The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 23, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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Felt Boots
Felt Shoes
Felt Slippers
All Sizes and
Davenport Bros
nw a
Defects scarcely noticeable
in children assume
dangerous proportions with
advancing years
A proper correction now will
prevent serious complica
tions later
fill c p a pifliQimttT
Steam Laundry
i i
umy nisi uasn iauuui y
2 In Northeast Nebraska
Every effort mudo to plcnso imtrone and
givo Biitibfiictioti Latent improved ma
chinery UBed in all departments Work
not fatisfnctory will bo relaundcrod free
oi cnarKe u roiurneu unworn w
X DAN CRAVEN Proprietor X
The Norfolk feed JB11
One Block West of Creighton Depot
Phone lai
ART McCOY Proprietor
For Breakfast Foods
Thompsons Cash Grocery
These are a few
Pillsburys Oat Food per pkg 10c
Wheat Manna two for 25c
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
two for 25c
PillBburyB Vitos two for 25c
Quaker Oats two for 25c
Waldorf Oats two for 25c
Cremola two for 25c
Wheatling each 10c
Grape Nuts two for 25c
Wheat Flakes two for 25c
Granose two for 25c
Wheatose two for 25c
Miss Fannie Norton entertained the
Even Dozeu club this afternoon
The West Side Whist club eujoyed a
pleaBant meeting with Mr and Mrs N
A Rainbolt last evoning
A crowd of young people from the
city enjoyed the regular weekly dnnco
nt the hospital for the insMio last night
Tho work on tho Bishop block has
been progressing nicoly today Yester
day shoot iron mirtar boards woro
brought into requisition nud the mud
is kept from freezing by n tiro under tho
A great fish story comes from Jollot
111 and it didnt originato with Bill
Lw either Tho press dispatches havo
it that aftor a shower last Tnosdny a
largo piautitylof small white ilsh woro
found in various parts of tho city
That they fell from tho clouds is be
lieved from tho fact that some of them
were foundjon tho roofs of largo build
Rolla Lewis who stolo three head of
cattle from S W Duel nt Meadow
Grove in October was sentenced to a
twin of 15 mouths in penitentiary at
hard labor by Tutlgo Cones at Madison
yesterday morning When arraigned
Lewis laled not guilty but later
changed his po i to guilty and tho at
torneys united in asking tho clemency
of the court for the young man
The arrangements for tho night
classes of tho Y M O L havo been
completed and they will start noxt Tues
day night in tho leaguo rooms Super
intPiideut D C OConnor and Principal
J B Barnes of tho public schools have
consouted to instrnot tho classes in the
English branches and will teach arith
metic spelling history and geography
G L Chittick who is said to bo well
qualified for tho task has agreod to
teach penmanship Prof M B Singer
principal of the parochial school of the
Christ Lutheran church and a highly
qualified instructor in German has
signified a willingness to teach a class
in that language Tho instructors are
therefore tho best tho city affords and
much good may bo expected to result to
thoso taking advantage of the course
Those who wish to enroll should do so
promptly and have all tho advautnge
of tho start Some further enrollments
in the history nud geography classes are
especially desired Students who have
been through school and desiro a review
of these studies or persons who havo
never taken them will find this a fine
For soveral days past The Nkws has
been publishing a notice signed by L
S Beemer advertising the finding of a
package of county warrants issued by
counties in the state of Washington
Sheriff Losoy noticed tho advertisement
and believing that tho discriptiou tallied
with papers recently taken from the
store of Hall Meiuckent Battle Creek
informed them of tho notice on a recent
visit to that village John C Hall n
member of the firm came down yesterdny
to investigate lie had tho description
of one of the warrants which tallied
exactly with one of those held by Mr
Beemer Descriptions of tho other
paperB wcie taken by tho burglars and
he was not able to describe them He
finally satisfied Mr Beemer however
that they were the property of hiB firm
and the warrants were given into his
possession Mr Beemer states that he
found the papers wrapped up with a
pair of socks in a brush heap near the
F E M V railroad tracks where
they had probably been discarded by
the robbers who were unable to realize
on them and feared their incriminating
evidence if found in their possession
The warrants with interest due were
worth about 220 Mr Hall presented
Mr Beemer with 5 for his edorta in
getting the property returned to the
original owners
See Ohristophs new holiday ad in
todays issue
Until further notice the Viavi office
will be open Monday Tuesday aud Sat
urday of each week
Lake trout pickerel and dressed cat
fish at Kara Bros
Has all you need for your Thankgiving
fruit cake or plum pudding citron
lemon and orange peel Imported Sul
tana raisins California seeded raisins
currants otc aud tho fiuest of every
thing in spices Also makes a white
and dark fruit cake It is about as
cheap as you can make it and thoso who
have tried it say it is as good
New nuts cluster raisina Malaga
grapes lettuce radishes and celery
Older early and bo sure of your supply
The Cull In Situation
The approach of wiutor fiuds a most
encouraging situation among the stock
growers of Nebraska Never has thero
been a more liberal supply of fall pas
ture than exists at this time or a better
condition of flesh and health among tho
grazing animals of the locks aud herds
Tho cattle stock of the state is hi fine
condition to stand tho cold aud freezing
weather which must be endured for at
least ninety days in average Nebraska
Tho open range plan of wintering
stook habjgivon way to better care aud
more prepared feed In the buffalo
grass districts whore the feed cures on
tho ground during the fall months tho
winter enro of cattle and horses is an
easy problem to solve as little or no
prepared feed is required in moderate
weather aud when tho grass is not cov
ered with snow
The large area of western Nebraska
called the saud hills ib abundantly
I supplied with the eaud variety of grasses
that euro on the ground nud make good
winter grnzlng for Mock In thoso
localities tho expense of wintering ani
mals is very light in o mparison with
tho prepared feed districts Nub aska
has n good cr p of all kinds of rough
feed fr wintering cattle and the
farmers in tho grain growing districts
on well as in t uo western grazing dis
tricts Imvo been Mocking up with cheap
stock cattlo coining into tho markets
from tholes favored localities Woild
neraldNov 10 11KX
Farm nud city loans
Farm land and city property for sale
by G R Seiler
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Skiikh
Bnltimoro oysters Standard and
Select in bulk at Gllssnians
Try some of the fine homo made
candies nt thu Model Bakery Theyre
Win Hohneko went to Omaha Mon
day on business
John Brochrison of Fremont is visit
ing hero with his father aud sisors
Ben Marshall and family who havo
been oast for several years returned to
Battlo Creek again to stay
P F Zimmerman is the happiest dem
ocrat here and in tho county It is said
that they will keep him for seed
Theiowas no German school this
week on account of tho mcuichh of Prof
M G Dering who is troubled with
Rufus Day who is a brnkeinan on the
F E As M V is hero sick with a bad
cold with his brother Station Agent
W C Day
S F Ileitzmau has just completed
one oi tho fiuest dwelhugs for Burt
Baker oldest son of Ho i L 13 Buker
It is ro 11 y an orniunent to our city
Tho republicans raised heir lag polo
Wednesday It is more or less 1 58 foot
high The lag cobt J In tho tvou
i g tho young people had a bou iiro
Cash er E H Luikart was away this
week to Lincoln and other places ti
settle up matters while ho was Btate
bauk examiner Mr Fitzgerald clerk
of tho Meadow Grove ttato bank is as
sisting hero during hs absence
Wm Lowe who moved to town
about a mouth ago sold tho balance of
his farm property Monday on his old
place uiuo miles southwest of here Col
T D Preece was auctioneer and Judo
Neuwerk wus clerk Tho weather was
bad and n small crowd present but all
were buyers aud no lunch eaters
Baltimore oysters Standard and
Select iu bulk at Glissmans
Wasted A geod solicitor
nt Michaels gallery
For Rent Five room cottage with
barn on South Ninth street Inquire
of Mrs Brooks at 207 South Twelfth
Free water colorB and medallions at
Ono more chance to secure one of
those lovely new ovnl medallions free
at Michaels studio on Wednesday Nov
ember 28 With each cash order for one
dozen of our new Myco oval photos we
will make nud donate free a lovely oval
medallion Strictly first class work
guaranteed at Micheals popular gallery
Dressed tnrkoys chickens aud ducks
at Karo Bros
Mellowrioh coffee sells rapidly conse
quently tho supply is nlways fresh For
sale by A J Bohnert agent
Fine homo made candies at the Model
Wasted At the Pacific hotel a
young man to assist the clerk for his
board and attend school
Everyone should drink Mellowrich
coffee It is without an equal
If you havo any furs in collarettes
scarfs etc to buy dont fail to look at
our large stock
Renl Marten collarettes 77 up
Imitation Marten collarettes ifrflOOup
Imitation Senl collarettes 300 up
Real Beaver collarettes 2050 to
Imitation Beaver collarettes 1075
Real Stone Martin collarettes 2850
to 37rX
Imitation Stone Marten collarettes
850 to 1250
Real Marten scarfs 500 up
Imitation Marten scarfs 00 up
Handsome long animal scarfs with
heads 775
Cheap scarfs from 125 up
Real Stouo Marten scarfs 2000 up
Imitation Stone Marten scarfs 100
Muffs 125 up
Mrs J Benpon
South Kith street
Omaha Nebr
Pay cash and buy chenp at tho new
feed mill ono block west of tho Creigh
ton depot Phone 121
All kinds of feed at the now feed mill
one block west of tho Creighton depot
Phouo 121
Tho Black Hills or List Hunting
Grounds of tho Dakotas is on sale at
the New York drug store
Wanted A girl for general house
work Mrb J B Barnes
WIIIiiIiii iter lroi irh In
Ioil lonU llt r Ijopillif mill Hun
I ii to Mini lliuili
New York Nov Nt Tlu North Sor
man Lloyd steamer the Kaiser YVII
helni der Jnisse arrived yesleiday IS
hours- overdue mill to add to her
oilier misfortunes grounded near the
southwest spit In the lower bay after
passing Sandy Hook She made the
passage In 7 days M hours end 20 min
utes This Is fhe slowest trip ever
made by a steamer The cause of her
delay was primarily fhe weather
From the moment of leaving Cherbourg
she experienced stormy weather Hill
ing hazy weather on the 21st he liner
passed so close to tin oil tank steamer
which was deeply laden t lint the pas
sctigcrs could look upon her decks
Outside the bar Dennis Hcardon the
Sandy Hook pilot boarded he vessel
hi rounding the southwest spit the
steamer being under too iniu h head
way to turn the sharp angle of the
channel ran Info the mud Later In
hacking nil she fouled a spar buoy and
It Is supposed that flic chain wound
about the propeller as the vessel
stopped and was unable to move She
has on board 125 saloon t2H second
cabin and i7S steerage passengers
The passengers did not appear to bo
In any way excited hut all were dis
gusted at the suihlcn stoppage so close
to home aud many chafed at the delay
which resulted In heir detention on
board for another night
Bnltimoro oysters Standard and
Select in bulk at Glissiuans
Celery at lCuro Bros
W H Wigton is in the city from
Charles Pryco of Tilden is n visitor in
die city
Mrs Patterson of Winsido was in the
city yesterday
Albert Pilger of Pilger was a Norfolk
visitor yesterday
Adam Pilger of Stanton was a city
visitor yesterday
Mr and Mrs Storey of Piorco woro
city visitors yesterday
Judge and Mrs Powirs returned from
their visit to Omaha yestordav
L L McKiiu was a passenger to
Omaha this morning on business
Editor Folix Hale of tho Tildon Oiti
zon is in Norfolk today on business
Mr and Mrs O II Reynolds returned
yoh onlay from thoir trip to Chicago
Letha and Murlo Blakinan have gone
to Columbus to visit friends a few days
T H Tracy ot Milford soldiers homo
is here viBiting his son Col E H Tracy
Mr and Mrs AuguHt Litzky were
Norfolk visitors vestordny from Stanton
Editor J 13 Donovan of the Madison
Star is looking after business matters in
A II Allinson has gone to Ogden
Utah on business He will be awny
two or three weeks
S G Dean sr is expected here today
from Wataga 111 to spend the winter
with his son S G Dean jr
W H Johnson returned today from
Omaha where ho has been purchasing
Christmas goods for the Johnson Dry
Goods company
Storrs Mnthowson returned last uight
from Wakefield where he enjoyed a
very successful quail hunt Ho brought
home 50 of tho birds
Mrs E W Bates has returned from
her visit to Missouri Valley Iowa ac
companied by her daughter Mrs Leon
Brown who will visit hoi o until after
S A Barnes who has hold a position
with the railroad company hero during
tho summer leaves tomorrow for Ash
land Oregon where his family is
located Ho will spend the winter thero
and may remain permanently
Pork tenderloins aud spare ribs at
Lake trout fresh catfish and wall
eyed pike at Glissmans
MnrrlHfn of Foriimr Norfolk 1 1 rl
The American of Griswold Iowa of
recent date contains n very fine write
up of the mnrriage of Miss Grace Murer
formerly of Norfolk to Herman G
Wilcox which took place at the homo
of tho brides parents Mr aud Mrs
John Murer of Griswold ou tho 15th
instant The wedding took placo at
high noon in the presence of about 15
guests Rev F H Grace of tho Presby
terian church performing tho ceremony
Miss Laura Durland of this city an in
timate friend of tho bride during her
residence in Norfolk performed the
houors of bridesmaid Of the newly
married couple the American says
The groom has been a resident of
Griswold for a number of years and is
tho junior member of the hardware
firm of Wilcox Bros He is a young
man of the moat steady habits careful
considerate and painstaking in every
business transaction By his ever
courteous aud attentive treatmont of
customers ho uiakos friends with every
one with whom ho comes in contact
The bride has also beeu a resident of
Griswold for n number of years She
is one of our most polished refined and
accomplished young ladies Siuce 6ho
graduated from the Griswold High
school some threo years ago she has
given the most of her time to teaching
inilrumenfal uuif ic nud is very thor
ough In this art She is also a leading
worker in tho Young Peoples society of
the Picsbyterliin church In her
changed relations in llfo she not only
becomes a helpmate iu nivmo but in
deed as well
Mr and Mrs Wilcox will bo nt homo
o their friends in Griswold ufter Do
comber I
DrKrauk Suitor Disease of children
Oysters at Kato Bros
Conditions of tho weather as rccoidrd
for the 21 hours ending at 8 it in to
Maximum temperatiue 211
Minimum temperature 11
Avernge II
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month II
Snowfall 00
Baromet or 211 0
Forecast for Nebraska Threatening
tonight aud Saturday with possibly
rain or snow Hurries east jxirtion
Delicious homo made chocolates at the
Model Bakery Foimerly Prey thalers
Sturgeon is tho pinuo num
douses for sale T K Odiounk
Vo make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhoin Building and
Savings association T 10 Odiounk Heo
Ilnlluny Turin IiiiiiIh lror Sulit
In northern Wisconsin the Chicago
St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway
has for sale at low rates and easy tonus
of payment about 100000 acres or choice
farm lands Early buyers will secure
the advantage of locations on the many
beautiful streams and hikes which
abound with fish and furnish a never
ending and most excellent wafer supply
both for family use and for slock
Lund is generally well timbered ho
soil fertile and cany of cultH atiou
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minne
apolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
numerous other thriving cities and
towns on tho lino of tho C St P M
it O railway and other railroads in tho
same territory furnish good markets for
farm produce
For further particulars nddress
Geo W Unix
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H Mac Rak
A G P A St Paul Minn
Suillril Iiicii
A swollen faco is tho characteristic
epidemic system this year of a cold or
tho grip Humphreys Specific 77
cures it 25c
is what wo olfer you in
Take tho time and look over tho bar
gains at
For Strictly
Millinery and
Correct Prices
Call on
ioSi J Bender
Invites you to Compare Prices
Tomatoes per enn 8c
Peas per can 5c
Com per can 8c
Java Cofleo bes per lb 15c
Oat Meal per lb 20
Soap 10 bnrs 25c
Ph pound can Baking Powder 20c
Best Prunes per lb 8c
Blueing 4c
Soda per lb 3igC
SUivh porlb 3bC
Crackers per lb 7X CC
Clothes Lines 9c
Lvo per con 4c
Mixed Candy per lb 7Jc
Peailine per package 4c
Rice per lb 7c
Lamp Chimney 4c
We havo n big line of Tinware Gran
itoware and Crockery which we urc
selling very cheap
Buy your holiday presents beforo
seeing one of tho finest linos at
Chrlstophs consisting of
Toilet Sets
Gold Plated
Fine Papctcrics
Perfumes Dolls
Juvenile and
Gift Books
Geo B Ghristopb
It is a Sad
or otherwise de
pending from
what standpoint
you view
it on this 20th
century of mod
ern civilization
that the fixed
forces of nature
projecting pro
pelling always
keep crowding
you onward un
til yon reach the
highest plain
from which you
can view with
supreme delight
the accessories
we have for fin
ishing a becom
ing toilet for the
hat you wear
must be becom
ing must be
adapted to your
face and features
or the whole en
semble is nil We
make the claim
that we can fit
your face becom
ingly Come and
Ladies Baths
Rooms on North Ninth Street
Sale and -a
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on