I _ _ . . . . - I- . , . . . . - _ _ . . _ ' . . _ . - - . c , - . . ! . - . ; ; : . . . . . " . . . - , . . # , } ' I " - . tft : l' , . ( ' \ \ : f t ' p > T V Y VALFNTINE DEMOCRAT. , - . . . . - . - . ' 1. 1 I. Kice , , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , AUGUST 11 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 31 , . - - - v 11'I ' - - - - - - - J - - - - THE DAY-LIGHT STORE L . - - , , - - . , - . _ _ . . . - - - ' - - . t' In order to make room for our Fall , Stock . , : . . . of Shoes we will cut our prices on " Men's and Women's Oxfords . and Pumps almost in half. . - - - DON'T FAIL TO COME- AND GET J FITTED WI-IILE1'HESEBARGAINS LAST. Watch for our add next week. ti. A. JOHN & COMPANY VALENTINE , NEBRASKA NEBRASKAcnrzr cnrzr . . OLartered us n Stnte Rank Chartered lns a , National Bank ; . . . June 1 , 1884. ! August 12 , HII.I ! : _ L'i . . The FIRST NATIOli'AL BANK - . ( Successor to Bank of Valentino. ) Yalentinc , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A * General Banking , Exchange . SURPLUS - 25.000 ' . b. ' ' ' b . Undivided Profits 4.000 . and Collection Business : : : : . . , , . . . . . O. H. OOKNEU , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , C.ishier. . . . , . J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GLEN HOENIG , Ass't Cashier. ' W AZXIXS xS&XZ & < &xZAtW . I " r ' Eureka Saloon McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. i h . Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars \ , , J " . . Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : - ; . Old Crow , Sherwood , t _ Hermitage , . . Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , ' " Sunny Brook , . . . Spring Hill , _ and 29/year/old ' and Jas E Pepper . 0 , F , C Taylor. . | . . These whiskies were purchased in bond I and came direct from the U. S. gov . ernment warehouse. They are guar- w anteed pure and unadulterated. U n- - excelled for family : and medical use. .8 . , Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies Imported , Gordon and DeKuyper Gins Guinness's Extra Stout. . Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , : . . . Valentine = Nebraska _ . - < r - = 33SS2S3OJ23 ! ! : . . r u , GREEN FRONT ' , . . \ ' ' . ' ' . . Full Line of Groceries . Valentine MIKE DAVIS , Nebraska L . = _ , _ e 8 _ @ _ _ 8 L Of Whiske " . y . . . . Go to the . ' . . . . . - . . e e' . . : : : ' 0 : ' Stock Exchange Saloon 11 VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Melteodorff , Propr. . O i ) _ @ o _ . = 321 ! r - : ; , . , t t 's . . FOR CAKES AND a . . 'K . - 1 f PASTRY . ' . r . CALLAITHE - I ! .j . -1 prl j HOme _ Bakery. I : L. . . TELEPHONE ' NO. _ : 7 _ . . " , .J -.o : ' Read the Advertisements. I I ' I ! . STANO WITH HIM r DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION AT GRAND ISLAND PROUD OF REC- ORD OF SHALLENBERGER. DOUGLAS COUNTY SULKS ALONE No Longer Any Controversy Among Democrats on the Demand for ' " Shallenberger's Re- ' nomination. The Democratic State Convention at Grand Island endorsed the adminis tration of Governor Shallenberger in the following words : . "We approve and endorse the ad- ministration of Ashton C. Shallen - berger. His acts have been honest ; , wise and patriotic. We invite a care. ful scrutiny of the executive power which two years ago was committed to our trust in his selection as gov ernor. His administration has been one of fidelity and devotion to the party pledges upon which we invited x the suffrages of the people. " This strong endorsement has the approbation and approval of 90 per cent of the people of the state , irre I spective of politics. His administra tion as governor has been such that republicans have not been able to find anything to censure in it and because of this their "platform is silent. The democratic state convention of 1909 unanimously endorsed the admin istration of Governor Shallenberger. The democratic state convention of 1910 again unanimously , with the ex ception of Douglas county , endorsed It. Practically every democratic county convention in the state en- dorsed it unanimously.-ln the face of these endorsements , the liquor and other "interests" have forced the gov ernor into a fight for a renomination. They are now doing and have done everything possible to harrass and hu miliate the governor. They have un dertaken to brow-beat and bulldoze , him. The reason for their action is plain : they cannot use him , therefore they attempt to destroy him. .What the "interests" opposing Gov ernor Shallenberger want is a license to violate law. At the present time , they are appealing to men of all po- litical parties to vote for Dahlman for governor. A man who had 'the im- pudence to stand up at a democratic convention and tell the party of Jef- - ferson that he would use the veto power to block liquor legislation' passed by a majority of the people. These interests know that Governor Shallenberger is the choice of 95 per cent of the democrats of the state. They know that it Is necessary to get the corrupt vote of the republican party to assist them in the dastardly , act of sand-bagging the governor of the state for doing his duty. By this means they hope to thwart and defeat the will of the great body of decent democrats of Nebraska. The people of this state will not permit the liquor interests to run it. The democratic party wants to re- nominate the best governor Nebraska ever had. They want a man in the governor's office who will not permit the democratic party to be the lick spittle servant of the liquor and other "interests. " They want a man in that office who will be fair wtth everyone , but will enforce the laws. They want a man in that office who has respect I for the will of the majority. If the liquor interests' nominate their democratic candidate , it will make the democratic party the vile and corrupt asset of the liquor inter ests , to be traded with the republican leaders at Omaha. The rank and file of the democratic party in this state should rise in their might and go to the primary on August 16 and make the majority ; for Governor Shallenber ger so pronounced that no brewery other selfish "interests" will ever again undertake : to dictate to a demo cratic executive. The democratic state convention has endorsed every act of Governor Shallenberger's and in particular the so-called "eight o'clock closing law. " The people on August 16 should place their seal of approbation on the en ' dorsement of the convention. Gover nor Shallenberger , by every rule ol i fairness , Is entitled to a second nom f j ination. Justice and fair play has been and should _ be , _ the rule . Ja _ tag f . . - - - . - - . t r I democratic party. Instead of having to fight for a renomination , all good democrats should be holding up his hands. ' If the rural democracy will do its duty , it will demonstrate to this state that the liquor interests do not con trol the democratic party. The question in this primary is : Can Dahlman with the political ma chinery of the city of Omaha and five 'breweries run the state of Nebraska ? IHON. J HON. JOHN F. CARR STATES HIS Y POSITION. - - Gives . Reasons Why He Is a Candidate for a Second Term in the Legislature. To the voters of the 52nd Rep resentative District : Being unable to take the time to make a personal canvass of the district , I take this method of pre- senting my claims for a re - nomi - nation as your representative. As you are aware , two years ago I was elected to represent this district ! in the legislature. During my service at Lincoln I tried to vote for the best interests of the district , and I have been credited with securing : : { the State Experimental Farm , or Agricultural Station , which is now located at Valeaiiue. This ' station will be of great benefit to every farmer and stock grower in north- ern Nebraska , and vrill , I am sure , be of great and lasting benefit to my district. And it would be a great satisfaction to me to go back to the legislature and secure the necessary ; : appropriation to make it an Agricultural School , where ev ev-/ / ery farmer and stockman might go and secure information that would ta of service : ! to nirn in his business. This district comprises two counties , Keya Paha and Cherry , and before I filed as a candidate for a second term , I w/is urged to enter the race by many of the democrats of Cher ry County ; they told ] me then and have repeated it to me since , that Cherry County was well pleased With my work and that the demo- crats of Cherry county were willing to help give me second term ; that they believed my experience in the last session would be of advantage to me and that I would be able to do more for the district than some . . new man. I entered the race with this in mind. I believe that with the experience I have had in the last session I will be able to be of mater- ial assistance to the district. Since I filed , however , another candidate has entered theTace and put out a platform of his own. I trust that the record I made in the last session is sufficiently well known so that the people of this district can trust me to always vote ( and work for their best interests. I was with Gov. Shallenberger , in his fight for the eight o'clock' : : closing law. I worked in harmony with the Governor during the seo- sion and I expect to vote and work for him' again at the primaries. He is an honest , able and fearless executive ; is entitled to a renomi- nation from his party ; and if he and I are re-elected I expect to work in harmony with him again. He was right in signing the eight o'clock closing law and I believe the people of Nebraska will endorse his action. The man who lives in the country on a farm , or a ranch , has as much right to vote on the liquor question as the man who lives in town. I relieve every voter should have the right to express himself on this , as well as on every other public ques- tion , and if I am elected I shall vote ac3ordingly. There is another matter to which I wish to direct attention. It has been a time honored rule of the party that different sections of a county , or different counties , be given representation on a party acket. Mr. E. Haley , of Valentine , is the only democrat who is a candi- date for the state senate. He will , iherefore , be nominated and thus .be . democrats of Cherry county will surely have one of the candidates for the legislature. If I am not nominated Keya Paha county will mve no recognition whatever , and _ Cherry county will have both candi- - dates. This would be unfair to Keha Paha county , and in violation to the usual practice in the demo- cratic party. I ask you to impress upon your friends the importance of coming out to the primaries on August 16. It [ is a matter that should claim the attention of every loyal son of Ne- braska and I trust you will not fail to attend the primaries. Respect- fully : yours , JUHK F CARR , V Representative from the 52d D j < t. I Springview , Neb. , August 8 , 1910. 1 a : I - - RETJ " OLVEO THAT WHEN ANYQIYE REf\CtfES Tris i oPcriHc LADDER JTAIEMS HE 15 SUCCESS- - SOI"1EPEOPLE ARE rooLISHENcUGI-ITOTHINK i ' . -Tfl/VT .sUCCESS IS AIYAcc/DENT. / , a ' \ ? - 1M' COURSE irisNOT / : SUCCESS r : . < : . .C ? 13 ! THE RESULT or WARD WORK : \ AND Qvi , { \ ( ; PEOPLE SOMETHING / / iIF --a TOR THEIR noriEY WHICH . I ) ! J : ; . . , PRovES THAT HONESTY fr . ( ' \ \ I IS THE : BEST POLICY. IF [ . - ' , - I 7 YDU\JANTTo \ bRESS . \ \ _ Go WHERE THEY HAVE1 \ MADE A SUCCESS AT I DRES.iJItG PEOP1E- : AND 1 \ ' DRESS'I(1ffiEM ! ( WELL \ AND ( - CHEAPLY : , _ BUSTER BRoWN. ; ' - , . . . . / ? r-o u. t : - / - & 1 . , . . . . CorYftlCHT H I : ormeaioTCnenm.nm. CHICASft. / oUR SUCCESS HAS BEEN IN PUTTING THE I 600D 5EFORE THE PEOPLE AT REASoNABLE PRICES AND REASONABLE PROFITS. WE ARE CONDUCTING AN AUGUST CLEARING SALE AND GIVING YOU VALUES THAT ARE MONEY SAVERS FOR YOU. NOTE OUR SALE PRICES. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS , 1910 STYLES , 25 To 50 PER CENT OFF. MEN'S SHIRTS , REGULAR 1.25 VALUES , . 75C LADIES' BELTS , VALUES UP To 75C , SALE PRICE 25C. MEN'S NECKWEAR , NICE ASSORTMENT OF PAT- TERNS , 25C. LADIES' OXFORDS , REGULAR Jl.fS VALUES , " Jl.OO. ' . . e mer - Farm Implements We sell farming : implements as well as other . merchandise at reasonable prices. . Call and try us. , . CROOKSTON , NEBRASKA. MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. I r :1 IAUGUSTI .4 j Is the month to prepare your Boys and Girls for school. We are headquar- ters for Boys' Clothing , in Long and Short Pant Suits , ranging in price , per suit | y K .a from. . . . . . . . * P1 . /O LO47S q Shoes and Hosiery of all descriptions. } . Kirkendall's Hard Knocker School . Shoes. Best on earth. We guaran- tee satisfaction on everything we sell. 1 - C THE . , , Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr. e = : = ; J - . J f 'jS S PT KMK y l SSi J&I Stetter & Tobien , Props. I " DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh ' and Palt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , ' Poultry , Horses , Mules and - - 1 ' ' mytking. you have td sell. , , rr