h v I i t i i j If U J I f r j 3f 1 i i I ai THE VALENTIKE DEMOCRAr I M RICE ar g Tig itf4Qs EDITOR Official Xcwnpnppr of Cherry County yifnik TEHSKS Subscription Siro per jear In advance le tvhwn not iiil iu udvstice iMnlay lvcrtNlng l Inch 15c per Issue 510 per column by tiw month Local Notlces Gc per line each issue BrantLn 14 inches - 00 per year In ad vance uddiHainlpaci - per inctf per jear engraved Mocks extra lou each Furtips living outside Cherry county not per sonally known arc tequested to pay In advance 1 per cont additional to above rates if over 0 mouths In arrears Notices of loss of sock free to brand adver tisers Yhnraclny Tane 27 1901 C3Z ADDITIONAL LOCAL ICome andGsee our 10c counter of actual values W A Pettycrew Estliei4 Benson of Arabia visited friends in Valentine a few daj slast freek Len Parker was a pleasant caller this Week While in town getting supplies for his ranch jas It Quigley and Al Thacher wetlt tip to Cody Tuesday for a visit at tile formers ranch Geo Uamra and son visited ttt this office last week while we were printing and the boy was interested in our great press Frank Sasenbery W C WTihite Geo Campbell and N Trotter were among those attending the races here last week from Gordon Fred Welkeand his brother Ilerman visited at this office while in town yes terday on business Fred paid another dollar on subscription Jack Strong is spending a few days in town this week having brought in a car load of horHes for Ilobt Dyer to ship to South Omaha Tuesday Mrs M Fitzgerald left for Epiphany South Dakota Wednesday morning where She goes to consult the priest doctor for herself and son Charlie Jos Langer of Norden and Albert Nenzel of Nenzel were pleasant callers at this office last week while they were here visiting and attending the races Two men and three teams want day work through haying season Post office Sparks Nebr 23 St Emerson Powers - Miss VanBuskirk entertained the young people of the Methodist church choir at her home last Saturday eve mng and a very pleasant time is re ported James W George whom we reported as being quite sick 3ome time ago is fully recovered now and on duty again carrying the mail between here and Sparks Send in your dollar and get receipt and credit for a years subscription to the Valentine Democrat Its a good investment and you cant afford to do without it Pete Decory andRobt Emery have returned from St Joe where they went last week to market some horses They claim they got top prices and seem well satibfied with tlieir sales LesT While driving through some where on Gordon creek one black polled cow branded hb on right side Eeward Mrs Sophia Bower -Wood Lake Nebr Asmtlll tornado struck upon the Kes eryntion and tore up a lot of shedding and outbuildings for Several ranchmen doing considerable damage around PeU Uecorys beside killing two good horses for S II Kimniel near there We Arere correc led last week in re gard to Rosebud Girl belonging to J D McLean C P Jordan tne Rose bud merchant is the owner We sim ply took the record of entries and names of parties entering for the iace At the school meeting Monday night Geojge II Hornbys and O W Moreys term of office expired and D E Sher man and M V Nicholson were elected as successois on second ballot Other nominations were U G Dunn O W Morey Helen nornby and Mrs Jennie Levis A tax of 21 mills wns votrd for incidental and school purposes Henry Van Leer died Tuesday night with typhoid fever in a house belonging to George Beers in the west part of town He formerly lived in Brownleo but sold his homestead and some other land that he had bought last year and early In the present spring moved to Valentine where ho has made his home since Et was not known generallj that lie was sick and those who did know did not believe him to be seriously ill His nephew Robert was the only r TuiflfmiKirij M JfTi ifefi sAaafi 9sagg02LS A GET A KODAK Theres education recreation J and genuine enjoyment in picture j taking That isnt all you ac- cumulate a collection of pictures that yon wouldnt -part with for d many times the expenditure in volved We have just added a line of Eastman Kodaks The Kodak is the most highly perfected and widely used camera in th rnrirt ft was the kodak that made simple and easy With a Kodak you can take good pictures from the very start We want you to come in and see them Ifj ou buy wil instruct vou fully We also have a com plete line ot supplies evervthinr lyou will need An entire outfiit can be had for very little money Ouigley Chapman Druggists Valentine Neb VSTSTwrSYSTSTSSwS Call on E Breuklander and examine the new centre draft Buckeye mower 20 4t Fred M Hans the F E M V detective was registered at the Don oher Tuesday night Cora Thackrey finishsd her schoo last week and came down to Valentine and will go out on her homestead soon C M Richardson of Kilgore was among those to pay a dollar on sub scription while in town last week at tending the races O E Terrill of Fremont who has been visiting with his cousin Mrs V J Cook for the past week returned to his home last Tuesday morning Ed Satterlee of Nenzel was a plea s ant caller at this office last week while transacting business in our town and paid another dollar on subscription We have a complete line of trim med hats latest styles lowest prices also latest styles in belts Give us a call 16 tf Esther ONeill At Britt on July 4th Daniel Fowler and wife will conduct a lunch stand with hot coffee for those who are hun gry They solicit your patronage 2t Al Young spent last week in our city and yesterday came down to see about getting help in the Cody eating house which they seem to be short of at present Oliver R Allen ot Norden made this office a call while in towii Tuesday and Wednesday of this week with John Neiss from the Reservation with whom he is working The fifteen months old baby of Dave Peters had the mirfortune to get three of its fingers badly mashed in a wash ing machine Wednesday morning Dr Lewis dressed the wounds David Hanna returned from Hot Springs Monday morning much im proved in health He stopped iii Val entine during the day and went out on the evening train to Woodlake For Sale About 40 head of rows and calves and about 100 head mixed stuff Inquire at ranch 10 miles south of Crookston 23 tf Len Parker Mgr H Schwabero and his son-in-law Jesse Speck came down from Enlow Precinct near the old Gregory post office and transacted business In our city Wednesday They are getting a start in the cattle business J E Thackrey returned last Thurs day morning from his trip west leav ing his team and wagon until the wat ers subside in the rivers this side of Hot Springs which he found too high to ford and there were no bridges P V Van Norstran drove down from his home near Kilgore and made the Democrat office a pleasant call leaving a dollar to pay another years subscrip tion Mr V stayed over night as he felt too tired to make the trip back home the same day The people of Valentine are espec ially invited to attend the Old Sold iers Dist Reunion which will be held at Bassett Nebraska July 3 4 5 A splendid program has been arranged for each day The Ladies Uniform Cornet Band has been engaged for the 4th Bassett bids welcome to all who can come and every effort will be made to make the occasion one long to be remembered by all who attend By Order of Com Jackson Brayton have the second story of the north room of their store building nearly completed Erickson Galloway have been doing the plas tering and Sylvanus Moon is putting down the floor which will be a double with sea grass and paper between to deaden the sound Tt will Iir n tive he had with him at the time of his dlfl YOOm for the land office and theYQ The funeral held at nine death was vill be Uvo or three rooms in the fnmt oclock this Thursday morning and for rem The u s Land Qffice wju was conducted by Rev Whitehquse occuly tbe badk room aftei July lsfc -- 7r i -- J - Dont forget onr high grade coffees and teas W APettycrew Our lady printer Miss Thompson re ceived word Tuesday morning that her sister and neice in Cedar Rapids Iowa were down with small pox The city water works system is out of repair at the pumpiig station and those who have no wells to get drink ing water from are complaining The resent high water washed out north wall of the reservoir and the water is not as clear out of the creek as it gen erally is The boys are swimming in the pond knowing that some poor women who have to wash must use it for drinking water It is a shame that thee boys cant bathe in a tub at home for a while until the reservoir can be repaired Onr board of health should see to this and not allow the boys to bathe in the water that must be used by more than half of onr people Races for last Fridav resulted as fol lows according to program First race was a quarter mile dash for ponies en tries Diamond Maid by Samuel Martin Pumpkin Seed by T A Rowland La dy by John Arcoran Coon Tail by John Bachelor Grey Pete by Ed Jordan Pumpkin Seed took first money Lady second and Coon Tall third 2nd race one mile novelty entries were Jimmy llicks by Frank Doty Lookout by A 0 Sampson Nigger Baby by John Cordier Jimmie Hicks was ahead at first and second quarter closely follow ed by Nigger Baby Lookout then be gan to gain passing Nigger Baby then passed Jimmie Hicks just before he got to the three quarter pole and came on around winning also the last quarter Some dissatisfaction was expressed at Jimmie Hicks being held up after the first half mile allowing Lookout to come iu and take third and fourth money Nos that they were unwilling to see Lookout win but th it it was too plain that the race was intended to end in that way by holding up Jimmie Hicks after he had cut out Nigger Ba by to let the other horse win The hist on the program was the consolation run bT Diamond Maid by Samuel C Martin Chas Crickett by Geo D Iluggins Baker by Frank Hoffman and Rosebud Girl by C P Jordan Rosebud Girl took first money Chas Crickett second and Diamond Maid third fc AA A A f Educational Department By LETA STETTER Ships that pass in the night And speak to each other in passing Only a signal show and a distant voice in the darkness So on the ocean of life wo pass And speak one to another Only a look and a voice Then darkness again and a silence Longfellow This is the last week of school Mr Earl Pettycrew was a welcome visitor in the high school Thursday Louis Ferguson formerly of the 9th grade visited Miss Cooks room Wed nesday morning The Misses Stinard of the class of 1900 visited some of the upstairs rooms Wednesday morning The reception of the class of 1902 to the class of 1901 at the home of Miss Pettijohn was almost uuanaraously at tended and a good time reportedtby all School will be dismissed at recess this week in order to give the teachers a chance to look over the examinations that we may know our grades before school closes Mr Gordon of Gordon creek visited us one day last week Mr Gordon was formerly a pupil of our school and hav ing this year graduated from the acien ti8c course in Fremont will act as prin cipal of the Florence schools for the coming year vj A Tribute Our school will close tomorrow even ing and graduating exercises will be heln in the M E church During the time school has been iu progress our correspondent for the school Miss Leta Stetter and estimable young lady has done excellent service and we take this opportunity of expressing our thanks publicly for the accounts that have interested hundreds of our readers in different parts of our county and state and has added to the popularity of iour already famous school made so by the spirit of progressiveness in our citizens the excellent teachers who have been employed and the able efficient and worthy principal Prof R II Watson Then frieDds as we drift frovn the pleasant school days To the serious reality of every day work Well remember the teachers and their model ways That never a duty they taught us to shirk How they helped us to learn when the lessons were hard And pointed us on to the pearl of great prlee We are thankful too now that we did not retard The instruction they gave us and let this suffice A trilmta tn thnan wTin onMi mvnnl la Hie teacliiuK of youug ideas how to shoot I May blessings rest upon them and riches reward Theyre worth all their wages anil honor boot Our conespondent tas done her vork wdl Wies wortljv a place at home chair Were a thankful people u I willing to toll Of tlietr praises due when tlieyYc just and fair Xtonrtli of July Coicbration Cvooktiton iaebr PKOGKA31 Salute at sunrise 10 oclock speechr by Rev J A Johnson and Hon WN Bliss Speaking and singing by school chil dren Dinner Horse Racing Food Racing Fack Racing Pie eating contest Dfmeeat night in Woodman Hall Grand Fireworks By ordfr of Commute- Bonn tl ietiRiver We are at last ha ying some nice c irr weather and the people are feeling good Mr Lovelett from the hay flat was in our country a frw days ago looking ior corn The item last week referring i T J Ashburn going to Simeon was wrong it is Kennedy where he intends to speak Miss lessie Cleveland and her cousin Mabel Wilbert from near Ainsworth are to be seen on the streets of Sparks Miss Minnie Davis lately from -Syrian Turkey Avent to Valentine to see the doctor It seems she is not acclimated She is the daughter of Davis Tonuis Youngster Eli Precinct Kews Plenty hot thank you This part of t he county is more we than it has been for eight or nine years At the school meeting in school d is trict No 55 last Monday it was voted to have six montus school the coming year The school house site was chan ged and located about three fourths mile farther west Mrs Eva J onef was elected director and E Devire moderator Mrs Chas Ricketts went to Valen tine last week for a visit with her par ents Chas went down after he J on Tuesday of this week There will bo a roundup on the river this week 1 13 Nichols aud son Bert are at Mer riman plastering the new drujrstore and hospital of II Green The Woodmen of Merriman after cor responding with different bands leaded on having the Odd Fellows JJand of Valentine the 4lh of July Sandy Wayside ISfotes It is now a settled fact that Georgia will celebrate the Fourth in due and ample form arrangements are under way and an old time celebration looked for Two of our former citizens who had left us have returned and both taken homesteads near town Mr Uagie an old railroad engineer is building a resi dence and will engage in the cattle business We are sorry to note the dangerous illness of Grandmother Wilson She has long been a sufferer from paralysis and her malady with the burden of age is hastening her exit from time to th beyond We notice a neat new building in Georgia with a neat sign across the front McCormick Mowers aud in the door the smiling countenance of H Shultz Success Wanted at this office a new self gearing self greasing self sharpening self raking self righteous Mosquito-extinguisher A small boy of profane habits can find employment with the machine Kow let every loyal A merican citizen stand up and say hurrah for the Boers Olxey Obi I nary Died June 20 at his home near Woodlake Nebr Hoy Guhck aged 2 1 years and 8 months He was born in Marshall Co Iowa Oct 28 1877 re siding there until 1882 when accom panied his father to Cherry county Neb where he resided until his death The many friends of this worthy young man extend their svmpathy to his father in this his hour of bereavement CAKD OF THANKS To the many dear friends who so kindly assisted during the illness and death of my beloved son I extend my heartfelt thanks William Gulick Pioneer Grip K W Montgomery left Wednesday for Oasis Charry county Nebraska be ing called there on account of the death of his father II Montgomery at that place Jefferson County Journal When a man achieves success he at tributes it to his ability and energy Ue thinks if others had worked as hard as he they two might achieve success If later this man fails he lays it to fate j or adverse circumstances It will not always do to permit the successful to judge the unsuccessful m in a strange land He will vi sit the Buffalo Expo sition both going and coming JulesEccoffetfi let with an accident Wednesday fore oou while c n tue round up thai was serious but n ut have been worse His horse pici e1 and fell with him tailing on his bod T ana bruising inm severely The saddle horn struck him just behind the ear and crushed the bone H was uncon scious for some time but Dr Dwyer reports that outside of several severe bruises he is not scriouhly hurt and thinks -he will be all right again in a short time The Nebraska State Journal Springview Neb Juue 24- -Special Great interest is being take by stock men in the preliminary hearing o Joseph Bingham Tuesday before Comity Judge Estes Mr Bingham is charged with cattle steah ng For some time past cattlemen have been losing cattle and the stockiu jns association started an investigation Sensational developments are yoked for at the hearing tomorrow ft js believed that several other well fcr own stockmen will be implicated Frank Hoover who is alleged is one jf the gang is now in jail aud it is said is willing to tell all he knows County Attorney W C Brown in sisted by W T Harrington ofONell are conducting the investigation Weil known stockr ien from Keja Paha Rock and otbjr counties are arriving tonight all letermined to go to the bottom ot the matter Mr Jirown said tonight tho preliminary hearing to morrow determine whether9 Mr Bingham wdl be held to the district court or not I have other informa tion5 said he which will be tho sub ject of investigation Avbich at this time would be improper to give to the pub lic YOU IDilT sav thilt Tarn rfotorrJ I i I iu stop cauie stealing m tnis county J arant the people to know that the stock they turn out will be safe so far as their being stolen is concerned We do not I intend to persecute the innocent bnt we are determined ft punish the guilty Mr Bingham is one of the most prom inent cattlemen in this sectorx and is well known over this part of Nebraska and many are loth to belifes Ake grave charges prepared against Mm amf ar e anxiously awaiting tlu outcome oLtlie preliminary hearing Tlie OXeill Frontier One step wont take yon very far Youve got to keep on walking One word wont tell folks who j ou Youve got to keep on talking f One inch wont make you very lalii j Youve got to keep on growing 1 One little ad wout do it all V lou ve got to keep them goiyw wm r sisiit IVatcotVa and Tltsons vlU stands A Schatzthaner Propr UILDINGS ssi aftMosnw rzS Renovate Renovate Renovate White Lead Oil Turpentine Putty Paint Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes WW w JQHJC A0CM7Q CfiD Tlie Celebrated Lmcola Keady Mixed raiats OULf MU ii 10 lU il Varnishes and Stains There is none other so Good Vre Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in prices ranging from lOcts to 50cts for a double roll OUR SODA WATER IS EOUALTO THE BEST And it is as cold as Greenlandd Icy Mountains ELLIOTTS DRUG STORE iates Seasonable m V Give Me a iial If yon are going to build you will save m oney if you will call on or write nie INFORMATION FREE Composition and Gravel roofs Slate roofs Cctnposttion roof -Jo repair Ifrick and Asphalt side walks Native and imported orna m Jiital and cut stone of all shapes and sizes J3nck for sale Wm Maier Contractor - VALENTINE The 5ordon oumal Suj pose ihu A di dont bite at fust Wlifltheyt wgohf to do CI uek down yv vr pole throw out yewr bait And byytn r llshms threw Cv comse y 5W hi ut yewr goin to fish An fish anfli h an wait Until yewVv fcetcu ed yewr basket full An used ap all vewr bait Suppose sum s don t come at fust What be j fiv goil to dew Throw up the spongo and kick yewrself 2in go tur feellu lew Uy course yew haint 3ewre Roin ter fish An bait an bait again Bimeby success will iie yewr hook An yew will pdl vim iu Selected W L Mil te aod son Xioren left last Saturday nigh f for a months visit with friends at Stull it JUas ibeen seven teen years sinci STwXaawthe old home stead and we su n rise the changes that time has wroua h vH make him feel almost like a trani Notice of Sale under Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated ou the 27th day of Match 1U0 aud duly tiled m the office of the County Clerk of Cherry County Nebraska on the loth day of April 1HJ and executed by Milton Dunham to I A Hancock to secure the pajment of the sum of live hundred dollars and upon which there is now due the sum of 5u0Gu default having been made in tlie payment of said sum und no suit or other proceeding ac law having been instituted to cover said debt or any part tnereof therefore 1 will sell the prop erty therein described viz one six year old Jack color black with light poluts name Jolly Boy one soriel three ear old mare with white lace one light bay three ear old mare left hind foot white and strip in face one black three year eld mare one dark chestnut mare nine years old one bay mare liye j ears old ararin luce and lelt hind foot while uuu brown mare uiue years old one durk bay mare nine jears old star miace one orowu mare mule age IU years one irown horse mule age 12 years one olack mare mule age la years one buckskin horse mule age t years tueae niuies will weight from WJ to iCJ pounds when in good flesh at public auction at the house oi i b Rowley In Kennedy preciuct Cherry County Nebraska on lath day tl July 1131 at one oclock p m of said day Dated J uiie 13 11 jl D A Hajcuck - Mortgagee Notice Probate of Will Notice Probate of Will David Leach Deceased In County Court Cherry Comity JNel The otale of Nebraska to the heirs and next of kin of the said DavlJ Leach ueceased Take iNotice i hat upon ttilu of a written iustruineiio purpoi Hun to ue the last will and testament of JJawd Leach lor probate aud allowauce it is ordered that said matter be set for heariuK tho lli day ot July a D 1001 before said County Court at Hie hour oi 10 oclock o in at widen time any person nuerested may appear und itfc nits samu ana nuuee ot tins proceeding Is rueied puohslitU three weeks successively in e VAUiATisji Dkmockat a weekly er published iu this state j1 testimony whereof I have hereunto set my ii iin ViU tlie seal oi tne Oouuty Court at Valen tine iL 8 Mil of June A L icji KJiAl WHTOWNE L v3t County Judge tjtiee to Creditors In County Co Jrt withiu and for Cherry Coun iii tins matter the estate of Abraham Col umn deceased io the creditors of said estate Tou are lereoy n otiid that I will sit at the County Co rt Uooui Valentine m d County on the 13th day of Jl ly la 10 oclock a m io receive indexamne ad Ultima agrnist saia vstate witt a view to eir adjustment and al lowance Tie lime lint ted foe the presentation of claims iginstsaii Ittate is o months lroni ihe JOthilav f 3ecuinueir A D im and the xuue limited for payment ot deblais on year irom said tn day ot UecenUer IDOt Witness jy liaud and tin teal of said county Court thisJDthdayof June CJl IrfKALl V B T5MV2I B 2 4t CouutyJuuge In the District Court of Cherry CounJa Nebraska In lnaiatter of tueaoI real estate by Kohert Cavs4 uar 1 Order M SI10W Mian of jltlle add UeuJalt cause tuur minor heirs of tfted Me- Arthur deceased And now on this I3tli day of June A D 1C0I this cause came ou lor tearing before W II Westover one of tlie Tnuce of the district court of Cherry county Nebraska upon the petition of Itobert Canady guardian ot Effie McArthur and Ueulah HieArthur minor heirs of Fret 31c Artiiur deceaseu praying for license to sell the lollowimx described leal estate to wit the uwi ecl 32 township 3U range 2C west of the Cth V v tlie proceeds of the sle to be used for the Mij purt maintenance aud education of his said Wai ds It s therefore ordered that all persons inter 3Sleu in wait fstUe iiear lielure me at Lush ille ebraska n the 5th day ot July A D lOol atloo slock a in u show cause why such li cense s ould not oe granted to said guardlau to sell said premises it is in tlir ordered that a copy of this notice be imblib fcd ur tucevssive weeks in the Val kxiaeL owCitAT in Cerry county Nebraa ka Uated th 221 daV or Juae A D 1JJC0 at Iiuthville Tv bnwka ViJWESTOVR Judjje of List Court EstTay TSotice Taken up at my place 0 miles north eaJt of Kilgore Kebr ol e bay ma weight abouut jjoo lbs branued Ul ou riht shoulder tin left shoulder l on right hip Chas Bukss Valentine Keb Jime c 1901 Attention is called to tie new ad vertisement of Wm Mairin this issue of the Democrat Married Wednesday- June 28th at Rosebud by llev A B- Clarir Mr Hammond and Miss Miss Wren Donoher was brides maid and Dr N Cfc mpton best man The youn couple came down to Valentine today and will go to housekeeping in the house formerly owned by DickZelian They are ecod people and hare the best wishes of the Democrat ior future uQcess and i happiness v V v r i