The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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C P Parish 1b on tho sick list
V J low is in Montlow Grovo
Olms CoiUlo of TUiliui wnRln Norfolk
Miss Kivmin Hiley of Plr rco wih n city
visitor y est onlay
0 S Smith wns n city visitor yester
day from Madison
W O Honoh of Plalnvlovv visited this
motrojiolia yentordny
Ohns titinobnngli wns a city visitor
yostortlfty from Madison
Robert Schramm of Mlmonri Valley
pHnt Sunday in Norfolk
Mrs Uhns Hlchardson of Hattlo Crook
wiu in Norfolk yesterday
W H IIoiTmiui Is confined to IiIh
homo with nil attack of the Krip
Indgn Powers wont to Lincoln yostor
day nntl Mrs Powers to Onmliii
Cashier A J Dunlovy of the Tlldon
State bank wan n city visitor today
llomor Hnndly of HiirlliiKton in v1k
1 1 UK IiIh mother on South Third Htroof
Miss Margaret Mills of Lincoln In tho
guest of horHiKtor Mra lohn H Hays
MIrh Alvina Stollo of Portland Oro
Kou ia visiting relatives and friends
K A Lundburg and K M Kilburu
were city visitors yestordny from
Miss Lena Douninger of Qreuu Oar
ileu precinct is in the city visitlug
W A HufsmlthM L ICilo and Q
P Icklor wero city visitors yesterday
from Creightou
Tho West Side Whist olnb will moot
with Mr and Mrs John It Hays on
Thursday oveniug
M 1 Komiody one of the guardH at
tho state ponitentiary Lincoln is visit
ing with his family in South Norfolk
Wm Kelwit of Omaha bupcriuteud
unt of construction on tho Winne
bago agoncy was iu the city last night
The Chas 13 Hun ford company pro
neuting Private John Allou at tho
Auditorium tonight arrived from Grand
Ihlnud this morning over the Union
Prank Davenport returned last even
ing from Kansas whore he had boon to
attend tho funeral of Mrs Davenports
mother Mrs Davenport will not bo
homo for a number of days
Hour A Mohler who for somo timo
has hold tho position of engineer at tho
tho Norfolk hospital for tho insane has
recently boon appointed nu engineer iu
tho quartermasters department at largo
of tho army at Omaha
Revival services aro boiug hold oaoh
evening at 7 U at the Second Congre
gational okuroh South Norfolk and
nre being conducted by Kov J J Klopp
of Stanton aud F V Moslauder of
Neligh A oordial invitation to the
meetings is extended
Norfolk lodge No 97 A O U W is
arranging for a ball to be givon iu Mar
quardts hall on the evening of St Val
entines day February 1 1 Bobnorts
orchestra has been ou gaged to furnish
music for the occasion aud it is expected
that tho entertainment will prove highly
enjoyable to all who will attend
A considerable sport has been spoiled
several times recently iu Norfolk by a
dog about towu whoso nature is so
warped that ho does not understand
what the genus homo expects from tho
genius cauls ou certain occasions This
morniug his dogship was coruored by a
couple of tho boys not such young boys
either aud with every anticipation of
pleasure a cuu with various rattling at
tachmouts was duly aud proporly af
fixod to tho Baid dogs caudal appendage
The bruto was giveu nu appropriate
send oft but his would be tormentors
vere somowhat aggrieved when he
calmly curled that tall over his back
and trotted away with the air of u
knight who had just received a desirable
The delegation from the Norfolk tire
department left today for Seward to
attend the aunuul session of th Ne
braska State Volunteer Firemens asso
ciation The delegation occupied a
special car which was decorated with
banners aud flags aud which was at
tached to the east bound train over tho
F K M V Tho delegation was
composed of the following members of
the department 0 K Hartford H A
Pasewalk It H Reynolds F Sidler
Henry King Wm King O Harr K It
Hayes Herman Gerecke J J Clements
and W P Trnlock Amoug those who
had contemplated going wero Chiof II
W Winter and Otto Zuelow who ro
inaiued at home ou account of the death
of Mrs Hellermau Tho delegation
expeoted to be joined by other delegates
from neighboring towns The delegutes
anticipate a good time and are uot likely
to bo disappoiuted if the session held
here a year ago is a criterion of what
they rnny expect
The force at the telephone central of
fice is now about settled after a beasou
of trouble caused iu the remodoliug ot
the ofHce The statiou is now said to
be the beat urrauged aud most conveni
ent of any in the state outside of
Omaha and Lincoln The operators
aud switchboard are iu a room by them
selves aud tho manager also has u
private room The linemens room aud
work shop if iu the front end of the
bulldlngformorly occupied m an operat
ing room For tlmconvonionco of tho
public thoro is a reception room with a
telephone booth in
Inimofitlon The looms hnvo been
nicely papered the woodwork oiled and
everything but the linemens woik hop
mid nianagerH olllco wero in apple plo
order The managers room was being
papered and tho linemens room Iiiih not
yet been put in order but will 1m soon
A line is being built to the homo of
Georgo Williams southwest or tho city
and It Is possible that other farmers out
iu that direction will have telephones
Ihliihl Air
Charles K Trlpler tho famous oxperl
mentor in liquid air rooouMy went to
Huston to visit his friend lCllhu
Thompson tho olectrio export Ho took
with him a can of liquified air It wis
a quart can of tho oldest thing on earth
that Mr Trlpler bad In this can ami ho
took it with him to lunoheon where
ho put it ou the floor by IiIh ohair
They lunched In a hotel cafe nnd ordered
a steak After it had been brought iu
and wbllo tho wultera back was turned
Mr Trlpler lifted it from tho platter
opened tho can nnd exposed tho meat to
tho liquid air Whon ho put It back on
tho platter It was bard us a rock
Walter called Mr Trlppler anno
hero Tho waiter obeyed
Whats tho matter with this steak
ho asked anxiously
And ho lifted it from tho plato by two
fingers ami struck it with his knifo
Tho frozen meat rang like a bell
I sir ho faltered
and ho startod for tho head waitor ou
tho run
Mr Trlpler by tho way is ono of tho
fiercest looking men in tho inventing
busluoss His mustaoho is of tho pirato
out nnd his oebrows bristle nnd moot
iu tho middle Thoroior tho head
waitor approached him with almost
Do you servo your steaks liko tliiH
as a rulov asked Mr Tripler us ho
struck tho timo of dity on it
Its that fool chef exclaimed tho
waiter as he started for tho kitchen
A few minutes later thoohot appearod
with tho head waiter Ho recognized
tho steak by sight at once Then Mr
Tripler took it up and rang it again
Mercy Gracious 1 ejaculated tho
chef piously crossing himself I
didnt do it surol
Thou Mr Trlpler laughed and Mr
Thompson smiled A uow steak was
ordered and thofrozon onejeurried below
to fool the rest of tho kitchen
Horn to Mr
and Mrs
Kennedy a
A son was born to Mr aud Mrs
Andrew Luudquist went to Pierce ou
business Mouduy
Mrs Luudquist and daughter at
tended ohuroh in Hoskiua Sunday
Andrew Olson aud Bernard Aspliuo
wont to Wayue Friday ou business
Her Butler preached a very able ser
mon Sunday He also gave n talk to the
Suuday school
Jobn Hopfluger aud August Liuue
burg wout to Wnusa Saturday aud re
turned Suuday
Two of tho youug men of Uega expect
to go to Wayne next Monday to take a
course in tho normal college
A number of Bega young people at
tended the entertainment givou iu the
district north of Bega Friday evening
Charlie Gibbs trapped a prairie
lust week
Gramp Powell is laid up with
J It Davis returned Saturday from a
visit ut Bethany Mo
J G Cuplin has boon sick for two
weeks past but is reported bettor
Mr Philips of Stupleuurst Neb is
visiting his brothers in law W P and
Nate Howlett
Mrs Guyer of Dakota City who
formerly lived here is visiting old time
frieuds iu this vicinty
Houry Hitman n sold his personal
property at publlo sale Tuesday aud will
remove with his family to Norfolk
Mr aud Mrs Isaao Davis returned to
thoir home uear Bridgewater Iowa
Monday after an extended visit with
Alex Suydor
IIhiuiiiuuiI IouIbImii Ail I ilea I Health
ami Winter Knaort
The passenger department of the Illi
uois Central ittdlroad company has just
issued a uew edition of Hammond
Louisiana as a Whiter Kesort a lxau
tiful illustrated folder showiug a few of
the winter attractions iu and about
Hummoud copies of which will be
mailed free ou application to tho under
For thoso iu good or modorate circuiu
stnuce uo point iu the south otVers such
luducements The climate is unsur
passed The artesan water excolleut
Society almost entirely uorthoru and
the hotel aud bonrdiug house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its size
iu the north aud at moderate rates
J F Heititv
Asst Geu Paw Agt Ill Cent It It
Dubuque Iowa
For Kkmt The Hazen farm time
miles northwest of Norfolk
Chas lloirsdorf Is ou tho sick list
0 W Mthlllslssaid to bo very sick
H 15 Owen camu In from Choyeuuo
last night
Mrs Shoit was a city visltorycstorday
from Plorco
Mrs Bolmnnon nnd son of Madison
aro guests at tho homo of A -E Camp
II L Spaulding made a business trip
to Wakoflold yesterday returning this
A J Dtirlanil wont to Inninn this
morning on n biiNlness trip to bo gone
until Friday
Miss Laura Durlund has returned
from n visit with relatives nnd frlouds
in Plalnvlow
Miss Louise Mnthowson of Wakefield
has been tho guest of friends iu tho city
for a fow dayH
L F Zuolow n brother of the late
Mrs Ilellermau from Winona Minn
has arrived to attend tho funeral
J G Minos of Wayno was in tho
city yesterday ourouto to Seward to at
tend tho state firemens association
Mrs Adelliaid Koohmauii of Freoport
Minn arrlvod today to attend tho fu
neral of hor sister Mrs August Heller
Mrs A J Durlund aud daughter
Juuo go to Madison tomorrow to visit
with Mrs T F Mommiugor for a fow
Mrs Fred Kleutz sr who has boon
nursing patients at Plaiuviow aud
Crolghton for tho past two weeks ro
turned Monday
A number of tho friends of Mrs Fer
dinand Schulz assisted bor iu celebrat
ing her birthday last oveniug at her
homo iu Fdgowutor Park
Mr and Mrs Frank Yeazel of iMadi
Hon wero visiting Norfolk friends yes
terday Mr Youzel was formerly em
ployed as clork iu Baum Bros store
Manager Spear auuouuccs that tho
dato for n leoturo aud experiments with
liquid air whioh was to have been givou
at tho Auditorium Monday night has
beou cancelled
Mr and Mrs Ed V Bransoh of Til
don aro in the city visitiug relatives aud
friouds Mr Braasch has but receutly
recovered from a distressing illuoss
and is still quite wonk
Norfolk friends have received a letter
from Dr G F Kelpor uow at Liucolu
containing tho uudeairablo information
that Mn Koipor is very sick with in
flammatory rhoumatism Her illness
startod with an attack of tho grip
Bert Rook aud Miss Nancy Furage
wore married at the home of the brides-
parents in Madison Saturday by Rev J
L St Clnir They will make their
home iu Pluiuvlow whoro tho groom is
employed Mr Rock formerly cooked
iu the Bon Ton restaurant here
Mrs August Ilaasch who lives west
of the oity was assisted in celebrating
her 4Uth birthday last evening by a
large number of frieuds aud ajvery en
joyable evening was passed Among
tho guests were Mrs Raasohs brothers
Carl and David Roehrke aud families
from Pierco couuty
The theory that electric lights can
not be blown out seems to have been
dispelled last night After the wiud
from the west had blown in its strength
for about au hour both tho arc and in
candosueut lights refused to act The
fault was remedied however shortly
after 8 oclock and the service thereafter
was perfect
Some there aro who think that the
electric lights wero very ill mauuorod
last night during the play They did
not wait to go out between acts but
went out beforo the performance be
gan aud returned but shortly beforo the
first act started They should know
with all their experience at plays that
tho popular time to go out is only be
tween acts
Henry Iteiuuicoous aud his sous
Charles aud William of Madison are
hoirs to 15 W Iteiuniccous who died iu
N ew York City two weeks ago Tho
three atteuded tho f uueral returning to
Madison Saturday Tho will was
opened beforo their return and Mr
lteinuiccous gets about 150000 and a
lot of valuable musical instruments
while the sous each receive a lUO acre
A speciul to the State Journal from
Madison under date of the loth says
A divorce suit has beon begun by John
P Wolverton of Stautou against his
wife Hanua 0 The couple was married
February 6 1800 at Stautou In tho
petitiou it is alleged that the defendant
lias been guilty of infidelity and early
iu October eloped with oue J K Wol
vertou taking a lot of persoual property
valued at 1117 It is further ulleged
that the elopers aro living at Norfolk ns
man aud wife
Tho Odd Fellows have been making
somo desirable improvements to their
hull and hope to soou have oue of the
finest lodge rooms iu the state A com
mitter has recently purchased n uew
carpet of very rich design with which
the entire hall will be carpeted while
C 15 Doughty is now at work puttiug
oue of tho furnaces he handles in tho
anti room From this it is proposed to
heat tho hall aud do away with a store
iu the lodge room
W A Emory traveliug auditor for
the Edwards ic Bradford Lumber com
pany is oxcodingly proud of a Christ
mas gift rocoivod at tho hands of tho
managers ovor whom ho baa supervision
it is n lino solid gold time pleco and en
graved on ho cup in tho back part of
tho csro arc tho words W A
Emory from malingers under his super
vision Christmas 1100 In present
ing it ono of tho mnnagors remarked
that thoy had beon watched by Mr
Emery so long that they doemed it
thoir privtlego now to watch him
It ijt apparent from tho gift thnt Mr
lMuorys supervision has boon by uo
moans odious to tho managers
Tho first anulvorsary of tho oponing
of the Norfolk Auditorium was cele
brated last night by tho presentation of
ono of tho finest attractions ovor given
iu tho city Tho OharloR B Hauford
company with Mr Hauford in tho
leading rolo gavo Leo Arthurs Private
John Allen iu a manner that elicited
applause and admiration from start to
finish Tho pluy presents a picturo ot
life iu tho far south with characters
drawn from real people and while it
discloses much character that is worthy
of emulation tho author could ovldontly
not resist an opportunity to caricature
somo weaknesses Ono of tho more
noticable of theso was when Judgo
Billy Wasson brought iu tho election
returns from his precinct a week after
tho result had been announced Ho
was exceedingly sarcastic when ho in
timated that Phil Stouo had timo to
live and learn bocause he thought a
criticism of tho judge wns timely for
bringing in 000 democratic votes from
a precinot containing but 100 inhabitants
and politely told tho young man tho
votes wero thero and to count thorn for
hiniBolf if ho didut bolievo it Mr
Hauford gave a realistic portrayal of his
part ns au honest hospitable couutry
gonteman ready to sacrifice everything
for friends aud familybut whose hatred
of anything rascally or deceitful wns in
tense His calm domeauor iu smoking
a pipo while n mob was howling nt his
door elicited especial admiration The
striking resemblnuco of Mr Hauford to
W J Bryan was most noticablo Mr
Hauford received very commendable
support from othor members of the
company Bofore tho fourth act Mr
LaVollo auuouuced that ou request of
tho mayor upon tho parfcof tho audience
Mr Hauford had consented to recito
tho Star Spangled Banner after the
curtain fell aud requested the audieuce
to remain seated Mr Hauford gavo a
fine recital of tho patriotic poem thnt
elicited most vigorous t ncouiums
Tlicr Are Tlioxe Who Become Slaves
o Til I a Nerve Soothing Food
The manufacture of chocolate said
J It Auso of Brazil Is n great indus
try Of all the chocolate beans Import
ed Into the United States two thirds go
to one firm In Boston and the other
third Is distributed among the other
manufacturers The chocolates sold
are of vnrlous grades The Caracas
chocolate Is supposed to be the best
If you take the various grades tech
nically known as the Caracas the
French the German and so on aud
take a piece of each and plnce them In
n pan qf water and allow them to dis
solve any expert will tell you which Is
the best chocolate The better grades
will leave uo sediment The others
will This Is explained by the fact
that In the cheaper grades the shell Is
ground up and used as a filler The
lighter the chocolate the better the
grade The cheaper grades are dark
owing to the ground up shell
It Is a queer thing about chocolate
consumption There are chocolate
fiends Just ns there nre opium tlends
tobneco slaves nnd liquor slaves 1
ennnot tell you why It Is but If people
begin to eat chocolate the habit grown
upon them I dont think any nmount
of chocolate hurts any person Of
course the cheaper grades of chocolate
hnvc a large percentage of sugar In
them and sugar Is to a certain ex
tent Injurious but for the chocolate
Itself I dont think nny one eats
enough to hurt him materially rn
contradistinction to the exhilaration of
alcoholic drinks chocolate seems to be
a soother Persons who nre nervous
aud Irritable And It n food that in a
way calms nnd soothes nntl satisfies
thorn It Is queer but It Is the truth
The consumption of chocolate is In
creasing enormously iu tho United
States New York Tribune
Makeshift Wrddlna fllnKa
Curious Instances have been cited
where makeshift substitutes for the
conventional wedding ring have been
utilized during the marriage ceremony
Oue such Instance occurred some time
ago In a nearby town where the ring
was missing Nothing better being
available as a substitute a curtain
ring wus used and on still another oc
casion the ring handle of the church
key was utilized A couple In this state
used In such an emergency a ring
formed from the outer edge of a colu
and which hud been carried by somo
one present as a curiosity
A gallnnt best innn came to the res
cue at a recent wedding when the ring
was not forthcoming at the right time
He drew from his tie the slender stick
pin that had been adorning It and
bending the wire Into ring shape hand
ed the Improvised wedding ring to the
distracted groom
A horseshoe nail bent to the shape of
a ring Is sain to wring a great ileal or
ring worn six centuries ago has given
place to vnrlous rings uow worn to
prevent and cure rheumatism Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune
The transport California which ar
rived Sunday brought the remain of
74 soldier who died in China
- nff - ni maiiwj1 tit
j - ii i
U Wilkinson of Hattlo Creek wns a
city visitor yesterday
Tho Y M O A nt Chndron rxpecte
to oreet a permanent homo iu tho neai
Mrs Auguit Pofahl is said to be very
sick at her homo on Park nvonue be
tween Fourth nnd Fifth streot
Heros a now kind of trust The
young men of Orum hnvo combined and
will uot accept work that pays less than
84 per month
Friouds assisted Herman Hlllo who
lives southeast of the city in celebrating
hie birthday last night Quito a large
number of people from towu were pres
ent nt tho party
O F W Marquardt returned from
his trip to Chicago on tho uoou train
Ills visit wns shoitoned by a telegram
announcing that Gus was sick and
able to attend to the business
Tho only contagious diseaso known to
oxist iu Norfolk is n case of scarlot
fever at tho homo of Gus Hockmau
Tho house was quarantined this morn
ing by which method it 1b proposed to
keep tho disease from spreading
An unsuccessful attempt was made
last Friday night to rob tbo Exchange
bauk at Ogalalla Tho robbers entered
by diggiug uuder tho walls aud sawing
throught tho floor Thoy ransacked
tho vault but could uot got into tho cash
Sheriff W A Wnddingtou and wife
of Beatrice wero iu tho city over night
having brought a patieut from Gage
county to tho Norfolk hospital While
here Mr and Mrs Waddington visited
at tho home of Mr and Mrs G E
Moore who aro old timo friouds
Tho revival meetings at tho Baptist
church tho bhlauce of tho week anil dur
iug next week will bo of a special ua
ture During that timo the story of
tho Pilgrims Progress will be fol
lowed und tbo service eacli eveuing will
bo illustrated by storoopticou views
Everybody is cordially invited to at
The next attraction billed for the
Auditorium is Frank Keonau in the
Poor Relation on February ith Nor
folk theatre goers have a pleasing recol
lection of Mr Keennus appearance here
last seasou aud it will probably uot be
difficult to fill the Auditorium It is
announced that next year Mr Keeuau
will appear in tho Hou John Grigsby
and ho opes to make n dato iu Norfolk
for that attractiou
Mrs George Ganger of Fremi nfc will
loso an arm and perhaps her life aB the
result of being ran into by the passenger
train west bound Wednesday morniug
The engineer of the trdn was E F
Wood and conduotor S O Good
man Mrs Gauger is about 25
years old aud beiug in feeble health had
been accustomed to take a morning
walk The engiueir states that he saw
her on the track near hf r home at Fre
mout aud whittled a waring and that
she apparently stepped aside Her left
arm was crushed to a pulp and it is be
lieved that she fell with her arm under
the wheels She was unconscious for
a long time after the accident
Joseph Koza of Stanton was arrested
at Olarksou last Suuday on the charge
of burglary He is charged with hav
iug broken into the store room of Frank
A Raabe on the night of May 2 1000
and carrying away goods to the amount
of about 150 These goods were re
turned by him and on being arraigned
before County Judgo Viuiug Monday
he admitted his guilt aud waived ex
amination His bond wns fixed at 750
iu default of whioh ho wus committed
to jail He was a former clork of Mr
Raabes Snspiciou points to him as
tho person who successfully burglarized
the store of the Scott Mercantile com
pany at this place some time ago
H H McClure of Egbert Wyoming
and Miss Elizabeth D Tat man of this
city ware united in marriage Tuesday
at 4 oclock p m in Columbus Rev
Corey of that oity officiating The
wedding was a quiet affair the cere
mouy being performed at the homo of
the officiating clergyman Soou aftet
the wedding the couple boarded the west
bound train for Egbert where they
will make their future home Mr
McClure came to Nebraska iu 1601 aud
has been employed by the Union Pacific
railroad company in the capacity of
operator aud station agent in the west
ern part of tho state He is now agent
for the company at Egbert Wyoming
The bride is well known in Norfolk
having made this her home since Janu
ary 20 1865 She began teaohiug school
iu Stautou couuty when she was 17
years of age and has since beeu teaching
iu thnt county with the exception rf
two years She taught oue year in
this county aud wns last employed as
teacher iu the Pino Bluffs Wyomiug
school The Norfolk friends of Miss
Tatmau will join iu extending congrat
Free of Clmrte
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled ou the breast bronchitis throat
or Iuuk troubles of auy nature who will
luck to the owner uud the lend crann ca A K Leonard swill be presented
with a sample bottle of Boschees
German Syrup free of charge Only
one bottle giveu to one person aud noue
to children without older from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had
Buoh a sale as Boschees German Svrnp
in all parts of the civilized world
-- - - rrZ22 - 7ii 3LZSZuaiSus
- v n -- - - amw i - -- - -
-- -
arrf wn
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given auny and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is leally he onlj throit and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians Cue 7 cent bottle will euro or
provo its value Sold by doalois iu all
civilized countries
Wan m Active innn or woman
with rig to deliver and canvass in towns
and rural districts No canvnsslug
Salary 50 per mouth References nnd
security required Address Bentrtco
Book Co P B Sprague Managor
room 7 First National bauk Beatrico
I Qnn YEARLY to Christian
tpuUU man or womnn to look
after our growing business iu this
x nnd adjoining counties to act ns 5
can be douo ni your homo Encloso
X solf nddrossod stamped envelope
for particulars to II A Sherman
General Manager Corcoran Build-
T iug opposite United States
H tiry Washington U J
Cor lMh and
f II Worth Sis
r unnnii
IliXlrcii eiieli ii ilKutiul
liiivlnt diMIr lip p i lull-
oiry The iIImmiso ylnids
i y to Hit Double
ChloililiM f Hold
iiii iil pM piiitl by DrJ
Ii I
Ml IIIIC It llllt i li li
lllNlllllli til tlllllilli Nlhrunlui l
tlnollh Ii lull tvllir
111 Ii- inline J It It ill ill- mimI
Tr tn I l it
ill tlf lill K Krrli tfn
mttiTi o uil prtTi0ULn
jB in tUth timt I covrittmnh M
ric xzifti O
To advertise successfully may
not be easy but it is not half so
difficult as the tarning of a fly
So far as this community is
concerned the advertising prob
lem is simple Here is the
Secure space in these col
Write ads that are plain
and straightforward
Change them often
Keep at it persistently
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without exciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
I Frveri ConRtsttons Inflammations 25
It Worm Worm Feyor Worm Colic ii
I Teething Colic CrylngWakef ulnem US
I Diarrhea of Children or Adults 35
7 Cough Colds Bronchitis ii
8 Neuralgia Toothache Faceacbe 25
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25
1 0 Dyapepala IndUjesUonWeakQtomacb25
1 1 Supprrased or Painful Period 25
12 White Too Prof use Periods 25
13 Croup Laryngitla Hoarseness 25
14 Salt Rheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25
15 Rheuniallaui Kheumatlo Pains 25
16 Malaria Chills Fever and Arfue 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25
20 Whooping cough 25
27 Kldnev Disease 25
2H Nervous Debility 10U
30 Urinary Weakness WettlngDed 25
71 Grip Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Mannal of aU Disease at your
Druggists or Mailed Free
Sold by druggists or mo on rooehptof price
Humphreys lied Co Cot William John Sts
New York
Koenigsteins Ptidrmdcy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
Trade Marks
Copyrights r
Anrone sending a sketch and description may
st ertain
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