The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 08, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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I 5
- r
Tho annual meeting of tlio Nebraska
Hoot Sugnr iissoeiutlou is to bo hold in
Omaha mi tho 5th
Mrs Nntlon lins received mi nlTor of
75 per wock to go on tlio Hiiro Sho
Huiowb how to not all right with n
hatchet na tlio principal property
Wo oplno t lint Mrs Nations real
nnino Is Holm Nation nnd thut tho
Jolutlsts in Kimkiih lmvo agreed thut
Iior middle iinmu begins with n IX
World Herald
Tho prohibitionists nro tho first to pull
themselves together nml plan for tho
coming cnnipulgn Tho stnto executive
committee of tho pnrty was called to
moot ut hcndquni tors in Lincoln Jiinu
ary ll to orgnnizo nnd propnro for tho
Tho peoplo incarcerated In tlio IIiiBt
ings insane asylum must belong to thnt
class who will not hoed tho level headed
ndvico Dont tear your shirt It 1h
Rnid thnt X0 shirts woro purchased
for thnt institution hot ween August and
JXwombor HUH
It is nn on wool whon neighboring
cxchnngos do not chronlclo from two to
a dozun transfers of real ostnto mostly
form property at increasing prices
Uobrnsltn ronl estnto is all right but
winin peoplo aro just beginning to llud
It out Now Ih iho tlino to investigate
Tho citizens of Fremont aro still In
pursuit of n public library and what
more thoy nro going to got it Tho
Womans club tins contributed to
tho Rohoiuo utid teachers of tho public
schools 270 The various clauses in tho
bcIiooIb contributed from IIJ5 to 2750
Methodist revivals in tho Philippines
nro meeting with unprecedented success
It is said that n native Moody haa boon
discovered and that 5000 native con
verts of Manila Mallbay mid Galaluguln
joined tho church in n body and now
hold sorvioPB in former Catholic
Tho Bon Ferpont excitement is doomed
- n wnlkiug llsh has recently been
lauded on tho Florida const mid it is
naturally oxpectod that crowds of
winter rosortors will Hook to tho locality
with tho understanding thnt tho next
enpturo will bo a genuine and hand
bouio mermaid
A gnnibler nt Springilold 111 wns
-recently lined 25tt7 for practicing IiIr
profession which wns promptly pnid in
enrrouoy A fow Riioh flnoR would koou
drivo gntnblorR from the business by do
priviug them of tho necessary stuko
money unci nt thosamo time city llnnuces
would bo improved
Gront funerals in England npprnr to
bo somewhat dangerous to tho publio
It is reported in tho dispntohes that
1300 people were injured in tho crowd
thnt assembled to seo tho bito queen1 h
lnnoral prooossion Mauy of tho injured
ones woro seriously hurt nnd nil of the
1100 wero tnken care of in the hospitals
It Is said that there nro 07000000
acres of publio lands in tho Philippines
which will not bo disposed of until con
gress takes notion iu tho mntter Whvn
opened to settlement tho prnirio
sooonor will give way to tho stemnship
nnd the Inndsookor will scurry across
the rolling waves instead of the rolling
Tho Omahn News makes n timely
suggestion to Kx Senntor Pettigrow in
tho following Senator Pettigrow
proposes to take ns his toast at tho Col
umbus banquet From Lincoln Down to
lluunn It is a striking title but from
Lincoln Down to Pettigrow would bo u
still moro strlkiug one nnd just as fieo
from reason
Tho old time democrats aro planning n
big meotingiu Philadelphia on tho 22nd
when it is said that David Benuett Hills
presidential boom will bo launohod
Plans are being made to feed 300 of the
faithful mauy of whom hnvo nttained
prominence iu national politics A full
and complete report of tho proceedings
will probably not nppenr in the Com
One wrecking firm offered to raise tho
hulk of the Maine iu Havana harbor for
nothing nud give tho government 8 per
cent on tho sale of tho debris as sou
venirs The company hits great faith
thnt tho patriotic American peoplo nud
their lovo for souvenirs will come to
their aid and adequately reimburse thorn
for their troublo and thoy would prob
ably not be disappointed
The World Herald hns produced some
figures regarding the census that aro
very gratifying to the peoplo of north
Nebraska The figuros indicate that
while the South Platte country shows
a decrease iu population of 2150 iu
the past tenyears the North Plattecoun
try shows an increase of 31131 If you
want to know which portion of Nebraska
is tho most popular consult the census
The society people of Lincoln will be
ready to listen to the next minister wheu
ho discourccs upon tho dangers of the
dnnco If n reornt dispatch is to bo bo
liovodi After a bull recently held in
thnt city in which tho high society
peoplo took pnrt it was found that two
of tho participants wi ro suffering from
tho first symptoms of tho small pox
There has since been a grand rush to bo
A French scientist elainiH to hnvo dis
covered a inothod of purifying water by
tho UNO of electricity that will effectually
do nway with liters Ho claims that
with four machines ho can purify all tho
water mod by Now York city Ho
should next turn his attention to New
York polities Kven though it would
require r0 nmuhlnos to purify its politics
tho city could well allord the Investment
A young mnn of Atlanta Oa was
arrested on tho olurgo of intoxication
but proved to tho satisfaction of tho
court thnt ho was merely exuberantly
happy over the fnot that n young liuly
lind promised to bo his brldo to tho ox
oluilon of n rival This is u warning to
young men not to express joy over
promised connublnl felicity in tho pres
ence of olllcers who cant distinguish
genuine joy from nlcoholism
Mrs Nations way of surprising tho
lhiuor tralllo seems to bo becoming
popular A recent vlotiiu wns u saloon
keeper at South Sioux Olty this state
whoso joint was pretty thoroughly de
spoiled by u company of Sit women yos
torduy nftornoon Tho movement If it
becomes general may bo successful to u
certain oxtont in discouraging the
keepers of saloons but it is questionable
It cortninly can hnvo no permanent
elleot us would bo given through tho
legnl onforconiont of a law
Whonovor a habit or sin Is quite suc
cessfully brought into dirrepnto by pop
ular verdlot sonio lenrned professor of a
lending college nppenrs rendy and will
ing to champion its cause and inn lie tho
victims boliovo that thoy hnvo been boh
stilly following a health rulo nil tho time
while tho orniiks who objeoted wore
mere ignoramuses A recent instance
is whom u Ohicago professor says thnt
cigarettes aro beneficial to a tired nnud
The gentleman should seo that everyone
likoly to rend his opinion hns a cignrotte
in thoir possession boforo it is given to
tho publio
Perhaps it is not generally known thnt
Nebraska is a loading state in tho Bel
gian haro industry but such is said to
bo the facts only that tho Belgian haro
produced horo is commonly known to
tho natives as njaok rabbit It is said
thnt tho thousands of jnoks shipped into
Omalia this wintoi nro put through n
process of rofrigorntion nnd thou shipped
to tho enst whoro wiso niou buy them
for Belgian hnres nud dilute upon the
delicacy thus uilordod Ono firm is snid
to have u contract to furnish -10000 ol
theso Belgian hares to tho English
nuukots Tho nninuils aro very fair
food ns jacks but it probably needed
Mio Belgian haro crao to properly in
troduco thorn to tho epicures of tho east
U E Foster of tho Plniuviow Nows
hns sold thnt paper to John Gnuthorpo
formerly of the Brunswick Herald but
will continue his connection with the
Nows for ut least a couplo of months
Gone is a good newspaper man and has
elevated tlio JSows from comparative
obsounty to a first placo among tin
weekly publications of north Nebraska
since assuming control about eight years
ago Mr Guuthorpu is said to bo n iiiuu
well versod in the nrt preservative also
and it may bo thnt tho people of Plain
view will lose nothing by tho chango
but certain it is that fow country pub
lishors would keep it up to the Btnndard
to which it has been elevated by Mr
Foster who has not determined upon
his future occupation
The pooplo of many towns in the Btate
have been undergoing tho iuconveni
oncosof quarantine regulations with
closod churches schools and theatres
diminished business a lack of social
fuuetions and a general dopressiug effect
which a contagious disease so rendily
produces Tho Fullorton Nowb thus ex
presses roliof over tlio fact that the
qnnrautiuo has been raisod Tho ring
ing of the church bells last night wns
welcome niusio to tho oors of Fuller
ton peoplo Welcomo to church goers
us announcing that thoy could again
assomble nt tho houso of worship and
attend services after an intermission
of six weeks and welcome to tho citizens
at Inrgo aa conveying to them tho nows
that tho board of health considered the
couditiou of tho city audi thut meetings
of ull kinds could ngaiu bo held
We nlwnys like to seo a farmer or
horsouiuu drive up to a hitching post
theso winter dnyB jump out of hiH rig
unfold a big warm blanket and carefully
cover his faithful horse There is a big
heart iu that man Hell do to tie to
He is thinking of something elso besides
himself nud ho takes as much pleusuro
in caring for the comfort of his horso us
for himself Ou the other hand it
ninkes us end to seo a groat big man
warmly dressed from head to foot drive
a Bwenting steaming horse up to tho
rack hastily tio him then leave him
shivering and make for the nearest hot
stove There is something wrong ubout
that fellow He may belong to the
church may be n nice mnn may not
swear smoke or chew nor have nny bad
habits but we wouldnt want to be hit
horse Ho isnt htimnn when ho doesnt
know enough to protect dumb brutes
from the consiquoncos of his own acts
Hooper Sentinel
There are pessimists who believo that
inn short time tho peoplo will begin
Htarving to death owing to tho rapid
increase in population of tho world and
believing that there cannot bo enough
food produced to keep thoin Thoy need
not worry for n few yearfl nt lend
Thoy do not understand the undeveloped
rosources of Nebraska and other western
states Ami then even though theso
woio fully developed tlio agricultural
department has estimated thnt there
aro sulllcient nuts grown in tho world
to feed three times the present number
of peoplo on the globe An oxohnngo
says Tho United States government
recommends nut culture In Now Eng
land tho abandoned farms nro being
planted to nut trees walnut butternut
and ohosuut And nil through tho
northern stutes hinds whore nothing
olso will grow nro being used as nut
orchards Nuts as food hnvo boon
thought indigestible but tho now
methods of preparing them make them
us healthful as thoy nro palatable
Tho recent death of a little four-year-old
irirl at Somorvillo N J should bo
a valuable lesson to parents nurses or
ot hor persons having children to iniuingo
This child opened tlto kitchen door nnd
win- frightened into convulsions from
which death resulted by beholding a
negroBB beggar who had long boon n
bugnboo to tho ohildrcn of tho town It
is probable that when this little ono was
nnughty instead of boing properly pun
ished sho was frightoned into good be
havior by throats of what this beggar
woman would do nud hor childish mind
was so filled with fear that tho mere
sight of tho woman had the fatal effect
chronicled It is an easy inothod of
correcting most children and frequontly
employed to Incite fear by stories of
beggars or witches but a much more
sntisfnetory way would bo direct nnd
iminediato punishment Mnny children
aro corrected by tho mother with tho
threat Ill tell papa or papa will
whip you for this with tho result that
tho little ones aro taughtto have n terri
ble fenr of papas punishment whon
in reality ho is not more to bo feared
than mama Much tho bettor way to
control ohildron is for tho poison having
thorn in charge to couvinco thotn that
obodienco is imperative nnd enforce
such obodienco whenever occasion re
quires by personal inflnonco whother it
be dono by lecturing or tho liboral use
of a vigorous spanking nrrnngemont
Tho editor of this paper has ubout con
eluded that newspaper uotonoty ns
represented by illustrations is not sntis
factory During tho inauguration cere
monies at Lincoln ho nttired himself in
his colonel uniform nnd paraded tho
streets proudly and boastfully for several
days hoping that ho would prove a
tempting subject for a snap shot artist
but wheu tho picture of other colomls
was presented in tho Illustrated Beo his
countenauco was among tho missing
Then nt tho state press mootiug at
Omnbn Brother Foster of thePlniuviewi
Nows wns subsidized into appearir g in
his stead hoping thnt u lino picture
would bo tho result nnd might Bervo to
appoaso an outraged publio disnppoiiited
by tho Lincoln failure Mauy extra
copies of tho Illustrated Boo had been
ordered to supply tho demand of distant
friends but it was too widely circulated
wnero tlio editor is best known and the
substitution was delected Tlio picture
was good without n doubt nnd received
mnny Muttering comments but tho editor
has been roundly abused for tho menus
employed Tho only tiino success has
recently been secured was when n like
noss nppoured iu tho World Herald and
thou euemies spread tho story that it
was grossly flattering and was not
nearly as true to life ns pictureBof local
Elks which appeared lator in the same
journal Tho editor has nbout decided
that tho next time ho poses it will bo be
hind a stone wall with tho cainora on the
othor sido
Too Many of Thcin
Hawaii is certainly progressive nnd is
ncquiriug modern political motheds iu a
ntiuiner surprising to those who had
thought it largoly inhabited by barba
rians Evidence of Hawaiis progress is
furnished by the fnot that Delegate Wil
sons sent is to be contested Comment
ing on tho matter tho Stnto Journul
A moniorial hnabeeu sent from Ha
waii to cougress suggesting tho expul
sion from his sent of Delegate Wilson
because the olectiou was illegal being
held bofore the legislature of tlio ter
ritory had authorized it by law aud
because Wilson 1b a bigamist und be
cause he has within the last two years
disencumbered himself of disloynl
thoughts on sundry und divers occa
The Inst causo for action should be
stricken out of course If thut was
a test of eligibility to a seat in the
American congress there would perhaps
follow a general hogira of antis and
Bryauites from the two houses There
are numerous examples iu tho Benuto
aud house of peoplo supposed tobequali
fled to sit notwithstanding they ure
ugaiust the United States nnd iu fnvor
of cutting down its territory aud in full
sympathy with the armed enemies in
the field
Mrs Nntlon Is to bo received nt Dos
Moines providing she leaves her hutchet
ut homo
Not ull of iih will hnvo as Imposing n
funeral us Ojiocn Victoria but will all
bo just us lend
When undecided ns to which is the
best plnco on earth to muko your homo
como to Nebraska
Mrs Natlin has been shot at but tho
bulets glanced off harmlessly at least
thoy took no effect
A now stylo in womens hats is prob
ably nbout to bo born A bonnot 3000
years old has recently been dl covered
on an Egyptian mummy
Wanted ut once Mis Nation to como
to Lincoln with hor hntchot nud sinnsh
some of tho fixtures in tho senatorial
contest boforo tho legislature
If tho legislators have been waiting
for winter boforo thoy get to work nnd
oloct thoe United Stntes sonntors this is
n good week in which to do it
Tho wnr department will rniso nnd
equip ten Filipino regiments in the Phil
ippines and tho rebels will oxperlonco
tho Bonsation of fighting tlicirown coun
trymen for a change
A Spanish railway has ordered 520
curs from an Aimricau firm Is this to
indicate- that Spain is becoming civilized
nnd that it niny yot recover its loit
prestige ns a world power
Slnco Janu iry 1 tho dnys length hnB
mado a net gain of about HO minutes
reminding tho peoplo thnt tho time iB
approaching whon chores may bo dono
without the aid of a luntorn
American exports of manufactures
niiuto a gniu iu 1000 of 50000000 over
tho preceding year tho entire value
being placed nt fill 000000 The
Uuitod Stntes is certainly expanding
Tho follow who predicted a severe
winter for Nebraska has become mighty
scarce or perhaps he is tho snme follow
who now exclaims I told yon so nud
professes to havo forotold an open winter
It iB now snid that King Edwnrd VII-
of England is suffering from cancer of
tho thront nnd that his daya nro num
bered If this proves true tho English
peoplo will indeed have cause for griof
The late Senator Chns A Towne is
roported to hnvo nccepted the position of
nttorney for the New York Liquid Air
company Ho will probably tnke his
Binary in tno product ot tuo company
bo ns to bo able to Bpout satisfactorily
whon tho cnmpaigu of 1004 opens
It is snid that in tho Kiown country
soon to bo opened to settlement there
will bo nbout 9000 homesteads and in
tho Wichita country there will be 8100
homesteads If tho lnnd is nil available
for fanning purposes a large number of
families will bo providod with homes
and a living
All but six seats in tho next United
States senate have been filled The
senate will consist of CO republicans
with n combined opposition of 31 giving
a majority of 10 Five of those yet to
bo elected should bo republicans and
should all bo chosen in accord with the
politicnl complexion of tho legislatures
the republicnns will hnvo n majority of
20 nud within five of a two thirds
Germany doesnt express an overween
mg frieudliuess for American pork but
is willing to givo some recognition to
snuer kraut made in this couutry hav
ing recently plnced nn order for 2100 tons
of the fragrant concoction with a Philn
dolphiu houso with which soldiers of
that couutry in Pekin will be regaled
Perhaps the time is not far distant when
saur kraut Wienerwurst limberger
choeso nud other stuples of commerce
will bo considered moro peculiarly
American than Gorman Certain it is
that many Americans aro very fond of
theso articles of food
Theidea of transporting children liv
ing iu outlyiiig districts to und from a
sohool centrally located is receiving
favorable consideration from educators
In all parts of tho country Where this
method has beeu employod tho results
have been very gratifying und it hns
been found thnt the expeusos ure much
loss than the cost of employing teachers
and maintaining schools for the benefit
of a fow pupils Sioux City is a pioneer
iu the west in employing this method
Tuero the board of education pays the
tare oi tuo cminron on tno street cars
und whilo the expouso amounts to quite
a respectable sum during the venr it is
but a small per cent of the cost of pro
viding nud maintaining schools in the
districts where the pupils reside Other
school boards are talking of adopting the
plan in their districts
Tho Cubans give evidence of a trait
of character too often exhibited by thoso
who have been benefited by great sacri
fices of friends Instead of expressing
their gratitudo to the United States
government for tho loss of life nud treas
ure contributed toward obtaiuiug the
freedom of the islanders from Spanish
tyranny in their new constitution they
I totally ignore the nation thut has most
hi frioidod thorn nud seem to think that
it was their own prowess nb iih that
brought about tho results It would not
bo surprising if within n fow joira tho
Islanders would como to believe that
they could whip thU country and tho
rest of tho world Tho opinion of one
Bonntor is thus exprcBscd Thoro is
not one word in thut constitution to in
dicate thnt tho United StnteB hns bo
friended thoso peoplo nt a great snerifico
of life nnd trousuro If tho president
consults the best Interests of this coun
try and is guided by tho prevnlling sen
timent in congress ho will decline to ro
coivo their constitution until it contains
cortain provisions which willspeolhcally
recognizo the part this government bus
played in securing iudopenduuee for
Wait Mason docs not believo thnt
nnciont heroes wero moro chlvulrous or
polite than modern peoplo nnd gives tin
oxntnplo of true politeness iu tho follow
ing Thoro nro peoplo who Biiy thnt
the grand manners of our forefathers
hnvo departed and that it is n pity yot
wo think that there nro peoplo still on
earth whoso ninnners nre courtly enough
for anything Take tho uvorngo ngent
for instnnce When you open tho front
door und find him there it is a pleasure
to tho earnest student to uoto his snillo
of the Louis XIV epoch nnd nothing
could bo finer thnu tho mnuniflcient
bow ho makes ns ho nsks if tho lady of
the houso is in j and if tho lady of tho
houso hnppous to bo in audit is hor day
to rocoivo ngontB ho moves Into the
richly furnished parlor with tho grace of
a princo and over whilo ho explaius tho
niorits of his combination feather duster
aud can opener ho gives evidences of
tho beautiful manners of tho olden tiiuo
It wnsjjnst today that nn agent while
mnking a sweeping bow knocked u
handsome glass vaso off an escritoire in
the southenst corner of our domain It
did not embnrusB him tho lenst When
I make such a break ns that said ho
with tho true Chostfcrfleldau grace I
alwayspay tho fiddler Whereupon
ho left with tho lady of tho house a mnj
uiiicient chromo representing a large
pink cow staudiug up to hor wnist in
Farmers who decide to sell their farms
aud move to town often find when too
lato that thoy have mndo a mistake
They lenru 1 y severe experience thnt
while they know how to farm success
fully they aro not successful in business
lines nud cannot bring tho returns from
thoir money as they could when it was
invested in a farm Tho wise farmer
is the one who will make his wenlth on
tho farm nnd when he hns n sufficiency
will move to town if he bo desires nud
spend his remaining days iu peace and
comfort Tho Wisner Freo Press dis
cusses the mntter as follows A mnn
who hnd just disposed of n tract of land
at a big figure the other day snid ho
didnt know what he was goiug to do
with tho money It sets a man guess
ing who has been accustomed to farm
ing to know what to do with his money
whon he sells out to make it bring ns
much ns the farm annually produced
A half section of laud converted into
cold cash is not near so easily handled
to the owners nrivnntnge if ho be a
prnoticnl farmer ns tho farm itself nnd
sets a great many to passing up a fow
sober thonghts before making over a
deed to the old farm unless they have
previously settled on what thoy pro
pose to do with tho proceeds It is a
very poor farm that wont bring in a
bigger per cent on the valuation than
money at present commands on the
market And unless he bus a speculat
ive turn which is not a secure proceed
ing it is hard to turn it into a more
profitable channel of investment than
that from which ho has just drawn it
Fnt Man Wunteil a Correction
That wns a line report you had of
the explosion puffed the fnt mnn
who did not know there wns nn ele
vntor in tho building nnd climbed
three flights of stnirs to tho editors of
fice n fine report I must sny And
Bnrcnsm fnlcly rang In his tones Did
you know that It wns my furnace thnt
blew up thut I stand the loss thnt but
for me you wouldnt hnve tho Item
If you nro D 1 Jones wo did
I am D Jacobus Jones You didnt
even spell out my middle unme Youd
think that my wife und hired girl wero
the whole thing the way you wrote It
The girl wns terribly burned nnd
your wife wns badly hurt while saving
the Kill You dont nnnear to have lini
nny bnnd in the mntter
Didnt hey Did you notice how
slowly I snt down when I enme In
here Did you hear me Btllle n groan
Im sore ns n felon from the crown of
my head to the sole of my foot Thats
what I ntn But theres not a word
nbout thut
Were you In tha explosion
No Wish I hnd been When 1
henrd the report I know some one
must be hurt I fell down ntnirs I
ran five blocks for a doctor When 1
got home I was bo exhausted thnt I
had to retire nnd this morning I hnd
to roll out of bed on n chair to get up
ltcluikliiK the Doctor
Doctor wmry with unsuccessful ef
forts to cure pntent Wol Ive Just
one more remedy to try In your ease
nnd if this Joesnt help you nothlnc
Pat lent Why didnt you frankly tell
mo that In jo first place doctor If
nothing will help me I could hnvo tak
vn thnt at the stnrt nnd saved the ex
peiiBo of your attentions Boston
IH I Mil
Chinese Plenipotentiaries Meet
the Foreign Envoys
Dlncoit rril That Two tirtlic lloiiii OulcInU
Wlioiii DIRK They linninl Aro AN
rrmly Nuuibureit Anionic the lH iul
Vltlnlnuwil ol Allrn Troon Sought
Peking Feb J The Chinese plenl
poteiitlurles Prince Ching and LI
Hung Chang had u protracted meet
ing yesterday with the foreign envoy
Twelve names of prominent Chinese
olllclals weie submitted with the re
quest that China keep faith with tho
powers und punish the persons named
commeiisurutely with their offense
The Chinese plonipotontinries replied
that Chinas earnest hope was to curry
out fully the demands of the powers
and Hint sho felt sure the punishment
which would bo Inflicted would be sat
It wus discovered thnt two out ot
lJ of the persons named were already
In certnln enses tho Chinese plenipo
tentiaries gave reasons why the pun
ishment Inflicted should be banishment
nnd not death asserting thnt In theso
enses they pnrtlculnrly desired banish
ment because the persons In question
were so closely related to the throne
After n long conversation on the sub
ject of punishment it wns decided thut
the foreign envoys should draw up a
list of nil accused otllclols with n
statement of the punishment required
which would then bo presented to tho
Chinese plenipotentiaries for dofinito
Li Hung Chang who Is weak from
his recent illness hnd to bo cnrrled In
nnd out of the British legntion ho be
ing unable to walk but his bend seema
clear ns ever The foreign envoys
were Impressed with the evident de
sire of Prince Ching nnd Li Hung
Chung to come to terms Prince Ching
nsked whether provided China showed
by every menus In her power n desire
to carry out the terms of the Joint note
the foreign troops would leave Peking
The foreign envoys replied thnt this
wns n subect they could not discuss
beyond savins thnt if everything were
satisfactory they believed the powers
would begin to withdraw the troops
early In tho coming spring but thnt
this depended largely upon the Chinese
Attorney John J Long Shoots Off III
lcct to No Avull
Des Moines Feb 0 One of the most
remarkable cases of attempted insur
ance frauds ever brought before
Iowa courts has been stamped with the
condemnation of the supremo court
nnd the verdict of the jury in the low
er court in favor of the Insurance com-
panics will stand It was nn nttompt
on the part of n young lawyer of this
city who was financially embarrassed
to recoup his fortune by taking out a
largo amount of accident Insurance
and then maiming himself
John J Long went hunting four
years ago this month near this city
nnd shot a hole through his foot
which necessitated nmputation of his
foot There wns evidence thnt the
muzzle of the gun hnd been deliberate
ly inserted inside his overshoe when it
was fired off On nccount of this the
jury decided it was n case of at
tempted fraud upon the Insurance com
panies nnd returned a verdict nceord
Ingly The supremo court hns re
viewed the evidence and roaches tho
snmo conclusion Long was crippled
for llfo und gets no money Ills pol
icies nggregated 3 1000
King Edward Xot Suflerlnff From Cancer
London Feb 0 Professor Sir Felix
Seuion nsks the Associated Press to
say there Is positively no word of truth
In the story published in the United
States thnt King Edwnrd is suffering
from enncer of the throat Sir Felix
Semon wishes It to be cnlled n scanda
lous invention nnd ridiculous report
He hopes this statement will be a
flnnl nnswer to tho cabled dlspntches
he is now receiving from America Ho
declares he hns been with the king for
weeks pnst nnd when ho Inst seen him
his throat nnd general condition were
never better
IoUoim Self i Xnts
Philadelphia Feb l Mrs Bertha
Fox wns found in her home Inst night
writhing in agony from the effects of
n dose of carbolic acid while In n
crib nearby luy the body of her
child killed by the poison nnd
on the floor besldo her wns her boy
iuiui nBii i unconscious from tho
snmo cnuse The wonums husband
John Fox wns discovered Iu bed In a
drunken sleep The only stntoment
ibnde by the woman wns thnt she wns
sorry that she wns alive It was said
Mrs Fox administered the poison
Znarito Village No aiore
Cnnnl Dover Feb fl The last net
completing the dissolution of the So
clety of Communists nt tho historic
village of Zoar which disintegration
wns begun over two years ngo wns
consummnted yesterday when the Inst
surveying und npportlonments were
made Not only the buildings In the
town but nlso 7000 ncres of hind hnve
been apportioned The valuation of
properties received by each member
averages about r000
Missionary Charged With Kitortlon
Peking Feb O Itov W 8 Ancnt
one of the missionaries of tho Amer
ican board of foreign missloniirles
cently arrested by German and French
troops near Tung Chow and charged
with endeavoring to extort money from
the Chinese villagers biiB not yet Vtceu