The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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E v
X h
Miko Moollck of South Norfolk in on
tho Bick list
W W Unrvoy was in tho oity from
Tilden Thursduy
J S Hough wns n city visitor yostor
day from Iloopor
J S MahorlitiR of Ewiug roglstorod
in Norfolk yesterday
O P Nelmnn of Shreovoport 111 is n
Norfolk visitor today
P W Melohor was in Norfolkoster
day from West Point
D P Blodgott of Columbus was a
Norfolk visitor Thursday
Arnold O Koonig was in tho oity yes
torday from Qrnud Islnud
Mrs W 13 Powors and son Ohrigof
Piorco woro in Norfolk this morning
Prof W G HirouB principnl of tho
Picrco schools is a Norfolk visitor today
O Q Dolen and family departed this
noon for thoir now homo in Randolph
MiHS Martha Kloutz leavos this noon
for Iowa whore flho will outer a whole
sale milliuory storo
Tho thermometer last night indicated
a tomporature 13 Jegroos below zero bo
ing by far tho coldest night of tho sea
Mrs Robert Uttor was agreeably sur
prised last evouing by receiving an un
announced visit from a number of neigh
bors and friends
Superintendent P W Teal of tho
Norfolk hospital for tho iusauo wont to
Lincoln today on business connected
with that institution
R P Brace has deeded to his daugh
ter Mrs Wni Banner a house and
lot in Riversido Park addition aud Mr
and Mrs Banner aro moving in today
The fuuoral of tho lato Mrs Dick
Beswick is to bo hold Monday after
noon at 2 30 from tho First Congrega
tional church Rev J J Parker will
conduct tho services
Tho West Side Whist club met last
night with Dr aud Mrs H T Holdou
and those who braved tho storm with
the object of passing a pleasant oveuiug
were not disappointed
The committee on permanent organ
ization at the Y M O A convention at
Hastings yesterday afternoon recom
mended H L Snyder of this city for
the position of vice chairman
Harry tniDurn wno nas been em
ployed at the Oreighton depot for bome
years departed this noon with his
family for Marshalltown Iowa where
they will make their home in the fu
The board of public lands and build
ings failed to mako its anticipated visit
to the Norfolk hospital for the insane
last night and the preparations made
for their reception aud entertainment
went by default
Prank Eblo is serving a term in the
city jail having been sentenced yester
day to pay a fine and costs for disorderly
conduct of 710 He paid a portion of
the costs aud was put in juil to serve
out the balance of the amount imposed
J D Sturgeon writes that his con
certs are meeting with remarkable suc
cess and that the people they have en
tertained are very enthusiastic Ho has
received many and hearty congratula
tions from those who appreciate good
musio all along the line
The Oxnard hotel is said tobejquite
completely in tho coils of tho grip
Manager Spear has been made ac
quainted with more kinds of grip than
ho ever knew before since joining the
Elks and now the head clerk and chef
are both suffering from tho disease but
it is said that Porter Shores has a
greater variety of grips than aU others
Pierce Leader Ohas A MqJIini M
D O of Norfolk says that Dr J H
Nicodemus a former resident of Pierce
is not a veterinarian at all and that it is
doubtful whether Dr J H would
know the iirst principles of tho uso of a
microscope Mr McKim was moved
to make this statement by tho Norfolk
News quoting the Spaulding Enter
prise to the effect that Dr Nick was a
qualified and expert veterinarian This
is sad news to Pierce people We al
ways thought J H was an export
from way back We know he is an
expert wind jammor anyway
Tho Bees Washington correspondent
sends news that will be gratifying to
the many frieuds of Colonel E II Tracy
of this city Ho says under dato of the
8th Senator Thurston will call on tho
president tomorrow on matters con
nooted with tho new army having de
oided to urge tho following appoint
ments EHTracy of Norfolk vyho
WuR major in tho Second Nebraska to
be captain of commissary or quarter
master Mr Tracys friends feel
that tho best there is aro none too good
for him and hope to see him receive de
served recognition from tho government
Madison Chronicle Postmaster Ar
nott has been lucky in making finds
this week It has fulleu to his lot to
pick up three pockotbooks nil contain
ing money Sunday morning as he
was sweoping off his walk ho found a
pookotbook whloh he recognized as bo
longing to a neighbors boy aud it con
tainod a few cents One of the others
ha 1 about 70 in it and was left on the
money order window at the postofllco
and tho other had beeu dropped near
the general window This had over J 100
in it Mr Arnott hud no trouble in ro
turning hit finds to tho rightful owuors
Tho Osmond Republican extracts
some satisfaction from tho census
roturuB in roforonco to that town It
shows 501 pcoplo lacking but 103 of
boing afl largo as Plaiuviuw aud Jtl of
as many as Pierco tho county seat
which aro at loast 20 yoara older Tho
Republican says Whoro Osmond is
standing today in 1800 whou tho Inst
cousus was takou was n largo Held of
growing corn nud within ton years
upon that site has sprung up a littlo
town filled with schools stores oimrches
a mill nud other enterprising business
establishments conspicuous as loaves in
tho summor tiino
Tosoph D Piohter has conunoneod a
suit in the district court at Madison
against Mr and Mrs Henry Millor who
live 1 1 miles northwest of tho county
Boat Piohtor was married to Anna
Millor at Madison lanuary 2 and tho
couplo then wont to visit tho bridus
puronts sho reiunining there while tho
groom wont to Tildon to proparou homo
When ho returned for his bride about
February 2 hor parents provonted him
It is claimed from ontoriug the houso or
soeing his wife Tho husband thinks ho
has beeu damagod to tho amount of
T000 by tho ostrangomout from his
lawfully wedded wlfo
Piorco Cill A lottor from Joseph
Wolf dated at San Autouio Philippino
Islands on Deo 22 MKH Btutes that he
has beon relieved of duty on tho gun
boat Oosto aud is again with his regi
ment tho 22d Iufautryv Ho states
that tho fighting is slowly quiotiug
down but tho troops aro kopt busy scout
ing continuously in tho jungles and
swamps broaking up small bands of
guerrillas or robbers Tho dry season
has come ngaiu but the boys now do not
have such hard work as at first from
tho fact they aro furnished horsos aud
organized into mouutod scouting part
ies Tho rico crop this year is said to
be half a failure owing to tho lateness
of tho wot season which sot in two
months later than usual and ended a
mouth sooner Jo snys corn is getting
ripe and tomatoes cucumbors and
other garden truck aro beginning to
get scarce while tropical fruits aro
just coming into the market
Noting tho fact that many country
bred men in the Inrgo cities take the
local pnper in their old home the
Philadelphia Record says The head
of a largo Market street wholesnlo
business house a man now advanced
in years has beon a regulnr subscriber
to ono of the Bucks country papers for
fifty years Ho wouldnt give it up for
anything said this mans sons yester
day He gets moro real enjoyment
from it than from anything ho reads
A daily edition has been started with
in the last ten years but he doesnt
want that He only gets the weekly
edition which prints gossip of a per
sonal nature from the various towns
throughout tho county He will pore
over this by the hour and his com
ments on the various items of news
are often amusing Scarcely a name is
mentioned that he doesnt say Why I
used to go to school with his father
or I once licked his Uncle Jim for ty
ing my clothes up when we used to go
swimming in the Neshaminy
The Newman Grove Herald tells of a
case of small pox near that town in tho
following language Fred Lindo was
exposed to the small pox at the Lutheran
college Wahoo and came home last
week having walked to the first station
north of Wahoo knowing that it was
impossible for him to buy a ticket at the
Wahoo station Since he came home ho
has developed a fino case of tho disease
and it is likely to go through the entire
family who live about a mile out of
town The place has been closely quar
antined and it is hoped tho disease will
be kept within those bounds Small pox
may be a loatheomo disease but there is
no sense in getting so excited about it ns
to lose what little sense you may have
previously possessed It is not as dan
gerous uor us fatal by any innnuer of
means as scarlet fever or diphtheria It
is in only one family and as they live in
tho country they can bo easily isolated
aud are now under quarantine Tho boy
showed a lack of sense in coming home
when there are so many small children
in the family and tho other members of
tho family are guilty of negligence in
tryiug to conceal the fact of tho boys
exposure It is barely possible that the
boy would havo been treated at homo
for chicken pox and tho family con
tiuued coming to town had not Dr
Towne of the stnto board of health noti
fied tho authorities here of tho coudition
of things
Jariiiiiig III Culnrndi mm Now Mexico
The Denver Rio Grande railroad
The Soenio Lino of tho World has
prepared an illustrated book upon tho
above subject which will bo sent freo to
farmers desiring tochango their location
This publicatiou gives valuable informa
tion iu regard to tho agricultural horti
cultural and live stock interests of this
section aud should bo in tho hands of
who desires to
overyouo becomo ac
quainted with the methods of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
Khtmy Native
Taken up by tho undersigned ono
black bonr pig The owner is requostod
to call prove property pay charges and
take said 6tmy away Call at J V
Kidders on North Thirteenth street
Mrs II E Ellor lms gone to lown to
visit hor parents
Work on tho now Bishop block was re
sumed this morning
Mrs Uuderberg of Madison wns a
Norfolk visitor Saturday
Sheriff Geo W Losey wns over from
Mndison Saturday on business
N A Rninholt returned yostorday
fiom hlB trip to Rapid City S 1
Rov 10 S Wollls who hns boon
vory sick is reported much butter this
Mrs O J Stookwoll and baby left
yesterday fr a two months visit witli
hor paronts at AnioH Iowa
Mrs A N Gorooko is to succeed Miss
II C Wood recently resigned as
teaohor of tho Eighth grndo
Mrs E Chosnoy nrrlvcd Satutdny
from St Louis Mo to attoud tho fu
uoral of hor sister Mrs Beswick
U E Poster of Plainviow stopped in
tho oity tliis morning between trains
while onrouto to Omaha aud Iowa
P P Millor camo In Saturday ovon
Ing from David Oity and spout Sunday
with his family leaving for Randolph
this noon
J M Ilnskinsou of Now Oiistlo is in
tho oity today onrouto to Koaruoy to at
tend tho state head camp of the Modern
Goo W Clark formerly living at
Tildtii has purchased a houso aud lot
on South Elovonth streot nud will uiovo
his family to Norfolk at onco
W H Krotzor and wlfo and C D
Krotzor will loavo tomorrow for Port
land Oregon Tho former go on a visit
and tho latter will mako his homo there
It is roported that thero is a case of
small pox at Wiusido It will undoubt
edly bo rigidly quarantined and ovory
precaution ugaiust tho sproad of the
diseaso taken
Mrs M D Tyler and Mrs 0 J
JohuBon will entertain n company of
lady friends at tho homo of tho latter on
Koouigstoiu aveuue tomorrow afternoon
from 2 T0 to 5 oclock
Company P First Nebraska N N
G was inspected at Mndisou Friday
uight by Mujor Vickors aud pnRsod a
creditable examination A ball followed
in which a number of visitors partici
Jus A Tulloys grand custodian of
tho Masouio fraternity recently died at
his homoiu Tecumsoh which will bo
Ienrnod with regret by members of tho
fraternity in Norfolk many of whom
knew him well
E V Braasch is in Omaha receiving
treatment at tho St Joseph hospital
where ho has been quito seriously sick
Later reports aro to tho effect that his
condition is improving which will bo
gratifying to his Norfolk friends
The Jolly Good Follows is tho
name of a young mens club recently
organized in Norfolk tho rules of which
express a deep nud abiding hatred for
members of the gentler sex They meet
each Sunday evening aud last night met
at the homo of Dr Bertha Ahlmau
where they were entertained
Members and ex members of Com
pany L who served as volunteers dur
ing tho Spanish American war have
received some back pay amounting to
about f2294 each This is pay duo for
eight days service at Lincoln and a
months extra The boys aro highly
delighted with this remembrance from
Undo Sam
Augusta tho 12-years-old daughter of
Mr and Mrs Carl Korth died
day morning and the funeral will bo
held Wednesday afternoon at 1 oclock
from tho houso aud then in Christ
Lutheran church Tho deceased has
boon sick for tho seven weeks with ap
pendicitis and it was from this diseaso
that sho died
Miss Ida Blanck aged 15 years died
Saturday afternoon at tho homo of her
parents on South First street and tho
funeral will be hold tomorrow afternoon
at 1 oclock and afterward services will
be hold in Christ Lutheran church Tho
deceased had been Buffering from ty
phoid fever and hor death was tho re
sult of a relapse
While passing through Council Bluffs
Saturday Mrs Carrio Nation took occa
sion to looture L J Rono formerly of
thiBcity Tho World Horald has tho
following concerning tho incident
Some practical jokers at tho transfer
pointed out Landlord Reno to Mrs Na
tion and informed her that ho was in
need of her particular brand of salva
tionthat ho was addicted to but
that was enough for Mrs Nation Sho
kopt her eyo ou Rono As sho roso to
leave tho room to take her train Mrs
Natiou bado goodby I hope to meet
you all iu heaven sho said but Im
afraid aud sho turned to Mr Rono
thut Ill not see you thero unless you
mend your ways Tho humor of tho
episodo can bo appreciated whon it 1b
said that Mr Reno although a toeto
taftr has a corpulent physiquo and a
vory ruddy faco
Kllu Miller Hrtlrk
Tho funeral of tho lato Mrs Boswiok
was held yesterday aftornoon from tho
Pirfat Congregational church sorvicos
being couducted by Rov J J Parker
who gavo a very eloquent address ap
proi riato to tho occasion torso well
worded aud effective one that an-
pealed to all hearers and was warmly
and enthusiastically commented upon
Afterward the pro session was formed
and ptoooodid to Prospoot Hill oometory
whoro tho remains worn iuterr d
under tho niiRplces of tho Indies of tho
W R 0 Tho lost rites wore observed
by a lnrgo number of old frionds nud
rolntlvos Bonutlful tloral offoiiugs
woro contributed by many frloudH
Eliza Miller Beswick was born In
ICnox county 111 f8 years ago last Sup
tombor nud has lived on u farm oast of
Norfolk since 21 yoarH ago Inst Mnroh
Sho oamo n year nhond of hor husband
to whom sho has beon mnrrled about
years and toolc up tho homestead Mr
and Mrs Beswick havo been living iu
Council Bluffs Iowa sinoo last spring
having gone there so that Mrs BesMck
could be under tho treat tuont of Dr
Montgomery A week ago InHt Friday
they wont to Chicago nud Mrs Boswlok
submit tod to an operation in ono of the
hospitals pnssing away ilI hours after it
was performed The remains were
brought to Norfolk aud tho funeral hel 1
as nbovo recorded
Tho doceiiHod was blessed with a veiy
ploaslng disposition which won for hor
a large number of friends and acquaint
ances all of whom sincerely mourn her
loss Sho was vory benevolent bright
and notivo and ulwnys willingly and
generously gave hor assistance to tliOMi
in trouble or distress Her homo was a
pleasant ono nud hospitably open to her
friends aud acquaintances
Although not a monibor of unchurch
Mrs Boswiok thoroughly boliovod iu all
church work and for a number of years
was superintendent of a Sunday school
in District No 10 in which capacity
sho proved herself a tireless worker
Besides tho bereaved husbuud the
following relatives woro prosout at the
funeral Mrs E Chosnoy of St Louis
Mo a sister Philip Millor of Calhoun
Mo aud Nathan Millor of Council
Bluffs Iowa brothorsof tho deceased
Mr Beswick will for tho presont reside
at Council Bluffs Nathan Miller will
accompany Mrs Ohosney to bt Louis
aud mako his homo with hor
Tho siucoro sympathy of many Nor
folk frionds aro with Mr Boswiok and
other relatives in thoir hour of nllliction
Kunl ICHtntu TrmiHforH
The following aro tho transfors of
reulosrntoin Madison county for tho
weokoudiug February II 1101 as ro
ported by D J Koouigstoiu official ab
Anna Oulavin nud husband to M II
Douolson lot 3 block 0 Dorsoy Plnco
P A Clark to Bollo Madden bo 12-
21 1 -1800
Aug Buck to O L Tuell nw f and
nw of no yx of 0-21-1 1000
John Brosh and wife to A Suopor so
ifi23 5000
AlvinLow to I O Westorvolt lot 11
block 17 Western T Lot Co first addi
tion 75
P H Knott to Ella OShoa lot 9
block R R addition to Newman
Grovo 95
O Simouhou to J Sitnonson pt no 14
no H 100
L Gutru to L J Mack lot 5 block
11 It R addition to Newman Grovo
L O Davis to O Roinhnrdt lots 2 H
5 0 8 Bauchs addition 800
Ella Jones aud husbaud to P Ruben
dnhl so 22-22-8 1100
R B WiBO to Delia Gortuor lot 11
block Dorsoy Placo 850
N Harrison to II S toff on lots 1 nud
MKoenigsteins 2nd addition 1000
W H Bucholz to Schlitz Browing Co
o lot 9 block 5 Norfolk 1500
O P Haase administrator to E
Maas lot 1 Nenows addition 250
Mary Mathewson to W J Barnes
s sw 28-21-1 3400
J Malono to W J Biokloy n of
25-22-2 4200
V Cadwoll to J Reitz sw 3321 1
O S Smith to Barbara Wahl lot 1
block 10 Barnes addition to Mudisou
Hurrah for America and down with
Spain yelled a much intoxicated pas
senger ns he lubbered off an oveuiug
train that camo in from tho west lust
Show mo tho man that blow up tho
state of Mnino and Ill blaze his ribs
until a blind coyoto couldnt get Inst
in his anatomy I Im from Sohuylor
and Im goiug to freo Cuba or rniso
h 1 ho continued as ho drew out a
4 1 callber revolver from his hip pocket
and waved it above his head ri
Whon ho reached the gate to tho
depot he had no difficulty in getting
through without showing his ticket but
ho was soon met by Policoumu Horn
who relioved him of his munitions of
war aud rang for tho patrol wagon
At tho polico station ho gavo his name
as S W Fiuuigan and was released
this morning on tho customary fine
Omnba News
You Should Know About running In Ne
Corn is king but other grains aro suc
cessfully raised and you enn buy laud
cheap along the Fremont Elkhoru
Missouri Valley railroad
Writo for particulars to
J II Gaiili
Traveliug Pass Aeut
Douison lowr
Gen asieiwn Agent
Omaha Neb
Hiiltln to InrniMR nnil liirdi nnr
A copy of ButpmH Farm Annual
tho quaitor century edition has boon
received It is Issued by W Atleo
Hurpumfc Co of Philadelphia Pn
who havo coined the repression
Burpees seods grow luttl conclusively
proven it Thn nniiiinl Is a beautiful
wont or the printer s nrt but not moro
at t motive than the menu of good things
to tho gardenorH eyo presented ou tho
Inside pages Staple and novel pro
ductions I i vegetables and Jtlnwors aro
theroin catalogued and whether a per
son oultl vat os it lower bd or farm ho
should bo guided in his selection of
seeds by Burpoo who has spared no ox
penso to produce thlToUTgnnt catalogue
Tho book consists of 220 Jpngos besides
four colored plates It is bouudin it
beautiful lithograph cover printed iu
ton colors nud gold
Tho book Is noteworthy from the fact
that ovory description ovon of tho
standard varieties as well as directions
for culture have been entirely rewritten
from tho most recent notes taken at
Fordhook PurtiiH Thero are Introduced
for the first time a number of novelties
iu vegetables and lowers which iiroof
more than usual Impoitauco and mo
fully described with illustrations from
nutuTu The first sixteen pages printed
ou enamel paper with photogravure il
lustrations are devoted chlelly to a
record of progress during tho last quarter
of tho ninotoonth century Three
pages aro devoted to tho results of con
tests in different states for tho Burpee
premium which is offered annually at
overy st at o nud county fair W HT
While too costly a book to send free
it is mailed for ten cents togothor with
a 15 cent packet of either Luther Bur
banks Floial Novelty or tho now dwarf
Burpees Quarter Century tomato
The company will howovor send en
tirely free their l0 pago catalogue Seed
Drillnlng Miiihimii 1 1 I m
This is how tho editor of a paper iu
Peking China declines it manuscript
Illustrious brother of tho sun and
moon t Loplc upon thy slave who rolls
at thy feet who kisses tho earth before
thee and demands of thy charity per
mission to speak and live
Wo have read thy manuscripts with
delight By tho bones of four ances
tors wo declare that novor havo wo en
countorod bucIi a masterpioco Should
wo punt it his inajosty tho omporor
would ordor us to tako it as it criter
ion and novr again to print anything
which was not to equal it As that
would not bo possiblo before ten
thousand years all tremblingly wo re
turn thy mauuscript and beg thoo ten
thousand pardons Soo my hand ia
at my feet and I am tho slave of thy
servant Tho Editor
August riounr
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houton that in my travols iu all parts
of tho world for tho lust ton years I
have met moro pcoplo having used
Greous AugtiFt Flowor than any other
remedy for dyspepsia doranged liver
and stomach aud for constipation 1
find for tourists and snlosmon or for
persons filling office portions whoro
headaches aud general bad feelings from
iiregular habits exist that Groous Au
gust Flower is a grand remedy It does
not injure tho systom by frequont uso
and is excellent for sour Btomaclis nud
indigestion Sample bottles freo at
A K Leonards Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Intlor IlHl
List of letters remaining uncalled
at tho postofllco Fobruury 11 1901
Nettie Butlor Sirs Saddie Bosloy T
W Birchard M M Badger E D
Bnrdon W Barnard G W Gibson J
B Glenn Harold Johnson Ollio Joseph
Perry MoKibbon J Nolflon E A
Ricker Wm Stern Fred W Toatke
Mrs Burt Taylor J O Tillman Mr
and Mrs O D Viehoff L D Wooloy
Georgo Whitnoy Potor Wouderlin
If not called for iu 10 days will bo
sent to tho dead letter ofilco
Parties calling for any of tho above
please say advertised
Washington D O Gouessoe Pure
Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen
Our family realize so much from tho
uso of Grain 0 that I feel I must bay a
word to induce others to uso it If
people aro interested in their health and
tho welfare of their children they will
uso no other beverage I havo used
them all but Grain O I havo found
suporior to any for tho reason that it is
solid gralu Yours for henlth
O F Myers
Tho complete service of Tho Ohio-ago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach tho princi
pal citios between tho north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possiblo space of time but nlso
in tho most conifortablo and enjoyable
manner Tho dining cars ou this train
nro stookod with tho best tho market
affords All meals served a la carte
Curd or Thank
To tho old frionds aud neighbors and
espoeially tho ladies of tho W R O I
desire to express my hoarty thanks for
thoir kindly assistance during the last
sad rites couuected with tho burial of
my beloved wifo Wm Beswick
Wantkd A married man to woik on
tho farm Good wages aud work tho
year round Apply at Georgo Dudleys
Hvory bam
RockaByc Baby
TIimo aro sweet words but how much
pain and suffering they used to mean Itt
different now Since Mothers Friend hai
becomo known expectant mothers havo
been spared much of the anguish of child
birth Mothers Iriond Is a liniment to b
applied externally It is rubbed thoroughly
into tho muicle of the abdomen It give
elasticity and strength and when the final
Croat strain comei hoy respond quickly and
eailly without pain Mothers Prlend It
nevrr lal en Internally Internal remedies
at thli time do more harm than good If
woman Is supplied with thh splendid lini
ment sho nred never frar rlslnc or swelling
breasts mornlnj sickliest or any of lha
discomforts which usually accompany preg
The proprietor of a larpe hotel In Tampa
Ph writes My wife had an awful time
with her first child Durlnp her second
prennancy Mothers Friend was used and
the baby wns horn easily before the doctor
arrived Its certainly Rreat
Oct Mothers Irlendnt tho
driiK ntiire 1 per bottle
Atlanta Ga
Wrllr for our roe llluatriteil lumk Ilrfor Ilab
I Hum
1 For 14 Cents
JW We mall Mm filltwlnt rir in I noniiiM I
IphYfllnt fllooil Inmftlo He J 16
I Tfnrlirn lmnn htrd 16
I Umntt FaiorlUOnlnn HrtA
1 10
I iUj lHfn UfMHfJ in
I I3IUT lUdlili HmiI io
I lX MarLfl Irflturn nrJ IK
t UrlllliolltrHfd li
Worth 100 foPlttt
Atmrti Ifl iiftrkkftci rfttn txjvHLIu it will
titall ynn fiei tofthtr with otif Rritt
lUuilrtifr I HuJ tMlitir clllOK all kbwul
fjnlrrr IIHIInn Itollnr Jrnt
Aliu Jliolri Onion Herd Op m IK
iiiinrr wiiii tlMi wnl or rlrl
I rrmftlt iioti ritiptorU
imib iiiitii p v neii nnc yon plant
vi prf i jni wm nqtf r ou WHIiOll
Trade Makhs
Anrnnn pcnillnit n nkotrli itnd iInorlptlii nmr
qnlrlily nscortiilti our opinion fruu wlicilivr mi
Invention la prnnalily imtiiiluhli ComrmmKw
llfiim fltrlrtlrronniloiitlnl Ilanilliookon ImIpiiU
out frnn ldt nucincy for nciirlntf tiitiiitii
1atfiitn liken tlirouWi IHuim A Co rucotrn
ipettat notice nltliout chnroo In tlio
Scientific Hmericam
A hnnrtnomolr llluntrnlnd wccklr Lnrcoit rlr
ruliitlon if 11117 Kcluntlllo lourrml Tenon li
rnr foiirniontlisil Hold bynll nowmliiilnr
IWUNNCo361Bad New York
II much Office U25 F Ht Wanliliivton I C
Qnn YI2AurAr t0 OhriHtinn
x CpuUU initu or womuu to look 2
uftor our irowinir buHiueBS in this
X nud ndjnimuK countiuH to nut as
5 muniigerund correspondent work
cun bo done ut your home EurIoro
Holf nddreKHod Htiiniped envelopo
Z for pitrticulurfl to II A Sherman
j Gonerul Munuirer Corcoran
j hiK opposite United States
ury Washington D 0
JJ J5x t S ipi
Illinois Gentral R R
Tlio IIIIiioIh ontriil iloolron to call iittoutlon
to tlio unoxcnllixl hurviro that l olTorod by ita
linot to tlio bouth for tlio MMifoii of 1KJ 1MX
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Iorsonnllr conduct
oil ItuiiH tlirouKb to
Ios AiikuIos ami San
Krmiclhco via New
OrliiuiB in connection
cltlc lonUiu CIiIcuro
on tlio Contrals fast
Now Orleans
cinl coimoctloii aUo nuiilo b thin train with
ilnlK trniiiB out of Now Urlouib for tin Iacillc
oanl Tlii Uinitoil from Chimin oory ovon
Iiik connocta ou Mondays nnil TlmrMlas at
Now OrlumiH aft or Docomlwr IK 1SUK with th
of tint Sonthorn 1acillc hivinK siiociidtlirouKU
eoniro to Sun 1ruicUco
Doublo ilally serv
ico in maintained out
of St Ionlh lia the
Illinois Central and
coniioctlni lined to
Niuln illoClmUanoo
ku utid Atlanta thro
bliMinlnc car to Jack-
Kiiillo Florida boing carried on thu
tenting St Louis otery ooniii This train n
uoll n tho Day Kxprot3 leaving St Louis in
tlio moruint aro both bolld tritno to Nasliwlle
liuuiiK through coaches nud sleeping cars run
ning through Martin Totin and tlio N U St
U Ry Coiinoction tin thUliuo for all princi
pal iKilnta in tho Soutlicjbtsuch abCharlotton
Wilmington Aikin and Sannnah uud for nil
points iu Florida
Daily from Chicago to Memphis uud Now Of
UOMI5SKrKrnS lCXCUltSIONS to cortulu
iHiiuts iu tlio South on tho Hues of tho Illinois
Central aud V A M V raitroadB will bo run ou
tho llrst and third Tuosduy of each mouth dur
ing tho winter sonsou
Full particulars concerning all of tlio aboYO
can bo had of ugenU of tho Illinois Central or
by addresslug A H Uuuson Q P A Chicago