Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 06, 1901, Image 8

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it 4
3 SOME QUEER t Lfes Caf 3
VjUUJJb A cial Travelers
Queer as some kinds of business are
the work of the drummers who trav
el In those lines seem queerer yet It
might not seem odd to know that big
houses deal exclusively in glass eyes
or in telescopic adjustable coffins but
when a commercial traveler goes out
on the road to work up these lines
there appears something weird about
his occupation The fascination of a
glass eye In a persons face is remark
able As a rule it looks as if it stared
at you whether it does or not there
is an unconquerable desire to stare
at it But there is something still
more uncanny about the one eyed
drummer who opens his sample case
takes out scores of eyes and fits them
into the sightless orifice in his face to
show you just how natural they look
The drummer scarcely can carry glass
eyes representing all kinds because no
doubt his home house has a sample
stock of 10000 eyes and no two alike
This of course is because the eyes
of no two human beings are exactly
alike and this is sometimes the case
with the eyes of one person So the
drummer can give only a hint of the
great variety the trade affords The
finest quality of glass eyes come from
France and German principally the
latter country America has learned
everything in the art except how to
glaze properly We get the shape and
the color but our glaze is soft and
worn through easily Possibly most
persons with natural eyes couldnt tell
the difference but an expert can and
so can a person whom fate has decreed
shall go henceforth through the world
with one glass eye How the German
and the French do it is a trade secret
that is guarded jealously The glass
eye isnt solid but a thin shell of
porcelain with the iris blown in the
center Some of the most expensive
have the white about the iris hand
painted daintily with even the delicate
blood vessels showing The drummer
has the most difficulty in fitting gray
eyes for the markings are so varied
Sometimes a house has to send abroad
for the correct thing which is made es
pecially to order A drummer in glass
eyes keeps at work pretty actively for
the life of an artificial eye is only two
or three years at the most and some
times only as many months As a burnt
child dreads the fire so does a person
with a glass eye if he has had experi
Money Wftfoort
The number of money orders issued
in the United States and which are
never presented for payment is very
great says an official of the Washing
ton postoffice department These orders
disappear in various ways Some are
burned or torn up instead of the re
ceipts Some are sent in letters which
are not addressed at all or are incor
rectly addressed and these together
with thousands of other orders find
their way to the dead letter offioe Ulti
mately most of these letters find their
way back to the remitters or duplicates
are applied for
There is today an accumulation of
over 25000000 in the Treasury of
these unclaimed money orders which
has been gradually piling up year a
ter year during the 35 years the gm
ernment has been conducting a money
order business With each individual
order the government has made a spe
cial effort to effect payment to the
payee or restore the amount to the re
mitter and failing can de naught but
keep the amount The fact that 50000
duplicate orders are annually issued
would appear to indicate that the
American people are extremely care
less in the handling of these money
vouchers Where the originals go or
how they are disposed of would fill
a volume
The government has isued 4000
000000 in money orders and has paid
every cent of this great sum except the
2500000 I have mentioned A single
order may be issued up to 100 in
amount and the average is about 750
the smaller offices issuing the great
bulk of orders and the larger offices
cashing 95 per cent of them
Traveling men circus men railroad
employes and others whose business
requires them to move from place to
place are very fond of buying orders
payable to themselves They cannot
spend an order as a bill and as no one
ence Coming from the cold outdoor
air into a heated house and stepping
up to the fire to warm is likely to re
sult in the eye cracking and dropping
put of the head False eyes like false
teeth are taken out at night thereby
Increasing the chance of breakage or
loss So altogether the business of
a drummer in glass eyes is likely to
be brisk all the year round Then
theres the man who sells telescopic
coffins which will fit a corpse of any
height and width His certainly is a
ghastly calling but not much more
so than of the fellow who travels with
skeletons and bones for students hos
pitals and museums Flea powder and
flea traps are out of the ordinary lines
of commercial traveling yet there are
men who make a good living by sup
plying smaller houses with such things
and the same may be said of push-
I ers for rat and mouse poisons Down
among the farmers of Long Island are
men who go about with samples of
fish which because of the phosphorus
they contain are guaranteed to be the
finest kind of fertilizers for worn out
land In Africa American- drummers
of certain lines have the whole con
tinent for their field exclusively If
they get an order once in six months
they are well repaid for their labor
These few men deal in iron bridges
like that which an American firm re
cently built over the Atbara River
taking the contract for rapid work
when Englishmen would not touch it
Theres a man in England who has
traveled through the British isles with
mummies to dispose of to museums at
from 150 to 300 each He strayed
into this line accidentally for at the
time he was doing nothing and a
friend a civil engineer in Egypt had
a chance to buy a job lot of Ptolomies
which he forwarded to England with
instructions how and where to sell
them Then tnere are drummers in
battlefield relics swords and guns
bullets and cannon balls dug up on the
field of Waterloo Possibly they were
dug up there but if so it was because
theywere planted a few weeks before
Still if s far more likely that they ac
quired their rusty look in soil far from
the blood soaked field These partic
ular relics find a ready sale to the
tourists in Belgium who want to take
something home with them New
York Press
Uncle Sam
500000 of
Posta1 Orders
Holds 2- 1
m HI ll II lllIS
but themselves or the indorsees may
secure the amount of the orders they
are just as much ahead when they get
into the next town making themselves
their own bankers with the govern
ment as a depository Sometimes an
actor or circus man will present a doz
en orders at the close of the season
which he has bought from time to
time and their amount represents sav
ings which otherwise would have been
Humorous Entries for Census
The usual humorous incidents were
not lacking in the recently taken Brit
ish census An immigrant In New
Zealand stated to the authorities that
his mother was a Kaffir his father an
Irishman who had become a natural
ized American but afterward served
in the French army and that he was
born on the passage between Yoko
hama and Colombo in a Spanish vessel
Put him down a Scotchman was the
official decision A man brought up at
Bow street was accosted by eight lin
guists and a professor in seventy five
languages without a response But
a test case for the census officials is
that of a man in Wales who asserts
that he was found on a dereliet vessel
date unknown and knows nothing
about his father or mother A house
holder could not tell how many chil
dren he had while still another en
tered two pigs and a sheep dog as
members of his family A West
Indian entered himself as a duck
stealer A high church clergyman who
had a very low church son also a
clergyman staying with him is al
leged to have registered him as a lun
atic in the proper column
Elbow sleeves are increasing In
popularity for evening wear and in
any cases deep frills are added with
graceful effect
The Duchess of Cleveland mother
of Lord Roseberry tells a good story
of her father the Earl of Stanhope
One night when the earl was walking
alone in the Kentish lanes a man
jumped outt of the hedge leveled a
pistol and demanded his purse
My good man I have no money
with me said Lord Stanhope in his
remarkably slow tones The robber
laid hands on his watch
No Lord Stanhope went on that
watch you must not have it was given
me by one I love it is worth 100
If you will trust me I will go back to
Chevening and bring you a 100 note
and place it in the hollow of that tree
I cannot lose my watch
The man did trust him The earl
did bring the note Years after Lord
Stanhope was at a city dinner and
next to him sat a London alderman of
great wealth a man highly respected
Me and the earl talked of many
things and found each other mutually
entertaining Next day Lord Stan
hope received a letter out of -which
dropped a 100 note It was your
lordships kind loan of this sum said
the noe that started me in life and
enabled me to have the honor of sitting
next to your lordship at dinner
The United States is now ahead of
Germany in naval strength by about
3000 tons and thus is entitled to
fourth place among naval powers
Nearly all the organizations for de
bate in Kentucky bear the name of the
Henry Clay Bebattog GtoV
Wonderful Deaf Dumb and Blind Girl
Helen Kellers daily themes to the
number of eleven are printed in the
current issues of the Radcliffe maga
zine and are very remarkable warrant
ing the high praise they receive from
her instructors Her critical work they
say notably in appreciation of German
literature would be unusual from any
student of her age in possession of all
the senses
Great Mill Building
Manchester N H is to have what
it is claimed will be the largest single
mill building evererected It is nearly
completed and is 770 feet long with
two wings of 330 feet all of an average
width of 100 feet and five stories in
height including basement
Bernhardt in Tears
Coquelin is responsible for a story to
the effect that just before Bernhardt
last left Europe Rostand read to her
his latest tragedy and the actress
bursting into tears over the story was
confined to her bed for several days
A Joke With Cats
Unknown practical jokers created a
sensation in Rochwood N J one ev
ening last week by bringing to town
and turning loose a swarm of strange
cats which have Deen making life
miserable for the residents ever since
A Blacksmiths Strange Experience
Goodland Kan June 3 N E Al
bertson our leading blacksmith has
been a great sufferer from rheumatism
He was so bad that he could not sleep
for the great pain in his arms and
shoulders He had been afflicted for
years but lately he was so mucn worse
that he thought he would have -to give
up his shop altogether
Then a strange thing happened A
friend of his recommended a new
medicine called Dodds Kidney Pills
said to be a cure for Rheumatism He
commenced to use them and at once
began to recover His pain has all left
him and he is a well man today and
entirely free from any symptom of
To say that he is thankful is putting
it very mildly He is delighted
Dodds Kidney Pills deserve credit
for having cured this very severe and
almost hopeless case
From recent reports there does not
seem to be anything that they will not
cure as very bad cases of Brights Dis
ease Diabetes Dropsy Rheumatism
and Heart Trouble have been cured by
Dodds Kidney Pills even after having
been given up by our best doctors
Victorias Letters Are Valuable
Letters written by Queen Victoria
are already increasing in value in LonT
don and the other day a brief three
line note of hers written in her own
hand sold for 25
What Do the Children Drink
Dont give them tea or coffee Have yotl
tried the new food drink called GIIAIN O
It is delicious and nourishing and takes the
place of coffee The more Grain 0 you give
the children the more health you distribute
through their systems Grain 0 is made of
pure grains and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about s much All grocers sell it
15c and 25c
A wife is either a mans best pos
session or his very worst
Are You Using Allens Foot Case
It is the only cure for Swollen
Smarting Burning Sweating Feet
Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens
Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into
the shoes At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Womens thoughts of men are mostly
He who defies danger defeats defeat
jmSSl Qiifiiii n
IftM UfADll
II fill II
J i
Miss Lucy Annie Heiser a graduated nurse of nine years experience
trained and graduated from the Homeopathic Hospital of Minneapolis Minn
writes as follows -
Albert Lea Minn Nov 8 1899
The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio
Gentlemen Although my school does not believe ln patent medicines I
have found it to be a fact that Peruna Is a grand and valuable medicine I
have known it to cure Mrs Sampson suffering with an Inflamed womb aggra
vated by malaria after the doctors had failed to help her Another of my
former patients suffered with a complication of female diseases she was so
thin nothing but skin and bones but Peruna cured her and she is to day In
good health and good flesh Facts prove that Peruna revives lost strength and
restores to the sick that most wonderful blessing of life health
Lucy Annie Heiser
If all the tired women and all the nervous women and all the women that
needed a tonic would read and heed the words of these fair ladies who have
spoken right to the point how many invalids would be prevented and how
many wretched lives be made happy
Peruna restores health in a normal way
Peruna puts right all the mucous membranes of the body and in this way
restores the functions of every organ
Soloists With Bellstedt
There are many soloists in the fa
mous Bellstedt band now fulfilling a
months engagement in Omaha at the
Musical Festival among them being
Messrs Emil Kopp George Kernst and
Charles B Jones all famed as cornet
ists each having been at some time
chief virtuoso in some of the leading
bands of the country Mr Karl Mey
er clarinet virtuoso has filled that po
sition with the best musical organiza
tions Some of these gentlemen are
heard with great delight at nearly ev
ery concert It is rare that a band is
placed before the public that contains
as many soloists of acknowledged
merit as Bellstedts and those who
fail to attend some of the concerts
will miss a treat not often to be taken
advantage of The concerts were be
gun June 1st and will continue the en
tire month two concerts being given
each day Railroads within a radius
of 150 miles of Omaha will give re
duced rates
The bandmaster likes to have the
publics money play into his hands
2tfrs Winslows soothing Syrup
For children teettlng softens the gums reduces in
flammation allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle
Every cloud has its silver lining and
even a dark lanter has its bright side
Hes the best physician that knows
the worthlessness of the most medi
fllamlins Wizard Oil Co send song
book free Your druggist sells the oil
and it stops pain
The heart of the fool is In his
mouth but the mouth of the wise man
is in his heart
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
The quill pens now used in England
come from Germany and the Nether
From Mra Amanda Shumakfe
has charge of the Grammar Dopartiriel
of the Public Schools of Columbia Cltyv
Wash also Past Grand of Independ
ent Order of Good Templars Dr Hart
man received the following letter
Columbia City Wash
I can speak only good words of tho
repeated benefits I have had from tho
use of Peruna
4 Too constant application to work
last winter caused me to have severe
head and backache end dragging pains
I could not stop my work neither was
I fit to go on Reading of tho bene
ficial rssults from the use of Peruna I
purchased a bottle and within a few
days after using it began to feel better
I constantly improved and before
the seventh bottle was completely
used all pains were gone my strength
was restored and I now seem ten
years younger
If I get tired or feel bad Peruna at
once helps me and I feel you deserve
praise for placing such a conscientious
medicine before a suffering public
Mrs Amanda Shumaker
Mattle B Curtis Secretary Legion of
Loyal Women Hotel Salem Boston
Mass writes
suffered forillllllltlxitlllilltltllli
over a year with
general weakness
and debility
peclally In severe
backache and-
My physician
prescribed differ
e n t medicines
n o n e of which
seemed to help
me any until a
club associate
advised me to
A Tnll SIxe 21 Treatment of Dr O
Phelos Browns Great Remedy tor
Fits EotletKv and all Nervous Diseases Address
O PHELPS BUOWIf 03 Droadiraj Senburgb 31
It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles Shotguns and
Ammunition and contains much valuable information Send at once to the
Winchester Repeating Arms Co New Haven Conn
Most people eat more than is good for them The stomach tries to digest all thats put Into it but If repeatedly overloaded it goes on
a strike Thats indigestion Rich over sweet indigestible food weakens the stomach and makes it unable to take care of the material put
into it More food taken into a weakened stomach than the stomach can digest stays there forms gases and rots bringing on all the horrors of
dyspepsia The only way to cure dyspepsia is to clean out the digestive canal with CASOaRETS Keep it clean wifh Cascarets eat light
food sparingly and give the stomach a chance to rest up and get strong again
Be supe you get the genuine ARCL ARETS
M HiiHl
s is
j when he is pr losing to a heiress do you
mcuanapoua vournai
For six yeara I vras a victim of dys
pepsia in its worst form I could eat nothing
bns milk toast mud at times my stomach
would not retain and digest even that Last
March I began taking C ASCARETS and since
then I havo steadily improved tM I am as
well as I ever was in my rife
David H Morpht Newark O
he i
qru m
9 discovery by the hbors tat a J K
TBrWffB B TfcWlwBiMi fHH
W mwVSBmmw
GUARANTEED TO CUKE all bowel tronliles appendlettts biliousness
pad breath bad blood wind on the atomnch blotvted bowel fonl month
headache Indigestion pimples pains after eatlne lrver troeble sallow com
plcxlon and dlxxlness when your bowels dont move resnlarly yon are
pettlntr sick Constipation kills raore people than all ether diseases together
it Is a starter for the chronic aliments and Ions years or raffertna that come
Afterwards No natter -what alls yon start taklnc CAJ3CAKJET today for
yon will never set well and ho well all the time until yon put yonr bowels
Weht Take onr advice start with CASCAXET3 today ander as absolate
Bvaranteo to euro or money reloaded
SOZODQNTfor Teeth and Breath 25c
ill all Sforas or by Mai for f h pries HALL RUGKEL Niw Ycrk
Some men have penny wisdom and
dollar foolishness
Many a laboringmans down in the
world digging gold
25c 50c
GUARANTEE TO CUKE Five years aco the first box of CAS
CAJK35TS was sold Now It Is over six million box is a year greater thaa any
similar medicine In the world This Is Absolute proof of preat merit and
onr best testimonial We have faith arid will sell CASCAETS absolutely
guaranteed to care or money refunded 6o bay today two GOc boxes cive
them a fair honest trial as per slmplefftlrecflons and If yon are not satisfied
after nslne one SOc box return theannsed Sdc box and the empty box to
ns by mall or the drnclst from whom yon purchased It and eet yonr money
back for both boxes Take onr ad rice no matter what alls yon start today
Health will quickly follow and vc will bless the day yon llrst started the ns
ofCASCAEETS iJooli free bymall Add SIEUL13Q KShIDT CO Hnr York or CMtaj
ikH hHl u
JW mr h
m e
3 Mattle B Curtis
try Peruna as it cured her of constitu
tional headache and stomach troubles
I at once ordered a bottle and beforo
it was used felt greatly improved
I have taken four bottles and for
two months have been entirely free
from these maladies Several of my
friends are using Peruna with bene
ficial results especially in cases of
troubles with the kidneys and other
pelvic organs together with weak
nesses peculiar to women
Peruna Is a specific for the catarrhal
derangements of women
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa write at once to Dr Hartman
giving a full statement of your caso
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
If you take up your
home in Western Can
adathe land of plenty
Illustrated pamphlets
giving experiences of
farmers who have be
come wealthy in grow
ing wheat reports of
delegates etcand f uU
information as to reduced railway rates can bo
had on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa
Canada or to V V Bennett 801 New York
Life Bldg Omaha Neb
If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for a
Ask your grocer Tor DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded