The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 9

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By Wcatherby Chesnoy and Alick Monro
oomuanx lroo nr wnATiiimnT ciiksnict and aucx Kcnna
rLLUtmiAnoNa ur il a oouiaas
l l I I n l l n
W V V V N - M
W returned to Vigo Bny In lesa thn
four months nud with us a lnrgo com
pany of other ships nil benrlug grain
for which the failure of the Spanish
wheat crop promised a profitable mar
ket We neither sold our cargo how
ever nor did I succeed in carrying off
my Bwecthcnrt And this is how it
Scarcely had we anchored when a
negro page came off to the ship in a
small boat bringing me n note from
Sho was in sore trouble through her
lovo for me for Don Miguel had for
bidden her to have anything more to
do with me and hud locked her in her
room to make sure that his commands
were obeyed And there was even
worse news than this In the letter Or
ders she told me had been received
from the court to seize all the English
shipping in the bay to confiscate the
argocs and to Imprison the crews As
a captive in the town dungeon I should
be farther from her than ever but
still a free man I might some day re
turn nnd carry her off and so by the
love I bore her she entreated me to bo
gone at once
Hero was a pretty piece of news
We questioned the page but as he ei
ther did not know or would know noth
ing we sent him off ashore in his boat
What nre we to do asked Alec
Im going ashore I replied decid
What for
I To rescue Inez
I Jack its useless You would be ar
rested long before you reached her
I mean to try all the same
Itll be foolhardy I tell you Much
better take the advice she gives you
escape now and come back again to
carry her off
Alec I cant go away and leave her
in that scoundrels power I must go
Alec shrugged his shoulders Well
if you must you must Ill go with
you of course and try to see you safe
through but I quite expect we shall
both bo locked up for our pains Wo
wlH spread the warning among the
other English ships on our way
We went on deck at once and began
to lower the boat Wo were lying a
good two miles farther out than the
other ships so we had a stiff pull be
fore us
Night was just beginning to fall and
there was some hope that the darkness
might cover our movements and ennble
us to rescue Inez und then slip out of
the harbor before the Spaniards had
mado up their minds to strike It was
a desperate chance though
The boat was already on the bul
warks when Alec shouted Hold on
Too late he said Theres a fleet
of boats putting out from the shore
now each one crammed full of sol
diers We must leave the other ships
to shift for themselves Im afraid and
make a bid for our own freedom That
big fellow there coming up before the
wind seems to have been told off to
look after us
We were well armed of course as
the most peaceful ship has to be when
there are so many sea thieves unhang
ed and though the Spanish galleon was
five times our slzo we would have
thought nothing of tackling her five1
Spaniards to one Englishman being by
no means crushing odds but thero
were three other ships outside of us
evidently waiting to pick up stragglers
so we were to all appearances hopeless
ly shut in
The men looked at one another in
Alec however had made his plan
Put back the powder he cried and
buckle on your side arms Not a shot
must be fired mind or we shall have
tbo whole nest of wasps buzzing round
our ears Every man of you take a
pike or ax and hide under the bul
warks We must moke that fellow
think he has caught us napping
Our preparations were quickly and
quietly mnde and long before the big
Spaniard was near enough to see what
we wero doing every man of us was
under cover nnd the decks looked quite
deserted But when he sheered along
side and hove his grapnels Into our rig
ging Alec gave the word and with a
ringing cheer CO lusty Eugllsb lads
rushed from their hiding places and
wero hacking and prodding away
among his crew before the unsuspect
ing Spaulnrd knew that anything had
happened They were taken complete
ly by Hurnrisc but after the first min
ute or so they recovered nnd fought
like wildcats They were about three
to our joue so counting one
man to five of them the odds In our fu
ror were overwhelming The Span
lards fought desperately enough until
about half of them had been killed
then the rest threw down their nrinB
culled for quarter and scrambled
down tho ladders In utter rout We
clapped tho hatches on them and the
big galleon of Spain was ours
Leaving me with 20 men to take care
of our prize whose sails were all set
Alec tumbled back with the others to
our own ship and set about making
Bull an quickly ns he could
An ax here and cut the cable I
heard him call n time to weigh
Let go those sprltsail brails Lay out
along tho bolt sprit aatlcat the i
keLs tin liintten in wo Rtnrtitmra
sheet nnd cant her head round Hand
somely now Topsails next Work
with u will lads Times precious
I lost the next words through the
dlstnuce nnd not wishing to slip too
far ahead 1 bagptped my mlzzcn brall
cd my main course nnd so allowed Alec
to creep up to me again
He mado sail with marvelous quick
ness nnd soon was within speaking
Are your guns nil londed Jnck
Aye and doublo shotted and the
lint stocks lighted and lying In the
tubs beside them
Then mnko straight for that big
M4vgffIy M
Put back the powder he cried Not a
shot muU bcHrcd
chap on your larboard bow as if you
meant to speak him Fool him if you
can Say Im your prize If he sus
pects you give him a broadside for his
sharpness Only keep the wind of him
and you can do whnt you like Ill slip
across his bow and pepper that side
of him And if that isnt enough do
what your mother wit suggests but
mind it must be quickly done what
ever It is or well have the other two
beating up to help him
Now had I acted on my opinion I
should have steered straight for the
open sea dead before the fair wind
in which case I should Inevitably have
aroused the suspicions of all three
ships and so have allowed them to con
centrate on our course and cut us off
Alecs plan was obviously tho best
for when they saw I was steering
plump for the southernmost one the
others held quietly to their plnees in
the mouth of the bay
When I got within a cables length
an olilcer hailed me I waited as long
as I dared and then answered but ap
parently there was something wrong
with my Spanish for he replied angrily
thnt I was drunk and an Insolent
scoundrel for during so to address him
At this juncture one of my men a soft
hearted fellow who knew enough of
the tongue to make out that the don
was using very free lnngunge to me let
fly at him with his gun and sent a
three ounce ball straight into his
That effectually put an end to our di
plomacy so 1 gave the order to Are as
each gun bore 1 had warned the gun
ners to nlm high and at the third shot
the Spaniards maiutopmast broke off
short like a carrot His malnyard too
came down by the run bringing the
sail with It but as he was still under
command I put up past him reloading
the guns meanwhile and then hauling
my wind once more gave him a second
doso over either quarter
Meanwhile Alec and his men had
been working like furies and tossing
their guns about like childs toys rain
ing such a shower of broken shot Into
his hull from their lesser elevation that
his lower deck must have been almost
The Spaniard had been unprepared
for our attack and took some time to
beat his men to quarters but they
Berved their guns well nnd fnst when
they did get to them and tho shot soon
enme flying about our cars like hail
stones His running rigging however
was pretty well cut to pieces and as
we bad half a dozen good bowmen sta
tioned ready who sent a clothyard
shaft through the ribs of every man
who set a foot on his ratlines be lay
pretty helplessly head to wind with his
remaining sails In the most thorough
confusion Had we been able to play
tho game out at long bowls we could
either have sunk him or reduced the
number of his crew sufficiently to al
low us to carry him by boarding but
the other two Spanish ships were beat
ing up to us and on her next tuck the
nearest would be within gunshot
Alec therefore gave tho word to run
away west by south before the wind
through the southern entrnnco of th
bay The order did uot come a minute
too soon though the majority of us
were so worked up by tho excitement
of the fight that we would never have
noticed that It wns high time for us to
We held on this course for about two
hours and then as the sky had fortu
nately clouded over we hauled our
wind and stood due south to give our
pursuers a chaucu of passing us In the
darkness They would never expect ub
to turn south so when they missed us
at daylight they would naturally look
for us to the uorthward If they contin
ued the cliii Thnt wnH our theory
Wliit tli did I cannot say
foi we nii i a in ugalu
We held uu this bUuteglu coume for
time and on the second morning rose n
lirlj coining toward us nnd ns every
one at sea is presumed u rogue until lie
Is proved an honest man we cleared the
decks for notion nnd bent to quiirters
As the strnjiger neared us one of Alecs
men recognized her ns the brig Catch
nil belonging to Captain Klemlng tho
well known freebooter So iih he wns
not likely to let such n vessel ns our
galloon pass without an overhaul wo
quite expected another light How
over he drew within long hull and
bringing his ship to signed that bo
wished to speak ub
What ships that
The brig Severn of Bristol Alex
ander Ireland master What ships
Brig Catchall Captain Fleming
Whats tho galleon
The Lope de Vega of Vigo n prlzo
to the Severn
How the thunder did you get hold
of her
Fought for her
Then Is there war with Spain
1 think bo
You think so Then followed somo
tnlk with his own people which we
could uot hear Will you lie to and
let me bring my boat alongside Im
honest as the whole bench of bishops
Aye nyc
Alec called on me to come on bonrd
tho Severn and presently n weatlier
beaten thickset man of middle ago
wns rowed across to us We wont be
low and pledged one another in a Jack
of ale as tho Severns bold wns still
tilled with wheat Instead of the enrgo
of Spanish wine we had expected to
bring back and then Captain Fleming
was told of the seizure nnd tight In
Vigo bny lie listened attentively
nodding his grizzled Jiead at every sen
tence but making no remark until lie
had heard the whole story
It was a lucky plucky escape cap
tain lie said looking approvingly at
Alec and one that does credit to the
shifting of your headpiece But make
no error nbout Its being an nffnlr of
unauthoriird Individuals It Is the be
ginning of war I tell you and n bloody
war it will be Ive seen It coming for
this year or more Ships are being
gathered Into nil the oris nnd great
nobles are chartering vessels for other
purposes than honest trade or a little
free cruising King Philip of Spain
wll make a big move before long
Martt my words sir
England will ho ready for him when
he does replied Alec proudly
Aye lad 1 warrant she will but
Its time shtf was stirring or the Span
iardscurse the whole nation of thorn
will bo cruising about tho English
channel and up to Loudon town before
any of us are many months older
Now Captain Irolnnd ho continued
standing up und beating his fist on the
table in time with his sentences Im
a freebooter and an outlaw but
though theres many an Englishman
would be glad to hear thnt 1 was dead
I love my country with tho best of
them So when you got back to port
spread the news of this threatened In
vasion and Bny that a warning shall he
brought when Philips armada sets sail
and thnt I am the mnn who will bring
it And mny God keep mo and mine
on sentry go about the seas till tho
crack of doom If 1 fail in this my
watch over Englands safety
And lie brought his fist down upon
the table with a crack that mado our
ale pots dance
Pnrdon me captain said I Wo
honor you for those words but Id like
to remind you of one thing Frnnky
Drake will hang you if he gets Ills lin
gers on your shoulder I have heard
him say so
Master Topp be replied looking nt
me steadily if I can snve Englnnd by
my news I dont mind If I swing for
tho bringing of It nnd you can say so
from me to any one thnt asks
Wo gave Captain Fleming a ringing
cheer ns he stepped into the boat A
watch had been stationed to guard the
honor of England and It was a com
mon pirate who went on sentry go
But pirate though bo wns he was a
patriot too Mny Englnnd never have
any lnck of such sturdy sons as Cup
tain Fleming freebooter
To ba continued neztJFriilay
Still Problur Itooz Cae
West Point Dec 22 The military
court martial inquiry into the alleged
brutul canes of hazing which nre eald
to have caused the deaths of Booz and
Breth will not be able to finish Its
work this week An adjournment will
be taken until Wednesday and the re
mainder of the testimony will proba
bly bo secured next week Nothing
adduced In the evidence yesterday
Bhowed that there was any brutal haz
ing practiced at the academy and the
trend of the evidence went to show
that neither Booz nor Breth waB pos
sessed of the necessary montal capac
ity to go through the entire course of
studies neccssury for graduation
Killed by a Itiy
OtUwa Kan Dec 20 An unknown
man a horse trader was shot und In
Btiuitly killed here last night by
Johnny Servntius a boy IV years old
The trader had camped nwir the Ser
vntius home und Serviitlus father
gave him n revolvor telling him to pro
tect the property The boy and the
trader quarreled and the boy tired
The ball cnteied the heart The trad
ers wife was taken to Jail being
found drunk Servntius gave him
self up He claims the shooting was
In self defense
Wtieat OoIub by Way of Rani
Tacoma Wush Dec 20 The Brit
ish ship Olenlochy now In the hnrbor
Is to establish a precedent In tite ex
portation of Pueltlc coast wheat She
Is to load with 221000 buchels in Hack
and will sail for Liverpool yn
-ill be tile ui l iei d
a to Kiiiupf
thut route with wheat
Th Ureal Ilrnlca Often llrhrn Wild
by It nrrul Tiink Aiilica
Zanzibar said Hubert Crawford
la the greatest market for South Afrl
can Ivory which Is brought thero In
large quantities from tho Interior
Tills Ivory Is placed In largo ware
houses from which it Is cither rtnhl at
once or else held therein for a better
market The uinn In charge of these
warehouses was a very Interesting
chnracter nit expert In Ivory Ho told
tue many curious things about It and
among others propounded tho following
theory as an explanation of why ele
phants go mad and occasionally run
In the warehouse wero a pair of
magnificent tusks measuring fully M
feet from tip to Up which In life must
have been carried by a veritable do-
Hah among elephants Tho expert In
showing me these tusks pointed out the
fact that while olio was complete and
flawless the other was broken off at
the point and showed deep scratches
and abrasions throughout Ha length
Now said he If you will look
near tho base you will 11ml n hole
made by decay that had struck Into
tlio nerves nnd given that elephant n
toothache And think what n tooth
ache of toothaches a 1 1 foot tooth must
hnve held In his effort to relievo this
pit In tho clriphnnt rubbed his tusk
against rocks and trees nnd drove It
Into the earth which mutilated It In
the manner you see here 1 have fre
quently come across places where an
elephant has ripped up great spaces In
the forest and torn down the trees and
I am positive that toothache was tho
cause of this frenzy
An elephant In n circus going sud
denly mnd and killing his keeper Is
not an uncommon thing but Ill wager
that In nine eases out of ten If they
would properly Investigate the mutter
they would find that the brutes sudden
frenzy Hprung from so ordinary u cause
as common everyday toothache
Inn Siiprnmo Court Antrum Jndgim nt of
HH175 for Young Woman
Ues Moines Dee 2 1 The supreme
court Saturday nfllruied the Judgment
In favor of Mae Brenner of Decatur
county who sued It W Booger for
damages charging that Boeger seized
her anil without her consent did re
peatedly hug and kiss her For this
ulleged broach of etiquette Miss Bren
ner recovered 175 damages at the end
of a long trial In the district court
The defendant nppnaled to the su
preme court alleging 22 errors in the
ruling of Judge Towner the trial
judge The supreme court In sus
taining die Judgment mi id that noth
ing Irregular was found nod that there
was no reason why the girl should not
recover the money
llvr Willi Itulli t In III Ili nrt
Chicago Dec 21 Proof that a mail
may live with a billet in his heart
wns afforded yesterday by the use of
tho X ray upon Charles B Nelson
who was lu lSHi tho central figure in
a sciif ntlonal shooting that nearly re
sulted in his death Under the lluoro
scope the ball in Nelsons heart could
be plainly seen rising and falling wit
each pulsation of the vital organ Tho
bullet hud been there since the night
of July 1 1800
Frirn Until Jiinnnry 1 1001
In order to introduce Tho Semi
Weekly Stuto Journal to a wuolo lot ot
now homes it will be sent from now
untilJnuuary 1 1901 to any person
sending us one dollar for a years Hub
scription This gives yon tho papers
from now until January 1 1002 for
only one dollar The Stnto Journal in
the recognized stnto pnpor and should
bo in every home in tho state Printed
at tho capital it gives mnro prompt nud
accurate reports of Nebraska doingi
than any other paper and as it gives
you two papers euoh week it furnishes
you with the latest news several duy
ahead of other papers You will not
want to be without Tho Journnl during
tho legislature mid tbo prcat senatorial
contest Tim earlier you Bend the
dollar tbo more papers you will got for
your monoy AcdreBs The Journal at
Lincoln Nob
Order for llttrliiff ollnal Account
Iu tlio matter of tho estate of M E
AndruH deceused
In tho county court of Madison county
Now on the lilth day of Decembor
1000 came Burt Mupes the administra
tor de bonis nun of said estate und
prays for have to render an account bb
such administrator
It is therefore rrdered that the 10th
day of January 1901 nt oue ochek p
in at my nflioe in Mucliron be fixed at
the time and plao tor examining nud
idlowii meli m t i in t And thn heir
of Fai d ceased a d all persons inter
ested in said e tut ni required to
appear at tlie tin o nnd jiiuoe mi deip
imted and i lmw i miM if such xii tn
why said nco u t shunlit iit allowed
Iris further cidei d that said Burt
Mapes ndiui u trntnr de bonis nnn
give notice t nl pTSiiK mler8ted i
nnd t stuto la en t inr a cP nt tli
ntdtrt f in h ii tin N IKOJK
NrWK JctItNA n ii vupjvr print d
nnd in p in nil if n I ii in Mini count
ff hr i It- ii i t e i ay M t tor
said hea inr
In t stinoi ii lnicai I have hoe
untoM f ii lt il fix- d niv ill
Mill M nl lw 8- 0 v V 1KX
Co ii y Tiutfit
i - t a J ie
ill P it n v U an P i ill
n i 1 1
a l n ad P e
1 J
i f i Iji
in n rKat
i li a it
All sizes of llnrtl and Sofl
C Yards Telephone 54
CC TkJ nil thoionuhly scicened
Choice Smithing OO A L
That we are constantly urowiii in the art of male
ing Kine Photos and otir products will always he
found to emhrace the most
and Newest style in Cards nnd IMnish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
Please Bear in Mind
That our very best efforts will be put forth
at all times to help you to the selection of a
Hat that will be suitable for you whether it
be a cheap or an expensive one We cheer
fully meet any competition from anywhere
Our hals are all made in our own workroom
honestly made We are not gifted with sec
ond sight are not mind readers and if after
purchase you make no complaint we must
conclude that you are satisfied but if not so
please report promptly to a and we will
make all satisfactory
Inskeeps Millinery
J I I p
The best iJoys Shoes
on Earth
may be secured by
our aid Adtlrcs
Baltimore Md i
eubtcriptloDt to Tbt lleat Iteoorf lprrnnui
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sag i
We are lieadprters lor
The Best
Our stock is full and complete in every
line and we are selling a better class of
goods and giving our customers more
value for their money this year than
ever before
Be Sure to See
Davenport Bros
Norfolk Shoe Men
U that traversed ry the
Or at Centrrl Southern Trunk Lln
in KentnoUy Ttinii Alabama Mis
Fl wln ro them aro eplpii
dill ohaucts for ovt ryboily to inuke
Ooino unci huh for yoursolvos
Half Fuir Excimisions FntsT and
Third Tuesdays ok Kveky Month
Printed tnmti r niupottud till informa
tion free Adiiiess
Gonoral Iiumii riitit n iuri Indnsriin
Alitlllt LowhviIJk 1fv
To PATENT Good Idui
This Stove Savos One-
Tbird Your Goal Bill
Doners Hardware Store