i Rubbers Overshoes Felt Boots Felt Shoes Felt Slippers Leggins All Sizes and Kinds Davenport Bros THE NORFOLK SHOE HEN The Norfolk feed H11 PAY CASH and BUY CHEAP One Block West of Creighton Depot CORN OATS CHOPPED CORN AND OATS CRACKED CORN SCREENINGS BRAN AND SHORTS FLOUR BON TON SUNSHINE SNOW DROP RYE FLOUR CORN MEAL WHEAT GRAHAM RYE GRAHAM Phone iai ART McCOY Proprietor To make room for two carloads of ele gant new goods now in transit we of fer our present stock of Chamber Suits Dressers Iron Beds Bookcases China Closets Rocking Chairs Lamps Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Fancy China and Carpets at greatly reduced prices for a few clays only This gives yon an oppotnnity to secnre many valuable and nsefnl Xinas gifts at Bargain Prices as well as the ffnest stock in the city to select from Chas li Johnson THOMPSONS CASH GROCERY SWEET POTATOES NAVAL ORANGES ALMERIA GRAPES HEINZS MINCE MEAT CABBAGE ONIONS BALDWIN AND GREENING APPLES and in foot everything in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Thompsons Cash Grocery The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to- day Maximum temperature 40 Minimum temperature 17 Average 8 Precipitation Total -precipitation for mouth 02 Snowfall Foreoast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday FRIDAY FACTS The Y M O L Bocial being arranged for a week from tonight promises to be of an interesting nature Mrs N A Rainbolt entertained a few friendB yesterday afternoon compli mentary to Mrs E O Harris Rev Herbert E Ryder will sing the famouB solo The Holy City by Stephen Adams at the song service in the First BaptiBt church on Sunday TSiPt8aQPUisrs SCSCl evonlng A hearty wolromo to nil Seats frco Herman Sattlor held 20 the lucky nnmbor that drew the pony rallied oft at Leonards last night by Nick Kouts son Tho Twontloth century ball to be givon by tho K 0 T M and L O T M at Marquardts hall on Now Years night will undoubtedly bo a most enjoy ablo occasion Bohnerts orohostra has boon eugnged to furnish tho music and other things being equal a fluo time is ass u rod Wnyno Republican SherilV Cherry took J M Cunning to tho Norfolk insane asylum Monday morning Cunning hails from Arlington whoro he 1iib a wifo and sovoral children Ho had como up here to visit n brother and becatno possessed of tho idea that someone had murdered his family Tho Y M O Ii gospel mooting Sun day afternoon will bo of u union nature at which men women and ohildron will bo welcome Rev Herbert 15 Ryder of tho Baptist church will addrcBs tho pooplo attondiug on tho subject Tho Probloms of Today Spocial music is being arranged for tho occasion A now hydrant iB to bo put in at the corner of Main and Fourth streets and work with that end in view is now well under way The water in tho main will bo frozen while tho ohango is boing mado 1 he old hydrant was too low down somowhut out of place and the erection of tho Bishop block necessitated thochrngo Another trust has been formed and this time by tho Norfolk butohers Tho object of this trust will bo to everlast ingly sit down on trust and its motto will be no trust The follow who wants trust trusts that tho trust will soon be dissolved meantime ho will placo his trust in maintaining an exist ence on soup bones and liver and is ready to distrust tho oharitableneBd of the Norfolk meat man Commissioners H W Winter and J J Hughes returned yesterday from Aurora where they had been attending the stato meeting of county commis sioners and supervisors The meeting was well attended and profitable Res olutions recommending changes of ex isting laws were passed and a legisla tive committee was appoiutod to wait upon the legislators and urge the enact ment of laws recommended The handkerchief fair conducted at the First Congregational church laBt evening by the Y P S C Ey was very much of a success There was a large attendance and the society found little difficulty in disposing of the stock of handkerchiefs most of which were hand made by friends of the Endeavor in all parts of the country A number of ready made handkerchiefs were also disposed of A musical program was provided for entertainment and refresh ments were served during the evening The matinee performance ye terday afternoon by the Slayton company during which David Garrick waB presented proved thoroughly entertain ing to those who attended Last even ing the Merchant of Venice was pre sented to a fair sized audience The play proved a little too heavy for the company witn tne exception or one or two parts However Mr John Arthur as Shylock gave a very good interpre tation of Shakesperes conception The company left today for Schuyler and will entertain the theatre going people of that city this evening The regular meeting of the fire de partment was held Wednesday evening The matter of Bending delegates to the annual meeting of the volunteer state firomens association to bo held at Seward January 15 10 and 17 was dis cussed The secretary was directed to writo the Windsor hotel and reserve rooms for 30 delegates from Norfolk provided the rateB are mado satisfactory A committee of five was appointed to make arrangements for a spocial car to take the Norfolk delegation and the same committee was instructed to have department badges printed each com pany to provide its own badges H W Winter was authorized to receive the annual dues from delegates and to send them to the secretary of the state asso ciation by Janury 1 Found A pocket book containing small amount of money and a Relief Corps bodge W P Dixon Fresh oysters at Karos Go to E N Vaile Candy Kitchen for Christmas tree trimmings Toys toyaf toys at tho New Variety store Come in and see them Notice to Btockholdern The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Norfolk National bank of Norfolk Nebraska will be held in the directors room of said bank on Tuesday January 8 1901 between the hours often oclock a m and four oclock p mfor tho election of directors Norfolk Neb December 7 1000 W H Bucholz President Owen Bros have several fresh iniloh cowb for sale Hardings creamery butter at Gliss mans Choice mackerel at market the Palace meat The Beet baled hay that can be got at the Norfolk Feed Mill phone 121 THE NOH FOLK NEWS FRIDAY DKOKMHKH M 1SI0O PERSONAL Burt Mtpes hud business at the county soat today Mrs 15 D Stevens is visiting Colum bus trieuds this week Miss Margaret Pryor of Wayne is visiting lricnds in tho city L R Vritohard of Meadow Irovo was a city visitor yesterday Mr and Mrs Hugh Horblnson of Madison wore Norfolk visitors yesterday H 11 Royuolds in rived today from Sibley lova and - ill visit his family until utter Christinas John Boeehur returned last night from Omaha where he had been visiting his daughter Mis Ueorgo Walters for hovurul weeks Mrs W J Chapman and daughter Lulu who have been visiting friends tor tho past low days lott today for her homo in Washington this statu Rev W II Eaton arrived in tho city yoHtorday from Wauoonda 111 to look after business interests It is under stood that they will make their home in Ohorryville Kansas Mrs 15 C Harris returned to her homo in Children last evening after a visit of a fow dajBwith Norfolk friends Mr Harris met her at the Junction on route homo from a trip to Chicago County Attorney M D Tylor wont to Madison today to prosecute at tho preliminary hearing of John 15 Wiesnor of Meadow Grovo charged with cattlo stealing Will Powers wont along to rocord tho testimony oilored Judifo and Mrs J B Barnes went to Sioux City today to bo present during an operation on Mrs Barnes nieco MIbs Dolly Lister of Ponca a young lady 11 yearB of ago Tho operation will bo porformed tomorrow morning at 9 oclock A large number of Christmns trees now on hand at Schorreggos at a low price Yon can get your shoes mended while you wait by experienced workmen at tho Norfolk Shoo Cos store Spareribs at Karos Heinz mince meat at the Palace meat market Houses for sale tenderloins Gliss mans T E Odiobnic Baltimore oystors standard and so- lect in bulk and can at GlissmauH Sturgeon is the piano man Good farms to trade for town property G R Skileh Farm land and city property for sole by G R Seiler Those ladies beltB and combs are just the thing for a Christmas present Can be seen at the New Variety store Choice celery nt Karos MADISON Born to Mr and Mrs W Whitla a ten pound son Mrs C H Swallow of Humphrey is visiting relatives in town Martin Brnbaker of Norfolk drove down to this city last Saturday Judge Boyd of Oakdole was holding a short session of district court Thursday Tho county commissioners will meet in adjourned BeBsion on December 10 at 1 pm E T McGehee shipped two cars of cattle to South Omaha Monday even ing and one car Tuesday evening Sherd Snyder iB mourning the loss of his valuable driving horse Grey Dan which died last week of lung fever Contagions diseases seem to be dying out the latest case being a case of scarlet fever at Clyde Rynearsons in North Madison Tho Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church held their monthly business meeting and tea at Mrs O H Gillespies last Friday Will Thatch has moved his slaughter house from its old location west of town to a place east of town near Schoolers slaughter house Attorney M C Hazen and Exocntor Anton Bncholz and Miss Minnio Verges were attending to matters pertaining to the Verges estate at the court house Monday The electric light lino men have been much delayed on account of having to wait for the crossbars for the poles These bars are put on before the poles are raised Pork and spareribs at Everyone should drink Mollowrich coffee It is without an equal A large number of Christmas trees now on hand at Schorregges at a low prioe DrFronk Salter Diseases of children Baltimore oysters at the Palace meat market Nothing will please the little ones better than one of those nice black boards or doll buggies at tho New Variety store Farm and city loans Thb Dukland Trust Oo Choice veal at the Palace ket meat mar- Notice to Stockholders The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Citizens National bank of Norfolk Nebraska will be held in the directors room of said bonk on I Tuesday January 8 UHll between tho horns of 10 oclock a in and I oclock m for tho election of directors CI A LlIKAIlT President Not folk Nebraska Dec 7 UHH Pork I omit i loins at Hiiros Wo make loans on real oslato at lowest rales Klkliorn Building and Savings association T 15 OnioitNtt Soo Kalnitinoo celery at tho Palace meat market Iliillitiij lUfiimlon Itutrn The Union Paciilo railroad will sell to local points within 200 miles at one faro for tho round trip on Pooombur Jit aiarnndilsi UHW and January Ut 1101 tinal tetiirii limit January a 1001 V W Junkman Agent The Sunbeams sale at tho guild room of Trinity church Saturday should be well patronized No article ollVrod for sale will be more than Jo cents Not tin To our patrons and tho public In justice to oursolves and in order that we may hotter servo our patrons wo have jointly agteed iib follows First To avoid confusion the use of coupon books will bo discontinued after Januaiy 1 IU01 Second Credit will not bo extended for longer than thirty days If Mm patron of any shop tltws not settle at tho end of thirty days no orttllt will bo ex tended to that patron by any other shop Third All bIiojw will be closed at 8 oclock p in except Saturday and all shops will be closed on Sundays Fourth delivery Thero will bo no afternoon 11 Nauuuc Fittci Kaiio SiiiKNzinu iV AiMia M SCIIAKKITil II 15 GllKHMAN Dr till in ilirjM Miuiuul Nru ICtlltloii New edition of Dr Humphreys Munual 144 pages on the care and treat ment of the sick mailed free Hum phreys Company Cor William and John Sts Now York Fresh fish at Glissnums Popcorn at Schorreggos Tho best baled hay that over camo to Norfolk at tho Norfolk Feed Mill one blook west Oreighton dopot Phono 121 Ilntlitiiy Kx iirnlim ltnlco The C St P M o railroad will boII to local points within 200 miles at one and ouo third regular faro for tho round trip on December 21 25 nud 111 1000 and January 1 1001 final return limit Juntary 2 1I01 F V Turkman Agent Fresh oysters nt Karos Dressed turkeys ducks and geese at tho Paluce moat moat market Help out tho Y M O L next Satur day by buying a pair of shoes or over shoes at the Norfolk Shoo Co New apple elder at Parishs Van Horns ice cream is the best Quantities supplied at any time Small orders delivered for Christmas Dressed Knros chickens and turkeys at Toilet setfl smokers sets manicure sets albums and lots of other nice things at the New Variety store California and GlissmauB Kalamazoo celery at EMBROIDERIES Novelties in beautiful hand embroidered pieces for All TRIMMED HATS at HALF PRIOE J E DURLANDS To Close Out I will sell at a Great Sacrifice my en tire line of Battenberg and Mexican Drawn Work in Doilies and Lunch Cloths Sofa Pillow Tops in all the Latest Designs Our Street HatB Childrens Hate in Plain and Trimmed Misses and Chil drenB Caps Childrens and Infante Hoods at HALF PRICE One lot Ladies Trimmed Hate your ohoice 148 Discount on all Trimmed Hate MISS E J BENDER One Block East of Postofnoe DDEE Handsome lEvJftflil NORFOLK JJA11NES TYL15H Sorting PUtrnml Clolitllowl Holiday Spoon Tlircut liwmi clcinnl CofTec Kjiooii Hint In mil In drMmi mill me to jilcnac un tne 1 1 mil npxurs lite orn ilrpjilnccnml n MOCK i n k wi i n out which no ClirUltiiiiH In coiiiiIcIf Tlic tirp lomleil wltli uood tiling l ilWlliictly urtii nlxnc tlic nnttnw lnft of the IiiiimIIc on which MiicatHln plnlil intern t lie wot tin Mrrry ClirlMtmin In he gold I iow I e Mr oltl Sanln Clinn Willi III fltmliiK IiwUh nun inn ii v in mil Hulliulntr hi hli lllltnli liliily mil Hip liuk of lllH fit ct it In licit AlltiKillirr II It nmoM ilrnMiitlrliiip nml iiinpti vmlituii of Miuy ClittMiimi On Hip luck of Hip liiimllc ntc Hip IikI lit IN wlilrli line mil tlic nlil nmt tlnj In the new nml limit r tlcolli old lutlit r 1iiiie with hln ciiipI noyllip Iliiiiy Niw Vtiu coiiipliic Hip iltitit ntloii on lie Imtk of the Iminltc I Allouillicr It In n liuisl lit iiiillfnt mtlclc HiilliiMr fur n hnliitiiv jnieiit for oiiph spfl or n frlrnil The rut Uclloii of IiiiihIkoiiip KHHIIIH llllH nw4tlllttl ill tunny IhciiIIHcm tin iiiiiotliin of n hiiKt fml nml thin upooii 1- UIMXI tIIOIIll 111 llllll In Mile liny of thrill Thin Hiiooii It Hit moHt Hiilinlile Christ ninn i lfl iin cniilil innke lo liitllt h Suniliiy it html cliililicii oi iliililien In the imlilii oriliiy m hoots Ii til t tl fiiliH often live muuI huniliitl of lluni OUR GREAT OFFER Notwllhhlninlliiir Urn furl Mint lln hiiiiiiiih inn of Miiiiiinriiiiilll nml linn Ihilxli I muLliin nriiiiiKiinifiilH with thn tiiiiiiiifnt I mm Iuiikiiii liiruo inwintlt wit wl tlnin ill u flKnin hut Will tllllllllt IIH III lllllkll llll II ChliHllllllK IIIIMUll of nun F HEE if im Fill Tin tie DoIIiiih uoilli of uiniiIh orniiirn nl our Klorti liiifmo Dei rinlici Itiiimiiiliiii lliu pliiiii DR C f W JVIArQUAfDT Jeweler and Optiean NEBRASKA AttornrrK at Law Norfolk 1 1 II lliirnriH M J Tjltir Nebmsli IiC S PaRK EH DENTIST Mast Hlciek - - Norfolk Nob R H T HOLDEN Homeopathic IIohIcIuii unci Stirgvot Oillco CiliEunti Nntitiiiiil Iliinlf IluihliiiK Tulnphoiiu 101 Sanitarium nml Koeitlcncc Miiin ami nth HI Tuluilniiitl Norfolk - Nebraska JJ J COLE DENTIST OHIco nvor CltironV Nntlomil Hnnlt Horiilnuct one block north of CoiiKnwiititmul church Norfolk Nebraska jyjAPES HAZEN Attorneys-at-Law OJIlco over Lifiniiiilv Drnn 8tore Norfolk - - - Nebraska yiss mary shelley Fusliionalile Dressmaker Op Btnlre in Cotton block over Ilnnme tUnt Flint cliifcb work KutiriintuutJ Norfolk - - - Nobraskn pOWERS HAYS Attorneys al Law It oo nib 10 II inn 12 Mn vl Mock Norfolk - Nebraskb SESSIONS BELL Undertakers and EiubHliiiert Bcmloiie Illk Norfolk Avo Norfolk - - - Nebraska yt M RU bERTbON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgtoc Block Norfolk NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNOECRONK Manager All kind ot machines froma lawn mower to a prlntintr tireta tuccensfully repaired Hot air Bteam auif hot uater htmtluK Special atteu tlou then to Itoilur nml KnKinu Itepairiutt Opp Iaeewalkn Implement lloune NORFOLK NEBRASKA ST LUKES MILITARY ACADEMY KEARNEY NEB This school has recently been re organized and placed in charge of Archdeuqon Atmore whoso scholastic attainments are well and favorably known in many portions of tho united States Here 1b the opportunity for parents to procure for thoir ohildreu a good wholesome Bound and all around education Terms reasonable The next term comuienoes January 17 1901 and ranuements can be made by which pupils may enter at onco or at any time For further informiition address illlCUUKACOS ATMOKK Principal Kearney Nebraska References Mr John GLowe banker Kearney Neb Mr F G Keene Kear ney Neb H - 11 Remember When purchasing your Ulit IntmnH gifts that CHRISTOPH The Druggist llllH tllfl KllHHt AHMIltlllClllt ill till city or Medallions Albums Toilet Sets Gold Plated Novelties Ebonywarc Dolls nml u Kino Assortment of Palmers Christmas Packaged Perfumes I Bargain Sale of Fashionable Millinery For this week only Jill of READY-TO-WEAR STREET HATS ALL OUR CHILDRENS STREET HATS Jo in this sale it tiie one low price of 49c eiieh Former price marked in plain figures on each hat was S7c up to 288 All new sea sonable goods Inskeeps Millinery ft w VteSi U- Jll J MJUfflSftriJ For 1lambiog Steam Fitting Tumps Tank WiDd Mills And all work In this Una chII on W H RISH Biitiefnction Guaranteed First door Bontb of The Dailt News Office EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can g0 Peas per can 5- Corn per can gc Java Coff eo best per lb 150 Oat Meal per lb 2Wa Soap 10 bairs 25o 14 pound con Daking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb g0 Blueing 4o Soda per lb 3c Starch per lb 3g0 Crackers per lb 7ea Clothes Lines gjj Lye per can 40 Mixecl Candy per 1b 71 Pearline per package 40 Rice perlb 70 Lamp Chimney 40 We have a big line of Tinware Gran itoware ami Crockery which wo nro Belling very cheap B MEYERS