a IMPROVING SYSTEM Tvlpplionr Compiinr riimniMireil Worlt r UrtlprltiR llin Simlennt Norfntli A force of men started to work this morning at making hoiiio extensive Im provements to thu telephone HyHlom in Norfolk mid when thorn work In com plated tlio system hero will bo greatly mvporior to wlmt It has boon Throo rubles nro to bo uho1 ono across Fouith street onodown to Fifth atrect nnd ono south on Fourth nitwit to tho M E ohuroh Wires to bo used In Hldo thoso limits will bo dropped ont of tho cable at tho coritur of Main and Fourth stroots Tho central olllco or operating room in to bo moved bank of its present location in thu Cotton block to tho room hereto foro occupied by Dr H li Seoggin as a dontul olllco Tho party linos will also bo equipped for selective signals A special appara tus will bo used by moaiiH of which only thonumbor wanted on tho party lino will bo called This will tlo away with nil rings above two and only ono and two ring culls bo used when tho lin provomont Ih completed All oulls will bo mado from tho contral olllco anil tho oporatorH will maulpulato tho npoolal apparatus MONDAY MENTION J D Sturgeon mado tho round trip to Pondor on Saturday Mrs Win Goroeko of Stanton visited in tho city on Saturday J II Brown of Wakollold wan a olty visitor Saturday evening Judgo and Mrs Powers woro pasBon gors for Omaha Saturday W E Sponoor rotnrnod from a trip to Piorco on tho enrly traiu today J L Shrlmpton of North Houd Is vis iting a fow days with 0 O Gow Tho Bachelor Girls olub mot with Miss Edith Parkor Saturday ovonlng Rov Mr Osborno of Oroighton camo in on tho oarlv train and loft at noon for Blair Mr and Mrs Ed Madson oamo up from Missouri Valloy aud spout Suuday with relatives Mrs Thos Siunnsof Edgbwood Iowa urrived iu tho city today to visit with Mrs John Kraut Mr and Mrs L B Oornolius from Minior 111 urovisitiug their daughtor Mrs S L Gardnor Mr Muiibou who has boon living on South Fifth street is removing his family to Madison today Miss Rico of Noligh who has beon visiting her aunt Mrs Frauk MoNooloy returned homo yesterday Rov J C S Woills goes to Blair to morrow to attoud a convocation of Episcopal clergymen of Nobraska L P Pasewalk assistant cashior of tho Citizens National bank returned Saturday from a business trip to Sioux City Rov MoOlunoy filled tho pulpit at tho Second Congregational church yes torday iu the absouco of Rov JotYorios who is east on a visit Tho funeral sorvicoa ovor tho remains of tho lato Mr Fischer were hold yostor day afternoon from tho Christ Luther an church aud interment took placo iu tho cemetery of that ohuroh oast of tho city Tho F E M V company put their bridge gaug of SO inon to work Thurs day on a new steel bridge across tho Elk horn river west of tho Tuuotiou An other steel bridgo is to bo built along tho liuo east of here Tho little girl baby loft oil Thomas Duhers stop Saturday morning was christened at 1 oolook this aftomoou by Father Walsh of tho Sacred Heart church Sho was given tho name of Margaretta Sylvina Duhor Tho work of laying tho foundation for tho now Bishop block was com menced this aftornoou Witter for mixing tho mortar is heated aud tho work will be pushod rapidly forward in Hpite of weather that is not altogether favorable Miss Mabel IuNkoop outortaiiiod a company of six young lady frieuds at a theatre party Saturday aftornoou dur tho matiueo performance of tho Mallory Theatre company when Silver King was presented The party was also eu tertainod at lunch with Miss Inskeop at G oclock after tho matiueo Tho light rain of Saturdav ovoning waB followed by a froonip yostorday morning and later iu tho day tho earth was covered with a vory light mantle of enow As this country is seldom blessed with good sleighing tho condi tions last ovening were taken udvautage of by a fow enterprising young meu who wero out with sloighs jingling bells and happy girls Papilliou Times Tho sugar boot crop that was raised iu tho eastern part of tho county this year is uow being har vested About seventy acre were planted to beets last spring and a fair crop of eight or nine torn per acre is the result The beets are being shipped to factories at Ames and Norfolk its the experiment proved a success this year we may expeot a largo acroago to be planted in the county next spring Mr and Mrs F S Gouung Miss Clara Bniggomiiiii Miss Bossio MeFnr and and Miss Tittlu Sqtiiro timed this noon from War no where they wont Saturday to attend a district rally of tho Baptist young peoples society They report a very successful meeting and a gixid ttttuudntioo of dologatos Mr Gennng addressed the rally yester day at II oclock on Young Christians Responsibility Tho principal ad drosses of tho session woro Saturday night by J Frank Carponter of Omaha chairman of tho Haptlst ussooiatlonund President Mr01oiid of tho state organ ization or tho B V P U W Gibsons reputation as a poultry fancier is by no means local nor Is It confined to tho state In which ho makes his home but his breeds are becoming familiar throughout thu nation Ho has beon wonderfully successful iu raising an extra lino quality of birds and this Is responsible for his wido ac quaintance among fanoiers of tho country Today ho shipped to Alameda Cal throo coops containing J8 fowls of tho white Plymouth ltookfaud wblto Wyandotte varieties Tho oxpross charges alone on tho 1 consignment amounted to flit Ho has heretofore shipped his poultry as far as that but this is the largest consignment ho has over sent at one time to that dlstauco Tho annual crop of rumors regarding tho Yankton Norfolk and Southwestern railway Is now rlpo aud ready for har vest It wouldnt scorn quite natural if at this soasou of tho year thoro wasnt something said coucorniug this road which Hooms to be a most persistent dream Tho following from tho Piorco Call starts the thing afloat Elinor Sargont received n letter last wook from W W Graham of Norwalk Ohio in which that geiitlomau expresses himself as vory hopeful of completing tho Yank ton Norfolk railway noxt spring Tho letter was written previous to oloo tlon and statod that tho project now in view wos contingent ou tho olootiou of MoKlnley but if ho was successful again ho was pretty cortaitt that ho could secure money to complete the pro ject Now that MoKlnley is ro oleoted wo expect to hoar tho toot toot bo foro long I Now CITY COUNCIL Orttlunucn ltiurllii Wuh Adopted Tho city council mot iu special session this morning at uino oclock for tho pur poso of cousldoring aud acting upon nn ordinance fixing tho width of sidowalks on Third and Fourth streets botwoeu Braasoh and Madison avenues aud tho materials of whioh suoh sidowalks aro to bo constructed The call was signed by Oounollmou Bullock Deguor and Bruminund There wore prosont at the mooting Mayor Robortsoit Couuciliuou Brum uiuud Bullock Bock DognerGraut aud Uhlo Absent Ileokuian aud Spollmau Ordinance No J55 referring to the width of sidowalks and materials of wliioh samo shall bo constructed on Third and Fourth stroots botweon Braasoh and Madison avenues tho full text of which is pnblishod in another column was presented aud passed tho various readings utider suspousiou of tho rules and became a law with its publi cation Tho action ou the ordinance was unanimous Tho council adjourued after passing the ordinance Ordinance No UB5 Au ordiuanco fixing tho width of sido walks and tho material out of whioh same shall bo constructed ou Third and Fourth streets botwoeu Braosch avenuo and Madison avenue in city of Norfolk Nebraska Be it ordained by tho mayor aud city ccuucil of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska Section 1 That whouevor any pieco of sidewalk is built or replaced ou Third or Fourth streets between Braasoh avo nuo and Madison avenue in tho city of Norfolk Madison county Nebraska tho same shall bo built of eithor two inch plank stone content or brick aud shall be eight feet wido When built of plank 3x8 stringers shall bo laid overy two feet Section 2 All ordinances iu conflict herewith are horobv expressly repealed as to said Third and Fourth stroots be tween Braasoh avenue aud Mudisou avenuo This ordiuanco shall be in forco and effect from aud after its passage and publication as provided by law Passed aud approved November 20 1000 W M ROUKKTSON Attest Mayor S IV JHUr AllLAND uionc Aufriiat 1louer It is a surprising fact says Prof Houton that in my travels iu all parts f tho world for the last ten years havo met more people haviug used Greens August Flower thau any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver aud stomach aud for constipation I find for tourists aud salesmen or for persons filling office positions where headaches and goueral bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not iujuro tho system by frequont use aud is excellent for sour stomachs aud indigestion Sample bottlos free at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in all civilized countries The complete servlco of Tho Chic ago Portland Special via Union Pacific enables passengers to reach tho princi pal cities between tho north and Pacific coast aud Mis souri river not only in the suortest possible spaco of time but also in tne moat comfortable aud enjoyable manner The dining cars ou this train ore Btookea with the best the market auoras All meals served a la carte THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY NOVKMHRR28 1000 Hffiinn Sidowalks Story Told by a Journal Printed in 1880 FEW OF OLD GUARD REMAIN In nt n mill Fiuuln Culled from 11 Noifulli Iliper of Ancient Dale -Tim At count HIiiMssthat the Ollyn Muslims Interests llntn Undi rio u mi ICiullrnl Change A copy of tho Norfolk Journal of Do ooinber 111 1SS0 noarly SO yoars ago has beon brought to tho attention of Tun Nicws It contains many things of interest as matters of history in tho de velopment of Norfolk Its advertising columns show but fow of tho men in business now who woro so engaged then C F W Marquurdt dotilorin wntohes clocks and Jewelry was thou ns now represented by adisplay ad L Sessions lit addition to conducting an undertak ing establishment kopt parlor cham ber dining and kitchen furniture j Chas AsniUH was advertised as dealing iu groceries of all kinds nnd is in tho samo business today tho naino of J Koonigstoln was oonnooted with tho patent modloino roadon Those four aro about all who remain of tho old guard iu Norfolk business life as told by this auclont shoot J E Oluoy Co established iu 1801 are represented by nn ad a columu iu length aud throo columns wide McOlary Co S W HayosandT S McOlary adverticod a gouoral merchandise store A P Pilgsr dealt In hardware aud agricultural mi- plomonts Pilger Gorocko wore pro prietors of tho lumber yard A II Lovojoy Co handlod hardware and also did tin aud shoot iron work O P Mathowson was the baukor Chas Stoiukraus dispensed wet goods j J W Fouts conducted tho city bitkory and restaurant doaliug iu confootionory tobacco ico cream aud oystors A R Graham of Wlsnor and J W 0 Jones handled real estate under tho namo of tho Elkhorn Valloy Real Estato agoucy Mr Jones handling tho Norfolk oud of tho busiuoss W H Leomau J W C Jones Wm T Soarles aud O J Frost woro represented as the legal fraternity with cards The Norfolk house F Wagner proprietor advertised its lodging meals and livery barn iu con nection Wm H Lowe advertised as notnry publio couvoyancor aud real estato agont Ron Reichardt form erly clerk in U S laud office also sold real estate O Belknap did house and sign painting Arthur Truosdoll was a doalor iu gram and coal Wm Waruoko was the morchaut tailor Spoucor Woodruff was proprietor of tho City Barbor rooms Tho Norfolk billiard hall with a supply of liquorswus owned by Alford Bigelow Henry Piller dealt in all kinds of furniture attended to undertaking jobs and also advortised as contractor aud builder Lockner Rudat advertised for grain and hogs J F Flyun advertised brick for sale Tho paper was edited by Clarence Selah aud that he didnt have things as comfortable as might bo desired may bo believed from the following item Sticking type iu a room where the wiud sweeps down your neck whistling a tune through the holes iu your boots as it escapes with fingers stiff and Iowa coal to burn may bo the correct method of promoting religion yet for tho sake of tho cause we would dislike woefully to subject the most devout reverend to the test If ho couldnt find use for every adjective known to modern pro fanity iu less timo than it took to coin them we would begin to havo unquali fied faith in the inspiration of that book called the Bible aud tho existence of a select heaven Tho Norfolk railroad situation was told in the following items taken from tho Sioux City Journal Tho material for the forty threo miles of Norfolk track will begin to arrive directly after tho holidays Of this thirty miles of material will be sent to Konosaw Junction and in the spring bo laid from tho north end land tho other thirteen miles will bo sent by tho Sioux City Pacific around to Nor folk aud put down from that diroctiou In all about GOO carloads of material will bo used on tho track This one is givou with a short com meut by Editor Selah Tho following words of consolation are offered to Omaha by the Sioux City Journal The extousion of tho St Paul and Sioux City line to Norfolk tho oxtensiouof tho Ponca line north westerly tho Omaha division of tho same road together with the extensions of the Sioux Olty Pacific are giviug north Nebraska its railroad system and fixingthe ohanuelof the trade to the Missouri at this point Now that north ern Nebraska is becoming worthy of notice by roasou of its increasing popu lation and augmenting wealth Omaha looks over the borders of its corporation line enviously but Sioux City has driven its stakes securely and laid well its iron rails Omaha can go south Short items as follows appeared in the issue The Union Pacific train was suowed in Tuesday evening1 aud did not arrive here until the followiug day The hot stove is the center of attrac tion uow days around whioh humanity circles affectionately Wo pity the poor Us rich f oiks will do well enough Tho grocery firm of Glvonsfc Baintor has beon dissolved Mr Maimer retir ing Hon 0 P MuthowEou will movo Into his now bank building tomorrow Our former townsman Major Math owson now of Pomfret Landing Conn is in Norfolk spending tho holidays Mr Coon fathor of Mrs 0 P Math owson this placo was In town this wook Warren McOlary came up from Fre mont whero ho has been attending school last Friday to spend tho holidays at home Last Christmas morning a half dozen of Norfolks male citizens wore agreeably nirptised by receiving through tho mail handsome Christinas gifts iu the shape of heavy gold rings with moss agato from our gonerous and enterprising jowoler 0 F W Marquardt Mr Mar quurdts generosity is coinniondablo aud will not woopuio soon bo forgotton by those ho remembered when they need anything iu his line Last week our readors woro informed through tho Journal that there would be no paper this week Sorry to say how ever that we lied to them It was iu accordance with an agreement had with our coutomporary that wo decided not to issue The agreement however was violated by him doubtless iu tho inter est of our readers aud thus this num bor Having been put to considerable oxtra tioublo iu cousoquouco wo trust our readors may oxcuse tho derth of nows this week TUESDAY TOPICS O S Hayos mado a business trip west this morning Georgo Williams was a passenger to St Paul Minn yesterday on business Clyde Wlntorburn of Wayne visited at tho homo of A P Ohilds over Sunday District court is in session at Madison aud n number of Norfolk lawyers are attouding W H Lowo wont to Madisou this moruiug to appear as a witness before tho district court Otto Gamine a farmer whoso homo is near Pierce was killed yesterday by falling from a load of hay and breaking his neck Invitations are outanuouncing the woddiug of Julius Kell and Miss Mary Sohimmelnfeuiir which is to be cele brated next Sunday Dr P H Salter wont to Pierce yos torday and performed a successful oper ation for appendicitis ou tho child of Mr aud Mrs Sparr liviug west of that city Norfolk friends have received an- uouncemonts of the death of Wm M Fullor which occurred on tho 14th He was the travoliug representative of E E Bruco Co of Omaha aud visited Norfolk during many years past in the interests of that firm Mrs Mary S Harris returned to her home in Madisou after a weeks visit at tho homo of Mrs S K Long Mrs Harris is bright and active at 71 years is ouo of tho oldest settlers of tnis county and is great grandmother to Judgo Fosters little daughter Jane Goo Wickman of Hadar nearly sev ered one of his feet yesterday while hewing a timber for a now barn which he was helping build The ax ho was using glanced off and struck Mr Wick mans foot with the above result Dr Frank Salter of this city dressed the wound Tho records received by Dr P H Salter show that lost October was the warmest month this state has experi enced for 24 years It is probable that it was the warmest month for many years previous to that timo but tho rec ords were either not kept or do not show it Tho now ordiuanco passed by tho city council this moruiug was adopted as a guide for tho telephone company whioh is pntting iu new poles and replacing others The workmen had no way of knowing just where the poles should be sot us tho sidowalks were not of an uni form width Elkhorn camp No 27 I O O F held an outhusiastio meeting at the Odd Fellows hall last ovoning aud elected officers for the ensuing term commenc ing January 1 after which upon invita tion of tho retiring chief patriarch the body proceeded to Vails restaurant and enjoyed au elegant oyster supper Postmaster Sprooher quite forcibly ejected a number of boys from tho post office last evouing They wero making a great deal more uoiso than was neces sary without regard to previous warn ings and Mr Sprecher decided that a lessou would be of value iu discouraging their noisy practice He hopes that it will not be necessary to use this method hereafter and that tho young men will preserve proper decorum Miss Anna S Buzzell a missionary latoly returned from Japan will address tho people of Norfolk at the Baptist ohuroh next Snnday morning at 10 15 she will have with her a number of Japaueso gods and other articles used by tho Japanese in their worship besides pictures aud other things of interest Everybody welcome Miss Buzzell is a frieud of Mr and Mrs E E Adams and will be eutortaiued at their home while iu the city Asa K Leonard aud Col E H Traoy returned last night from their trip to Ewing enjoying some very successful quail hunting on their way homo Thoy took somo cattlo up to tho ranch of A J Durland Tho ranoh is a very flno ono of ItfiOO acres and is located 11 inilos south of Ewing Harvoy Smith who at ono timo was hostler for Dr Salter is iu charge of tho ranch and lives all alono iu a ton room houso on tho property Thoro aro cattlo horses and hogs to look aftor and ho has littlo timo to got lonesome WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Knox Tinle of Stauton is iu tho city greeting out triends Goo F Mead of Omaha was a Nor folk visitor ovor night A baby buy was born Monday to Mr and Mrs P Stafford in tho Heights Messrs Mapes Robortsou nnd Tyler wont to Madison today to attend district court A son was born yesterday afternoon to Mr and Mrs Fred Klug of Edge water Park Mr and Mrs Harry Pauglo of South Socoud street ate the parents of a sou born this morning Miss May Durland has gouo to Plain- viow for a weeks visit with rel atives and friends T F Memmiuger of Madison camo in last ovening over the Uuiou Pacific and wont west this morning Herman Theilo of Carrol Iowa has accepted a position as clerk iu tho Hayes jowolry aud inusio houso Judgo oloot J F Boyd of Oakdalo came in from Madisou last night and left for home this morning F M Hoyer of Missouri Valley Iowa is in tho city greeting friends and look ing after business interests A number of sleighs woro out yester day tho occupants enjoying tho first excuse for sleighing of tho season F J Halo camo in from Battle Creek yesterday morning aud went to Grand Island to look after a carload of mules Thomas H Tracy formerly of this city uow of the Milford soldiers home has boon grunted au increase in pension to 24 a month A sou was born on the 12th to Mr and Mrs W W Persons of Pocatella Idaho Mrs Persons wa3 formerly Miss Kato Horrisky of this city Dr O A McKim went to Omaha yesterday to attend the joint meeting of the Iowa Nebraska Veterinary Medical association Ho expects to return to morrow Sheriff Geo W Losey came in from Madisou last night and went to Battle Creek this morning to subpoeua wit nesses to appear before tho present term of district court Mr nnd Mrs Martin Root who have mado Norfolk their home tho past summer and fall with rooms at Mrs Garlingers left today for St Joe Mo to spend tho winter A number of youug frieuds surprised Miss Opal Madson last eveuiug on the occasion of her ICth birthdav An en joyable time was spent at playing games and iu other amusements Tho minimum temperature last night was ono above zero according to the government thermometer Some of the thermometers about town indicated a temperature below zero one as low as four degrees A foot ball team has been organized by the pupils of the High school with John Weills as captiau and John Bridge as manager Up to date no engagement for a game with Pierce has been reported Work has been stopped on the Bishop block for a day or two ou account of the severe weather Some of the footings for tho foundation walls have beenjjsuc cesstully laid however If the tempera ture continues to rise tho work may be resumed tomorrow Mr aud Mrs Carl Asmus have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughtor Elsa Marie aud Ludwig Koeuigstolu which is to take place Wednesday evening December 5 at 8 oolock They will be at homo in Nor folk aftor January 10 It is rumored that Shurtz Jenkins will ocoupy the entire lower floor ofjtho new Bishop blook with the Fair store Tho ground floor will be iu one large room 75 by 80 feot The cellar will be well finished aud cemented aud an elevator will be used in convoying goods up aud down Tho annual convocation of tho Pro testant Episcopal church diocese of No braska bogau iu St Marys Johuroh at Blair last Monday and is to bo in ses sion until tomorrow Rev J O S Weilles of this city is on the program for this moruiug for a disoussioa of the subject The Comprehensiveness of the Church The present term of the district court at Madisou promisesto be a short one Au ejectment case is now on trial which has occupied Jmost of todays sessiou Two of the jury cases are still on the assignment one of which is the case of tho stato vs Alyoa an assault case from Meadow Grove J The equity assignment will doubtlessbegreached Friday L N Loomis who was elected a state senator from Jerauld county South Dakota on the republican ticket is a brother of Mrs JCW Gibson of thhi city The Alpena Journal says the fight against Mr Loomis was especially bitter as ho was ouo of the first men to donoutico Sonator Pettigrew Notwith standing this Mr Loomis received tho largest majority of auy caudidato for any olllco ou oithor ticket except ono It is tho first timo that county has been safoly iu tho republican column for 12 yoars An Omaha Swcdo worked a noat trick on a druggist of that city recently Ho took a two gallon jug containing a gal lon of water into tho pharmacy aud ordered a gallon of alohol Tho clerk filled tho order but when it camo to pay tho Swodo had no uiouoy The clt rk thereupon drew out a gallon of tho mix ture but enough of tho alohol remained to givo tho Swedos wator au intoxicat ing quality and ho took his jug homo and proceeded to get full Tho jokj ou tho cleric was so good ho had to re turn and twit him about it and tho shrewd foreigner was thereupon arrested and finod a dollar for being drunk aud disorderly Tho republicans of Lincoln havo planned a monster ratification meeting to take placo Saturday of this week It is expected that all tho state officers olect will bo present aud all tho repub licans of tho state aro invited to bo pros ont aud participate in a graud review of the noisiest aud most joyful red fire ratification and illumination in tho his tory of our city and Btato Concluding its address the committee says Ab vim vigor viotory was the inspiring motto of republicanism during the cam paign let the word on this occasion bo Johnnie got your shot gun your horn and whistlo aud come November 24th by foot horse or special train as tho ways will bo kopt open aud upon that date all roads will lead to Lincoln tho dome of whoso capitol building will hereafter reflect the golden hue of tho joyous night Oomo republicans in fact como everyone who by their vote voice or sympathy contributed to tho grand result of November Oth Special railroad rates made for this occasion A VERY CLOSE CALL A Gun Which Was Not Loaded Causes Consternation at the Turf Ex change IiiHt livening From Saturdays Daily Rudy Blatt went out hunting yester day and when ho returned ho dropped iu at tho Turf Exchange He had a pump gun which a bystander wanted to see Before passing it over for inspec tion ho removed the shells or supposed ho did but in fact one shell was left iu tho gun While tho gun was being examined the shell was discharged the shot plunging through tho wall and dropping in tho restaurant ou the other side Joe Bayse of Wiuside was almost within range of the guu aud it is con sidered a miracle by those who saw the accident that he was not instantly killed As it was he was only fright ened aud that thoroughly but probably not more so than Blatt himself the ac cident makiug him sick He passed the guu over to a friend and said he never wanted to seo it again This is oue of the stories of the gun that was not loaded which did not end fatally al though it was a very close call Help Nature I Babies and children need proper food rarely ever medi 1 I cine If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong They need a little j I help to get their digestive j machinery working properly f SO COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPMTES of LIMES SODA I AkitW rfonoralKr rnrrori 4hic P X YTIII KbIIVI MM J VIIVVb 1 1 11 I difficulty j If you will put from one- fourth to half a tcaspoonful i in habvs bottle three or four i i j times a day you will soon see i a marked improvement For J larger children from half to f a teaspoonful according to x age dissolved in their milk if you so desire will very j soon show its great nourish ing power If the mothers milk does not nourish the baby she needs the emul sion It will show an effect j at once both upon mother and child I 50c jnJ 1 00 all druggists SCOTT BOWNE Chemists New York H H n ww II I