The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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    dropped and got under the
mid in his endeavors to
C 1 Heel Intnly from Mlnnourl limit
Cut niut HritletMl About Noon Today
During ii Iltiiiiiuuy
From Saturdays Dally
Ait old gentleman named 0 G llcols
who 1ms recently arrived from Missouri
was very badly though not seriously
injured in a runaway today about noon
Ho hnd loaded his wagon with house
hold goods and driven to Main street
near tho Paellc block whoro ho assisted
his wifo to alight Noticing that one of
tho traces wuh unhooked ho got down
on tho toniruo to fix it One of tho linos
hoists ftot
recover it tho
team was startled
It soon broke into a run going south
on Sixth stroot Font timo Mr Heels
retained his position on tho touguo but
ho was finally thrown off his foot
catching in somo way and ho was drag
god until tho stouo crossing on Madison
avenue was reached when his boot
camo off and ho was released tho wagon
passiug over him
Ho was bidly cut up find bruised
mrimii tnfu wpm broken or torn looso
from tho socketB tho right oar was torn
half way off tho tip of tho noso is gouo
aud the shin at tho oyebrows was torn
looso while there weroothor cuts aud
The injured man was takou to thelofllco
of Dr II T Holden who summoned
Dr Salter to assist in caring for him
It was rumored that tho old gentle
man iB a relative of tho Beoh folks of
this city but careful inquiry reveals
that there is no relationship
uooia vm11 im incanacitated for
somo timo but it is believed ho will re
Mrs Powers is a city visitor from
Pierce today
visitor today
Ohet Morey was a Norfolk
day from Pierce
Dr J P Bumpua of Lincoln is here
visiting Dr Scobee
Editor Foster of the Plainview News
Norfolk visitor today on
H TCaulfleld came in from Valentine
yesterday threatened with an attack of
Mr and Mrs Geo D Butterfield of
Oreighton passed through the city to
day enroute home from Chicago
The Plainview News announces that
twins a son and daughter were born to
Mr and Mrs F O Holbert yesterday
Chapter III of the continued story of
Tohn Todd Pirate whioh should have
appeared in todays issue will be pub
lished Monday
A steel safe whioh had been purchased
by the HoskinB bank from the Citizens
National bank of this city was hauled to
that village yesterday by George
Mr Cornelius the gentleman who
was recently injured at the sugar factory
has so far recovered that he was able to
i -- iir wirh hi family for their
home in Grand Island
The K O T M and L O T M of
Norfolk are advertising a 20th oentury
ball to be given at Marquardts hall
New Years night Music will be fur
nished by Bohnerts orohestra
W B Hight and E A Amarine have
purchased lots on South Tenth street and
are planning to erect substantial awou
ingB Tho houses will be a story and a
half high and contain six rooms each
Dr Prank Salter secretary has noti
fied members of the Elkhorn Valley
Medical society that the next regular
meeting of that body will be held in
Norfolk January 8th Koports oi
Cases will be the feature of the meet
Philip Miller living five miles south
west of Meadow Grove suffered a para
lytic stroke on Thanksgiving day while
buildiug a corn crib HiB family did
not discover his condition for some time
after ho was overcome The attack
may prove fatal
Plainview News Attorneys H F
Bambart of Pierce and Fred H Free of
Norfolk were iu town Wednesday
The News understands that Mr Barn
hart is contemplating tho establishment
of a branoh law office in Plainview with
Mr Free in charge We hope the ro
port iB true
Judge J B Barnes has spent all the
nast week at Hartington and Wayne
where he has been counsel iu important
cases He returned from Wayno today
accompanied by Mr Tyler There they
had been retained in the case of the
State vs OasBoll Up to the timo they
left the jury had not rendered a verdict
Dr O H Taylor ophthalmio special
ist of Yankton S D will be at the Ox-
nard until next Tuesday evening the
11th Ho is distributing a circular to
day containing somo very fine testimoni
als to his skill that ull who receive them
will do well to read Mauyjof them are
from prominent educators in different
parts of tho country
Judge J F Boyd completed his first
session of court as judge of tho Ninth
judical district at Wayno today aud will
arrive iu Norfolk tonight on his way
home to Oakdalo Tho attorneys in at
tendance ara very much pleased witli
tho manner in which Judgo Boyd has
ooudnctnd court and feel that ho
honor to the bonoh in this district
Tho Y M O L night classes aro
proving very much of a success and
thoroisa considerable interest taken
y tho young men It Is tloslrod to reach
Those most interested huvo never had
tho opportunity to securo a complete
education and thoy sh w a wonderful
appreciation of tho opportunity afforded
them by tho league Supt OConnor
taught his first class In arithmetic and
spelling A good attendance and inter
est was shown Tho attondanco and
interest in other classes have increased
lrof Singer gives hii second lesson in
Gorman this jvontng
It has been suggested by a prominent
oil iyon that it would bo a good thing
in viow of tho provnlonco of small pox
in various parts of tho state for tho city
council to provido a suitable residence
in some isolated portion of tho city
furnish it comfortably and huvo it
all ready for occupancy so that any
cases whioh might como to town could
bo taken thoro aud properly carod for
As it now is thoro aro no arrangements
to caro for a case of this character and
tho disoaso might bo scattered broadcast
by tho first caBO owing to lack of prep
aration Tho suggestion is wortny oi
consideration by tho council
Whoro is Cobb presented at tho
Auditorium last night under tho man
agomont of Elmor Walters provcdjto bo
one of tho most laughable best and
cleanest farces ever presented boforo a
Norfolk audlonco Tho plot was well
defined aud was carried out by a cast of
characters not one of whom was a stick
All woro stars aud took star parts
Cobb Boomed to bo everywhere as far
as the audience was concerned but his
identity waB an apparently hopeless en
tanglement to family aud friends all
very satisfactorily straightened out in
the final act It was laugh from ouo
end to tho other Tho specialties wore
very good particularly the Swede turu
by J H Taylor
Manager Spear of tho Auditorium has
a treat in store for the theatre going
public of Norfolk on Bhort notice and
one that he could not have hoped to
book except for circumstances nnavold
able It is the Hottest Coon iu Dixie
and will appear here Monday night
Owing to a quarantine at Grand Island
tho company was thrown out of a date
at that city and one at North Platte and
Norfolk gets the benefit The company
is composed of 22 people aud has
some of tho best recommendations pos
sible Manager Burgess of the Boyd at
Omaha pronounces it one of the very
best companies on the road while other
managers are equally enthusiastic con
cerning its merits
Will Build Into Dei Molnei
Des Moines Dec 12 Arthur Reyn
olds president of the Dos Molnos and
Northern Iowa Railway company to
day announced that tho company
ii i nl n road into Des Moines
next spring On Monday an engineer
ing party will begin locatitiR tho linn
between Boone and Dos Moines The
decision to make Dos Moines a term
inus of the road was reached at a meet
ing of tho board of directors yester
day Part of the right of way between
Boone and Britt has been secured
President Reynolds stated that the
road would be extended beyond Britt
but thnt its ultimate destination hud
not been determined
Notice of Sale
In the matter of the estate of August
Ewald deceased
Notice is hereby given that In pursu
nnA nf an order of Douglas Cones
judge of the district court of Madison
oountymade on the 10th day of Novem
ber 1900 for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described there will bo sold
at Norfolk in front of the office of tho
Piano Manufacturing company on the
29th day of December luuo at i ociook
p m at public vendue to tho highest
bidder for cash the following described
real estate to wit
Lot 1 of Nenows addition to Norfolk
Said sale will remain open one hour
Dated Deoember 7 1900
O F Haask
Administrator of the estate of Aug
Ewald deceased
Jack Koenwstein
Attorney for Administrator
August Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Hon ton that in my travels in all parts
f tho world for the last ten years
have mot more people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
rAmfldv for dvsriensia deranged liver
and Btomooh and for constipation I
find for touristB and salesmen or for
persons filling offloo positions whore
headaches and general bad feelings from
irregular habita exist that Greens
August r lower is it grano remouy iir
does not injure the system by frequent
use and is excellent for sour stomachs
and indigestion Samplo bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers iu
all civilized countries
Wanted Active man or woman
with rig to deliver and canvass in towns
and rural districts No canvassing
Salary G0 per month References nnd
security required Address Beatrtce
Book Co P B Sprogue Manager
room 7 First National bauk Beatrice
AKeuta Wanted
We want an aotive agent in Norfolk
and vicinity to represent the largest
ovorgreou nurseries in the United States
A full lino of hardy fruits shade nud
oruamoutal trees shrubs etc Four
plans pay weekly Address at once
The Elcujj Nuusekies Elgin 111
Colored Wntiiiut lin Collar
llroknu by Telephone Iolo Wlilrli
lot Out of Workmen Control
From Monday Dully
Mrs Klwood a colored woman who
has been visiting Mr and Mrs Ouorgo
Oolotnan mot wlthadlstrosslngaeeldnnt
shortly boforo noon today at tho corner
f Aiti nmi Vlfih nhimt tho result of
which will bo to lay horup for some timo
with a broken collar bono and hovoro
Sho was driving down tho street in a
buggy whon a lelephono polo that tho
lino men woro ruining near Ricos saloon
got beyond tliolr control aud swung out
and downward striking across tho wo
mans shoulder and besides injuring her
damaged tho buggy considerably
Tho Injured woman was taken from
tho wreck and carried to tho olllco of
Drs Salter and Saltor whoro sho wan
given attention but was afterward taken
homo and put to bed
Spectators assort that there waq some
nirisHiusn iii liiinilliiiir tho nolo and
i lm iiiiv linos wore not uivon attention
hut tho inoii who woro doing tho work
state that it was but an nceidont such as
is llablo to liupueu at any timo aud that
they have found it difficult to koop
pooph out of harms way while doing
thoir woik
Tho woman will probably ho confined
to her bed two or throo weeks
R A Tawuoy was a city visitor irom
Piorco Saturday
Eruost Kilpatrlok Is a city visitor to
day from Madison
Mrs Carl Asmus is suffering from an
attack of sickness
Olydo Bullock outortainod a compauy
of young friends Saturday evening
The Y M O L is arranging for a
sociable and entertainment on tho 21st
Father Walsh conducted Borvicos in
the Catholic ohuich at Tilden yeBtor
Misses Ella Ouras and Margaret
Wright drove to the city yesterday from
Battle Creek
Mrs Ervin Gerooke aud Miss Alice
Mullon expect to leave for
row morning
County Surveyor W H Lowo wont
to Creightou on the noon train to look
after business affairs
Mr and Mrs John Freythaler re
turned last night from thoir visit to
their old homo in Germany
Mrs W J Chapman and daughter
Lulu formerly of this oity but now of
Washington Neb are in tho oity visit
ing friends
A letter from Mrs D A Holmes of
Evanston 111 states that Mr and Mrs
Roy Holmes have a new girl baby eight
weeks old
The Norfolk Shoo company will place
its store in charge of the Y M O L
nnvt Suturdav and divide profits with
that organization
Mrs Wade who has had the position
of trimmer in Inskeepfl millinory store
the past season left yesterday noon for
her homoin Oregon 111
Hugh Compton formerly director of
the Norfolk band passed through the
city today on his way to Wisner where
he will take charge of the band at that
Mrs Edith Heckman nee Wagenor
has begun suit to obtain a divorce from
Wrmiir TTonUnian nnd the restoration of
hnr mtifdnn name before tho distriot
court at Madison
Commissioners H W Winter of this
city and J J Hughes of Battle Creek
wont to Aurora today to attend
the annual meeting of the State Com
missioners and Supervisor association
Tho son of Frank King a
farmer living five miles southwest of
SMinrnn was fouud dead in his fathers
barn from tho effeots of a gunshot
wound about 9 yesterday morning
Ho was preparing to go out bunting and
it is supposed tho gun was accidently
discharged He had invited friends to
intn him in thn limit Tho coroner has
invpRticrntod but it has not boen learned
what his conclusions woro Tho de
ceased is a cousin of tho King boys of
this oity
Fred Klentz is on the sick list
A Karo made a business trip to Sioux
City yesterday
Grandfather Gerecko is ill at the homo
of Mrs A P Pilger
A girl baby was born yeBterday to Mr
aud Mrs O E Evans
A II Alliuson left yesterday on a
business trip to Chicago
Judge J B Bornea went to Ponoa
yestorday to attend court
Ababvbov waB born yesterday to
Mr aud Mrs M B Singer
Mrs Dr Nicholson left for her home
in St Paul this stato yesterday
L G Bley aud S O Campbell of
Madison were oity visitors yesterday
Mrs J M HoskiuBon of New Oastlo
Neb is in tho city for a weeks visit
with friends
Editor W 13 Powers and Hason
Turuorwore visitors in the city this
morulug from Piorco
F E Martin editor of the Battle
Creek lhiterprlso wns transact ng
ness in Norfolk yofltordny
Mis 13 K Hohloot who has boon In
Nm folic for thn last mouth or two loft
this morning for Columbus
O K Doughty wont to Omaha yestor
day nnd will placo lvofuriiucoH in South
Omaha and Council Muffs boforo ho
rot urns
Mrs A Woodworlh Mrs V
Woolverton and Mrs It Lindsay f
lioivoworo In tho elty today doing
somo Ch ihlmas shopping
Clias Noitovv who has boon sick with
typhoid fever at tho homo or his mother
on South Sixth street is now fully re
covered Ho expects to return to Gor
don about tho llrst of tho year
O J IteolH t ho old Hontlotnnn who
was so badly out up and bruised Satur
day during a runway is being carod for
at tho Norfolk house Ho is gutting
along nicely Willi a good prospect for
an onrly recovery
Work on the now Bishop blook was
resumed yesterday afternoon nnd tho
door joists uro now being rapidly placed
in position and tho fulso tloor laid
Stono to bo used in tho work or con
struction has boon received and tho labor
of tho masons will nrobably bo resumed
within a few days
Tho regular mooting of Boulah chap
tor Order Eastern Star Is to bo hold
next Thursday ovoning Tho
ship had anticipated a visit on thatocoa
sioti from Grand Worthy Patron R E
HvaiiB ofJDtkota City but ho has ex
pressed his regret at boing unublo to ho
present on nocoiiut of other dutios
Twouty llvo little girls vlsitnd Miss
Morlo Makoman yesterday afternoon at
hor homo on tho west bUIo and holpod
hor colobrato tho eight anniversary of
hor birth Tho llttlo pooplo onjoyod
several different camoB somo linisio and
rofroshmontB after which goodbycH
woro said Each little girl left a dainty
gift as aromindor of hor visit
Gustav Klug tho boy who was killod
by a shot gun accident at his homo near
Stanton Sunday was woll known lit
Norfolk ho having nttonded the St
Paul paroohial school and been con
firmed hero His funeral will tako placo
from tho homo of hiB parents tomorrow
aud quite a number of tho Norfolk friends
of tho family contemplate attending
Mrs Wm Blokloy of Madison was I
quite seriously injured Saturday ovon
ing She had boen iu town trading and
was returning homo after sun down
Turning into tho gate at hor farm tho
buggy struck a brace and tho Buddon stop
threw Mrs Biokloy under the horses
hools and besides being hurt iu tho fall
was stamped upon by the horse Sho
was injured about tho body and limbs
Norfolk camp No 493 M W A
elected officors last night for tho ensuing
term as follows J J Clements V O
Jos Schaffor W A W J Gow
banker John Hulff clerk Drs H T
FTnifiTi W H H HaEev and Frank
Salter camp physicians M 0 Walker
trustee L J Speck K W uoinnarcu
c Miiionl JonHonn W Delegates to
nnnntv nnmn O E Hartford John
Hulff aud D Roos alternates M J
Walkor and J J Clements
Mrs Sophia Siffort died of old age at
the home of her son Carl Fensk near
Battle Creek Saturday and was burled
vnnrnrdnv a number of old friends from
Norfolk attending the funeral
was abeut 8T years of age and was
well known in aud about Norfolk
was a member of the first colony
came to this part of the county in
and sho and hor husbaud homesteaded
the property which adjoins Norfolk on
tho west a portion of which is now Hill
side terrace Her husband died seven
or eight yoars ago and is burlod In Pros
noct Hill cometery There are now but
few of tho original homesteaders of
first colony Hiving
Phil R Millers The Hottest Coon in
Dixie was presented at tho Auditorium
last night to a rather light audionco but
was cortainly deserving of a larger at
tendance It was a very goodontortain
mont Singing was the predominating
feature and most of it woa of a high
nuality There was scant effort at a
plot it being used but to bring out tno
various specialties which wore very
good There was a large company tak
ing part and most of thorn wore very
clover The cast was composed entirely
of oolored people and thoy oasily disa
bused the popular impression that mem
bers of their raco are incapable of present
ing a high class eutortaiument
Letter IUt
List of letters remalniuff uncalled for
at the poatofilco Docember 10 1900
Hohltln Arhimid W E Burko Mrs
Emma Brumbaugh B Boyd R w
Boswiok Julius Drews Mra Mary
Elston Harry Etbe John Knnis fcu
Gassou Merrill Graugor F O Hurd
Mrs F O Hurd W M Hale Mrs S
E Hamlott Jacob KuhubyOttah Kent
T Mario Alwlho lioulm Vorgts non
resident dofondont will luku not loo that
on tho nth day of November tWH
Kiiriliiiiutil Voruos now donoascd Hind
his petition In tho district court or Mad
Ison county MibniNlm against llornuui
loroeko Hirah E Uoiooko ami tho
lltlons National bank of Norfolk No
bruNkti tho object and prayer of whioh
mo to foreclose a certain contract exe
cuted by tho ilofiimlaiit Herman Go
rooko and the said liiilinund Verges
now deceased lor thn sale of tho fol
lowing dosoilbod promises situated Iu
said county from tho haid Koidtiiiuid
Veiges now dooeasod o tho said de
fendant I loiiuun Uoiooko viz Com
mencing at u point llftyllvo rods oust
and two lots noi th of tho soulhvost
coiner of tho northeast quiutiir of tho
southwest quarter of section twenty
two iu township twenty four north or
range one west of tho sixth principal
meridian mid iiicasuriiut fiom theiico
north lliteeti icils Minium west fifteen
tods thenco north three rodh Ihoneo
west nine nitls Mioneo ninth twelve
roils thenco cast one rod anil twenty
two links thonco iioith fiiiitt rods and
thirteen links thenco oust live toils and
twenty links tlienoo south twenty eight
degrees and night minutes oust fourteen
rods mid two links thenco east seven
teen rods and nine ami one half links to
tho right of way or tho Kroiimnt Nik
horn Missouri Vrlloy railroad thenco
along said right or way south llfloon
degrees and fifty niliiutos oust twenty
eight rods ami two links thenco west
lirieon rods and ton llnlis to i no piuoo oi
beginning containing four acres and
thlrty tlvo and ono half stiiaro rods
morn or less which property is used iih
a brick yard for thn niaiiufaoluriiig of
brick said contract being dated March
20th Ifillil and providing that the said
defendant Hornian Gcrooko should pay
to plaintiff as purohnso prion thororor
tho sum of 100000 as follows 1100
December illst 18IB1 120 00 July 1st
1891 1120 Doooinbor Hist 1891
S000Tuly 1st 18JC 1080 December
list 1895 1000 July 1st 18911
ftlillOOD Doooinbor illst I8IIII with
interest at tho rate of eight per cent
por milium from ditto payable semi
annually and In default thoroof said
coutraot should be null and void and
plaintiff would ho untitled to tho pos
session of said propoity that dofault
has boon inatlo iu tho payment of part
of siiiil sums of monov and thoro is now
duo upon saitl contract tno sum oi
280000 with interest from this date at
tho rate of eight por cent por annum for
whioh sum with interest plaintiff prays
for a tlooroo that defendants Do re
quired to pay samo or that said promises
may bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo
On tho 19th day of November 1900
by order of tho court Anton Buohoz iw
oxocutor of tho last will and testament
of Ferdinand Vorgos docoased was
mndo plaintilY in Haiti action and on tho
21rd nay oi wovonu or muu mouoiuuu
nut Herman Joreoko filed u
immbil notitinu undor which oy ornor
of tho courton tho 20th day of Novombor
1900 Minnio Mario Aloortine versos
Anna Einilio Vorgos Ourl Johaun Hor
maun Vorgos and Mario Alwino Louiso
Vorgos hoirs of the said Fordlnund
Vergos docoased were mado partioB
defendants in Bald action
You aro requirod to answer sain peti
tion ond answor orosn pntitionB fllod in
Bald ooso on or boforo tho 21 Bt day of
January 1001
Dated this 8th day of Docemhor 1900
Anton Buohoiz
Executor of tho last will aud tostainont
of Fordiuand Vorgos docoasod plain
apes Hazen attorneys
Notlro or UlhHolulliiii
Notioo is hereby given that tho co
partnership of Karo Bros has been dis
All nrnonntfl duo tho co partnership
up to Decombor 1 1900 are to bo paid to
Pmil irnrn and all debts will bo Bottled
by him Tho business will bo continued
by Fred Karo
To those who have patronized ub in
tho past wo extend our thanks and in
vite a continuanoo of their patrouago to
the now firm
Dated December i 1900
Fred Karo
Paui Kabo
The Light of the World
Our Saviour in Art
Cost nearly 100000 toproduce Con
ain nnurlv 100 full paao enoravlngs of
our Savicur and His Mother by the
worlds greatost paintors Truo copies
of tho srreatest masterpieces in tho art
galleries of Europe Every picture is as
beautiful as a sunrise over tho hilltops
Contains description of tho paintings
biography of tho paintors the names
and locations of the galleries in Europe
Vn o tlm nrirritifilx maV 10 BeOU Also
contains a childs department including
a childs story of the Christ and His I
Mothor bountifully writtou to m euuu
picture This wonderful book match
loss iu its purity aud boauty appeals to
every mothers heart and in every
christlau homo whoro there aro ohildren
t im honk soils itself Christian meu and
women aro makiug mouey rapidly tak
imz ordors A christian man or woman
can iu this community soon make 1 1000
taking ordors for Ohribtmos presents
Mrs Waite our agent in Massachusetts
has sold ovor 3000 worth of the books in
a verv short time MrsSockettourogeut
Mablo Kolly Ella Kraft Mr Lucas for term8 quickly aud got the
Itubbv Lewis P E
A Ohmid Lolia
Mamie Porter II
If not callod for
Porter packago
Hakes Lowis
in 110 days will bo
sent to tho doad lottor olllco
mout of that territory you can woric
on salary or commission aud when you
provo your success we williiromote you
to tho position of managor and corres
noudout at a permanent salary to do-
attondiuK to ageuiB
m for of tho nhnvovoto your time to
arties calliug any oorrespoudeuco Wanted also
nloase say advortisod
Mollowrlch cotfoo sells rapidly conse
quently tho supply is nlways fresh For
solo by A J Bohuert agent
a stato manager to havo charge of olllco
iu loading city of tho stato and manago
all tho buBiuoss of tho state Send for
forms Address The British Amerioau
Co Corcorau building opposito U S
Treasury Washington u u
7p 3 Babys
If U very imn Ii lileo Uie blossom-
it l il ll i Iimi1 II till
1IIK 111 II lltlltlI Ilt I
ff iii niMtiKii depends tut
tlllilll till CIUO IIOMOWm 1111111
iHpiiient Expectant mothers
should hove the tenth rest urc
They shiuilil lo nai ctl all wm i y
nnd anxiety 1 hoy should out
plenty or good noinishiim food
and take gentle rxon iscs Thii
will no a long wuytowuul preset v-
ing their health anil their beauty
us well us that or the little one to
como lint to ho absolutely huio
of a short and painless labor thoy
should usu
rTtilnrlyourlnithMiiiiiilliA f
Till In it Hlintilii lliiliniiil wliluh
h to Im itpiillivl iixlnriiiilly It kIvoij
aiMttit Hi it it lint intiftilrri iltlil
I prevents nil of tfio illKciiuilnrtH of iirrtt
V tmuey wlilrli women usiil lo UihUc
nriimiirv wuetl
WPin nonoiuiriy
Mitlierrt Irlenil
liitiir tuliii I VMt
lit imeil llmto lit no
tet Miillirin Irlcml ut the ilriiR
nlore l nr but tin
trm tMwik norm lutr Hum
1 - - -- - i w I
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
Vlavi is Womans Way ta Healtk
Cull mid got Health Hook and tcntl
of patients
Office Cotton Block
American beauties
Made in all the newest mmCrlsand
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
Thev have a national reputation for
genuine corset worth Sendor our
JUMSiraicu yruc
Soli Afaktrs
Knlatnaioo Mick
For title by
Illinois Central I R
vnsroBR toueists
Tho IlltaolH Central uWriM to call nt taut inn
tliiuniXcolloilBiirvlctlmtiii ITorl J l
lillOH totha south for tho eiiwm of IKW 1JOO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally condnct
od ilunh through to
los AiikI8 and Han
Iriuicifco via New
Orhmns in connection
with tlui Southern la
clflc leiivinu CIiIcako
on the Centrals ht
hViiw OrlmttlH
clalt connection niso minlu ly tliin iniin wiui
ilnily trsiitiB it Nw Orlonnn for tho llicitlc
Vo Bt Tim Lirjiito1 from CIiIcbwi ovory oven
iU connocU on MmUy mjrt ZWtti
Now unenin inimr uui
of tho Southern Vocillc divine pecloljlhrongh
Borvlcotusan rrunciMo
in Now York has sold over 1 500 worth SERVICE
of thobookBinaveryshort time Uue
book Is priutod on volvet finished paper
beautifully bound in cardinal red and
gold and adorned with golden roses and
lilies It is without doubt tho most
beautiful book of this century Write
points in Florida
Double daily eery
ice is maintained out
of St Louis via the
Illinois Central ami
rounectiuK Hues to
Kuanil Atlanta tW
kliMiniiii car to Jack
sonville Florida being carried on tho
leaving St Louisovory ot oniiiK This train as
wullasthoDay Kxpress loqvinit fctvLKU815l
the n orniiiR are both solid trains Jo NashW lie
tliroiiBii coiciiu UU ViV i Vi at
tlio Soutboast such as hf
1 lints
Vvii Xtin Alklu aud Savuuuuh and for all
Daily from Chicago to Memphis and Now Or
hiKA a 1 tldrd Tuesday of each month
ir too winter suasoii
Full particulars concernliitf all
by addrumtus A U llausou U V
of the above
nols uonirui ut
i i