I H sonally known are requested io pay in auvauce lumper cent additional to above rates if over C months in arrears Noitecj of loss of stock free to brand adver tisers Thursday Jun 20 1001 The fusion pre3 of the state is silent in large measure on tho falling down of the state board in assessing the railroad property The party press may be able to dodge the issue now but it will find it difficult to evade when it comes be fore the people in the form of voting a fusion ticket headed by the recreant governor Omaha liee May 23 1900 Although a careful analysis of the question at that time revealed the fact that the railroads would pay a larger percentage of the taxes in 190 than they had ever before paid yet the re publican strategy board assisted by a number of fusion editors who too lazy to give the matter proper investigation jumped at conclusions and joined in the howl of the republican wolves evi dently succwedmg in making the people believe that the fusion board in 1900 did perform its full duty The election re turns seem to indicate that the editoria1 note above quoted along with hundreds of others ol the same tenor had con Biddable effect After a careful study of the question at that time 1900 The Independent believed that the as- sessment of 1900 was high enough when compared with the valuation of otner property an it held to that view But tie people seem to have thought differently and The Independent will accept their ultimatum The ptople believe that the railroad assessment waa not high enough and expresad their displeasure by electing republican state officers who promised relief And ho w have ilee promises been fulfilled Why by reducing the valuation 44000 on the identical prop erty which the people said was assessed too low by the fusion board last year It is plainly a case of out of the frying pan into the fire How do you like it And now will the Friend Telegraph Rushville Recorder Tekamah Herald Norfolk Xews Norfolk Journal Pal City Journal Alliance Times York Times and divers and sundry other re publican papers who howled them selves hoarse last year please step up to the rack and tell us what they think of the 1901 railroad assessment In view of tha fact that B 11 stock is now belling at 200 there is much more reason for a raise in the assessment this but the republican year than there was last publican board reduced the total 44000 Come nowl Look pleasant and take your medicine What possible excuse have you to offer When the railroad assessment was up to Governor Savage Treasurer Stuefer and Auditor Weston they found that they wtjre up against it and capitulated to the railroads- Adapted from the Omaha Bee of May 16 1900 And the republican state board of equalization headed by Governor Sav age has fixed the state assessment for all the railroad property in Nebraska for 1901 at 44000 less than in in 1900 Behold reform Adapted from Omaha Be May 18 1900 For fear that Treasurer Stuefer has forgotten about that Quarter of a mil lion of idle school money the Bae again suggests that the public be taken into his confidence and informed if it is still deposited with the Omahn bankers who acted as his committee when he took charge of the office and who is getting the interest which is or should bo accruing on it Patterned after editorials whirfl appeared in the Omaha Bee frequently during Treasurer Meser tes term but which apparently have lapsed into inocnous desuetude since the advent of a republican state treasurer Why Mr Eosewater In the face of the notorious fact the railroads have added millions of dollais worth of terminal and roadbed improve ments and in the face of the facs that their earnings have more than trebled within the past five years the sham re form officials have fixed railroad assess ment for 1901 at 44000 less than the jULtSAS AtASASASAJASg ARUBB DOCTOR The home without a Hot Water Bottle lacks something that may be needed any hour of the day or- night A soft yielding rubber it 1 bag that applies heat as nothing g lelse can Well wrapped will i keep warm for hours - f IHEAT HELPS g t i most any pain Equalizes the cir culation relaxes the muscles and soothes the nerves With a hot i water bottle you can have heat at its best No scorching and a steady eyen temperature Those we offer are made as they should be of finest Para rubber with re inforced seams All sizes and every size at a bargain Quigley Chapman Druggists Valentine Neb frryy5Tyir3ririTrr5T3y ADDITIONAL LOCAL E K Valentine and wife are in town Wm Maier and family will move into the Bates hcuie Mrs M R Hardin has been on the sick list the past week Dont forget onr high grade coffees -and teas W A Pettycrew Call on E Breuklander and examine the new centre draft Buckeye mower 20 4t Miss Leo West of Woodlake is vis iting friends here and attending the races A heavy rain again Tuesday night and hail did some damage to crops near Georgia we hear We have a complete line of trim med hats latest styles lowest prices also latest styles in belts Give us a call 16 tf Esther ONeill Mary Shaughnessy came in Tues day morning from Deadwood where she has been teaching in the schools She will spend her vacation with her folks here The Canton Bridge Co gets the con tract to build the bridge at about one half the price formerly paid the Wrought Iron Bridge Co for other bridges The Canton is not in tbe combine LosT While driving through some where on Gordon creek one black polled cow branded m on right side Reward Mhs SorniA Boweii Wood Lake Nebr Uev Jbather Nierman of New Or leans Rev Father Rembert O F of Coluin bus and Rev Father Breitkopf of Stuart are here this week attending the Catholic church mission since last Sunday and continuing until next Sun day Hon John H Shores had an attack of heait failure yesterday morning while returning from the postofliceaud fell in front of Taylors restaurant He revived after a short time and was able to tvalk home as though nothing hud happened him and appeared the least excited of any one E D Mason and family arrived here last Saturday night from St Joe for a visit with his wifes parents and broth ers the Cramers on the table north of town Mrs Mason and their two boys will remain for a few weeks visit Mr Mason will return next week aud stop for a few days at Creighton where he formerly lived to look after some prop el ty he has therd Mrs Thorn and children Frank Bertha aud Hugh and her mother who has been staying with them for some time departed jesteiday morning for Lincoln to join Mr Thorn who had gone some time before and purchased a blacksmith shop there Luella Leila and Walter will remain in Valentine for a few weeks yet A good family and model citizens are gone from among ub They will be missed by their as sociates and the links of friendship which had been joined now appear to1 be broken by their removal but they will not be lorgotlen and we may per haps hope to meet them again H Montgomery of Oasis committed suicide by hanging -with a small rope thrown oyer an article of furniture last Monday night His wife lay asleep in the same room and did not awake uutil morning C F Harris came in to town to get the Coioner and took out a cas ket Mr Montgomery was getting quits old aud as his health had been poor for some time had tried before to end his life and this time succeeded Belah Pitcher a stepson had just start ed for Mo to look up another location for the old folks and Spencer Pitcher had taken him to town and being tired when he returned had slept soundly aud was not aware of the old mans fate figures for -1899 and 1900 Adapted until morning when the neighbors were - called iu and C b Harris cut the rope from the Omaha Bee of May lb 1900- J Moutguluerv down iu the gbrASfca indepeBaent yuge of four witueyes - u - k - i - iV f - - - - - - - - tin i iiv 4 - i r THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT L M RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nchruha Sislwcnption S1Q0 per yea in advance 150 when not paid In advance Display advertlslng l Inch 16c per Issue S10 per column toy the month Local Notice Re per line each Issue Brands IK Inches 3400 per year In ad vance additional spans 5300 per inch per year engraved blocks extra SrOO each Parties living outsldu Cherry county not per- Sacra 1 -1 At Britt on July 4tn uame owier and wife will conduct a lunch stand with hot coffee for those who are hun gry They sohci your patronage 2t Obe Church came down Monday morning and went to work in the bar ber shop that he purchased from Clar ence Sageser nis family is driving down overland from Gordon and will occupy the Sagesser house which he also gets in the deal Clarence Sagesser will remain with Mr Church in the barber shop for several weeks Mr Church is an old experienced barber and will take charge personally of the shop Miss Inez Pi t ycrcw kindly furnishes us the following report of the Epworth League convention held at Newport re cently of which she was a delegate The Epworth League Convention which was held at Newport this year was a complete success The delegates from the different Leagues were met at the depot by the reception committee and other Leaguers of Newport and from thence was escorted to the Meth odist church The banner of welcome stretched from one side of Main street to the other the red and white with which the store windows were decorated the words Cordial Welcome and the League badge which was made of A i 4 nies and occupied a prominent placefer the window of one of the banks andthe artistic decoiations of the church were emblematic of the sentiment of the Leaguers and the people of Newport Although each League was not repre sented hy a full delegation still those present owing to the cordial welcome and the hospitality of the Leaguers and people of Newport passed tho dajs pleasantl From the papers and discussions so nicely given and showing a great deal of forethought a great mauy good points were gained which will be bene ficial in the furtherance of the cause of Christ by the League Through the welcome the kindness and the hospitality of the Leaguers and the people of Newport they wonfor theni3elves the admiration the heart felt gratitude aud the best wishes of ail present Educational Department By LEfA STETTER Jgft jF aHP iJtte Wt By thine own souls law learn to live i And if men thwart thee take no heed And if men hate thee have no care Sing tliou thy song and do thy deed lo thou ihy way and pray thy prayer v And claim no crown they will not give Miss Maloney was absent Monday Miss Elsie Sherman of the tenth grade was absent last week The class of 1901 are exceedingly busy preparing for commencement Mr Growden informs us that the class of 1901 will graduate by electricity James Growden of the nth grade was absent the greater part of last week The 0th 7th and 8th grades have be come very efficient in water color work Anyone having a means of removing ink spots call on the grammar depart ment Mr Morgareidge was a pleasant call er in the intermediate department last Friday The graduates are practicing with Mr Watson at the church almost every1 afternoon Miss Inez Pettycrew was a familiar visitor at the school building at noon one day last week aJLhe 8th grade have been engaged in the interesting study of the differentia tion of tadpoles and polywogs Miss Helen McDonald of Crookstoii was a pleasant and familiar visitor in the high school room Tuesday We understand that Miss Cook of frTe grammar department will not be with I us next year This is a source of regret to all who had hoped to be her pupils The maps of Cherry county drawn impromptu from memory or rather forgetfulness by the 10th grade looked like different things all tho way from a geometrical figure bisected by two parallel cords to an elaborate represen tation of the plan of Solomons temple Down the Miver The Niobrara river got its back up all right last week T J Ashburn intends going to Sim eon to deliver an oratiou July 4th Pavis Bros are building a large sod house on their claims in the hay flat Grant Spain and wife were visiting his wifes sister Mrs Mabel Charbou neati the fore part of last week There was quite a few hail fell Friday of laBt week but did no great damage The corn looks torn up near the Berry bridge more than any place we have seen Well as we have been out for some time we hdve recruited up a little like a horse running out as the grass is very nice since we have had nearly sis inches of rainfall in the last two weeks A man by the name of Sunflower Green is trying to control nearly all the small grain crop and some of the corn The Berry hill was pretty badly washed out by the heavy rain Friday evening of last week The men were called out the first ot the week and the hill was soon put in shape for teams to travel with safety Crop tOO YOUNG STER Taken up at mv place 5 miles northent of Kilgore Nebr one bay mare weight abouiit 8CO lbs braiiileil UX ou rigbt shoulder ou lelt shoulder 1 on right hip Chas Bukxs Valentine Neb June 6 looi Spark Chips Crops are looking fine especially the small grain The corn as a general thing is a little torn by the heavy wind hail and rain of last week and some fields are quite weedy and need work i rm i t oaary Jine nun m tnese pans was nn i commonly heavy aiid hail accompanied same in some localities killing little pigs chickens aud ducks and doing such other damage as usually occurs at sue times The village of Sparks and the sur rounding community were greatly shocked last Friday morning about 8 oclock as little Oscar Peterson came from one house to the other with a message announcing the very sudden death of Henry F Barker one of the oldest most useful and highly respected citizens We have known Mr Barker for 14 years he being one of our first acquaintances after we landed in this country and have done quite an amount of business with him served as consta ble under him for a term of years anl always found him ready ro advise and help iu any way that assistance was needed His dealing was always hon est and honorable and his labor unceas ing until the Great Ruler of the Uni verse wno cioetn au mings wen came to his relief and found him true to his wcrd as he had told us that la uxpecied to work tiil he died aud his wont- eaiut true lor death must have stiuck linn while he was milking a cow lie came into the house sat down in a locking chair and in a few seconds was dead His funeral took place at Sparks Sun day the 16th couducted byKev Bruce Twenty -four teams and several on horse back iollowed his remains from the residence to the church at Sparks where the funeral services were held liuv Bruce delivered a very able dis course touching the life and character of our departed friend and neighbor The procession from the church to the cemetery was one fourth of a mile iu length His pall bearers were two comrades James Culp and William Allen four neighbors Mathias Jelly James H Sears George Bristol and George Shelborn and we laid him to rest in his cold bed of mother earth iu the Sparks cemetery in the presence of many sad hearts weeping friends and heart broken relatives with whom we know how to sympathize But le us leave him to rest from his labors in the hope of a glorious resurrection James II Sears Kennedy Sews Chas Hale went to town the 13th John Bachelor and family went to Brownlee last week Wm Erickson has gone to t he Res ervation to buyhorses Mrs Frank Parkei spent several days with Mrs D Sears last week McKee Bros lought 4 head of hor ses frfJin D A Piercey last week Mr Wagoner from the 101 ranch has been visiting in ihe neighborhood sev eral davs McKee Bros have taken a contract from the 101 to put up 2000 tons of hay lit Lullmau Mrs Uee and daughter Marion left he morning of the 10th for Central City Colo for a visit From there tvill vibit in 11 u if alo county rebr leaiiiefly News 1 M Dunham went to Thedford today in busiuess I Sears was at Kennedy today aft er supplies i Cyrus Wei fender is hauling stone from Snake river for John Kiines shed wall The hard wjnds last week blew over a large mill for the t bar outfit The committee for the celebration at Lone Tree are making every effort to have a good time the 4th Horace Walling ford was down from ChesterSeld iastweek after supplies Miss Mary Dunham and Mr Gor such have gone to Pullman or some place else on a visit Mr Spain aud Mr Pote went to Val entine today on business Ed Bichards came to Kennedy last Friday through the rain to get some good things to eat Come again Ed It must be getting near the 4th by the amount of scmiming around here aud they are not eagles either HuoiiES Arm DIED At Sparks Nebr June 14th 1901 H F Barker aged 05 years 1 month and 14 days Mr Barker was born in Rochester N Y May 1 1836 and in 1855 em igrated to California returning east in 1856 was married to Miss M A Dunn who died in 1S5S He lived at Vandalia III until 1861 when he eh i3ted in the U S army under Capt Kayler Co F Seventh Cavalry 111 Vol and in 1802 was commissioned second Lieutenant serving the bal ance of his enlistment as Lieutenant Of the Commissary Dept In 1805 re j ceivinq a furlough he returned to Vandalia On May 1 18fc he was married to Mary George and contin ued to reside in Illinois until 1S68 when he removed to Nodaway county Mo where he resided until 1883 when he moyed to Cherry county where he has resided until death tailed him away He leaves a wife and two children Wm A Barker and Mrs Clara Myers who -with many friends mourn his death He was a man of great moral character ahd one who could fill a great many places both officially and practically and will be sadly missed by all who knew him Te sincerely 8mpatbizewith the bereaved family A Friend Renovate Renovate Renovate White Lead Oil Turpentine Putty Paint Whitewah and Kalomine Brushes ofil r AfirviTm rnn The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints there is GULL MUL Al rUfl other so Good I 0 v armsues and Stains none We Kee in Stock at all times a large assortment of Walt paper in prices ranging from lOctsto oOcts for a double roll OUR SODA WATER IS EQUAL TO THE BEST And it is as cold as Greenlands Icy Mountains ELLIOTTS DRUG STORE Bates Seasonable A ijJMfc vv h f lied to a Volney Va lady on the k ml Valentine Races Among the race horse men attending tho racei are T A Kowlaud McCook George V Losey Madison Louis Bor deaux aud John Cordia Bosebud Geo D Hnggins Spriugview Dan Truax Cody Willis Cackler Frank Doty U aldruil C C Thompson and Dave Archer Valentine John Arcorau J I McUJuiu and from GOO to 10U0 visitors are here from ail directions Wednesday the first race on the pro gram was declared oil In the second there were four entries Chas Crickett Geo D Francs Jr Dave Archer Lookout A C Sampson Nigger Baby John Cordia Francis Jr won first Nigger Baby second Lookout third Third race five entries Francis Jr Jiuijuie Hicks Frank Doty won first -Willie ltiley Willis Cackler second Nellie F A C Sampson third Sleepy Jack Louis Bordeaux Thursday first race one mile dash was declared off Second race Jim Hicks won first Orphan Boy T A Itowland second Alice A C Thompson third Third race Bosebud Girl J D Mc Claiii Neilie Jos Truax Avon first- Sleepy Jack second Lady John Arcoran third Baker Frank Doty The Rock County Leader The Ladies Band of Valentine has been engagei to furnish music on the Fourth of July for the reunion and cele bration It is composed of sixteen of Valentines handsomest unmarried yoang women and they are said to be accomplished musicians They will ap pear iu uniform and play the wedding march for the couple who are to be married iu public at the bowery at high noon July 4th Bassett Eagle Col E J Jjavenport of Valentine drove down from Longpine last Thurs day evening tor a chat with the Eagle ou matters of moment The Cols one of the leading republican politici ans of the northwest and he believes there will be little if any change among the federal office holders in this section of the state When you write to your friends tell them that you live in The land of the Mild Eyed steer The last issue of the Valentine Dem ocrat from some unknown cause was batter printed and made up than it Las been for a long time O W Morey the Valentine jeweler was in the city Tuesday looking for a location for his son who is a graduated watcnmaKer lie tound the ield al ready occupied and while he admires the town very much he weut on to Newport and Stuart Cody Cow Buy Wm Calkins got kicked in the breast by his saddle hoise Tuesday but after wards rode to town so he was probably not greatly hurt The Lorse just kick ed back once for luck but Wi lls near ness probably savrd him from receiving the lull force of the blow Mrs Peter Hoffmann received a tel egram Monday from Missouri Valley Iowa bearing the information Of the death of her lather at his home in that place He died the same day at the age or 7J years Mrs Hoffmann took tue train ut Neuzei Tuesday morning to yisit the bereaved home and attend the funeral -During the storm on Saturday night ut Nenzul Ed Hatterlees store front was struck by lightning and a portion of the front torn out but no one was hurt aud no damage done except to the building Mrs J E Barnes sister or Mrs Un derwood and the Young brothors died at her home in Fan bum S D at 180 Tuesday morning Al Young and Mrs Underwood and the girls left this morning to be present at the funeral Dan Truax went to the county seat Saturday afternoon Lie has a couple of spetdy horses there that the boys are fitting for the June races If they dont carry away some ol the purses the fellows will think they have had some races of February last Miss Pearl Paine and Mrs Maggie ilartiu were over in southeast Cherry oouuty holding down their claims last week Ranch for aie Cheap 55i m PMM Walcotttt and THhohs old Stands Give Me a Trial A Schatzthauer Propr Ordinance No 80 Being an ordinance to amend section six of oruinance No82 ol the Village ol Valentine and to repeal said suction Be it ordained by the chairman and board of trustees of the village of aleiitine sKiriioN 1 Section U of bail ordinance Xo 82 Is liereoy amended to read as lollows section 0 consumers using meters shall pay two dollars and lilty cent per quarter tor water which shall entitle them to a maximum of live hundred cubic leet ot writer per quarter and lor al water cousumed over me Hundred cubic leet per quatter slmil pavseeiiuiiU one hall cents per vue hundred cubic led or traction iliereol lro ideti wtieie iwu oi mure consumers are bsing Horn iliu same pqiu having meter each irusc pay the village at Ihe rale ol two dollars aud tiny cents per quarter uitii the maximum vi live nuudred euuie leet ol waier lor Hie meter Cousuuifis using water lor domestic purposes or otuer tuau mett r shall paj two dollars ana lift y cents per quarter lor eacu connection aud iwo or more oiicumers ushig from the same connection shall puy two dollars aud Utty ceiiu eacliper quailei MvCiiom bection G of said ordinance 82 Is hereby repealed okcxkks a i his ordinance shall take effect and ue in lorce lruiu and alter Jul 1st ivoi llissed anu approved dune lutii 1U01 A Al Muiuiiskv 1 b SIMONS lleik Chairman Ordinance No 88 Entitled Annual Appropriation BUI being an oruinance levying a lax lor tue purpose ot pay ing ihe current expenses or the Village of Val entine lor Hie fiscal jear ol wl Be itordtiind by ihe Chairman and Board of Trustees ol the Village oi Valeuiiiie Nebraska Skctjon 1 That lor the purpo e ol raising revenue lo pay tue expenses ot said Village gov ernment or tue nseai year lyoi a levy ol io mills be una the same is hrreby levied ou each dollar oi assessable property uoia personal una real estate within tue coi pontic limns ut said Vlilugu ot Valentine Skctiux 2 That for the purpose of raising revenue lo pay ihe interest ou the village bonus and for the maintenance and operation of the village waterworks u levy ot 7 mills be aud tho same is hereby levied on each dollar ot assess able properly both personal and real estate within tne corporate hunts of said village of Vaieutine Suction 3 That for the purpose of raising revenue lor io deiray the expense ol lignting tue streets lanes ana alleys oi tne saiu village v levy oi 4 nulls be and the same is hereby levied upon each dollar of assessable pidperiy both personal aud real estate Vtiuiin the coiporate Hunts of said village ol Valentiue suction 4 Uiat the tuxes herein levied bo collectid as- requited by law This levy is made iu pursuance ti au estimate heretoiore made of the current expeuses ot auid village i assed uud approved tuis luth day of June 1001 r jf aiMuNti a M Moimi88E Chairman Clers II I M w i i - rnn hi iii iw mwm Notice of Sale under Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated ou the 27th day of iUarch luoo ana duly liled in the omce ot the County CierK ot Oheiry County Nebraska ou the loiii day of April iw and executed by iMillon Duiiiiaui to i A Inuieock to sveure the pajment ol the sum or live huudrtd dollars and upon which there is now due the sum ot 60Ow default having been made iu the pajiutul of said suiij uud no auit or other proceeding uc law having been instituted to cover said debt or iinv pui t tiiereoi therelore l will sell the prop erty tnerein descriueu v one six yeat old Jack color black with light points name Jolly Boy one son el three jear old mare w nh white lace one light bay three 3 ear old mare lelt hind foot white and strip in lace one black ihree year od mare out- dark chestnut mare nine yeai5oidoiie bay mare liye years old star iu luce and lelt hind foot white one brown nuro nine j ears old one dark oy mare nine years old star in lace one oruwu male mule age Id j ears one orown horse mule age Vi years oiie ulaek mare mule age 12 years oue bucksKiu horse mule age a years tbese names will weight from yoo to vM purfuds wneu in good Mesh at public auction at the house 01 in ltovley iu Iveiiucuy piecmet Cherry County Nebraska on 13th aay -a July anil at one o clock p m of said ujy bated June 13 laol 1 A Hancock mortgagee Notice Probate of Will Notice Probate of Will David Leach Deceased liicouuty court Cuerry County Neb ibe state of Nebraska 10 the ueirs auu next of kin of the said Duvu ldcn deceased Take Notice hut upon iniug 01 a written instrument purportluc to oe the List iwlu and testament of iad Leach lor probate aud allowance it is ordered mat aia hiuiter oe set for heart ug thg Uiuday oijuly a l iwi before sam County court ut the hour 01 10 oclock a in at whiefi time any perauii interested may appear and con test the same ana uonce ot ihie proceeding is orueied puohshed three weeka successively in the AuxiNiiNii Dkmocuat a weeKiy uewe paper publibhed in tuts state in testimony wheieol I have Jieieunto set my hand uid the seal of the County Court ut Valen line llns Win uay ol juue a V llwl IsKALi v It TOWNE ot couutydudae Notice to Creditors In County Court within und for Cherry Coun ty NebiaskUi in the iiituter of the estate of Abraham Col man deceived xo the ortdltors of said estate You are hereby notified tuat I will ait at tho County court Kooui in Valentine in said County on the Uth day ot July loul at 10 octvcK a in to receive anu examine all claimi agnnst saU estate with a view to their adjustment and al lowance Tue lime limited lor the presentation of claims aguiust said estate is u months Irom ihevuthdayof Decemuor A D iwo and the ime limited for paj incut 01 debts is on year lrom said 20th da 01 December IO01 Witness niyliand and the seal of said comity Court this luth day of dime lout WBAIJ W It TOWNE 2 M County Juuge In the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska In the matter of lite eae of real estate by Hubert Calmly J Order to Show diau of lillie uud Ueulan cauVj thur minor heirs of tfred Ale- Aluswortit Star Journal- Ana now on this 13th day of June A iOOl Wo learn that Arthur Gore half tu eanie on ior hearing before w 11 eolover oue of the Judges the district ki e ith u i 1 ot court brother ot Will Parous who well is ot Cherry county Nebraska upon the petition known here and who Went back to o1 Hubert cauauy guardian ot Enie McAi tiiur Vihrfnia a few months ajjo was mar- I lliilJf 1 - waa la a wu iBaLid m lmm ii u lui iiiriin iji r n i urn Ch loiiow lug descriueu real esttte to wit the mvk sec uz township uu range zu west ol ths Cth I jl the proceeds ol the sale to be used for ihe support luaiuteuttuce aud educatiOu vl ills said waida It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in aid estate appear before me at Icush vide Nebraska un the 25th day ot July A- D luol at lo oclock a m io show cauw why such li cense suottld uot be urahted to said iruurdiuii to sell said premises I If iu lirtltAr I i Mist Vi- a as rr ht At Stock and implements complete for j be published four iticc s ive week- in me Val- engaging in the stock business e o is a chance for some man who has about 5010 to invest Call on I M Bice or write us rrux I KNTiNEUEMocitAriuCnerry cuiuuy i ia Dated this I3lli dav of June A D 1WX at 11 -v ii - iiujuiuic VJiasno H WKbTuVEK - V JK