VALENTINE DEMOCEJ I. M. RICE , Publisher. , VALENTINE. - - NEBRA3I CLOSELY MUFFLED HE IS TAK ! TO VERA CRUZ SPAIN HIS OBJECTIVE POINT. DEPARTURE KEPT A 8ECR ! Deposed Executive Embarks on Stea er Bound for Spain De La Barra augurated Provisional President City Quiet the Entire Day. Mexico City. Porfirio Diaz , f whom during thirty years all Mexi has paid deference , secretely left t capital at 2 o'clock Friday mornin Only a few friends , whom he truste followed him to the station. He w bound to Vera Cruz to take a ship Spain. In the distance he could he voices of enthusiastic celebrants , wl v/ere acclaiming the new presider " -ancisco Leon De la Barra , and "Vii Madero. " o carefully were the arrangemen made for his departure that detai could not be confirmed until that a ternoon. Secrecy was due less to a prehension of a popular outburst hei than to a desire to reach Vera Cri without the fact being known to m rauding bands along the route. Travi between here and the seaport is usi ally over the Mexican railroad , a stai dard gauge line , with modern equi ; ment. Rails along this route frequen ly have been removed of late by bai dits who were determined that Dia for reasons best known to then selves , should not reach the capita They are reported to have harbore the idea that Diaz would follow th precedent of other Latin-America residents and carry the national fund with him. UPSET BY GHASTLY JOKE. Students Place Naked * Corpse on Piz no Stool in College Chapel. Alfred , N. Y. The placing of a na ked human corpse on a piano stool ii the chapel of Alfred university so UF set he faculty and student body tha the program prepared for the last da : of the college year had to be postpon ed. Students are suspected of th < deed. For several days the students had been in a sullen mood over th ( suspension of the entire basebal team , which played a game recentlj without permission. A raid was made on an undertaking room in the town and a body was car ried away. The corpse , nude , was placed in a sitting posture on the pia no stool and was discovered by Prof. Annas , of the music department. Steel Products Prices Cut. New York. Price cutting of steel products , following the lead of the Republic Iron and Steel company , con tinued Friday. . The Illinois Steel company reduced its stock prices on steel bars 10 cents per hundred pounds. The new prices apply only to the Chicago cage district. Barn and Contents Burn. Randolph , Neb. The barn of John Voss , southwest of Randolph , burned to the ground , together with two hors es and a quantity of hay and grain. The loss was partially covered by in surance. The cause of the fire is un known. Retired Army Officer Dead. San Antonio , Tex. Brig. Gen. John L. Bullis , TL S. A. , retired , died here of .apoplexy , aged 70 years. Gen. Bullis was with Gen. Nelson A. Miles when he captured Gernomio. King George a Field Marshal. Berlin. It has been announced that Emperor William , while at Bucking ham palace on May 16 , had appointed King George a general field marshal in the Prussian army. Succumbs to Her Injuries. London. Mrs. Sybill Bernby , a sis ter of Baron Delamere , who was in- j jured by a fall from a third story window - i dow of her house two weeks ago , died here. Population of Ireland. London. Ireland has a population of 4,381,951 , according to the census * returns. This is a decrease of 76,824 In ten years. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City , Io. Friday's quotations on the local live stock market follow : Top beeves , $5.50. Top hogs , $5.95. An Unusual Distinction. Rolla , Mo. Miss Eva Endurance Hirble , of St. Louis * has graduated with a class of thirty-five men in min ing , from the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. She is believed to be the only woman who has ever received a diploma as a mining engineer. , Wealthy Contractor Dead. Winnepeg , Man. Israel M. Ross , a millionaire railway contractor , who with Donald Grant built many rail roads in western America , died here , aged 70 years. IN BITTER NOTE HE GIVES PRESIDENCY OF MEX ICO. DE LA BARRA TAKES OA' Retiring Executive Expresses H < That Passions Which Caused I Abdication Will Be Calmed Me Frenzied With Joy at Freedom. Mexico City. President Diaz , in letter bitter in its inferences , resign thef presidency of the republic Mexico , and the acceptance of his r Ignatlon by the chamber of deputl was announced. As the "Gray Eagle of Mexico" 1 helpless in bed the president of t chamber of deputies , in a closed roc with armed guards at the doors and great impatient throng awaiting 01 side , slowly read his resignation. No cheers from the deputies , only solemn , impressive quiet greeted tl reading of this document. "President Porfirio Diaz is dea Long live Citizen Porfirio Diaz ! " di matically spoke Deputy Jose Asj His was the only address that f < lowed the reading of the resignatio The speaker admitted that Gener Diaz had been called to account ft his errors by a people who had pr gressed faster than the author of the progress had realized , but he declare the good that General Diaz had dor his country would live forever in hi tory and outweigh his mistakes. The resignation of Vice-Preside ] Ramon Corral was also read. In tl yellow room of the national palac not far from the chamber in whlc Citizen Porfirio Diaz lies ill , Minist ( de la Barra took the oath of office i provisional president of Mexico. He acknowledged his elevation t that high office in an open letter t the Mexican people. In it he declare he will not be a candidate for eithe president or vice-president when general election Is called. The entire cabinet resigned , corollary to the retirement of Geners Diaz , and as such excited little intei 3St. Great throngs , anticipating tha Diaz would abdicate , gathered aroun : he national palace. It was a grin ? aced , solemn , determined , quie : rowd. It filled the plaza and the sid Jtreets leading up to it and wouli lave jammed the palace itself had no nounted police and soldiers with gun ) locked the way. When the announce uent was made by the clanging cathe Iral bells and two cannon shots tha ) Iaz had resigned the crowd gave om nighty cheer and then all was quie > nce more. To prove , even beyond the resigns Ion of President Diaz , that it is act ag In good faith , the federal govern lent has given complete charge of al roops In Mexico City to Alfredo Ro les Dominguez , the personal repre entatlve of Gen. Francisco I. Madero 'he ' garrison is instructed to make nc love without first consulting him. The letter of resignation which was Irected to the president of the cham- ar of deputies read as follows : "Sir The Mexican people , who gen- ously have covered me with honors , ho proclaimed me as their leader iring the international war , who itriotlcally assisted me in all works idertaken to develop industry and le commerce of the republic , estab- sh Its credit , gain for it the respect the world and obtain for it an hon- able position in the concert of na- 3ns ; that same people , sir , has re- ilted to armed military bands , stat- g that my presence In the exercise the supreme executive power Is the .use of this insurrection. "I do not know of any fact imputa- e to me which could have caused is social phenomenon , but permit- ig , though not admitting , that I may unwittingly culpable , such a possl- iity makes me the least able to rea- Q out and decide my own culpabil- Therefore , respecting , as 1 have al- iys respected , the will of the people , d in accordance with article 82 of 3 federal constitution , I come before j supreme representatives of the na ns in order to resignunreserved' , j office of International president of 3 republic with which the national : e honored me , which I do with al ] s more reason since , in order to con- ue ? in office It would be necessary shed Mexican blood , endangering s credit of the country , dissipating wealth , exhausting its resources I exposing Its policy to internatlon- lompllcations. I hope , gentlemen , that when the isions which are Inherent to all olutions have been calmed , a more scientious and justified study will ig out in the national mind a cert - t acknowledgment , which will al- me to die , carrying engraved in soul a just impression of the esti- iion of my life , which throughout I e devoted and will devote , to my ntrymen. With all respect. "PORFIRIO DIAZ. " Theater Man Guilty. t. Louis. William Garen , former lager of Havlin's theater , pleaded ty to embezzling ? 22,000 of the iter's funds , and was sentenced to re five years In the penitentiary , was paroled. Mother and Son Lynched. kema , Okla. Laura Nelson , ne- is , and her son , sixteen years old , e lynchedhere. . They shot Deputy riff George H. Loney , who tried search their shanty for' stolen Is. MEXICO'S NEW PRESIDENT 5SxWXv-5w : > > < -xgxH : : : : (5 topyrlgftt Dy Wuldon Fawcett F. L. DE LA BARRA. SAYS COLLEAGUES ON SUPREM COURT TELL STANDARD IT MAY MAKE NEW PACT. PREDICTS MUCH LITIGATIOI Formal Dissenting Ruling Declare Business May Be Brought Nea Chaos Censures Tribunal for Pei mitting New Arguments. Washington. Associate Justic Vohn M. Harlan , In his forms dissenting opinion , filed here , charac terized the assenting opinion given ii the Standard Oil case as "a blow a the integrity of our government sye tern that In the end will prove mos dangerous to all. " "The disposition of the case unde. consideration , according to the viewi of the defendants , will , it is claimed quiet and give rest to 'the business o the country. ' On the contrary , I havt a strong conviction that it will throv the business of the country Into con fusion and invite widely extended anc harrasslng litigation , the injurious effects of which will be felt for manj years to come. When congress pro hibited every contract , combination or monopoly restraint of commerce 11 prescribed a simple , definite rule that ill could understand and could be eas ily applied by everyone wishing to ibey the law and not to conduct their justness In violation of law. "But now it is to be feared we are o have , in cases without number , the : onstantly recurring inquiry difficult : o solve by proofs whether the par- icular contract , combination or trust nvolved in each case i $ or Is not an unreasonable' or 'undue' restraint of rade. " "There are some who say that It is . part of one's liberty to conduct com- aerce among the states without being ubject to governmental authority. Jut that would not be liberty , regula- Bd by law , and liberty which cannot e regulated by law is not to be de- Ired. The supreme law of the land , rhich Is binding alike upon all upon residents , congress , the courts and eople gives to congress , and to con- ress alone , authority to regulate In- jrstate commerce , and when con- ress forbids any restraint of such smmerce in any form all must obey s mandate. To overreach the action f congress merely by judicial con duction , that is , by indirection , is a low at the integrity of our govern- lental system , and in the end will rove most dangerous to all. " Submits New Trust Bill. Washington. A bill declaring "ev- y contract , conspiracy or combina- an in restraint of trade" illegal and iposlng heavy penalties on officers mnected with them and branding olations as felonies has been intro- iced by Representative Smith of inois. $100,000 to Children. Paris. The will of Georges Eugene ; rtin , who died at Tunis December last , bequeaths $100,000 totheChil- cn's Seashore house of New Jersey. SEEK LORIMER QUI DILLINGHAM INTRODUCES RES LUTION FOR FULL INQUIRY. La Follette in Address Reviews Cas Declares Delay Brought Oppro brium on Senate. Washington. A resolution callln for a prompt Inquiry into the charge against Senator Lorimer of Illinoli was introduced in the senate by Sei ator Dilllngham , chairman of th committee on privileges and ele < tions. The Democratic senators wl support the resolution. The resolution was offered by Mi Dilllngham in recognition of the ref olutlon adopted by the state senate c Illinois calling upon the federal aet ate to take action. After quoting th request of the Illinois upper house li full the Dlllingham resolution prc vldes for a full Investigation by th < committee on privileges and elec tions or a subcommittee , with spe cial Instructions to ascertain whethe : corrupt practices or methods wen adopted by any person , firm or cor poration with reference to the elec tion. Senator La Follette first discusset representative government He salt the government was representative as long as senators obeyed the populai will and were elected without the in terposition of any outside power. He asked senators to conceive a mar holding such a trust sitting silently bj with his title tainted. He said the de lay by Senator Lorimer had brought great opprobrium on the senate itself , Senator La Follette attacked the sen ate system of courtesy as helping to veil and undermine representative government He said the system ex cused and palliated violations of the high principles which senators brought from home. He said there svaa some purpose behind it , and that , moreover , he could not understand low Senator Lorimer could rest under charges against him. MME 50 MORE DEPOSITORIES fetal Number of Postal Banks Deslg. nated by Postmaster General to Date 276. Washington. Fifty additional K > stal depositories were deslg- lated by Postmaster General Hitch- 0ck , making the total number an- .ounced to this date 276. The de- ositories designated today , all second lass , will begin operations on June 5 , 1911. Among them are Kewanee , IL ; St Charles , 111. ; Harlan , la. ; Wy- ndotte , Mich. ; Negaunee , Mich. ; Clo- uet , Minn. ; Stougbton , Wis. ; Antigo , 7ia. ; Merrill , Wls. Reinstates Expelled Students. Ada , O. Four of the nine students 'ho were expelled from the Ohio torthern university because of a prize ght , were reinstated by President A. L Smith , following a strike of 800 indents. He announced that the ther five would not be reinstated. Direct Vote on June 12. Washington. By unanimous con- ; nt , Senator Borah got the consent ! the senate to have a final vote on le resolution for the direct election ! United States senators on June 12. DENY PARDON PLE/ TAFT REFUSES TO FREE WAL : AND MORSE FROM PRISON. Declares Men Guilty of Breach Trust Must Be Punished Under the National Banking Act Washington. The petitions for p Ions of John R. Walsh and Char ! V. Morse of New York , both servi sentences in the federal prison 1 violating the banking laws , were < nied by President Taft Walsh is now confined in the pe : tentiary at Leavenworth , Kan. ( January 19 , 1910 , he began serving five-year sentence and , under the pi visions of the new parole law , he w be eligible for freedom in the midd of September of this year. The decisions were handed down 1 the president and followed a lengtl conference with Attorney Gener Wickersham. In both cases he f < lowed the recommendations of the a torney general. President Taft's action in the Wah case was based strictly on a clot analysis of the facts contained in tl records. Declaring that a man wt uses the funds of a bank to promol his private interests in such a mannc that he Is guilty of a fraudulei breach of trust must be punished ui der the national banking act , th president swept aside the reasons a < vanced by Walsh and the thousand who petitioned for his pardon. In denying the application c Charles V. Morse , who Is now servin a sentence of 15 years in the penitei tiary at Atlanta , Ga. , where he wa sent on January a , 1910 , the presider characterizes his request as premt ture , and accordingly he gives th New York , banker the privilege of r newing it after January 1 , 1913. The president denies Morse's applj cation for the same reason given ii the Walsh case , after declaring tha "the methods taken by Morse tent to show that more keenly than Walsl did he realize the evil of what hi was doing. " HINES IN GENERAL DENIAl Tells Lumbermen's Association He Ii Not Guilty of Charges Made In Lorlmer Case. Chicago. "I absolutely and unquall fiedly deny these charges. I have nc apology to make for my conduct Al the proper time and in the propei procedure I shall vindicate myself and confound my traducers. " In those words Edward Hines , mil lionaire lumberman , made a voluntary defense against the charges that he "put Lorimer over" at a cost of $100- 000. He spoke as he opened the ninth annual convention of the National Lumber Manufacturers' association In the Congress hotel. Of the 200 or more lumbermen pres ent more than half applauded vlgor- 3usly when the president made his statement , which was not a part of the jet annual address he had prepared. Mr. Hines said that at some time n the future he would insls1 on a full ind thorough Investigation before a ; ribunal that "will not be a mere tool ) f politics and a grotesque travesty m justice and on law. " \IEW \ BATTLESHIP IS AFLOAT ) readnought Wyoming Is Launched at Philadelphia and Is Christened by Miss Dorothy Knight. Philadelphia. The United States attleshlp Wyoming , unsurpassed y any fighting vessel in the rorld , was launched at the Cramp hipyards , and as she slid down tie ways into the water Miss Dorothy oiight , daughter of former Supreme lourt Judge Jesse Knight of Wyom- ig , hurled a magnum of Champagne t the bow and cried : "Go , brave ship : I christen thee Wyoming. " Standing with Miss Knight were dlg- Itaries from Washington , a scatter- ig of society folk from Washington ad Philadelphia , and representatives ! the state of Wyoming and other ; ates in the Union. IDNAPERS SENT TO PRISON en Who Stole Rogers Baby In Las Vegas , N. M. , Are Given Heavy Penalties. Las Vegas , N. M. Judge J. C. > berts of the district court pro- iunced sentence on Will Rogers and e Wiggins , confessed kidnapers of iby i Waldo Rogers on March 29 last. > gers received five to twelve years the penitentiary and Wiggins seven twelve years. Senate After Oil Heads. Washington. Information as to iat steps had been taken for the minal prosecution of the officers of 5 Standard Oil company under the : ent decision of the Supreme court s demanded of the attorney general the senate , which adopted without bate a resolution of inquiry of- ed by Senator Pomerene. Britons Beat Belgian Crew. Jhent , Belgium. The eight-oared e between the Ghent Rowing club I Jesus college , Cambridge , on the rneuzen canal , resulted in a victory the Englishmen. The distance was j mile and 555 yards. Wills Liquors to Son. toston. Mrs. Grace R. Shaw , a minent Boston woman , in a will d for probate here , bequeaths her 2k of wines and other liquors and clothes to her son , and $35,000 to rvard university INSTRUCTS STATE BANKS. Banking Board Prepares to Enforce Guaranty Law. State banks which are instructed to report their average deposits for a period of six months so that the amount of their assessment under the guaranty of deposits law may be made have in many instances applied to Secretary Royse for further informa tion. Mr. Royse has replied that noth ing must be deducted from the depos its except deposits otherwise secured , and to include in. deposits the amount due from other banks , also time and demand certificates of deposit , certi fied checks and cashier's checks. Mr. Royse has no accurate record of the number of banks that have nation alized since the guaranty of deposits act was held valid by the United States supreme court in January , but he believes the number is about twen ty. Ten. banks have nationalized since April 10. The latest to apply for a national bank charter are the Bruns wick bank and the Farmers' State bank of Osmond , each having a capi tal stock of $25,000 as state banks. New Game Laws. Chief Game Warden Henry N. Miller - , ler has received printed copies of the amended game laws of Nebraska and will send a supply to county clerks ind to citizens who ask for them. Some important changes were made .n the game laws by the -last legisla 'M ture and all who hunt or fish usually . ( lesire to keep within the law. One of ; he most important changes was a law equiring the taking out of a license > y all who hunt or fish , regardless of vhether they hunt or fish outside of he county of their residence. Per- ; ons may hunt or fish on their own ands without a license and all female lersons and boys under eighteen years aay hunt without a license if accom- ianied by guardian or parents. Chief Varden Miller desires all persons who eport violations of the law to sign heir names and such communications rill be treated in confidence. For in- armation in regard to fish for propa- ation , people may address W. J. > 'Brien , superintendent of the state sh hatcheries , Gretna. Had a Strenuous Trip. Governor Aldrich has returned * om a strenuous trip and speechmak- ig tour. He first went to Kearney ad after remaining over night re- iewed the parade of old soldiers at le annual encampment of the G. A. . at 9 o'clock in the morning. There ere 350 veterans and 1,300 children i the parade. Governor Aldrich re- ewed the parade and delivered an Idress. Exonerate Asylum Officers. A coroner's jury , sitting in the case ! Charles Brookman , an insane pa- ant , who was killed late Saturday ght by Martin Skew , another insane itient , brought in a verdict that ookman had come to his death at e hands of Skew and that the jury I not consider the asylum officials blame , owing to the crowded condi' in of the institution. Dr. Ludden Has Returned. Dr. Luther P. Ludden has returned > m a trip to Illinois and is again on ty as secretary of the state normal r\ \ ard. He delivered a dedicatory ad- ass at the Lutheran's policies.'M Nachusa , 111. At Omaha he attend- the eighteenth annual meeting of i Nebraska children's home finding : iety , and is the only surviving mber of that society. 1 C. Husted of the governor's ce , who has been ill for three nths , is reported to be in a serious idition at his home , 2327 T street , itate Superintendent J.W. Crabtree ; issued a directory of county su- Intendents , county institutes , junior mals and summer schools. Adjutant General Phelps has de- id to muster out the second regi- v at band at Kearney. The chief aician left that place one year ago : no one has been found to take place. Treasurer Buys More Bonds , tate Treasurer George has pup sed $7,000 worth of bonds for the manent school fund , consisting of 000 of Washington county school rict No. 22 , $12,000 of Thayer aty school district No. 22 , $10,000 51aden water bonds , $4,000 of Bla- electrlc light bonds and $25,000 of se county court house bonds. ichard L. Metcalfe , associate edl- of The Commoner , has accepted nvitation to be the orator in Te- seh on July 4. Tfo bronze cups , trophies for ex- mt marksmanship , have been re- 3d at the office of the adjutant ral. One will be sent to Captain S. Johnson of Stanton for rifle rd in 1910 and the other to Cap- Chris L. Anderson of Norfolk for best revolver record during the competition. ate Auditor Barton has refused to nr the license of the Modern aerhood of America to do busi- in the state on account of the \ that they have scaled down , many is and Tiave had more or less dif- y in settlement on death policies.