The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Image 1

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It -
Constitutional Convention De
cides Not to Dissolve
Conservative Illotticut Score- m Victory
Over tiiu ltnitUiiln Latter Mixy tamo
Uoinonitrntlnu AkiiIiiU Unltt il hlutoi by
luiIKiitlonod Appeal to tho Ieople
Ilavnun March 8 The Cuban con
stitutional convention mot in secret
cession yesterday afternoon for a
formal discussion of the Piatt amend
went Tho conservative element
scored a victory It was decided to
continue the sessions of the conven
tion and to refer the amendment to
tho special committee on relations
with instructions to bring In a report
General Suiiguilly favored dissolving
the convention and returning the
umendment without discussion The
other delegates were ununlniously In
lavor of continuing the sessions and
of sending some answer to the execu
tive department In Washington The
argument turned on the question
whether the convention had power to
adopt a scheme of relations that would
be binding upon the future republic
The radical element did not Hock
to General Snuguilly as had been ex
pected and the conventions action in
referring tho question to the speciul
committee on relations indicates a
willingness to recede from the former
attitude It Is evident that many of
the delegates still hope the amendment
will be changed but there Is no bitter
feeling now apparent It is doubtful
whether tho convention will ever agree
to accept the amendment but the con
servatives maintain that the willing
ness of the radicals to discuss and If
necessary to send a committee to
Washington gives a more hopeful as
pect to conditions which were growing
It is generally believed that tho
crisis if any existed has passed and
that by the time the committee reports
the present excitement will have died
out Much depends upon the attitude
of the radical delegates If an im
passioned appeal to the people is Is
sued as It is rumored wil lbe the case
It may cause demonstrations of protest
ngalnst the United States But noth
ing in the nature of an uprising is any
longer feared
Stuperor William Painfully Injurbd on
the Check Jut llelow the Eye
i Berlin March 8 The opinion pre
vails that the emperor will suffer much
pain and probably some lever and In
flammation for the next few days and
that it will require at least a fortnight
before the wound Inflicted by Wellund
is healed Professor Bergman has or
dered the rooms in which the emperor
is to be kept darkened because of tho
danger that the eye may be affected
Weilnuds examination proved that
lie was not responsible for his action
He said he felt unwell yesterday and
feared an epileptic attack While he
was waiting for the arrival of the em
peror the sound of a fountain playing
in a court yard caused him to imagine
that he was sailing a ship his former
vocation having been that of a ships
captain Under this delusion his ex
citement increased and he attempted
to heave a lead and three pieces of
iron Then he lost consciousness
flPhe missile was a fishplate weighing
550 grams The emperor was struck
on the cheek just below the right eye
Sharp Note to Denmark
London March 8 The United
States government has addressed a
note to the Danish government al
most threatening in tone says the
Copenhagen correspondent of the Daily
kMail saying it will not permit any
transfer of the Danish West Indies
to any foreign power and In tho event
of Denmark refusing to sell the Unit
ed States will require that the islands
maritime neutrality shall be properly
guaranteed and the United States
epliere of influence be respected
British lteicciipy Pcariton
Cape Town March 8 It Is officially
announced that Colonel Gorrlng has
reoccupied Pearston on the Great RIet
river March 5 He suys the town
should have been impregnable to the
Boers but tho town guard offered
Inadequate resistance and the Boers
captured the place together with GO
rifles 15 men and 25000 rouuds of am
I John Sheridan Receives Sentence
I Havana March 3 John Sheridan
formerly in charge of the money or
der department of tho Havana post
office who was arrested Jan 20
charged with the theft of l300Bent
from tho postmaster at Guantanamo
Dec 20 was sentenced yesterday to
two years Imprisonment and to pay
n flno of 1300 the amount of his de
j Ten Killed In a lrus luit Mlue
Gelsenklrchen Prussia March 8
Ten persons were killed and many
injured yesterday by an explosion of
firedamp In tho Consolidation mine
It Is feared that others are entombed
The adjoining shaft collapsed and at
present It Is impossible to reach
Sereuly two Pilgrim Drowned
i London Marck 8 According to a
dispatch to the Daily Express from
Odessa a pllgrjm steamer was caught
Ill lUwLlliilWW n MaiBiMflWIiWIIWtyrtlgaMai
The Norfolk Weekly News Journal
in n storm In
pilgrims were washcu ow Wi
i Dewet llrpnrteil Until IronMil
M 18 ni
Illocmfonteln March 8- It Is re
ported that General Dewet Is nov
without guns and hard prosed
KlmM or Iolli Cnttlu nml Sheep Mny Ha
Admitted to Ammolntlnn
Denver March 8 Tho organization
f the American Cattle Growers asso
ciation was completed yesterday The
constitution as adopted permits men
engaged In raising both cattle and
sheep to become members provided
cattle raising Is their paramount In
terest Denver was made headquar
ters of the association and annual con
ventions will be held here on tho first
Tuesday In MnrclL The basis of rep
resentation Is by Individual member
ships In person or by proxy Bach
member pays an Initiation foo of
There mny also bo levied a tax of 1
cent a head on all cattle owned by
each member of the association
Tho selection of secretary was left
to tho executive committee Resolu
tions In favor of leasing the public
range and denouncing the Grbut bill
were ntlopted after which tho conven
tion unanimously adopted resolutions
extending congratulations to tho offi
cers of the National Live Stock asso
ciation In their success of defeating
the Grout bill and tho executive com
mittee of this association Is in
structed thnt if In their judgment It
is practicable for this association to be
enrolled as n member of the National
Live Stock association the committee
Is authorized to take tho necessary
action to accomplish this result
The convention adjourned sine die
Twelve Thousand to Hall for South Africa
the Coming Fighting
at Ilchtcuburg
London March 8 Whatever nego
tiations are proceeding In Pretoria
and Mr Kruger declares they can only
be for an armistice the government
evidently has no intention of slacken
ing reinforcements The war olllco
Issued a detailed statement last even
ing of transports that are to sail for
South Africa within the coming week
with 12000 troops The cnsualty list
reveals the fact that two officers were
killed at Llchtenburg March 3 Lord
Kitcheners telegram am sending re
inforcements was dated March G
Evidently therefore the fighting con
tinued for several days and detailed
advices are awaited with anxiety Ac
cording to the Dally Mails dispatches
General Dewet and Mr Steyn have
separated the former being at Pctrus
burg west of Bloemfoutelu and the
latter at Smlthfiold
British Officers Will Aot as Advisors to
London March 8 Two British offi
cers Major A II Tracy and Captain
K P Cobbold start today for Adis
Abebu capital of Abyssinia where
they will act as advisers to the Abys
sinian Uas Mn
kounen in his approaching expedition
against the Mad Mullah who has been
causing a disturbance In northern So
mallland King Menelik will place
20000 men in the field and the British
will co operate with his majestys
army by simultaneously dispatching a
force of troops from Berber the sea
port of East Africa on a buy of the
gulf of Aden
King Menellks consent to the pres
ence of British officers with his army
Is regarded here ns signalizing tho
restoration in Abyssinia of British
prestige so long overshadowed by
Franco Russian activities
General Kitchener Compelled to Send Re
inforcements to Garrison
London March 8 The war office
has received the following dispatch
from Lord Kitchener
Protorlu March 0 Llchtenburg being
nttucked by Delarey8 forcos lighting con
tinued nil day long Tho garlxuu conlstri
of 20 yoomnnry mid 00 Northumberland
Fusellers with two guns Major Fletcher
and Lieutenant Hull aro reported killed
I am sending reinforcements
Pretoria March 0 It Is said here
In Boer circles that the leaders of the
burghers in the field will surrender
with a majority of their followers if
assured of amnesty and assistance In
starting life afresh and if a free par
don Is granted to tho rebels
General Benjamin Harrison Is very
sick with the grippe at his home in
An autograph letter of George Wash
ington dated 1770 was found among
some waste paper stared at tho Bry
nut paper mill in Kalamazoo Thurs
William J Bryan passed through
Chicago Thursday on his way to Buf
falo Between trains Mr Bryan re
ceived a number of calls from Demo
cratic politicians
The Southern Pacific announces that
Its new coast line between San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles will bo opened
on March 31 Tho road is 481 miles
long and for 100 miles passes over the
cliffs skirting the Pacific ocean
The first provisional squadron of
cavalry now In course of organization
at tho Presidio San Francisco has
been assigned as the First squadron of
Elcctcti President Pro Tempore
of the Senate
Urge Adoption of III Itnuolullou Declar
ing Abrogation of thn Cliiyton Hulwer
Treaty Dimm Not Ktpcct to llro to Hoe
Work on Waturtiuy lleguii
Washington March 8 Wllllam P
Frye of Maine was elected unani
mously president pro tempore of the
senate to serve during the present ses
sion This Is tho second time Sena
tor Fryo has been honored by his col
leagues Five years ago on Feb 7
1 S1H1 the Republicans then being In a
minority he was elected unanimously
Ills services as president pro tem
especially since the death of the late
Vice President Ilobart hnvo won for
him the cordial appreciation of his
followers for his able and Impartial
administration of tho post At yes
terdays session Mr Morgan of Ala
bama concluded his speech In support
of his resolution declaring the abro
gation of the Clayton Bulwer treaty
between the United States and Groat
Britain His peroration was really
pathetic He had devoted the best
years of his official life he said to
advance tho construction of the Nic
nraguau canal but now he did not
expect to live to see the work upon
the great waterway begun
Gitneral MnnArthurSends Iterords ofMany
Cunc Tried In tho Ihlllpplnes
Washington March 8 A large mall
has been received at the war depart
ment from General MacArthur It In
cludes the record of many cases of
murder treason and other high
crimes and misdemeanors on the part
of the native Filipinos
A native named Luclno Almeida
was convicted by a military commis
sion of llngraut violations of tho laws
of war and was sentenced to hard la
bor for 20 years and to pay a fine of
20000 pesos General MacArthur
commuted the sentence to deportation
to Guam
Another case of treachery reported
by General MacArthur Is that of Ca
tallno Lamltiyiin who was convicted
by a military commission of violating
the laws of war and giving Intelligence
to the enemy and sentenced to 15
years confinement at hard labor
New York Senators Protest Against Nom
inating Sanger
Washington March 8 Senators
Piatt and Dcpew of New York are
both opposing the proposition to nom
inate Colonel Sanger for the office of
assistant secretary of war Senator
Piatt saw the secretary of war yes
terday and entered a formal protest
on the ground thnt Colonel Sanger Is
not a consistent Republican
Senator Depew also has Indicated
Ills opposition Neither of them was
consulted before the nomination was
decided upon The selection seems
to have been made by tho secretary
but the senators claim that If that offi
cial is to asert that prerogative he
should find a man who would be ac
ceptable to them Senator Piatt ex
pressed the opinion that the protests
which have been made will have tho
effect of preventing the president from
sending In the nomination
Defers Federal Offices
Des Moines March 8 The Iowa
delegation In congress will not dispose
of the federal appointments In the two
collection and judicial districts of the
state until after the campaign of tills
year No recommiucudatlons will be
made to the president until the con
vening of congress next winter unless
it is with reference to the United
States marshals
Penitentiary Wall Falls
Lincoln March 8 One of the burnt
out walls of the penitentiary building
fell In to the guards kitchen room at
7 oclock last night and slightly
though not seriously Injured Henry
Bolln of Omaha Patrick Murphy and
Peter Yarsen the latter a guard The
men were severely bruised but It Is
not believed any of tho injuries will be
Abolishes Office of Mayor
Ilnrrlsburg Pa March 8 Governor
Stone yesterday signed the Pittsburg
Ripper bill and appointed Tames
Molr tho present mayor of Scranton
recorder for that city Tho bill pro
vides a new charter for the three
citips of Pittsburg Allegheny City and
Scranton abolishes the ofllce of mayor
and gives the governor power to ap
point a recorder
Awarded Damages for Helng Tarred
Toledo March 8 At Bellefontalne
yesterday a Jury awarded Nellie Jack
son 700 damages against tho com
missioners of Logan county for In
juries sustained at the hands of a mob
that took her from Jail ar West Liber
ty In company with Edwnrd Taokson
and David RIckman and tarred tho
trio in November 1890
Dewey Gets 1rlio Money
Washington March 8 The treasury
department yesterday issued a war
rant in favor of Admiral George
Dewey for 0750 on account of prize
money found to be due him from the
the Fifteenth United States cavulrr collr ot claims for the destruction of
and ordered to prepare for early Ber Spanish fleet in Manila harbor
vice la the Philippine arculpehiKo
Ilelglini Imrnlor Itit Into I e a Sjntem
of Autoiiuitlt lleprntxr
Washington March H An Interest
ing account of successful cxpcriiuonlH
In wli oless telegraphy Is contained
In reports involved at the state de
partment from Consul George W
Roosevelt at Brussels Belgium Tho
experiments were conducted by Untile
iiiarlnl the Inventor of an iTutoinatlo
repealer He established the futility
of attempting to send messages over
a distance of 2 miles without the aid
of captive balloons or masts He
then turned all his attention toward
the transmission of the electric rnyn
by relays and in this It Is stated was
entirely successful He telegraphed
from it station on top of n structure
In Brussels to one on the tower of St
Uombaiit church In MallncH Numer
ous messages were received and trans
mltted with great distinctness and two
messages were received at a time when
communication with the ground from
the transmitter had been Interrupted
This was the first instance on record
where wireless messages were ex
changed between two large cities with
the onteunes placed on high monu
ments and without the help or captive
balloons or kites The rays arriving
at Mallnes traversed several towns
nvcu chimneys monuments woods and
other obstacles which tend to stop or
weaken the electric radiations
Dnniibn Out of Its Hanks
Vienna March 8 Several Hungar
ian villages have been Isolated by tho
Hoods All along the banks of the Dan
ube and Its tributaries great damugo
lias been done The lower quarter of
ISuda Pest Is Hooded to a depth of five
feet The bitter cold is driving
wolves from the Carpathian tnountnlns
to the villages below They have
killed 12 people during the last four
Cage Full at Mollno IMow Works unit
Two Men Are Killed mid heven
Others Injured
Mollue Ills March 8 Two men
were killed and seven injured yester
day by the fall of an elevator In tho
works of the Mollue Plow company
The dead Arvld J Burgstceu and
E 1 riwanson
Herman Anderson had his left hand
amputated at the wrist and A W
Brunstrom was badly mangled
The accident occurred while the men
were going to work Twenly flvo
workmen crowded upon the platform
The elevator ascended n few feet
when n drum gear gave way letting
tho cage fall from the first story to
the basement The Iron counterbal
ance weights shot up to the top or
the shaft and four of them weighing
100 pounds each became disengaged
and crashed down on the mass of men
One weight struck Burgstceu crush
ing his head Swanson was struck by
another weight that injured him fa
Company of Third Aslatirs Kill Fifty and
Capture Two Itaiiuers
Berlin March 8 The war office has
received the following from Count von
Waldersee dated Peking March 0
A company of the Third Asiatics under
Cnptiiln Ilnovronn enme Into contnrt yes
terday smith of Man Klicng with 100 Chl
nese regular who hud nppnruntly been
separated from their tniiln body The Chi
nese were scattered and r0 of them were
killed Two of their banners were taken
A Binall detachment waH sent from Tien
Ttdn to Tlmang March to Hiipprcsi bri
gandage Threo companies of Infantry a
6Qnndrnn of cnralry and a buttery all un
der Lieutenant Colonel AniKteilt left for
Yung Tslng March 5 with the nimu ob
Mob Follows Trail of Negro Who Mur
dered White Woman an Corsloana
Corslcuna Tex March 8 At the
head of a mob of U00 citizens of this
county Conway Younger Is pursuing
the negro who assaulted his wife and
cut her throat last night Not a word
lias the stricken mun spoke since he
learned from tho lips of his little child
the story of the crime The capture
of the fugitive Is but a matter of time
for tho bloodhounds that are being
used took up the trail promptly
Nothing can bavo the pursued man if
The crime was committed while Mr
Younger was away from his home
There was no one to tell the tnle save
a little 1-year-old child A big negro
knocked mamma down and dragged
her nwuy the child told its father
when he returned from work
Montana Legislature Knds Its Work
Helena Moil March 8 Tho legis
lative duties aro ended The one
measure which tho Amalgamated Cop
per company and tho Heinz Interest
fought so hard Is In the hands of tho
governor who has several days In
which to veto or sign It This bill
permitted a chnngo of venue In several
cases where prejudice can Ih shown
on the part of tho Judge of tho dis
trict In which the cao was originally
Discuss Nebraska Deadlock
Now York March 8 Senator Ilan
na and Henry O Payne vice chairman
of tho Republican national committee
are In this city to discuss tho Ne
braska senatorial situation
Iait Chance to Elect
nelena Mon March 8 Up to 1
oclock this morning 12 ballots had
been taken In Joint session of tho Mon
tana legislature for tho short term
senatorshlp without result
etmtn n it ci I iimih immiioiiI
V 1
Is painfully evident on n good many farms in this section espe
cially lit winter This should not bo and nicicd not bo if you
who aro shy on sheds will take tho trouble to run in and ask
our pricos Wo have u good stock of common boards plenty
good enough for hIioiIb thnt wo will null you at n very low
price At our prices it is ohoapor to own nheds than go without
V If llUCHOtZ Praslilnnt
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National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buya and Soils Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts nnd Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Bunlnesa TranHaoted
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
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Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61
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You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on
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fl Kwljl I H
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in regal splendor can be made
tho celebrated Union Pacific train
This train rnus via tho Overland
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world Thero are Doable Drawing
Room Palace Sleepers broad vesti
bulod Cars thronghont Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber
Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Oars meals being Berved
a la carto and every delicacy is provided Tho cars aro illuminated
with the famous Pintsch Light and heated with steam A notable
feature is that safety porfect comfort and speed are all included
Onlv Two Nights
Missouri River and San Francisco
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