T ° - Historical Society I 1. M.Bice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , APRIL 20 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 15 % THE N ONT All kinds of Merchandise. I can afford to sell as low as anybody , I buy pro = duce. Seed potatoes for sale. s VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , 2 Eure eon f McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : * Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29/year/old andjas , E. Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond ' and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska gaggagBsgaragaKigai Bread , Pastries , Lunches , Meals CONFECTIONERY , CIGARS , TOBACCOS t * H TELEPHONE NO. J il KEEaijOfca Ete a fL ZK Cigars and i Soft Drinks JOHN G. STETTER - PROP BULLS FOR SALE "Registered Hereford Bull's for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN F. PORATH BURGS , KEtt. Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone " = JOHN D. EATON Drayman -Light and Heavy Draying ; s Furniture andj > ianos handled in a careful 'manner. Coal hauled and trunks and grips a specialty. Phone No. 4S. The Chicago Hou'se . JIM FELCH , Propr. * * > " 'Call on me for rooms and . . * st. t. = lodging. Vafetitfiie fc1 Nebraska U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING AP11.20 , 1911. Daily mean temperature 44 ° . Normal temperature 4G3 Highest temperature 71 ° . Lowest temperature 20 ° . Range of temperature 51 ° . Precipitation for week 00 00 of an inch. Average for 23 years 0.50 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 0 81 Inches. Average for 23 years 2.49 of an inches. JOHN J. McLEAX. Observer. School Notes. Everyone is glad to see Ethel Galloway and Olive Van Metre back at their desks. After a week's absence Gladys Jackson's smiling countenance is welcomed back by the high school- Miss Joyce has permitted her pupils to take the state examina tion and those who pass in this with a high grade will be excused from final examinations. The excellent work done , the industry of the pupils and the up- to-date methods in class instruc tion were among the favorable comments made by the class in normal training on returning from a profitable hour in observing practical pedagogy in Miss Van- Orsdoll's room Wednesday. Of the many and new w&ys tc arouse interest in her pupils Miss Nelson this week made a neat little experiment to show the power ol steam by a miniature explosion- Always resourceful , energetic and faithful to Valentine i a large degree - [ tine can well be proud to count sc 'able ' and strong a teacher as Miss Nelson among her instructors. APRIL fflBI l 2 4 7 9 li Talk of the Town. * John Shelbourn was in towr Monday. Go to Fischer's hardware for fresh seeds. 1C Chas. Eeece was up from Simeon last Thursday. F. .T. Wilsey came down from Rosebud Monday on business. Correspondents will please get their items to us by Wednesday morning or earlier. Mrs. Slonecker and little girl returned Monday from a visit to Ainsworth of a few days. Col. Traeewell reports about 200 people at Dell Query's sale Tuesday and every tiring sold at fair prices. Traeewell & Hitt.have torn down the Eagle barn and have the foundation done for their new barn. A box of cigars at Chapman's Drug store last Saturday on tfrank Msciier jr. , heralded the birth of a son Saturday morning. M. J. Jordan has bought the C. YV. Cramer house near the Catholic church and is beginning to make extensive improvements. Mrs. Mary Carter of Cody has electric lights put in her large residence property on Cherry street and papered , painted and repaired. Wm. Shelbourn drove to town Monday morning with his father- in-law , A. J. Wallingford who had been visiting them the past few days. Pete Decory has built a new iron fence and made other exten sive improvements on the prop erty he recently purchased from Grant Dunn. Rasmus Anderson came down last Saturday from the Whip pie ranch to load up his family and move to the reservation. He has leased the Whipple ranch. John Bachelor took Gov. Aid- rich , H.N. Miller and M.V.Nichol- son out to the lakes h'shing Mon day and expected to go over to John's ranch to spend a couple of days. John Dambly is building an auto garage north of his barn and we understand he has rented it tea a Mr. Brown of Stuart who ex pects to put in some autos for livery purposes. Henry Morris and family have moved to town from the north table and live in the green house recently purchased from Mrs. McDonald on Hall street south of the M. E. church. Misses H < ? len Sparks , Alice Mc Lean and Kate Helzer , one of the Valentine debating teams , went up to Gordon last week and debated Friday night with the Gordon team and were defeated in the decision , though making more points. Mrs. Henry Stetter and daugh ter Helen returned from Richmond mend , Va. , last week where they spent the winter with Mrs. Stet- ter's father who is now 78 years old and still in good health. John Ferstel returned Sunday night from Salem , Ore. , where he has a fruit farm and has been do ing some work upon it. He says trees are in blossom and grass three or four inches high out there. Henry Murphy and daughter , Miss Alice came up from the south part of the country last Thursday and spent a couple of days in town on business and we acknowledge a pleasant evening with them at our home. Louie Hoenig was thrown from a horse Sunday and holding ontc the bridle swung the horse ontc hirae and \vas struck or kicked in the stomach laying him out for awhile. He had lo lay in bed E ffew days this week to recover ; August Erickson was in towi Monday. Dr. Perrigo , registered optom etrist of Omaha , will be here agaii at Donoher hotel April 22. 13 I W. 13. Grace & Son have leaset the Church hotel and are furnish ing twenty-two bed rooms , tw < closets and bath rooms on the tw < floors above and-will have two bee rooms downstairs , a sample roon and a big office. Easter services were held in th ( different churches in Valentine with appropriate decorations ant special music. Wo went to heai Rev. Wells of the Episcopal churcl in the morning and Presiding El der Cams at the M. E. church ir the evening. Frank Shubert , lately of Hous ton , Minn. , has been visiting F. J. Wilsey on the Charley Tacketl farm near Rosebud the past three weeks and returned Monday to take the train for his home at Lv Crosse , Wis. He was well pleas ed with this country and may re turn. turn.A. A. J. Wallingford of Lake , Neb. , called on us Monday for a little visit. He is one of the early settlers of Cherry county , coming here in ' 85 and run a saw mill by water power on the Snake in the early days. He is 78 years old and has waited long and patiently for a railroad to.run through the central portion of the county and if it doesn't come soon he thinks he'll get tired waiting for it and move to town where can take more comfort during IPS declining years. An ox team hove into town Monday morning from Tripp county after a load of potatoes. It was a novel sight on our streets to see two cows and an ox hitched tea a covered wagon and slowly wend ing their way along our streets. Gov Aldrich. being in town ready to starton a-fishing trip to'the lakes was attracted to the sight and he and Judge Walcott had their pic tures taken in charge of the team. Count Meltendortf and Jennings did the kodak stunt , catching them in various positions , the pic tures of which are now on exhi bition on postal cards. County Superintendent's Notes. We understand the appropria tion bill fo 'the junior normals passed the house and that in all probability Valentine will have her junior normal again this year. All the teachers will do well to plan to attend if possible. Insti tute will be held just at the close of the normal. Eight gradeh examinations will be held AprirSOth and 2lst at the following points : Valentine , Kil- gore , 'Cody , Merriman , Wood Lake , Brownlee and Elsmere. If any teacher finds that it is impos sible for her pupils to go to any of these points she should inform this office at once. Teachers' examinations as usual at Valentine April 21st and 22nd. We understand thatRepresenla- trve Clarke gave his support to the junior normal bill and also to the superintendents' salary bill for which he deserves our sincere thanks. The salaries of the differ ent counties are now as follows : Not less than § 1800 in Buffalo , Custer , Gage and Saunders. Not less than § 1600 in" Adams , Cass , Dodge , Knox , Madison , Otoe and Platte. Not less than SUOO in Antelope , Boone , Burt , Butler , Cedar , Clay , Colfax , Cuming , Dawson , Dixon , Fillmore , Furnas , Hall , Hamilton , Holt. Howard , Jefferson , Lincoln , Nemaha , Nucolls , Richardson , Sa line , Seward , Thayer , Washing ton , Webster and York. Not less than § 1300 in Boyd. Cherry , Franklin , Frontier , Gree- ly , Harlan , Johnson , Kearney , Merrick , Nance , Pawnee , Phelps , Pierce , Polk , Red willow. Sarpy. Scottsbluff , Sherman , Stanton. Thufston , Valley and Wayne. Not less than § 1100 in Dakota , Dawes and Sheridan. , Not less than § 1000 in Bos Butte , Brown , Gosper , Hitchcock , Merrill and Sioux. Not less than § 5 per day in Ban ner , Blaine , Chase , Cheyenne , Duel , Dundy , Garden , Garfield , Grant , Hayes , Hooker , Keith , PZeya Paha , Kimball , LoganLoup , McPhersoff , Perkins , Roch , Thorn , as and wheeler : and the new Spring Line of Clothing is V here and open for your inspection in all lines for Men and Boys. to $30. Eemember you promised yourself a new outfit for Easter. Why not look over the new stock while it is still complete ? You ought to see our new Spring Hats , Shoes and Oxfords. Agent for Dr. Reed.Cushion Soled < Shoes. Phone 145. Chartered ns u Stnto Ba'.ik Chartered us u National.Bunk June 1,1881. August 12 , VMi. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking , Exchange Undivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business : : : : 0. H. COKNEI/L , , President. 31. V. ] NICIIOLSOK , Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GL.KN HOKNIG , Abh't Cushlcr. GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE PRICES 'When in need of anything - " ' GIVE US A TRIAL \ ' MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING Crooks-ton - Nebraska = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT , = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd lloor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. , All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , ' PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. G1YUUNU. . . Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . > ' Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.