The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 23, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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ltitrlxm tlm Appointment of Deputy
StittuI riiiMimr ITiuIrr TicnMirrr
Ilcrt Wm Slut fur
lrom TlinrdlnB Dully
K G Heilinnn of this city has been
offered mid 1ms accepted the position of
deputy sttito treasurer under Treasurer
elect Win Ktnefer of West Point ft
position that is cMtiinated to bo worth
nbout 100 n year
Mr Heilinnn will take charge of tho
position nbout lanmiry 1st nml will
niovo hin family to Lincoln about tliat
timo Ho in well quiil tled for the poi
tion having an extensive knowkdgo of
bookkeeping nuil having mtvkI this
county as cleric for threo temiH nil of
which givoH him a comprehensive knowl
edge of tho duties that will bo required
of him in his now position
Sinco last spring Mr lliilnian
lias hail charge of tho oflleial
abstract busiuops established in this city
by Chester A Fuller Ho has written
that geutloninu of his appointment for
the purpoBO of getting relieved from tho
Mr Heilman has nhvayn been an
earnest worker in tho republican cause
and news of his appointment will bo
cause for congratulation on tho part of
his many Norfolk friends
C G Benedict ol Molviu was in tho
city yesterday
Thos Chilvors of Pierco was a city
visitor yesterday
W A Bishop of Pierce is a Norfolk
vibitor this morning
J V Tonal of Hartiugton clerk of
Cedar county was a city visitor today
Mrs W E Spencer wont to Stanton
today noon to visit friends a few days
Miss Laura Durland returned last
night from a two weeks visit at Gris
wold Iowa
L E Wallerstedt is suffering from a
slight indisposition and has taken a lay
off for a week
Dr McCornack of Chicago who has
been visiting at the homo of W H
Bridge left this morning
In the district court at Madison yes
terday Jas Couiey secured a judgement
against the Northwesom Fire Insurance
company for 504
Mr and Mrs A J Ryel of South
Norfolk have gone to Claire Iowa to
attend tho funeral of Mrs Kyels
John Donivan
Rev J C S Weilles returned today
from Blair where he has been attend
ing tho annual convocation of the
Episcopal church diocese of Nebraska
Mrs C S Hayes and Buelah and
Mrs C S A Bargelt have returned
from a visit to Lincoln Blue Springs
and other towns in tho southern part of
the state
Knox Tipple formerly proprietor of
the Pacific hotel here has come into
possession of the Barnes hotel at Stan
ton and will assume control about the
first of December
The Ladies of the Maccabees will
give their annual ball thiB evening at
Marquardts hall Three hundred in
vitations have been issued and a large
crowd and good time are anticipated
The ladies of tho Stanton SoroBis will
entertain tho Norfolk womans club at
an afternoon luncheon tomorrow The
hour is from 1 J0 to G so that guests
can go and roturn by the regular trains
Ouo of the large six wheel M
O engines went oil the track last night
through an open switch near Braaschs
coal yards It was got back on the
rails with little damage to railroad
It is said that the Methodist church
throughout the country is to begin the
Twentieth century with revival services
to begin at 13 oclock miduight Decem
ber Hist The Norfolk church will
probably observe tho occasion
Miss Josie Heilman who holdsa po
sition as cashier and stenographer for
tho Omaha Water compauy at South
Omaha is visiting her parents In
company with her mother she went to
Madison this morning to visit friends
The sheriff of Cuming county passed
through Norfolk last night aud got off
at the Junction to got a lunch leaving
his wild cat fur overcoat on tho train
When he returned tho overcoat was
missing having evidently been stolen
Carl Bnsse and Miss Alvina Zastrow
were united in marriage at 10 0 this
morning at Christ Lutheran oliuroh by
Rev J P Mueller Tho wedding is
being celebrated at the home of the
brideB father six miles northeast of
the city
Aug Ilofllo whose homo is at Thir
teenth street and Madiaou avenue died
yesterday as the result ot an opeiation
at one of the hospitals iu Omaha His
wifo was informed of his decease by a
messago and she went down today
The body will be brought up as far us
Wisner and the funeral will be held to
Gus Cornelius one of the employes
of the sugar factory was caught in one
of the belts used in ruuning the SteilliiB
process this morniug and waB thrown
about IS feet to the floor below He fell
forward on tho belt with bis neck and
shoulder resting upon it No bones
were broken but ho was quite badly
Albeit llohniaii Henry Krutn and
Frank Thorp of Stanton aged 17 I
iiid 0 years pleaded guilty to tho
charge of burglary before tho distiict
court in session at Stanton Judge Guy
T Graves presiding and have been
seiitiiuiil to one year in the peniten
tiary at hard labor The Kruin boy ltis
seivedaterm in the luform school at
Rev Herbert 12 Rjderof New Yoik
his accepted tho call of tho Norfolk
Baptist church to become their pastor
and is expected to arrive some time next
week and begin his labors December 1
Tho Baptist people feel that they have
been very gieatly favoied in securing
Row Rydi r as ho comes very highly
recommended On and after Dociun
her a there will bo regular Sunday
preaching services in the morning at
10 Ifi and evening at 7 Everybody
is welcoinu to attend these services
Ringling Brothers havo ngaiu demon
strated that their title to tho worlds
greatest shows is clear They now
own what is claimed to bo thu only
baby elephant over born in this country
born at the shows winter headquarters
at Baraboo Wis Tho mother of tho
youngster is called Alice aud when
the event was first discovered bIio was
trying to kill her offspring Tho press
dispatch says of tho baby Its size is
thirty six inches high threo and a half
feet long ti unit fourteen inches long
woight 00 pounds Within two hours
after birth it could walk and played like
a young kitten It is porftct in form
and covered with long hair which it
will shed when a year old A cow has
been pin chased and the little elephant
will bo raised on tho bottle
Manager Spear of tho Auditoiium
authorizes tho statement that tho con
cert to be given by the limes band on
Thanksgiving next Thursday night in
Norfolk is a euro go enough tickets
having been sold to guarantee the attrac
tion Mr Spear has recently roturued
from a trip up tho Creighton branch
and has succeeded in disposing of a
largo number of seats at Pierce Plaiii
viow Creighton and other towns along
the line A special train will run back
on that branch after tho entertainment
to take the people homo He left last
night on a three days trip over tin
Union Pucific branch to Columbus and
hopes to bring 200 people from towns
along that line of railway who will be
accommodated with a special train also
He has secured a rate of one aud one
third faro tor the round trip for the oc
casion The reserved seat sale will be
gin next Wednesdny morning aud with
what have been sold out of town the
prospects are that those who desire
seats will have to get to the front early
to secure a choice
ICunl Kntato TriuiHlitrH
The following aro the transfers of
real estate iu Madison county for the
week ending November IU 1000 as re
ported by E G Heilman official ab
Citizens National bank Nor
folk to T C Van Horn ny
of se4 20-21-1 guarantee to
pay a mortgage of Ti tToO wdf o00 00
G W Wilkinson et al to F J
Keller et al lot block 5
Mathowsoub addition to Nor
folk wd 0 00
Rome Miller and wife to Samuel
Hoyt lot W block 5 to Nor-
folk Junction wd 1 10 00
G W Losey sherill to Ferdi
nand Koch sa of lot 5 block
12 Heilmaus addition to Nor-
folk and lot 7 block 1 Deder
mans second addition to Nor
folk sd 200 00
W H Anson aud wifo to J II
Kiersteid lot block 0 Kim
ball and Blaus addition to
Burnett wd 250 00
P T Site company to W II
and Minnie Anson lot I block
0 Kimball and Blairs addition
to Burnett wd 50 00
J II Kierstead and wife to A
J Hays lot 4 block 0 Kim
ball and Blairs addition to
Burnett wd 100 00
Bernard Grant and wife to II
L McCormick x of w3 of
lot 7 block 5 Pasewalks First
nddition to Norfolk wd 10 00
Alice H Sutherland aud bus
band to G W Losey sefi
aud part of no8 described
by metes aud bounds all iu
2t 2 guarantee to pay
gage of 12750 00 wd 7000 00
Carl Wilde and wife to Adam
Kost ss of u1 of lots aud
10 block 8 Koonigstoina ad
dition to Norfolk wd 500 00
A Mountain Tourlitt
In search of grand and beautiful
scenery finds such a profusion of riches
in Colorado that before planning a trip
it will bo well tor you to gain all the in
formation possible Tho Denver Rio
Grande railroad publishes u series of
usoful illustrated pamphlets all of which
may be obtained by writing S K
Hooper General Passenger and Tioket
Agent Denver Colo
To fine Coinlliiitioi hirrr
TakuiMuetb CirnH CiMiirnc Pic orCSc
It C O U lull toiure UniKKihi ufuiid mouey
Kclui nteTotir IIoivcIm With Curare in
Cnndy Cathartic euro constipation forever
flc25c 1IC C C fail drutvistb refund money
How Are Tour Uldntt f
rlobASrtBKnfiu rufffll klney 111 Biro
pie free Add btcrlliu Ittuinlj CuCtiioorN V
District court with its usual number
of attendants is iu session
Mrs John Hohelor has been quite
sick ot late but is reported as improve
Case of stato vs Rolla Itnvls for
stealing cattle from S V Deuel called
for Thursday morning
A goodly number ot the jurors are
stopping nt private houses the hotels
being unable to accommodate all
H 12 Wood came up from Lincoln
Monday to look after his financial In
teiests in this county for a few days
Tho case of lliity vs Klrod over a
boundary lino ot adjoining farms ii
before tho court and pri niises to take
up tho day Wednesday
Rosplla HarrUou was granted a
divorce from Frank llmison Tuesday
and awarded the custody of tho wo
ohildren and a small amount of alimony
Geo Marsh who wiih called to this
place last week to attend the funeral of
his mother Mir Andrew Heath rr
turned to his homo in I issett Tuesday
Tho last cuso on tho court docket is
Win Bates vs Madison count on ap
peal from the county commissioners for
2 00 for fees of guardian ad litem of
minors Allen As Reed appear for
Tho cao of state vs Leroy Alyea of
Meadow Grow iH called for Friday he
county attorney to conduct the prosecu
tion and Allen As Reed the defontm
Alyea is charged with assault with in
tent to commit gieat bodily harm upon
one Peter F Sullivan on July 7 1000
In tho tie vote bet ween Carleton and
Machmuller of Warneivillo for mud
overseer decided Monday iirlctnu ap
peared but Machmuller did not so
County Clerk Bauch drew for him
Geo Richardson of the canvassing
board arrauged aud held the sticks and
Ed OShea declared tho ono drawing
the longer one bhonld be the lucky one
which was Carleton
J L Pittmau lost two cows last week
f loin corn stalk disease
II E Woods of Lincoln was here
Monday looking nfter his real estate in
Mr and Mis W K Pottilt went to
Fargo North Dakota Monday to visit
Ed Olmstead has contracted to teach
a school west of Madison tho net sea--on
commencing next Monday
Tho M B A lodge will give n dnnce
ind oyster supper in tho hall Thursday
November 2th The public is invited
Frank Pettitt has gone to Cripple
Creek Col in the interest ot the Royal
Highlanders a fraternal insurance or
Tho republicans are strictly in it this
vear tho tio vote for road overseer in
district No 0 was decided at Madison
Monday Geo Carloton winning
Vtusnenger Tinln on tlm Iron Mountain
Kublit d liy lle ManUeil Meiitloo
Dyuumitti on Safe
Little Rock Ark Nov 22 North
bound passenger tiain No 51 on the St
Louis Iron Mountain and Southern
railway was held up last night near
3 iff oid station -10 miles south of Little
Hook by live masked robbers A lot
of ties tilled on the track and sur
mounted by a red light caused the en
gineer to slow up and before the train
had come to a stop the bandits weie
at v irk on the big safe with dynamite
Alter exploding five charges tho iob
bers announced that they had no more
dynamite and then they gave up the
task of forcing open the door
Then picking up the local express
box an several packages hey ran to
their horses which had been hitched
near by and rode rapidly away Xo
attempt was made to disturb or molest
the passengers except for an occa
sional shot at an inquisitive passenger
who peered out of a car window
Messenger Avery was badly hurt
about the head and face by Hying splin
ters hurled about by the dynamite ex
plosions One Fide of his face was
torribly lacerated anil several teeth
were knocked out He was spnt to his
home at St Louis on the same train
The top and one side of the express
car weie shatteied to splinters
v A Kreuk of IlKiitiilnR
Lightning performed a strange feat
near Osceola Pa during the recent
thunderstorm says the Oil City Der
rick Three fine cowb belonging to a
farmer had been turned out to pasture
In a Held on which the new giass Ih al
ready quite high and wheu the shower
came on they gathered together In one
corner under some trees There Is n
wire fence running close by the spot
where they were standing and a bolt
of lightning wib nttracted to It and ran
along the slender wirob until the cows
were i cached when It glanced off
striking the animals and killing all
thiee Instantly
A Story Inr Inpn
There Is a moral Iu this little story
of chllil life
Mamma asked little 3 year old
Freddie aie wo going to heaven boino
Yes dear I hope so was the reply
I wish papa could go too contin
ued the little fellow
Well and dont you think ho will
asked his mother
Oh no replied Freddie he could
not leave his buslncbb
BBS Bill 111
Supreme Courts Decision In
Transportation Case
Inw Ciinllii Hum id nT I iiiimpoi I it Ion Dp
Ifilrtl tliliilittltulliiiiiit llri Itilnn on
IIIiiiiliiu Miii KIM Intention
IJiM tMitoputll lliit at lilt
Lincoln Nov UL The supremo cent t
of clnnka in mi opinion icudiicil
lust vciilii let lined tho in t ostali
linking the Mute lioiml of unmpm tu
lou iiiiconstiitnloiuil mid the hoard
Inopcinllve The wise In point was
that whet olii Attorney ieueial SniMli
on behalf ol the stale hoard of turns
pollution brought suit against the
Minlliigtou and Northwestern inllioud
companies to euloice a icdintlon Iu
livestock lutes The defendant toads
for the first lime In the ll years e
Istente of the slate lioiml ouestloncil
Its authoi Ity on the ground thai It was
Illegal eicaled and the courts sus
tallied the demiuier and dismissed
the case
The eotii t held In the opinion roil
deied that the law was void for the
reason Hint Hie ait as cm tilled was not
passed by the leglshittiie In Hie mode
picxcilhcd by the i oust It ut Ion which
provides that all hilR with their titles
shall be lead at huge on llitce tllllerenl
days In both houses or the legislature
The cotut granted the lioiml 10 ihis
to wind up Its affairs
The opinion was rendered by Chief
Justice NoiMil ami coiicuned In by
Judge Iloli oiub
In lie appeal of Dr Charles Tultlo
of Lincoln an otcopathls the couit
afilrms the decision of lie lower court
It liohls that an nstcopathlst Is a pine
tltloner of medicine and sullied to
legulatloiis of he state hoaitl of health
The ell ed of the decision will be to tie
bar all ostcopalhibts from the state
as the houid of health has lefused to
giant licenses
The supieme court dealt a serious
blow tit the Irrigation Inleiesls lu the
state by atllrming the decision of the
dial couit in the ease or the county of
Ciawloitl against llalhaway and
Olllilnl fount In Nilo nnlia
Lincoln Nov SI The olllclul count
for Nehiaskii paitlall finished yester
day shows that McKlnleys plurality
iu the state Is 7S JJ The total vole
or tho state is lil0H Of these Mc
Klnlcy ictelvcd rJlbll Bryan 111
OKI The count on other presidential
candidates Is not complete For gov
ernor Dietiich Rep I has liiS7l
Poyntcr fnslonlsti IKiOlS Dietrich
Is the lowest man on the Republican
state ticket
IVuch YotliitloiiH at Il kluu Come to
SiiiIiIcii stop
Peking Nov Ltli The meeting of the
foreign envoys has unexpectedly de
veloped a point of dlrUionce which litis
brought the negotiations to a tempo
rary standstill The matter will he le
feired to the home governments The
conference adjourned without fixing a
flate for reassembling It Is said that
the difference Is such as will possibly
cause consltleiable deluy I J Hung
Chang is known to have unofficially
approached a certain minister with a
view of ascertaining the likelihood of
the po rs reducing the punishment
of Chinese officials to dcgiadation by
banishment but It is understood that
he received no encouragement Re
ports riom Chinese sources say that a
icrmnn and Italian milium Is burning
villages to the northward
Humor Siniiil Tliit the ltoxrn Arm
11 ii rt hf ii k I jmiii 1 1 3
Tien Tsin Nov lil Then has been
considerable filing recently In the
neighborhood of Tien Tln and owing
to a lcpoit that the Herman quai tcis
of the city would be attacked last
night the Oeiinun sentries weie
doubled a legluieut patiolhil the op
posite bank of the river and the re
mainder of the German troops were or
dered to hold themselves lu i dullness
for action at an instants notice
Nothing happened however to show
en use for the alarm although all the
Chinese servants of the Bengal Lan
cers otliceis and men left saying they
had been Informed that the Boxers
were marchug iu a largo body on Tien
Thin and Peking
Cliluotf Itt iUt AdvuiMir
Berlin Nov - Count rem Walder
see cables from Peking that he will
return the viceroys visit today He
has advices from Colonel Vorlcks
corps showing that the Chinese gen
eial Ho wth 10000 regular troops
and much aitillery Is near Kalgan
prepaied to resist energetically a f Hi
ther advance of the expedition Col
onel Yorlck therefoie will await rein
forcements befoie attempting to pio
i fed
I nili T li Almost li itrojiil
Cielhton Neb Nov 1 lii de
stroyed the major pait of Lynch an
Inland town 50 miles northwest of here
yesterday The entire block of bust
nrss houses on the north side of Main
stieet weie burned to the ground The
Hie originated In the tear of Mrs L
A Roths lextuarant Losses Har
vey Sisters millinery 10o Samuel
Oalley general merchandise 100
Insuraiue 1K Mis L A Roth res
taurant 1500 Insuiance ifJOO YV M
Henley hard win o fL000 liihiuance
flItOO Thomas Klggls drugs 1000
Insurance J8W Dr Ira 100 K
Saunders 2300 Insurance 1000
IVlephone So
Railroad and Business Directory
Ft cmont UUchorn Mo Valley
rtiT in i wit
Omiilm Iletxtiucr iliintn
Cliiriifto itinrH 12 Jli in
I locum KXinrK 7 I n in
Olllllllll IlUHdlKlir I Ill i 111
1st in 1 Mi I
niiii ii iiiiin hipim 7 in p in
i nlli ii 1iihhi tutor Ill it in
ii ilin in Vriiiintinilhlloii Ii inn in
iTi1 MllUW
ii i iii if i
iu Mm tix r -ii p in
i nMurn 1iipHiiiirr II p n in
iilli n i mi iiiliilliii i ii i IM
1 li I Mi Mini nml lllnrk IIIIIh Cxn kh nrilviH
ntiil ilnimrtM fioin liiiinllnn iliiil I lm Imnliii
nml iinllir tiiiliiii nml iliijmrt loiunll
iltliil II Mruii Aritil
Union Pacific
oliitiilniH Arriiiiiiiioilallon 11 lll i in
Oniiilin l iivcr mill Inrllln CuiihI l tin m
immiliUH Arr liiinoiliillon Ill iii in
Oinnlih ki iiinr mill 1iirlllr rntiM 11 Ul p in
IoiiiiitIk ut Norfolk with f A V Kolmt
unci nml north mill with tlm I HI P M A O
fei IoIiiIh tiorlli mill cunt
I W Jiinpman Ami III
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
KAHT lltlAlll
Mlinu Ill mill Otiiiliu IliN cnuir it in n in
Himix tllj IliMiiiiwr I IKI p in
whi aiiiiim
Slnnx ll IWniwur III 111 n in
Uliirx Ill mill Onuilia ImimiIikit 7 Ml i in
CiinniTlu nl Norfolk Willi I 1 AM nolnit
ui nml north mill Willi tlm I I fin ioIiiIh
Himtli I W Jim man AhihI
llul i xriiil Snniluj
m ii mil hiii urn Mini
Rne Wntch
Oi it llmiin Hum Wore
Gponoui Owalmon
llrpulilnr NiMlly Oonn
Gontpootop orid Builder
11 fouitli Slrrel
Hour anil Peed
III Norfolk Almoin
Clirnpcal nml Hint
Norfolk Avenue
Am Woint It ah m i in
in llimiM Ii iim mnl llli Ht
The Norfolk Hoiscshoci
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
Hissouri River to San Irancisco
Missouri River to Portland
Bullet Smoking anil Library Cars with Uirlier Shops nnd IlciiMint
Reatling Iooius Douhlo Drawing Room Iilaco Sleepers Diniu Cirh
Meals a la Caite Iliithch Light
ior full infoiination call on or nililiehs
The Norfolk Gash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fine Teas and Coffees a specialty Try our fain us
Mellowiich coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter and Kggs
Before the Strike
Thirty dajh ago we hail a soliil train
load of Hard Coal on track Now it be
longh to our many ciihtoiners and ib n
their hiiin for their comfort
to place your orders for soft coal Lay
your coal early this year You wont
Uliaa it
Edisons Phonograph
Better than a Piano Organ or MnMo Box for it sings and talks as well as plays and
dont cost as much It reproduces the iniic f any instrument baml or orchestra tellu
storesindhhijs the old fumiliarhyiui as well as the popular tongs it isalw ays ready
Seo that Mr IMibons vignuttirti is on every machine Cata
logues oiall dcakrsor NATIONAL PHONOGRAM CO 135 Fifth A c New Vork