The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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I 1 I
k 1
Appropriately Celebrated at the
Congregational Church
71 mi y 1Ytiil Attonil Mm Knlnrtnliimrtit
mill UtJoj llm lloBpltnllly of llm Men
Thny llnvo Trouble of llitir Own wlilcli
tiro Otcrcoimi lu Count of Tlmn
Vm SMunln I ntlj
Tho inun nfluir given nt tho parlors of
tho Congregational ohuroh limt ovoning
was woll nttouricd ami wnsa micoohr ho
far tin tho gur Hts woro concerned lint
thn moil htvl troubles of tlioir own
Somo of those who woro soliedulod to
ako part ns cooks ilHiwanhurH wnltont
etc fulled to nppenr nt nil whilo othors
camo Into Of courHO when n meal h
io bosorvod It will not do to conunonoo
tho irrnngemonts half iui hour nftor
tho timo tho nionl should ho ready so
thoso who woro prompt woro obliged to
do douhlo duty In tho early Htngo1 of
tho ontortiiiuiiiont Hut thn trouhlun of
tho mon hoguii ovou boforo tho shades
of night hud fallen Those wIioho duty
it wiib to propuro tho tables appourod on
tho hcoiio during thoiiftoruoou but thoy
Hoom ohuvo forgot ton that thoy noudud
tables tublo olothoH unpkiuH dishes nnd
huoIi othor accessories to tho propnrntiou
of n Bproiul llowovor Hioho dllllculttoH
woro llnnlly ovorcomo nud by dark thoy
hud long tnbloH nicely spread About
thin timo tho furmioo wont on a rump
ngo nud blow out sifting n lino cant
ing of Boot down ovor tho tables nud
dishes Aftorsonio diflloulty tho fur
iinco whh got togothor ngnin nntl thou
tho tables had to bo rosproad All thoHo
obstacles woro ovorcomo nt uu oxponHO
of timo nnd tempor but nt last tho
feast wiib rondy nntl tho guoHtH woro in
vited to pnrtuko thoroof
Prof OConuor nctotl an miwtor of
ccrcmonioft who uuuouucod onrly in tho
ovoning that whoii tho moil undertook
anything thoy would bo right on timo
Ho spoko boforo ho know of tho diill
cnltlos tlmt ho mon in tho ouliunry
tlopartuiunt woro lmving Hon J It
IIuyB gnvo n Hhort but vory Interesting
hkotch of n visit to Mount Vornou A
niulo iiinrtot constating of Dr Oolo 0
O Gow Wm Dridgo mid Dr Purkor
gnvo appropriate Wnsliingtou Hongs
Tlion u coltmiul procession was formod
led by n 11 fo nud drum corps wliioh whh
tnkou part in by tho unongngod mon mid
tho Indies who woro continued as
lndinus or whites of tho colonial period
Tho purudo was urouud tho ohuroh nnd
in to Buppor
Tho Huppor wns rcnlly n vory orodit
nblo affair woll cooked nnd uicoly
eorvod It consisted of oystor stow
hnm snudwiohos colToo pickles oto
Thoro sconicd to bo nothing wrong with
Mapoa cooking but some nro ho uu
churitnblo ns to Bay that tho men woro
oxtrnvngnnt in tho quantity of supplies
laid in for tho occasion Although an
onicial list wns not posted for inspection
tho following is given by ono who ought
to know us to what was used 1 1 pails
of oysters 21 pounds of butter 111 gal
lous of milk 18 pounds of crackers It
pouuds of poppor 4 sucks of table salt
Jllponudsof cofleo 10 pounds of loaf
sugar lfi quarts of oreiuu 18 hums 10
loaves of broad nud a barrel of piokles
This was something of nn array of pro
visions but being mon tho providers for
tho onterpriso did not want to run short
ou anythiug It is porhaps needless to
Bay that thoy had enough Tho men
avow that it will bo quito a whilo before
thoy attempt anothor affair of tho kind
yot they say thoy all eujoyod it iu a
way awfully
Tho entertainment netted tho ohuroh
Bocioty about 20
Funeral of Mm I V llrown
Tho Missouri Valloy Times of Monday
paid tho following tribute to tho lato
Mrs L W Brown noo Mao Buts
The Inst sad rites tho last tokens of
lovo and esteem of tho lato Mrs L W
Brown were hold from tho lato homo
on Fourth stroot this afternoon in tho
presonoe of tho family resident neigh
bors and sympathizing friends from
Boouo Norfolk aud Omaha
Floral tributes varied and boautiful
filled tho room with au odor like a breath
of heavenly f i agranoe that seemed to
speak of a life in some sunny climo
where partings nro unknown nor pain
nor sorrow as on this oarth
The familiar form of tho young
mother wife daughtor friend lay as if
in Bleep her wedding gowu her winding
sheet her lips half parted aa if to speak
again ono word that would give nioro
joy than all ehe ever said Beautiful in
life Bhe was even nioro beautiful in
death A radiance not of earth scomod
if out her as though she were smiling
back from loyond the veil safe iu the
everlasting arms for of bucIi is the
kingdom of Heaveu
Tho hour of her departure was at
hand when listening lovo could almost
hear tho rustle of a wing aud hope see
the guiding Btar The fow words
spoken by her former pastor fell upon
the bowed hearts as a balm and a bone
diction The simple story of her life
was sweet to hear for it was beautiful
as brief a birth a smile a tear and
then a death The primrose path of
youth for her had scarcely ended All
had been joy and gladness The reali
tios of life had just oomo to her with
the birth of her Bon as comes tho light
with tho morning Btar Sho welcomed
them with a Hinilo a tear hut was too
wonk to stny and with nn otiUitrotohod
hand nud n mniln bIio slopt nnd no
onrthly voice could call her back again
Tho father aud thn bnho woro loft alone
tho mother was no nioro
Old Hntllnr loim
Irnm Ttiiwdnf Dnllf
1YiMloriok Oorooko died last ovoning
nt fi oclock nt tho homo of his daughtor
Mrs Borthn Pilgnr nt tho ripo ngo of
80 years Tho funeral will bo held from
tho homo of Mrs Pilger on South Fifth
stroct tomorrow afternoon nt 2 oclock
nnd will bo iu clmrgo of Rev MoKlm
Tho remains will bo interrod iu the
Gorman Lutheran oometery
Frederick Gurocko wan ono of Nor
folks oarly Bottlers roniing hoio almost
110 years ngo nntl for 21 years of that
time lins boon a widower his wife bo
ing buried hero
lie was horn in Gornuuiy February
15 18lf and omiin to this country in
1851 Bottling in Wisconsin Ho resided
I hero 18 years nnd thon removed to Nor
folk making his homo with Mrs Pilgor
from that timo to liis death
Ho leaves llvo ohildren ninny grand
children and Bovornl great grandchildren
to mourn his decoaso Tho oldest
daughter lives in Oshkosh Wis Mrs
Pilgor Mrs Louisa Werner and Her
man Gorecko livo in Norfolk aud Wm
Gorocko in Stanton
Tho tlecenHotl hns boon ailing slnco
Thanksgiving nud his death is duo
to the decline resultant upon old ago
Two Voiinir Mon Who Should llnvo Hern
HngHf ail In Hot tor HimIiiikx Indulgo
In DwiBoroiii Sport
from Monrinyit Dully
From the Htnutlpoint of the boys it
no doubt nn ovideuoo of great wit
strotoh wiros across tho sldownlks
night so that persons passing thnt way
will bo tripped up but thoro are some
people with suoh blunt perceptions thnt
thoy cannot boo where tho brilliancy of
tho act comes in Last evening whon
people were going homo from ohuroh
thoy struck suoh n wiro strung across
tho sidewalk noar Mr McNaineos resi
dence ou Madisou nveuno Tho first
who fouud It after being tripped ro
moved the wiro nud hung it up in n
tree hut ho had no sooner passed along
than two young mon camo out from
hiding and ngnin strotohed tho wiro
over tho walk concealing thomsolves to
see what would happen to the next per
son to strike It They woro young men
well dressed nnd probably 20 years of
ago which makes tho not oven loss ex
cusable than if it had boon done by boys
When young mon cnu llud no better
mauuor of spending tlioir Suuday even
ings than by engaging In au act de
signed to injure others thou their
natures must be coarse indeed The
world will pxpeot to henr from thnt
kind of young men in lntor years when
thoy nro on trial for a nioro serious
crime for a porson who can extract
pleasuro from tho nusfortunos of others
has tho elements which make crimiuals
lu his character
loud Atlvlrn
The most miserable beings in the worltl
nro thoso suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint Mnro than sovonty
flvo per cent of tho peoplo iu tho United
Statos are alllictod with these two dis
eases nud their effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Hoadacho Habitual Cost
Ivouoss Palpitation of the Heart Heart
burn Waterbrash Gnawing and Burn
ing Pains at the Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Ooated touguo aud Disagreeable
Taste in tho Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eatiug Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist and got a bottle of August
Flowor for 75 couts Two doses will ro
llevo you Try it Got Greens Prlzo
Almanac Asa K Leonard
A Oood Thins
Gorman Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Bosoheo a celebrated
German PhyBioian and is acknowledged
to bo ono of tho most fortuuato discover
ies iu Modioiuo It quickly cures
Coughs Colds aud till Lung troubles of
tho severest nature removing as it does
tho causo of tho affection and leaving tho
parts in a strong and healthy condition
It is not au exporimoutal medicine but
has stood tho test of years giving satis
faction iu overy case which its rapidly
increasing sale ovory season conilrms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
cheos German Syrup was introduced in
tho Unites States iu 1808 and is uow
sold iu ovory town and village in tho
civilized world Three doses will reliovo
auy ordinary cough Price 70 cts Got
Groous Prizo Almanac ABa K Leon
lUiumoua Louisiana An Ideal Health
aud Winter lltwort
The passeugor department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a new edition of Hammond
Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
the winter attractions iu aud about
Hammond copies of which will bo
mailed free ou application to tho under
For thoso iu good or moderato olroum
stance no point in the south offors such
inducements The climate is unsur
passed The artosau wator excellent
Society almost entirely northern and
the hotel aud boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to auy town of its size
in tho north and at moderate ratea
J F Mbukv
Asst Gen Pass Agt III Cent R R
Dubuque Iowa
im ii i
Given by Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen
Mnrnunnlt Hull HeaitHfully tlntonttril
for the Oonulon A Largo Attendance
Hituoer Knjovrd FntlTltlei Until well
Toward Morning
lrom HiUurtluT Dalli
Tho fourteenth annual ball
horn Valloy lodgo No 101 B
given nt Mnrqunrdt hall Inst
was n succoss iu ovory respect
of Klk
tt T
Tho at-
tendauco wns largo tho decorations
pleasing tho music inspiring tho sup
per excellent aud the d moors were hand
somely nttlred aud in their best humor
nil conspiring to make a happy evout
long to boromomberedTlioohiof feature
wherolu tho bah last ovoning was finer
than anything ovor attempted boloro by
the railroad trainmen of this olty was
tho boauty of tho decorations of tho
hall for which Geo A Kooohig aud G
W Gibson nro largoly responsible
Thoy worked all of yesterday nt tho
decorating nud whon night enmo thoy
had transformed tho hull into a veritable
bowor of bonuty Bunting nnd flags in
profusion adorned tho walls and pillars
rod whito and bluo mingling with tho
greon and red of tho ordor tho brilli
ancy of tho effect being very materially
hightonod by rod and groon lanterns
As tho dancors outorod tho hall thoy
were mot by tho rocoptlou cominittoo
aud each goutlomau was presented with
a boutonnioro whilo onoh lady was the
roeipiout of n hnndsouio bouquet of out
lowers Bohnorts orchostrn furnished
tho music wliioh soenied ovou bottor
than tho usual oxcollout quality given
by that organization
Tho grand march which startod at
15 led by Mr L P Pasowalk
and Mrs W O Hall was tho Bigual for
tho opouiug of fostivitios wliioh were
continued until 4 oclock this morning
Homo Swoot Homo being tho 25th
dnnco number
At about midnight the dancers ud
journod to tho Pacific hotel whore an
oxcollout supper was sorved the dining
room and tables being docorated in
keeping with tho occasssion
Aud thus tho fourteenth annual ball
of the Brothorhood of Railway Traiu
mou has passed into history and will
nlways romuin in memory of thoso who
woro present as ono of tho happiest
sooinl events that they over nttouded
Whilo tho nttoudance was largely made
up from Norfolk peoplo quico a number
from towns oast aud west iu the Elk
horn valley came iu to join in tho fes
Tho following named committees had
the management of tho affair and are
responsible for Its succoss Master of
ceremonies R L Cauoto assistants J
C Ecclos B E Burns G W Gibson
Committoe ou arrangements A S
Kuderna J F McGrane P Porterfield
G A Koechig J C Ecclos
Reception committeo Messrs F I
RueboII E B Taylor F O Hurd II
G Bain W E Ellonwood Mesdames
F I Russell E B Taylor F 0 Hurd
H G Bain W E Ellenwood
Invitation committee O H Baker L
F Krickbuum A S Kuderna Leon
Leo A L Guthrie
Floor committee John Book G A
Kooohig J J Hurrlngton Wm Beck
G W Kurrock
David City Neb April 1 1900
Genesoe Pure Food Le Roy N Y
Goutlemou I must say in regard to
Graiu 0 that there is nothing better
or healthior We have used it for years
My brothor was a great coffee drinker
He was taken siok and the doctor said
coffee was tho cause of it My brothor
has boon woll ever since we started to
uso it Yours truly Lillik Sooiior
Letter Lint
List of letters remaining uncalled
at tho postofllce February 25 1901
0 A Anderson G S Blakosloy J
W Denning Myrtle Davis F N Dop
kins Egytian Remedy Co Foot
S chul zo Co Mr Foy Claraucu Hilo
Ollio Kozlinn August Kleuo Wm G
Killiuger August Kruegor Supt E A
Luudberg Dollle Mason Junios Odell
Charles J Paid a Les Parson pkg
Mrs F Smith Annie Seoilet Mrs
Anna Totten ue Brown Fuuuio Vaughn
Ben Whoeler 2 Homer Williams
Herman Weiohanthal
If not called for in 30 days will be
sent to the dead lotter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advortised
P F Sprkchkr P M
Washington D O Gonossee Pure
Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen
Our family realize so much from tho
use of Graln 0 that I feel I must say a
word to iuduco others to use it if
peoplo are interested in their health and
tho welfare of their children they will
use no other beverage I have usod
t hem all but Graiu 0 I have fouud
superior to any for the reason that it is
solid grain Yours for health
O F Myers
The complete service of The Ohio
a go- Portl and Special via Union Paciflo
e uables passengers to reach tho princi
pal cities between the north and Paciflo
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time but also
iu the most comfortable nnd onjoynbln
manner Tho dining cars ou this train
nro stocked with tho best tho niarkot
nffords All meals flcrvod n li carlo
Noll McBoath will farm G W Hills
place tho coming soasou
OhriH Kttio of Jollot 111 is visiting
with Wolf Hoffman
Miss Ollio Muuson went to Omaha
Thursday for a mouths visit with hor
Will Reed and Geo Woodruff will
givo a dauco iu tho hall Thursday ovon
ing Fobruary 28
Flvo thousand htishols of corn wero
contracted hero Tuesday at couts per
bushel to ho dollverod this week
Harry Morris returned from Okln
hornn Friday Ho is well ploasod with
tho country aud thinks of removing thoro
iu tho fall
W M Olmstoad will load a car uoxt
Saturday with his personal proporty
and ship to Osgood Iowa where ho
will farm the coining season
Maurice Carboriy has resigned tho
position of ngent for tho Omaha Elevator
company at this point J F Wobstor
will tako chnrgo March 1
II E Wood of Llucoln was horo Mou
day looking after his real estato inter
ests While hero ho routed ono of his
farms west of town to R Peterson
UncloloHh riilloHojihy in Short Oliaptera
Doe i Little Independent Figurine
nn tho Homo Trado Proposition
Tho following from tho Elk Point S
D Courier is not only a woll told story
but It points a moral that applies with
strong force to Norfolk and vicinity at
this time
I dont know as an old Dakota
farmer that ulut Beon any more of this
muddled up world thnu I hev ought to
preoh to his neighbors but Im gol
darned if I cau help yolpiu a little jest
at prosout Yo boo Ive stuck to it those
Boventeou years gouo that a man cnut
do botteru to do his plain trndiu to
homo whero theres aohauco of buildiu
up the town and country round about
hlni Ivo got a farm out hore jest six
miles from Elk Point Elk Points our
noarest town nn wo call it home when
we write to friends back east Wall
twenty yonrs ago I got this farm Elk
Point wareut much to boast on then
My farm warout worth much money
either Id a had hard work to give it
away I calculate until Elk Point began
to sprout up Then I was closo enough
to a tradiu point bo that it didnt seem
so much like being on Sahary desert I
remember jest how my farm went up
from 3 an acre 4 5 9 12 14
25 nn now Im blowed if Id take
5 an acre for it Whats the reason
Why jest because tho home towns a
good one the countrys settled up and
lifes more worth livin in this vicinity
Now I say the wny to push up the value
of these farmE of ourn is jest to look
after the home interests If Elk Point
was twice as big as it is my farm would
bo worth more Tho prosperity of them
abont me increases tho value of my farm
Therefore Im goin to work for my
home interests overy time an dont you
forgot it
Now theres Tim Brown said
Uuole Josh Yesterday he camo over
to our place jubilant an he says Josh
Hamilton youre a fool
Why asks I
Because says he lookin important
you keepon buyin your goods here at
home when you know its throwiu
money in the fire Why Ive just got
a batch of groceries from Chicago an
Im ahead threo pounds of prunes two
pounds of sugar two bars of soap an
four boxes of matches Suoh savin as
thatll make a man rich in ten years
Did youflguro iu the freight I asks
No he allows but that dont
amount to anything not worth notio
Well I continues soeing youre in
fcr economy lets tako a peuoil au fig
ure it out Three pounds of prunes
worth 15 conts two oakes of soap 0
cents two pounds of sugar 12 cents
four boxes of matches lOceuts 48cents
in all
Now what was the freight asks I
Forty seven cents he acknowledged
Add stamp 2 cents stationary 1
cent j money order 5 cents total 55
conts You got 43 cents worth for 55
conts Tim besides all your trouble
Your moneys gone out of the commun
ity and we count good times by the
local circulation of money Youve
cheated some homo merchant out of a
fow cents profit but you take your but
ter and eggs to him and he gives you
moro for them than you could get in
Chicago When your cash runs out
youll go to him as youvo done timo au
agin aud ask him to carry yon six
mouths without interest Then youll
pay him back next timo you git some
cush by sendin it to mou whod let your
children starve before theyd give you a
ornokor on credit Tim Browusays I
gittlug riled youre blind as a bat to
your Interests and sioh men as you aiut
worth a copper cout to this community
Youd fight mighty port for your couutry
but you dont realize that the truest
patriotism begins right in the home
250 f100
Omaha Weakly World Herald 1 year 100
Profits In Poultry 352 pages 50
Orange Judd Farmer weekly 1 year 100
Total 250
Above are the regular prices for these well known publication
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This offer Is enly open till February 28th
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Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
Hissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smokinp and Library Oars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dininc Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsch Light
For full information call on or add res
The Norfolk Gash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fine Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our faimus
Mellowrich coffee the finest brand iu the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kiuds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
H ighest prices paid for Butter and Eggs
That we are constantly growing iu the art of mak
ing Fiue Photos aud our products will always be
found to embrace the most
aud Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kiuds
of framing