h 8 miiii N Hills Found Dead in His Of fice This Morning INQUEST NOT NECESSARY Fact or III Dritlh Dlnrororrl Aliiiut 1 1 lilO by 1 M Ilnylnnl llit II ml Upon JlHo ITftoMn for Sovrrnl llnrn Hlfttnr In Unln rmlo linn llonn Nutlllfltl From Momlnj n Dnlly NormnnHlllHnROl nbonl 15 yonrBwns found loud in his olllco tliin iiiornliiK about 11110 of heart faituro When found tho body wnH not yot cold nml the supposition in thnt ho diod this morning whim in tho not of drawing Tho body wiih lyiiiR diiiRoniUly noross tho lloor near tho conoh whoro ho sloops and wna partly drossod Tlio lump wan burning nndnvory indication wiw that ho liad boon siuldonly Htriokon whilodrosi ing Tlio dooonsod has luvirdcd with Mr and Mrs b M Gnylord for tho post 12 yearn and it was Mr Gaylord who first learned of hiH denth llo liad not boon Jicoustomod to go down to suppor and had boon irregular in his breakfast hourri Ho nto dinner yostorday no usual but this inortdug did not for broak font About 1 1 I0 on hiH way to dinner Mr Gaylord Htoppod and looking in tho back door whoro tho curtain woh up Haw tho old gcntlonian lying on tlio lloor Dr W II II Hagoy wivh munnionod but found that tho old gontloiuan wan boyond tho roaoh of modioal troattnont County Attorney Tylor and Commit nlouor AVintorJ viowod tho remains found no ovldotico of foul play and do cidod that an iuquoat wan unuocoBsary Coroner Tanner wixh notillod however of tho death Very jlittlo is known of Mr Hills family or his buBiuoss affairs He had no ooulldontial friouds and kept his affairs protty well to hiuiHolf J J Goodrich for whom ho worked as clork in an early day and Mr Gay lord aro porhaps tho bent iuformod Ho wasborn in Massaohnsotts near Worcostor IIo lived in Chicago during tho groat iiro and in it lost all hiH property From Chicago ho moved to Hollo Plulno Iown whero ho conducted an eating house and camo to Norfolk in tho early 8s IIo olorkod for Mr Goodrich about a year and thou ougaged in tho roal ostato buBiueBB at which ho has been oniployod ovor Hinco and has had a considerable putrouago aH ho vory carefully lookod af tor tho property left to his enro giving tho olosost nttontion to minutest dotails It is said that ho has a sou and daughter in Boston and a daughter in California Concerning his wifo noth ing is known His sibtor Mrs Charles Burgo resides in Canon City Col As she is tho only relative whosa address is kuowu sho was notillod of his -loath and an nnswor will be awaited boforo arrangements for tho funeral aro mndo Mouuwhilo tho body has been taken to tho undertaking rooms of Sessions Bol whoro it will bo nued for Tho old gontloiuan has nover been in good health sinco coming to Norfolk and for tho past fow days has beon quito feoblo so that Iub death was not altogether surprising Although Mr Hill lod a quiet retired life ho was well liked by all who had tlio pleasure of his acquaintance Thoso who havo had business douliugs with him espooially commoud him for his honesty and strict utteutiouto details IIo took quito an iutorost in republican politics and anything of public import nud was particularly in domand when there was decorating to bo douo as ho had very good taBte for this kiud of work News of hisdeath has boon received with Burpriso by many and it is especi ally sad in that ho lived alone and diod as ho lived It is apparent that the end camo quiotly suddonly and with little painas ho roposed on the lloor as though he had just dropped asleep An AilvertlsiiiK Fanner An exchange tolls of a farmor in n neighboring county who lias adopted a plan of advertising in his homo papers which has Bnvod muoli valuable time and brought handsonio returns for tho money iuvested Tlio farmor says When I nm ready to soil stuff I insert a little ndvortisomont iu tho local pupors tolling what I havo to soil and if live stock how many head of each and when thoy will bo ready to ship nud tho result has beon that the buyers aro right after mo either personally or by mail and naturally I always got tho highest market price If I waut to buy a cow a steer a horse or a dozen of oaoh I insert a little advertisement that costs me mnybo fifty cents aud instead of traveling all ovor the country juquiriug of my neighbors who has this or that for sale tho homo newspaper does it for me at less expense and thoso who have what I want manage to let mo know in Borne way Ducks lu u lllce Field In ouo night wild ducks either con Burned or destroyed a twenty acre field of rice Tho incident linppeued near Stowell about twenty five miles from Boaumout Saturday night About dusk ducks began swarming into tho rice fields in great droves and before it was dark the field was entirely cov ered The rice liad beon out and shocked but the hungry birds tore tho shocks down and what grain thoy did not strip from tho straw was m badly scattered thnt it was praolioally ruined In tho early days of tho rlco industry In tliifl sootiou farmors frequently Buffered severely from ravages by wild duckfl For tlio past two years howevor tho birds havo boon comparatively scarco and it was bollovod thoy wore rapidly being oxtormitiated by tho pot hunters lioro and at tho brooding grounds Hut tliis soonis to bo a niifltako This yonr thoy are as numoroiis as ovor Thoy swarm into tho rico Holds of an oveuing as thiok as blnokbirds and rico which has not boon throshod is suffering bo verely HouBlon Post Nov 20 SENATORIAL CONTEST Mnlklrjntm to Arihn In Lincoln today Will lllu to Mnkn TIiIiibh lltrly Lincoln Dec JI Assistant of War MelUloJohn will arrive In Lincoln today to tubulin personal man OKoiunut of his canvass for a Hi ut In the United States senate Ills com ing will Htnrt In earnest what promlsea to be an Interesting contosL Tho Ne braska legislature which convenes on the first of the new your will have two fciintors to elect a successor to lohn M Thurston mid to 11 11 tho vacnncy caused by the death of M L Ilnyward being Ulletl ill prosunt by William V Allen by appointment of the gov ernor lloth hoimes of the legiHliituro are Republican but the majority Is small In either branch There aro a dozen candidates for the vucant seatS the more pronilnont aside from Mr Molklejohn being K Hosewntor and Congressman Mercer of Omaha D 12 Thompson of Lincoln former Con gressman Halnor of Aurora L 1 Richards of Fremont K II Hlnshaw of Fnlrbury and former Governor Lo renzo Cronnsp of Fort Calhoun him self a member of the slutp senate There Is a disposition to follow tho old rulo of geographical linos accord ing one senator to North Platte tho other to the South Platte country tho long and short term for the present cutting little llgure REBELS KURD HIT SUty Mtii or tli Ninth Cavalry Atlnnk Largo Korro of Insurgent nnd Kill Forty llvo Muulln Hoc U4 Advices brought toduy by steamer from Southern Lu zon say that a lieutenant and 00 men of the Ninth Uulted ytutes cavalry at tacked a large body of Insurgents last Wednesday near Guluobutaii prov ince of Albay After the battle dead Insurgents wore counted together with many wounded The only American casualty was the wounding of a ser geant who was cornered by several rebels and struck in the leg by bolos The rebel loss was he heaviest re corded anionc recent encounters The cutting of wires lias delayed the olll cial report of tho engagement TAX FERRETJ AW UPHELD Iohii Will fluln Sluch lrCourirf DmWInu In AltllliKd lies Moines Doc 1M ludgo Prouty in tho Polk county district court Sat urday rendered n decision holding the so called tax ferret law valid which If sustained by the supreme court will enablo Iowa counties to oollei t several hundred thousand dollars buck tuxes Under the law back taxes for live years with penalties may bo assessed against personal properly concealed from the assessors The retroactive feature of tho law was especially attacked but Is sus tained Judge Quarton of Kossuth county has held this feature of the law to be unconstitutional In the case deckled by Judge Prouty Polk county versus estate of John M Day 4700 of back taxes wiis In volved Mxperts known us tax fer rets have disclosed thousands of dol lars of back taxes due on concealed property in neatly every county of the state since the enactment of the law SHOT HIM IN SELF DEFENSE Oklulininu Widow liihtlllnd In Killluc Artist OlyiU lurkrr Wichita Dec 24 The second cor oners jury hi Giant county O T has returned a verdict of justltlcntlon In the case of the killing of Clyde Park er by Mr Lulu IlendrickB She lived in a dugout on nn Okla homa claim with seven children Clyde Parker tune to her house a few ulghts ago with a white handkerchief tied to a stick and noting strangely Ho would neither speak nor go away when she ordered him off tho premises Shoot hlin shoot him mamma the frightened children cried Taking aim with a revolver she sent a bullet through his neck at a distance of 75 feet Tho dead man proved to be Fnrker a local artistic genius who painted wild ponies uud prairie scenes Cettlsiff Hid of Ktlmiette Miss called at Cambrldgo cottngt to take the princess directions on parish matter and was astonished to find her in tho garden ruuulng round the flower beds ns bard as she could bo Why are you running so fast prin cess Miss ventured to luqulre To get rid of tho etiquette was tho reply Wo have just had a visit from the emperor of Memorial of the Duchess of Tech Omcutvllte Illoter Quiet Cementvlllo Iud Dec 27 The war ring negroes are under control at Ce nientvllle uud no further outbreaks ro expected Sam Kendall In whoso saloon a number of shots woro fired secured warrants for the arrest of thoso who were Injured and the sur render of Jehu Hedmond THE NORFOLK NKWS FRIDAY DKGtiMlltiK 27 1900 Jj BBK1IBI Kitchener Cables Such Con clusion to War Office DEWET IS DOING IT ALL Ilrltlnh Oorrctoiulriil Ming iraUni of tlio llorr to IU Outwitting Uonnrnl Kllnliaiiir nt Urwry Fuluttoit f Mm Wnr London Dec 24 Lord Kitcheners dispatches breathing a conlldetice hard ly Justified by their ooiitunm aro al most the only available news from tho Heat of hostilities In South Africa but telegrams from Capo Town depict the situation In anything but roseate hues Without believing the assertion of the Transvaal agency nt Brussels that 1000 Uocrs have Invaded Cape Colony It Is qnltu evident that tho In vasion wtis it serious and well planned affair In connection with this a cor respondent hoihIh an ext i finely Inter esting letter dated Hot hullo Deo 1 describing Dowel and IiIn doings Do- wot has never been taken seriously miough says the correspondent It in of little use to pursue him an ho lights u rear guard action and gains 20 miles while he Is being fought Lie Is a bom military genius whose wonderful powers have kept up this phenomenal resistance Once he falls tho whole thing could be crushed In u fortnight lie has every single commando under his supervision All his patrols and col umns inarch and countermarch on hla order Tho forces under his command have been reduced by his strength of will to a properly organized army moving at his word The sooner the British rid themselves of tho Idea that Dewots forces are a mere rabble wan dering nimlossly the sooner they will grasp tho need of tho determined ef fort which la necessary to capture him Already some 70000 men have been killed wounded or disabled on the British aide and the war has swal lowed virtually 500000000 The Cape Colony cnblnet had nn im portant sitting Sunday It appears that the Poors have destroyed a rail road bridge lJ miles south of DeArr and no Cape malls have arrived at Bloonifonteln for three days Further anxiety has been caused in Cape Town by tho discovery that dur ing the last month public bodies in out of the way places have requi sitioned supplies of dynamite The colonial government Is now endeavor ing to recover possession of these ex plosives and Is removing all stores of arms aud ammunition from suspected depots Other advices from Capo Town re port the Dutch element In Cape Colony as greatly elated over the southward progress of the liners and as boast ing that the whole district of Victoria West will join the raiders It is sus pected In Cape Town that tho force traveling from Zoutpnns drift is not a body of Poors but one of colonials hastening to Join the Invaders The Pleterninrllzburg correspondent of the Dally Mail says The Poors are active near lohannesburg and Pretoria exchanging ivith the British out posts and It is roporTfJ that parties of Boers are hovering Ailvirpd lrom Kltclicncr The war olllco has received the fol lowing dispatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria Dec J12 As far as It Is -possible for me to form an opin ion from the reports of officers on tlio spot 1 think the Boer movement Into Cape Colony bus been checked Of the two forces that entered tho colony the eastern Is still north of the Sout puusbcrg range while the one that en tered west appear to have been turned in the direction of Brltstown and Prleska Our troops aro getting around both bodies and a special col umn Is also being organized which will bo dispatched immediately when I know where Its services are most wanted The Boors have not received much assistance in Capo Colony as far as my Information goes Yesterday evening about 5 oclock Clements force was engaged south of Ollphant nek but I do not yet know the re suit A Inter dispatch from Lord Kitch ener dated Pretoria Dee L2 says Tho western column of Boers occu pied Brltstown and cut the railway south of DeArr Timet Ion The enemy Is being followed up General French lias been In contact for two days with the commandoes of Beyers and Do larey south of the Magullesberg He is pursuing thorn Tlio enemy have lost considerably nnd Commandant Kreuz and others have been captured General Colvlllo engaged two separate commandoes Dee 21 near Vlakfon teln with slight lossesthe enemy re tiring Cauiullniis Hark lrom the Wnr Halifax Dec 24 The steamer Lake Chnmplaln having on board Colonel Otter and 350 Canadian troops return ing from South Africa nrrived yes terday from Liverpool and disbanded The ordor to land at St John N B had been cancelled Tho time saved by the change will enable the western men to get home for Christmas They started on a special train for Mon treal and Toronto Torture uud Itob Ohio rarmvr Lebanon O Dec 21 Four imisked uieu entered tlio farm residence of John Thompson near here Inst uiglit bouud gagged and tortured Thompson uud his wife till they surrendered iJIWO In money their Jewelry and silver ware The robbers then escaped with OLhompnous rig RACE WAR IN FLORIDA Negro Hliot by Clllmin Anntlirr Main ltd rnain to n 8watui McClcniilck Fin Dec 27 Thero was a serious rnco riot hero yoster day A number of young ladles vis ited n photograph gallery and a negro couple who were also In tho gallery used obscene language Thoy were commanded to keep quiet by a white man present The negroes retired nnd In a few mlnutos a mob of ne groes armed with pistols and rifles assembled One of them named Washington opened firo on T M Ilerndou with a Winchester rifle By this tlmo n crowd of whites had assem bled and opened lire on Washington who ran firing back at the crowd He was pursued to a swamp nearby nnd disappeared The excitement In creased but I here was no further fir ing until midnight when several shots were llrcd lu the business section of the town When tho smoke had cleared John Hunter a negro was found dead in the street ON TRAIL OF PAT CROWE St Joii1i Police Think They Will I unit Allvgml Loontcil In lmllunu St Joseph Mo Dec 27 Five more Plnkcrton detectives arrived In tho city from Chicago to ferret out tlio hiding place of Pat Crowe the Omaha kidnaper Chief of Dotoctlves Shea Is still of the opinion that Crowe is har bored by friends lu this city Chief Shea and ex Policeman lack Purcell now of Donvor armed with Winches ters expected to capture Crowe last night but the houso they visited did not hold the desperado Mnnclo Too lias u Put Crowe Muncle lnd Dec 27 The Muncie police received telephone calls over a farmers private line to come to a point near Shlldeler eight miles north of Muncle to arrest a man who fills tho newspaper description of Pat Crowe so frequently mentioned In connection with the Cudaliy kidnap ing Detectives Benbow and Puckett have started for the scone PRISON PLAN WORKS WELL Inniatps orinillnua Hufonnntory All Oaiu lliuc In Firnt or Second rude Tcffersonvillc Intl Dec 27 For the first time since tho prison was lo cated in this city not a prisoner iu the reformatory is wearing stripes in tlio uniform of tho lowest grade When the old prison house was transformed Into the Indiana reformatory three grades of standing wore established the first designated by n gray suit hardly distinguishable from citizens clothing the second a chock suit with out repulsive appearance and the third black and white stripes Nono but thoso refusing to obey prison rules have been nttlred in stripes for a long time Yosterday thero were 4 men who hnd on zobra liko clothing and Superintendent ITert decided to ad vance those lo second grade FARMERS IN COYOTE HUNT AcrlriilliirlHtH of Tour Knnsiii Counties llnlto In a 111k lrlo Topoka Dee 27 The fanners of four western Kansas counties made a bl coyote drive yesterday The treas uries of a dozen counties out there have been depleted by the payment of i bounty on scalps The coyotes are decoyed by a crowing rooster in a cage placed on a prairie eminence nnd from the gulches below the sports men with shotguns slaughter the wolves Another plan is to drag a piece of meat through the grrtss in a circle When the coyotes come upon tho moat tho hunters shoot them Yesterday tlio farmers on horseback with dogs made a drive over Haskell Gray Stanton nnd Morton counties TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD The Japanese government dredger Sonte foundered Wednesday off Cork harbor 12 persons out of 17 on board being drowned Tlio trial of Cornelius L Alvord Jr the defaulting note toller of the First National bunk of New York wus post poned until Jan 0 The Hlo Grando Western has or dered 500 freight cars which will in crease tlio capacity of freight equip ment about 100000 tons Nothing Is known in Pnrls to justify tho report circulated in the United States that Paderewski the pianist has been killed in n duel in France Tho brother of Andree the missing neronnut snys n dispatch from Copen hagen despairing of his return from tlio Arctic regions has finally opened his will Tho membership of tho Chicago Building Trades council will be re duced by 3r00 by the withdrawal of tlio Hod Carriers and Building Labor ers union Thirty six persons from various parts of tho UnltediStates who allege thnt by recent signs they bellevo the second coming of Christ Is nt hand are assembled In convention at Chi cago praying thnt they mny bo In rendlnesB to receive tho robea of im mortality Wlill Wayne Growell aged 24 nnd Charles Cannn aged 21 wore crossing tho Wabnsh railroad tracks near Blakesleo O Wednesday they were struck by nn express train and killed Mrs Cannn was notified of the acci dent nnd the shock was so sovero that that It caused her death Tlio new Hocky mountain smelter at Florence Colo was llred up and be gan operations Wednesday With this addition tho Arkansas valley of Colorado Is the greatest center of metalliferous reduction works In America there being a string of re duction plants extending from Lend villa to Puoblo Railroad and Business Directory ii C o o DQ u O I R R TIMETABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley RAITV DEPART Oiiinhii Piwonger 8OTRtn CIiIciiro Exprosa 1210pm kht AnmvK hirnuo Rxprtvia 720Dm Oniiilm Pnsocngor 1240 pm WUHT ORrAIlT Hlncl JltlU ftxpron 70pm Jtn Uro InwirnRor 1240pm Vunllro Accommodation 900am VTi AllUtVE Illnck Illlli w Kxprcds 1220 pm Vcn ro Iaseonffnr B OSn m oillKro Accommodation 720pm 1 nn Chicnirn anil lllnrlr llllla ir mrou rln and ilnpnrta from Junction depot ThoOnmlm nnd ordlKre trains arrlvo and dopart from city dopot MJrSfr U75 75 j8fi8 ll V Matbau Ajjont Union Pacific u7 depabt nlnmbiiR Accommodation 080 pm Oiunim Donvor and Iaclflo ConBt 11 -00 a m north Annivis Columbn Aco mmodatlon 10 30 pm Omnlin Denver mid Inclflc cotiflt 900pm oimocto ivt Norfolk with F K A M V Roln wont nnd north nnd with tho O Bt P M O for points north nnd oat V W Jdnkman Agont Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha BAST DBPABT Sioux City and Omaha Paaeonger 0 30 a m Sioux rityPuseongor 100pm WBHT ABBtVK Sioux ity Pn8nenxnr 103ftam Hioux City ami Oninlu Pnaspneor 730 pm Connects at Norfolk with F E A M V roIiik west and north nud with tho D P for points Bonth V W Junkman Agont Daily oxcopl Sunday YLU ll JT 11 A - - h mAm 1 iwrj Auiizr x5 i 3- W Telephone 35 2flico 4thSt MT 1 C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing MISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER Ovor llnum Hroa Store Spantt Ovilman Rrtrte rrA nr uvula Uliu UUOl Repairing Neatly Done J B HERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street M C WALKER Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avonno INSKEEPS MILLINERY Cheapeat nnd Bent Norfolk Avenue d WEDWARDS All Work Guaranteed Cor DrnnBch avo nnd 4th St The Norfolk Horseshoer Time is Money THEQUICK TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE flissouri River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Buffet Smoking and Library Cars -with Barber Shops and Pleasant Rending Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dining Cars Meals a In Carte PintBch Light For full information call on or address F W JUESEfAN Agent The Norfolk fash Store SELLS Staple and Fancy Groceries GLASSWARE QllEfNSWARE ROCKERY Straw Hats and Shoes at cost Fine Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our fam ms Mellowrich coffee the finest brand in the market We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds We sell the celebrated Pierce aud Neligh Flours Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs J G BOH1NERT Propr m fflV W M JVNWT m A VvW VHL1 ff Before the Strike Thirty days ago we had a solid train load of Hard Coal on track Now it be longs to our many customers and is m their bins for their comfort NOWISTHETIME AND THIS IS THE PLACE to place your orders for soft coal Lay your coat eury mis year you wont T miss it EDISONS PHONOGRAPH Uctter than a Piano Organ or Musio Box for it sings and talks a3 well as plays and dont cost as much It roproducea tho musio of any instrument band or orchestra tdla utoriea and siuts the old familiar hymns aa well oa tlio popular songs it is always ready Bee that Mr Edisons signature is on every machine Cata logues oi all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York N