Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 16, 1912, Image 1

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    Historical Society. _ J
Volume 27 , No. 19 VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , MAY 16 , 1912. § 1.50 per year
We take considerable pleasure in calling at
tention to our complete stock of Munsing
Union * Suits for ladies. We consider
ovrselves very fortunate in securing the ex
clusive agency for these excellent garments.
While it is generally known that they are
very high class , it is not known by every
body that the prices are as low as ordinary
makes of underwear are sold for. We can
convince you.
r c. >
A Few Suggestions to the Gift Seeker
11 A nice Watch , Necklace. Fountain Pen
Stick Pin Pin Hat Pin
Watch Fob Broach Belt Buckle
Bracelet Tie Clasp King
Visit Our Store before purchasing
' V V LI L vul * fS Vi * 11 f4 ViLJ I I t rilrf'JIWfc t J >
Front Hardware Co. M
Come and see etar
I efts
It does- not get - ? rays stays
stock 01 Garden Hose is all
new. Just' received. No old stock
carried over. We are headquarters
\ lor all Electric and Plumbing goods.
'Red Front Hardware Co.
Cottage Grove Restaurant
Edmund Gerber , Prop.
First Class Meals and Short Orders
Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty =
9&e meals $4.50. Come to the Cottage Grove Res =
taurantfor a "square rneal. "
- W. B. HOWE , Proprietor
i , Successor to John D. Eaton.
. * . <
Electric Lights , Hot water Heat , Good Rooms and Beds , where you
can feel at home and be comfortabe while you reir-ain.
We invite old patron ? and others to call and see us.
For Sale :
- \
30,000 acres improved farm lands
in Eastern Norman county , the
garden spot of Xorthwestem Min
nesota , at from $27 to $50 per
acre. Particulars and photos of
btiildings upon application.
Box 862 ,
Ji > 6 fr * SueuFj Minn ,
Do You Want a Bargain in
Town Property ?
1 have three properties that are
bargains and I am going to sell
them at a bargain to some one who
has a few hundred dollars laying
I want to build a good building
for a printing office and will sell
property , cbeap , to carry out my
Come and see me on any kind
of a property deal. I want money
and I'll give big value for it.
I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr ,
They're Coming Back.
The cleverest entertainers or
the stage'and a big feature \\itl
the Chase-Lister Co. for tl e pasi
nine years Clint and Bessie Rob
bins , the people of "Rag Doll'
fame , and always the most popu
lar favorites that visit our city.
A little bit bigger a little bil
cleaner a little bit better thar
the other ones.
Monday night , May 20 , they
play ' 'Under Arizona Skies. "
Tuesday night they play "Hei
Second Husband. "
Quigley's opera house May 20 21.
Wedding Bells.
At eight o'clock on Tuesday
morning of this week , a pretty
wadding look place at St. Nicholas
church , when Rev Father Blaere
united in marriage Mr. Thomas P.
Jordan and Miss Catherine Hilley.
Mr. M. P. Jordan , a brother of
the groom was best man and Miss
Lillian Mary San Souci , a cousin
of the bride , acted as bridesmaid.
The ceremony was witnessed by
a large assembly of relatives and
At one o'clock the new'y mar
ried couple , with their friends and
relatives , repaired to the home of
bhe groom's father where an elab-
jrate wedding dinner was served
The day was spent in congratula
tions , and many beautiful presents
were presented to Mr. and Mrs.
The groom is the son of Mr.
iml Mrs M J Jordan of this
3ity , and a young man of sterling
lualities. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Susanna Hilley of
Arabia , and is a lady of rare ac-
The young couple , who left on a
ittle wedding tour to the Black
Hills , intend to make Arabia their
future home.
Their many friends avail them
selves of this opportunity to offer
ihis worthy couple all sorts of
riatrimonial bliss.
Mrs. Margaref- White was born
u Wigan , Lancashire , England ,
Vug. 26 , 1858 , and died May 11 ,
1912 , at the St. Joseph hospital ,
Drnaha , Nebr. , after an illness of-
ihree weeks. She was operated on
ror gall stones a week prior to her
The deceased leaves to mourn
ler death four daughters and live
ions and one sister , Mary A. Smith
) f this city , Mrs. M. Chri&ten-
( en and Miss Helen of this c-ity ,
MRS Margaret nml Catherine of
iberidun , U 30 , William E. of
> ookston , Francis , John , Leo and
Dhomas at home. All were present
luring her burial. '
She was a good and loving moth-
; r and sister , a good and faithful
leighbor , loved by all uho knew
The remains were laid to rest in
.he Crookston cemetery May 13 ,
L912 , beside her husband. The
uneral services were held in the
Catholic church of this city , Rev.
father Blaere officiating.
Margaret McGuan was united in
narriage to Bartholomew White
$ ov. 13,1879 , at Rock Island , 111.
Co this union was born 14 children.
Five children are dead and nine are
The silver cord is snapped asunder
.nd one life is done ;
3one to dwell with God , the Father ,
\.nd wear the crown that she has
Weep not children , weep notr s'ister ,
Though we'll miss her day ] y day :
She is free from pain and sorrow
[ n that brighter land always.
Though one chair is vacant and can
never be refilled ,
Let us strive to do our duty and
a home in Heaven ,
Nebraska Fed Beeves $8,65
Highest Price Ever Paid
Fair Run of Sheep and Lambs Price :
for Lambs Ruled Lower Ewes aru
Wethers Selling on a Steady Basis
Union Stock Yards , South Omaha
May 14. A very moderate supply o
cattle was received today , about 3OU (
nead. Fat cattle were. I525c ( highei
than at the close of last week. Some
choice 1,430-pound beeves sold lei
$ S.G5 , the highest price ever paid here
for a full load of cattle. Cows anc
heifers are selling at stronger figures
and fat hcifery stock , as well as good
heavy cows , sold about as v/ell as at
any time laiely. The market for vea !
calves is quotably strong There was
a satisfactory outlet and market for
bulls , slags and rough stock generally ,
Inquiry for srock cows and heifers is
apparently as vigorous as ever and of
ferings of this description find a ready
Quotations on cattle : Choice to
prime beeves , $ S.25@S.75 ; jrood to
choice beeves , $7.S5@S.25 ; fair to good
bppves , $7.25 7.75 ; common to fair
beeves , S6.50 1.25 ; good to choice
heifers. $6.75 < S7.75 ; good to choice
cows. ? 5.75 G.7o ; fair to good grades ,
| o.25@5.75 ; canners and cutters , $3.00
0:5.00 : : veal calves , $4.00@7.7o ; bulls ,
stags , etc. . $4.50fb6.75 ; choice to prime
feeders , $0.75@7.25 ; good to choice
feeders , $5.SOffiG.50 ( ; fair to good feed
ers , $5.25 ( 5.75 ; common to fair feed
ers , $4.25 500 : stock cows and heif
ers , $4.00 < f5.25. > .
About 13,800 head of hogs arrived
today and prices were mostly lOc high
er. Best heavv hogs on sale brought
* 7 70 , as compared with Monday's top
of $7.(50 ( , while most sales were fairly
well bunched within $7.45@7.60 , as
against last Tuesday's bulk of $7.40
< ji7.GO.
Receipts of sheep and lambs
amounted to about 4,000 head. Lambs
were uneven and slow at declines ,
ranging * from lOc to 25c. Ewes and
wetheis were relatively scarce and
told up fairly well. Best wooled
lambs sold at $9.50. Some extra shorn ,
owes brought $ fi.50 ; Shorn welhora
also lauded it $0.50.
Quotations on sheep arid lamb. -
Wooled T.nmbs , good to choice. $9.00
© 9.BO : lambs , fair to good. $8.25 ( S )
3.00 ; ewes , good to choice , ? 7.00t7 30 ;
awes , fair to good , $ < 5..V7.00. ) Shorn :
Lambs , good to choice , $ S.40@S.G5 :
lambs , fair to good , $7.75 < R > 8.40 ; year-
! inss , $ G.65f 7.25 : wethers , ? 5.S5@
5 G5 ; ewes , $5.25@fi.50.
Card of Thanks.
We hereby tender our heartfelt
lianks to the many friends aud
ieigh.bors for their kindly assistance
md lloral offerings during the death
md burial of our beloved mother ,
vlrs. Margaret White.
William , Francis , John , Leo ,
Thomas , Helen , Catherine
and Margaret White , and
Mrs. Mary Christensen.
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Jathnlic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday , May
1st Mass at 8 a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
Instructions for the children at
3 p. m.
In Nenzel on Sunday , June 2 ,
Leo. M. Blaere , Eector.
I have just received a new and
most up to date French dry clean
ing machine. Am now ready and
prepared to do all kinds of clean
ing of ladies' and gent's wearing
ipparel , such as coats , suits ,
iresses , waists and furs. A trial
will convince you of our superior
work. , T. ABRAHAMS , Ladies' and
Gent's Tailor , Old Home Bakery
Building- - 18
Valentine will observe Decoration
3ay with appropriate services at the
M. E. church at 2 o'clock p m. , un-
3er the auspices of the Or. A. R. and
Woman's Improvement Club ,
Go to
For Gent' Furnishings
Clothino- and Shoes
Merchant Tailorin
Latest System in French Dry Cleaning
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , - Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29xyearxold
and Jas , E , Pepper. O , F , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated , tin-
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ,
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
"m * to * * VL cf < > L < > l A * i 0
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
tVill buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
Lnythinp ; you have to sell.
Did you ever give thought to the fact that it is largely due
to the material aid and encouragement given by banks and
bankers that this is a country of homes and home owners ?
Do you realize that this aid and encouragement , which has
been such a help in making improvements and advancing prop
erty values , was possible only because many people deposited
in banks their surplus money , the money for which they had
no immediate use ?
Individually these accounts were small , collectively they
stand for the world's progress. " *
Identify yourself with the movement for making this a
better town , a better trading point and a more prosperous com
munity of home owners by opening an account with the
Deposits in this bank arc protected by the Depositor's
Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. > .
A/ArfwtJt/ !
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
S22 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
"My little son had a very severe cold.
I was recommended to try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy , and before- small bottle
tle was finished he was as well as ever , "
writes Mrs.H. Silks , 29 Bowling Street ,
Sydney , Australia. This remedy is for
\ % all floater ' .