The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Image 2

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The Norfolk Heuus
W N UU8B FulrtlRnnr
Kftnltllflicl 1WJ
Rtcrj tiny ciropt Hniuliij II crrlr per
weok iSriul I ly I piDPnrtoW
Tlie Nr rtlMblUliiNl ISM
Tliolonniid cftnlilltlnxl 17
Ker HrltU II moll r jmr l0
Knitted M tlie PoUnltieo nl Sertoli Nek n
toimlclnn matter
Telephone No 22
Omnhn claims tho distinction of IwiiiiR
tho original liomo of tho broad bug
Mr Olurk of Mnnlnna ha decided to
visit the enemys country again and
attempt to tuko n neat in tho United
States sonato
Both housos of tho legislature In Ore
gon havo passed a resolution submitting
u initiative and referendum amond
toont and thud a favorite populist policy
likely to bo put to a practical teHt
Jovornor Dietrich has given a tlrtn and
decisive answer to tho sportH who would
like Nebraska to entertain a prize Unlit
nud no mill will ho pulled olT in thin
state Lovors of the biutal pastime
should know that Nebraska is iiiito gen
erally olvilired
Sioux City isoxporieucing a time with
n Jack tho Hugger who niHhoH at
wonion on tho HtruotH aud grabs thorn
Onoof tho victiniH describes him as a
youtiR man rather Rood lookiiiR and
well droBHod yot sho wuh driven into
IrysUrlos by bin action
Congressman NovllloH Nebraska
friemlH havo been kept on the nuxioiiB
soat for sumo time regarding his liealth
Olio roport annouucea improvoinont but
tho next dashes hopes to the Rround
with tho statement that he is worse
Nebraska people will hope Air Noville
may hoou experience a poruiinent iui
It was reoontly Btated by tho Lincoln
Journal that Senator Young of this dis
trict bad written to parties iii the Fourth
ward of Norfolk requesting that ho bo
released from a promise mado before
election that ho would not support I
K Thompson for United States senator
Wo havo it from good authority that
Mr Young has mado no such request
although Buoh release was talked of by
friends of his who believed that he
would bo in better condition to grasp
tho senatorial situation as presented if
bo were free from all promises and en
tanglements From those who talked
with Mr Young on this subject it can
not be learuod that he has over stated
what bo would do on tho senatorial
question iu case he were freo from the
anti Thompson pledge mado before
The Rrat trmisslborlan railway It
aconiplishlug more than one good re
ult Ah a consequence of Its construc
tion the old route of Russians banished
to Siberia Is to be abandoned The ter
rible hardships ami cruelty of those un
happy persona who have been obliged
to travel that route has furnished more
than one thrilling and pathetic story
One of the most read books of young
people In the earlier days of the centu
ry was Ellabelh or the Kxllea of Si
beria In which the privations and
tortures of the Journey were graphical
ly related Later the public was made
familiar with the horrors of the route
by the vivid pictures of George Ken
nan and still more recently Tolstoi has
presented It In his novel Resurrec
tion Happily It Is to be a thing of
the past as the road to banishment If
It exists at all must now be u railroad
But the Intelligence comes from St Pe
tersburg that Siberia Itself Is to cease
to be a penal colony aud that the exile
system Is to be abandoned altogether
Thus the Iron horse tlylng across the
great steppes of Siberia as the servant
of commerce Is likewise the herald of
better and more humane conditions for
the subjects of the czars vast domain
Commenting on Mr Bryans position
that you shant slido on our cellar
door tho Philadelphia Ledger says
Mr Bryaus allusion to tho proposed
re organization of tho democratic party
is not without uucouscioua humor Ho
says that reorganization must be up
plied internally aud that a person must
be inaldo of the
party boforo ho can par
ticipate ia the party managomeut This
is obviously a rejoinder to tho sound
money democrats who aro urging that
the democracy shall purge itsblf of pop
ulism aud socialism aud return to a
creed that democrats may subscribe to
without mental reservation The amus
ing feature of Mr Bryaua statement is
that he denies to others what he has
always claimed for himself In 1S93 he
advocated the election of the populist
Weaver to be president of the United
States Four yeara later in the succeed
ing democratic national couveution Mr
Bryan appeared as a contesting delegate
waa awarded a Beat helped to revise the
platform in the interest of populism aud
became the candidate of the Chicago
democracy Surely the anti Bryau
democrats have as muoh right to restore
the party to its old position as Mr
Bryan had to divert it from its historic
1 1 B
Stampedes From the Yards
With No One Aboard
rioiW I Omul loriiiuotU iiHtf Irmii II
Mniiiliign nl Council Hindu mill Mlirt
Up In Novrrnl UullUlnut Itt fiir lining
llrouulil Ittuler Control
Council muffs 110 IS -A
island engine escaped from Its
sou Mlndcu delegate to national con
vention 1 C Klllott West Point al
ternate Indge Adams Mluden
The next tournament will be held at
Fremont July 22 and 24 The next
convention at Nebraska City ou Jan
1 1 in and lit
MelliiTrd tn llwve Hern Kliluapril
Grlnnell la Jan 18 Warren Mua
zel the sou of Mr and Mrs
L Muucl lias been mtslug since last
Tuesday and circumstances point con
clusively to abduction When last
seen young Munel was In the com
pany of an unknown youth They
went eat aud from that moment all
trace of the boy has been lost Ottt
cers are making every effort to dls
cover his whereabouts The sheriff
has been In Boone and Marshalltowu
The boys parents are wealthy
Muriliirr May lie iiiiurlruti
London Jan 18 -A sensational mur
ijer was committed ou a train of the
London and Southwestern railroad
The murderer who Is said to be an
American entered the ear occupied by
Mrs King of Southampton ami W
Pearson of Winchester at Kast Leigh
When passing Surblton the man drew
a revolver killed Pearson and wound
ed Mrs King In the cheek lie then
rltled the pockets of the victims The
murderer Jumped out of the train at
Yniixliniuiii but was captured
Ill It Uti lalinrr
London Jan IS The Itritlsh ad
miralty has tecelved a dispatch from
the at the Tape
reporting that the cruiser Sybille
which was landing bluejackets to in
tercept the Boers was ashore at Stcni
boekfourcln near Lamberts bay and
adding that active measures were be
ing taken to assist it The ofllclal
dispatch docs not say the Sybille was
wrecked A p ess dispatch from Tape
Town says the crew of the Sybille
was saved
ltrflKccI to LruiK Itrtltul Mt rtiiijr
Hiawatha Kan Jan IS Because a
majority of the city couucllmeu re
fused to leave a revival meeting and
attend the regular weekly council
meeting S Hunter mayor has ten
dered his resignation Unable to se
cure a quorum to transact business
Mayor Hunter sent a sheriff to the re
vlvul meeting to compel the council
uieu to prtfcMit tkerfietlvts at the city
fugs In the yards here yesterday and
stinted on n rampage that ended dis
astrously One man wus killed and
three persons Injured us the result
of the engines wild itiu
The engine was standing on n side
track undergoing a cleaning Sud
denly It lulled iwvuy with neither
engineer nor firemen aboard Reaching-the
main Hue the engine crashed
Into the rear coach of a Wabash pas
senger train The coach was thrown
from the track The only passengers
In the coach were a Mrs Hostler aud
two children of Omaha They suf
fered painful bruises They were
rescued from the damaged coach
which was left behind when the train
pulled out
esse Hell the llock Island porter
had boarded the back platform of the
Wabash coach lie was hurled un
derneath the passenger coach aud
entire body was crushed Into an
recognizable mass Death was
The engine after colliding with
passenger train left the rails and ran
for some distance on the ties It
struck a passing Union Tactile switch
engine amidships illsnbllug it At
this Juncture nu engineer climbed
aboard the runaway engine but be
fore he could get It under control It
crashed Into the engine of the Itoclc
Island passenger train which was fol
lowing the Ill fated Wabash train The
collision was of sulllclent velocity to
damage both engines considerably and
a new locomotive hud to be secured
to enable the Itock Island train to
continue Us Journey
Hotel Guemtn Loan All Thrlr Clothing
Tllll lau veil Iroplu Aro In II int
St Louis Inn 18- Two persons
were seriously Injured and iri othets
slightly hurt as the result of n lire
that burned the Stewart hotel u two
story triune structure yesterday
Foity guests lost their clothing ns the
flumes had gained such headway be
fore they were awakened that all es
cape except by the windows was
cut off S W Carr and L make
master bridge builder of the Wnbiwh
railway system who were the most
seriously hurt were hurtled about the
face and hands and feet None will
die The others received their In
juries while Jumping from the win
dows to the pavement below Mr
Carr saved his wife by wrapping her
In a wet blanket and leaping from
the window She was not Injured
The loss is about 10000
Elect Olllrora nt State Convention aud
Cliooto Ilaiira for Futuro nllicrlui
Seward Neu Ian 18 The State
firemens convention elected the fol
lowing odlcors President It T Hlte
Grand Island vice president J W
Molbt York second vice president C
K Hart fort Norfolk secretary K A
Miller Kearney treasurer Mr Young
- u
ball A majority sent word that they
had to attend the revival and could
not come
Willi ml That May Irovo ratal
Irlnnell la Jan 17- Mutt Nlckles
tif Hcarboro accidentally shot himself
yesterday while hn idling a rllle A
serious wound In the groin wuh In
flicted and Nlckles may not recover
nrtolutlMia OppmliiK It are Adopted at
Ilia Sail lalta Convention
Salt Lake Jan 18- The National
Live Stock convention opened Its
meeting with discussion on the Grout
oleomargarine bill under the five
minute rule
The llrst speaker was Ueber Benlon
of Utah who said that both sides had
told so many stories that It was hard
to llud out the truth of the situation
He thought a committee should be
Appointed to ascertain who was tell
ing the truth He was followed by
Charles Crane of Utah who made a
vigorous speech against the Grout bill
He said the bill was unjust aud would
take away the right of the states to
control their own affairs
T I Wltsou of Illinois said the ob
ject of the association was to get at
the facts He spoke ou the subject
from the dairymens standpoint until
time was called
Mr Harris of Iowa then spoke an
tagonizing the views of Mr Wilson
and said that what we needed was a
pure food law
Mr Knollln of Missouri theti spoke
until President Springer announced
that there was only live minutes left
and he desired to inn lie some remarks
himself He denounced the Grout bill
In the strongest terms He favored
the Wadsworth substitute and said
every live stock man would endorse It
Itfsnlutlnns In opposition to the
Groul bill were then adopted
The association elected the following
otllcers President J W Springer Col
orado tlrst vice president T M Holt
Montana second vice president V 7
Hagenbiirl Idaho secretary C 1
Martin Colorado assistant secretary
1 P Johnson Colorado treasurer G
T Gonldlng Colorado
F1iiwt Cheer mill Conjriittitatloni Tor
tho Vliloi loiu
lali ly Oterwhelm Hhu
Washington Jan 18 As a demon
stration in favor of seating a single
senator aud as an elaborate aud beau
tiful tloral spectacle the return of Hon
Matthew Stanley Quay of Pennsylva
nia to the senate yesterday was unique
In the history of the senate Within
the memory of the oldest member
nothing npprouchlug yesterdays scene
was ever reached In the somite Mr
Quays friends came fromleuiisylvanla
by the hundred and they brought with
them tloral offerings literally by the
carload While Mr Quays desk and
the desks of other senators adjoining
his were banked with costly and beau
tiful tloral pieces scarcely an appre
ciable quantity of the profusion of
flowers Ids friends hnd provided could
be displayed In the senate chamber
The demonstration tendered Mr
Quay when he entered the chamber
amounted to an ovation While he was
receiving the congratulations of
friends on the floor the hundreds of
persons who thronged the galleries
rose as one aud applauded him
The brief ceremony of administer
ing to him the oath of ofllce passed
without special Incident
During the session the army reor
ganization bill wan discussed at lengtli
by Money McComas and Bate
The Mississippi senator devoted some
attention to the practice of hazing at
West Point which he bitterly de
Yesterady was an exceedingly dull
day In the house The entire day was
spent upon the bill to revise and cod
ify the postal laws
Wm vrly rinur Mill llurim
Waverly la Jan IS The flouring
mill of the Merchant Milling company
was destroyed by tire yesterday The
mill was owned by John W Kaufman
of St Louis Loss l0000 Insurance
0T per cent
Ilt Rth of Captain Nlliirnrk
Dubuque Jan LS Captain S IT
Nlmrock one of the steamboat in
spectors for the lifth district govern
ing the Mississippi from Keokuk to
Hcd Wing died yesterday
What la u Sleeperf
Here is a dcliultion which Is as dif
ficult to rend rapidly as Peter Piper
picket a peck of pickled peppers and
yet is more sensible In fact it is an
actual statement of facts as you will
find if you read It slowly
A sleeper Is one who sleeps A sleep
er is that In which a sleeper sleeps A
sleeper Is that on which the sleeper
runs while the sleeper sleeps There
fore while the sleeper sleeps In the
sleeper the sleeper carries the sleeper
over the sleeper under the sleeper until
tho sleeper which carries the sleeper
Jumps the sleeper and wakes the sleep
ei In the sleeper by striking the sleep
er under the sleeper ou the sleeper
and there Is no longer any sleeper
sleeping iu the sleeper on the sleeper
lieu are of Olutiiieutu for Caturrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will purely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
tho mucous surfaces Such articles
should never be used except ou prescrip
tions from reputable physicians as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
go d you cau possibly derive from them
Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by
V J Cheney fc Co Toledo O con
taius no mercury aud is taken intern-
I ally acting directly upon the blood aud
Less Overdrafts
Net Balance Tnnuary 2 1901
1900 Taxes
Warrants paid
Redemptions paitL
Fees ou State Funds
Fees ou other funds
Transfers from one fund to anotiier
Net balance
1891 General Warrants I 00
1899 General Warrants 25 05
1899 Bridgo Warrauts 581 82
Stati ok NrmtASKA
Cmintv of Afniliunn
07 i
11881 4
197 05
m S7
10 21
10828 no
9000 17
194 4l
4871 09
117 18
2154 fi7
180 44
270 17
1 00
1101 97
4251 07
47 in
1017 44
781 10
10 10
1 49
14 89
1 20
4404 00
2287 2l
70 511
17591 20
ilU 78
177 04
883 89
40 09
4728 57
1374 00
32 55
5109 72
10 00
1349 91
2022 20
994 40
J0 90
249 00
50931 83 71107 00
5487 20
481 88
1322 07
971 82
II 08
9 29
0 IU
7 17
28 00
1 20
0039 00
3028 58
248 03
1008 00
17 24
1471 93
10500 45
3030 99
575 53
5180 88
034 84
824 00
3183 00
128 83
5200 51
f07 95
170 58
10 81
28419 70
12197 95
372 07
5205 58
157 87
7183 14
1554 41
308 72
Balance on hand July 11900
Received from Chr Schavland Clerk District Court
Received from H W Winter Commissioner bridge timber
Received from Stanton County
Received from Antclepe County
Received fiom T F Sporn Treasurer of School DisiricV No aVstaiitoiiConiity
Received from Allied Deuel Road Comr order No 114
Received from taxes paid under protest
Received from Henry Newark Justice of the Peace fines
Rvceived from S W Hayes Justice of the Peace fines
Received from State Apportionment
Received from interest troni banks
Taxes collected
School land collections
Redemptions collected
Fees collected
Transfers from one fund to another
7349 11 1891 Taxes
28140 50 1890
1439 94 1889
733 13 1888
559 33 1887
797 70 1880
430 51 1885
300 22 1884
223 50 1883
2022 20
995 11
10 90
832 51
4341 42
443 99
1001 02
703 00
4 93
3 02
2 34
2 70
9 28
4305 72
8201 09
220 99
1018 08
102 81
17 24
1203 81
7011 81
1589 97
11 51
4080 03
224 47
2027 34
2014 99
95 03
10 24
18370 00
3204 49
190 98
420 07
5889 82
1374 48
373 10
5109 72
10 00
4470 28
2022 20
995 11
4 98
122039 43 78803 74
104 98 1882 Taxes
188 80 1881
247 52 1880
470 79 1879
200 03 1878
03 07 1877
35 32 1870
42 41 1875
27 98 1874
Registered County Warrants Unpaid
i J M 4
Connty Treasurers Semi Annual Statement
County Treasurers Semi Aiinual Statement showing balances of each fund iu Treasury mi July I 100 Taxes and
other Items collected Warrant redeemed ami other disbursements from July I JIKX tnlitmuiry 1 UK I Inclusive and
balance on hand tho 2nd day of January 1101
Htalo General
State Sinking
State School
Stuto University
Stnto Inst Feeble Minded
State Relief
State lluform School Huildlng
Stale Live Stock Indemnity
State Capitol Building
State Penitentiary
Stuto Ilond
State School Land Irincipiil
Stuto School Land Interest
State School Land Lease
State University Land Principal
State University Land Interest
3tat University Land Lease
1IK0 County General
I HIM County General
18HH County General
1100 Connty Hridgq
18111 County Uridgo
1808 County Hridgo
1000 County Road
1811 County Road
1818 County Road
District Road
Connty Soldiers Relief
County Judgment
County High School
County Kstniy
District School
Disl rict School Bond
Precinct Railroad Bond
Union Creek Precinct Court House Bond
Battle Creek Village Jail Bond
City and Village
State Apportionment
Fines and License
Fee and Salary
Miscellaneous Collections
Taxes Paid Under Protest
July 1 1K
281 03
181 12
lo7o 00
11141 I5
107 01
1008 00
ill 81
lti2 21
12170 67
227 ao
282 1 00
Cr Halnuco
11 12 81
37 89
320 45
208 70
9 75
0 27
I 00
4 41
II 82
I 25
1073 28
427 49
22 04
101 49
276 12
3551 04
2397 02
501 02
500 30
410 8
817 54
555 72
127 72
2081 52
357 75
81 55
10049 04
8933 40
175 09
4778 91
157 07
1293 32
179 90
1 00
1041 03
10 90
327 53
43250 21
74 52
43175 09
01484 18
4470 28
43175 OP-
S01 Warrants 41 35 I 1900 Road Warrants
1 900 General Warrants 1 2370 88
1 900 Bridge Warrants 5957 1 8
04 44
74 52
50931 83
42 00
0 00
21 87
311 00
0 19
0 00
10 90
1 00
15 00
5153 72
000 99
41710 00
7074 80
4849 94
2022 20
v 9108 07
122039 41
122039 43
30 64
40 05
83 93
21 07
56 82
77 94
14 31
5 48
50 30
41710 00
J 095 09
20082 57
T 1 O AlilttU i vHihznriv if 11 - n1 1 1
- V V J nereny ccriny rnat tlie foregoing isntruc and correct stnh
meiit ol the receipts and disbursements of my oilicc from the lirst day of July 1900 to the wSmi fl 0f T S
y n u n 1901
elusive to tho best of my knowledge and bel ef R MnlVPn t
County Treasurer
Statu ok Nkiikapka
Comity of Madison
Wo the undesigned county eomnussioners of Madison counnty Nebraska do hereby certify that havo
we carefully
exanmed the foregoing statement of II O Miles
connty treasurer and have found Vumvl
same coircct
to t
e sst of
edge and lsdiel Dated at Madison Nebraska this 1 1th day of January 1901 n
Signed CHRIST SCH3SIITT Connty Commissioners
mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure
you get tho genuine It is taken iutern
ally and mado in Toledo Ohio by F
J Cheney Co Testimonials free
Sold by druggist prioe 75c per bottle
Halls l amily Pills aro tho best
A ISImple Colli Cure
Krauses Cold Cure iu capsule form
is easy to take and does not effect the
head or hearing like quinine Try it to
day Price 25o Sold by Geo B Christ
Uimy Che ek
Do you waut them Do you simply
want to glow with health Do you
want to eat well sleep well aud work
well Try Lichtys Celery Nerve Com
pound Sold by Goo B Christoph
Hemf Keel I Ike HnmtliiK
Maybe you were out late last1 night
If you had taken a Krauses Headache
Capsule before retlriug your head would
be cool and clear this morning Take
ouo uow and you will be all right iu an
half hour Price 2oo Sold by Geo
If troubled with a weak digestion
belching sour stomach or if you feel
dull nfter eatiug try Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25o
Samples freest the Kiesau Drug Co
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best In the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHOVJE 61
Get What Yon Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in overy particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South side Main St between 2d aud ld
Telephone 41
WlHi3C - j