Ef i4 t rm 1 II I B n iv r t wm I I J A i h aarauLp PASSES ARMY BILL Last But One of Appropriation Bills Taken Up VOTES TO EXPUNGE LETTER Annnjmoti Coiuiitttulcntlnn Iterteetlnff Upon Ierry H Ilrntli NtrltiUen From tho Jlrconl KnlMT Itn Anotluir Innlng A rlenlturat Approprlntlon Mill In Hmiate Washington lVb In tlio Hoiinte Air Spoonor oITitim the fol fostenluy owing amendment to tho army appro priation bills Thnt nil tuttltnrT civil mul Jmllrlnl pnw M IKMCHHIIIT III KDMIII till- tlllllpilllll 11- tiuli xlinll until otlicrwlnu prnvlilMl I it ooiiRn KH be vihIpiI In mieh piimiim mul fclinll tn cxrrdsiil In suclt mntimr mm Dm trpililrnt of the United NlntoH kIiiiII direct fr tlio ontiibtlHhliiiiil f civil mivcrnmpiit ml for mnliitnliilnp nnd protiollin tlio liilmhttmit of snlil IhIhiiiIh In tlio free enjoy tiiciit of tliolr lllirrljr pronilr nml rcllKtoii provided Hint nil frnnrlilnoii hiiuiIimI umlor tlio nutliorlty lioro when nIimII contain it rcncnntlmi of tlio tight to niter aicml or fcrpint tint nniiio HOUSE HELP3THE WIDOWS IMiiofl llllt Mentoring Tlionn Dependent Upon Tliolr Own tjibor for Nupport Washington IM 0 Yesterday was probably I ho last tiny to be devoted to private pension legislation by tlio house of representatives In this con gross High water mark made In tlio 01st congress wiih alinoHt reached yes tonlny wbun 181 bllln were piihhuiI ngalnst 117 passed at u Mingle session In the former congress In all tlio house at tills congress linn piiHsod about 000 bills u number eoiiHlderably exceeded In the 5 1 h t A general pen Ion bill was passed to rcHtore to the pension rolls widows of soldlora of the rebellion who subsequently married nnd beeaine widowed or divorced By tho terms of the bill however Its ben efits arc limited to wIiIowh of soldiers who wcro married before the clone of the rebellion and who arc now depend ent upon their own labor for support SUBSIDY FIGHT IN SENATE Inoireelital rnort to Secure Agreement for Fluiil Votu on tlio Meuura Washington Feb 0 Ait Ineffectual effort was madu In the senate yester day to secure an agreement upon n time for a llual vote upon the shipping bill Vigorous protests were inatte by opponents of the measure ngaltmt any audi agreement uvea for a date In tlio lmlellulte future Prltchard Ucp K O spoke In support of the shipping bill and then the naval appropriation bill was considered tho rest of tho day the shipping bill being laid aside In formally The naval bill had not been cted on when tho sonnte adjourned MEETING OF CABINET Cuban CoiMtltutlou mul Kitm Neulnnnf Congremi tlio Topic Dlcued Washington lYb D Among the subjects discussed at yesterdays cau lnet meeting were the Cuban consti tution and the possible necessity for un extra session of congress Persons In position to bewcll Informed as to tho presidents purpose believe that on extra session will bo Inevitable without congress shall take some ac tion with respect to Cuba and Its rela tion to this country With that matter disposed of there Is good reason to believe that uu extra session will be avoided SATURDAY Washington Feb 11 If consider ation of tho naval appropriation bill la completed today as It Is supposed it will be the ship subsidy bill will tin called up by Senator Frye and that bill will continue- to receive the atten tion of the senate during the remain der of the day Senator Cattery will tuko the tloor when the bill In taken up and Is expected to occupy the re maining portion of the day whatever time there may bo left Senator Proc tor has given notice that as ciialrmau of the committee on agriculture he will call ut tho agricultural appropriation bill tomorrow There will be no effort to prevent the displacement of the subsidy bill by the appropriation bills The committee on appropriations hopes to be able to report the fortillco tlons appropriation bill by the time the agricultural bill shall be disposed of and tho army appropriation bill Is expected to bo reached later In the week The plan Is to have all appropriation bills acted on ns promptly as possible nfter they are reported but when there tire no bills of that character before the senate tho subsidy bill will con tinue to have the right of way No de cision has been reached yet as to whether there will be renewed effort to secure night sessions In the sub sidy bill but the present Indications are thnt thoro will be no further Im mediate attempt In that direction The opponents of the bill declare that In case of a renewal of tho night meet ings tho friends of tho bill will bo com pelled to keep constantly In the cham ber a Quorum of their won While they made frequent demands for a call of tho senate during tho evening sessions of last week they always thcmscolvcs replied to their names when cnlled It Is now understood to be their purpose not to do this In case of further efforts to bring the bill to a vote by carrying the senate meet lugs into the night Cuba and Philippine Much Interest Is felt lu tho effort which is to be made to secure legisla tion in connection with fhe army ap propriation bill in regard to the Philip pines and Cuba It has been always supposed that any nttempt In either direction would opeu up tho entire colonial policy of the administration and lead to interminable debate but thoro is now unquestionably a quite general acquiescence in the effpjt to be made for Philippine nml Cuban loi lulinii Whether this Is duo to tho fact TANGLE OVER WAR TAX Itnue Will Dlngrc to Hctialn Amend ment to Kedtietlon Hill Washington Feb 11 The revenue reduction hill will come before tlio house today with some prospect of uu animated discussion The ways and menus committee has already de termined on a recommendation for a disagreement to tho stymie amend ments to tho bill and that a confer ence with the senate be asked But thin determination has aroused consid erable feeling among the majority members of tho committee and this may llml expression wheu Chalrmnn Puyno presents the report antl moves for a conference Following this mut ter the diplomatic and consular appro p rliitlon bill will claim attention the general discussion of foreign questions particularly the Philippines being still open Tho army appropriation bill and the sundry civil bill also will receive consideration luring tho week Among the measures of general legis lation likely to come up is the Import ant bill for government aid and partic ipation In the Louisiana Purchnnc ex position to be held at St Louis Chair man Tawney Having tlio subject in charge has received assurances of early recognition and expects to take up the bill the first pnrt of the week The bills retiring officers of tho rcre nne cutler service and establishing a standardising bureau continue to be special orders when appropriation bills do not have the right of way Legislation regarding West Point haz ing may coin up at any time al though It Is likely to he dealt with In conference In connection with the mili tary academy appropriation bill MONDAY Washington Feb 11 Yesterday was a Held day In the house being by far tho liveliest day during the present session A very Interesting debate over the constitutional limitations on the power of tho senate over revenue legislation Initiated by the house was precipitated when Chnlrman Payne brought In tho resolution of tho ways and means committee to disagree to tho substitute proposed by the senate ns nn amendment to tho war revenue reduction act and to ask for a confer ence with the senate Tawny cham pioned tho cause of the house and Its paramount rights over revenue legis lation but was unfortunate In not bringing forward a resolution to re turn the bill to the senate with tho declaration that the senate had transcended Its powers In substituting an entirely new measure for tho bill of the house The subsequent debate showed that had this course been adopted tho proposition would have commanded u large vote Instead however he Insisted upon a division of the resolution and after the first por tionto dlsagreo had been adopted ho made the point of order that tho second motion was not in order be cause the sennte In its substitute had Invaded the constitutional prerogative of the house The result was that the members were not confronted with tho direct Issue and tho house voted 2113 to itS to ask for n conference Later In the day during the consid eration of tho diplomatic and consular appropriation bill an Impassioned pro Boer speech by Sulzer N Y drew from Million Pa a recital of the rais ing of a fund of about 1200 for tho benellt of the widows of Boer soldiers at a meeting held in this city at which Suler presided Ho declared that after tho terrapin and cold bottles got In their work only 18 was loft for the Boer widows This stung Sul i rer to reply at length Ho said ho had no connection with tho expenditure of tho fund to which ho had contributed 175 and a very lively row followed the climax of which was reached when Sulzer had read an anonymous letter which made a sensational personal at tack upon Perry S Heath late assist ant postmaster general who was sec retnry of the Republican national com mittee during the recent campaign charging him with being Neelys spon sor nml then denying It nfter tho rest of Neely nml also making allega tions against Heath In connection with government deposits lu n Now York bank Sulzer declared that although flip communication wns anonymous he fathered every word of It and would be responsible for It as a member of the houso and as nn Individual Senate Pase Naval Hill Washington Feb 12 Shortly after the senate convened yesterday the naval appropriation bill was passed The shipping blil was then taken up and kept before tho senate during the remainder of the legislative day Caf fery occupied the tloor throughout tho session Opposition seuutors made the point of no quorum several times and dopmuded a call of the senato Finally this drew out a warning from Frye that If senators desired a rivet aud harbor bill to be reported at this session they would better not Inter rupt the committee having the r ajf mm iff 3 Ute V THE NORFOLK NEWS Fill DAY FEBRUARY 16 MM tiro undor consideration Even after that there wan one call of tho senate tii ti i n that there has not been time to con- w ui uih after having spoken for nearly nltlcr the bearing of these two prohen - JM the lloor for nn posed ainetidmenls HUlllelenlly or to PTniMitlvn npnhIoii tlie general uesiro to tivoiti an extra Session of congress does not yet ap pear Be thai as It may a majority at least of the Democrats seem quite will ing that n vote should be penciled ion both these provisions Indeed It Is understood to be the position of Hen ntor Ion es and of his Immediate sup porters In opposition to tho subsidy bill thai there will be no obstacle to getting a vote upon any bill before the senate except the ship bill and possibly the oleomargarine hill In all probability however the Cu ban and Philippine questions will be discussed at considerable length and even I hough there may be no desre to defeat them they may be used to hold off the subsidy bill TUESDAY Washington Feb 111 The house passed the army appropriation bill and entered upon consideration of the sun dry civil bill the Inst but one of the big money bills The debate on the ar my bill was ooulliiotl largely to dis cussing the question of bills removing the charge of desertion against sol diers and was caused largely by a statement of AlcClellan N Y com paring the cost of the soldiers In Eur pcan armies with those In the United States According to his figures In cluding the cost of pensions etc each United States soldier Involved an an nual expense of 2828 while a German soldier costs 227 and u French soldier 22 Previous to consideration of the ap propriation bills the letter rellectlug upon Perry S Heath which Suler Introduced Into the proceedings Alon day was expunged from the record During the debate upon the motion to expunge Sulzer renewed his attack upon linn tli reiterating his statement that he was willing to father the state ments In the letter and declared that If iKtlon wns brought against him he would not iead his constitutional Im munity AcrliMlturiil 11111 In Smintn Washington Feb III During the en tire session of the senato yesterday tho agricultural appropriation bill was under consideration After six hours of consideration the hill was little more than half completed The de bate upon tho measure dealt almost entirely with administrative details of tho department of agriculture many commendations of tho work of the de partment being made by senators on both sides of the chamber Fuvr PrnHcnt In Cabinet Meeting Washington Feb 13 Only four members of tho cabinet were present at yesterdays meeting and no business was transacted Secretary Hay Is oontlned to his home by Illness and Attorney General Griggs Secretary Boot and Pftmnster General Smith are out of the city WEDNESDAY Washington Feb 14 Tho ceremony of counting the electoral vote for pres ident and vice president cast at the election last fall took place in the hall of the house of representatives yester day at a Joint session of the house and senate Great crowds thronged the galleries to witness the interesting spectacle The announcement of the electoral vote of the several states was at tended with tunny delays owing to the certiticates not being uniform Upon the conclusion of the an nouncement of the vote of Wyoming by direction of the presiding officer the tellers formally ascertained the totals Senator Chandler announced the total number of votes cast ns 447 of which William McKlnley received 292 Wllllnm Jennings Brynn 155 and of which Theodore Roosevelt of New York received for vice president 202 and Adlal E Stevenson of Illinois 155 Thereupon In accordance with tho statute Senator Frye proclaimed the state of the vote as delivered to him Nomination for Ilrlcniller General Washington Feb 14 The executive session of the senate was for the pur pose of considering the nominations for the office of brigadier general but tho session closed without action ex cept In the cases of Generals Batos Wilson and Lee The nomination of General Bates was among the first to bo considered nnd Senntor Pettlgrew opposed continuation because of the fuct that General Bates had negotia ted the treaty with the sultan of Sulu which treaty the senator criticised sharply None of the other nomina tions was taken up but Incidental ref erence was made to General Woods nomination because of the fact that he was promoted over so many offl cers of higher rank In the regulur army Rennta Proceeding Washington Feb 14 When the sen ate convclicd yesterday the bllud chup lnln made a beautiful and touching reference to the death of Mrs Thomas C Piatt wife of the senator from New York During the greater part of the day the senate was engaged in executive session and in tho counting of tho electoral vote for the president and vice president of tlio United States Late In tho afternoon consid eration of tlio agricultural appropri ation bill was resumed but littlQ progress was made At a night ses sion tlio District of Columbia code bill was read Ilouie Debate Suudry Clrll Hill Washington Feb 14 The house de voted yesterday excepting an hour and n half cousumod in counting tho electoral veto and promulgating the result of tho prosldeutlnl eloctlon to the sundry civil appropriation bill General debate upon this measure was completed but little actual progress was made with the bill During tho debate tho opposition opened a gen eral assault upon the extravagance of the present congress In the district court at Topeka Wednesday Judge Ilazen allowed nine out of 10 injunctions filed against owners of buildings where Joints nro located to restrain them from renting the buildings for the use of Joints The case against Robert Swab charged with the murder of his wife Rosa Swab by choking her to death wns dismissed at Springfield Ills Wednesday by Justice BrinkcrbolT The evidence showed that Mrs Swab died of heart disease JO mi nfmwWa w SB1 M I Radical Clauses Toned Down by Editing Committee WILL BE ADOPTED TODAY CniiimlMlon Appolntml lu Draw Up Dae lnrnllon Defining Future Itelntlons Willi Till Uniintry CUtia HrBanllng Per ulolotu Forlfiicri U Strlitkan Out Ilnvnun Feb 14 Tho finishing touches were given yesterday to tho constitution by the editing commit tee who will report the corrected proj cct to the constitutional convention today when It will probably bo adopt ed At the last moment the reference to pernicious foreigners was struck out and a clause was Inserted provid ing for two sessions of congress be ginning In April nml November In stead of one Senors Do Quosndn Tamnyo Gomez Vllleundcz and Sllvn were appointed a committee to draw up a proposition defining the relations to exist between Cuba and the United States General Rivera In a letter to tho press objects to tho convention making any nttempt to settle the ques tion of future relations He says tho matter should bo decided by the re public after the constitution Is ndopt ed If the United States are allowed coaling stations In Cuba nml permitted to draw up the program of our foreign relations he adds there will be no independence left On the other hnnd n mntorlty of tho delegntcs are In favor of settling tho question now and probnbly a meet ing will be nrrnnged between Gov ernor General Wood and the commit tee to consider some proposal that will bo acceptable to the United States government The committee Is ex pected to report next Monday Ouublur Shout Ofllccr Denver Feb 14 Philip D Klllam was shot and probably fatally wounded In the gambling house kept by lames Marshall and Hub Heatly Killain gasped Jim Marshall shot me and became unconscious A force of special olilcers under Deputy Sheriff William Arnett hnd been sent by tho owner of the premises to oust Mnrshall and Heatly who are In ar rears for rent Klllam was one of these officers While they were as cending the stairway several shots were fired at them and they retreated Klllam was wounded In the head chest and arm Marshall has been ar rested Modern Woodmen at Wlehttn Wichita Feb 14 About 200 dele gates are In attendance at the state camp of Modern Woodmen of Amer ica Judge Johnson who Is well known as the Democratic national com mltteemnn from Kansas has intro duced a resolution condemning the na tional executive council for alleged In justice to himself Ho was general attorney for the national order nnfl wns ousted two years ago no ac cuses Head Consul Northcott and other leaders of personal animosity to ward himself Kebraika Lumber Dener Meet Omaha Feb 14 About 200 lumber denlers of the stnte were present at the opening of the 11th annual convention of the Nebraska Lumber Dealers as sociation yesterday The meeting was called to order by President E L Myers of Newport who delivered his annual address The report of Secre tary Cleland showed the lumber trade to be In splendid condition throughout the state Ruiilnn Stuilent In Revolt St Petersburg Feb 14 Tho Rob slya prints a telephonic dlspntch an nouncing thnt 308 students of Moscow university met In n hnll declared them selves In favor of obstruction and suc ceeded In stopplng all lectures as a protest against the Kleff students sen tences The authorities hnve nppealed In n local paper to the students ask ing them to resume their studies TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Alfonso Hngemaun a great hunting friend of Emperor William is dead in Berlin There is to be an international con gress of nurses to be held lu Buffalo next September Fire Wednesday In the five story block at Essex and Kingston streets Bostou did damage estimated at 150- 000 Connecticut Louisiana Tennessee nnd Washington have been selected as the names of the four warships authorized by tho house Hattle L McBride was fined 1000 in tho federal court at Kansas City Wednesday for making falso atll davits to ponslon papers Tarkersburg W Va has filed in the supremo court a petition for a writ of mandamus to compel the directors of the census to make a new nnd ac curate recount of its population Tho ninth annual conference or church clubs of the United States be gan In Philadelphia Wednesday the opening session being presided over by Frank M Osborne secretary of the Church club of Minnesota T N Fordyco of Detroit has se cured from tho stato of Ohio a 30 years lease of the Miami and Erie canal from Toledo to Cincinnati Tho plan is to build an electric railway and tow tho caual bouts by means of a motor The annual meeting of the American Cereal company was held at Akron Wednesday The old olilcers were re elected The total asets of tho com pany are 9052011 Tho company TILT OVER NORMAL BILL Senntor Allen Ynnni nml Iroutite In Hit puln lloimtnry Ooiniiiltalon Lincoln Feb U Tlio senate got Into a wrangle over the manner lu which the normal school bill had been re ferred to the committee on normal schools this having been done by tho chair without the knowledge of tho senate after having llrst referred tho bill to the committee on school lands Senator Crounse who Is opposed to the bill objected to the chairs method nml lu the discussion which followed a half dozen senators had the floor at the same tlino Allen claimed the bill had been In the hands of lobby ists which was vigorously denied by Young and Crounse The house pnsscd house roll 214 by Cnln to authorize the governor to ap point a commission to determine the boundary line between Nebraska and Missouri A motion to reconsider Thursdays action lu postponing houso roll 80 hy Wilcox to require the union label on state printing was defeated by a votu of 41 to 4 1 PREY OF FLAMES Btreal Cur Kuril lit Uniuln mid Sixty Cur UustrojiU by llrulaiilo lu llo ullul Adjoining Omaha Feb 0 Fire wrought havoa with the Oinuliu Street Railway com pany last night and simultaneously created wild panic at the Methodist hospital which stands adjoining tliu scene of the coullngrntlon The building at Twentieth and Har ney streets occupied as general ollicu headquarters and storage barn for tliu Harney Farnam and Dodge street lines is lu ruins Only the walls uio left and they are crumbled to the vcrgu of collapse Sixty cars were burneu The loss Is estimated at 150000 Prompt work of tho tlremeu pre vented tho Humes from taking hold upon the Methodist- hospital a shell like frame structure less than 200 feet south of the railway building At one time it appeared certain that the hospital would go and its 34 pa tients were hustled out Into the crisp midnight air Many of them were un able to walk and thesu were carried to places of sufety in the neighbor hood ANTI TRUST BILL HANGS FIRE Judiciary Committee Consider It But Doc Not Agree on Any Iloport Washington Feb 12 The anti trust bill was again under consideration by the senato Judiciary committee yes terday but no progress waB made to ward securing a report A few mem bers of the committee expressed the opinion after tho close of the meeting that no report would be made during the present session of congress The bill as passed by the house is satis factory neither to the Republican sen ators nor the opposition Tho latter element hns however proposed that the bill be reported as It passed the house with a view of getting It bo fore the senate and there attempting to nmend It but the Republican sen ators have taken the position thnt the bill should be perfected In committee The cbmmltteo has practically agreed upon amendments exempting labor organizations from the opera tions of the law but has made no other Important changes SCHWAB GETS THE PLACE Slatad for Head of tle New Consolidated Steel Company Pittsburg Feb 14 The new feat ures in the Carnegie Morgan negotia tions according to the Pittsburg Leader are that the deal will be closed Friday that President Schwab will be the head of the new company to be formed and that Andrew Car negie Is to receive a sum larger than has been given lu nny of tho many estimates sent out from New York The intelligence wns brought to Pitts burg by n well known banker who hns been In Now York for several days nnd the statement that Mr Schwab had been chosen president was con firmed by a telegram from a gentle man participating In the conference at New York PAPER MILLS BURN Ktmberley Win Plant Suffers Los of Half a Million Appleton Wis Feb 14 The Kim- berley mills of the Klmberley and Clark Paper company located four miles from this city were damaged 500000 by fire The print mill Is in ruins Willie assisting at the fire D Cowle superintendent of tho plant fell and was seriously injured Sev eral ribs were broken The Klmber ley paper mills rank among the finest in the west They were built In 1803 at a total expense of 1200000 Tho plant will be rebuilt The origin of the fire Is a mystery having It Is sup posed started under the floor of ouo of the machine rooms Berra Notice of Sinaaliliiff Crusade Solomon Kan Feb 14 After Mrs Nations rnld nt Enterprise where three joints were smashed injunctions were served on all tho Joints In this countv It has beon reported that the joints hero have been doing busi ness on the sly and yesterday a num ber of women served notico of a smashing crusade The county attor ney anticipated trouble and sent the sheriff with large locks which he placed on tho already barricaded doors Severnl hundred men women nnd boys gathered on the streets but made no nttempt to force the doors ForKillliiff Dr Hamilton Knoxville Ill Feb 13 The trlnl o Alfred Aim chargedwlth the murder of Dr Hamilton a prominent clan of Marysville is on nt Knoxville nronoses to enlnrge some of its plants this weeic Tue murder was com- I J1 I - nJU Wi uuriug tue coming cb 1 VfL 1 I nilttcd t0Y 20 A wvarwjuBiS nn Boer Commander Escapes th6T British Concentration WORD FROM KITCHENER Hay IMtnnnl Mtnciuent of IlrltUh ITm Upiot 1lauii nf the lCiiriny llntba At tack Sinltl Dorrlau Hut I KepuUed Attar Hevero Fighting London Feb 11 The war olllce has rocelved the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener the In South Africa Pretoria Feb P Tho columns working eastward occupied Ermelo Feb 0 with slight opposition A largo force of Boers estimated ut 7000 un der Louis Botha retired eastward About 800 wngons with families passed through Ermelo on the way to Amsterdam and very large quantities of stock are being driven east A peace delegate under sentence of death ami other Boer prisoners were taken away by the Boers All the reports show that the Boers are exceedingly bitter Fifty Boers surrendered Louis Botha with 2000 men at tneked General Smlth Dorrlen nt Orange Camp Bothwell nt 3 a m Feb 0 He was repulsed after severe fighting General Spruit was killed General Randemeyor was severely v wounded two field cornets wore killed 20 of tho Boer dead were left In our hands and mnny severely wounded Our casualties wore 24 killed and 53 wounded Our movement to tho oast is report ed to have thoroughly upset all the enemys calculations and crcuted a rcgulnr panic In the district Christian Dewet appears to bo crossing the line south of Jngersfon teln road to the west this morning- hnvlng failed to effect a crossing by the drifts east of Bothutle In Cape Colony Cnlvinln has boon occupied by Colonel DeLlsle who en tered Feb 0 the enemy retiring to ward Kenhnrdt Colonel Ilalg Is driv ing the Midland commandoes north ward past Aberdeen Dewet Evade llrltlsh Trap London Feb 11 The Cape Town correspondent of the Times wiring yesterday and giving a general out line ofthe British offensive operations says The British forces directed against Christian Dewets commando Included seven columns under Knox- Hamilton Maxwell White Pllcher nnd Crewe They hoped to force De wet upon the British corps concen trated on Orange river The Boers under cover of a detached commando - swung wostwnrd and captured a Pompom from Major Crewe and by crossing the railway between Spring fonteln and Endenburg evnded tho British concentration Dewet is now probably In the Phil lopolls district and this probably ac counts for the northwesterly move ment of the Boers in Cape Colony The Intest proclamation Issued by Dewet nnd Steyn closes I shall now f enter Cape Colony to give the farmers i there n tnste of what we have our selves suffered through this wnr FATAL FIRE IN BOSTON Three Killed and Five Dadly Injured lu a Hlaze of Incendiary Origin Boston Feb 11 Three persons dead five others badly Injured and a finan cial loss of 2500 is the summary of damage caused bya fire that occurred In a four story brick building on Har rison avenue yesterday The dead are Matilda Barry Nora Hart and Mrs Frances Riley There Is a sus picion that the fire Is of Incendiary origin nnd two arrests have been made Harris Levin and his wife Bertha They are held pending an In vestigation Levin had a shoe store on the first floor of the burned build ing and the arrests resulted from tho suspicion that naphtha or something of - that kind caused the fire together with the disappearance of Levin his wife and four children Immediately on the discovery pf the fire The building was occupied by 17 persons Another Mining Stock Fraud Colorado Springs Colo Feb 11 An official examination of tho books of the Goldstoue Mining company has dis closed nn over Issue of 3000000 shnrea and as the stock sold for 2 cents a share the shortage amounts to 00 000 C P Bentley who Is now serving a sentence of six months Imprison ment for over Issuing 5000 shares of Astor stock wns secretary of the Gold stone compnny when the over lssuo was made Since the discovery of this and other stock frauds the Colorado Mining Stock exchango has insisted upon the registration of all stocks traded In upon tlie board thus mak ing further over issues impossible Gentleman Cae Will Como Firit Columbus Neb Feb 11 The regular term of the district court began hero today Hon Conrad Hollcnbeck of Fremont presiding The case of the stnte ngnlnst Nicholas J Gentlemnn will bo the first one cnlled and It ts generally conceded thnt it will take at least a week and probably longer to secure a Jury and try the case Gen tleman is accused of having shot and killed Soren Oleson a blacksmith In the village of Platte Center on Dec 5 last Maud Oonne Hack In America New York Feb 11 Amoug the pas sengers ou the steamer LaOhampagne which has arrived hero from Havre Is Miss Maude Gonne known as the Irish Joan of Arc She was met at the pier by large delegations of Irish men nnd women Next Sunday Miss Gonne will deliver an address at the Academy of Music when she will mako known the object of her Ylslt to this country - 1 -