Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 29, 1910, Image 1

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I ' " : : ' 1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor . VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER ' 29 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 38
- # " _ _ _ _ _ - _ J
. . . . - -
- II I I
. - - , , - . - ,
, - . UR Fall Stock is
, . )
' 1WItn s t . OLI this year
. - - than we
t . . any year
. .rdiStk
are sturdy stockings
I w- $ turdvchldreiv ! have been in business
JO on account of the . big
J . room we are occupying.
- _ l We have just received
, '
.z'a splendid line of
' '
" . " and UNDERWEAR
And the prices are cheaper than you can buy in the
c1t1cs1 he way to prove this , we ask you all to call
and see for yourselves. Don't forget to call while we
have all sizes.
- , , - We have just put in a great line of Wunder Hose
. for Men , Women and Children. They are guaranteed ,
four pair to wear four months $ 1.00 per box. If
they don't , come and get a new pair.
- - - - , " . . . - - ,
- .
N .dr - " ' "
r '
-Eureka Saloon '
_ McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars .
" Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
_ ; , , ' . ' XDJd Crow , " - - * . _ ' . Sherwood ,
. . Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
' Cedar Brook , , , Sunny Brook , '
Spring Hill , ' and 29/year/old
and Jas. E Pepper 0 , F , C , Taylor , | . ,
\ . _ These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov-
ernment warehouse. They are guar-
j anteed pure and unadulterated. Un-
excelled for family and medical use. . \
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies Imported
_ . ' . Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout
. Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine = Nebraska .
= t
s t & 22 2 & 2 * EiEfcESS
, . , ro on't - . - . ; ' " _ tfh . Gr . Froni1
Has just received its stock of Fall and Winter '
Goods , which will be sold at very low prices
regardless of cost. Lay in your supply now.
. CTS. ° - - - '
100 LB. SACK SALT 80 ,
L MIKE DAVIS , Valentine , Neb. t
- ' K' ' < ' ' '
e iiii- e- _ _ e
Or Whiske
. Go to the .
e e
_ . e
. Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
f 8-e _ _ _ 4II e
r . '
. I !
IP * A < r'Tr ' * T
.I1' . m
1Home I
Bakery. . r
, , . . . TELEPHONE NO. 7
. . , ,
, . ' , . . . uJ
. . ' ' '
A" ' ff. .ti" ' ' ' 1
, .
. , t - "
' - <
All or Part of the Follow
ing Property :
4 head of horses , 2 mares and 2
1 Hereford bull. .
30 acres of good corn , to be
husked and delivered at Crookston
Neb. .
20 tons of oats hay , mowed with
grain in straw.
25 acres of spelts in shock or
stack ; 25 acres of wheat in shock.
1 lot 60 ft. front by 140 ft. deep ,
3 dorrs north of bank of Crook-
ston , Neb. . .
1 residence , 6 room house ; first
class well , wind mill , pump , sup-
ply tank , chicken housecoal house ,
cave , barn , room for 12 head of
stock , 4 tons hay and 100 bushels
New house l , 3 rooms ; good well
and pump , chicken house , new
barn with room for 8 head stock ,
8 tons hay , bin room for 1000 bu.
small grain.
Also 1 house and lot , 2 rooms ,
new. These houses are occupied by
good tenants.
From 1 to 15 residence lots in
Viertel's addition to Crookoton ( ,
Also 1 farm of 210 acres , sit-
uated 2 miles northeast of Crook-
ston , Neb. , 200 acres of which is
under cultivation , almost level and
first class farming land ; good well
111 ft. deep , brick in bottom and
stone and cement top ; good cave
I , for car load potatoes. All enclosed :
by two and three wire fence.
Call on , or address ,
o6-tf Crookston , Neb.
Our Reputation and Money Are
Back of This Offer.
AYe pay for all the medicine used
during the trial , if our remedy fails ,
to completely relieve you of con-
stipation. We take all the risk.
You are obligated to use in any
way whatever , if you accept our
offer. Could anything be more
fair for you ? Is there any reason
why you should hesitate to' put our
claims to a practical test ?
The most scientific common-
sense treatment is llexall Orderlies
which are eaten like candy. They
are very pronounced gentle and
pleasant in action , and particularly
agreeable in every way. They do
not cause diarrhoea , nausea , flatu-
lencegriping or any inconvenience
whatever. Rexall Orderlies are
particularly good for children ,
aged and delicate persons. '
We urge you to try Rexall Or-
derlies at our risk. Two sizes , lOc
and 25c. Remember , you can get
Rexall Remedies in this communi-
ty only at our store-The Rexall
Store. G. A. Chapman , druggist ,
can be had by ambitious young men
and ladies in the field "Wireless"
or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-
hour law became effective , and since
the wireless companies are estab-
lishing stations throughout the
country there is a great shortage of
telegraphers. Positions pay begin-
ners from § ; 70 to $90 per month ,
with good chance of advancement.
The National Telegraph Institute
operates six official institutes in
America , under supervision of rail-
road and wireless officials and place
all graduates into positions. It will
pay you to write them for full de
tails at Davenport , la. , Cincinnati ,
0. , Portland , Ore. , or Memphis ,
Tenn. 35-5t
Threshing Outfit for Sale
14 horse power 28x50 Case Sep-
arator , all in good repair , for sale
at a bargain , for cash , or will trade
for horses or cattle , Address ,
} l'T ,
Nenzel , Neb.
For bowel complaints in children al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil.
It is certain to effect a cure and when
reduced with water and .sweetened is
pleasant to take. No physician can pre-
scribe a better remedy. For sale . by
Chapman , the druggist.
A car load of Weber wagons ,
must be sold at.oqce. ;
Premiums Awarded at the I
North Table Reunion. I
Horse race-1st OscarraelT / , 2d : F. Grooms.
Pony race - 1st Oscar Graeff , 21 E . . rt Bumell
Mule jace - Island .M 1 , W. T. Brosius.
Men's ] foot r.1ce-lst : : Harvey Johnsou 2d Har-
old Dunn.
3-I.gged race-John Khelhourn , jr. j
Fat man's race - 1st W. H. Ho ° per. 2d Dave
Boys' font race - Eldr ; d Cramer.
Girls' foot race - 1st Fae 1'ettyer-w , 2d Minnie
Thomson" : 1st Winnie Kelly : , 'd : Theresa Kell. :
Bovs' Foot race-1st. Fnmk Wilson. : ' Jim
Itandall ; 1st Roy Archer,2d Willie Fowler.
SacK : race-1st Eldred Cramer , : ! d Leo Chris-
Drawn work - 1st Emily Grewe ; 2d Mrs. M. J.
Kellar. .
Crochet-1st Mrs. I ) . A. Melton 2d Mrs. M , J.
Kellar. !
Knitting-lst : Lottie Cramer , 'd ) [ rs. M.Clark-
Eyelet embroidery-1st Mrs. A. F. Webb , 2d
Margn-rUe Viertel.
Shadow Embroidery-1st Marguerite A'iertel ,
2d irs A F. webb.
Wallacliiin embroidery Mrs M. E. Vier-
tel , Marguerite Viertel.
Best collection ; fancy work-Helena Viertel.
Best piece fancy work not named lrd. M. J.
Kelar. !
Quilt.-lst D. A. House 2d Elmer Ayers
Loaf of bread -IstMaggie Gatkill,2d Mrs. A.
L. G I rcfI.
Pie - - 1st Mrs. M. G. House , 2d .Jennie Black.
Cak > - l&t A1rsJeunte Black. : ! Mrs. Magcie
Collection , of cooking not named - 1st Mrs.
Jennie Black.
Collection jelly - 1st A. L. Graeff , 2d M J.
Ke lar. , .
Co le { t'on i iekles , 1st Mrs. A. L. Graeff : , 2d :
Mrs. .ti1..1. Krllar.
Go ' lection c . nned fruit Mrs Don Kellogg.
Girls' fancy work - 1st Gussie Graeff , 2d Edith
Kellogg. ,
eatest : dressed doll- Lnvonnc Viertel.
Article made of w.od--Hardy Van Metre.
Drawing , fuls--lSl Anna Hicnardson , 211 Olive
Drawing , boys - - Claude Elliott.
l\Iap-lst avonne Viertel , 211 t Claude Elliott.
Agriculturaldisrilay--1st Edwa'd D. Heih , J.
B Gaskill , F. G. B aeK.
Bundle each , spring oats and winter wheat ,
F. G. B ack.
Peck spring wheat. C. M. Hahn.
Peck each , oats and winter wheat. D. 1) . Dunn
Ten ears corn. O. W , Ilahn.
Ten stalks corn. F. G. Black.
Peck rye. D I 1) , Dunn.
Peck spe'tz I' . G , Black.
Alfalfa-1st C , M. Van Metre. 21 J. B. Gaskill
1\flllett--Ist. M. II. Br'antd : ! T. W. Cramer.
' . . M. 2d M. .
Potatoes--1 C. Halm , 2 < II. Bryant ,
3d Oscar Graeff
Chickens - - 1st F. G. Black , 2d Mrs E. Aye " s.
Sucking : colt- 1st Dewey Kelloge , 2d : C. M ,
All purpose team , Louis Taylor.
Driving . team . , Don Kellogg.
In Lumber we have the largest
stock and the lowest prices.
Diarrhoea is always more or less prev-
alent during September. Be prepared
for it. Chant ! ? erlain's Colic , Cholera
ind Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and
effectual. It can always be depended
upon and is pleasant to take. For sale
by Chapman , the druggist.
Proposed Constitutional
Tho follrwirg proposed amendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska , as herein-
after set forth in fu'l , is submitted to the elect-
ors of he State of Nebraska , to be voted upon
at the general : election to be held Tuesday , Nov-
ember Sti : A. J ) . 1910.
" JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section
one-(1) ( ) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of
the State of Ne raska.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State
of Nebraska :
Section 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro-
posed. ) That section one (1) I ) of article seven (7) ( )
of the constitution of the state of .Nebraska , the
senate concurring , be BO amended as to read as
follows :
Section 1. ( Who are electors. ) Every male
citizen of the United States , of the ale of twenty
one years , who shall have bem a resident of this
state six months iiext ! preceding the election and
of the county , precinct or ward , for the term
provided by law shall be an elector ; provided. !
That per . on- > of foreign birth who shall have de
clared their intention to become citizens com-
tormably to the laws of the United States and
are voting at the taking effect of this amend-
neut. may continue to exercise the right of vuff-
age : until such time as they may have resided
in the United States live years after which they
shall take out full citizenship papers to be enti
led to vote at any succeeding election.
Section 2. ( Ballots ) That at the general : elec-
tion nineteen hundred and ten (1910) there shall
be submitted to the electors of the state for their
approval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution relating to the
right of suffrage. : At such election , on the ballot
of each elector voting for or against , said pro-
posed amendme , shall be written or printed
the words : "For proposed amendment to the
3on&titution relating to the right of suffrage , '
and 'Against said proposed amendment to the
joiistituti-m relating to the right of suffrage. "
Section 3. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment
shall be approved by a majority of all e ectors
voting at such election . , said amendment shall
coustituteseetiou one (1) ( ol article seven (7) of
he : constitution of the state of Nebraska.
Approved April 1 , 1009. "
I. George C. Junk . Secretary of State of the
state ol .Nebraska , do hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitu-
tion ; of the State of Nebraska , is i a true and cor-
recteopy of the original enrolled and engrossed
Jill , as passed by the thirty-first session of the
legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears
from said ! original bill on file in this ottice. and
that said-proposed amendment lj . submitted to
the : qualified : voters of thetate of Nebraska for
their : adoption or rejection at the uent-ral elec-
tion to be hdd on Tuesday , the Sih day. f No-
'emln'r , A. D. 1910.
In Testimony Whereof. I havo hereunto set
my hand and affixed the great seal of the State
of Nebraska. Done at ; Linco'n this ! ! .tub ) dav : of I
lu'y ; , in the \enr of our ixrd. ! One Thousand ,
Nine , Hundred and Ten. and of the Independ ,
i I ence of the Tnited States the One Hundred '
and Thirty-fifth , aua of this State the Forty- :
I GKOKCJB Q. . .lux KIN ; - ,
:5EALJ ( : Secretary Sfa { ( ! . I
We are Headquarters for
Winchester Ammunition
HE SEA..SONvill soon be open so that the
THE with dog and gun will have full sway.
We also handle a full line of Shot Guns and
Rifles. "Winchester" and "Remington" are two
of our best makes.
Hunting Coats , Caps and Hats are now on
display in our window and may be bought at a bar-
gain. Now is the time and the Red Front Hard-
ware is the place to get full value for your
, money.
Red Front Hardware Co.
r H . '
If you are looking for a new Suit or Over-
Iy I coat or anything in the line of Men's : or
Boys' furnishings , don't forget to stop
at the Fair. We have a complete line of
Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing and t
prices range from $ 1.75 to $28 per Suit.
Talk about Ladies' and Misses' : Skirts.
Well , we have a new line and they are the
best in town. In Yoiles , Panama and Ser
ges at $3.50 to $15 , also a large line of
Ladies' , Misses , Men's : and Boys' Sweaters.
If you must have a tailor made suit ( for men or ladies )
remember we represent the Garden City Tailoring Co. ; ,
and there is no better tailoring house in Chicago.Ve
guarantee a fit or no sale. Come in and look over e
S. line. No trouble to show goods at .
TIIEFAIR t t , , i
- ,
\ .
Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr.
= ; J
. S3S2S2S K 2 JKX2 3Ki
Chartered as n Stntc Bu-.ik t Uhstrtemi as a National Bank
June 1,1881. August 12 : ! , Iti02.
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Val ell tine , - Nebraska.
CAPITAL - $25.000 A General Banking , Exchange
SURPLUS - 25.000 . . ange
Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : ' : : :
3. H. OOKXKL , President. M. V. NICHOLSON. On h1..r.
J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GLEX HOENIG , Atis't Cashier.
Farm Implements
We sell farming implements as well as other .
merchandise at reasonable " rites. .r . : :
* :
. . .
. Call and try us. / , _
, " .
- ,
GnYn . . . Rfffl MI , . .t e.l T tt1lJl'111 . , t T
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , I I I l I ' . I .
! I . 1 f
I l , i l ,
All Kinds of Fresh 1 I "
and Fait Meats. . . . !
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , ; - - - -
: Poultry , Horses , Mules and _ _
_ _ _ _ \
anything you have to sell.
Digestion and Assimilation.
It is hot the-quantity of food taken but
the amount digested and assimilated that
gives strength and vitality to the system.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets invigorate the stomach and liver
and enable them to perform their func.
tions natjorally. For sale by Chapman ,
he 8ru gist.
, .
. Pick This Up Quick
Good 4-room " "houlse with" stone
cellar , for sale ' : vis17 : : , . House
strong , well built and . warm. . \ \r' ill
sell cheap if taken at once. ' Cash
or terms. A bargain in this Ask
11. M. Kiee Valentine. tf