0 v lb m a a xc a a a 12 yxcxxxy2cxxxxxx2icecy 3 3 ij5 ii l HAPTIJK IX At the slclit of Hint Imnd of shining water a sintniiMiiH cheer niiwo from every tluoiit on bonrd Discord and dissension licit illfcoinllleil bnfoie tlm ndvnucc of tlio visions oC wetilth that our lioien nav mirrored In the ghtHsy tnirfiico of tin river Wo linukil our wlul tnmcwhnt anil Balled to tin1 mouth mb Trohiillnn grinning till his Hear Jnggid Ui like n miw as sent with an cimer boats crow to Houiul anil before the first stiir of night hail thrown Its rctlectlon In tlio water roiinil us we were nuchnred nnil tlm rlppioH that hipped ngitliint our wooden walls had not a pain of unit In thrill Wo hail left the tniukless ocean to follow where the river should loud ns Nets of mangrove roots fortueil nn Impenetrable thloket on either hank though It was no easy tiiHlc to tell where the slug lowing water ended nnil the Uniild mud of the shore began Loathsome reptiles which some of us took to ho dragons till the knowing ones told uh they were only crocodiles Iny half In and half out of the evil Hinelllng brown water winking their lazy eyes at us and taking charge In a slow cumbrous way of every Rernp that was Hung overboard Tree toads barked beasts of prey howled In the distant forests foul night birds croak cd from the thickets of the shores and from the evil Hinelllng stream there arose a putrid yellow mist thick and rank enough to choke one Its a fever trap weve got Into irrowled Willie Trehallon shifting hi tangled black wig from the pockel where he hnd cnrrled It during the heat of the day to his head an If weve no nioren half a score o men down by mornings light well he uncommon lucky say I Dont croak you unsatisfied old ra ven said Alec lightly but he looked grave none the less The pagan put In lob with Ills usual grlu apologetic In meaning this time says this Is only one o the mouths nn we sll open Into n great broad river soon where you cant see both banks nt once An there haint any o theso yere mists on It he BayH but IlinniliiB on the trees nu other fruits enough to feast nn army an all for the plucking of them Go to the foreonstlo and tell them thatj Job cried Alee aud Berve out n good stiff dram to all hands and say that they can kill the stench by tiring a few grains of powder now and then Stny Ill come with you mid tell them that he who keeps a stout heart may laugh nt fevers They only attack cow ards lie went forwnrd and Willie Treha llon the other two otllcers and I went down to the cnbln for our meal where we were shortly Joined by Alec who reported that the crew were nil as mer ry as pipers nt the prospect of making another step toward our golden goal AVhen the meal was over the devil came and whispered In my ear at least on no other view can I explain my folly In taking up the dice satans own bones they say and proposing a throw apiece to sample our luck slnlster or dexter Alec saying with a laugh that he did not believe in such omens neverthe less humored our folly lie rattled the box II rut and lung on the table deuce nee One of the otllcers threw a pair of deuces The other threw a pair of noes NVIllIo Trehallon threw deuce nee The heat had worn off and the cabin was full of cold clammy mist but the perspiration streamed from my face us though the sun were high above our mastheads My hand trembled like a palsied dotards as I took up the fate ful leathern box and for a full minute 1 rattled the box without daring to turn them down The others waited In breathless si lence and watched Intently At last I took a deep breath clapped the mouth of the box down on to the table aud then slowly withdrew It Aces again cried Willie Trehallon The Lord have mercy on me a sinful mariner Willies cry was followed by nn In terval of dead silence We stood star ing nt oue auothcr as though spell bound A shout of laughter from tlio fore castle broke the charm and In a hurst of sudden frenzy Alec threw box and dice together through a porthole Into the fog without and began to chaff us for our superstitious fears Cheer up Jack he cried clapping inc hard on the shoulder The devil hasnt got us yet I shuddered aud drew buck without auswerlug Come come said Alec with some show of auger Dont let us have uny more of this uouseuse 1 was a fool to take any part lu your childs game The itoninu admiral threw his omen giving chickens overboard said I gloomily and two thirds of ills fleet was destroyed Alec turned to me sharply and there was a taunting smile on his face Turned pedant Jack I didnt know you were such a scholar Perhaps youll favor us with an account ot the circumstances The foolish birds re JOHN TOPP PIRATE MM MM By Woalhorby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro corrninirr 1KH rt wnATitnimr ciiisitky Ann xuvk suimiio tuuuriUTKMJ4 iit ii a umirxa itin i ii t i iiii hi rt vo rt v- - - A THE NOltFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY IP 1901 Kl l 7 x a X ym t fused their corn If I lenieniher rightly Correct me If I am wrong Im no scholar I answered ntigrlly for his taunt annoyed inc 1 land was the goody boy that did his lessons While his friends amused them nelvo with lap wenches and pastry eooW lasses Maybe said I with a sneer Hut Jack Tonp is gallant enough to prefer u pretty linn to a tSieek root any day Itoth good things In their wny Hut come Jack stand up put your hands behind you and tell uh all about this heathen fellow Dont tremble so man Theres no schoolmaster behind you with the birch Ill correct all stupid errors you may make 11a ha ha How long this unseemly wrangle would have continued 1 do not know probably till It camu to blows The two other olllcers had been listening with silent dismay and honest Willie Trehallon hail been looking from one to the other and pulling the skin cap about over his smooth head till his sconce fairly shone What It was all about he knew no more than a powder tub but he thought It about time lo break Into the iiarrel and maybe ho was none too soon Masters masters he cried 11a done with this unseemliness The quar rel on deck there might be excuse for the quarrel down here none Here youru going at It tongs an hummer hammer nn tongs fathom o one six foot o tother till there balut a beau to choose between you And this too when we ought all to be knit together by reason o common enemies Alec turned away Impatiently but he did not Interrupt the boatswain who went on Captain Ireland ninny a good ships been ciiRt away through her captain quarreling with his otllcers Master Topp nn officer who cant keep a civil tongue for his superiors ofttlmcs gets hanged Job you graceless loon what cause to come grlnnlug down here for Glass run out uncle My watch over Captain Ireland then Its your next watch an I hopo youll pardon nn old mnrlner for plain speaking when It was needed Without a word Alec left the cabin and went on deck Through the whole of Hint watch 1 lay In my bunk brooding brooding brooding To quarrel with my sworn shipmate nnd about such a trlllo too Fool that I was That we had had a serious wrangle nnd one whose conse quences might enslly bode III for the success of our veuture there was no doubt but on looking back on whnt had passed I was almost as much fog ged as Willie Trehallon to know what the cause of It all was Fool I called myself nnd ngnln fool Ncp came to me and shoved his cold nose against my cheek and I rubbed his coarse scrubby cont and coaxed him to He down I was grateful to him for I felt less wretched with a companion though he were nothing but a cat Hut then Nep was not as other cats After his watch was out Alec came below ami by the dim light of the horn hintern which huug to the beams 1 could see him pacing the other side of the cabin thwart ships He could not I see me and I gave no sign of being awake Presently he began to smile to himself nnd then turning his gait made straight for my bunk Jnck old boy I was the bigger fool of the two No Alec I was by far No I It was my throwing the dice box through the port that started It I proposed the dice Come line we wont dispute ngnln Pll test you with Jacks of ale We tied won nnd from thnt mo ment the quarrel was never mentioned Next morning nine men were down with fevers several others were un doubtedly sickening for them and the rest were so scared that they were pretty sure to catch the 111 on the first opportunity There was no wind to drive the fetid mists uwny aud so we had to get n boat and tow the Bristol Merchant up stream by our own exertions Any thing was better thun letting the men stund trembling lu Idleness Hut li was not till past midday that the stew ing air was tempered with a breeze from the sea which filled our sails and gave us headway against the sluggish Cerent rur uvu iiuyn uiu we low poie nnuj sail through this awful canal Nine men died Almost all were sick and but for the iromlso of the pagan and the dread of Alecs pistol iu the maga zluo they would have turned tho ships beak to the pea again at nny hazard On tho afternoon of tho sixth day wo opened out Into a broad clear flow ing river ami before nightfall we were anchored lu a snug little bay with a pile of bright colored fruits on deck whose luscious freshness tempted tlio men to bravo a sudden death from overeating None however was any the worso for this change of diet though the sur geon shook his head and suggested a good bloodletting all around as a pre ventive of possible evils The sick men except one who was too far gone to recover mended as though under a spell TTA During our voyngo tip tho mighty stream we were able to revel In fresh meat too for tho forests abounded In game and the Devon and Somerset men who had pouched scores of noble stags on brown boggy Kxitioor pent their clothyaid arrows nnd the cross bow bolts Into many a Hue witter buck na he cnine from the deep covers to gnre woiiderlngly with his great eyes on the Nt range crnft Hint was furrow ing the surface of Ills utiHIIed river So fat venison stews smoked In the mess kids ami tough brlno fosslled beef became but a distant memory The navigation was easy but slow Alec was cautious about going too fust for fear of picking up a shoal nnd get ting tightly Imbedded ott It so he kept Hie ship under easy canvas very often bralllng up our courses altogether un less there seemed every prospect of a deep fairway Thirty four days of this easy progrcn brought us to the great calantct which buried our farther advance The pa gan had told us of It beforehand and we heard the thunder of the waters a full day before we rose them Anx Ions however to satisfy ourselves that the barrier really was InipasHublo we held on until the current grew too strong to force the ship against It tin der sail alone aud then we bore nwny Into a vast lagoon on the northern bank formed by the back swirl from the fall ami dropped anchor lu the inldHt of It To lo coiitlnuml noxt KrMiiy LATEST NEWS OF TRADE dilcnc drain iiml lriivlnlon rhlciiRii Jan 17 Tlm ili cllno In wlicnt wiin coutlniitMl tmlnv muter IiiRiiimicch wlilcli lmw Will MTiir recently but tin close wiih with Home of the Iohh rognlneil on pxpoit pimugiiniiits May eloseil ti We lower Com unit outs eiieh oloeil Vi He IiIrIiit n ml prnMims iiiicIiiiiikihI to 15c Iileliir liming Wliriil Jiui 7i4it e Muv re Krli 7214c Corn Jmi tOic Mny iSlifiii8e Feb aiiKc OutH inn JaMe Mny 2Ve lorU liin XlUr Miir MS Iiii il Jim 7a7 ii Mny 7 1714 Felt 7t7W lllliM Juii 70214 Mny 715 dish No 2 I oil wheat 7T4TI 7n4e N 2 ciibIi coin IIOUc No 2 eusli ontH 21c Clllruco Live Ntiiclc rhlcntw Intl 17 11 100 liiclnillnc 1200 TfXiuin choice utrerf fltin others slow to 10c lower lliclildliifl butcher stock unit Trunin good to choice Ktoers ri2VftM0 poor to medium 3rOrA ntn Htoukcrs nutl fecderx choir Itrm oth ers slow 2tKWf4lX cow 275fiM1t5 heifers 27VlMrfl ennners 200ft hulls slow 2HViM40 rnlvon Btcntly 4003000 Texas foil uteerB 4004Rrt Tcxns grnsB BteerB XV8400 Texus tmlH 2MXft300 Hofn Hecelpts totlny 28000 tomorrow 28000 PBtlmatad left over 000 sWndy nctlve cloning Rtrongpr top 13214 mixed nnd butchorn 50OnT0 good to eholep hpavy V20irfi321j rough hrnvv i0VHfiir light i0kfii27M bulh of buIp r20f327Vi Sheep Rpcplptu IB 000 whcpp choice steady othprs Blow to 10c lower lniubs chotcp stpady others 10aiBc lowor good to choice wetherB 170Q4n5 fnir to choice mixed XG0K47ri western sheep 3803400 Texas sheep 2503r0 nntlra lniubs 42OT0r westtrn lambs 4O3ifi5e0 Kamas City Lire Stock Kansas City Jan 4000 doHtph 450 Texans 150 calres dressed beef steers utockers and feeders steady cowb and heifers steady to 10c high pr native beef atpors 4r0iti2 stockera and feeders 375if4i cows and heifers t2ii47ri dinners 22Va32T fed west ern steers 400iT t05 Tcxns and Indian ateers t4Vrf415 bulls 30OW4N calves 4rKli0r4 Ilogs Iteceliits 10000 steady to 2V4c higher top rit bulk of sales ri224fi10 heavy 2if iItTi mixed pnek ers V WV30 light U irV7if2r pigs 400 W400 SheepReceipt 3000 active nnd stead v western inmbs 52VW45 western niuttoiiH 423ft440 wcKtcrn sheep and yenrllliKH mixed 44047i owes 3403 S81 culK Kouth Omaha Live Stock South Onmtin Jnn 17 Cuttle Receipt 1700 strndy to 10c higher native beef steers 4003530 western steers 3753 440 TexaH steers 30Oii375 cowa nnd heifers 10c higher 200ii385 ennnnrs 175if2S0 stockera nnd feeders 300iT4C0 calved 4O0J7fli0 bulls stngs tc 2503 400 Hogs Receipts 7000 shade ensliir cloned stronger heavy 5153525 mixed 517Vjfi20 light 5150525 plgB 400J 400 bulk of sales 520 8heep Rccetpt 2200 active shade higher fed muttons 421T400 westerns 400450 common and stock vheep 370ft300 limbs 4503 B50 The Mothers Favorite Chamberlains Cough Remedy is the mothers favorite It is pleasant and snfo for the children to take and always cures It is intended especially for coughs colds croup and whooping cough and is the best medicine made for theso diseases There is not the least danger iu giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drng and may be given as confidently to a bubo as to nn adult For sale by the Kiowiu Drug Co Buchanan Mich May 22 Oonesee Pure Food CoLo Roy N Y Gentle men My mamma has been n great cof fee drinker aud bos fonnd it very injur ious Having used several packages of your Gralu O the drink thnt takes the place of coffee she finds it much better for herself and us children to drink She has given op coffee drinking entirely We use a package of Graiu 0 every week I am ten years old Yours respectfully Fannik Williams Genuine Rooky Mountain Tea is never soldin bulk by peddlars or less than Srcts Dont be fooled get the tea made famous by the Madison Mediciuo Co A6k your druggist Nasal Catarrh nuiokly yields to treat ment by Elys Cream Halm which is agree ably aromatic It is recoived through the nostrils cleanses and bonis the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself Druggists sell tho GOo sizo Trial size by xunil 10 couts Tost it and you nro turo to contiuuo tho treatment Announcement To ncconaniodato thobo who nro partial to tho uso of utomizors in applying liquids into tho nntnl jiassnges for catarrhal trou bles tho proprietors prepare Cream Ualm iu liquid form which will bo known ns lilys Liquid Cream Jinhu Prieo including tho pniyiug tubo is 75 cents Druggists or by mail The liquid form embodies tho mod iciuil properties of the bolid preparation rjr iiir ktl flat fry fT Skin Diseases When the excretory orgaiiB fail to carry off the waste mnterinl from the system there Is nn nbnor ninl flcciitnulntion of effete mnttcr which jwisons nnd clogs the blood and It becomes BOUt nnd aoid This poiwn is enrned through the general circulntion to nil tmrts of the body nnd upon reaching the skin surface there is n redness nnd eruption nnd by certain peculiarities wc recogtwc Eczema lr Acc fan1 Khctim Psoriasis Erysipelas and many other skin troubles more or less severe While the skin is the scat of irritation the renl disease is iu the blood Medicated lotions nnd powders nmv nllnv the itchinir nnil lini nlm lui n - nior lintu lr fiilfn iitKutMM 1 How a Woman Suffers Howell Ind Not as I will alwajrs praise Wine ot Cardul It hai dona ma more good than all the medi cines I have ever taken in my life Please end a book about female diseases to the ladles whose names I enclose Mrs MINNIE BTODBHILL destroy the germ disease but allays in flammation causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try one bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Co Wrought Good Fortune A small item iu his own paper lately brought amazing good fortune to Editor Chris Reitter of the Saginaw Mich Post and Zeituug He aud his family had the grip inits worst form Their doctor did them no good Then he read that Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption conghs and colds was a guar anteed cure for la grippe and all throat and lung troubles tried it and says Three bottlesjcured the whole family No other modiciue on earth equals it Only 50o and 100 Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug Co ItOlrdlea the Globe The fame of Bucklens Arnioa Salve as the best in the world extends round the earth Its the one perfect healer of cuts corns bumB braises sores scalds bolls ulcers felons aohes pains aud all skin eruptions Only infallible pile cure 25o a box at the Kiesau Jrug vo Out this out and take it to the Kiesau Drug companys drug store aud get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets the host physio They also cure disorders of tho stomach biliousness aud headache THE CLEANSING AND HEALINQ CU11E FOR CATARRH Elys Cream Balm Easy and tileasant to use Contains uo in jurious drug It id quickly absorbed GlviH Hellef at once It Opens and Cleanses mo Kssai rasnazes AtUva InllAinmtluu CATARRH COLD N HEAD Heals and lrotects the Membrane Itcstores the Senses of Taste and bmelL Large Size 60 cents at UruL Rleta or by mill Trial Site 10 cents by mail ELY liUOTUKUS W Warren Street New York VnfcVWii continued nnd the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use The disease is snore than shin deep the entire eireolollon Is poisoned an The nmiiy preparations of nrscnic mercury potash etc not only do not cure skin diseases but soon ruin the digestion d break down the constitution S fcki nature s own remedy made of roots herbs nnd barks of great purifving nnd tonical properties quickly and effectually cures blood nnd skin troubles because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal bcnltliy nctiou to the different organs cleanses and enriches the blood nnd thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions b b b cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment iu the blood nnd cause a fresh attacks a Healthy blood is necessary to preserve thnt clear smooth skin and beautiful com IH BIM fBliB Pcxon so touch desired by nil S S S can be relied upon with certainty to keep L tle 00 perfect order It has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a ecu H B tury no other medicine can show such a record sL k l S S 8 contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable aud harmless IB W B WB 0r medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in treating KV tapV toiv 001 nml skin diseases who will take pleasure iu aiding by their advice and direction all mF Hfla w10 cslre it- Write fully and freely about your case your letters arc held in strictest confidence We make no charge whatever for this service Our book on Blood and bktn Diseases will be sent free upon application THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA CA Question Ansunrpil Yes August Flower still has tho larg est salo of any medioino in the oivillzod world Your mothers and graud mothers nover thought of using anything elso for indigestion or billousnoBS Doc tors woro senrco nnd thoy soldom hoard of nppondloitis nervous prostration or honrfc fniluro oto Thoy used August Flower to clean out the- system nnd stop fermontation of undigested food regn nto the action of tho liver stimulate the nervous nnd organic action of tho system mid that is all thoy took when feeling dull and bad with hondaohes nud other nohos Yon only need n few doses of Groons AuguBt Flower in liquid form to make yon satisfied thoro is nothing serious tho matter with you Got Greens Prize Ahnnnno Kiosnn Drug Co A Deep Myntery It is 11 mystory why women endur buokuoho headnohe nervousness sleep lessness raolnnoholy fainting and dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Eleotrio Bitters will quickly enre sneh troubles I suffered for years with kidney trouble writes Mrs Phebe Chorley of Peterson la and a lame back pained meso I could not dress my self but Eleotrio Bitters wholly cured me and although 7l years old I now am able to do nil my housework It overcomes constipation improves ap petite gives perfect health Only 50c at the Eiesau Drug Co Red is a danger signal on the railroad on a fellows nose and ou a womans face Men and women use Rocky Mountain Tea and get genuine rosy cheeks 35c Ask your druggist Old Fuliloned Cold Cure are going out of date The busy man of today cau not afford to lie abed a whole day nnd undergo the martyrdom of the sweating process Krauses Cold Cure are capsules of conven ent size and cau be taken without danger while perform ing your usual duties They cure iu 24 hours Price 250 Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Heat Out of an lucresne of IIU Ieniilon A Moxicnn war veternu and promi nent editor writes Seoing your ad vertisement of Chamberlains Colio Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in 47 and 48 1 contrasted Mexioan diar rhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pension for on every renewal u dose of it restores mo It is unequalled as a quick cure for diar rhoea and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co A Ironilnant Chicago Woman 8rnks Prof Roxa Tyler of Chicago vice president Illinois Womans Alliance in speaking of Chamberlains Cough Rem edy says I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia I tried different rem edies but seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach A friend advised me to try Chamberlaius Congh Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once I am now entirely recovered saved a doctors bill time aud suffering nnd I will never be without this splendid medicine again For sale by the Kiesau Drng Co Constipation neglected or badly treated leads to total disability or death Rocky Mountain Tea absolutely cures constipa tion in all its forms 35o Ask your druggist Illoun to Atoim The old idea that tho body sometimes needs a powerful drastic purgative pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Life Pills which are perfectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanso the system and absolutely oure oonstipation and siok headache Only 25c at the Kiesau Drug Co Dom It Pur to Hujr Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but yon want something that will relieve nud cure tho more severe aud dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shull yon do Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles Bosohees Gorman Syrup It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to 0 A MJIKAUT IRICfllDKNT Oil AH 8 HMIKIK Vice Pbxhident W H JOHNBON Casbirb LEO PASEWALK f Asbt Cashim The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bny nnil Nnil exchange on this country r ml Ml ports of Knropo Farm Loans Director Ubl Asmur W H JonNfioN CnAR S Bar dor a W IIhaabch Hwank A Luikaut T P Mkmminokb L Bkhhionr BABIES HhHMjirl H isnt necessary for a woman to give particulars When she says she has female troubles other women know what that means It means days and nights of endless suffering It means headaches which no tongue can describe It means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen It means agonizing backache and shoulder ache and arm ache and aches in the lower limbs It means nerves on edge the blues despondency and loss of hope It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrlicea It means martyrdom some times even death seeim preferable And still Wine of Cardui will utterly put those diseases and Dains to rout UIIES ADVISORY BEPARTMENT 1 For advice In cases requiring ipoclsl directions addrpM riving symptoms Udln AStUorrDrpl TkrUUTTAMIOUl EDICI1I CO Chattanooga Tenn It has cured tiiousands of cases when nothing else on earth would To the budding woman to the bride to the wife to the expectant mother to those going through the Change of Life this Vegetable Wine is a blessing Druggists Sell Large Bottles for 100 II FOR WHEATLING CRY AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS BEyjlZl1JTAlrJlllga rk Cm REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY amir WB shw the KS 4mMmi rJK s ju i rfgr SREunsaosc xtx Made a Well Man 1 of Me sttdaeeathftbTrBalUtn aodaya itaeta powerfully and quickly Core when alt oUtanfaU getmimen will regain their lost manhood aad old nan will recover their youthful visor by naing BETITO It quickly and surely restores Nerroaa aesm tost Vitality Impotency Nigbtly Fwtmo licet Power railing Memory Wasting Diseases and an effects ot leU abuao or excess and indlacretioa which uoBta one for Btndybnslneaa or marrlsge II not only cures by starting at the seat of disease but Is great nerve toato and blood builder bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the flre of yootb It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having BEVTVOno other It can ba carried in vest pocket By mall LOO per package or six for SOO with s poaa Uv written amsrsntee to ear or rerand the money Book and advise free Address KOYAl MEDICINE CO t6iSSS Forsale ft Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi IIHMIIHIIIIU ARC OHCtCCtltO nTMf SMMOVAL itfuCor1 WSMP Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison WU It keeps you well Oar trade mark cut on each package Price 38 cents Never sol 4 la bulk Accept no substi tutc Ask yeur druggist RED CROSS ILLS ss 1 ftV1 r Miff A orau V FtMAlTIBnrratUDrrirc I SiSSfes IqTHI V cD t IU M2S J Hiocnoti PILL ARC PUftflV VUlTAtlX Oiil wrcs emeu hCYHAVC TMl UNQlMllrirO CNOORStrtCWI OrtVERV PHtSICIAM mniUAHWITM THE FORMULA IN DC CINCHONA COt DCS AIOINCSsmm For Sale by George B Ohristoph em rh