585" * 585"r r v tf ! > THE VALEN DEMOCRA THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , SEPTEMBER 5. ' 1901 NUMBER 33 L i CLOSING SALE SUMMER GOODS 49 49 * Which include the following ; * * 4 ? 49 49 Parasols 49 49 White Goods Dimities 49 49 Muslin Underwear 49 49 Laces' Embroideries 49 W 49 Knit Underwear & 49 . & 49 Linen Damask Hosiery * rf 49 & 49 Linen Napkins fc 49 49 . & 49 J * 49 For discounts on above * goods * Goto I * RED FRONT ift ii > > | I" ' I ' ft 5 CLOSING OUT SALE. All Straw and Crash Goods go at Half Former Prices. / See Our Cut Price Shoe Counter. Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Gents Furnish I ings , Ladies' Skirts Capes and Jackets. Tailoring in All Branches. x II I D. STINARD , Clothier , C. H. CORXEMPresident. . 31. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted -ii Boys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange : Chemical Rational Bank. New York. Correspondent B ; First National Bank. Omalia Neb - , CH/OO-H B ; HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS.AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska I 1 PAINTING * * PAPER HANGING 49 49. 49 CALCIMINING. 49 49- R S , DENNIS , - Valentine Nebraska , * * All work well , done T. YEARNSHAW OWL SALOON JAMES B HULL v IP Sole Agents for HERALD PUEE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wine and .Cigars. VALENTINE X NEBRASKA GET PPTTSJTTMP AT THIS YOUR riUiN Jl liNvjr OFFICE * We Can Satisfy You in Qualitv Price and Worluaanship TALK OF THE TOWN James Mangan , ol the post , was up the past week. John H. Bachelor was transacting business in toxvn'this wae'k. Most of the hay is put up now and we are almost ready for the cold weather. Max E. Viertel , the Crookston merchant , was in our city last Friday eveninjr , Some people are surprised that they are not noticed as much as they would like to be. W. H. Allison , of Chesterfield , is in town this week , proving1 up on a fine quarter of hay land. , J. E , Cochran and his brother , Percival M. , spent two or three days in our city this week. A high minded man , public spirited , too good to.do a little mean trick is a help to any community. Ed , August and George Luther were up from Hooper this week. They are interested in a ranch near Kilgore. Agent McChesney and wife , of Rosebud , A were registered at the Donoher this week , also John B. Tripp anddauffhter. " Our friend , A. E Thacher , has been quite sick during the past week , but we are glad to reporMuin better and able to be up. Mrs. Will Clarkson and children left latt Friday morning for Sioux City to see her mother. Will is a bachelor meantime. S , A. Raw's , quartermaster clerk , and C. M. Hunter , hospital steward , were visiting in town and took supper at the Donoher the other evening. One day lasc week George Trace- well sold a carload of fine , young horses to R. A. McCull&y. olSprfng-- view. George is in the field for an other bunch of unbroken horea. All new subscribers who will come in and pay 81.00 cash for a year's sub scription to the DEMOCRAT we will send them the paper three months free. Send the .DEMOCRAT to your friends. Mrs. Catherine McDonald , of Crookston , paid Valentine a visit dur. ing the past week. Mrs , McDonald is intending to move her building down from Crookston some time in the near future. Chas. Maxwell and Sam Perry re turned from St. Mary'stni&sionschool last Sunday where they have been repairing the inside of the builcMng. They have been employed there fur the past six weeks or two month * . F. W. Jersig departed for Kansas City yesterdav morning to help his family to move up here. Mr. Jereig is a pleasant gentleman to meet and another stockman to make hie home' ' at Valentine , the best town along the ' road. E. J. Davenport and C. H. Cornell were delegates from Cherry county to the Republican state convention last week. They are good citizens and we like them. They are respect = ed by Valentine people , but we can't ' endorse their poiitlddl views. Some people are Continually nab bing at others about thfs and that they do not like. They complain too much we think. They are our friends and in their feeble way try to make us over to suit them. We should be patient.with them. They often mean well. There is an unusually big demand this year for hotel accommonations. Valentine has lots of hotels , but what we need for the growing and in creased trade is better buildings , People who can't find rooms at the Donoher or Union hotels must depend , upon some other hotel which may al so be full and then they go away and complain that Valentine people are not hospitable. * We understand there is to be several companies sent to Foit Nio * brara soon. This should have been done long ago. Our people are very patient , but when continuously neglected are ready to make a com plaint to either make use of the post at this place or get out of the way and let citizens use it and the yast area of ground surrounding it. Uncle Sam has been very diliatory concern ing the. occupation of this post for the past othree years and there is room for a kick , Lccal Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture Weather JJurenit \ Valentine , JNebraska. week ending Tuesday , September 3 1001 ' Mean temperature , 71 decrees wuicli is 4 de- jcreus above the average , Mean temperature for corresponding week ait ye r , 74 degrees. Highest temperature , 88 degrees on the 261. Lowest temperature , 55 degrees on Hie lit. Highest and lowest temperature for corres. ponding week last year , 03 degrees and 51 de * 'Krees respectively. Totarainfall , .03 inched , which is .27 inches above the average. Malxmum velocity ofvlnd , 20 miles on the 2 Percentage of sunshine. 70. D , 0. HKUNOVr , Observer , Weather Bureau. Valentine Races Sept , 25 20 27. Chas. Breuklander returned from lowajast night. The F , E. & M. V. carpenters are doing some repairing for the com- pany'in this city , - Miss Maud McGrexv , of Ainsworth , spent several days in Valentine visit ing friends last week. Miss Nellie Marsden departed Sat urday morning for an extended visit to her"parents and friends at Ains- wortlj , H MrsAL. C. Sparks went to Cody last Saturday to make her future home. Her manyfriends here regret her departure The Y. W. C. T. U. will meet in the M. E. church Monday , Sept. ! ) th. The attendance of all members is request , ed , as this will probably be the last meeting held oefore the convention. Valentine again cotnes to the front with a State bank to take the place of the Cherry County bank owned by Sparks Bros for the past 18 years , J. A. and Eldon Sparks retiring , and the hank will be known henceforth as the Valentine State bank and starts with a-paid up cosh capital of & 2r,000. Our most substantial financiers of Valen tine , J. W. Stetter , Walter F. I ; ck- son , Frank Bra } ton * G. H. and T. C. Hornby. Fred Wbitteirore , State bank examiner , and Ch ; s. Sparksj are among the prominent stock = holders. The following are .the di rectors : Fred Wfiittemore , president ; J W. Stetter , vice president ; Chas. Spark ? , cashier ; and T. C. and G. H. Hornby. Clyde Fafnham. Many of our people remember Clyde J. Farnham , the honest , up right , young man of manly bearing and good address , who came to our tuwn'azlirttle over tlnee years ago and opened up a grocery store in the Roblnsonr building. A short time af terwards he was married to a young lady at Sutherland , Neb. , and brought her here to live and to make their homes with us. They proved them selves worthy of the esteem of our people , and they prospered in their store. Lant fall Mr. Farnham's health bey'in to fail him and he de cided to go out of the mercantile business , which he did last spring5and began travelling for his health , but grew weaker and died at his Wife's ' former llome } at Sutherland , Neb. . Aug. 26 , 1901. He was born in SUgaf Grove , Pa. , JUne i5t 18t4. He leaves a xvife and little bojj his parents , two sisters and a brother , besides hi. friends that he made wherever he went , to mourn his demise. The DEMOCRAT extends sympathy-to the bereaved. Katie Kennealy Killed by a Horse Falling on Her. Last Friday forenoon while Katie Kennealy , about 11 years old , eldest daughter of * Mike Kennealy , was out looking after their cattle , a few miles up the Minnechaduza. and somehow unexplained the horse fell on her , in juring her fatally. Katie was able to get upon the horse and ride home , a mile or more , and-opened a heavy gate at the railroad , though scarcely able to speak , and was immediately put to bed upon arriving home , and a doctor was sent for. The little cirl suffered intense pain In her chest and at times was unconscious until finally death releaved her suffering Satur day at 3 p. m. Funeral seryices were held at the Catholic church in this city , Father Lechleiiner officiating , after which interment was made in the cemetery at Crookston. The DEMOCRAT extends sincercst sym pathies to the family and friends who are sorrowing. Mr. and Mrs. Kennealy are well spoken of by their neighbors and many are saddened by the un timely death of this little girl. * I THE WHITE IS .KING & & & & fc 49 4 $ 49 49 49 0 49 49 Do you want a sewing ma- 49 chine ? If so , you want the $ 49 best. The WHITE is the best sewing machine on earth. * 49 Low Prices Terms 49 - - Easy 49 49 a * 49 49 49 49 B 49 i * 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 49 General Merchar ts. 49 49 Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Good Roasted Coffee - jper Ib 5 JPonntl Sack * of Pearl Hominy XOc S KWH Diamond C Soap - 25c. 5 Bars JLarye Har Wool Soup - . 25c 2O Pounds of Good # / < v - - * J.OO Bargains in EVERYTHING- Next Iwo Weeks to Make Boom ior Our spring Stock. CROOKSTON. NEBR. MAX E. VIERTEL CITIZENS EAT - MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP I FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON . ' First class line of Steaks , Roasts , ' - ' * * * Dry Salt Meats , Smoked < - Breakfast Bacon THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest - ' * . - and Uest Two-Dollars . - aDay „ - FIRST-CLASS MODERN" HOTEL "v - - - n - - " ' " ' - " r Iii Northwestern Nebraska ' \ , ' " ' ' Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms " YALENTIHE - H EBB. ASK A- ; U. G McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL i VALENTINE NEBRASKA Cherry County Stone Co. ' Contractors and Builders in General. Composition and gravel roofs , slate roofs. l riik and cement sidewalks. Native lime and imported - , - : / . - ornamental eut sto tie. .Briekfor sale. ' VALENTINE- .