T J 12 ii t i 1 M 2r r3rvavarvararaaar2traarvarvv The waters shallotu said Job ft I t tl T - - - wc aa asnarcT Ing with the ocean they had scrambled to what lUHtluct said was a colgu of nnfety and now clustered a brawny well armed group on the forecastlo head A short cable off from where wo were wedged the laud rose high and dry n small Island so far as wo could make out In the as yet uncertain light The waters shallow said J6h Trc bnllon with his broadest grin Shall wo go ashore captain We can wade most of the wuy Bald I nnd for the rest those who emit Bwhn can raft themselves on planks There arc plenty of tlietn floating about What about sharks observed Alec Oh ho ho chuckled the old man Never fenr the sharks Theyve en Joyed a good meal of fat Spaniard they wont bo hungry for lean Eng lishmen Sec Ill give it lead And Into the water he Hopped and paddled with his arms to the shore The rest of us followed some swim ming some on fragments of wreckage and in a short time all got safely to kind I It was n small Islnnd nbout two mllcs In girth that we had been cast on and tho myriad sea fowl circling nround our heads showed us there was little danger of starvation Hut as there was no pond or stream In sight half of us scattered In search of fresh water whllo the rest busied them selves on the shore or In the surf lay ing hold of any bits of wreckage that might drift within reach Spanish bandit and Spnulsh soldier worked cheerfully beside the English sailor and no ono could have told that a dozen hours ago they were Hying at one anothers throats Hut though wo bad by no means ceased to regard tho Spaniards as prisoners the pressing need of tho moment thrust party ran cors Into the shnde We were all ship wrecked nnd for the time everything else was of minor moment The blazing sun quickly dried what ever we were able to rescue from tho water so wo were soon in a position to light a firo with which to cook the eca fowl which some 01 us had caught Before nightfall we had a goodly array of these hauglng oh spits before two huge Ores and scores of fresh eggs roasting In tho embers Better food this than youvo been accustomed to of late cried the old man as he throw down a careaas from which ho had been tearing the tough fishy fiber with his teeth Hut tho eca fowl will soou become scary If wo stay here long nnd then we shall havo to tnko to barbecued Spaniard Oh ho ho A Juicy morsel Indeed I turned from the old ghoul with a gesture of horror He noticed It and I thought he wluccd Ah ha ha Jack how do you HUo tho prospect ho Inquired banterlngly Oh ho Id give another too nail If the torment chamber had left mo oue to seo those great Jaws of yours mum bllng over a rib of fat Spanish mut Peace cannibal said I The sea fowl will last us for many a long day and when theyre gone we can live on shellfish Nay but tho old mans right Mas ter Topp growled Jau Pengonys deep voice Gulls soou gets scary an flsh Is bad to depend ou let alone being thin sort o food to fight ou at the best o times Then said Alec decidedly tho sooner we get away from here the bet ter There are six other islands flus tered near us Ono Is a mere wave washed rock four are I think about the sizo of this and one which lies some league ami a half to the south east appears to be of considerable size i Aye captain If we hod a boat to jreucb It put la Peugonir l I 1 rt I JOHN TOPP PIRATE 1 1 s R M v By Woathcrby Ohcsnoy and Mick Munro oorTmniiT iron nr wrATtirninr ciiKSNitr anh aucx munho 11XUUTIIATI0N8 11T H O O0UITAA 1 f - THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15 1901 t rV fts s S V V2V w - - - -- - - - - Y OlIAPTHIt IV A cold gray dnwu nt length lighted til tlio wreck nnd ns thu chilly rnyH ruddled nnd prow warmer the vlolcnco of the gulo begun to moderate mid the crested sens lost their cruel whiteness The stern lmlf of the gnlloy lind been torn nwny by the heavy surf nnd cruni pled up like a sea urchins shell and with It most of the heavily armored Spanish olllcers had disappeared Per Imps a score too of the slaves hail been washed away and drowned and with them three or four of the soldiers who had rushed Into the waist when we struck Of the iSngllsh however liotn man was missing Used to truck- Shall We have whats an good lhe ma terial for a raft replied Alec Now 1 think that the llrst thing to be done Is for n small paity of us In raft It across to that larger Island and see what prospect It oners If bad we are no worse off than before and can como hack and make a larger raft on which we may attempt the voyage to thu Spanish main Itself And once there and In the neighborhood of Spanish towns wo shall be able to Improve our fortunes by a sulUclently generous usu of our English muscle Well help oursclvoK and spoil tho thieving dons no fear captain ob served ono of the men Hut If thats to bo our venture what call to go over to the large Island at all Because 1 hope we may find a ship there or even a town I have heard that tho Spaniards have pearl llsherles hereabout which ought to prove an easy quarry for us whllo tho other plan may mean n long tiresome hunt lasting for months Axing your pardon captain said another but wouldnt It be best to build tho big raft straight away If theres Spaniards on that there Island why then tho more of us as there Is to tackle em the better nn If there haint why we can Just go straight on No sold Alec a raft large enough to carry all of us would bo heavy to handle nnd far too conspicuous I pro pose to build a light vessel Just big enough for four without being cum bersome In this woVould go across quickly by night and land unobserved while a larger raft sluggish lii Its movements would certnlnly be seen If the Island Is Inhabited and an arque busler or a couple of archers could pick us off one by ono before we got a chance of landing Oh ho ho put In the old mini at this point Tho youngsters got some seuse In him after all Do as your cap tain tells you you dolts nnd If he lands you all In heaven you can say Its the old mans fault The men snld no more for they yield ed to the old dotards counsel when an other and he a ninu of unimpaired brain might not have succeeded In persuading them Even I felt moro comfortnblo now- that the plan had been approved by this uncanny author ity The discussion wns closed for no one had anything moro to sny Wo set a watch to guard against posslblo at tempts on the part of our prisoners and nddressed ourselves to slumber During the next day a small raft was made and when night fell four of us embarked on It Alec and myself with Jan Iengony and another the two last being enormously powerful men form ed the crew and after we had cautious ly paddled out through the reef we set a rag of sail and steered a course by the stars The sea was smooth the wind wns dead aft and slipping through the water at about a knot nnd a half an hour we made the Island a little beforo midnight The surf broke at the foot of tnll forbidding cliffs nnd ns there nppeared no place for a land ing we lowered the sail and taking to our paddles worked round to the southward In about a mile we came upon a scrap of shelving bench upon which after much trouble we drew tho raft and then set out to explore it wns mighty hard work scaling tho ell ff and all our ulniblcucs wus need ed to keep clear of falls Hut we reach ed the top at last and nt once found ourselves In a tangled llano bound for est through which It wns furiously hard work to press n passage It did not however extend very far and presently we came out Into the open Tho 6ea fowl were uot quite so nu merous as ou Galley Island but there wore gay plutnnged parrots and other laud birds lu abundance There were traces too of four footed beasts and presently we Hushed from a pleco of swamp a lino drove of pigs which mude our mouths water and our heels Itch to glvo chase This however Alec forbade saying that hunting cries might be duugcrous if there wcro Span iards lu the neighborhood II o bade vr walk prudently therefore rove our eyes and kennel our tongues Why all this caution said I with a laugh Theres never Ave toed foot trodden these thickets sluco delugo time Very possibly Jack But havo you no soubo besides thoso keen eyes of yours Turn your nose ip wind man Well Now sniff Theres nothing but a smell of heat ed marsh aud rotting leaves with a sprinkling of pungent flower odors ev ery now and again Yob And what bush do you think those same Howers grow on Jack How should I know I never learn ed their outlandish names Flretree perhaps It smells something liko smoke Something like smoke replied Alee dryly Why It is smoke Aye smoke sure euougu I saw a thin blue wreath of It floating up nbovo the clump of bushes ahead there not a minute since Look There goes an other Phew said I Philistines for an emperors ransom Exactly said Alec aud theef ore - It seems to me wo nan notter nuvnnco cnrofully and reconnolter their position They may be only one or two or they may bo hundreds So forward to tho bushes lOep tho cover of tho long grass ns much ns posslblo nnd be rendy to duck down your sconces smnrtly If nny ono puts In nn appearance Theres no use lu bringing the whole rookery round our ears by carelessness Aye aye captain snld Inn Pen gony with n grin Trust me nn Onrge hero for that Wo hnvent forgotten how a Dartmouth deers poached yet nn weve got the wind o this mi po Its ns easy nn milking n riled Spaniard swear We went on again through the rank vegetation startling more pigs nnd keeping n bright lookout for chnnce snakes but not u trace of Spaniards did we see and In n very short space we were peering through the farther end of the copse Neither house nor 111 j was In sight but the thin trunk of smoke rising lu front of us could menu nothing but that there was a fire burn ing somewhere out of our sight It rose front a rocky llssuro In the open ground circled listlessly Into the a and was carried nwny on the wings of the gentle breeze The Lord be good to us said one of the men In nwed tones weso got ten ou a burning Island thatll belch out tire an melted rocks like tho vol canoes they tell of on the Peru const Sniff It Inrge sniff It said Pen gony Smoke like that haint come from the devils stithy Theres brim stuue In hlsn au this be honest wood reek or 1 never smelt my mothers lire Iilft up your bottle uosu an sniff Cargo Like n lunuid at fault Cargo sniffed and as he sniffed pondered nt some length Aye woodreek sure cnougli he rumbled out at last and relnpsed Into puzzled silence Meanwhile Alec and l had advanced to the ilssure and tried to look down It but the pungent vapors made all thu air lu the shaft to dance and nt tho same hne llt our eyes so smartly that we were glad to draw our heads back out of their reach as quickly as possi ble We could nee nothing nt all I have it Jack said Alec In a whis per Theres n cave somewhere below us nnd Its occupants are cooking their breakfast thats the meaning of the wood smoke A cave Then It must hnve some other opening besides this chimney If there are meu in it Of coursu nt the foot of tho cliff If wo go to that knoll In front there wo ought to command a view of It Forward then and we1 find out Cautlousl Jack cautiously Wo dont want to bring tho whole hornets nest about our cars We had better tell the other two to hide In the copso nnd All their bellies with plantains while you iud I reconnolter Wo did so and then crept cautiously forward to he brow of the cliff Tho sight thnt met our eyes when we gain ed the crown of the knoll and looked out from nmong tho graceful fern fronds whlri sheltered it was one to mnke n sailors Heart sad There before us lay a landlocked har bor sheltered from outside view on every side yet capable of giving an ehnrncro to an armada If need be Not n vessel tlouted on Its smooth waters nnd a solitary seal was swimming nbout nenr Its upper end now fishing for bis breakfast beneath the surface now erecting his bead nnd staring anx iously about him Wc paid but llttl heed to him however for at the har bor entrance we saw thnt which to any true mariner Is the saddest sight lu the whole world A finger of rock rose black nnd ugly from the soft blue waters and wedged Into a cleft which divided It to the wa ters edge lay the corpse of what had once been a stout and stately ship a snowy plumaged carrnck Now with her foremast snapped like a carrot above the round top a great yawning chasm In her wnlst nnd rivers of clear water hissing Into the retreating ebb from a score of starting scams in her sides she was but a battered ruin a ghastly wave racked wreck A hundred different signs the litter of cordage on her deck the streamers of fluttering canvas hanging over her shattered bulwarks the tangled frlngo of broken spars and sea torn planks Hoatlug like fallen leaves around her all made It easy for n seamans eye to Judge that sho had uot lnln there long and the grent storm of two days ago gave an exact date No sign of life showed upon her lit tered decks The sun was high lu the morning heavens but her gunners were not furbishing up her culverins nnd falconets in the waists No caudle trimmers were In the poop lanterns cleaning the glasses and refilling the sconces no cooks were busy heutlug the great ships kettle to boll the morn lug meal Tho last sentry had left his post without calling relief The silence of death was over all In the opeu channel which lay be tweeu tho car rack aud tho laud spit there floated something over which a dozen sea fowl wcro screaming and fighting A glance was enough to show what It was for which they fought It was the 111 starred lover of a mer mnlden somo stout mariner swept from tho decks by a huge green wave and then seized by snowy arms and carried away to a beauteous home amoug the branching sea shrubs I could see In my minds eye all that happened from the moment when he was loosed from his trance Ho yawns stretches shakes himself awakens The mermaid Is standing beside him glass In hand combing her streaming tresses Sho turns meets his gaze uud speaks lu words which fill him with delight She puts a conch shell to her ruby lips aud blows a call It Bounds afar through tho waving busheB through the rainbow colored weeds over tho open plain through the tangled forest The brllllaut fishes bear the nolo and shoot away through Skin Diseases When the excretory organs fall to carry off the waste material from the system there is an nbnor tnnl accumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogs the blood and it becomes bout and acid This poison is earned through the general circulation to nil parts of the body and upon reaching thcsKiti surface there is n redness and eruption nnd by certain peculiarities wc recognize Eczema Tetter Acne Salt Rheum Psoriasis Hrysipclns nnd many other skin troubles more or less severe While the skin is the scat of irritation the real disease is in the blood Medicated lotions nnd powders lliav nllav the Itcliini and Inirnimr tut nnvr nr nn nniin i i i rM cii sss the limpid water with Its message A school of dolphins cry holldny to their master and come gamboling up to the tryst to lie In n gleaming circle ou tho Jeweled sand Then follow troops of mcrmnldeiu some riding on the backs of shnggy sea horses some racing nlong in shell chariots drawn by teams of emulous porpoises aud after them como the mermen bearing posies of fair sea flowers which wither when they meet the air All stand and mar vel nt the mortal who hns ventured down among the glories of their en chanted kingdom Then there bursts out n strain of doll clous melody and the mcrmaldcus chnut which rises and falls to tho throb of the sea bosom tells the lono stranger how he must comport himself If he wishes to endure lu this laud of his now birth And this did I hear them sing THE GREETING Welcome bright welcome 0 wave cradled mari ner I Welcome to bask In our beauteous realm Pleasure it If or the merfollt to minister Unto a mortal beneath oceans whelm THE PnOFFEU We are thy servants lord slaves to thy beckon ln Come let us lead to the great sea kings hall Scat thee on Neptunes throne neath azure cov ering There to receive our be9t riches our all Oold of the galleon groans in thy treasuries Jewels the chastest well lay at thy knee Fruit trees most curious blow on thy terraces Flowers heaven nurtured to brighten the sea Pearls we will bring to thee corals and cowries Perfume thy robe with the gray ambergris Men ghe their hands to thee maidens their dow ries Never great lord Bhall our fealty cease THE WABNINQ Ilut on lord beware Have a care have a care Keep thy beating heart still In Its breast Have a care hate a care Gooi my lord oh beware I Love for maidens is not for our guest Love for maidens is not for the mer folks guest The man knows that It Is true and sighs as he looks at tho radlaut beauty round him comely forms nnd soft white skins coyly half hidden beneath tho trembling cascades of their silken tresses He sits In the stately palaco they have given him and covers his face with cruel hands to shut out the light of a hundred lus trous eyes In vain those ravishing glances must prevail The shielding fingers unclasp the bowed head erects Sec there they go Itself and the man Is lost Ills heart swells within him and hnlf delirious with ecstnsy half mad with terror ho drinks deep down Into the cup of pleas ure nnd feels every moment his amour ed body becoming lighter moro fatall light Ho clutches the sides of his throne and ngnln t loses his eyes for nn In stnnt Hut only for nn Instant for tho loadstone Is ono that none has ever yet withstood The mermaldens see his strait and stretch out their soft white arms bidding him stay Their eyes flash love unspeakable Their floating curls caress bis burning cheek The perfume of their breath Intoxicates him With a cry of Joy he lets his willing fingers loose their grip of the throne and reaches out a lovers arms to clasp the nearest Fatal movemeut Like an arrow be shoots up from among them nnd their wall mingles with his cry of doom aa he rises A swollen corpse he floats alone on tho surfuco of the ocean and the laugh ing mermaids take themselves again to their Interrupted play To ba contluuod next Friday A Itttd Ooiubluatluu A bad oold iu bad woathor Weeks Tablets will break up the combination by breaking up the bad cold while yon sleep No Care No Pay 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Sole agents Into each life somo ruins must fall Wise people dont eit down and bawl Only fools suicide or taVe to flight Smart people take Rooky Mountain Tea at night Ask your druggist yucHtlon Answered Yos August Flower Btill has tho larg est sale of any medioiuo in the civilized world Your mothers aud grand mothers novor thought of using anything olso for indigestion or biliousness Doc tors woro senrco and they soldom heard of nppondioitis nervous prostration or hoart failure eto Tlioy usod August Flower to clean out tho system and stop fermoutatiou of uudigestcd food regn nto tho notion of tho liver stimulate the norvons and organic action of tho system aud that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious tho mntter with you Got Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Go If young ladies think sores pimples and rod noses look woll with a bridal veil and orange blossoms its all right Yet Rocky Mountain Tea would drive them away 35o Ask your druggist La Grippe Quickly Cured Iu tho winter of 1898 aud 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called la grippe says F L Hewett a druggist of Winneld 111 The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlains Cough Remedy It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing liko magic and I have never since been troubled with grip Cham berlains Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break np a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia It is pleasantrto take too which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailments For sale by the Kiosau Drug Co n Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh they dry up tho secretions which uclhero to tho membrauo and do com pose causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all dry ing inhalants funics smokes and snuffs aud use that which cleanses soothes and heals Elys Cream Balm is such a remedy aud will euro catarrh or oold in tho head easily and pleasantly A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents All druggists sell the 50o sizo Ely Brothers CCWarren St NY Tho Balm cures without pain docs not irritato or eauso snoozing It spreads itself over an irritated aud angry surfaco reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation With Elys Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fover lluckleus Arnica Salve Has world wide famo for marvolous cures It surpasses any other salve lo tion ointment or balm for cuts corus burns boils soros felons ulcers tetter salt rheum fever sores chapped hands skin eruptions Infallible for piles Cure guaranteed Only 25o at Kiesau Drug Oos store Will Iloom Hli BuHlnesg S Laval a merchant of Dallas Tex writes I thought I would have to give up business after two years of suf fering from general debility brought on by overwork and long hours but four bottles of Electrio Bitters gave me new life I can now eat anything sleep well and feel liko working nil the time Its the best medicine on earth Its a wonderful tonio and health builder for tired weak sickly and run down people Tiyit Satisfaction guaranteed Only 50o at Kiesau Drug Cos store Its Free If It Fulls To Cure Rectol the great pile cure A pile pipe free with each package We sell it un der a positive written guarantee No Cure No Pay 50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drng Co Sole agents For Shattered Nerves A remedy that will soothe build up the wasted tissues and enrich tho blood is indespeuBablo Lltoheys Celery Nerve Compound has been wonderfully successful in cases of nervousness as thousands of grateful people will testify Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Does It Pny to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relieve aud oure the more Eovere aud dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall yon do Go to a warmer and moro regular cli mate Yos if possible if not possible for you then iu either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in 6evero throat aud lung troubles Boschees German Syrup It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to continued and the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use The disease Is more than shin deep the entire circulation Is poisoned The many preparations of orecnic mercury potash etc not only do not cure skin diseases but soon ruin the digestion and break down the constitution S S S natures own remedy made of roots herbs nnd barks of great purifying and tonical properties quickly and effectually cures blood and skin troubles because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal healthy action to the different organs cleanses and enriches the blood and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions 5s b b cures permanently because it leaves none of the originnl poison to rcfcmicnt in the blood and cause a fresh attack ueaiiny uiooa is necessary to preserve that clear smooth skin and beautiful com plexion so much desired by nil S S S can be relied upon with certainty to keep the blood in perfect order It has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a ecu tury no other medicine can show such a record S S S contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable and harmless Our medical department is in charge of physicians of Targe experience in treating blood and skin diseases who will take pleasure in aiding by their advice and direction all who desire it Write fully and freely nbout your case your letters are held in strictest bkin Diseases will be sent free unon application THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA CA destroy tho germ disease but allays in flammation causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest nnd cures the pationt Try one bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanao Kiesau Drug Co Vitnlity nerves like steel clear eyes active brain strength health and hap piness comes to those who take Rocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi cine Co 350 Ask your druggist Ileaclaclie Cuuhom Hoadacho is usually caused by living in poorly ventilated rooms overindulg ence in food or drink insufficient exer cise mental strain excitement or ma laria Krauses Headache Capsules quickly cures the most severe cases and loaves the head clear uud cool PricB 25o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Working Overtime Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr Kings New Life Pills Millions are always at work night and day curing indigestion bil 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Yrk Sflh FbotofnpfcM mu WWfk inc -- a CrTVELA1 REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY 6 Vp rotf i Made a Well Man of Me produces the above results In 30 days It acta powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall Young men will regain their lost manhood and old mon will recover thoir youthful vigor by using REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervoua ness Lott Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects of srilf abuso or excess and Indiscretion which unfits one tor etudy business or marriage It not only cures by starting at the sett of disease but la a great nerve tonlo and bloo4 builder bring ing back the pink glow to palo cheeks and re storing the Are of youtb It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having KEVIVO no other It can be carried in vest pocket By mall 100 per package or six for SSOO with post tlvo written guarantee to core or refund tbe money Book and ndvlso free Address ROYAi MEDICINE CO01 Forsalo in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist Don t XpflHiiKy fCQNFOMATCD Be Fooledi Toko the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no substl tute ask your druggist RED CROSS - ILLS N LS S i r RED CROSS PILLS ARC PURIO VCGtTABLC f AHCH CrrtCTij iHtVHAVC TMl IVTa I VVUN1AUriE8 ortVEHV PHVSICUUt rtsarJSSSS nmaZlHS s5V fORVUiS TIN DC CINCHONA Ck DCS AlOINESaMSjf For Sale by George B Ohristoph - 1