r i IsM n 1 6 K TUESDAY TOPICS MIrs KrnnroR lohiicoii i nick with the Tho union depot is undorKoliiK t onio ropnirs Ohriidinn Jhimmi of tho laelllo is on thoRlik HM J K Halcor was in Noi iolk from Lin ooln yesterday Kred French f Wayno wns a city -visitor y est et day ludHO DmiKlnH Cones 1h a city viHltor today from IVrce Tho booKKccptiiK elans of tho Y M O it will meet tonight Dr Franlc Salter mado a profofmloiial visit to HoskliiH thiHinorniiiK Miss IxIb Ornnt Ohilds hH roiio to Oinnlin for an iiidulliiito tinio Dunlol 1 KooniRHtoin Iiuh roiio to Madison countyH capital on IiiiMiichh Mrs 11 O Stnwurt and hahy of Konter woroKiiCBtHof MrH Am K lAiomird ovor nliht Frank lohnwon who linn boon em ployed in tho Auiuh minr factory Ih hero to visit relatives and friends Fish OonnniRsioner John II UnllT loft todny over tho Union Pacific to inspeet tho stuto hatohontH at South Howl Dr T H Maekay was called to Mndl non today to euro for n boy who had broken his hip Ho roturuB this after noon II V Winter loft nt noon for Hoono Iowa accompanied by Carl ScIiuIk who is to enter a wholoBnlo harness honso and manufactory Mrs Mary OMcnrn has purohnsed a residence in Quoon City Place and ox pootH to oooupy it about tho lint of March She is nt prchont residing on South Sixth streot Mra Frod Keller is Rick with tho grip and mmblo to attend to her duties as bookkeeper at tho mignr factory In fact it is Bnld that tho forco at tho fac tory is quito depleted by sickness Norfolk people havo almost forgotton what a snowbank looks like Tho heav iest snow of tho biiirou thus far hnB boon but little more than an iuch and it ban not boon blown into drifts aB hi other winters Ohiofof Police Widanmn has quito a rognesgallory in his headquarters in tho city building having taken to posting notices of rewards pictures etc re- ceivod from othor cities One of tho in teresting circulars is that olVorlng a re ward of T0000 for tho capturo of Pat Crowe and presenting four different pictures of the gentleman C CJ Dolon has gono to Randolph to engage in his old business of harness maker and expects to move his family to that place in tho near future Mr Dolon and family havo long been resi dents of Norfolk and there will bo many to miss them All however will join in wishing them much success in their undertaking and new homo A brand of winter weather seems to bo on tap nt last and tho prospects aro that tho temperature will bo cold enough within tho next -1 hours to sat isfy tho most preciho demand for old fashioned winter weather The wind commenced to blow from tho north at mi early hour this morning and has kept at it quito constantly during the day Tho Kiesau Drug company is prepar ing to put in all uuw llxtures in tho near future Tho woodwork will bo of quarter sawed golden oak from Sheboy gan Wisoonsin nnd is expected tour- rive in nbout three weeks Whon the now fixtures aro in place the company uxpoctB to have one of tho finest stores in this part of tho stato Their enter prise is to be commended lioomis L McKim who has repre sented tho Omaha Roe in Norfolk for the past year has been transferred to Sioux City as city circulation manager for that papor nnd will enter his now field of work next week This comes iu tho nature of npromotiou toMr McKim who has faithfully served tho Bees hi terests and with tho promotion comes a corresponding increase iu salary Hurry Johnson who has beun night operator iu tho telophouo ofllcewill suc ceed to tho position of circulation man ager in Norfolk There lias beou nn unusual movemout in the real estate market during tho pastwiuter nud spring will open with many new changes of ownership of land throughout north Nebraska Traoy Dnrhuid of this city aro responsible for many of these changes Within the past two weeks they havo made threo transfers of more or loss importance as follows A section of unimproved land llvo miles west of Neligh was sold to Andrew J Klepser of Weeping Wnter and Thos J Teller of Washington D C consideration 10 per acre Eighty acres eight miles northeast of this city were Bold to J Duncan of Wayne county for 20 per acre Martin Bru baker purchased 60 acres adjoining his farm three miles northwest of the city at 85 per acre cash Battle Creek Enterprise Whilo try ing to scare a rabbit oat of tho culvert north of the railroad track last Sunday Fred Smith and Todd Hoovor discovered a battered tiu box tho contents of which proved to be the papers stolon from Hall Meiuecko at tho time their storo was burglarized The boys returned tha papers to the owners and an iuvoutoiy showed that all the missing papers ex- copt tlnno found nt Norfolk were in tho box The doouinontscomlsteU or dcedi Insuraueo pipers etc and while of no valun lo outhtdo parties to replace them would cauno the owners oonsldorablo in- convenience Moms Hall and ecko now Bay that if tho inonoy taken by tu thiovos is placed besldo a lantern by the road they aro not particular whether tlin lantern Iuir a blno or red libboii attached A tranister who has boon doing Homo hauling for Mrs Wegner of tho Norfolk houfio this morning loaded up Rome old tin cans and other refuse and hauled them to tho oreok near tho wntorworks Hero tho hank was steep and tho happy thought struck tho man that if ho should back tho wagon over tho bank tho cans would spill tlioniBolves ont and ho would not bo compelled to oxort his muscular energies In wielding tho shovel Tho scheme was eminently successful It not only dumped tho cans buttho wagon and horses into tho river awl would havo taken the driver had he not con sidered tho bank beside tho team safer from n purely porsoual tdundpolut Kd Wegner with tho asslstnnco of tho drivor finally succeeded in extricating tho horses from their cold bath afterout ting tho harness MEADOW GROVE Messrs Hoy and Abo Alyon wont to Noligh Sunday Will Losoy of Madison was a Meadow Grovo visitor Saturday C S Ilayos of Norfolk wnu in thiB oity on businoBB Inst Saturdny W W Roborts of Norfolk registered nt tho Qrovo hotel last TuoBdny Mossra Earl Deuel nnd Joff Iloyles drovoto Norfolk Monday morning Mrs 0 P Mullloy is quito ill nt hor homo four miles south of tho city Mr Ed Hammond returned to his homo nt Norfolk Saturday afternoon Miss Kntheriuo Witigmau returned homo from Norfolk Saturday evening Rev Georgo of Neligh hold services In tho M E church last Sunday even ing Mr J L Dunn and sou Harold went to Norfolk on Saturday noons passen ger Messrs Walt and Orr Palmor mndo a business trip to Norfolk Tuesday return ing iu tho evening Owou Wade ofBattlo Crook visited his sister nud othor frieudb iu this city last Monday and Tuesday A crowd of young people drovo to Iluttlu Creek Friday ovoning to attend tho dauco given nt that place Messrs Will Yeomon Bob Ashburn Merl Hike nud Alda Anson enmo down from Tildeii Sunday returning in the ovoning John Witzigman camo up from Nor folk Saturday evening and visited with W A Wiuigmnu and family till Sun day evening Mr nnd Mrs Herbert King from Grovo precinct were in tho city Sunday tho guests of Mrs Kings parents Mr nnd Mrs J W White Tho Morris Drug company was sold to Al Williams hint Friday Mr Wil liams is an old hand at tho business haviugrun the drug store previous to its purchase by Mr Morris two years ago Mr Arthur Cnrmondy ontortaiued a number of his friends last Saturdny nt his homo two miles north of tho city Refreshments were served at six nfter which the mirth continued until bite iu tho ovoning Dr Kindred has begun tho erection of n nice dwelling on the lot just west of his place The foundation is being laid and tho carpenters work will soon be gin Tho contract for its erection wus let to Frank Colgrove Mr nud Mis W A Morton who havo been with us for a month or more left for Norfolk last Monday noon From Norfolk they will go to Kansas Oity and thence they will go south with n view of finding some climate beuelicial to Mr Mortons health which has beou very poor of Into A very peculiar disease seemingly contagious has been prevailing iu this burg for tho past few weeks or more Tho diseaso effects tho oyes of tho vic tim causing them to become iuilamed nud producing nu effect very similar to that which follows a night out with tho boys it has erroneously though ap propriately been called the pinkeyo A very Ferious accident ooenred at the home of P V Lewis last Thursday evening As Miss Eva Lewis was busy ing herself with house work she was nccidontly shot by her little brother who in some wuy had gotten a loaded shot gun into his hands The charge grazed her skull and lodged itself bo ueath tho shoulder blade Dr Kindred dresseu the wound aud at tlio present writing tho young lady is resting easily You Should Knun About tirusku FrnluK Iu Corn is king but other groins are sue cessfully raised nnd you cnu buy laud chenp nlong the Fremont Elkhorn As Missouri Volley railroad Write for particulars to J II Gable Traveling Pass A eut Denu j lowf Or to J R Buohan Geu 8 eutf Agent Omaha Neb THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1901 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Mies Mninii is on tho Melt list Tho children of Georgo Holler nroMek with tho grip Rev S F Shnrploss has boon fiick for several days past Davo Owen departed last night for Uiramlo Wyoming Burt Mnpos mado n trip to and from Plalnviow yesterday 13 W Jonas is Jiiflt recovering from a Bovero nttnok of tho grip A ton pound boy wns lorn to Mr and Mrs Fred Karo yesterday Mrs Andreas Sohwunk of MiuIIbou wus n city visitor yestordny Irving Bnu in of Cincinnati Ohio is n guest of Rev S F Sharpless O 15 Grlmoldhy now n roaidont of Oklahoma territory is in tho city Geo D Buttorlleld camo in from Oreighton on tho early train today Miss Gertrude Booker of Mitchell S I is visiting her cousin Mrs MorriB Mayer Mrs Fred Klentz roturnd yesterday from n visit of several dnyB with Piorco friends O A Lulkurt returned this morning from nn extended business trip through Colorado MIbs Berthn Shoonfold returned yos tortluy from n visit with hor pnrents at Oreighton Goo McPherson formerly of thisoity but now of Oklahomn is hero greeting old friendB Garfield Mather nud Miss Ottio Kent both of this city woro mnrriod nt Madi son lust Sunday The Ladies Aid society of tho M E church will meet in tho church pnrlora tomorrow nftoruoon nt 2 i0 Thero will bo a mooting of tho official board nt tho cIoro of the Biblo reading tonight at the M E church J H Hiunuiol of Omaha represent ing tho Shorwin Willianis Paint coin pauy is in tho city interviewing the druggists Mrs Paul Karo who hns boon visit ing Norfolk relatives nnd friends for several days returned to hor homo in Lyons tills morning Mr and Mrs E II Blair aro cxpectod hero this evening from Chicago to visit Mr nnd Mrs W H Buttorflold Mrs Blair is n siBtor of Mrs Butterllold Second Lioutenaut Carl Pilgor of company L N N G wont to Lincoln yesterday to tnko n military examina tion before tho stnto exnmiuiug board Frank Davonport wont to Atchison Kansas Saturday and brought Mrs Davonport and tbo children Homo yes tordny noon They stoppod ovor in Omaha and visited one day U II Tatiuau has resigned his posi tion ns night clerk at tho Pacific and ac cepted n situution with tho Piano Manu facturing company Valmn Light has taken the position of night clerk at the Paoiflo Norris Huso camo up last evening from Lincoln to remain until Sunduy ThiB is examination week at tho uni versity nwi as his examinations all came Mondny and Tuesdny ho is able to spend n fow days nt homo Norfolk horso owners propose to ninin tain a regulation half mile track next season aud feel assured that not less than n dozen horsea will go into train ing here 1 W Edwnrds and W O Hidl havo been training their uuimnls during tho winter uud expect to havo them in coudition for good work when spring opens W A Morton tho insurance man who has made thiB city his homo for Bomo time departed on tho early trnin with his family for Kuusus City Mo from thero they will go to Hot Spriugs Ark and later to Mexico These ohnuges are mndo for the benefit of Mr Mortons health Fremont Tribune A tost of tho Ptnruo telegraph typewriter hns just been mndo in Omaha This machine will send n meBsuge nt one end us n typewriter is used and register it ou nnothor maohiuo nt the other ond of tho lino The invention is tho product of a Grnud Island youug man and is likely to make him rich Mrs John Craig living west of tho city has recently been very seriously sick from blood poisoning but 1b now somewhat better Tho trouble was oc casioned by a out amounting to scnrcely more than a scratch on one of her lingers The injured member began to swell and the swelling rnpidly extended upward through the entire arm Heroia measures have been employed to stay the disease and it is now believed that it has reached u turning point for the bet ter The following from the Fremont Tribune refers to n uieco of Morria Mayer of this city Hortonso Mayer danghter of Mr aud Mrs Theodore Mayer died early last evening of scarlet fever Sho wns siok with the mnlndy for about ten days nnd wns very low for some time boforo her death The littlo girl was born October 11 1895 No funeral services will be held hore but the body will bo shipped to Omaha for burial tomorrow morning Tho deepest sympathy of n largo number of friends of Mr nud Mrs Mayer is ex tended to them at this time Grand Island Press Hon Charles Woostor of Silver Creek Neb con tracted with tho American Beet Sugar Co of Grand Island to plant nine acres of sugar beets last yeur On this patch ho harvested 2l toni or nu nvorngo of JTfc tons per ncro for which tho com pniiy paid him tAIOli This wns Mr Wooslors first oxporienco in sugar beot raising and ho is woll satisfied Ho hns mndo n contract this yenr for twenty five ncres There will bo n largely In creased acreage nil along tho Flntto Vulley west from Duncan for our local factory for tho present year BATTLE CREEK F E Martin of tho Enterprise went lo Omaha Monday E 11 Luikart our bank cashier is down with tho grip Wm Yount nnd Doo Anderson wero Norfolk visitors Monday Wes McOalluni of Meadow Grovo transacted business hero Monday Last Sunday ultcruoon wo bow n woodpecker ou tho trees iu onr ynrd Harry Barnes of Plalnviow was visit ing hero from Friday till Mondny with his parents O S Hayes of Norfolk was up hero Mondny with n wngouload of musical instruments Tuesdny tho Hownrd Miller Lumber Co shipped one carload of hogs and ono carload of corn Hormnu Toglor quit clerkiug in F II Shultz grocery Saturday Ohas Fuerbt hns taken his position Grandpa Philip Beck ofv Norfolk was visiting with his numerous relatives from Friday till Monday Julius Gardels of West Point wns visiting here Saturday with his undo J R Gardels nud fnmily Section Boss Peter Burns nud wife woro visiting from Friday till Monday with Mrs Bums parents at Long Pino Mr and Mrs Henry Tietjeus and chlldrou of Plainviow arrived horo Tues day morning for tho funeral of Mrs Tiotjous mother Rov J Hofinun sold his farm six mil8 north to Leopold Kurpgervoit lately Leopold is hauling lumber for u house nud barn Miss Annio Vautlin has been danger ously ill with lung trouble for about n week Tho members of tho tnbo of Ben Hur are considerately taking care of hor Frod Eohteukanip who Bold his one quarter section farm nine miles south last week for 5800 went to Knox county Monday to look up a new loca tion Fred Brechler Geo Hobus Henry Miller Mrs Henry Stollo nnd Mrs Frank Tegler returned Tuesday from a weeks visit with relatives at Boscobel Wisconsin Miss Hannah Clnnsey of West Point was visiting here the latter pnrt of last weok with her uncle and mint Mr aud Mrs W A Barnes and family She went homo Sunday Tom Collins who has been at Dead wood S D for tho lnt 10 years hns been visiting hero for about two months with his mother nud other relntives nud left again Monday Owen ONeill returned Sunday from n weeks travel over the state He was also up to Gnrfleld county where he nnd E II Luikart havo purchased pasture and hay land for ranch purposes Zed Sesler was imbibing too heavy Saturday night and thomarbhal put him into Floods Reserve Monday morn ing ho donated 1 to tho village treas ury nud a fow dollars for extra expenses Thero wns an error in our last weeks correspondence ns we stuted thnt Rep resontntive Ziuimormnn wns not nblo to attend the sessions Mondny tho 21st He felt easier and went to Lincoln nny wny Geo Souvenier is loading n car with his househould goods and nil kinds of personal property today Wednesday which he is going to send up to Iunian whoro ho is going to bo manager on Mans and Brechlcrs cattle ranch Friday night n society danco ar ranged by the Ladios club was held at tho Maxwell opera house A big orowd of all kinds of people woro present also some from neighboriug towns The Italian orchestra of Norfolk farniahed the music Soven carloads of stock went out of hero again Monday George Berry Hhinped two carloads of sheop Wm Ludroig ono carload of cattle Balzer and Conrad Werner ouecnrload of hogs and oue of cattle togethor Guy Deuel one carload of cattle and L B Baker ono carload of hogs Died Monday evening at 6 oclock Mrs Otto Borchers of heart tronblo age 53 years Mrs Borchers bus not been sick except that duy when she did not feel vell At 5 oclock she got up to assist her daughters at butchering About 0 oclock she fell in tho sitting room and died very suddenly Sho loaves bohluil her a husbnud two sous aud four daughters of whom two are married Mrs Henry Tierjens of Plain viow nnd Mrs Fred Prneuuer near Battle Creek nud a brother Henry Aldag uear towu to mourn her loss They havo lived hero nbout 35 years their homo being two miles eat of towu Tho fuueral will bo hold Thursday af ternoon at 1 80 from the Lutheran church aud the remains takon to the Lutheran cemetery for interment Rev J Hoinian officiating THURSDAY TIDINGS Mrs O W Box Is on tho sick list MrR S K Long was a pnshongor for Mndliou todny W II Shaffer of Madison was a city visitor yestordny T F Mcnnningor Is a city visitor today from Madison Miss Ethol Long very ploasautly on tortaiued n few friends lust evening Rov Mr Taylor of Piorco will speak at tho Congregational church this ovon ing Mrs M Wnrneko nnd daughter of Battlo Creek wero city visitors yester day Gnrfleld Mather nnd wifo havo gono to Iowa nud will mnko thnt state their homo Tho pnbt fow days havo mado ico nnd tho harvesting of tho crop hns rocom monccd The Citizons Concort baud of Hurting ton is preparing for n tour of northeast Nebraska It expects to travel iu its own spccinl car Tho Ladios guild of Trinity church will moot with Mrs Leonard tomorrow afternoon nt oclock A good attend nuco is requested Mr nnd Mrs M 0 Walker enter tained n few friends nt dinnor Inst even ing complimentary to Dr nud Mrs Frederick F Teal Miss Mattie Davonport has gono to Sioux City to attend tho wedding of hor friend Miss Sheukberg which takes place this evening Mike Hounesy driver for the Norfolk hospital for the iusano who recently had an operation performed ou his hand is getting along nicely Mrs Iugnlls hns recovered from n recent nttnok of tho grip and today for tho first time was nblo to attoud to hor duties ns clerk for Beeler Bros Miss Mertio Waldron has deoided to romain hore for the present nud has no coptod the position of stenographer iu the law ofllco of her D J Koeuigstoin Fred Froelich who recently sold his fnrm north of Norfolk nud went to Humphrey didnt like it thero and re turned nnd purohused a farm of 100 acres eight miles south of town paying for it -11 per ncre Miss Nell Sbonkberg of Sioux City well known in Norfolk is to bo married to Jack Fentherstono of Salt Lake City Utah this oveniug at 8 oclock The young peoplo will make their homo in Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs Frank Locke who formerly conducted the Pacific hotel hero but have lately been living in Spoknne Wnsh are planniug to go to Buffalo N Y and take chnrgo of the restaurant in the City of Mexico at tho exposition Miss Lena Krahu celebrated her 17th birthday last evening by entertaining a largo number of youug triends The occasion was vory en joynblowith gnuios choice refreshments nud other social features for entertainment Tho night wns well ndvnnced when the party broke up Henry Steffon and family arrived this morning from Austin Minn and will mnko Norfolk their homo Thoy have purchased n residence on North Tenth street just south of Steve Overtous home Mr Steffen is tho father of August Steffon teacher in Christ paro chial school Elmer E Lsch who has represented tho Carpenter Paper company of Omaha on the road for n number of yours nud who hns mndo frequent visits to Norfolk in the interest of thnt firm hns quit the road and will establish a flue job office nt Lincoln leaving for that city todny from Norfolk No inquest was considered necessary in the matter of the suicide of George Bero on South Twelfth 6treet yesterday noon aud tho body was cut down during the afternoon and removed to tho undertaking rooms of Sessions Bell whore it hns been prepared for in terment It is understood tnat Mrs Boro will ondenvor to have the contrnot regnrding tho purchase of tho Holt county land aunulled The first of the series of socials under the auspices of the ladies of Trinity guild held last evening at the home of Mr and Mrs A Morrison was enjoyed by a largo number of people The art display was very cleverly contrived and afforded amnBement throughout the evening Delightful muBio was fur nished by Miss Nelle Gerecke whose singing elicited a hearty oncore and Bobuerts orchestra which was at its best Very nice refreshments were served Tho ladies netted 1085 from tho entertainment The committee having the social in charge received and are deserving of much credit for the entirely successful manner in which tho eutertniumeut wns planned and ex ecuted The committee was composed of the following ladies Mrs W Fox Mrs Asa K Leounrd Mrs J W Humphrey Mrs A G Bohnert and Mrs A Morrison Ilriilnl etiquette It Is quite correct for n brldo to carry a prayer book Instend of n bouquet Ono of tbo prettiest wedding prayer books thnt I have ever seen contained jncrely the marriage service tho mur rlage certificate blanks for the signa ture of tb minister who performed ths tromonv nnd of the members of tho bridal party nud the near ruin t Ives nud Intluiite friends who woro pres ent Tho binding wns white vellum with the btides maiden unmo nnd tho date of tin innrilnge engraved on tho over In gold letters Such n book hns lo bo mndo up nnd bound expressly for the person who will use It She carries It up the aisle uud hands It to the min Ihit to rend the service from nnd It Is n rery lovely little keepsake Tho brldnl putty should enter the room In the following order First the two ushers who should walk together then the bridomnnld wnlklng nlone thou the bride with tho person who will give her nwny The best man should walk Into the room with tho groom Just behind the minister n mo ment or two before the bridal party como in Hnrpers Unznr nnrrltiKN Once More Thnt oiiiTlngs are much worn is a fnct not to be disputed snys The Jew elers Circular Thoy nppenr to bo pur suing n quiet nnd persistent ndvnnco toward n point where It may be snld of them thnt they have arrived In the best society Among tho best dressed English women not only nro the mod est diamond or pearl solltnlres entirely fnmlllnr but types more Important or lighter nnd more fanciful nccordiug to Individual tnsto seem to be gnlulng n foothold the latest fad reported being for gypsy rlngB wtudded with ninny Binull BtOUC H Fonr Evil Spirit Evil spirits are held In great dread by the Chinese who believe them to benr speclnl ill will to the eldest son of tho fnrrlly nud to delight In playing unkind tricks upon him To prevent this the eldest son in one fnmily was unmed Sixth Little Sister the childs pnrents evidently being under the im pression thnt evil spirits could be de ceived hb to the sex of the littlo oue Letting Well EnonKli Alone Bobbs I bee thnt n mnu bus Invent ed a typewriter thnt you just sit down nud talk to nnd It writes out every thing you say Dobbs I gtiess Ill keep mine She doesnt write everything I say nnd Im glad of It Baltimore Amcrlcnn AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A Fly is as Untama ble as a Hyena To advertise successfully may not be easy but it is not half so difficulty as the taming of a fly So far as this community is concerned the advertising prob lem Is simple Here is the plan Secure space in these col umns Vrite ads that are plain and straightforward Change them often Keep at it persistently t YYTTYYYT Y YT TV Y TV YTT VTT Dr Humphreys Specifics cure by acting directly upon tho disease without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system KO CTOES FUCKS 1 Fever Congestions Inflammations 23 Worm Worm Fovwr Worm Colic 25 3 Teething Colic CrylngWokef illness 25 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25 7 oueIii Colds Bronchitis 25 8 Neuralgia Toothache Faccacho 25 0 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25 10 DyiiepalaIndlgcstIonWeakatomach25 11 Suppressed or Iolnrul Periods 25 12 Whiles Too Prof uso Periods 25 13 Croup Larynsllla Uoarsonesa 25 14 Salt Ilheuni Erysipelas Eruptions 25 15 Kheumatlsin lUienmatlo Pains 25 16 Malaria Chills Fever and Ague 25 19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In tho Head 25 20 Whooping Cough 25 27 Kidney Diseases 25 UH Nervous Debility 100 30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bod 25 77 Grip Hay Fever 25 Or 11111X6 Manual of all Diseases at y onr DrufKlsts or Mailed Free Bold by druggists or sent on receipt of price Humphreys Med Cot Cor William i John SuT Koeni steins Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE M ailfii 1 Trade Mahks DESIGNS CODVnmurn J f Aintr 1lucrr flulckly our opinion free nhciuer wi inni fVo VfiA UBBlulQM10too stents latenu taken Uirouirh Munn A Co receive i irtetal mtUe without chame In tho Scientific flmtricati A handsomolr Illustrated weekly Ircet cir- tUlatHin Of stir HpinnllH 4wirni - mo aYiaiSi1 r0tl1 L Ba7a1 newsdealers mm sexssmxp