Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 30, 1901, Image 7

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1 Commoner Comment I
f Extracts From W J Bryans Paper f
Upsetting tho Government
Referring to the Porto Rico case now
pending in the supreme court Senator
Spooner of Wisconsin recently predicted
that the courts decision would sup
port the administrations policy of im
perialism He based his prediction on
the belief that the supreme court will
not dare to upset the government
What Senator Spooner meant was that
the supreme court would not dare to
upset the administration Since we
have assumed imperialistic habits we
have unconsciously employed imperial
istic phraseology For instance in
the good old days when our republican
form of government was jealously
guarded none thought of referring to
the administration as the govern
The fathers taught their children
that the people and their constitution
constituted the government and that
the men in immediate authority were
but the servants of the people A su
preme court decision antagonistic to
a policy of imperialism might upset the
administration but wonld not upset
the government A decision support
ing the administrations policy of im
perialism would in truth and in fact I
upset the government Not that there
would be any disbanding of authority
or crumbling of the national structure
but such a decision would upset the
government as it was founded by the J
Washingtons and preserved by the Lin
colns It would upset the government
as the American people have under
stood the government
We have been taneht that -every man
of whom this govern nient requires al-
legiance obtains in return the same
privileges and immunities guaranteed
to every other citizen
We have been taught that there can
not be under our system of government
any such a thing as a subject
We have been taught that the con
stitution is the fundamental law of
the land that in it the men in au
thority find their powers and that
where no powers axe granted no pow
ers can exist
We have been taught that there are
three distinct branches of government
executive legislative and judicial and
that one should not encroach upon the
o ther
We have been taught that tariff du
ties must be uniform throughout the
United States and all places subject to
their jurisdiction
We have been taught that it is im
possible for congress to lay an export
A decision upholding the administra
tions policy would mean that the
American people must learn their les
son s over again
It would mean that the government
as we have learned it and as the fath
ers founded it would be completely
upset and that a new government fash
ioned on imperialistic lines would take
its place it would be a government in
which the executive possesses whatever
arbitrary powers he may choose to as
sume a government in which the con
gress is not controlled by the constitu
tion a government in which the
judiciary is not bound tby the funda
mental law of the land a government
which may mean liberty to one man
and despotism to another a govern
ment which may give to one territory
free trade with the stat es and erect
between the states and another terri
tory a high protective wall a govern
ment wherein citizensjnay be burdened
with a tax upon the goods they export
a government which assumes authority
over the people of Porto Rico while de
clining to recognize them as citizens of
the United States and designating them
as citizens of Porto Rico a govern
ment in which slavery may at the
pleasure of the executive thrive and
flourish beneath a flag that has been
dedicated and re de dicated to the abso
lute freedom of men a government
part of whose people are subjects a
government that is part slave and part
free a government comprising not a
union of indestructible states and ter
ritories each territory enjoying the
hope of ultimately becoming a state
but a government comprising some
states and some territories enjoying
the privilege of ultimately becoming
states and some colonies specifically
denied the right of entertaining such a
hope or realizing such an ambition
This is the government as it would
exist if the supreme court upheld the
administrations policy of imperialism
The old government would in fact be
upset the old constitution the old
notions the traditions of a century
the sentiments of an age the lessons of
generations would all be upset and
in their place the notions of kings the
sentiment of monarchs and a govern
ment of imperialism would be en
throned Are not the American people
justified in believing that Senator
Spooner unwittingly told the truth
when he said The supreme court will
not dare to upset the government
Perhaps Mr Morgan seeks to secure
control of the ocean so as to have plen
ty of water for the proper dilution of
his railroad and industrial stocks
Possibly the supreme court is hold
ing back on that Porto Rican decision
in the hope that the crippled consti
tution will be able to overtake the
Albert Williams of Michigan one of
the founders of the republican party
loses no opportunity to express his
condemnation of the position taken by
the republicans and thinks it better to
abandon the party with which he af
filiated than to surrender the principles
which made him a republican
Criminal Speculation
If a crime is defined as au act the
doing of which is prohibited by law
stock speculation cannot be considered
but when the word crime is used in its
broader sense to describe an act which
offends against morality or the public
welfare it certainly includes that
species of gambling upon the market
which endangers the community as
well as injures the participants A
good record of Wall Streets doings for
the last week is an indictment against
our boasted civilization That such
transactions are allowed is as much a
reflection upon the intelligence of tho
country as it is upon the conscience
the people It is little less than amazj
ing that a few men should be permitted
to corner the market for their own
selfish purposesjbeat down the price of
5ne stock and boom the price of anoth
er stock demoralizing business and
jeopordizing the interests of all classes
of society It is reported that the
slump in stocks amounted to seven
hundred millions in value and that
the New York banks had to put up
nearly twenty millions of dollars to
prevent a panic How will the histor
ian describe an age in which a petty
thief is severely punished while great
criminals go unwhipped It often
takes an object lesson to arouse the
people to the evils of a bad system and
the recent fluctuations in the stock
market costly as they have been will
be cheap if they lead to legislation
which will put an end to stock gamb
ling erroneously described as busi
Trouble In Japan
The Philadelphia Record a thick
and thin advocate of the gold standard
gives editorial recognition to the
threatened panic in Japan Here is its
The statement that Japan is on the
verge of a panic made in a recent re
port a summary of which appears else
where in this issue of the Record from
Consul General Bellows at Yokohama
comes as a startling surprise We have
become so accustomed to associating
progress and prosperity with the Island
Empire since it has adopted our ways
of civilization that the thought of fi
nancial disaster overtaking it has never
occurred to the observer not on the
The Record proceeds to give its ex
planation but the significant part of
the editorial lies in the statement of
fact rather than in the attempt to
avoid its foree It will be remembered
that Japan was persuaded to adopt the
gold standard and the financiers nailed
it as an evidence of progress and pros
perity Prior to that time Japan with
silver as her standard had been mak
ing such gigantic strides that President
Cleveland felt ealled upon to congratu
late the United States in one of his
messages upon being among the first
nations to recognize her advancement
If a nation using silver has any finan
cial trouble the gold standard organs
promptly attribute it to the use of sil
ver but they refuse to apply their logie
to gold standard nations which get into
trouble Japan was doing well with
silver and has not profited by the
change to a gold basis
Bribing With Patronage
The St Louis Globe Democrat prints
a special dispatch from Charleston S
C to the effect that the president has
appointed a former democratic sheriff
to be chief deputy U S marshal and
it is added that the appointment is
accepted as indication of wider devel
opment in the formation of the white
republican party in South Carolina
The dispatch says Senator McLaurin
who is engineering the new movement
is said to have urged the appointment
of McCravy for dbivious reasons
The republican papers talk about the
use of patronage to make converts and
the making of appointments for
obvious reasons as if they had no more
scruples about the purchase of influ
ence with office than they have about
the purchase of votes with money
The Baltimore Sun is authority for
the statement that Senator McLaurin
offered General Wade Hampton the
Columbia postmastership but that
the General refused and added with
emphasis I would not accept any
thing in the world from that source
The people of South Carolina should
know by this time that I cannot be
Senator H W Smith of Oregon sug
gests that the Christian nations ap
propriate to the support of the starv
ing heathen Chinese the indemnity de
manded of that nation He thinks
that such a national charity would
give the nations a real Christian char
acter among the Chinese and would be
acceptable in the sight of the Chris
tains God The suggestion is a good
one but it is not likely that nations
which would demand the amount that
the Christians nations are demanding
would give it away
Mr Morgan prefers to ride in his
own conveyance whether he travels by
rail by carriage or by water
Most of the corn that sold at 50 cents
in Chicago the other day was never
planted cultivated shucked or shipped
The settlement of the threatened
strike of the employes of -the steel trust
is a triumph for arbitration and an ob
ject lesson to employer and employe
Of course the protectionists will be
come free traders just as soon as pro
tection in the United States enables
them to filch enough wealth to buy up
all the industries of Europe
XCatiledf Presumably
Joseph Chamberlain usually says his
little very well but he was guilty o
a bull not very long ago when in
parliament he was sneaking against
a bill proposed by another member
and turning toward that person said
The honorable gentleman shakes his
head I am sorry to hesr it
SawedOfl Royalty
The king of Italy who is but five
feet three inches tall is not the only
short monarch in Europe nor the king
of Portugal the only stout one for
King Edward VII in spite of most of
his pictures is but five feet four inches
in height and weighs 257 pounds
Bnllct Proof Pasteboard Armor
Pasteboard armor Is the latest form
of defense Experiments at Copenhag
en show that millboard three inches
thick was impenetrable to carbine bul
lets which pierced five inch wooden
For Protection to a Flower
In an almost despairing effort to stay
the dread extinction of the fragrant
trailing arbutus flowers the legislature
of Connecticut passed a law forbidding
any person to pull up the plants by the
roots on land owned by another under
a penalty of 20
Verdict Meant Death
Aldrich Mo May 27th Four of the
best doctors in the vicinity have been
in attendance on Mrs Mollie Moore
of this place who has been suffering
with a severe case of nervousness and
kidney disease Each of them told her
that she would die
Hearing of Dodds KidneyPills she
began to use them and instantly no
ticed a change for the better Her im
provement has been continuous since
then She says that the disease first
manifested itself by the appearance of
dark spots floating before her eyes
Her nerves were so bad that many
times they would collapse completely
and she would fall down as if shot
The fact that Dodds Kidney Pills
saved her after four doctors had given
her up has caused no end of talk in
this neighborhood and all are loud in
their praises of this new remedy
Dodds Kidney Pills which is curing
so many hitherto incurable cases in
this state and elsewhere
Majmate Hills Start
James J Hill the railway magnate
was at one time a Mississippi steam
boat runner and as such well known
in the early development of Milwaukee
He was then accounted one of the best
drummers of business for river boats
Try Sraln O Try Grain O
Ask your Grocer to day to show you a
package of GRAIN O the new food drink
that takes tha place of coffee The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult All who try it like it GRA1N 0 has
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but
it is made from pure grains and the most
delicate stomach receives it without dis
tress H the price of coffee 15c and 25 cts
per package Sold by all grocers
One test of intellectual power is
sticking to a thing until you have
mastered it
Pisos Cure cannot be too highly spoken of a3
a cough cure J W OBrien 322 Third Ave
N Minneapolis Minn JanC 1900
The Great Eastern has faded into the
era of small things Her tonnage was
10300 below that of the Celtic just
launched at Belfast
South Dakota Farm
Is the title of an illustrated booklet
just issued by the Chicago Milwaukee
St Paul Railway descriptive of the
country between Aberdeen and the
Missouri River a section heretofore
unprovided with railway facilities but
which is now reached by a new line of
the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul
Railway Everyone contemplating a
change of location will be interested
in the information contained in it and
a copy may be had by sending a two
cent stamp to F A Miller General
Passenger Agent Chicago 111
Equal to That of May la SNnnesota
To the Editor Thomas Regan and
C Collins of Eden Valley Minnesota
went out to Western Canada last De
cember as delegates to look over the
grazing and grain lands that are being
offered at such low prices and reason
able terms This is what they say
We arrived In Calgary about the 20th
of December and although we had left
winter in Minnesota and Manitoba we
were surprised to find beautiful warm
weather at this point quite equal to
what we have in May in Minnesota
There was no snow nor trace of win
ter to be seen and the climate was
really splendid Horses cattle and
sheep were running out in prime con
dition with plenty of feed on the prai
rie and really better than that of oura
stabled in the south We are im
pressed with this country as one of the
finest mixed farming countries we
have ever seen The immense tracts
of fertile lands well sheltered and
abundantly watered leave nothing to
be desired
Leaving Alberta we returned east
and visited the Yorkton district in
Assiniboia We drove out about ten
miles at this point and -were highly
pleased with the splendid samples of
grain we were able to see wheat
yielding 25 bushels oats 60 bushels
Roots were also good specimens Prom
what we have seen we have decided
to throw in our lot with the York
toners satisfied that this part of the
country will furnish good opportuni
ties for anyone anxious to make the
best of a really good country
Any agent of the Canadian govern
ment whose advertisement appears else
where In the columns of your paper
will give you full particulars of the
new districts being opened out this
year in Assiniboia and Saskatchewan
Yours truly Old Reader
It is easier to call a man a fool than
it is to convince him of the truth of
your statement
New lands soon to open Be ready Morgans Manual1
with supplement containing proclaiuationmap showing
allotments County seats etc SI Supplement Map
50c Agents Wanted DICK T MORGAN Perry O T
The basis of most indelible inks is
the ordinary nitrate of silver
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75c
Gibbon says that sugar was first
brought from Asia to Europe A D 625
Throw physic to the dogs if you dont want
the dogs but if you want good digestion chew
Beemans Pepsin Gum
A race horse traveling full speed
clears 200 feet at a stride an ostrich 30
Summer Vacations
Spend yours this Summer in Cali
fornia There is no telling when the
trip can again be made so cheaply
July 6th to 13th inclusive Round Trip
Tickets will be sold to San Francisco
via the Southern Pacific Companys
routes at rates less than the regular
one way fare and will be good for the
return until August 31st These tickets
cover first class passage and will al
low holder to stopover at various
points of interest en route either go
ing or returning or both and can be
purchased for passage going via any of
the Southern Pacific Companys three
routes Sunset Ogden or Shasta re
turning the same or either of the oth
ers Through Pullman Palace and
Pullman Tourist sleeping cars For
particulars address W G Neimyer
G W A S P Co 238 Clark street
Chicago 111
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
- 1 - -
-- 11 1 ii 1 -1 1
A woman is sick some disease peculiar to her sex is fast
developing in her system She goes to her family physician
and tells him a story but not the whole story
She holds back something loses her head becomes agi
tated forgets what she wants to say and finally conceals
what she ought to have told and this completely mystifies
the doctor
Is it a wonder therefore that the doctor fails to cure the
disease Still we cannot blame the woman for it is very em
barrassing to detail some of the symptoms of her suffering
even to her family physician This is tlie reason why
hundreds of thousands of women are now in corre
spondence with Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass To
her they can give every symptom so that when she is ready
to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her
correspondence with the patient than the physician can
possibly obtain through a personal interview
Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the
result of a correspondence with Mrs Pinkham All such
letters are considered absolutely confidential hy
Mrs Pinkham and are never published in any way or
manner without the consent in writing of the patient but
hundreds of women are so grateful for the health which Mrs
Pinkham and her medicine have been able to restore to them
that they not only consent to publishing their letters but
write asking that this be done in order that other women
who suffer may be benefited by their experience
Mrs Ella Rice Chelsea Wis writes
DeabMb3 Pinkham rFor two years I was troubled with falling
and inflammation of the womb I suffered very much with bearing down
pains headache backache and was not able to do anything What 1
endured no one knows but those who have suffered as I did I could
hardly drag myself across the floor I doctored with the physicians of this
town for three months and grew worse instead of better My husband
and friends wished me to write to you but I had no faith in patent medi
cines At last I became so bad that I concluded to ask your advice 1
received an answer at once advising me to take your Vegetable Compound
and I did so Before I had taken two bottles I felt better and after I had
taken five bottles there was no happier woman on earth for I was well
Vegetable Compound cured me and I wish and
n train I know your
every wonSn who suffers as I did to try Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound Believe me always grateful for the recovery of my
health MKS JUIXAitJCE vneue i
OUAKAKTEED TO CTJttE all towel troubles appendicitis biliousness
Dad breath bad blood -wind on the stomach bloated bowels foal mouth
headache Indigestion pimples pains after catlap liver trouble fallow com
plexion and dizziness When your bowels dont move retrularly yon are
fettlnc sick Constipation kills more people thaa all other diseases together
t Is a starter for the chronic ailments and lone years of uOerlne that come
afterwards No matter what alls yon start takfnsr CAJSCAJtEXS today for
yon will never cct well and be well all the time until you put your bowels
right Tato our advice start with CASCA RKTS today under an absolute
troorantee to cure or money refunded
Hinflir In tVie fuct that SOITie sIcCDtlCal
people have from time to time questioned
the genuineness of the testimonial letters
nnctintlv rmtiTichincr TC have
wc e wsmmj V
deposited with the National City Uanlc ot ivnn mass 5
which will be paid to any person who will show that the above
testimonial is not genuine or was published before obtaining
t T f Piuvuiu MnninNS Co
tne writers special pcruusiiuu jii -
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed ormoney refunded
George III had the family taint of
lunacy and for many years was insane
You are costive and nature is under a constant strain to relieve the condition This causes a rush of blood to the rectum and before
long congested lumps appear itching painful bleeding Then you have piles There are many kinds and many cures but piles are not cura
ble unless you assist nature in removing the cause CASCARETS make effort easy regulate and soften the stools relieving the tension and
giving nature a chance to use her healing power Piles hemorrhoids fistula and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment and Cascarets
quickly and surely remove them forever Dont be persuaded to experiment with anything else
HBj a as Atchison vxiobe gi
l Hfew mj suffered tho tortures of tbe
T essssssssssb sssssssssW of damned with protruding piles brought on not j
Jp Vfet by constipation -with which I was afflicted for
ssssssss -
Jm Jmj Hlk TTO twenty years I ran across your
B ssssssssJsB IHk he RETS la the town of Newell la and do7
r BUr TsMF IbbsssssH never found anything to eqnal them To day y
JjM M tF sssssseV am entirely free from piles and feel like a
HT IssHl sHs c of new man C H Kkitz w
H A JessssssW 1411 Jones St Sioux City la - M
mKKK H bmHf ceit eve B
2 8 dUir Nr Womans Suit f en fB
m IEflWflllKPP
25c 50c
GUARANTEED TO CITRE Five years ajro the first box of CAS
CAEET8 was sold 3Tow It la over six million boxes a year sx eatcr than any
similar medicine In the world This Is absolute proof of zreat merit and
our best testimonial We hare faith and will sell CASOAKETS absolutely
Buaranteed to cure or money refunded Go bny today two 30c boxes cive
them a fair honest trial as per simple directions and if you are not satisfied
after uslne one 50c box return the unused 50c box and the empty box to
us by mall or the drucclst from whom you purchased It and tret your money
bade for both boxes Take our advice no matter what alls you start today
Health will qnlckly follow and yon will bless the day you first started the use
ofCASCAEETS Book free by mall Add 87X10150 BE2XDT CO
New Zealand has 6438 factories with
48933 employes
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package ror
10 cents All other 10 cent starcn con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money reiunded