The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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N A Huiiibolt is reported ou the sick
1st today
Prnnk McGhan is tho uew assistant
at Ohristopha drug store
Miss Hattio Allborry was a pasaengor
for Lincoln this morning
0 J Ohaptnan niastor moclmuio nt
tho P E M V is in Hapid City ou
O Uoadntan of Madisou was in tho
olty yestorday afternoon on his way
homo from Wnyuo
Sorrioes will bo hold at the First Con
gregational ohuroh tomorrow morning
conducted by tho pastor
Tho Mnroh term of district court in
this county will convene in Madison ou
tho 11th of tho coming month
O A Blakoly roturuod yesterday
from Boavor City whoro ho had boon
to attend tho funeral of his father
L C liargolt of The News forco
woo has boon qnito sick for sovoral
days is reported somowhat hotter today
Superintendent D 0 OConnor loft
today for Chicago to attend tho mooting
of the National Superintendents associ
The postofflco at Butterfly Stanton
county has been discontinued Mail
for that offlco should bo addressed to
Miss Anna Heller who was considered
dangerously ill with pneumonia early
in tho week is now out of danger and
able to sit up
A numbor of applications are to bo
balloted upon and it is expected there
will bo work in tho lodge of Elks which
will bo held this evening in I O O F
Miss Nettie Nelson will entertain a
number of teachers this evening at tea
complimentary to Miss H 0 Wood
who leaves soon for her now homo in
Bishop Williams of Omaha will con
duct services at Trinity church tomor
row evening at 8 oclock Holy com
munion will bo administered at S a m
Morning prayer and sermon at 10 45
preacher Rev Chos Deuel of Boise
City Idaho
Rev J J Parker has been confined
to the house with grip all tho week
He is considerably improved today and
thinks he can undertake to conduct
services at the Congregational church
tomorrow morning
A special meeting of the Womans
club will be held with Mrs Huntington
Monday afternoon This is to take the
placo of tho Household economic meet
ing Mrs Pratt and Mrs Morrow will
read their papers and if there is time
the constitution will be read
Regular gospel meeting at the Y M
O L tomorrow afternoon Tho report
of the convention work will be con
tinued Mr H L Snyder will speak on
the Y M O A work in the railroad de
partment and also the work among the
colleges W W Hughes will talk on
the evangelistio work in cities and
Sam Meek has accepted the position
of head butter maker in the Amelia
Holt county oreamory and left today
for that place Mr Meek was connected
with tho Harding Creamery company
for several years and has a reputation of
being a first class butter maker The
Weekly News Jocjknal will keep him
posted on Sugar City affairs
A woman will yank np tho guy ropes
of her corset until she almost squeezes
nor immortal soul out of place says an
observing and sarcastio philosopher put
a dead bird on her hat and go strutting
around town selling tickets for an en
tertainment to raise money to help send
missionaries to some foreign clime for
the purpose of teaohing civilization to
the poor heathens who have never
known what it is to wear a corset and
who have been struggling on in the ig
norant belief that birds were created to
sing instead of to be worn on hats
Governor Dietrich and his staff will
leave on February 28 for Washington to
be present at tho inauguration of Presi
dent MoKinley They use a special
Pullman from Lincoln and go over tho
B M to Chicago and over tho Penn
sylvania railroad to Washington There
is talk of taking a band with the party
made up of members of the First regi
ment and Second regiment bands in
which event five members of the First
regiment band living in Norfolk will
probably go along Colonel Huso
of the governors staff will not bo
able to bo one of the party although lie
realizes that he will miss a great time
Mrs Leon W Brown only child of
Mr and Mrs E W Bates of this place
died at her home in Missouri Valley at
5 oclock last evening Mrs Bates had
been with her daughter sinco Thursday
and the first intimation that she was
seriously ill was yestorday afternoon
when a telegram caino to her father
and in the evening another tolegram
came announcing that she had passed
away Mr Bates is an engineer on the
F E M V and ho was on a trip
west when tho telegram reaohed him
Mooting a train coming east he ex
changed ongiues with Engineer
Sohramm and started ut onco for Mis
souri Valley Up to a year ago Mrs
Brown thou known as Miss Mue Batos
was one of tho most popular young
ladies of Norfolk and the many friends
who knew her particularly among the I
Ml jaitiiMiwiwilwiifflAia
yonng people will bo deeply grieved to
learn of hur sudden death She was
bright vlvaoious and lovablo and at tho
timo of hor marriage to Mr Brown on
January 18 1100 gave promise of a long
and usoful life
Miss Anna Nolson of Hoskius visitod
in Bega Sunday
Fred and Andrew Lundquist woro in
Iladar Tuesday on business
Mies Lillio Burchmoro visitod in
Piorco over Saturday and Sunday
Rev Butler of Ilosklus preached a
vory ablo Bormon in Bega Sunday
Mr Erickson of Uoga is preparing to
movo to Wausa whoro ho has purchased
a farm
Mr Etnil Norllug camo homo from
Wayne Saturday and spout Sunday
with his brothor
Andrew Olson is slowly recovering
from his illness Ho will not return to
Way no for a fow weeks
Mr and Mrs Honricson who livo
oast of Bega attended ohuroh and Sun
day school In this vicinity Sunday
GlncoinliuH Iltbllo 8nl
Having routed my farm and intend
ing to movo to Colorado I will sell at
publio auction at my farm known as
the Haymow postoillco ou sootion M
township 22 rango 810ij mllos due
south of Pigor 7J4 miles north aud
milos west of Howells 15 milos south
east of Stantou aud 15 miles southwest
of Wisuer sale to commence promptly
at 10 oolook a in Wednesday March
Oth the following described property
to wit
107 head of cattlo These cattlo are
high grade Hereford and Short Horn
stock 35 cows uoarly all with calf
several of thorn are milch cows 17 two
year old heifers ull with calf 25 short
yearling heifers 0 heifer calves
7 Short yearling stoers 14 bull
calves 1 two year old Hereford bull 1
cow and calf
15 head of horses Team of largo bay
horses 8 years old span of mures
roadsters 7 years old gray horse 7
years old gray mare 1 1 years old bay
horse 8 years old sorrel horse 7 years
old graylmaro 9 yoars old iron gray
horse 7 years old jjblaek horso 1 1 years
old black colt 2 years old black colt
1 year old
80 hogs Two bows each with litters
of pigs tho balance are shoats coubist
iug of brood sows and barrows
Poultry Several dozen of chickous
and geese
Farmmachinery etc consisting of
mowers binders hayrack harrows
sulky plows walking plows breaking
plows disc cultivators walking culti
ators corn planters one horse
drills lister pulverizer seeders feed
grinders four horse power and sheller
hay sweep several farm wagons a
truck hay wagon 2 hay racks several
sets of harness and fly nets feed cooker
and other articles too numerous to men
tion including farming and blacksmith
ing tools eto Also an organ and nu
merous articles of household furniture
aud several tons of good hay
Terms On sums of 10 and over a
credit of 12 mouths time will be given
purchaser giving note with approved
security bearing 8 per cent intorestfrom
date if paid when due if not paid when
due 10 per cent interest Sums less
than 10 cash A discount of 2 per cent
for cosh will be given where a note
might be accepted All property muBt
be settled for before being removed from
Free lunch at noon for all
A Giacomini
J R Stacker and W J Panek
An Extract from Her Letter
If you oould only bo hero this winter
morning and see for yourself you would
no longer doubt me Roses are bloom
ing in our front yard and all nature is
as for advanced in this lovely American
summerland as it will be in your cold
eastern home by Juno
Wo made tho journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on tho Union
Pacific to avoid tho circuitous routes
an important item in tho winter A
trip to California is mado delightful by
tho perfect service and luxurious ac
commodation of The Overlaud Limited
which is perhaps tho most finely
equipped train in tho world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Juneman Agent
The Durlaud Trust Company Norfolk
Statement made at tho close of busi
ness January 81 1001
Loans 54847 00
Cash in banks 4120 05
Realestate 8424 11
Furniture and fixtures 510 91
Expense 798 19
tlccts uesourco iaou us
82213 49
Capital 13800 00
Surplus iuuu oo
Profit 415 m
Certificates 5050 00
Bills payable 20220 00
Trust funds 18757 80
82218 49
Norfolk Neb Jan 31 1901 I here-
by certify that the above is a true state
ment of the coudition of The Durland
Trust company ou this dato to tho best
of my knowledge and belief
A J Dukland
W I Mixer of Lincoln is in tho city
today ou business
E II Traoy uindo a business trip to
Pierco this afternoon
Judgo Powers was a passenger for
Mndlson this morning
Dr Boar was called to lilgor this
aftornoon to boo a patient
Sol G Mayor is expected homo from
Now York about March 0
Thomas Douahuo of Creighton spent
Sunday in tho city with frlonds
O E Greono left at noon today on a
business trip to St Joo Missouri J
Phil Kohl of Way no was in tho city
this morning ou his way to Omaha
Mrs O W Inskeop returned Satur
day ovoning from hor trip to Chicago
Hon John It Hays left this morning
for Luverno Minn on business intent
11 E Glissmau wont to Omaha ou a
morning train for a brief business visit
Max Lonser camo down from Tildon
on Saturday to spend Sunday with his
Miss Evans is homo from Wayno
whoro she has boon attending tho Nor
mal college
Goo H Spoar is again conlluod to his
Ixid today with a rouowal of hiH attack
of lumbago
Mr and Mrs P H Patterson have
taken rooms with Miss Garliugor on
Koouigstoin avonuo
Misses Emma Bauor and Paulino
Newman of Stanton visited friends in
tho city over Sunday
Miss Mildred Frazor came
MadiBon Saturday evening
up from
to spend
Sunday with Norfolk frionds
Miss Hauua Swauson who has boon
assisting at tho homo of Rev Mr Weills
roturuod to hor homo in Omaha today
Geo Lehman of Columbus proprietor
of the Thurston hotel was in tho city
over night tho guest of Landlord aud
Mrs Spear
On Saturday W H Loomis and fam
ily removed from tho A T Pottitt resi
dence to tho Rogers farm ou South
Thirteenth street
W M Wheeler of Wakefield engross
ing and enrolling clork of the house of
representatives was in town this moru
iug eurouto to Lincoln
Dr Richards tho optician came in at
noon today from Omaha and will re
main three days Ho can be found at
Christophs drug store
Tho Norfolk Musio Students club
which was to meet with Luclwig
Koouigsteiu this ovoning has been post
poned to one weok from touight
Sioux City Journal 21 Mrs Robert
Stewart haH returned to hor homo in
Norfolk Neb after a fow days visit
with the family of Mrs A S Gillotto
Attorney A W Gross of MadiBon
was in the city Saturday night He is
soon to leave for Soatilo Washington
where ho expects to make his homo in fu
Frank McNoely went to Omaha Sat
urday evening whore ho will visit his
mother a short timo previous to return
ing to Leadvillo Col whoro he has
Ferdinand Czeriny wife and
daughter who residod on the Pasewulk
farm east of Norfolk will leave tomor
row for Berlin Germany via tho
Union Pacific
Omaha News Now an Omaha girl
has been robbed in Cleveland If these
occurrences continue to multiply Pat
Crowe will be the only Oniahan who can
remain safely at homo
Mrs Warrick has returned from Car
roll Iowa where sho was present at the
bedside of hor mother when sho passed
away Tho lady was 72 years of age at
the time or her death
Wm McEver and O H Young trav
eling auditors of the Union Pacifio and
C St P M O railroads are visit
ing Mr Juneman examining the ac
counts of tho joint agency
Miss Mattio McNish received a tele
phono message last evening that her
mother living at Oummingsvillo near
Albion was vory ill Miss McNish loft
on the early freight for that place
Wm Warneko editor of tho Scrib
ner News camo up last evening to visit
his mother Ho says his now venture in
the nowspapor business at Scribuor is
more successful than he anticipated
John Conway of Niobrara returnod
homo Saturday afternoon Ho had
been in Omaha aud stopped for u short
visit with his daughter Nora who is
with the Johnson Dry Goods corapauy
Sioux City Journal 24 Mrs A
Stewart and Miss Alletta Stewart
mother and sister of Mrs A S Gillette
who have been visiting at Norfolk Nob
and Sioux City for the past five mouths
left on Wednesday for their home in
Mercer Pa
O W Braasch returned last ovouing
from Omaha where ho had boeu to visit
his bou Ed who is in a hospital there
Mr Braasch feels considerably en
couraged over the outcome of his sons
illness as ho found him very much im
Tho moving picture entertainment to
be givon at the Marquardt hall this
eveulug by tho Iowa Projectoscope com
pany under tho auspices of tho ladies
of the Congregational church seems to
be worthy of p Uronage Moving pic
tures mo still a novelty in this city and
tho gentleman who has tho allalr in
charge has soino vory pood recommend
ations of his entertainment
Miss Mugglo Halpiu 19 yoars old
living with hor parents ou went Madi
son avonuo submitted to nn operation
for appendicitis this morning At last
reports she was renting uiooly and there
was overy indication that tho operation
had boon successful
Messrs Powers and Hays are both out
of town today and tills afternoon their
hotter halves invaded tho law olllno of
their liege lords to clean out tho place
not a la Oarrlo Nation with hutchots
hut with soap and water with which
they aro thoroughly renovating it This
reminds one of old times
Omaha Hon 21 When a freight
train ou tho Burlington pulled into tho
local yards early yestorday morning a
man giving tho name of L It Neal wan
found in a car ou which tho seal had
boon brokou Ho claimed to ho only
stealing a ride but investigation showed
that several Ihuos of merchandise had
been brokou opon Ho wan turnod ovor
to tho police Neal said his homo wan
in Piorco Nob aud lie wad trying to
boat IiIb way there from Kansas City
Blair Republican William Rhea
ou trial at Fremont for shooting Her
man Zahn of Snyder was convicted of
murder in tho first dogreo Ho showed
wonderful uorvo but his old father
broke down Ho is a bright young man
who ran away from a good homo and be
came an associate of tramps and thieves
when a boy Tho lad had no thought
when ho began to play truant from
school and frequent low resorts that in
a fow yoars ho would htand in tho
shadow of tho gallows
Spucial meetings aro to bo held at the
Salvation Army hall Tuesday and Wed
nesday of this week which aro desig
nated in tho announcements us red hot
salvation mootings Brigadior Gen
eral lames Toft assisted by Capt T F
Ilartiugtou will conduct tho meetings
On Tuesday ot I p m thoro will bo a
childrens mooting and swearing in of
junior soldiers and at 8 oclock thoro
will ho salvation mooting On Wednes
day at 8 p m there will bo holiness
meeting and at 8 oclock a lnusionljtneot
ing aud swearing in of soldiers
Rt Rov Arthur L Williams bishop
of tho diocese of Nohraska preached in
Trinity church last ovoning Ho xviu
at Hlitir in tho morning and camo to
Norfolk ou tho afternoon train arriving
at 7 20 which necessitated boginuing
tho sorvico at 8 oclock half an honr
later than usual Tho gentlemen of tho
congregation had boon invited to meet
tho bishop after tho service at tho
parlors of tho Oxuard hotel but ou ac
count of the critical couditiou of Miss
May Weills ho decided not to return to
Omaha today aud tho mooting was
postponed until this ovoning at 8 oclock
The spring torm of district court con
venes in Madisou on March 11 with
Judgo Boyd on tho bench Tho jury is
summoned to appoar on Tuesday tho
12th at 11 a m Tho jury which wan
drawn Saturday will consist of tho fol
lowing named persons Ed Austin
Fred Brechler Wm Breon M T
Brown H G Bruoggomau J G Clove
land J R Dow Ohas Helm Thomas
Hight C D Jenkins L M Johnson
John Kost Wm Lehman O W
Lomout J H MasBmau Henry Manor
jr It Pryor J F Redman J H
Riser R Stitt G Vaago F K War
rick Laureuco Wells A W Whit
A number of Norfolk young people
went to Missouri Valley this morning
to attend tho funeral of Mrs Leon W
Brown whose sudden death Friday
evening has been announced Mrs
Brown left a 10 pound son about 12
hours old at tho timo that sho passed
away Hor death was from heart
failure aud came almost without warn
ing as she was apparently gotting along
nicely Thoso who wont from hero this
morning to attend tho fuuoral are
Missos McBride Elizabeth and Muttie
Davenport Fannio Norton Lillian
Luikarr and Messrs Arthur Pilger
Ralph Braasch and Loo Pasewalk and
Mr aud Mrs Ludwig Koouigstoin
Again tho messenger of doath has
called at the home of Rev J O S
Weills this timo claiming tho daughter
May Although it was announced Sat
urday that sho could not bo expeotod to
live through tho day hor sploudid will
power carried hor not only through that
day but until 015 this morning when
sho breathed her last Sho was deter
mined to live and had she had more
vitality she might havo rallied from
this attack although her family havo
realized for some timo that sho could
not expect to roach an old ago Tho
day that her mother died a week ago
Saturday she was obliged to givo up
and go to bed aud she has been grad
ually sinking siuce Her funeral will
be held tomorrow at 10 oclock iu Trin
ity ohuroh ouo week to an hour after
that of her mother and graudmothor
Tho services will be conducted by Bishop
Williams It is certaiiily to bo hoped
that no further afllictiou is to bo visited
upon the family of Mr Weills and as
Mr Weills and John are now nble to bo
dressed aud Mrs Douol is much im
proved the indications aro that tho
worst is over
When the Jossey Stock company was
here last week it was discovered that
ehsimmiJ ajmrnkimkdSSSSOK
some enterprising Imys had been ar
ranging a plan whereby they could at
tend entertainments In the Auditorium
without tho usual nooessary preliminary
of contributing tho price of admission
On tho north side of tho building they
had dug a hnlo ulxmt four feet deep
and from thin hud tunneled under tho
foundation aud into tho Imsemont of
tho opera houso from which they oould
gain access to tho floor aliovo When
It wan found what tho boyn had done
Mr Jossey who xviih onco a boy him
solf with a proollvlty for attending
shows said that If they wanted to come
to his ontertaiitment bud enough to do
that much work ho would raise no oh
jecthm But for fenr that future man
agers may not look at it iu tho name
light this underground entrance to tho
Auditorium will bo closed
II It Taken From In 1 1 nl Term Ifnliln ami
Hanged In n lltliln Till- IMunler of
Nelnml Ttixilier
Torre Itnuto Ind Feb U7 0orgo
Wind n negro employe of tho car
works wns taken from Jnll and
lynched by n mob for the murder of
Miss Ida Flnkolstoln Ward xviih ar
rested ou suspicion At first ho denied
any knowledge of the orlmo but Inter
confessed Haying lie girl taunted him
about his color mid hud slapped him
In the face and In a lit of miner ho had
ahot and cut her throat
Ward was placed In Jail and as noon
an tho fad became known a crowd
began assembling beforo tho structure
demanding that Ward be surrendered
to them Suddenly the crowd rushed
at tho Jail door and In a moment had
battered It down They were driven
back however by I ho Jailer who tired
a shotgun several times over tlielr
heads Threo deputy sheriffs received
slight Injuries from tho charges of
shot but no one In the mob was hurt
The mob again rushed at tho battered
front door of tho Jnll and swept all re
sistance nslde Ward was found
crouching In a cell find ho was dragged
out A rope was placed around Ids
neck and he was dragged to the wagon
bridge across the Wabash river three
blocks away and hnnged to n bridge
stringer It Is estimated that HoOO
people formed the mob
Not content with the hanging the
crowd cut tho corpse down and lay
ing It on a sand bar under the bridge
kindled a fire nnil cremated the re
mains It was the first lynching that
ever occurred In Torre Haute and the
day abounded In exciting Incidents
Sheriff Fnsslg communicated with
Coventor Diirblu but the mob accom
plished Its work beforo any effort was
made to got the mllltla Into action
Omaha Chief Doubts Thut He U on IleU
leiue Island
Omnlin Feb 21 Chief of Police
Donahue said th it If Put Crowe was
hiding ou Hellevue Island the police
had no knowledge of It and thut he
very much doubled if It were truo He
know that Crowo was at Hellevue
where ho has relatives a week prior
to the adhusllon of young Cudahy but
ho did not think ho hud been there
wince that time
The story that had been
traced to Belle vue Island and was be
ing watched there probably originated
from tho fact that lie has a
living In that vicinity and a num
ber of captures of counterfeiters aud
other criminals for which It affordu
an Inaccessible hiding place
Three Hoys Meet Death
Blwablk Minn Feb 25 A terrible
accident resulting Iu the loss of three
lives occurred yesterday at the
Elba mine six miles from here Five
boys were riding a car which Is used In
tho shaft One of the boys turned
the switch the wrong way and the car
descended rapidly from the top of the
shaft house towards the shaft open
ing One of the boys realized the dan
ger and pulled his brother off the car
In time to save him The car crashed
down tho shaft opening hurling the
throe young boys to the boUom of the
shaft killing them instantly The
boys wore two sons of Joseph Felt
aged 10 and 12 respectively and An
drew Sclakdlchs son aged about 8
Three small children of Daniel Ire
land were burned to death Thursday
In their homo in Cold Springs Har
bor L I during the absence of their
At a meeting of tho new St Louis
board of police commissioners Tues
day Captain Matthew Klely was
chosen chief of police vice John W
The senate In executive session Tues
day confirmed all the naval nomina
tions for promotion sunt Iu except
those of Admiral Sampson and Admi
ral Schley
Tho Wlndom block at Minneapolis
wus destroyed by lire Tuesday night
entailing a loss of 5100000 The Gar
rlty block adjoining was also badly
damaged A dozen small business
firms wero burned out
Governor Durbln Wednesday vetoed
the railroad consolidation bill which
bus been considered the most import
ant measure In tho Indiana legisla
A fight with pistols In which Bun
Smith was killed and Kilns Graham
and his son wero mortally wounded
occurred at Brush Hill I T Wednes
At Grlce Tex Wednesday 12 wom
en with hatchets went to the post
oillco and store run by J J Qrlco In
which bitters are sold and taking the
bottles outside broke Qeru all
i m n m
E A Cudahy Receives Letter
From Alleged Kidnaper
rnixllln Saj Hi Will Show Up In Ouialin
finiiu lllves n III Itnninn for Keeping
llmlri Dover I hat lie l iiiirod Hiimuiarf
Veliitrniirn From Kieltuil People
Omaha Fob 21 Pat Crowo nit
been hoard finin under clrciiinslancet
which indicate that he Is soon to innko
public appcMtiiucc 10 A Cudahy In lir
receipt of a letter hearing trowcH
signature Crowo explains In the lot
tor that ho has heard that the Oninliit
police aro looking for him and believe
him to be one of tho kidnapers of Ed
ward Cudahy If He maintains that
ho Is Innocent ami says that he hns nn
knowledge of tho affair with the ex
ception of what ho has rend In tho
newspaper He says that he will
drop Into Omaha some day aud provu
himself Innocent and that he would
havo done no long ago hnd ho not
boon afraid that he might surfer tho
fato of the negro who was lyuchod at
Crowe says that Omaha people must
havo cooled off considerably by thin
timo and expresses the opinion that
ho will soon be ablo to como here with
safety Mo makes an appeal to thn
chief of police and Mr Cudahy for
protection and nays that he will ex
pect them to stand between him amt
violence In conclusion he says that
he Is much hurt to think that Mr Cud
ahy suspects him of being guilty of
the kidnaping and expresses Mm ap
preciation of the kindness Mr Cudah
has shown him In tin1 pint
XVInit Mr Ciiilnliy Hity
When I received this letter Mr
Cudahy explained I was determined
not to take loo much Tor granted so I
sent It to Chicago as I knew Mr IMuk
erlon had samples of Crowes writing
and would he able to Identify It with
out dllllculty A few days later I
heard from Mr Ilnkorton He said
he had compared the xvrltlng with a
sample of Crowes chlrography and
that they were the same beyond pies
lion I wouldnt be surprised now If
Crowe should show himself utmost any
time I believe the letter was written
In good faith
I dont think the letter xvas written
In either Omaha or South Omaha It
bore the Into line South Omaha
Nob Fob in but the postmark on tint
enviMope showed that It had boon
mailed In Omaha It xvas probably
written some distance from here anil
sent In a separate envelope to soma
friend In Omaha or South Omaha
xvho renin lied It This xvas done for
the obvious purpose of keeping his
present xvhereabouts a secret Ifa
evidently xvants to come In voluntarily
xvlthout giving detectives the honor of
having enptured him
Da rld ftlnrtln Herlnuly IU
Atchison Kan Feb 28 David
Martin former Judgo of the state su
premo court and brothor of es Unlted
States Senator John Martin of Kan
sas Is critically ill at his home here
with pneumonia aud dropsy
Strife Ill gun In Mnoeilonlit
Constantinople Feb Fighting
has begun between a large body of
liulgarian agitators aud a forco or
Turkish troops at a village near Qhev
ghell Macedonia Six Bulgarians wero
killed and three taken prisoners Sev
eral of the Turkish troops wen
Natlres Attack French flarrlson
Paris Feb During an attack on
the French garrison of 100 at Tunl
motin Algeria by 1000 native Bara
hos three officers and six men were
killed und twenty ono men wounded
Tho natives were repulsed with 100
killed and about tho same number
Women are Like
FiitArC Healthy andstrong
B IUYYCI 3 hey blossom
and bloom Sickly they wither and
die Every woman ought tlook well
and feel well Its her rlrht and dutv
but she might as well try to put out a
lire wan on uiuin iicaiiny ana at
tractive with disease corroding the
organs that make her a woman Upon
their health depends her health If
there is Inflammation or weakening
drains or suffering at the monthly
period attend to it at once Dont
delay Youre one step nearer tho
oravft fverv Hav vnn mtt It riff
Women can stand a great deal but
they cannot live torever with disease
dragging at the most delicate and
vital organs In their body You may
have been deceived In so called cures -We
dont Bee how you could help it
there Is so much worthless stuff oa
the market Hut you wont bo dls
appointed In Ilrudfiulds Kemnle ReK
uliitor We believe it is the one
oineonoarthfor womunly ills There
is as much ditlcrencu between it and
other so called remedies as there is
between right and wrontf Uradfields
lfinulo KeKulutor soothes the pain
stop the drains promotes regularitv
htrensthens purities and cleanses It
does ull this quickly and easily und
naturally His for women alone tode
cide whether thev will hn hpnlHitr nr 1
hick Hiudfields Regulator lies at
uauu ptr raiuo at urug store
Sni fur oar ftM booUrt
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