The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 21, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Their Turn to Licc Stamps on
Express Receipts
Itntc n liter I Meil itt lU0 IV r llarrel
Pcliito iu llin MriiHim I
SullcM Tun ItfH
In llm Seiiuli
Washington Dee It The house yes
terday adjourned without disposing of
more linn hall the war rooiiuo icduc
lloii bill Gcnoiul debate closed al 2
oclock after which t lie bill was oitcncil
to unicndnioiits under the live minute
rule A determined effort was made to
reduce Ht 111 lurthor the tu on boor bo
low tin coiiiinlttcc i ate of 110 a
barrel hut the ways and means cum
ml t tee overwhelmed the opposition
The committee however sustained two
signal defeats In connection with the
beer tax Payne offered an amendment
lu the language of the hill passed by
the house lat session designed to abol
ish the use of huuiII hcer packages one
tdxtoonth and one eighth barrels hut It
wn deieateil hy 8 to III after charges
that Us purpose was to crush out the
small hrowers Another defeat oc
curred Jn connection with the amend
incut olTered hy Henry 0 Smith
Mich The hill abolished the one cent
stump tax on oxpres receipts and tele
graph messages but retained the tax
on railroad and steamship freight re
ceipts Smiths amendment restored
tlio tax on express recelplN and altered
the form of the section ho as to compel
the company Instead of the shipper to
pay the tax The amendment preelpl
tutid a lively debate In the course of
which Smith made a personal allusion
to a United States senator who Is con
Jiectod with one of the express ootnpa
tiles lliyno vigorously fought the
amendment but t waH carried 123 to
The text of the amendment Is as fol
KxprcnH niul freight It nlnill ho tlir ilnty
f every railroad or Ktenmlicut coaimuv
carrier oinrcxN company or cor point Ion or
pemon whom occupation In to net an mieh
to make within tin- llrnt tlfteru days of ouch
month a sworn titiitcnieut to the collector of
Internal revenue In each of their rcKpectlvp
districts Rtiitlnc the nunilier or shipment
received for cnri lnge mill trnniportiitlon
whether In hulk of In hnxcN UhIon phcW
tigeH hundteii or not ho lneloeil or Included
for which nny charges wlintnocvcr Iiiih been
nude nnil for which such Nhlpinents re
ceived for cnrrlnue unit trnmtportMttou the
nlit rutlroiul or uteamliont rompmiy cur
rier express company or corporation or
person whose occupation It Is to net un such
hall pity n tai of one cent on hnndlcti or
pnekiiRCH of newspnppm wlien Inclosed In
Cenerul liimdle at the time of shipment
DIkcudu llay ratiiiccfnto Treaty
Washington Dee 1 Throughout
nearly the entire legislative day the
ennte was In secret session discussing
the Hay Paunoofoto treaty No busi
ness of Importance wan transacted In
the brief open session except the adop
tion of the house resolution providing
tor n holiday recess to extend from
Deo 21 to Ian 3
Committee Doodle It Shall lie Marie to
8tlierelo Claytou Ilulirrr Iatt
Washington Dec 10 The somite
committee on foreign relations held a
special meeting and decided to recom
mend further amendments of the lluy
1MUiicefote treaty
The committee adopted an amend
Juent HUggeNted by Senator ForaUer
which declures that the
treaty supersedes the
treaty and also strikes out of the
Jlay Pnuneofoto agreement the article
which permits the submission of the
llny Pnuncefote treaty to other powers
and Invites their acceptance of it
Unless amended beyond nny degree
proposed In the senate by the responsi
ble leaders and resolved Into such
form as to make It an absolutely dis
courteous matter to be communicated
the pending llay Pauncefote treaty
will be submitted to the British govern
ment by the president The communi
cation will lie purely pro forma for the
dmlnlstrnlton has not the slightest
Idea that the convention wllll be ac
cepted by the Ilrltlsh government If
this belief Is well founded then the
document will go Into the Umbo of
treaties failed of ratification its posl
tlon comparing In some degree with the
Puuncefote Olney arbitration trenty
Treaty Will Occupy At
trntlou of the Kuatv
Washington Dec 17 The senate
will devoto the greater part of Us time
thin week to the consideration of the
Hay Pauncefote treaty If It should be
necessary to do ho in order to get the
ratification resolution acted upon and
lu case there Is any surplus time It will
lie devoted to the consideration of the
chip subsidy bill
Under the concurrent resolution al
ready passed the boust will adjourn
over the holidays on Friday The
week lu the house Is not likely to bt
Important unless the river and harbot
appropriation bill Miould be taken up
Wednesday or Thursday There has
been no decision upon this point how
-ever the bill not having been yet re
ported to the houte
The revenue reduction bill wai
passed by the house Saturday The
amendment providing that express re
ceipts should carry a tax of 1 per cent
this to be borne by the companies was
agnlv brought up and defeated
I Washington Dec 18 Just before
adjourning yesterday tho senate gave
Its consent to the fixing of a definite
time to vote upon the Hay Pauncefote
treaty Senators Money and Mason
bad occupied the time of the executive
session in making speeches on the
treaty and when Mason who was tee
last spcaaci concluded Senator Lodge
renewed Ids request to take n vole next
Thursday No voice was raised In op
position anil the unanimous agreement
was iccoidcd The understanding Is
that the wiling shall be on he amend
ments at 3 oclock and that he sol ate
shall continue in session until the llrst
vote on the Iteaty Itself Is i cached
Senator Moneys speech was n lint
protest uuultmt the entire proceeding
in connection with the lieaty lie
talked for two hours contending for
the right of the United States to act lu
this matter Independently of other nit
Senator Mason spoke In support of
Ids suggested amendment authorizing
the Inlted States to defend the canal
as It may deem proper lu case It eon
HlriulN the canal
Muitlll e fllvlli Tin Ill Ilelcienoe
ill iii iiI Km i lov Ill IN In limine
Washington Dec lit Under siispen
fdou of tho rules yosteiday the Imiiriii
passed hills to divide Kentucky ami
WcHt Vliglula Into two Judicial dis
tricts to wonte another district Judge
In the Northern district of Ohio and
to refer to the Booioliiry of the Interior
lor Investigation the claim of the statu
of Texas for moneys expended on pub
lic Improvements lu Greer county be
fore the decision of he suprntne court
placed It within the Jurisdiction of
Oklahoma An attempt was niado to
pass a bill to give soldiers and salloii
of the Civil war the Spanish war and
the war lu the Philippines preference
In the matter of appointment to and
retention In positions In the cxccutlvo
depart incuts of the government but It
aroused opposition on the ground that
It would practically shut out of the
government employ for years to come
all civilians and wk overwhelmingly
defeated lust before the house ad
journed a fine tribute was paid to Itep
roHcntittlvo Charles A Itoutelle Me
who served 18 years In congress tind
Who has been re elected to the 57th
Llttlelleld Me asked unanimous
convent for the consideration of a bill
to place him on the retired list as a
captain In the navy Mr Itoutelle hav
ing been In the navy during the Civil
war Llttlelleld said that Mr Hon
telle condition whs such thut he un
doubtedly would resign The condi
tion of the Maine representative was
well known to the representatives
and although some of them were in
clined to protest against the proposed
legislation as estiibllHhlng n danger
ous precedent no objection was ini0c
and the bill was passed
BIriiMirrH for Huppi coalou nflmtu ltohlirry
Washington Dec IS Representative
Hay U Y lu the house and Senator
Hoar Mass In the senate yesterday
Introduced bills for the suppression of
train robbery In the territories of the
United States and elsowhere It pro
vides the death penalty for those
guilty of a hold up lu casu the
dentil of any person on the train re
sults In case no one Is killed the
pennlty Is made hard labor from U0 to
40 years
Washington Dec IP Attorney Gen
eral IJrlggs delivered his aigiuneut lu
the Porto ltii an case beloic the bU
prome court yesterday
The attorney general contended that
the United Slates has the power to ac
quire teirilory that having aeiiulred
It it lias the right to govern It that
mdinlnlstratlve construction congres
sional action and Judicial precedent af
firm that every port lu a ceiled count ry
Is properly regarded as foreign until
laws are extended by congress to the
new possessions that the clause of the
constitution of the United States de
claring duties uniform throughout the
United States Is not applicable to new
territory that the constitution does
not extend of Its own force over ue
quired territory
He asserted that the Dlugley act
applied to merchandise imported from
Porto Klco and the Philippines after
their cession to tho United States
the same as It did before and that in
view of the fact that the tarlfT laws
are lu rem there Is no principle of Jus
tice much less of constitutional re
striction which forbids congress from
taxing lu this way the merchandise
of outlying possessions of the United
States when brought Into the ports of
the Union
Taking up the constitutional question
the attorney general declared that
there was no doubt It was the Inten
tion of the Paris treaty not to make
the ceded Islands a part of the United
States and also that it was nut in
tended to make the Inhabitants of
those Islands cltlzcus
Mr Perkins summed up the argu
rueuts for tho appellant in part as
follows The constitution limits tho
powers of congress to Impose taxation
by the mandate that all duties Im
posts and excises shall be uniform
throughout the entire domain of the
United States
Mr Perkins said the appellants felt
that they had established that neither
the treaty of Paris nor the tariff act of
1807 were violative of tho constitu
tional principles he bad set forth but
that the tnrlff act was In full force and
effect throughout the national domain
as well as lu Porto Rico and the Phil
ippines as elsewhere and It did not
contemplate a tax on goods transport
ed from one part of the national do
main to another
Mr Harmon counsel for the defend
ant In the Philippine case followed Mr
Perkins speaking at times in linpns
Moned tones which rang throughout
the chamber The proposition now
presented small lu Itself involves re
bults affecting the entire future of the
government Mr Harmon briefly re
cited he circumstances of the Philip
pine case Kmll J 1epke a volun
teer serving lu the Philippines where
he purchased 1 1 diamond rings valued
at lKHi brought them back to the
United States where at Chicago the
customs otlleers coiillscated the rings
on the ground that they came from
the Philippines weie dtitlnlilo and had
been smuggled Into the United Slates
Mr Ilartnnn declared hat both the
Philippines and Porlo Klco are now
mid have been since he treaty of peace
took effect a part of the United States
They me he property of tho United
States In the sense that they are held
In trust for the people thereof
Iio lii Dm limine
Washington Dec II -The house do
voted the day to District of Columbia
business The whole time was occu
pied In consideration of a bill to change
the terminal facilities of the Pennsyl
vania rallioiul In Itls city and to pro
vide for Hie elevation of Its tracks
across the Mall south of Peuuslyvaula
iivcuue The opposition was persist
ent but after much llllhustciing the
friends of the hilt succeeded lu secur
ing a recess until II oclock today lu
order to continue the executive day
uud complete consideration of tho bill
Washington Dec 20 The somite
committee on agriculture yesterday
began tho consideration of tho oleo
margarine bill by hearing persons In
tel est od In the measure which recently
passed the house
A huge majority of those present
were opponents of the bill and It was
stated that as the friends of the meas
ure hud been heard before the house
committee they would he given tho
pfeleieiue in the present hearing
Senator Proctor chairman of the com
mittee asked Ihem to be as brief as
possible o as to allow the committee
to conclude Its labors very soon The
oleomargarine men generally com
plained of having received very short
notice and most of them asked for
more time Hon M W Springer ap
peared lu behalf of the National Live
Stock association lu opposition to the
bill Kx Congrossninn Grout and Gov
ernor Hoard of Wisconsin were the
only persons present supporting the
IJnthbone Gnrdner made nn argu
ment against the pending bill While
he admitted that In some instances
oleomargarine was sold as butter there
was really no ground for the wild
charges that 0 per cent of the oleo
margarine product was sold as butter
Ccujrr IiiU Him n I lie Itetireil Ilt
u Captain ol Hi Navy
Washington Dec 20 Congress has
authorized the presldunt to appoint
Itcpresentativo Charles A Uoutelle
Me to be a captain of the Unltfd
States navy on the retired list With
out a word of opposition or even com
ment Hie senate passed the house res
olution authorizing Mr Boutelles r
tirement It is expected the president
will approve the authorization and
nominate him as a captain on the re
tired list of the navy
Aside from the transaction of some
routine business and the passage of
71 private pension bills the senate
did nothing of Importance in open ses
sion yesterday
Hume Ilticeeillug
Washington Dec 20 The house
yesterday at the end f a spirited con
test extending over two days passed
bills compelling the Pennsylvania and
the Ilaltiiuoie and Ohio railroads to
abolish grade crossings to altei their
routes into the city and to change
terminal facilities An amendment
was placed upon the Pennsylvania
railroad bill to compel the toad to
tulld a new station to cost not less
than 1000000 The bills wore vigor
ously antagonized by a portion of the
minority under the leadership of Cow
herd Mo on the ground that they
were too liberal to tho roads
Itimly for Vote tin Ireuty
Washington Dec 20 Yesterdays
executive session of the senate demon
strated that the discussion of the Hay
1auncefote treaty by that body is
practically exhausted and that the
Benate is ready for the vote which has
been fixed tor today When upon
Senator Lodges motion the doors
were closed and he called up the treaty
no senator evinced n desire to speak
upon It
UecUrrn Tlint lie U lu Kuropo ut the Com
uihiiiI of 111 Cur-
tllul ltrceptlou at Aiuatrrilniii
Amsterdam Dec 20 Mr Kruger
arrived here yesterday He was met
at the railroad station by the munic
ipal and communal authorities
Speeches were exchanged in the royal
waiting room A bouquet was pre
scnted to Mr Kruger whoso every
appearance was a signal for rounds
of applause
Very large crowds of people lined the
route to the town hall where the
burgomaster made a speech In which
he snid he hoped Mr ICruger would
Hiicceed in his efforts to secure hon
orable peace Mr Kruger in the
course of his reply said
In IRS t we obtiilni il our Independence
but that honoinhlc action hau been oblit
erated The liivadern are t n agulnxt one
lint we auult the liny wheu iod will mak
known his will 1 have not come us a
fugitive hat by the order of my govern
incut with the object of terminating a wnr
In which tbe UiltUh enipluy women and
children nfutnft us
Luncheon followed Mr Kruger sub
sequently visited the headquarters of
the South African refugees
The Elderly Gentleman The true se
cret of success Is to find out what the
people want
The Younger Man And give It to
them eh
Naw corner It Indianapolis Presa
ill ffil JOINT It
Foreign Ministers Finally Un
ravel Tangle at Peking
IIiimIiiii Inprr AierU Tlml Solillerii Com
pbiln of tlrrniuii Ililtl MhibIiiiIh llruliil
H WikIiIiikIoh OlllchiM lliipelul of
jmly Solution of Chlnc io Il olileni
Peking Dec 20- At a meeting of
the loicigu ministers late lasl evening
everything legard to the terms of
the joint note was agreed to Includ
ing the Itrlthh luodlllcatlons The
ministers refuse to disclose anything
lu connection with tho matter believ
ing that the houe governments should
glo the particulars lo the public
St Petersburg Dec 20 The Novoo
Viemya observes that theie are evi
dences of discontent In all tho armies
Including tho German with Field
Marshal von Waldersees brutality
The paper supports the demand that
each army act henceforth on Us own
Washington Dee 20 While nothing
had been heard from Mr Conger re
garding the agreement said to have
been reached In Peking us to the terms
of the Joint Chinese note the olllclala
confidently hope that the statements
are correct and that the way Is now
paved for Its formal presentation to
the Chinese plenipotentiaries Tho
olllelals here ate unable to say just
what th Hrltlsli modllleatlon referred
to lu the Peking dispatch are but they
rested upon the exclusion of the Irre
vocable clause which this govern
ment has all along Insisted must not
appear In the preamble to the note
Minister Conger had positive Instruc
tions from this government on tills
subject and the preamble to the Joint
note It Is understood will not con
tain that word The Chinese pence en
voys will he given a reasonable time
within which to consider the demands
made and then will follow the formal
negotiations for the settlement of the
peace terms
The following points cover tho sc
Eenthil features of the agreement
The paymont of Indemnity for the
wrongs Inflicted by the Boxers to the
persons corporations and societies
which have suffered the revision of
commercial treaties
Some reform In the
bo that the ministers having business
with the foreign office may transact
It more expeditiously and with a ic
bponsible head
A monument to Huron von Ketteler
tho German minister who was killed
In Peking and the appointment of a
prince of the blood to proceed to Ger
mauy to make formal apology to the
emperor for the crime
The right to keep a legation guard
In Peking if this is desired
The exclusion of candidates for
examinations for office for a certain
number of years In the case of those
who may be guilty of anti foreign
An interdiction of importation of
arms into China and of material to be
used exclusively in the manufacture
of arms
The taking of measures to prevent
future troubles
Some modllleatlon ltls believed was
made to the proposed dismantling of
forts so that hereafter there will b
nothing of this character thHt will
prevent ready access to the legations
lu Peking
Second Step lu Suit Argo Sturcli
Lincoln Dec 20 A summons was
issued from the supreme court yester
day commanding the sheriff of Otoe
county to notify the Argo Mmiufactur
ing company the United Starch com
pany and the National Starch com
pany io have an answer tiled with
the supieme court by Ian 14 in the
suit of the state against these com
panies for alleged violations of the
trust laws If answers are not Hied
by that time the request of tho attor
ney general will be granted and an or
der Issued nullifying the transfer of
property The action Is the second
step In the suit began lu September
by Attorney General Smyth against
stockholders of the Argo Manufactur
ing company and the other defendant
companies to annul an alleged com
Believed Many Volniiltn In Philippine
Will Join the lteuluri
Manila Dee 20 The Tuft commis
sion is still ut work on the tariff Of
ficers here consider that the return of
the volunteers will necessitate little
abandonment of stations and that con
gress will provide an immediate In
crease lu the number of regulars It
Is believed that many volunteers will
re enlist hero If bonuses are offered
the amount to be about equivalent to
the expense of equipping and bringing
out ii recruit
Todny General MacArthur will Issue
a proclamation warning the inhabi
tants of the archipelago that hereafter
strict compliance with Hie laws of
war will be required of noncombatants
as well as combatants
Foul JMuy Hiikppt tril
Ksthervllle la Oec IP The lions
of John Freeman was destroyed by lire
yesterday and Mrs Freeman perished
In the flames There Is suspicion of
foul play and Freeman hsa been ar
rested pending an investigation
Ior Deputy State Auditor
Lincoln Dee 1 George Anthes
deputy treasurer of Douglas county
has been selected for deputy stute
Grmcr Ircaelic Itelniii of Democracy to
the Old Inllli
Philadelphia Dec 20 Former Pres
ident Wrocr IcsciiiimI contributes to
this weeks Issue of the Saturday
livening Post of Philadelphia an ex
tended in tide on the plight ol the Do
niociacy and the ici oily Mr Cleve
land hcLlus bv revieuiinr the history
of the party and he discusses Its do-
feats since tbtii III detail lu taking
up the question of Hie piosoiit coudl i
tlons of the Deniocrney lie says tho
sin i ess of t lu party in 1S2 was so de
cisive and overwhelming Hull a loiij
IliiilltiiiiiiKV of Its supieiiiiuy was an
ticipated Then camu the fallacy of
lice sliver and Populism Ho
pleaches the return of Democracy to
Its old faith saying Sincere Demo
crats realize that the situation of tho1
party mods repair llcoigaiilzaHon is
not necessary but a return from our
wuiulerliig Is absolutely essential Let
us be frank with ourselves and can
didly acknowledge the futility of at-
tempting to gain Democratic victories
except lu the Democratic caucus and
In Democratic methods If 1 should
attempt to epitomize what I have
written suggesting a plan for rehabil
itation ami restoration of true Democ j
racy 1 should embody It In theso
words Give the rank and file a
Iand llde CriulicH n Wealthy Molilalia
ltiiiicliman and Two Other
Near Cliiiilriin
Children Neb Dec 20 Great ex
citement prevails In Chadron and all
the male population able to procure
teams are speeding out of town with
shovels Word reached town at drak
that a landslide buried throe men
alive in an irrigation canal four mllea
east yesterday afternoon
The earth slide was discovered ut 1
oclock and T C Burns Staunch
Burns and Woody Litchfield were
burled beneath a sand bank a2 feet
deep I
T C Burns was a wealthy sheep
owner of Montana who recently came
here and Invested heavily in irrigubla
Tln eo Drowned Jn AlasUnn Waters
Vancouver B C Dec 20 The
steamer Amur arrived from the north
yesterday after a rough trip bringing
news of the drowning by the capsizing
of a boat at Hutu lake near Copper
mountain of Peter Karly Mrs Joseph
Taylor and Minnie Baker The Amur
also brought news that typhoid and
pneumonia are very prevalent at Daw
Released 1ioin Mexican Jail
El Paso Tex Dec 20 W L Lewis
a locomotive engineer from Spring
field Mo who hn been in jail ut
Juarez Mex for four months was
released yesterday His release was
at the request of the slate department
Lewis was an engineer on the Mexican
Central running out of Chihuahua and
ran over a Mexican anu cut off hia
r i eeiimn conleHnes lim limit
Estherville la Dec 20 John Free
man accused of murdering his wife
and burning his house has confessed
his guilt He knocked his wife down
with a shoe aud chloroformed her and
threw her on a bed Then he covered
her with excelsior and saturated It
with gasoline and set it on fire leav
ing the hoiio immediately His mo
tive was to get possession of her prop
Civil Service I jut Violated
Washington Dec 1 The commit
tee of the National Civil Service Be
form league appointed to Investigate
the condition of the federal civil ser
vice and the enforcement of the re
form laws and rules under the present
administration has submitted a report
saying that the progress of Hie re
form In its uppllcutlon to the federal
service has been seriously checked
The committee asserts that the law has
not been thoroughly and honestly en
forced and that conspicuous opportun
ities for its extension have been set
DonUard to Meet III Lincoln
Lincoln Dec 20 The committee on
location for the national conference
of the German Baptist Brethren Dun
kards last evening decided to hold the
next conference In Lincoln the luat
week In May
Cnfttly lllure at Sioux City
Sioux City Dec 20 Andrew H
Jacksons residence valued at 35000
with all Its contents was burned yes
terday The loss is 50000
The Buffalo which is now at Hamp
ton loads huh been ordered to make
ready to carrj another dinft of nuii
for the Ueet at Manila
The British steamer Domingo de
Larrlnaga has arrived at Bermuda in
distress During u gale her 0iitln
stnumpipe burst killing three firemen
and scalding others
Charles F Stone an Insurance man
was shot and killed at Houston Tex
Wednesday by a burglar In his room
Stone tired at the man and missed
The thief then shot him above the
heart and escaped
Two electric cars on the Greenfield
aud Indianapolis Inter urban Hue col
lided head on Wednesday neur Jim
Ind Kmory Scott aud John Glass
cock motormen were fatally Injured
S passengers were badly hurt
Andrew It Henderson of Christen
sou iV Henderson millers was Instant
ly killed In the engine room of the
plant ut Madclla Minn Wednesday
His garments caught lu a shaft aud ho
was whirled arouml until life was ex
W HjHim
Aggressive Maneuvers of Boers
In Cape Colony
Knoxs lteluro NoremlttiteiMiy Threatened
Attack on Wliiltin K Kitchener Said to
lime Demanded lieaty Ufliirnrccniuuti
llallle liiiiiiiniiul
London Dee 20 It Is reported that
General Knox has Ik cii obliged lo
abandon the pursuit of General Dewet
owing to the situation created lu Ciipo
Colony by the Boers crossing the
Orange liver It Is said that 3000
Republicans have euteied Cape Col
ony aud a similar number have
leached Phlllppstown The report
adds that Dew el has about 4o00 meu
Is northwest of Ladyliraud and that
an attack upon Wlnburg Is moment
arily expected
A pitched battle Is imminent be
tween the British under General Clem
ents who has been reinforced and
Hie Boers under General Delarey
The British losses at Nooltgeducht
according to the otliclal accounts were
82 kiljed mid wounded with 41 miss
ing and still unaccounted for
London Dee 20 The war otllce
last evening could give no Information
regarding the reports of a Boer Inva
sion of Capo Colony The otllcials ox
pressed the opinion that Hie newspa
per accounts were exaggerated and
that probably the troops who havo
been employed In chasing General De
wet will bo turned to deal with the
Lord Kitchener in tho meantime
keeps a tight rein over the news
which Increases the public disquiet
ude There Is a persistent rumor that
he lias demanded heavy reinforce
ments According to the Dally Mall
private telegrams received lu London
depict the sltuntlon in Cape Colony
as somewhat ominous It seems that
the invading Boers are receiving con
siderable assistance from the local
Dutch and that Hie transports at the
disposal of Hie British are not strong
enough to cope with the Invaders
The government Is making the ut
most efforts to provide Lord Kitchener
with horses and mules
Wreck In Axlilanil Ky During Heavy
htoini Injures Several ri Hoiit
Ashland Ky Dec 20 Yesterday
during a heavy storm two electric
cars both well tilled with passengers
collided near the center of the city
They were running at a rapid rate of
speed Motorman John Selsco was
pinned between the cars and is be
lieved to be fatally Injured Motor
man William Campbell is also in a
critical condition being cut with glass
about the body and face Conductor
Walter Hutchison was badly cut about
the body aud face Among the passen
gers injured are Frank Brunnlng
county attorney Miss Annie Kerr of
Normal Ky internally may die and
Mrs John G Patton Frank Frelt and
Mrs Lydia Moore all of Catlettsburg
Ky Half a dozen others were more
or less injured Both cars were almost
totally wrecked
Lynching Is Likely
Gulf port Miss Dec 20 Last even
ing Albert Lewis a negro became in
volved in a quarrel with Marshal W
B Blchardson over the arrest of his
nephew During the altercation the
nephew shot and killed Richardson
After Hie killing old man Lewis and
his nephew mid son ran westward
along tho railroad Bloodhounds were
at once given tho trail About 200
men are following the dogs and short
work will be made of the npgrcs
when caught Great excitement exists
and most of the negroes have taken to
their houses as they realize that it is
not safe for any of them to be found
on Hie streets
Dmrin Klder llouclily Uteri
Granville O Dec 20 G L Mason
n Dowie elder of Chicago was mobbed
last night wliile delivering a lecture
ut the opera house The speaker made
a hitler attack on the Masons and
other secret organizations and was as
sailed with rotten eggs vegetables and
other missiles In the confusion Ma
son was pushed over on the floor He
appealed for protection and a number
of men gathered about him and kept
the crowd back while lie was escorted
to Hie residence of F F Winters
Hank Kecover Stolen Money
MUbank S D Dec 20 The bank
of Albee has recovered Hie money
which was taken from Its safe by a
sneak thief on Tuesday during the
noon hour It was in the hotel barn
A young man named Olson who works
nt the bnrn which Is located but a few
feet from the bank went in at the
hack door which was unlocked as was
the safe and took the 1500 Sus
plcion followed him he was detained
and after being In the sweat box sev
eral hours confessed
Scandinavian Mlinloiiarlcn Maaiacreil
Boston Dec 20 News has been re
celved by Professor Fridolf Risberg
of the Scandinavian Alliance mission
of North America from Missionary M
J Frldstrom In Chlnn that all the
Scandinavian missionaries to Mon
golia are killed and among them Carl
John Suber of Boston
Curt en Fatom tliu Wedding-
Madrid Dec 20 In the senate yes
terday the royal message announcing
the marriage at an early date of the
princess of the Asturias heiress pre
sumptive to the throne with Prince
Charles second son of the Count of
Casertm was adopted by 175 votes
against 49