The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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one would expect to seek a mate for
bis daughter among the much malign
ed aristocrats of Europe or the almost
equally unpopular millionaires of our
own country He is a hard headed
man of business and one who would
Lave his own way despite obstacles
While Emily Is precisely the girl who
would view witli favor a handsome ro
mantic unpractical writer of stories
ber father is the last man to consent
to such a folly AH who knew of Ro
land Blakes infatuation regnrded bis
matrimonial chances to be as bad as
possible It was generally understood
that he had been forbidden to call
Then suddenly the engagement was an
It was as much a surprise to me as
to any one said Roland when 1 ven
tured to approach that subject I can
hardly realize It yet The fact is that
Krnlly Is a great girl a wonder It
Beems that she has cared for me all
This idea put Roland into a trance
from which I had to wake him some
what rudely
Is Mr Woodruff cordial I in
Tolerant said Roland I could
hardly say cordial We had a long
talk about my business affairs
Inexhaustible subject said I
How much do you owe my son
Oh a thousand dollars or such a
matter he replied But there were a
few personal debts that I forgot to
mention to Mr Woodruff He said I
bad done mighty well considering the
miserable business I was In Mr
Woodruff has not I fear a high opin
ion of literature
But what does all that matter
now he continued his eyes lighting
up with the glow of energy and hope
Look at this old man Ive mnde a
decent success In literature My stories
go Into the good magazines and there
are a couple of books of mine which
by their sales remunerate the publisher
even if I dont get anything out of
them and Ive done this againstthe
worst possible odds
Worry neavens and earth Why
any time In the last five years when an
dea haagot Into my brain Ive had to
put my bat on to keep the voice of the
creditor from chasing It up through the
top of my head The luck has been
against me bad luck in small matters
which Is more dire than calamity
But now fortune has relented Ive
got what I deserve as Heine remark
ed when he dreamed that he was the
ruler of the universe Happiness is In
eplratlon and am full of It Ill bet
you a hundred dollars to a cent that
within this very week I write Incom
parably the best story of my life
something that will really make a hit
Ills eager hands reached out to clutch
paper and pen and I rose hastily Far
be It from me to stand Idly In the way
of an inspiration
Speaking of Emily he said of
course you understand that were not
to be married for a year or two Shes
only 20 aud and honestly old man
Is tlicro another living creature like
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r You anil I know very little nbout
Uient successes Wo hnve deserved
them of course but we hnve not hnd
them yet Therefore It will be extreme
ly dlfllcult for tnu to describe nnd for
you to understand the feelings of Mr
Roland Jilixko In the early part of the
current month
And I snw n new henven nnd a new
earth was the wny he expressed his
sentiments to nie when 1 offered my
The new henven must have referred
to the winning of Imlly Woodruff nnd
the new earth to the fact that she had
erent possessions It struck me that
this allusion to his fiancees money was
Tery delicate -The young lady Is the
granddaughter of the late Horace
Woodruff In whose shop on Broadway
the silks of the orient were transmuted
into crude unhandsome occidental
greenbacks Nearly all his wealth was
bequeathed to Emily whose fnthei
holds It In trust until she Bhall be 25
years old when she will own it as she
owns the glove upon her bond
This father of hers Is a man whom
No there Isnt said I and the an
swer was perfectly frank
Whntever may be thought of the de
gree of MIhh Woodruffs beauty she Is
certainly a perfectly original creation
Nobody looks or speaks or moves In the
least like her When she walks along
tho street nil the peoples heads co
round as IT they were cogwheels In a
piece of machinery
Of course as to hot money said
he Its very unfortunate
1 laughed
You know what I mean he protest
ed People will say Hint 1 am seeking
money whereas henven knows that If
Bhe were ns poor ns ns I nm by Jingo
It wouldnt mnke the slightest differ
Ieople will Ho whntever you do I
replied so dont let that worry you
Money Is a good thing aud Im glad
youre to have some
1 wonder how It will seem he snld
nnd then cautiously Hush
A shadow appeared upon the ground
glass panel of the door A hand was
laid upon the knob vainly aud then
came a loud aggressive rap
Its Crowley whispered Blake
Hes collector for n confounded tailor
See the villain stand there aud wait
The shadow fell darkly on the door
Obviously Crowley whs a person of
magulllcent proportions
I used to be a good deal afraid of
him whispered Bhike lies an of
fensive beggar with n voice so careful
ly cultivated that he can dun a man on
the ninth tloor and make every word
audible to the engineer in the subcellar
But those beasts wont bother me much
longer Why my dear fellow with
this new happiness tills tremendous
Inspiration to help me Ill write
enough stuff In the next three montliB
to pay every debt and live like a prince
Go right ahead nnd do It then said
I Dont wnste precious time tnlklng
to me Ill read a magazine till Crow
leys feet get tired and then Ill slip
Presently I heard his pen scratching
on the paper aud it was pleasant to
think that the words he was writing in
the first Hush of his happiness might
live for centuries lnthe hearts of men
I felt proud to be present on such an
It may have been two hours later
when I rose to go CrowleyB shadow
had vanished Blake with the tip of
his penholder pressed against bis lips
was looking upward to the celling and
through it to the clouds There was a
lino light In his eyes
Written much old man I said
No lie replied 1 havent put any
thing on paper yet
But I thought I heard your pen
That was while I was writing a lit
tle note to Emily said he I cant go
to see her this evening nnd there were
a few things that I wanted to say
He folded half a dozen sheets of pa
per and put them Into an envelope up
on which he wrote an address
Would you mind handing that to the
fellow In the passenger ofllce down
stairs said he giving me the envel
ope and half a dollar to pay for the
message Thank you Goodby Im
going to work now
The last glimpse I had of him he was
still looking aloft with the expression
of a cherub about to sing a new song
On Thursday I looked In upon Blake
again lie was drawing little profiles
of Miss Woodruff on a sheet of paper
for Blake Is ilever with the pencil as
well as with he pen
How does the story come along I
What story lie demanded
The masterpiece you begun when I
was here last I replied
Oh that be hanged he exclaimed
-It was rot I threw It away
Havent you started another
Well Ive been getting my Ideas to
gether said he There are one or
two big things that I may start upon
when I can get hold of them by the
right end
Then we had a nice long talk nbout
Miss Woodruff and having decided in
the course of nbout two hours that she
was an Incomparable angel we ad
journed the meeting and went out to
play a game of billiards
Sunday forenoon Blake nnd I took a
bicycle ride together I had never seen
him so happy or so full of fine fancies
He told me that he had begun a story
and asked me to come to his den tho
next day and see what I thought of the
Introductory chapter
I couldnt call on Monday but I
found the time Tuesday afternoon
Blake had written about 1000 words
substantially as they were to stand In
the finished story aud I want to say
here in strict confidence that they were
far from good
The Btyle was quite different from
Blakes ordinary As a rule when he
attacks literature he cuts off a piece
with a battleax aud presents It to the
public on the end of a spear Thats
what I have always liked about his
I told him frankly tlmt if the begin
ning of the new story gave any idea of
what It was to bo like throughout he
had made a mistake
Sentlineutalism Isnt your forte
said I
This Isnt sentimentality Its genu
ine feeling said he And It Is prop
erly expressed been use Ive taken tlmo
with it Ive cut It down and worked
It over and Ive viewed It alwnys In
the new light that has coinu to mo
Bless the dear girl Lets talk of her
for awhile nnd let criticism rest An
for your opinion 1 pity nnd forgive
you Let that sulllee
So we talked about the dear girl and
ns before wound up with n game of
billiards Aud by the way Hlnko
made a Roman holiday of me Ills bil
liards hnd Improved a hundred per cent
within the week
It wns agreed that I should drop In
upon htm at tils lodgings after dinner
Miss Woodruff wns not to be at home
nnd an evening In his bachelor quar
ters wns the best thnt Blake could
hope for
It inny hnve been 8 oclock when I
arrived lllnke enmo to the door of his
little parlor In response to my rap Ho
had on an old red sweater with a
faded II on the front of it An old pair
of trousers and n straw lint with no
crown In It completed his visible nttlre
I hnd seen Hlnko wenr this hat be
fore when lie had to work late at
night The brim shaded his eyes and
the absence of the crown In his opin
ion prevented an Injurious effect upon
the hair such as Is said to come from
wearing ones hat in the house i
Blake has plenty of hair aud in mo
ments of excitement It stands out from
his head at all sorts of angles On the
occasion In question It streamed tip
through Hint broken lint ns If the clr i
clot of straw had been a funnel sup
plied with a mighty draft of air
Everything has gone to Hie devil i
was bis greeting to me
What do you mean I cried lias
Miss Woodruff I
Oh no shes all right but that In
fcrual villain 11 at Hold to whom Ive
owed a couple of hundred dollars for a
year or two Is going to make trouble
What trouble can he make I do i
Why hell tell Mr Woodruff and
then my cake is dough snld Blake
You see 1 neglected to mention the
Hatfield matter In my talk with Wood
ruff and hell rememlier that 1 tell
you It would ruin my life
But theres nothing disgraceful
about this debt
No except that I didnt tell Wood
ruff about It Theres the pinch Ive
got to raise the money for Hatfield to
How In blue blnzes are you going
to do It I demanded I havent It
Ive seen Harper said Blake If
Ill finish thnt Porto Ricnn romnncc
for him hell pny spot ensh Theres
about 8000 words to write nnd 1 ennt
do It except Hint Ivo got to Why
old mnn fancy my trying to write to
night Im so worried so totally up
set that my brains are mush I cant
think of my own name Yet I must do
it But oh he groaned It will be
awful rot
He rather staggered than walked to
his chair beside the big table in the
center of the room
Sit down and keep still he said
but dont leave me Just stay by
through this night and maybe I can
turn the trick If Im left alone I shall
either go crazy or go to sleep and ones
ns bad ns tho other tonight
Three seconds inter his pen wns dig
ging holes in the paper At first it
went heavily onward and frequently
he stopped nnd pneed the floor nssur
Ing me thnt no mnn so miserable as be
was could possibly write
Presently however he began to go
more steadily His eyes took on a
glnre He no longer nddressed nny re-
marks to me but lie snld things nbout
Porto Rico nnd the chnractcr of his
story to the air i
Meanwhile he smoked long black ci
gars the ends of which lie chewed snv
This continued for hours About 1
oclock he slowed up and several times
iv E3 jjQiii
T aMajjaaMwapxw
I saw him sway In his chair I knew
what that meant and I hastened out
to an all night restaurant whence I re
turned with some sandwiches aud a
quart of black coffee This simple re
freshment supplied the strength which
toll had exhausted For a loug time
thereafter the pen made a noise like a
loose shingle on a barn in a gale of
About 4 oclock I began to doze A
little later I awoke with a start The
gas hud been turned low but there was
light enough to seo Blake stretched
across the threshold of tho bedroom
door his head upon a pillow that he
had dragged off the bed
Dont disturb me old man he mur
mured as I bent over him The curB
ed thing is done
I waited till he had sunk Into a stu
por and then lifted him upon the bed
At 10 the next morning I waked him
and we went to see Harper The story
passed through the mill aud Hatfields
claim was met lu time to avert a ca
The Porto RIcan story Is out and It
has caught on hard On that Tuesday
night Blake kept his word given to me
n week ago Monday that within ten
days having found Hie necessary In
spiration lie would write something
that would really make n hit
Fourth Annual Convention
Opens In Salt Lake City
llr oltitlon ll imIiIIiik Tor Amoiiluto Mriu
tint HnCrrreil to Kicmttlvo 1oinmlttrr
1itMir In ml Plan
lleilllY Crrliilll tu Out Nt t Coiirlillon
Salt Lake Inn HI Assembly hall
was crowded to Its fullest capacity
I Hie opening of the fourth annual
convention of the National Live Stock
association During the assembling of
the delegates music wa furnished by
the Colorado cowboy band
The convention was called to order
by President Springer at I0M0 Gov
ernor Ilcber M Wells was Introduced
and delivered an address of welcome
An address of welcome was then de
livered by Acting Mayor Ruckle and a
response by R Si Allen of Nebraska
A telegram was rend from Vice President-elect
Roosevelt Heading congrat
ulations and best wlhes to the boys
President Springer then delivered his
address und a recess wms taken
The first buslnosi of tho afternoon
session was call of the stales for live
minute addresses by delegates re
garding Hie condition of live stock In
dustry In their respective states Sev
eral resolutions were presented by
members of the executive conimltttee
one by C W Baker of Illinois which
wns adopted providing that the hold
lug of a convention can be determined
by a majority vote of the executive
committee Mr Levering of Indiana
offered a resolution providing for asso
ciate mouthers thus no longer con
fining the membership to associa
tions but allowing prominent stock
breeders to become Individual mem
bers on payment of 2 Mr Harris
of Iowa doubted the expediency of as
sociate member and after discussion
the resolution was referred to the ex
ecutive committee A resolution by
Mr McKenle of Texns asking that
n resolution be made to establish fed
eral Inspection In lien of tho present
slate Inspection wns passed
Chicago and Omahn are pressing
tholr claims for Hie next convention
Knnsas Oily and Utah have declared
for the latter place which practically
assures Omahas success
Tract Ouc anil llulf by Thr ia INlIlm U
Humeri Ovnr
Huron S D Jan 10 -A 50 mile an
hour wind from Hie west prevailed
here all afternoon A prairie fire did
much damage near Wolsey burning
over a tract of country a mile and n
half wide by three miles long crossr
lng both the Chicago nnd Northwest
ern nnd Chicago Milwaukee and St
Paul railway tracks
Among the heaviest losers Is James
Buell whoso largo barn and stock
sheds were destroyed Other fanners
lost barns and hay
Ilramnontft III- Oeyr
Beaumont Tex Tan 10 -The ex
citement hero over the big oil well In
creases with each hour There is no
indication that tho How of oil from the
geyser Is diminishing nor Is there nny
change in Hie character of the fluid
Captain Lucas upon whose land tho
well Is located Is making preparations
for an nttempt to stop the immensn
flow The town continues to fill up nnd
the streets suggests n great holiday
event Tho lumber Industry Is for
gotten in the wild rush for oil lnnds
Colombian Itobfl DrfrHted
Colon Colombia Jan 10 General
Alban attacked tho revolutionary
forces outside the city or Panama Sat
urday The fighting was of short dura
tion The revolutionists wore de
feated losing many killed and
wounded as well as two chiefs cap
tured Tho government forces sus
tained a loss of seven killed nnd
Two More
Stnnford University Cal Jan 10
As a protest against the forced resig
nation of Professor George E Howard
head of the department of history In
Lolnnd Stnnford Jr university the
resignations of Professor W H Hud
son of the English department and
Professor O N Little of the mathe
matics department were tendered yes
Knelaiid lo Hfiul Moie Mrn
Loudon Ian 11 The government
has decided to send large reinforce
ments to Lord Kitchener and the war
ofllce In carrying out this decision has
determined to enlist fiOOO yeomanry
volunteers At a meeting held at the
war ofllce this afternoon this plan and
others for securing more men were
discussed nnd approved
Lumbermen Meet at MlmirnpnlU
Minneapolis Jan 10 The North
western Lumbermens association met
here with 2rj0 retullers In attendance
from Iowa Illinois Nebraska Kan
sas and South Dakota Secretary 1V
G Hollls und Treasurer J II Quoal
gave their annual reports showing the
association to be in a state of vigorous
All Hut One Shut Out Fighter-
Cincinnati Jan 10 An evening pa
per lias replies from 27 governors lu
regard to prize lights and only one
the governor of Nevada states that he
would allow the JeffrloK Ruhliu fight
I In his state if It cannot be pulled off
In Cincinnati on Feb 11
Mr Nut loll Out on Hall
Wichita Jan It Yesterday quaran
tine was declared off at Hie county Jul
and Mrs Carrie Nation charged wltb
smashing saloon windows was re
leased on hall in the sum of 200 Ilet
trial has been reset for next Mouduy
Ciniitilltltot Cut In
a lluny ly at Writ Iolnl
West Point N Y Jan 15- Tho con
grcsiloiial Investigation committor
Uld three sessions at tho West Point
iiiililiiiy ucademy ycNtcidny The
first two homsIoiis and the greater part
of tho night session were occupied In
thu examination of Louis Itrowu Jr
of Newpoit who was one of Cadet
Kellers seconds lu Ills fight with
1ioiu the line of examination adopt
ed by thu committee the congressmen
ate evidently bout on the abolition of
hazing and lighting at the academy
They put llrnwu through an exhaust
ive examination In the course of which
they realized the fact tliut lu violation
of the rules and regulations of the
school the upper class men carried
Intoxicating llipiors Into Hie reserva
tion aud consume ipilto a considerable
iltiaiillty of It Another stringent
rule seems to have been broken with
Impunity This Is the regulation pro
hibiting smoking
General Dick Judge Smith and Dr
Drlggs handled Itrowu without gloves
Mr Orlugs told him that Hie first class
men thought they were the whole
thing and Judge Smith snld thnt they
were conceited arrogant and ignorant
In their presumption of selling their
judgment iignltmt that of the authori
ties of the academy
luiii of Chlnn lnitnrliil Sent Nut Vol
AlllkKil tu I lie 11 I iliilt i jr Nolo
ol I Io
Peking Jan - Prince Citing hits
notified Seuor tie Cologiiu tho Spanish
minister who Is the doyen of Hie dip
lomatic corps Hint the agreement wns
signed Sunday lint Hint he did not ex
pect to he able to present It to thu Ior
egln envoys before tomorrow owing to
the difficulty of obtaining tho Imperial
seal which lie ausurtod Is in the For
bidden City and in the private nparl
tneiits of the emperor guarded by the
emperors most trusted wervntits He
said also Hint a peiKoual order from
the emperor would bo required before
those who hnve the uenl in ehnrgc
would deliver It even to Prince Clilng
The protocol wns signed yesterday
innrulug the idea of protesting ugaiiist
nny clause having been abandoned
Fretl Alriuniler Charga il Willi Murder of
I auworth Factory llrl
Leu ven worth Kan Jan 15 Fred
Alexander the negro who assaulted
Miss Eva Roth in this city lust Satur
day was today formally chnrged with
the murder of Pearl Forbes tho fac
tory girl who was assaulted and
killed by tier assailant In thin city Nov
0 It is beliovod that Alexander has
confessed the crime
While the excitement nroused by the
assault on Miss Roth has abated some
what the vlglluncc committor which
was organized hero Saturday Is deter
mined to lynch Alexander when lie Is
taken from the Lansing peultuntlnry
Warden Tomlingsnn linu been warned
that an nttuck will lie made on the
penitentiary if lie does not deliver the
prisoner when demanded The warden
hold a conference with local oIIIcIhIs
nnd plans to defeat tho designs of tho
vigilance committee were discussed
KIIIimI by Kubblt Hunter
Malvern la Jan 15 J B Ander
son a sawmill proprietor of this place
was accidentally shot yesterday while
working near his mill about five miles
north of Tabor John Garver shot at
a 4abbit when ho was only a short
distance from Anderson but missed
it ami struck Anderson with eight No
1 shot two of which penetrated over
the heart Garver and his stepson
helped Anderson Into tho cabin where
be died in ten minutes
Sympatbetlo KtrlUe In Colorado
Pueblo Colo Jan M Tnere are
1500 men working ln tho Fremont
county coal fields and it Is their deter
mination to lay aside their labors to
day until such concessions are made
by Hie Colorado Fuel and Iron com
puy to their follow workmen as will
be satisfactory to them
The Berlin law committee rejected
a Socialist motion to have Jury courts
try all press cases
Sir William Butler will be appointed
lieutenant general commanding troops
in Canada in succession to Lord Sey
E L Norcross for 25 years mali
nger of thu Western Union Telegraph
company in Torre Haute died Friday
of pneumonia
According to the board of health la
grippe hasdevelopedlntoaserlousprop
osition in Now York The hospitals
are ovorcrowdpd
According to u dlvpatch from Shang
hai Captain Shou who participated
in the Shou Shou mnnBucre lias been
sentenced to death
Representative Loud of California
from the postoflica committee Friday
reported to the house a bill revising
and codifying the postal laws
Chancellor McCracken of tho New
York university Friday declined to al
low the students of the university to
particlpute In the inaugural parade In
Washington March 4
In New WeaUnlnster R C Friday
night tho accumulated weight of snow
caused the roof of tho opera house to
collapse during a performance The
audience bolted but no serious In
juries resulted from the crush
It was aunotiuced Friday that the
Pan Amerlcun Steamship company
which was incorporated three weeks
ago in New Jersey will begin opera
Hon la the spring of u regular freight
service between New York aud China
Japuu uud the Philippines
rHv wtttirt
l J 7r tr WW
This Stovo Savos Ono-
Thlrd Your Coal Bill
ttlt Knit sMK at
Doners Hardware Store
An Excellent Opportunity
itDAin iri coioitsi
F YOIAUK niiki TOIti Still KIM
F Dlreil from I In iutiiryiinl I itell
I bum ul Cbltngo Pilrci
What Are They
E American ami Imported
P Valours
lima bilks ami Fine
Do not forgot that I havo
c a fine lino of PIANOS and
- ununiivi o ij muni wuuu
z purchasing a Scarf
The Norfolk Piano Man
of Chicago ask your local ticket ngent to
route you between Omaha and Chicago
via the
the shortest lino between the two citlea
Trains via this popular rood depart from
the Union depot Omaha daily con
necting with trains from the west
Magnificently equipped trains palace
sloepers and free- reclining chair coxa
Dining cars aud buffet library snd
smoking cars All trains lighted by
electricity For full information about
rates etc address
F A Nash
General Western Agent
II W Howell 1504 Faraam St
Trnv Frt Pass Agt Omaha
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points in
PLUS 2oo
October J and 10
ON TUESDAYS November aud t0
December -1 and 18
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will be allowed within
transit limit of fifteen days going after
reaching first homeseekers poiut en
For furthtr information or udvcrtUinB iuat
tor aitdreB auy iiRuut of tho company or
AO K and P A TPA
Soalhotit Cor 14th and Douglas St
t m ife4fr