S J 8M8S The hospitality ef the Citizens of Vaientine Js unboundei Last week the Elkhirn Valley Editorial Associa tion held it fifth annual meeting here aud twodojien editors came to town Wnen th train from the east pulled in to the Valentine station at 130 in the inorfling A host of Valentine people 4vere on the depot platform to greet the aBvrspaper me and escort them to co fey homes for entertainment The train from tfce west came in at 440 in the merning yet the visiting editors who came on that train found many to Ivelcoma tham When one spends a couple of days m the society of the newspaper men of Northwest Nebraska one is able to un derstand why this section is receiving the attention o people looking for lo cations in which to engage in cattle ttrising and mercantile pursuits They Ri e tho liveliest lot of hustlers imagin able aud each is forever declaring that his particular town and section are the best that erer happened A year ago Eob Good was editor f the Valentine Democrat and week in aa wek out he was ready to mount his aditovial tripod thats what the old sway Kackad office chair is always called aad declare in double leaded accents that Valentine stood at the head of all and Cherry county led the procession Now Bob is printing the Xagle at Bassctt llock county and ho spent twenty three of the twentj four hour he was here insisting that Knsstt is tke best town in Northwest ern Nehrasfe while llock county can give every cnty in the state cards and spades and bat em out Bob alnaysjw elequent when talking ybst his hmt county Frank Wing field of the Crawford Gazette listened to eno ef ffcb spiels for an haur or two and then remarked in his broad Englislwtceent If Good was in Hadcshe wonld whit tle eut font of type make a press and gat eut a paper full of declarations that his particular corner- was the coolest and most comfortable portion of the in fernal regions And Goods eloquence in behalf of his sectkin3 equaliedby the eloquence of every- of her newspaper inan in this VortUufof th0 nrorai vineyard - ThroughWnhihe andrain through drouth and moisturey tlirogh good and evil report tht iditcis cfthe north west haYfl had an abiding faith in the future of this section and their cheerful optimism and their 4never say die method has had mubh fo do with ihK present prosperity of this gfcat catth country They were the first one- he q SThen others were leaving ill de they remained behind and swon that th time would como wjjsn theOde spised sajwihillfj wouldbe the objei1 of all w4p sought wealth And the have lived tefisee their faith vindicated J Today a lnillioAslletrsroam these same sand hill34nndijr otrnerssit back ii ease and wafchthoir bank growing to reipectablo proportions It maynot be generally known but the fact isthatrthere is ah industry 6tL er than cattle raiding that is bound- t grow in this sectinn Along the Nio brara and Miunechaduza exist great de posits of fuller earth waiting for the developing influence of capital Build ing stone of superior quality exists in untold quantities along the duza J i rrrwaiTinfTrnBtiafa THE YALttTM QUBCGRAT I M RlCr EDITOR J1V0 Mer Advance FUBrIHEn EVERY THURSDAY Entered at I be Poai afflee at Valentine Cherry ceuntv Nebraska an Swond daua matter Tho Land of the MildEyed 1fniwio NbM June 3 4f Wash iiigUili JBihe GlyrtA iW3giflflcent Dibt Mices thfii this ifP country df inatfaiflwut distant The gooil ioadb inovemjijjt irrav br fifVUlJl JJiIowa Il linois ami Imlana but the penple of SbHlwrsstarn jSHmiska have no cause for rrMrj on this point Tho roads are hlways g3 liw Mud is something iinkuorMnrf fVfn iji the dryestweath ei the dut is At burdensome Tire raiHhmftiiiof jNorthwesern Ne braska use a rub the wide tired wagon ami a s a result tho roads are al was likfe tho bent maendam hard free1 front kit ad as smooth as a bill iard table This is a good thing for tho ceunlry for where houses aro miles apart and a ranchman has to drive thirty or forty miles to a town good roads are a prlrtie necessity But up here in Oherry county a forty mile diiv is an absolute pleasure FullTa earth is found thrth liedfordshire Surrnv w JOnt Emit md i id its pr homil use is fkinsi il fion VimiIcq fil rics jlntaitsp of -imp has huprsli it for this pwrpose but it would still be used fit could be had as cheaply as so ip ft also furnHIuS a basis for many of the high explosives Aluminum is obtain ed in largH quantities from this species f clay There is no reason why the ndustn should not 11 mrish in this rion for ihe deposit of fullers earth is inexhaustable Valentine first sprang into fame dur ing the famous Sioux uprfing in 3890 91 This was headquarters for the mil itarv service both militia and regular and the famous seventh cavalrv was Ntationed at Ft Niobrara when the Sinux came down in a swarm and threatened to massacre every white peion in tlu northwest Valentine was at its liveliest then Those who were not too budly frightened nt tho idea of a lot of half starved Indians wrecking the government were work ing day anil night making money while the soldiers was present From tnat day to thi Valentine has been uronnnentlv before the ppople About the time the Sioux grew fract ious the people of this country began to realize thatj farming was useless and that cattle raising was their only hope Today the country prospers because the mild eyed steer grows fat upon the grass of the sand hills The Standard Cattle Company with headquarters at Ames owns a sizeable ranch in Cherry county The company owns and controls a range twenty five miles wide and forty eight miles long The Richards Comstock people own a range only a little smaller But there is no conflict between these big range men and the men who have only a faw acres homesteaded and a limited range privilege The big concerns have pursued a policy of conciliation If the small herd owner wants to sell out the big concerns pay him his price and the maUter is settled If the small herd owner wants to hold on aft er the big concerns have secured con trol of all the land about him he is ot molested On the 0 mtrary ho is al low ad to pasture his cattle with the big herds and his hay is purchased at a fair figure The result of this policy has been ad vantageous to Cherry county The big ranch owners have prospered and the little ranchmen -have been benefited Up to date there has been no conflict between the cattle men and sheep head ers The sheep men have not advanc ed this far to the southeast yet But when they do no doubt the history written in blood further to the north westwill be repeated here Sheep and cattle cannot occupy the same range In the latter part of June about the 20th Valentine will haye three daj s Of horse racing and other western sports that4 will be worth traveling hundreds of miles to see The trotter and the paeer are unknpwu in this section The cow pony and rhe rangy runner are the only kinds of horseflesh receiving any particular attention in this neck o the woods The races will be running races and purses aggregating more than 1000 have The Indians from the Rosebud Agency will be down in full force for they have a lot of gallopers that they are willing to bet tlieir last blanket upon The sport promises to be fast and furious W M if Peter Ylondfay Rosebud S D Left side Left car cropped Horses branded VB Range Little White River at nioith of Itedar Creek Hutt Brothers r Gordon Nebraska itangoi4 miles north M Gordon TH ut C E Wright BMBaMaavfll J G Postoffice address HyannisNeb on right sMe bor es same on right shoulder nge six miles nor th west of Mot fil 1 il i l ii i i ei Valentine Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side- COOLEY efcirf wTlTafrrffagst in ITeury Fliniaux Kennedy Nebr Cattle branded same as cut Horses p lelt shoulder Range Mouth of Boardman Cody Nebr Cattle branded anywhere some wi th under neath the brand Horses on left shoul der Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek S D RosebHd S D - Oirvi Huh brand d OH Inf Ilip SOIlie vitliMit iirir circli IXh Iiranil l nil left shoul der U N UOUltLKl fc - - - Pimeon Nebrasf iTS C P Jordan - t 33 T l -- s W m vr 2E R M Faddis Co rcwofilce address Valentine or Ken no 1 f GAUDINKK Postofflpo address Uody Isebruska On left side of cat tle horses O iUt arm Kanue north and south of Niobram lllvr12 nile south west of Cody Cattle branded same as cut Some branded on lett th ixh Home on leftside or liip Jostofilpp address ltuahville Neb Op left Mp aso SOU o t side Horses 3 D Bray Ub J m Mi in i Hanep Odar I Wee Robtnld S D Cattle brandtil on lefirlilali or hip same us cm I Horse Irmid same on tlie left shoulder Charles Richards Merrlman Neb yCCR m FM nidt Uosebud S I Same as cut or wit bar under S lijrht ear slit and dulapped Horses branded same on left hip Charlotte E Bovill Merriinnn Neb Left side or hip Range north o EH Mill I iHWJWKKihKS V bearing any of these brands ui Gordon Uervey Itaucn Two miles east of Crookatou in Cherry coiiitXoiaska Caitle branded or1 on lefi hip on ripht hip and oiLrteht side with 3 lnch letter Vl Cavanaugh Mgr Crookstou Neb IsD AVm Ft Niobrara Neb Brand regislced No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara river 12 miles east of aleutiue HOtTJnSSlM LIlvi TH Perry Parker Vetal Vlandry Ileuben Quick Beat Cattle branded same as cut or on hip Range Blnblc Pipe Creek vauge rincvjctuii KKswPfc3tHK3p3 I cxjiLii linn j JIBLb mm tt ifPrAiwfMii yyarrrfP5 Spfeg3 f ZP I i m J John DeCory Rosebud S D Some branded 1 D 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Kangein Meyer Co on Antelope Creek CHAS S NICHOLS Postoffice address Merrlman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 mi southeast of Merriman RQB 1 fC SB High Grade Bulla I have it my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 8 hirh jrrade Herford bulls two and three years old and three head of ful blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G Ballard vVoodlake jtfebr Ilns iniri Jforses nnd cattle wini a fin iv C J lift j oir riKht hip Uiww on Oak and Jiite ereeks A Ijut rU ri winl for mfoiiii tlitut b juliiij to dfUction of nailers of stock Aiorey lleweti iioruon e r Urand rrrNfirHl 2I2 On left hip of cattle Hor ea sme left slould er also QAn lft side U Ihnre Soulliof sake v miles - gsssfeaftiigag Shadbolt Pleishman ff VfTi IXPr 1 1 - r J Bailey Nebr Lert side S P lett shoulder ituidiiiiiilcdenr lap Uanje ILinro anil 37 be twren Ninbrarj iiid theiske wf 6c George 1 Lamou tj x 5954 FD Tr 4 pe3i y - Albany eb Cuttle branded Fl on lett rib or right shoulder Sf nrighthipaiKllet ribs tfon left hip J lor es FD or SI n risrht shoulder Range 7 mi nor h cast oi Albany Nub J Alien allaSaB H 9 tiiTriBiryrr ffiiiTrn P i M m W James Goodfellow Ff l I mm j Sera Cody Nebr M RICHARDSON Postoffice address TOcCaun Neb Tininrlprf nn ipftsidrt i i Cattle branded on left side Horses J on left jaw Range Between Hie Niobrara and Medicine Lake f twXXk JHAKLES GARTdlDlS V- lostofllce address e H2 Cody Neb Cattle branded on left side also C G on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses Kamre on Niobrara 10 mi southwest Cody Parker Son Pat Peiper George Keyne Cody Neb Braml registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutconib Lake iu Cherry Co P O Address L W Parker Reige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Ranee on Niobrara south of Crookston A T BRACKETT Postoffice address Rlege Neb Branded on left side Range Three mlies Southeast of Georgia Prank Livermore Cody Neb On hot l sides or F3i any w on an Also L on hip or shoulder Range Little White River and month of Cedar Creek S D Irwin Nebr L B Lesser Merrlman Nebr On leftside al so on same side SM underlined Horses under IhiPd M on left thigh Range Little While River Kennedy Xebr Cattle branded as on cutef t side Some on left hip TTorses same on left shoulder Range Lake Square Cody Nebraska Branded on left side Range Tin Cnn Lake and Morgan Flats 55 JSES Brownlee Neb Same a on cut Ranee Between Goose Creek and North Loup SJ TvjJfiX -- SBPftHfcfiCSSwfeRsSflfiWBSHWBBBni J B Lord ll tri tfv 1 ur ivr atw t 1 SS23fB m m a r mZLISdam Slmeon Xeb St ck branded same m cut back of nj ht shoulder nnd on right hip Uangc on the Mobrara D M Sears WILLIAM FEKDON Iostoflice address JJrownlee Nch gjJ5SjJ vWi lpli m SagsagaRfl Like cut on either left sil or hipal80 mmm sm W Sa aieu siue William Shangran Cody Nebr On leftside Horses same 1 Range Lake ijitcn j iunuiui vQsameasrut tdMHOD iLIt 111 D S250OO WAIJII lor con- S nnntlntimi nT unlawtuliv liaudliniT Cattle iirftnf for Tjisfpnr f j i i i r T -in mesc uiiiiiua - ICItlfTIf I MT V PS ROUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlee Neb TSi g2lisS222S Newton Nebroka Cattle branded as on cut Some eft side or hip Ranije on Goruou Creek Postoffice address Sawyer Bros sjH uh Oasis Neb1 Brand registered 2093 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip On left side or any part of animal Ear markright ear cut off horses branded same on left lilpAlso has stock branded H on side or shoulder or JK or TV or O VI orO or JFZ Also thcfollowing the first one being on side and hip HSSi E R Vandegrift Si nA fgfjizM MWWff1 Prank T Lee Brownlee Neb Gorsuch Bros Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee ml L ui Julius Heckman B ownlee Nebr Range south of Brownlee Postoffice address Oasis Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge oi these cattle horsesJJson left shoulder some stock brands Y my where on u Range Snake me C F COOPER Also some cattle branded JSmJ 2 IWj its iojuzi Range South and west of Hackberrv and Duck ika Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh Earmark squtr0 crop right etr Horses have same brand on left thigh Range on Gor don and Creeks Metzger Bros Snake MfeytM Ml Mlllll IBS Sl 1 xSSZSCti iib H tf y r - - T J1 J T A Itcicrtrtl of Siin n m to roi i erson for information leading to thfc arrest and -final convict on of any uerson or rK5L gcame wuq above brand f D B ST02fElt SOX Xcwlon Ncbr Brand registered No -111 Cattlf branded same us cut on left sldo nr left hip Horses same on lelt shoulder llanLo South of Gordon Creek revoiscd s tee blcck Kauge Stever and Stephenson I ism j taSggagnrg mwr Teeter Bros p5 - m - n Mf ft r J niiii iriiTimr mi ii n miii i j i tfsajaao seaaEsi j30szmtiEm - rii A w Charles II Paulhaber Rrownlee Ridit or left side of caMle Horses same on lettishoulder J eft ear cut off of cattle Range on Loup river Stotts Stetter Laies and South Postoffice address ChesterlieW Neb Cattle branded on left side as on cut also v lelt neck andZ left hip some V lett neck V left shoulder and Z left hiuhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River313233 Ostoffice address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory feyii miiirr nnnmirnrTK V 0- xni - ii i ii- 4D IA Valentine Nebr State Brand reg istered 1554 Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip Range 2 miles east of Ft orara Valentine Neb On left side or hip A4leftsi or hip On left side Eangpoa Niobrara HSY Newton Nebr Ca tie branded on left side name as cut Horses on left shoulder Range Between tne Gordon and ISnke Louis F Richards Meirimau NeU J gj 1 Garner Brothers 1 KVZ 7 tu5 I gg I Cody ebr Anvwhcre on ca tfe Horsea on shoulder SWEENEY RROS Postoffice address Pullman Neb Cattle branded as on tut horses branded same as cattle except GEOROE Ii DAVIS Simeon Nebr Cattle branded on leftside Horses same on left ahouloer Range -Creek Gordon left Range- North Eli X mr 300 reward will he paid to nnv person for In formation Inad Inn to the arwt and convictioj of any person or persons stealing cattle w Itli the above brand C Evenson Codv Nebr On left side and thich borers the salll on left side Rame -Between Niobrara and the Snake ml P A Cooper Chesterfield Nebr Cattle branded same as cut on left aide Horset same on left shoulder JA DAWSON BALL Also on left side J A SAULTS ftfe Postoffice address Gregory Net On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valle j and Snakr JULIUS PETERSON WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon Nebr Cattle brnnded same as cut on left si ie Horses 5r5W branded rtSCas on left If3 9 shoulder JD Stinard jfj Range 6 milea suumoi lrwm DSJ smmm SffSfSPTKi PIKE BROS yyy Postoface addresa Crnokaton Neb Branact on eithe sideotartmal Some n right hip Range On east of Crookston J A Adamson bvl 9 J 01 t A SkS r r x 1j r i i -