George Trcvelyan mentioned that once when walking with a lady he had met Uuskln and In the hope that the latter might say something char acteristic he addressed the great man asking If he had heard the news What news was the reply Plevna has fallen Plevna I never heard of It I know nothing later than the fourteenth century Grant Duffs Notes From a Diary afttsR3kaee3JfcifesBH THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MAIM3II 1f MOI AMI Worst Storm of the Season Strikes Chicago WIRES ARE PROSTRATED Taitegriapli nuil Tttlfipltiinn nnipitlilfi til Worst NurTnrnrs ltrport From Many Ntntra luillrnta Ilrisvy Dninugn WUiutilnSiinrMat Chicago March 11 One of the worst wind storms of the season struck Chi cago Sunday and during the two hours it was at Its height damaged property throughout the city to the extent of l7r00 Many heavy plate glass win dows were blown In Telegraph and telephone companies were the worst BUffcrofH and It will be some time be fore order can be restored Thousands of poles were blown down and Chicago was practically Isolated from tho west nnd north west by telephone and tele graph all day and night The long distance telephone service was crippled so badly that It was of llttlo value 1p to a Into hour neither Mllwaukeo nor Minneapolis could be reached by long distance telephone The storm Is believed to have been most severe In southern Wisconsin Along a long Hi fetch of the Milwaukee road In southern Wisconsin ROD telegraph poles are down Ileports from many points in Indiana and Kentucky also Indi cate heavy damage from the storm The Western Union and Postal compa nies suffered severely by fallen poles it was estimated that there were not fewer than 5000 poles In the city thrown down by the fury of the wind and Htorm Telegraph service almost as far west as Omaha was stopped until late last evening Trains entering Chicago wore dolnyed from ten minutes to an hour The Burlington ami Milwaukee and StPaul companies were the worst sufferers In tills respect All tho roads suf fered damage to their tracks and switch yards At the life saving station at the mouth of the Chicago river It was considered tho worst gale that has struck Chicago harbor since ISH Tho water lashed Into fury came up to the life saving station nnd flooded the floor for the first time In 12 years Most of the shipping was protected In winter quarters so that the damage done to It was slight FATALITIESJN STORM Bcoro ur P rioin Kllli il unit Ono million Iriipfrly Loss In Tvsas Dallas Tex March 11 night deaths are now reported from tho Wills Point tornado Bculah lohuson died last night from fright She was at tho home of her father O L Johnson when the storm struck the town It W Garrett Benjamin Walters and two of J W Wllllunischildren are re ported to be dying The property loss in Wills Point is estimated at 7000 and In Vansant nnd surrounding country districts at 100000 Tho storm section extends Into Arkansas Louisiana and up tho Mississippi valley neurly to Memphis In regjons almost without wire or rail Telegraph companies aro find ing It difficult to gather details of tho storm but enough Is known on which to base estimates of property losses ap proximating 1000000 to the south eastern farming and other Interests uud at least a score of persons dead At New Boston about 1J houses wero partly wrecked and 7 L Pettus and Jasper Phillips so badly hurt that they are expected to die Railroad trains to Dallas from the storm section have been badly delayed Passengers re port extensive destruction of property along the lines Mayor Finney last night Issued a statement on the Wills Point situa tion He says nearly 100 persons are ontlrely destitute nnd are being cared for by the local authorities A relief committee has been formed At presont contributions will be asked for from Texas only If the conditions in tho country districts de velop badly the request for aid may be extended BATTLE WITH BANDITS Deputy Sheriff Killed and Oner of the High wayiiieu Wounded Milton Cnl March 11 Deputy Sheriff Holmnu of Calerva county was Bhot and killed at Wallace a small town near here In a pitched battlo with two highwaymen Ono of tho latter is reported seriously wounded Two prominent residents of Wallace were held up and robbed by the ban dits The affair being reported to the county officials here Deputy Sheriff Holmau with a small posse went to Wallace to arrest the robtiers The latter resisted and a pistol fight en ued Many shots wero exchanged Make Mot for Peace In Turf Cincinnati March 11 Tho American Turf congress has decided to hold a meeting at St Louis next Thursday when It Is expected that a new organ ization will be effected It Is said that some of tho tracks are now will ing to make peaco and reorganize the racing bodies In the west Slow Match to Keif of Tar Beresford S D March 11 An at tempted Incendiarism has been discov ered at Smith Cos lumber yard A slow match was burning Its way to a keg of tar but was discovered In time for extinguishing It Is exported tho llrebug will be apprehended TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Chicago Is threatened with a tele phono war The health of Count Tolstoi U caus ing uneasiness Tom Jenkins of Cleveland 0 chain- i i s WEST IKl - I LET NO SALZERS SEEDS H WILL MAKE YOU HIGH Thla li a taring atatement but Sol toracod bear It out Ilmo Orealeatcoruonearthfi 111 P0ltlTl roTQIutionuooora growiuc llllon Dollar Oraaa Ortctost maxTeroftbo i el I lttoua of harper acre Flrtfl crop Is waeka after aowiov What Is It Catalogue talla HI I Do1 STAMPS aaaUUNOTICK we mall bit- aaJ cataler 10 Qiala ftaaplaa tacludiaf above i rfeiu law Da par Al uaiaa 0 koaaal air al Ilue 8aarUearatlVkMiekVetaUUaauib H John AeSalMrSMtf OfcUDwH nt juulm Ki3iiL tlHut W Vr WlJrmT if 1 CHANCE SLIP 5 To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Again Twentieth Century Farmer Of fern a Number of Mnanlflocnt Prizes to those who will net ns Agents 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 2D PRIZE 500 CASH And 30 Other Cash Prizes rnngltiK from 500 to 25 TIIM TWENTIETH OENTU RY FARMER Is published by Tbt Bco Publishing Company of Omaha and Is an agricultural and fnm lly magnzlno of unusual merit There aro departments for every member of tho family special ortlclcB by men of known reputation and Illustrations will bo a prominent feature Wrlto for sample copy and ask for particulars concerning thai prl7cn q THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and this paper will be sent to you one year for TWO DOLLARS A Dual Role FASTEST TRAINS AND SHORTEST LINE Business Men and others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting the llJilOfl PACIFIC for WESTERN POINTS MISSOURI RIVER Salt Lako City To San Francisco Portland 1 o lauaocie win aaoa jm dim aliar SM4a jo will nam aa wlihaat JINM ASAUM tttD 10 UCrwMwu MaawaVaTBBBwawVaVaBfBawa THY THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING jc Hours Quiclccriliiin any oilier line jc MISSOURI RIVER I Salt Lake City 238 ACH h lc Ihan iin To San Francisco 310 otiei lno Portland 54 For time tahlcH and full information call mi F W JUNEMAN Agent Eoisoirs Phonograph p Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sing1 and talkH at well at playa and dont costal much It reproduces the music of any instrument band or orchestra tell Btorica and sins the old familiar hyiunH as well na the popular songs itb always ready fine that Mr Edisons Hignaturn is on every machine Cata logues o nil dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York plon heavyweight wrestler of the Unit ed States defeated Hall All the Ter rible Turk at SL Iouls Friday The Maryland house Friday passed to Its third reading the election bill prepared by the Democrats It dis qualifies a huge number of voters Mr lason representing the Moran Bros of Seattle Wash Friday signed at tho navy department the contract for the const ruction by that tlrm of tho battleship Nebraska William Wyetli for 10 years one of tho most prominent tlnauclers ami manufacturers of Missouri died at his home In St Joseph Friday He was many times a millionaire Copies of orders Issued by Jeneral Chaffee Just received at the war de pttrtmHiih show that the American troops in China are under tho strictest dlsclpllno and aro closely confined to tho limits under tho control of tho United States forces 1 H aaV I For 14 Cents Waraali lh totkwlni raja aaal orlll 1 fkf BIm4 TmmI Raaa 1 1 1 Martkara Ih ItoW 1 rtrlt OI IW4 10 t IaaraUGraaraeaaarHa o 1 CllrOarSaa BI BW 10 1 U Dr Kadlia BaaS 10 I LaX ataraat Ullaaa Baaf 1 BrUtaai riwtr Bat Jt Worth 100 f 14 c Abart 10 ptekafM rara dtU1i will nail ao ft tofibr viib our iraal Ultima IM CuU ittUnc all atxat ftalaara Billion Dollar Craaa AIm Gbole OaUa 8ee flOe a lb Tafalatr with Ihnoll of aarlkll taalta aa4 farra a4l gpao raclpl aM4f Koenifsteifls Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts NORFOLK 3STEB 44vs vsxsw uuUU man IAULY to Christian or woman to look aftor our growing business in this and adjoining counties to act as manager and correspondent work can bo done at your homo Enclose self addressed stumped envelope for particulars to II A Sherman Qonoral Manager Corcoran ing opposite United States ury Washington D C iPttt4tib Illinois Central H R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WINTER TOURISTS Tho Illinois Cotitrul doiiroa to cull attontioa to tlio uiioxcollixl fcirvlco tlmt is nITorod by iU linud to tliu south for tho boh son of 1899 1900 c ALI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM PorBonally conduct ed Kuna through to loa AiiKolotj ami Saa Fraucibco via Now OrlounH in cnnnnctffin EVERY WPDNPRDAY ciflc leuvins thicay unoMiMP on tho Centrals fat MORNING Sow Orleans clnl connection also mnilo by this train with daily trains out of Now Orloans for tho Iacifla oast Th3 Limifxl from Chicago ovory ovun I UK connoctB on Mondays and Thursdays at Now Orloans aftor Docombor 18 lb99 with thai SUNSET LIMITED of tho Southern Pacific giving special through serriro to San Francisco NASHVILLE THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOU IS RID VIA AND ATLANTA A Double daily serv ice is maintained ouS of St Louis via tlia Illinois Central and connecting Hues to NashvileChattanoo tfii and Atlanta thro sloonlnc car to Jack sonvillo Florida hoing carried on tho DIXIE FLYER leaving St Louis every evening This train a well as tho Day Kxpress leaving St Louis iu tho morning uro both solid trains to Nashville having through coached and sloeiiing cars run ning through Martin Tonn and tho N C St St L fty Connection via this lino for all liriuci pal points in the Southeast such as Charleston Wilmington Ail in and Suvaunah aud for all poiuts in Florida TWO SOtID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Dally from Chicago to Memphis and Now Or loans HOMESEEKKItS EXCURSIONS to certain points in tho South ou tho liuos of tho Illinois Central aud Y M V railroads will bo run ou tho first and third Tuesday of ouch mouth dur ing the winter season Full particulars concerning nil of the abort can be had of agents of tho Illinois Central oc by addressing A II Hanson U P A Chicago jti