LA XC X Y2 toavrvrvuarvrr flf i i i i i i i i t t - i q 1 X A By Woathorby Ckosnoy and Alick Munio corrotairr iron nr TfitAiiinnnr cueshky and amix muniio ILMiiiTllATlONH lir II a O0ULTAH CI1APTKU XVIU Willie nllowcd thu two Smnlinln to got linlf wnv tlio hillside uiimoliHl oil nml lliiMi ho broke out Willi n Hlirlll laugh vhloli ochocil to anil fro In the gulliit of tlio HiM piiit anil out through tin rnugod Jaws In a vtry nil nmct of discordant houikI In rnlsid a tllu which slartUil ovimi mo t hough I now kniW tliu secret of It The HpunlMils stopped gnzeit at one another with seaieil fiiccs anil looked as tliuiiKli the movenient of a leaf would make ilium turn tall ami lly Tliilr ears told them I hat the illn came from the Ktone Herpent hut hen who ever heard of a Herpent laughing Not Blnee thu days or Mother Wve had Hiieli n thing heeti and no plucking up their courage again they continued on their way Hut 1 1 thu llrst Hlep the Herpeut ppoke afresh In thu best Spanish which Willie Jrehnllon could muster It called them Bcurrlle knaves and cowards and n va riety of other choice names In which the honlswaln had a true sailors flu ency and when they were thoroughly itcared as who would not havo heen In n like case It hnilo thorn bout ship and run If they wished to live another hour And that theso two doughty Span iards promptly did thurehy making WMIo ruh his hook gleefully and I my two hands for wo thought we had ef fectually frightened them and nil their comrades to whom they would tell the jtalo Into leaving tho hill alone for the future Itut there Is a saying Never put vnlue on a ship until you havo hroken Into her trensuro room We had reck oned without Don Miguel for scarcely had nnother two hours passed wlusu a Imml of 20 armed men emerged from tho hush below The serpent had rout ed two Would It rout 20 with tho al chemist captain to lead them At the head eamu Don Miguel and with him the handy legged little chap with the bright steel bassinet whom wo had seen the day before from Shel ter Island and a couple of pneea behind theso two were the rest of the hand among whom wo recognized tho two doughty champions whose Hying bnclcs liail clvcn us a little while before so much satisfaction As tho party drew up In tho open iWUUo Trehallon saluted them with a shrill mocking laugh which hnd the effect of making the rank aud tile turu found as If preparing to bolt But the two olllcers dealt such henrty buffets tight and left with the tint of their hwords that tho fellows hnd evidently thought thnt the danger or being run through by the llery Don Miguel was a more pressing one than that of being devoured by n more stone serpent They btood their ground therefore the live nniuebuslers uuslung their crutch es nml blew their matches tlio two bowmen fitted an arrow apiece and the rest crammed their bonnets well down over their foreheads ami walled for they knew not whnt Come up good senores nil croaked tho serpents grating voice when Don Miguel gave the word for advance Come up and defile this holy court mid commit any indignity that pleases you Come ami build your slgnnl fires on my wall and make my stoaea ring with your Impious cursing Ha ha ha riuck up your faint hearts cihalleros I will not hinder while you work your wicked wills Hatter down those stones and hurl them Into the sea If you wish I will not harass you In tho work but afterward then ha ha ha The serpent said no more but tho pause and the wild yell of laughter were sufficiently suggestive The Spaniards stood for a moment aghast He of the bassinet was appar ently the most scared of the lot for his bandy legs shook visibly under him and his sword clattered to the ground as he clasped his- hands and began to call upon the saints to shield him Had lie been In command every man would have used his heels as soon as his quiv ering muscles gave htm strength to do bo But Don Miguel was different He Btormcd he cursed he ground his yel low teeth ho all but foamed at the mouth In Ills frenzy of ruge and yield ing to the greater terror of the two euclrinan stood his ground Miserable coward yelled Don Mi guel at his lieutenant What do you fear Tho Covll said tho bandy legged man taking off his bassinet aud wiping tho perspiration from his brow with the sleeve of his doublet Tho devil you poor fool Wueros your wit Is not tho devil clever be yond all human learning Aye surely Wo bcliovo so replied the other crossing himself devoutly Good Theu how do you account for his speaking such villainous Spanish as came from up yonder Full half of tho words were not understandable and In those which did bear some faint resem blance to Castlllau Ihero was or my ears deceive me a strong flavor of the barbarous English tongue Bah Don Saucho youre little short of a pol troon Hard words Don Miguel jyid I may call upon you to prove them said tho other sullenly Do It then My sword Is ever ready to back up iny tongue But drat follow mo up this steep and If I seo you be have as a man against the Eugllali iff v E I JOHN TOPP PIRATE 5 r4 It a I 1 - - V devil whom I will unearth for you per haps 1 will take back part of what hint been said Forward And up they enmo with all their fol lowing The seipout sent down a per fect ruin of warnings ami curses but they were not to be stopped again Well said I when from sheer lack of breath Wllllu Tieliallou had ceased his outcry theyve got tho better of us mm 1 fancy Dun Miguel will soon find thu eiitianco to our snails home What are wo to do Willie Theres two ways o getting nt a snails body Master Topp replied Willie sontentlously One Is by boil ing the shell mi the other Is by crush ing It Don Miguel can do neither A pinch of salt or u whiff of smoke will make him show his horns Don Miguel haint able to get nigh us to plant tho salt leastways I pities thu man as tries to come up them stairs an as for the reek they may build as big a tin as they like below but we shall always bo able to get fresh wind at tho chimney top here And with our store of bananas we can stand a consluorable siege on short rations Ilxnctly so But I was not thinking of our own skins I was fig uring out how wo might manage to trap Don Miguel and now 1 think I sou a way You noted a small dark cell just ut tho foot of tho stair leading up here Well my plan Is this You stay where you are and Ill go below and hldo In that cell Dou Miguel will en terIt ho doesut come of his own ac- T y At the head came Don Mlauel cord Ill venture to send him a hull of Invitation he will pass me aud go up the stair Then I shall step out and deal with all who try to follow and as two men cannot advance abreast It will bo an easy enough task As for the senor commandant wo hnve lilui be tween two swords aud ought to bo able to take him alive Master Topp said thu boatswain painting with hook and forehead your brains sharneulnir rlclit wonderful The first jacket o honest ale that wets my lips shall be drained to your health But he added eagerly let me till the cell an hold tho lower alley No It Is my plan nnd so my choice You havo the post of honor for It will ho yours to tackle Don Miguel and a tough customer youll find him But do not kill him Willie If you can avoid It Hm Im thinking I shall thrust guard platu deep Master Topp You would yourself If youd suffered oue half o what I have Still spare him Hes of more worth to us alive than dead at present Aft erward 1 stopped Great heavens it was of Inezs father that I was speaking tints Aye afterward growled Willie Afterward Master Topp Therell be a bitter reckontug when Captain Ire laud comes You may lay your last tester on that But In the meanwhile Ill thrust us daintily as tho dou will let me I picked my way down the windings of tho passago in tho serpents body with the intention of finding out what tho Spaniards were doing up abovo aud If possible of enticing them to come down from tho wall and attack me In the narrow path But when I reached tho entrance I heard tho voices of Dou Saucho and a couple of others just above me so I crept Into the cell to Us toil He first of all suggested to the sol diers that they should go first but they hung back aud seemed Inclined to argue tho question Now tho chasm was far too uncanny for tho bandy leg ged don to cuter himself so ho settled matters by sending off one of the men for the superior officer while he him self plucklly remained on guard with tho other Presently Don Miguel came and Mianplng out a few caustic words about poltroonery cowardlco and the like dropped sword In hand through tho opening and strode aloug tho alley It would havo been easy to run hhn tlimncrh us bo riassed had I been so minded but hoping that Willie Treha lion would tako him at his leisure and with a reasonably whole skin I lay quiet und let him pass His followers trailed on leisurely enough and their leader must have climbed tho greater way up the stair before I stabbed tho first of them The second played me a couple of passes and by the time he rolled over uon Saneho who came next was In full tilirlit down the passage I sped after him but ho was too quick for me aud Hriranir un amoui Ms fellows Tue THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MARCH lo 1901 demonstrations ngnlusl me but uot a hero of them would accept n civil Invi tation to como down and have It out man to man It was Just like n hoar pit I was the bear at the bottom who could not get at the yapping hounds abovo without being slain while they did not daru to descend nnd bait me And so seeing that one of them hnd unslting his ar quebus and was fixing Its crutch nnd blowing his match for a shot I left thctn to amuse one another and went to sto how Willie Trehallou had fared with Don Miguel Their struggle must have been a short one for when 1 enmo up to tho chamber In the sunkos head I found the Spaniard lying on the tloor with tho Rquat llguru of tho boatswain perched on his stomach The victor had a bare brown foot on each of his ene mys arms while In his only hand he held with significant Intention Dou Miguels own Jewel hllted inlserlcorde It was a most refreshing sight You hu back soon Master Topp said Willie without turning his head We have Just this very minute decid ed who should Hit uppermost At this the Spaniard drew back his lips In an evil smile showing two rows of yellow teeth that protruded outward like a calfs aud I thought his faco the most devilish and fearsome my eyes had over fallen upon Then as If sud denly recollecting himself he closed his mouth smiled nml lay before us a pale perfect Apollo Tho suddenness of the chauge sent a cold shudder through me It smacked so much of magic Tho boatswain too was plainly not a little disconcerted for ho set to work scratching his bnrc shining poll with the hook a sure sign thnt he was puz zled and presently Btill without tak ing ills eye from the prisoner lie rap ped out Best kill him at once Master Topp for fear of accidents A flicker of fear passed quickly over the Spnnlards faco at the words but It was only a flicker nnd In an Instant It was gone You hear Don Miguel said I Have you any plea to urge why we should not kill you No ho said shortly no plea that you would consider adequate I knew of ono which he might have urged with bucccss but ns he evident ly did not at present recognize me It was not the time to remind him of Whitby nnd Vigo Then senor you do not shrink from death Quleu snbe Would you promise us Immunity from hurt if wo set you free No I will not for you would mock me If I did Aud ho added fiercely my word shall not bo held up to the scorn of any one This reading of my thoughts and In tentions took me back somewhat but after a moments pause I asked If he would give his word not to attempt to attack us or to escape supposing that I ordered the boatswain to release him from his present uncomfortable dur ance Yes senor I pledge my honor so far he answered carelessly so I bade Willie rise He did so after some de mur and very unwillingly Tho Spaniard gazed at mo sullenly and persistently and as I began to feel eerie and uncomfortable under his stare for I feared tho evil eye nnd those black orbs were baneful I told Willie that I had something for his pri vate ear With a bow to the prisoner which considering that I was long un used to movements of courtesy was passnble enough I led the way down stairs and Willie followed carrying Don Miguels sword nnd dagger tucked underneath ills right armpit Some 20 st6ps below he halted but I bade him go farther still for I wished to bo sure that we were out of earshot of our cap tive Now Willie I said when we had nearly reached the bottom why this gloom Our fortune could not have been better No replied the boatswain slowly but we might have made a better use o It Prove that I had my steel at yon rascals throat an you made me stay It was the re ply Understand mo I said sternly I wont have Don Miguel Injured while he Is In my bauds If for no other rea son because he cau be made to serve us Aye answered Willie scornfully that he can Weve left him up there alone an he can send a hall to Don Saneho to tell him how matters arc Whos to hnder him slnco we dont seem to want to Pho Master Topp Dyou think our bird wout chirp to his mates when hes got the chance I hope so You hope so Why Master Topp you must bo bewitched That baudy legged llttlo dou will havo another scoro o men up from tho cave before you can wink Let hlui We can hold our snails house against them But not against starvation Tho bananas Is about done already an Id liefer tacklo a leather scabbard than the skins How Is the wind Willie Or has your sailors eye deserted you along with ybur other faculties Come tell me what you read In the sky up aloft thero when you wero sitting on the dons stomach The boatswain shot a look of per plexity at me nnd then his eye bright ened He began to seo my drift Chopped round gently to tho cast ard he answered promptly Swell going down an big clouds floating high rn unbroken A murky night coming on A murky night coming on Yes and what about Captain Alexander Ireland and tho lads with him Will he sleep through that murky night think you Or will tho boat leave Galley island on tbo Instant that darkness falls 1 whole crowd theu made threatening tell you WHJle TrehaUoiij my sworn CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON rnntntrlntl nirxxl TnUnti tll tilot ilcfrrndlntr nnd ilixttriirlivff of nil diseases OS it vitiates anil COtTUptfl the entire SVStem I Ml i t f r lint 1 - lli tiAl tnii1t m wl iirnnt lnnia it MnTW IceMniit pomcry Aln willed 1 Several year iiko I wan ItiocuUittil vrltll lolvti liy n ilUcfrned inline who Infected my Imtiy nml for lx loiitf cnrs I suffered untold mltiery My liody win covered with otci nnd ulcers Sev eral jiliynlclnris treated me mil nil to no jur ikhc Tliemerciirynnd jmtioti they nnve me Iteeliied to ndd fuel to the nwful flnmc which wns devouring inc lrlenili ndvlsed me to try S S S I hcRntitnk liiK it and improved from the Unit nnd a complete nnd prrfect wni the resuU iiic nrsi sore or nicer is ioiiowcu oy tunc rcu pimpics uu iuc iwiy iuuuyi uiuiuutwiucsurc mo glands enlarge and inflame copper colored splotched npiear nnd hair nnd eyebrows fnll out These are some of the milder symptoms they increase in severity finally attacking the vital orgaus the body 1 lomircu wiiu rucumiuic pains nnu covcrcu wui onuusivc wuihk buh 9 tiled Ironi rinrent to rliilil nmwiriinr UJia VVUKdELI rtl IIVIVSL close study of blood poison and actttnl experience in treat ing it You can cure yourself perfectly and permanently at home and your secret is your own Should you need any information or medical advice at any time write to our physicians They have made a life study of blood diseases and will give your letter prompt and careful attention Consult them ns often as you please we make no charge whatever for this service All correspondence is conducted in the strictest confidence shipmate will be at tho caves mouth before thu midnight glass has turned and It seems to me that hell find his task an easier one If half the foo Is sit ting round the snail shell Why man I schemed for It An you wero right Master Topp snld the boatswain half vexed at find ing himself In the wrong I vow you be right after all And with that wo went aloft again he to resume his Interrupted sleep be side Don Miguel whom wo found ly ing down In tho shelter of tho snakes teeth nnd I to tako the watch To bo contlnuod noxt Friday IIh Free If It Fulls to Cure Rectol tho groat pile cure A pile pipe froo with each package Wo sell it under a poBitivo written guarantee No Cure No Pay 50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drug Co How to Cure a Cold Dont go to bod Dont stop work Dont take a Turkish bath and render yonrsolf liable to an attack of pneu monia Krausos Gold Ouro in conven ient capsule form will cure yon in 21 hours They are pleasant to take and cause no ringing in your head or other disagreoablo sensations Price 25 cents Sold by Geo B Christopb When you want a physic that is mild aud gentle easy to tako and pleasant in effect use Ohamberlaius Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25 centB Samples free Every box guaranteed For sale by tho Kiesau Drug Co Headache often results from a disor dered condition of tho stomach and con stipation of the bowels A dose or two of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache Sold by the Kiesau Drug Oo Dont get side tracked in business Dullness sometimes passes for death Men with brains reach tho goal Rocky Mountain Tea puts eray matter into ones head Geo B Ohristopii A Good Cough Medicine for Children I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlains Cough Remedy says P P Morau a well known and popular baker of Petersburg Va We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs also whooping cough and it has always given perfect satisfac tion It was recommended to me by a druggist as tho best congh medicine for children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug Sold by Kiesau Drug Co To Cure a Cold While You Sleep Take Weeks Tab- lots We will cheerfully refund the purchase prico if it fails to cure Price 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Au Honest Medicine for L Grippe Georgo W Waitt of South Cardiner Me says I have had the worst cough cold chills and grip andfchave taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vender Chamberlains Cough Remedy is tho only thing that has done any good whatever I have used one bottle of it and the chills cold and grip have all left me I congiatulate tho manufacturers of an honest medi cine For sale by Kiesan Drug Co My heart and hand another claimed His nlea had como too late Its over thus with peoplo without pluck and vim Take Rocky Mountain Tea dont get left again Geo B Ohristopii Mrs O EVanDeuson of Kilbourn Wis was afflicted with stomaoh trouble aud constipation for a long time She says I have tried many preparations bat none have done me the good that Chamberlains Stomaoh aud Liver Tab lets have These tablets are for sale at the Kiesan Drug Oo Prico 25 cents Samples free A Widow Love AITalr Receives a setback if she has offen sive breath through constipation bil iousness or stomach trouble but Dr Kings New Life Pills always cure those troubles oloau tho system sweetou the breath banish headache best in the world for liver kidneys and bowels Only 25 ceuts at tho Kiesan Drug Co Ila as Certain as Dentil and Taxes that Rootol the great pile remedy will cure the piles A pllo pipe free with each package We soil it on positive written guarantee No Cure No Pay 50w Samples free Kiesau Drag Oo KriiiiHod Cold Cure for colds in the head chest throat or any portion of the body breaks up a cold in 24 hours without interruption to work Will provont colds if taken when first symptoms appear Piico25o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Nerves Like a Flatiron A woman who suffered for three years from nervous prostration says two bottles of Liohtys Colory Nerve Com pound effected a comploto cure She hardly kuows today whether sho has nerves or not ns sho never feels them It is certainly n wondorf al remedy Sold by Geo B Ohristoph A Had Combination A bad cold in bad weather Weeks Break-Up-A-Cold Tablets will break up tho combination by breaking up tho bad cold while you sleep No Cure No Pay 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Solo agent b Imitators have been many Thought ful peoplo have learned that true merit comes only with the genuine Rocky Mountain Tea mado by the Madison Mediciuo Co Geo B Gukistopii When You Get a Headache dont waste a minuto bnt go to your druggist and get a box of Krausos Head ache Capsules They will provent pain even though your skull were cracked They are harmless too Read the guar antee Prico 25o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph A Horrible Outbreak Of large sores on my little daughters head developed into a case of scald head writes O D Isbill of Morgantown Tenn bnt Bnoklens Arnica Salve completely onred her Its a guaranteed cure for eczema tetter salt rheum pimples Bores ulcers aud piles Only 25 cents at the Kiesau Drug Co Night Was Her Terror I would cough nearly all night long writes Mrs Chas Applegate of Alex andria Ind and could hardly get any sleep I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood but when all other medicines failed three 100 bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds Its absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs colds la grippe bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Price 50 cents and 100 Trial bottles free at the Kiesan Drag Co Strikes a Klcu Find I was troubled for several years with ohronio indigestion and nervous de bility writeB F J Green of Lancaster N H no remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters whioh did me more good than all the medicines I ever used They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years She Bays Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak run down women No other medicine can take its place in our family Try them Only 50 cents Satisfaction guaranteed by the Kiesau Drug Co Good Advice The most miserable boingB in the world are those suffering from Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects suoh as Sour Stomach Siok Headache Habitual Oostiveness Palpitation off the Heart Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and Bnrning Pains at the Pit of tho Stomach Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa greeable Taste in the Mouth Coming up of Food after Eating Low Spirits eto Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greons Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Co A Good Thluir German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Bosohee a celebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be ono of tho most fortunate discov eries in Medicines It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of tho severest nature removing as it does tho cause of tho affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy con dition It is not an experimental inedi cine but has Btood tho test of fyears giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season iiiM 1 - it it a peculiar poison nnd so liiclilv contajnous mar nu iiiuoccni pcruii iihuiiik mc same rtrucie by one infected with this loathsome disease may be inoculated with the virus It can be transmitted no llip sttiin iliQOlue or in a 1110U1I1CU lomi iikc jiczema ut otruimp Mnnv an old sore or stubborn slcin trouble nnncaritu in middle life is due nnd traceable to blood poison contracted in catly life You may have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three ycara and thought you were cured but you were not for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease they drive it from the outside but it is doing its work on the inside ami will show up again sooner or later You may not recognize it as the same old taint but it is S S S has cured thousands of cases of Contagious Wood Poison and it will cure you It is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known and the only antidote for this poison S S S cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of tli poison there is never any return of the disease linE lfAllliOEII MX UAIIC Send for our Home Treatment book which gives a history of the disease in all stages and is the result of many years of sss Address SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA QA confirms Two million bottles sold an nually Boschees Gorman Syrup was introduced in tho United Stntcs in 1808 aud is now sold in every town and vil lage in tho civilized world Threo doses will roliove any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens Prize Almauao Kiesau Drug Co Iteniarkahle Cures for lUieumatlsm Vindicator Rutherfordtou N O Tlio Editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test tho efficacy of Ohambor lains Pain Balm twice with the most romarkablo results in each oaso First with rheumatism in the shoulder from which ho suffered cxcruolating pain for ton days which was rolieved with two applications of Pain Balm rubbing tho parts afflicted and realizing instant bene fit and entire relief in a very short time Second in rheumatism in thigh joint almost prostrating him with severe pain which was relieved by two applications rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night and getting up free from pain For sulo bv Kiesau Drug Oo Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat- inout by Elys Cream lialm which is agree ably aromatic It is roceived through tho nostrils cleanses and heals tho wholo sur fnco ovor which it diffuses itsolf Druggists sell tho 50c sizo Trial size by mail 10 cents Tost it nnd you are suro to continue tho treatment tsii Announcement -To accommodnto those who are partial to the uso of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou bles tho proprietors propsro Cream Balm iu liquid form which will bo known as Elys Liquid Cream Balm Prico including the praying tube is 75 cents Druggists or by mail Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation 4 Nasal CATARRH In all its stages thero should bo cleanliness Elys Cream Balm cleane8soothc8and heala tlio diseased membrane It cures catarrh and drives away a cold In tho head quickly ARC iMaccutor etnovAL escPs Cbs w w raifc JSJ JMfiKJWjTi Kpffijffi Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils spreads over the membrane and is absorbed Relief Is im mediate and a cure follows It Is not dryingdoes not produce sneezing Large Size 50 cents at Drug gUU or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall ELY BROTHERS GO Warren Street New Yerk FMk fnalita REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY mirrvr mm mx THE ZXUSXJOXIC XU2E I nMR CTAUnjURC AN0 THC - Sy7 it Made a Well Man iof Me produces the above reran In 30 day It act powerfully and quickly Core when all others tail South men win regain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by naing BEV1VO It quickly and surely restore Merrona ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Kmlaslona Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion which unfits one for study business or marriage II not only cures by starting at the eeat of disease feat tea great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing back the pink Blow to pale cheeks and re storing the Are of youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having BE VIVO no other It can be carried In vest pocket By mall L00 per package or six tor S0O0 with poet tlve -written arnarantee to cure or ranuMl the mosey Book and advise free Address BOYAL MEDICINE 16WT Forsale in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi QVi Z ejftr fAV v Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison MedU cine Co Madison Wli It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulic Accept no substl cooTnn tute Ask your druggist RED CROSS ILLS N A XT I W a w REOCMsJLT PILLS Anc punrte VtlTASLC I 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