Wi V j r -v It Jfe jt v- ft VOLUME XVI A ft For Shoes D SPEING footwear in the 1 H same styles shown by leading city stores but J at smaller prices is our- boast and we make 43 the assertion good Our experience in this 49 line and know how in picking out good qua1 J ity stylish footwear to retail at close prices is a direct benefit to people who buy shoe8 9 here for they get superior value for their J money Why not see if we cannot please you 4 better than anyone else Our shoe man knows 4 how to FIT shoes Thats as important as f Quality and style for it means comfort too 4 J 4 4 4 f 4 49 4 4 4 4 Hosiery mi 1 W JAMES B- HULL Sole Agents for a J will wear out no mattei bow good but some i wears out a lot sooner than our kind We b buy from manufacturers who know how to put j long wear into their hosiery without sacrificing appearance In childrens school hose we have i t an especially desirable line at 25 cents that saves darning Try the BLACK CAT hose g THE RED FRONT l f9999 C H COBXJBIX President -D astwiiw run th i Tq WINTER BUSINESS IS OVER Full Line of Spring and Summer Goods now on hand 1 iW wnB Clothing and Furnishings Ladies Gents Childrens Shoes TAILORING- IN ALL BRANCHES nacb PAINTIN ITUUUA iff V WICHOISOK Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank New York e Correspondents First National Bank Omalia Neb a ioow 5C HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska t IjMaiifcanwniWi i tm 4 49 49 PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING V S DENNIS nvi Vacntine Nebraska All work well done of1 f W HE OWL SALOON C T- A- YEARNSHAW HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars ATCMTiMn JSC NEBRASKA r - - - rPT nnTMTmTn AT THIS u imi a iiii YOUR OFFICER Ve Can Sathfy You in Quality Price tod Veraanship SiSaw WV Mrs Abba Thackrey and her sister in law Mrs Elva Thackrey returned Tuesday morning from their trip to Hot Springs by rail They got tired of riding over land and longed for a comfortable bed and pleasant sur roundings It is pleasant for a while but itsoon grows old and yet there are lots of people who enjoy a trip with a team and camping out Rev John E Thackrey was called to Kan sas City and Jas E is coming home with the team alone Mr and Mrs John DcWoody of Ainsworth are visiting with their daughter and Mr and Mrs Brayton this week Mr Bray- ton took them out trout fishing Mon day and one of Valentines fish ermen who is generally successful is co mpelled to turn over the belt to Mrs Frank Brayton as being the -7 P Sfc - 1 7- rflTl n flT Til VTrlil V Lr I nri V A I iTi 1 1 UJ yvwwwvwwyvnryvwww nrATi nn TMR THWIM vwv Mrs E E Underwood proprietor of the Cody Eating House spent Monday in our city Our races will be fine if it will only stop raining now and let the track dry up so the horses wont slip Cutting parts furnished for all kinds and styles of mowing machines and binders at E Breuklanders 20 4 1 You should have letter heads with your name and address printed on them It costs yery little and you get first class paoefj too WANTED Aboy to work oiffarmi 15 per month Mark D cyphers Valentine Nebr Mrs J W Smyser has been quite sick lor a couple of weeks past and this week goes to St Josephs Hospi tal in Omaha in hopes of recovering her health Having recently purchased one of the Newcomb fly shuttle rag carpet looms I am now prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet weaving on short notice MRS ADA A HOLSCfcAW 21 tf Valentine Nebr The f ecedt lieavv rains have soften ed up the ground considerably and che hearts of the farmers leap for joy over the starting of fine crops of all kinds but they have had enough for the present and are glad to see a few ing from the large number of lakes sunshiny days John Britt of Eritt was in town the first of the week and seems to be im proving in health considerably He has Buffered from the rheumatism dur ing the past winter until his life vas despaired of We are glad to see him again in hopes of the enjoyment oi life C M Hunter hospital steward at Ft Niobrara was a pleasant Visitor at the Democrat office this week Mr Hunter was formerly engaged ii newspaper work in the east and be sides being a practical printer has worked in all lines ot tne newspaper and printing business Wm Brown of Crookston intends shipping a car load of horses back to his former home at Zaneevllle Ohio about the first of July Mr Brown has been in the country as one of the pioneers and though he spent consid erable money trying to iarm he has made it pay by raising stock We are indebted to Theo Tillson for a pleasant visit Tuesday while he was in town from his farm down the Niobrara Mr Tillson has 25 acres of corn thatis knee high and is growing nicely during the raina and as he is a worker we can youch for his com be ing clean and well cultivated Ed Satterlee had the misfortune of having his store front struck by light ning last week during a storm and did some damage though not serious Mr Satterlee thinks about 25 is the extent of the damage and as it is in sured in the Nebraska Mercantile Mutual the loss will soon be adjusted Strayed or stolen from my ranch 5 miles west of Valentine on the Minlie chaduza 5 head of horses about May 1 One iron grey maro and colt one sora rel yearling coll one three year old horse colt dark bay or black white spot hi forehead and white hiud foot one buckskin yearling colt branded PE on right shoulder Liberal reward will be paid for information leading to the re covery of the above property Geo J GasKill Valentina Local Weather Record j U S Department o Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine Nebraska week ending Tuescla June 4 WO Mean temperature C8 decrees which is 20 de grees belore the arerage Mean temperature for corresponding week last yenr C8 degree Highest temperature 82 degrees on the loth Lowest temperature 48 degrees on the 10th Highest and lowest temperature for corres ponding week last year 88 degrees and 40 de grees respectively TotaWlnfalMlO inches which Is 320 inches above the average On the Uth and 10th 325 inches fell in about 42 hourr Total rainfall for corresponding week of last year TO of an inch Maxln in velocity of vlnd4o miles on the 13 Percentage of suusliiue 18 Last weeks rainfall as a record smasher is Up a tree And we regret tosayjtthe end is not yet Unsettled conditions still prevail as last nights water and fireworks will testify But as a local Solon remarked this morn Irig Nebraska Boil can hold lots of water we wIbU to remark that judg great and small about town it can hold water exceedingly well D o tiittiNovvM Observer Weather Uureatl Walt d Baker the stoek solicitor ia in town this Week ME Hall of Cody Was down the first part of the week Tom Ash burn the orator of the Ni poraraj was in town Monday Come and see our lOe counter of actual values W A PiJTTYGfttiW Thd government ia advertising for bids to repair the bridge across the Niobrara this side of the fort At present people are compelled to ford the river near the mouth of the Ulin nechaduga i Sol Ellis was in town the first of the week and tells the editor to tell the people that they will celebrate at Simeon and invltea everybody to come While tJncle Sam smiles the eaglcwJil nop his Wingsand scream Isaac Morgareldge a life long Deni ocratand a veteran of the civil war having been in service four years is out here trom Alalama and has taken a claim joining his brother Willis I It was one formerly held by George N Davis The dance that was to have been given last Friday night was postpon ed to Saturday night on account of the rain A good time is reported by those attending though the crowd was not as large as it would have been had the weather been favorable enough to have had it Friday night as advertised John Porath came to town Monday and informs us that he has just com pleted five 3 inch tubular wells for Faddis and Steadnian on their range Mr Porath is haviitjj good success with his wells and the people who pat ronize him are well pleased While in town Mr Porath purchased a wide tired wagon to haul his apparatus for drilling Yes Crookston will celebrate The eagle will stream as it never did be f ore at Crookstoni The young eaglets will fire the cannons galore Irt honof of the stars and bars that float out Upon the air an emblem of what ouf forefathers suffered that our land might be free and of a people brave The young and old should meet and enjoy the day while Uncle Sam smiles James Roby came in Tuesday morn ing with Wm Brown claiming the horsesadvertised by Wm Brown last weekj squared accounts with us and went his way rejoicing that he was a subscriber to a paper that has a wide f ifrnlntlnn and tfoes into a thousand homes in northern Nebraska Mr Roby formerly lived in Sheridan county but has a son living down east 50 miles or 15 miles the other side of Springview and his horses were stray ing between ranges Pete J3ecory the early scout and government employee under General Jos E Johnson as chief artificer and travelled over these lands 46 years J ago brought down four carloads of v y n horses which he ships to St Joe mo Tuesday morning Mr Dccory has long since become independent in this worlds goods and money is no object to him He wants to live right and seethe world During the summer Mr Decory will go to Buffalo and vis it his former home along the St Law- most successful in trout fishing i rence river and is as familiar with ing caught the first fish caught the last one caught and more fish than all the remainder of the fishing party k Thousand Island as Sioux reservation - he is with the 9 v xfi r -- - - jMMr v DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska valentine Nebraska june 201901 ii NUMBER 22 I OUR SAY SO IS OUR DO SO I 4 49 49 SJ f Sugar Corn 2ib cans 3 for 25cts Green Gage Plums - 3fl cans 2 for 25cts California Blackberries - - - 3ib cans 2 for 25cts Gooseberries GaPon cans 50ct8 DAVENPORT THACHER CC w nmifcrtnrinrrwn c 2 Our low prices are- a knock out gf jtment Let competitors censure our j 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 patrons approve We Give Auction Prices Without the Auction Evaporated Peaches - - - - 3 lbs for Evaporated Pears ------ per ib California Peaches 3 lb - - - - - can Solid Pack Tomatoes - - - - 3 lb can 25cta lOet lOcts lOcts 0 I b St c it General Merchants 0 sr 3 Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Good Roasted Coffee - - per Ih 10c a Pound SncIcH of Pearl Hominy - XOe 8 Jia8 Diamond Soap - - S5e S Bars Ziatye Eiar IVool iSoap 25c 20 Pounds of Good Uica - - 100 Bargains in EVERYTHING the Next Two Weeks to Make Room tor Our Spring Stock CKOOKSTOJBrNEBR IVIMV C V1LH1CL temritaMMW JfMtggPtJMPSwMMjJ JjBCHBWJyfcBP HlbktMiHm II We hear that Geo N Davis has moved to Brown county Levi Sparks came down from Cody laatSatuiday to visit the wife and babies You want good stationary We r have it and will do your pointing at a trifle of expense Have your name printed on your en velopes Its a business transaction We do the work at small expense Andrew Koralewski was in our citjr Sundav and Monday and remembered theeditor with an advance subscrip tion One day last week our worthy good natured and respected proprietor of the Valentine Ice Trust wentorth In his boat upon the peaceful waters of the Minnechaduza armed with wea pons common to the fishermen vow ing within himself to fish At an un lucky moment or the size of the fish we were unable to learn which out went Jim jumper boots and all into the water It being deep water and the boots heavy Jim turned in his downward course and came up head first It was a narrow escape for the Ice Trust and our citizens feel thank ful that Jim wag spared rm MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Roasts Dit Salt Meat Smoked Breakfast Bacon THE DONOHER Is the Bust Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Boat Two Dollars a Day FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska - Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample liooms YALEHTIHE - HEBRASKA AH kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E Breuklandera 20 tf Albert Nenzel and family drove down from his native town to trans act business in our city Monday We expected a call from him as he gen erally remembers our location Mr Nenzel is one of the early setWers of Cherry county and is known by moat of our people in the north and central part of our geographical division and long after the present generation has passed away the town that bears his name will be a monument to the Nen zel family and thev become a link in the history of our country Henry F Barker died at his home down the river last Friday morning June 14 1001 of heart failure Hr had been failing of late but on the morninc of his death had been out m Hieing his cows and doing chores when he began feeling faint and went to the house to rest for awhile He died a few minutes afterward sitting in his chair Mr Barker was an early settler and was welbliked by alLwJio knew him We hope tofpubliah a more complete account in our corresr poudence from Bear where he lived it - r k r