The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 08, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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M fi i
criArrnn xiu
Hardly was tin lust of uh fired from
the oar HlinriihH when with a nlmtit
tliloli lose IiIkIi nltovo the din of tlio
winds and waves we timlunl from lie
low anil crowded a nuked mob on to
thi poop Tlicio wuh a hilyf turmoil
of blows and blasphemy weapons woro
Mintoheil by the wcnponlenH some of
the Spanish olllcers wont overheard
and tlu rest wore Jailed In the conch
Now for the common Holdleral
In a hotly wo rushed forward Into
tlii thick of thum and ono or two wero
knocked Into another world heforo our
lads could stop their rush
Surrender shouted Alec loud
nbove the tumult
Not n man of us heeded or Maid hln
stroke A dozen morn Spaniards foil
ltko polcaxcd hullockH
Surrender and you shnll havo quar
tori cried ho captain again
The SpnnlarilR such of them na hail
bad time to seize urniH dropped Iholr
weapons lit tho word and Hcurrlod bo
low out of harms way Our men let
them run nay oven hurried thoni with
tho flat of a Bword blade when they
were too alow
And thua lu tho space of a few niln
ntoB wo had made ouraolvcH inaHterH of
the gnUey nud had not lout a man lu
tho dolus of It
Get hor baled clear Jack cried
Alec and then come aft to mel
Aye nye captain And the Rpan
lali galley bIiivoh Shall 1 Hot them
adrift from their moorings
Will they Join their countrymen
think you Homeniher there are Hcnree
ly two dozen of us nil told
Not they Theyve Riiffcroil too
much to want their IiooIh In tho lillboctt
Well knock the rons off them and
not them to hale VP must havo ship
lied n fearful weight of water to inaUo
us float bo deep Bee they dont got
hold of any arms though ho added
anxiously Whores tho old Jiian
On guard over the forescuttlo IIch
liko a fury gnashing his teeth with
rage ngalust the prisoners anil cursing
them with a pretty nRsortmeiit of the
flncst Castlllan oatlm He wants to
heave the whole lot overboard
Aye captain bawled Pengony who
was standing near an he says them
Spaniards la liko Tonnscs an well ho
enst away ufore day If wo keep em
nigh us
Docs he say thnt I exclaimed lu
Wlint If ho does said Alec care
lessly Never heed what tho old man
nays They distorted his mind Jan
when they crippled his body
Tho old man prophesied true once
Krowlod Jan In his deep ocean voice
tolled that wo should bo at liberty
which we are an after a sculllo with
them hounds which we had
And said Alec with n laugh I
might havo prophesied as much and
yet you would not call mo a wizard
Aye captain but ho tolled mo my
name me Jan Pengony as hed never
Keen afore These haint Idle words
hes speaking now An Master Topp
there thinks as I do captain 1 wur
Why yes snid I I think It would
be safest to strike the cargo over
It would be sheer murder said
Alec warmly
I laughed Would It said I Then
Ill do It and never expect my con
science to trouble me for It after Tluy
are only Spaniards after all
Only Spaniards cried Alec fiercely
Theyre men and to kill men In cold
blood Is mm dor 1 tell you Murk me
Jack Topp Ive killed half a score of
the breed In fair tight and God will
ing shall serve my country by killing
Boverul score more before old Klng
Death gets to windward of mo Hut
thlR neor So to your duty Master
Topp and 1 to mine
Jun Iengony looked after hliu as lie
walked away nlong the gangway and
then turning his weather beaten face
to mine growled out
Captains hearts an honor to him
Master Topp but Itll work him ill yet
Ills father was so afore htm spared
the Spaniards when he could ha crush
ed em so Ive heard tell an hey for
got It nn crushed him Instead when
their turu came Maik me Master
Topp tho fewer Spaniards there be
cumbering tho seas tho safer ho they
for English mariners
And 1 believed he was right hut aald
nothing ami wont to see to tho baling
of the galley
Wo got her dry after much hard la
bor and leaving the balers at their
work for every now and then a big
sea would come overboard I went aft
to the poop Alec was at the tiller him
Whereabouts are we Alec I ask
Im not sure he replied anxiously
MNone of those dolts In the coach knows
In the slightest They are all soldier
officers and far too fluo hidalgos to
trouble themselves about a ships reck
oning Tho pilot busted himself with
that aud hes with the sharks now
Ah well Bald I Its blowing too
bard to last We shall get a glimpse at
the stars soon
les I expect to be able to get our
latitude soon but well have to guess
at longitude Tho lubbers have let tho
iflaBB run down
By Wcathorby Ohosnoy and Alick Munro
corrnioirt two nr vfiMiitnnriT cnnwRr Arm aijoi muniio
- -
JST hV ii
- - - - s - - v V V V
How nie wo by tho Windward In
Cant sny Theres no ehnit on
board of anything east of Murghorltn
but I know that the reefn In these nar
row Hens are as thick as pickpockets lu
the London streets So get you for
ward Jack with your best eye well
skinned and If we seem likely to pick
any of them up let me hear n good
north country hall Theres a dead line
In tho hlttaele there Take It forward
with you and put a hand In the chains
to try for a pounding occasionally
I went forward Here Pengony and
Trehallon I cried take the deep sea
lead to the chains Dont let It go too
deep while were Hcuddlng nt thlH
Aye aye cried tho men and I
went forward myself to the forecastle
The galley was plunging desperately
ripping nil tho seas with her keen
beak dipping hor stem Into the green
bulk uiul sending great masses of
foaming water curling over the fore
castle deck All our bulwarks had for
tunately been torn awny else wo
must have foundered with tho sheer
weight of water they held and I found
It no easy work to keep my post Stand
ing wiih Impossible so I sat down on
the streaming plunks holding on to tho
breaching of a gun and strululng my
eyes Into the howling darkness ahead
whenever the Interval between tin
waves left my poll uncovered Now I
could feel that we were rushing up a
liiiuid hill now tearing down into a
raging valley now thu galley bad sea
boat that she was would rip through n
crest and sottle down sluggishly now
she would shake herself clear and race
forward afresh but not a fathom In
front could 1 see We sped out of Inky
night astern Into Inky night ahend
Tho darkness of Acheron was on us I
must trust to my ears alone
Hut It was u very Habol of sounds
that tilled the spume sown air tho
groaning of timbers like to part with
their straining the fury of the wind
among the rigging the roar of the seas
as they ground against one another
like liquid millstones the terror shrieks
of the Spaniards the duty bawls of
the seamen made up a din Indescriba
ble I might Just as well have been aft
for all the good I could do but while
Alec stuck to his post at the tiller I
would stick to mine at tho bows
Heavens what a turmoil there wasl
The spirits of the storm were out and
busy taking vengeanco on us for dis
regarding the old mans words when
ho bade us surrender the Spaniards to
their grasp aud In their heavy anger
they tossed our crazy bark about among
tho waves like a chip of wood lu a
sluice run I feared much that Alecs
chivalrous generosity would cost tho
lives of more than one of those under
Hut avast moodiug What Is that
Surf Hreakers A roof A sea
broke over me and It crash drowned
all more distant sounds It cleared
away Yes the shore Is close uboard
I had Just opened my mouth to hall
when down plunged the galleys head
again aud souse I went under In full
The next minute when that wave set
me free 1 yelled as I had never yelled
before Down went the helm ns far
as Alee dare press It and over heeled
the galleys lee gunwale till the wave
heads came pouring lu among the ter
rified slaves
Breakers still ahead My God they
are nil round us
AH hands could hear them now Wo
saw their white cm Hug crests beckon
ing to us and In a moment wo were
rolling among them
There Is one clear spot on tho leo
Keep her way
Alec for your life
Now we are through tho channel and
heading to the next lino of surf The
water Is smoother Can we round to
for an anchor No she would only
drift Into the rocks hrondsldo on At
them then straight and please God
wo may be carried over somehow
Crash She struck upon the reef
and then crash again and crash
Every timber shivered and the fore
mast came down within au Inch of my
The terrified soldiers below burst up
tho fore hatch and streamed ou to the
deck The waist was full of foaming
water and struggling meu The heavy
seas were making a clean breach over
the poop
Crash crash crash
Wo ground and bumped upon the
cruel rocks and for aught we could
see In tho gloom the reef might be a
flood washed rock lu the midst of a
desert ocean
To lis continued next Frulajr
Troubled with Insomnia are your
said Dr Paresis after listening to his
patients tale of woe Tried all the
usual lemedles have you Well now
Btippose you try to read The Impres
felons of a Bohemian Its a uew book
Just out I tried to read It last night
and was asleep in three minutes
Sir replied the patient with freez
ing dignity 1 am the author of that
book and 1 have the houor to wish you
very good evening
Ilnlilrllr mill lllnlnn
They used lu tell a good story about
Houtelle In connection with the cam
pnlgu or 1RSI Ho Idolized Htalue and
for years there was bad blood between
hill mid Heed becauso Heed acted us
tltuugh he thought himself ns great an
tr gi enter than tho plumed knight
The story Is that Boutello accompa
nied lHnlno on his western tour In
1RS4 When the special pulled out of
Now York Houtelle rushed over to
Hlnlnes sent IiIh face white with an
ger and his voice vibrant with passion
Holding In his trembling hands a copy
of the New York Tribune he pointed
to an article and exclaimed Was
there ever such fatuous blundering us
lor hnlf nn hour ho commented ou
tho nrllcle to the hnlf scoie persons
who hud gnthered round The Tribune
was Hlalnes chief organ nn every one
knew but tho fiery Yankee of French
extraction continued to pour hot shot
Into It Finally Blaine said Charley
do you know who wrote that and pro
cured Its Insertion In Tho Tribune
No was the answer but I take It
that It was Whltelaw Hold or some
other Infernal fool
You nro wrong Chnrlcy replied
Hlalno I wrote It and hnd The Trib
une print It- Washington Cor Louis
ville Courier Journal
A llnril Itntn
It rains a great deal In the Pugct
Round country says a man from that
pnrt of the Union and I hoard a fun
ny Incident not long ago about It Some
chap had como from tho Mississippi
valley to tnko up his residence at
Whatcom on Belllngham bay where
there are very high tides Whon tho
bont landed him at the end of tho long
pier extending over tho tldo flats the
water was low and the now man did
not notice anything but a wldo stretch
of sand between the boat and the town
It was In the evening about dark
and was raining and he went to the
hotel on the front street and staid
there going to bed without having gone
out for a walk The next morning
when he got up he looked out and tho
tide was In the water coming up closo
to the hotel lie gazed at the wide
spread waters for an instant nud
throwing up his hands In astonish
ment ho exclaimed Gee whiz but It
must have rained hard last nightl
Then ho hurried down stairs to the
office to find out If thero was any dan
ger from tho flood and the clerk smiled
four or five times aud gave him some
much needed Information Washing
ton Star
Yti Wlint f
A good story Is going the rounds at
Harvard college concerning a last
years graduate a dutiful son and an
Industrious student yet withal a some
what liberal youth At the beginning
of his concluding year his father who
was just setting out for Europe said
to him
Now Harry you got your degree
and Ill Bond for you to conic over aud
travel all Bummer
Harry was delighted Father said
he I will Ho studied faithfully all
the college year aud In June went
through with tlyliig colors Then he
cabled his father
Hut the father alas had forgotten
his Impulsive offer Ho mused over
the message wondered and then cabled
Yes what
The son was In turu perplexed but
being n well trained lnd ho did not re
mnln long In the dark aud fired by du
teous zeal cabled back
Yes sir
Letters of explanation followed and
he won the grand tour Atlanta
Chlneae Fond of Sauerkraut
With the advent of so many Chinese
restaurants In different parts of the
city It Is couudently declared that
chop suey and other well known Chi
nese delicacies are consumed more by
Americans than by Chinamen A Har
lem Chinaman who had becu down to
Mott street for a social time was on a
Third avenue L car and got Into
conversation with a neighbor
I suppose you like chop suey eh
John asked the casual acquaintance
No was tho others answer with
a positive shake of the head Me no
llkoc chop suey Me eat sparcrlbs and
And In further conversation It was
revealed that UiIb Chinaman like many
of his fellow countrymen In New York
who had like himself been here 14
years or so hardly tasted traditional
Chinese dishes One of the first direc
tions lu which a Chinaman becomes
Americanized is In his liking for Amer
ican food cooked In the Amorlcan way
Now York Letter lu Pittsburg Dis
Conclae nnd Explicit
Many stories mostly fabrications
have been told about loug diffuse tele
graphic messages scut by women as If
the feminine mind were incapable of
expressing Itself concisely
How false and slandeious such on
Impression s Is well shown by an In
cident reported by a contemporary A
gentleman weut to Paris on business
As he went away he said something to
his wife about buying her a new dress
Just before starting homeward he tele
graphed to his wife Which shall I
bring you a diamond ring or a silk
The reply wns concise and explicit
one word Both
IIott It Wm
Jack I hear you lost a lot of money
on Wall street while you were drunk
Tom I wasnt drunk but the stocks
I bought took a drop too much Bos
ton Journal
It Is nn open question na to whether
Indecision or rashness has assisted na
to make the greater number of mis
takes i
free Every box guaranteed For sale
by tho Kiesau Drug Go
The Kiesau Drug company will re
fund you your monoy if you oro not
satisfied after using Chamberlains
Stomaoh aud Liver Tablets They cure
disorders of the stomach biliousness
constipation and headache Price 85
cents Sampled free
fDnnM MTHB BligMSng
VWlWr VJLC1 Disease of
lu mnnyrcRpccts Scrofula nnd Consumption are alike they develop from the same MJ f m mMX4 m
n JR
erai causes Imhii are nereuitnry nnd ilepcnilcntuiion nn impure nun m mm vMflyll
povUhcd blood supply In consumption the disease fastens itself upon
the lungs In Scrofula the Klauda of the neck and throat sw ell nnd suppurate causing ugly running sorei
the eyes nrc iuflnmed nnd wenk there is nn almost continual dlschnrge from the cars the limbs swell
bones nchc nnd white swelling is frequently a result causing the diseased hones to work out through
the skin producing indcscribnble pain nnd stifTcring Cutting awny n sore or diseased gland does no
irood the blood is poisoned The old scrofulous taint which lins probably come down through several
t 9nJM ItJtM AI lkkiMl a b I- 1-1-
Scrofula requires vigorous persistent treatment The blood must be brought back to a healthy
condition before the terrible disease can be slopcd in its work of destruction Mercury potash and
other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more harm than goo they ruin the digestion
nnd lenvc tho nvatcMti in n wiikp rmuHttnti limn lufnt r
S S S is the only medicine that can reach deep seated blood troubles like Scrofula It goes down to the very roots of
the disease nnd forces every vestige of poison out of the blood S S S is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known
The roots and herbs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying projwrtics which no poison however powerful can
longresist SSS stimulates nnd purifies the blood increases tho
Sl 1ifc - ZF fiHlLnRFN appetite aids the digestion and restores health nnd strength to the
Mmwmm m mmmm mmmmmmmummawm cfccblcd body If you have reason to think you have Scrofula or
vour child has inherited any blood taint dont wait for it to develop hut begin at once the use of S S S It is a fine tonic and the
best blood purifier and blood builder known as it contains no poisonous minerals S S S is pre eminently a remedy for
When my lUnchler wns an In fa tit nlie hnd n severe cane of Scrofula for which she was nmter the con-
tn tit cat e
lhvaicutii for more thin two venrs She win worsen the eiul of Hint lime however ami
wcnlmoit ilenuiirel of her life A few bottles of Swifts Specific cured her completely mil fcemcil to
go direct to the cause of the trouble 1 do not believe It hnsnn equal for stuhliorii enscs of blood diseases
which are beyond the power of other so called blood remedies S I Brooks Montlccllo Oa
Our medical department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made
Scrofula nnd other blood diseases a life Mudy wtitc them about your case or any one
vou arc interested in Your letter will receive nromnt and careful attention We make
Chlraco Grain nnd Provision
Chicago lVh 7 Wheat wus Irregular to
dny but muinccd Mini and closed Vie up
with the nHHtHtuncu of llheitit export engage
incuts lopoitid near the end of the hoh
rIoii Corn In sympathy advanced Vc nnd
onU a shade llinlsloiiH Mulshed a dull
dny unuhiititcd to liygGc higher Closing
Wheat Fob
May 7rVfc
Corn IVb
Onts reti
Pork Fell
Lanl rob
Mny 7VJMi
Itihs Feli 09214 March 705
Cnh quotations No 2 rod whent 743
71e No 3 spring uhont KUSTSc No 2 hnrd I
wheat 713730 No 2 cash coin 37Vi337c
No 2 cash outs 2iift2Kc j
Chicago Live Stock
Chicago Fob 7500
generally stronger nnd ncttve good to
prime RteerB 500Vfj0 00 poor to medium
3402305 stockers and feeders 275
450 cows 20rJT420 holfers 2705NCO
oanners 1755WC0 bulls 275440
calves 4005025 Texas fod steers 400
K480 Texas grass steers 335M00 Tex
as bulls 250ii350 Hogs Receipts 31
000 tomorrow 28000 left over 2000 53
lOo higher nctlvo closing strong top 545
mixed nnd butchers 520540 good to
choice heavy 5MMrl4 rough heny 520
ffi525 light ri20ifiti bulk of sales 525
5i5 Sheep Receipts 10000 strong
shnde higher good to choice wethers 385
JM50 fair to choice mixed 3G0T305
western sheep 3001450 Texas sheep
2501350 native lambs 4253455 west
ern Ininhs 500T525
Knnuu City Ttve Stock
Kansas City Feb 7 Citttle Reeelpts
3000 natives 1200 Texans 50 calves beef
steerH Including Texas nnd western steady
to 10c higher others steady native beef
steers 450f540 stockers and feeders
3755X480 western fed steers 400400
Texas nnd Indlnn steers 375450 cowo
300r425 heifers 350fr475 canners
225f200 bulls 300fr425 calves 550
fir750 Hogs Receipts 13000 5e higher
top 540 bulk of sales 530ifTO4O heavy
530tfT540 mixed packers 525535 light
520f7535 pigs 4AMZfiOO Sheep Re
ceipts 2700 SiJtlOc lower western Inmhs
5000525 western wethers 415440
western yearlings 4258475 ewes 325
385 culls 250ii300
South Omaha Ilve Stock
South Omaha Feb 7 Cattle Receipts
7000 stiong to 5210c higher native beef
steers 4000535 western steeis 370
400 Texas steers 300ff375 cows nnd
heifers 10c higher 3008410 canners
150i 85 stockers and feeders 3253
400 calves 4505700 bulls stngsetc
2Mff410 Hogs lteeelpts 0000 5fil0c
higher henvy 527VK32V4 mixed 527V4
f5i0 light 517Mffl030 pigs 400475
bulk of saWs 527VMf5 30
540 steady yearlings 4403460
wetheis 40077450 common and stock
sheep 3052385 lambs lower 4503
Tlnd to Conquer or Die
I wns just about gone writes Mrs
Rosa Richardson of Laurel Springs N
0 I had consumption so bad that tho
host doctors snid I conld not live more
than n mouth but I began to ubo Dr
Kings Now Discovory nud was wholly
ourod by seven bottles aud am now stoat
andwoll Its an unrivaled life savor
iu consumption puoumouia la grippo
and brouohitis infallible for coughs
colds asthma hay fever cronp or
whooping cough Guaranteed bottles
50o and 100 Trial bottles free nt
Kiesaa Drag Gos store
Jennie To have a round beautiful
neok wigglo your head from side to sido
every night take Rocky Mountain Tea
Its a short ont to a graceful form 35o
Ask your druggist
When yon want a physio that is mild
mid gentle easy to tako and pleasant in
oftect use Ohamberlaius Stomach and
Liver Tablets Prico 25 cents Samples
IJiientlon Answered
Yos August Flowor still has tho larg
est siilo of any medicine iu tho civilized
world Your mothers and grand
mothers novcr thought of using nny thing
olso for indigestion nr blliousuoRS Doc
tors woro scarco and they Boldom hoard
of appondicitis norvous prostration or
heart fuiluro oto Thoy used August
Flower to cloan out tho system and stop
fermoutution of undigested food rogn
nto tho notion of tho livor stimulato the
nervous and organic action of tho system
nnd that is all they took when feeling
dull nud bad with headaches and othor
nohes Yon only need a fow dosos of
Groons August Flowor in liquid form
to make yon satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with yon Got
Greens Prizo Almanac Kiosau Drug
Kindles nuow tho fires of youth bal
ances up tho joys nud sorrows of life
Its vain and foolish not to nso Rocky
Mountain Tea made by the Madison
Medicine Co 31c Ask your druggist
La Grippe Oulokly Cured
In the winter of 1898 and 1809 I was
taken down with a severe attack of
what is called la grippe says F L
Hewett a druggist of Wiufield 111
The only medicine I used was two
bottles of Chamberlains Cough Remedy
It broke up the cold and stopped the
coughing like magic and I have nover
since been troubled with grip Cham
berlains Cough Remedy can always be
depended upon to break np a severe cold
and ward off any threatened nttaok of
pneumonia It is pleasant to take too
which makes it the most desirable and
one of the most popular preparations in
use for these ailments For sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
Nasal Catarrh quiokly yields to treat
ment by Elys Croam Balm which is agree
ably aromatic It is received through tho
nostrils cleanses and heals tho whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself Druggists
sell tho 50o sizo Trial sizo by mail 10
cents Test it and you are Buro to continue
tho treatment
To accommodate those who are partial
to tho uso of atomizers in applying liquids
into tho uasnl passages for eataiThal trou
bles tho proprietors proparo Croam Calm iu
liquid form which will bo known as Elys
Liqnfd Croam Iiulm Prico inoluding tho
praying tube ia 75 cents Druggists or by
inaiL Tho liquid form embodies tho med
icinal proporties of tho solid preparation
Buckleu Arnica Sulva
Has world wide fame for marvelous
cures It surpasses any other Balve lo
tion ointment or balm for cuts corns
burns boils sores felons ulcors tetter
salt rheum fever sores chapped hands
skin eruptions Infallible for piles
Cure guaranteed Only 25o at Kiesau
Drng Cos storo
Will noom His HiiHlnesH
S Laval a merchant of Dallas Tex
writes I thought I would have to
give up business after two years of suf
fering from general debility brought on
by overwork and long hours bat four
bottles of Electrio Bitters gave mo new
life I can now eat anything sleep yvoll
and fool liko working all tho time Its
the best medioine on earth Its a
wonderful tonio and health builder for
tired weak sickly and run down people
Try it Satisfaction guaranteed Only
50o nt Kiesau Drug Cos store
Never Uud nCold
since I began carrying a package of
Krausos Cold Care Capsules in my vest
pocket I take ono whenever I feel a
cold coming on Its oasy Prioe 25c
Sold by Geo B Ohrlstoph
For Shattered Nerve
A remedy that will soothe bnild np
the wasted tissues and eurioh the blood
is indespensablo Litcheys Celery
Nerve Compound has been wonderfully
successful in coses of nervousness as
thousands of grateful people will testify
Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
lines It Py to uy Cheap t
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right but you want something
that will rollevo and euro the more
severe and dangerous results of throat
nnd lung troubles What shall yon do
Go to n warmer and more regular oil
mate Yes if possible if not possible
for you then iu either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced in
all civilized countries with success in
severo throat and lung troubles
iioeobees German oyrnp It not
only heals and itimnlatea the tissues to
no charge whatever for this Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA 6A
HiiiiflchliiK II 12 ii Co re Ilrnd
The long solemn gentleman with tho
piercing eyes tapped gently ou tho
shoulder of the encore fiend lu front of
Allow mo to present you snid he
handing the npplaudor a smull paper
What does this mean asked tho
recipient wratlifully as he opened Uie
package and found about 2 lu dimes
and nickels
It means this replied the solemn
gentlemnn I have noticed your ear
nest efforts to have everything twice
Therefore 1 have taken up this small
collection in order that you may como
tomorrow instead of trying to get your
two performances in one evening
Iudlauapolis Press
30 c
March 73W83Xcs
March 37Vc May
2e Mny 2nWft25c
J1380 Mny 1400
742 V3T I5 March
destroy tho gorm disease but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives n good nights rest nnd euros the
pationt Try onobottlo Recommended
uuiuy years by all druggists in tho world
Get Groous Prizo Almanao Kiosau
Drug Co
If you wnut some just as good I
make it myself remedy try nn imita
tion Rocky Mountain Tea Twill malco
you sick aud keep you sick Ask your
Ilomlnclm Church
Headache is usually caused by living
in poorly ventilnted rooinB overindulg
ence in food or drink insufficient exor
cise mental strain excitement or ma
laria Krausos Headache Capsules
quiokly oures the most severe cases and
leaves the head clear and cool Prio0
25c Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
Working Overtime
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless little workers Dr Kings Now
Life Pills Millions are nlways at work
night and day curing indigestion bil
iousness constipation sick headache
and all stomach liver and bowel
troubles Easy pleasant safe sure
Only 25o at Kiesau Drug Cos storo
Cold Cure for Ilusy People
Many people negleot a cold because
they say they have no time to attend to
it Kranses Cold Cure is a remedy
which can be taken without danger
while performing your doily duties and
will relieve tho most aggravated cases
in 24 hours Price 25o Sold by Geo
B Ohristoph
Elys Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
us Contains no In
jurious drug
It Is quickly absorbed
Gives Helicf at once
It Opens and Clcansos
mo ixasai raseaees
Allars Inflammation
Heals and Protects the Membrane Restores the
Senses of Tnste and Smell Large Szc CO cents at
Druggists or by mall Trial Blze 10 cents by mall
ELY DKOTUEKB 60 Warreu Street New York
Wv L n IV VEm
M TBI ffc J W p4p
Made a
Well Man
u of Me
produce the above results In 30 day It acta
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fait
Sonng men will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
nosi Lost Vitality Impotoncy Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Watting Diseases and
all effects of self abuso or excess and Indiscretion
which nnflta one for study business or marriage ia
not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but
ia a great nerve tonio and blood builder bring
ing back tho pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the Are of yonth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having ItEVTVOna
other It can bo carried in vest pocket By mall
10O per package or six for DSOO with posi
tive written iroarantee to core or reload
tbe money Book and advlso free Address
Porsule in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph drnpgist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medl
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accept no ubU
cenroiiATioisia tute Ask jour druggist
wjiif or
lEOOT0 j
wi nti -v
Ant Pimriv
vumiu i
wits crrtcrfc
For Sale by George B Ohristoph
i t