The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 11, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Man Who Killed Snyder Saloon
Keeper is Taken
Ionno Id Hot on the Trnll of Mm Otlior
lotr Storyof tho nml Mtinlnr
Two DitrliiR Itnnillt Hold M Ilflooii
Mm Inl Kvrnliiftr
Orowoll Nob Inn fi Special to Tint
Nnws Ono of tho rohlwrs who killed
llormnn Sohn thoSnvlor saloon Iteopor
last night wan pnpturoil nt a point about
400 yards from tho 1 E Us M V bridge
whoro It orossoH tho Klkhorn rlvor nouth
of thiM plnoo nbont noon toilny mid oM
corn mid citizens nro hot on tho trail of
thoothor robber with bloodhonndH Ho
is but n mlluor two ahead of hl piirsuorH
mid his enpturo Is n quoHtion of but n
nhort tliuo
Tho follow captured In tho ono do
fioribod iw being minus several lingers
on ouo hand
A strong effort was inndo to lynch
him mid n rongh mid tumblo light for
tho possession of tho prisoner oiiHiied
botwoon thoso in favor of lynch law mid
thono who doRlrod tho ooiirtH to deal
with tho prlBoncr In n law abiding man
Tho crowd wns nbout ovonly divided
lctwoon tho two coursos mid tho fight
wns viRoroim
In tho moloo tho prisoner had moat of
his clothes torn off
Tho brltlgo gang of tho E Ss M V
wnB at work on tho bridge and assisted
at tho capture
Tho ofiloors finally succeeded in get
ting tho priHonor on tho blind baggage
of tho oast bound trWn and start od him
for Fremont lonvitifrtliu crowd of would
bo lynchers very much disappointed
It is quito gonorajly coucodod hero
that nothing can prenttho lynching of
the other prlsonor providing ho is cap
Tho ontiro country is thoroughly
aroused anil tho crowd ou tho track of
tho ofiibr robber Is boiuR augmontod
each passing moment
How Sohn Wh Klllnl
Snyder Neb Ian fi At Hl0 last
evening Herman Soliu a saloon
keeper was in his place when two
strangers entered and commanded
blm to throw up his bunds He re
fused and one of the robbers shot hlin
through the heart killing him Instant
ly The robbers ran out but were
pursued by citizens One of the rob
bers was shot and wounded but
both got nway although they are
still being chased by ollieei and n
large posse of citizens
Tho men with drawn revolvers or
dered the proprietor ami in men to
line up against the wall Mr Sohn
protested saying there would be no
shooting lie started to go behind
the bar when one of the robbers emp
tied live chambers of his revolver at
him all of which took effect Three
shots struck Mr Sohn In the breast
one in the head and the other in the
left side Either one of the shots
Would have resulted fatally
Wlillo one of the robbers was en
gaged In terrifying the Inmates of the
saloon the other attempted to rifle the
cash register Failing to open the
drawer he espied the safe which was
open Ho opened the strong box und
was rewarded by finding the days
receipts amounting to 71
The shooting attracted a big crowd
to the saloon A young man named
Snyder the son of the founder of the
town n barber aud another saloon
keeper covered the retreat at the rear
door of Sohns saloon
When the robbers made their exit
they tired at random putting to flight
11 In sight Young Snyder aud the sa
loonkeeper however managed to lire
Kovenil bhots at the robbers as tliev
disappeared In the darkness One of
the robbers was wounded by a shot
from the crowd but made his escape
It has been ascertained that the rob
bers drove Into Snyder aud that the
team wns left In charge of a third man
After the murder the robbers made an
nttempt to reach this buggy but the
man In charge finding the lire from
citizens too warm for him drove nway
They then turned aud disappeared
from view followed by a rain of bul
ben to he Arrested Ululuia NorfolU
as IIU Home
William Darrald alias Burke who
has also been called William Burton the
last of the three men arrested for parti
cipating in the Snyder burglary and
tnnrder claims to be from Norfolk
When being taken to jail at Fremont
from West Point yesterday morning he
wa quito talkative According to the
Omaha Bee he said ho was 21 years old
and lived in Norfolk where ho had a
wife He said he was acquainted with
the people at the shack on the Klkhorn
whom he called the Williams crowd
and said ho hnd been loafing around
there for some time His occupation
he said was that of metal worker
Later he said he did a little gambling qn
the side Ho says he went to Suyder
with the other two and drank and
played cords with them during tho after
uoon He claims he hod nothing to do
with the murder and stood near the door
with his hands up lllco tho rost of tliom
that ho did not leavo Snyder with tho
other two but wont nway bocouse ho
feared tho pooplo would think ho win
mixed up with tho othors walking to
West Point whom ho Intended to oat
breakfast and then take tho train for
Norfolk Tho oftlRora dont plnco much
coiifldoiico In this talo
Wlillo Iho robbors woro still In tho sa
loon thoro wero shotfl fired outsldo and
it Is thought thnt Uurko was out ou tho
sidewalk watching mid that tho call
from Ilhea to put up his hands if such
was tho enso was only n trick to deceive
thoso in tho saloon
Uurko uses tho beut of latiguago In his
conversation mid Is evidently 11 mini of
education mid nblllr 1I n rntber
henvy sot well propomjii u i a with
long dark hair tlnik eyes and a bright
sharp shrowd nppearniico Ho wonts
pood clothes and whilo coming to
Fremont In the frolRht caboose kept hs
henvy bluo Melton overcoat loosoly
buttoned tho collar turned up mid his
soft black folt hat pulled over his oyes
Wnnt Morn Tltnhnr
The Nebraska Park mid Forost nssool
ntlon of which 0 H HnrrlBon is presi
dent has undertaken n noblo work and
should receive tho hoarty support of all
progressive oltlzous Tho association
anion g other aims hopos thnt congress
mny bo Induced to sot nsldo nt lonst
41100000 for troe planting In Nebraska
either as n gift to the state or for n na
tional forest The association hopes
thnt all westoru sttitos will uuito to eoo
that forest troes nro propagated mid
thnt much of tho soil which is nt pres
ent of llttlo vnluo for ngrioultural pur
poses mny bo turned to good nccount In
growing tlmbor
In n rocon t circular setting forth tho
aims of tho association it is said
Ono of our nlms is to hnvo tho stato
tnko mi interest In parks mid forests
There is no stato in the union that needs
those nioro thnu wo do mid no stato is
doing loss Minnesota for years has
boon giving promiums for troe planting
to tho amount of 22000 auuuully be
sides paying largo sums to proservo
forests nlroady oxistiug
Wo hnvo dono an immouso amount
of individual planting but the oxpor
louco of 0 years has proved oar system
to bo wrong A largo part of deciduous
trees planted ou tho divides 100 miles
west of tho Missouri river aro dead
Many of tho ovorgrcons of which wo
uad groat nones aro a failure et wo
havo found out what will succoed In our
groat rich valleys Thoro dooiduous
trees have dono woll and thoro wo can
havo Immeuso and grand forests Tho
intelligent troe has an instinct which
will find water when 15 or 20 feet from
tho surfaco and when once its pump is
sot going thoro is no further trouble
On tho divides it 1b better to plant
ovorgreeus from tho fact thnt they will
thrive ou much loss water than decidu
ous trees Among thoso sure to grow
nro tho brown tho silver and Platte
cedars tho piuyou lloxilis and poudor
osa pinos tin Bluck Hills spruce and
the silver spruce of tho Rookies With
our western piuo which grows freely in
tho northwestern part of tho stnto and
tho Plntto cedar wo can forest the most
of our plnlus Our stnto gives largo
sums to agricultural nnd horticultural
why not to forestry tho most import
ant of nil
Wo do not wnntto put up n job nor
do wo wnnt to bo extravagant but we do
want tho legislature to grant 10000
this year for planting trees tho stale to
own the plautatlounud this society to do
tho work
First bocauso many of our members
havo had largo and varied experience
and many of them nro experts
Secondly tho matter should bo kept out
of politics and tho sooioty is strictly
non partisan Whoever the society del
egntes to do tho work will be trusted
tried nud ofticieut aud will render an
account for every dollar expended
They will buy a piece of laud suitible
for the work aud it will be doedod to the
state Wo have men who know how to
carry on tho work most economically
and successfully
Perhaps it is well the stato did not
euter on tho work 25 years ago for they
might havo mado tho same mistake
that individuals havo But now the
timo is ripe and wo know just what is
to bo done The state can lose nothing
Tho work will bo dono as economically
as possible and tho stato will own it all
th llext
Charles B Hnnford retains some
happy momorics of his days as a young
stor with Booth aud Barrott Barrett
wns a man of austere personality und a
rigid dioiplluarian Booth was gentle
J of speech and tolerant One night he
wiuuui uarroiiiLnitof thosnjiUr was obliged to go to the atago from his
dressing room by a remote route which
led him past a number of supers He
had been playing Richelieu and when
ho launohed Tho curso of Home his
voice bad a resonance whioh made the
building shake One of the supers
stepped out aud blocked his way re
Mr Booth I kin do that 1
Can you indeed What is
Tho one you do when you say the
curse of Homo
Ah let me hear you
The confident youth inflated his chest
and delivered the speech with a rasp on
the word Rome whioh sounded like a
planlug mill Mr Booth waited until
tho declamation was concluded and then
It is very good While I differ
slightly from your idea in reading Bomo
porta of the speech I must confess I
think your is much better than
- AS
Clnli Wnninn Wnnt Ihn LrRWItilurn
tlltonrxl for mi Appriiirliiiii
for TmvnlliiK lltirnrln
Tho frco public library movement is
being taken up by n numbor of societies
Interested in tho educational advance
ment of tho pooplo It is now proposod
to prcsont tho mattor to tho legislature
and nsk for an oppropriationjwhloh shall
bo uflod for tho purchnio of traveling
libraries whlnh nro intended tnbouofltnll
parts of the state including rural
districts The movomout has awakened
interest in Norfolk and tho ladles of tho
Woman V oltib proposo to see If library
fooillttos aro really desired here It is
proposed to koop tho movement out of
jKilltlcH mid It is hopod that great good
to nlnrgo numbor of people will rosult
Other states maku appropriations for a
similar purpose rnugiiig from 1 000 to
7f00 ayenrbut those having the matter
In hand think that an appropriation of
nbout 1 1000 would start It in Nebrnskn
Tho following from tho Oiunhn Bun
of rocotit dnto glvos an idea of tho movo
Tho Nebraska legislature of 1H01
will bo asked to consider a bill which
has for Its object tho futherauco mid
spread of tho library movomout in Ne
brnskn It Is proposod to crcato a 11
brary commission to provldo for a sys
tem of traveling libraries aud to mako
au appropriation snllluiont to carry the
lnw into offoot Tho Nebraska Fodora
tiou of Womans clubs tho Nebraska
Library association and other societies
nro onllsted in the cause committees
hnvo boen nppointed and they hope to
recolvo the aotivo co oporatiou of every
friend of educational progress in tho
stato Tho boueflts to bo derived from
tho oporatlou of such a law aro so obvi
ous ns to need only to bo sot forth briefly
in ordor to command tho support of tho
citizens of tho stato
It is no untrodden path iutowhich
tho stato is asked to venture Seven
teen states havo nlrondy ostnbllshod
library commissions mid thirty three
states nro enjoying tho advantages of
somo form of traveling libraries Tho
states having library commissions aro
as follows Colorado Connecticut
Georgia Indiana Iowa Kansas Maine
Massachusetts Mlohigau Minnesota
New Hampshire Now Jersey New
York Ohio Pennsylvania Vermont
aud Wisconsin It is high time Ne
braska joined so goodly a company
Those commissions are composed of
poople who serve in nearly all cases
without salary aud whose solo efforts
are to raise tho intellectual and moral
standards of thoir respective common
wealths It is tho business of a library
commission to fostor the growth and
establishment of free pnblio libraries
to assist in raising the standard of li
brary management and to co operate
with all tho educational forces of the
stato in tho spread of intelligence by
tho uso of books
A commlttoo from tho Womans club
of Norfolk will ciroulato n petition
nmong the business men nudtax payors
next week asking nothing but thoir
signatures whloh will indicate to our
representative how ninny nro in sympa
thy with this movomout and be a guide
to him when tho time arrives for him to
vote on this bill
Ohas Wilson is ou tho sicK list and
tho Bogn school is closed for a few dayB
Andrew Sweuson returned from his
visit to South Dakota Saturday
Mr Shanon of Hoskins was In this
vicinity buying hogs Monday
Mr Thnra Bowman from Swaburg is
visiting with friends in this neighbor
Erio Stnmn accompanied by Misses
Mary aud Maggio Llof from Hoskius
wero in this vicinity visiting Sunday
Andrew Olson led the youug peoples
meotiug Suuday ovouing A good pro
gram had boen prepared and the meet
ing was woll attended
l Hev MoKeau und wife wero in Bogn
Sunday Mr MoKeau has decided to
discontinue coming to Bega on account
of tho long cold drives
August Linnoburg had tho misfor
tuue of having ouo of his fingersjerushod
whilo shelling corn Dr Person of
Stanton removed the injured Jmember
A very pleasant surprise wasjjplanned
for Mrs Ohas Stratou on Thursday
evening All reportedja good time
Mrs Stratou left forjher home in Kuox
county Saturday noon
Hallway Farm Land For Mule
In northern Wisconsin the Chicago
St Paul Minneopolla Omaha railway
has for sale at low rates and easy terms
of payment about 400000 aores of choice
farm landa Early buyers will secure
the advantage of locations on the many
beautiful streams and lakes which
abound with fish and furnish a never
ending aud most excellent water supply
both for family use and for stock
Land is generally well timbered the
soil fertile aud easy of cultivation
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minne
apolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
numerous other thriving oitle3 aud
towns on the Hue of the 0 St P M
O railway aud other railroads in tho
same territory furnish good markets for
form produce
For further particulars address
Geo W Bkll
Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or
Q H Mao Rak
A G P A St Paul Minn
House Passes Reapportionment
Mrnilirinr Ilia Upprr 1 1 oil no liilliirntlitl
In llrOutliijt Ihn Hopkins Mrmure
lUnnilirmliip Tor Nitt lleruilo Will Ha
UBll Amiy tulittiiii Up In Smialn
Washington Ian K By a vote of
115 to 10J the house yesterday accept
ed the reapportionment plan proposed
by the Burleigh bill which increases
the membership of the house during
tho next decade from 5157 the present
membership and the membership pro
posed by the committee in the Hopkins
bill to JlStl The result was largely
brought about by the Inlliieiieo of cer
tain senators from several of the
larger northern states who threw the
weight of their lulliieucc In the scale In
favor of tho larger membership
When It became apparent that these
factors were at work against his bill
Hopkins attempted to compromise by
giving an additional representative
each to North Dakota Colorado and
Florida but his adversaries refused to
compromise after complete victory was
assured The Crunipncker proposition
to recommit the bill for the purpose
of ascertaining what states abridged
the right to vote to an extent which
would entail reduced representation
was defeated 1510 to 110 There wns
no roll call on this vote but n number
of Itepubllcans voted with the Demo
crats Under the bill ns passed no
state loses a representative and the
following make gains Illionis New
York and Texas three each Minne
sota New Jersey and Pennsylvania
two each and Arkansas California
Colorado Connecticut Florida Louisi
ana Massachusetts Mississippi Mis
souri North Carolina North Dakota
Washington West Virginia and Wis
consin one each The bill provides
that whenever a new state Is admitted
the representative assigned to It shall
be In addition to the number provided
In the bill It also ndds a provision
never hitherto Incorporated in a reap
portionment bill to the effect that
congressional districts In addition to
being contiguous shall also be com
pact States which are allowed addi
tional representatives by the bill shall
by Its terms elect them at large until
the legislature shall redlstrict tho
Senate Ilscuies Cantron Question
Washington Jan 9 The senate had
under consideration the much mooted
canteen question in connection with
the army reorganization bill The sen
ntc committee In effect restored the
provision for n post exchange Instead
of canteen which hnd been stricken
from the bill by the house For nearly
live hours the senate discussed the
mutter but a conclusion is not yet in
sight Gulllnger nnd Ilnnsbrough
vigorously opposed the amendment
and In turn It wi quite ns strenuous
ly supported by Sewell Ilawley
Money nnd Carter
Keep lrctldoiit at Home
Washington Jan 9 The president
Is still suffering from his cold and on
the advice of Dr Hlxey has decided
to stay In his room for three or four
days There will be no cabinet meet
ing nnd the invitations for tho diplo
matic reception have been recnlled
The reception will bo held nt a future
time not yet decided upon It Is stat
ed at the while house thnt the prcsl
dent Is not seriously 111 but has a bad
cold nnd these steps nre taken ns a
precautionary measure
Roonovelt on n Hunting Trip
Chicago Jan J -Vice President
elect Theodore Roosevelt arrived In
Chicago from the east yesterday A
number of friends met him ut the de
pot and he went to the Auditorium An
nex where he remained until shortly
nfter 9 p in when he left ou u RocU
Island train for Colorado Springs He
is ou n hunt lug trip und expects to b
gone nbout six weeks He will return
In time to be in Washington a few days
before the Inauguration
Hooi 4 Kviiuh Sutherland
Capo Town Jan 9 It Is reported
that the Boers have reached Suther
land nud are within JO miles of the
village of Plquetbiirg The country
around Klmberley Is being cleared of
people live stock and foodstuffs A
commando of 350 looted n cattle farm
seven miles from Klmberley It Is
reported that residents of Vryburg
who nre unable to supply themselves
with provisions for two months must
bo brought south
Coffcp was not known to the Greeks
or Roman
A salute of cannon roared a welcome
at Halifax Tuesday to the Canadian
soldiers returning from Africn
Ily n vote of 75 to 47 the Missouri
house Tuesday adopted n resolution
expressing sympathy with the Fill
plnos In their strucgle for liberty
V A Welch lost the Dupont trophy
to J A K Elliott at New York Tues
day In a match for 100 live hlrds El
liott had 07 kills while Welch killed
Western roads have agreed to make
a rate of one faro plus 2 for tho round
trip to Washington and return for the
innugurnilon of President McKinley
on March 4
Estimates of appropriations aggre
gating J417rKSii fur enlarging tin
prosent plant of tin West Point mili
tary academy Im t been sent to the
house of representatives by the nee
retary of war
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Onmlm livisnnor OKCiani
ClilcnKo KxpresB 1240 pm
I liicnuc KxproM 7J0o m
Oinnha InssctiKor 1210 pm
Illnck 11111b ftxproxn 70pi
Vonllffrn IlicnonRor 1240 p i
oriUKro Accommodation PKJOai
Mack Hills Kxprcfls 1220pm
VonJIro PftBsonKur tlWnm
VnrillKro Accommodation 720pm
Tim GlilcnRo and Ulaok Hill Express arrived
anil doparta from Junction depot Tlio Omalin
nnd Vordlftre trains hrrivo and dopart from city
lopot U J Mathau Auont
Union Pacific
I oltimhus Accommodation 080 p m
Omalin Uonvoraud IaclUo Coast 110 a m
Columbus Ace mmodatlon 1030 pm
Omalin Weaver ami lliclllc roast PrOOpm
Connect at Norfolk with F K M V boIur
went aud north and with tho C St P M A O
for polnta north and oaat
F W Junkman Aunt
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Btoux City nnd Omaha Passenger H30nm
Sioux MtyPaseoDRor l OOpm
Sioux City Passonfrnr 1081 am
Btocx City and Omalii PassonRor 7 30 p m
Connects at Norfolk with F K A M V froing
wost and north and with tho U P for points
sonlh F W Junkman Agent
Daily oxcopt Sunday
Over liaum Hros Storo
Spanaar Ovalmon
Boots and oos
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avontin
Cheapest and Dest
Norfolk Avenue
All Work Guaranteed
Cor Mraasch avo and 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoe
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
flissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinin Cars
Meals a la Carte Piutsch Light
For f nil information call on or address
The Norfolk Cash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fine Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our faurms
Mellowricli coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter aud Eggs
That we are constantly growing in the art of mak
iug Fine Photos and our products will always be
fouud to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards aud Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kiuds
of framing
Edisons Phonograph
Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well arplr4and
dont cost as much It reproduces the music of any instrument band ororchwtriAclU
stories and siu js tlie old fumiltar hymns as well as the popular soncs it la alwmn ta
- Bee that Mr Edisons signature is on every macMnTcaul
losues oi all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Firth AveNew Yw
H -