Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 23, 1901, Image 4

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Official JVewnpaper of Cherry
Count y Nebraska
Sbscriptln lno per year In advance S1G0
when not paid hi aihmce
Display advertlsJn -1 Inch 15c per issue 10
per column by the nil lis
Local Notices 5c pit line each issue
Brands XH Inches 400 per year In ad
vance additional spa 300 per inch per year
engraved blocks extii 100 each
Parties living outsit Cherry county not per-
sanally known are requested to pay in advance
M per cent additional to above rates If over
6 months In arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
i - mmm i
Thursday May 23 1901
A Young Mans Soliloquy of Late
I long to be an Indian and with the Indians
Jng hair upon ray forehead a bow within my
Id like to go to Utah go wild and tear my
To be with that sweet maiden that Angel
bright and fair
But then I have some rivals for honors that 1
The lawyer ana the dentist the cashier Bonny
I think that I can fix them when they sit in
my chair
Ill blow them up on their good looks but re
fuse to curl their hair
Omaha painless dentist June 1 and
3 17
Meals at alll hours at Swims
rant lfc
Dr Complon had a professional call
to Cody last nignt returning on no 4
this morning
There will be a forenoon and aftei
- noon session of the teachers association
- nex Saturday
Pete DeCory and Alex Chardonneau
were in town several days this week
from the reservation
J J Swim has opened up a restau
rant nest to the Bodega saloon and in
vites your patronage
Dr Withers Omaha painless dentist
will be in Valentine June 1 and 3
Office at JDonoher hotel 17
Mrs Donoher returned to Valentine
last week after being down east for her
health for several months
There was a social dance at Mike
Botzs near Nenzel Monday night A
good time was enjoyed by all
A daughter of Mr Shaughnessy re
turned from taking treatment down
east for consumption lately much im
proved in health
- W W Anderson returned this week
from Washington D C where he has
been spending the wintsr Mr Ander
son is looking robust and healthy
Prof A E Davison of the state uni
veraity will lecture here next Saturday
evening at 8 oclock at the M E
church The public are cordially in
v See Dr Withers Omana dentist if
you want your dental work done by an
experienced dentist and at Omaha
prices Set of teeth 5 22 years ex
perience 17
A car load of brick was shipped in
from Gordon last week for use in build
ing the court house but the quality vwas
not good enough for the job and was
IF B Clapp of Simeon was in town
Wednesday on business and didnt gfor
get to drop a dollar in the editors bas
ket which sets his subscription a year
in advance
Grandfather Hershey- raffled a fine
silver plated tea set last evening worth
Frank Brayton was the lucky
man winning on no 51 There -were
100 numbers
Oscar Balgord returned to Rosebud
last Monday after attending school
here since last fall Oscar is a bright
intelligent boy and will be missed in
li is circle of friends here
E Erickson who has been here put
ting the heating pant in the court
house left for his home tbjs morning at
Onawa Iowa and will be back obout
tuemiddje of June to complete the
Dick Znlian writes that they are get
ting reuly for the cluihig exorcises at
the boarding school ou the agency and
will spend most of his vacation among
his friends in Valentine Dick remem
bered the editor with a dollar which
pays his subscription a year in advance
Denry Auguston the Brownlee black
smith spent several das in town last
week atteuding court and getting ac-
quaintftd -Mr Auguston has seyeral
nice hay claims around Brownlee and
rrieagessone in stock luines No
etice his ad in this paper of his black
jaith biUoess
inn irm
The Sun
Old Sols fierce heat is
paints greatest foe Inferi
or paints containing mineral
oils soon have the life literally
burned out of them Then the
pigment is free to peal or be
washed off by the rain But
the sun meets its match in
Detroit Paints
Pure raw linseed oil and
a little dryer are the only
liquid ingredients Pure car
bonate of lead combined
with the right proportion of
oxide of zinc constitutes the
base Spreads best wears
best Theres economy in
every dip of your brush when
you use this paint
Quigley Chapman
Valentine Neb
The annual election of officers of
Minnechaduza Lodge No 192 A F
A M will be held in Masonic hall
in Valentine Nebr on Tuesday May
4th 1C01 at 730 p m sharp All
members are requested to be present
W W Thompson T C Hornby
Acting Sec W M
We want you to talk about the edi
tors meeting that we are going to
have Saturday June 1 and there we
want you to come and enjoy yourself
in Thachers grove all day and stay
for the good lecture at night in the
hall We know you will enjoy all of
it Bring your dinners and lets cele
brate in picnic style
Last Friday we began to collect
together our press and type into the
Democrat building which is now the
home of the Valentine Democrat
located west on Catherine St from
the Cherry County Bank Come and
see us if you have business news or
money to leave with us We will be
glad to get either or weJl shake
hands and tell you Its a nice day
just for fun
At a meeting last night of the stock
holders and members interested in the
hall to be built as the second story of
Quigley Bray tons buildings the
following persons were elected as di
rectors J03 H Yeast C H Cornel1
T C Hornby Chas Anderson Geo
Elliott J T Keeley and James Man
gan and the directors elected as their
officers the following Jos H
Yeast president J T Keeley secy
T C Hornby treas As a building
committee Jos H Yeast J T Keeley
and Chas Anderson were elected
They adjourned to meet Friday at 730
Max Heth five year old son of El
mer lleth got lost last Sunday even
ing while the families with two other
families were up the river about three
miles on the Schlagel picnicing Whon
the Heth family were ready
hnrnfl little Max was not to be found
and thinking he had started down the
road alone they started for home but
not finding him they turned back and
after a careful search went on home
thinking perhaps he had gotten home
some way Not finding him at home
the father tnrned back and again search-
ed but to no avail Early Monday
morning the town was notified and
searching parties scoured the country
on foot horse back and in buggies and
carriages About ten oclock the little
wanderer came along the dusty road
with tongue swelled and frothy mouth
to Hackberry Thompsons place on the
river above the Jack Darr bridge and
was taken in by the Thompson hoys
cared for and taken home The little
boy had wandered along until it be
came dark and wheu he could no lon
ger pick his way along the rocky cliffs
lay down under the shelter of a pine
tree where he passed the cLilly night
and as soon as it was light got up and
barefooted and weak from hunger and
thirst made his wMy but slowly It
was a narrow escape for him He had
gone eight or ten miles and possibly
traveled much farther as likely he had
not taken a straight course and it being
over hills and through canyons the
climbing would have tired a much
larger and stronger boy If the little
fellow had given up in his journey and
hun down he would not have been
found as few thought of a little fellow
like him crossing hills and canyons
would be dangerous
m that direction which
gerous for any one to travel and im
possible to go on horseback It is hard
to depict the little fellows mind or the
thoughts that came to him as he found
himself alone to spend the night with
out supper or bed and nothing to drink
though he cruld have gone to the river j
but could not get down to it for the
bank which was too steep for him
-- - rn -
-I i i iiMHIl I Kill l I
m TTTf - -
Chas Welford visited in Xody over
Lew J3 Hollister of Alliance is yisit
ng in town this week
Mrs Underwood and Mrs D C
Nelson of Cody were in town yesterday
Mrs L N Laport left Tuesday
night for Tilten Iowa to visit her par
ents for a few weeks
Lulu nooton came home last Monday
from Eli where she had been teaching
School during the winter
Word comes to us as we go to press
that Barney Denayer of Arabia was
kicked by a horse yesterday breaking a
leg and an arm
Grade up your herds Begin now
while you can buy registered Short
horn bulls for cash or credit from Raf
fenberg Bros at Valentine 18 tf
A Mr Root and Miss Pauline Adams
of Salt Lake City Utah have been in
town this week Mr Root expects to
take back some native Indians with
him to organize a wild west show or
something of that kind
Program of Gr A R Decoration day
on May 30 1901 and memorial sermon
May 26 1901 Comrade W W Thom
pson is made a committee to take
charge of decoration service at Ft Nio
brara Memorial sermon by Rev
Cumbow at M E church May 26 1901
All old soldiers whether they belong to
the G A R post or not are invited to
meet at Judge Townes office on the 26
by 1030 a m sharp and march to the
church On the morning of the 30th
meet at Judge Townes office at 930 a
m sharp go from there to the cemetery
and decorate graves after which re
turn to Cornell hall when further ar
rangements will be announced
By Order ofG A R
ifo BfifrTrtViiftr Tiffin iir atfkL rirW
j Educational Department f
The thoughts
of youth are long long
Miss Maud Jeffers who dropped her
school work in the 9th grade some time
ago visited the H
S Thursdao after
Ever since the circus passed this way
the school grounds have at intermiss
ions been one amazing spectacle of
brilliant acrobatic feats including both
those of trapeze performers arid dimiu
utive contortionists
Miss Bertha Kneeland visited in the
high school last Thursday afternoon
Bird day was celebrated in Miss
Muchmores room by a very entertain
ing program which was witnessed by
many of the little ones parents and
Are the 11th grade reveling in the
prospect that there is only one more
high school examination for themV
Last Thursday morning Clyde Dav
enport spoke to the civil government
class in regard to the visit which he
made to Washington last March giv
ing us many interesting details con
cerning the inauguration of Mr Mc
Kinley and the sights and ways of the
capitol city
Mrs Watson is busy almost every af
ternoon helping the graduates with
their orattons
The school reporter for the Repub
lican must have had a late but serious
attack of the spring feyer last week
judging from the non appearance of his
school notes
The program for commencement whT
soon be ready for printing
Miss Cook in civics Now class
when a state representative goes home
from a session what is he liable to do
Mr Growden knqwingiy Liable to
talk politics a good deal
Concerning the closing of the Chad
ron schools we quote tha foilowing
from the Chadronian
On account of the closing of school
members of the 11th grade were dis
appointed aud expressed themselves
very vigorously We fear the mayor
would not be re elected if it were left
to the 11th grade The 10th grade
were happy and the 9th grade wept for
joy Now isnt that just like a little
Chadron 9th grader
Examination being past once more
-everybody is wondering what his card
will belike
The 10th grade at least six members
of it botanized Tuesday afternoon
They made many important scientific
discoveries among them a Polifferous
inseef an ambiguous quadruped and
that Mr Growden is color blind at a
distance he mistook other members
for Indians A boat ride made a satis
factory finish for the excursion and the
botanizers came back with a good sized
tai 1 1 1 full of specimens
mn afc
Miss Oliver
couple of days
a goose
of Long Pine
visiting here
FBW IM il H K M WMi u
jjfcafe afa jfe iffr t QskrjftriflrafS
Woodlake Items
W Honey returned home Saturday
night from a trip to Nebraska City
Omaha and other points
Woodlake lias been well filled with
strangers the past week and is becom
ing one of the busiest towns along this
line of railroad
The Last Loaf play given by the
dramatic club Saturday evening was
largely attended the cash receipts
amounting to 2400 An excellent
stage and property had been prepared
for the occasion and the entire cast cid
their parts so well that unstinted praise
was bestowed on all Frequent and
hearty applause showed the thorough
entertainment of the audience Many
young people from Simeon Long Pine
and other points were in attendance
and all seemed well satisfied with the
A pleasant party was given Thursday
evening at the home of J I West in
honor of the nineteenth birthday anni
versary of his son John The following
persons were present Messrs Barnard
Leach Harr Lambie Day Miles
Johnson and Thorn and Misses Gokey
West Emmick Day Benson and
Mesdames West Barnard and Lewis
Rev Martin of Ainsworth held-
services at Woodlake Sunday evening
A large congregation listened to a good
sermon Mr Martin visited the coun
try during the forenoon and lost him
self in the hills but found his location
in time for church
Frank Cronin spent Saturday and
Sunday in town
Frank Thorn returned to his home at
Valentine Sunday after closing a suc
cessful term of school Mr Thorn is
an excellent young man and will be
much missed h his many friends here
Miss Jennie Morgarei Ige returned to
her home at Simeon Sunday Miss M
has given satisfaction to the patrons of
our school as a teacher in the primary
department and it is the wish of many
that she be continued in our school for
the coming year
Mrs Abel Biiley and son are visiting
friends and relatives at El Dorado Ne
spent a
yill Bailey went to Chadron Satur
day to be examiued for the position of
V L Klingaman and family spent
Monday in town
John II Day is erecting a good sized
addition to his house on South Main
Miss Maud Day returned home Tram
Ainsworth one day last week
For Sale
In view of retiring from the stock
business I am offering for sale all of
my stock consisting of mares 3 and 1
years old geldings 1 and 2 year old
colts to the number of 125 head Also
my registered trotting stallion Star
light Also cows yearling steers and
heifers to the number of 120 head
About one half of the cows have calves
by their side Prices reasonable
Rodt Dyer
18tf Rosebud Agency S D
Born To Wm Cavanaugh and
wife on Monday morning- May 12th
a son all parties doing well
Eli Precinct
Pretty warm weather this
There was a cloud burst one day last
week near the Crane bridge and wash
ed some of the hills down in the river
Chas Larsen and wife of Merriman
were on the river over Sunday
JL rank Hewlett and wite will go to
Hot Springs S D this week to stay
Cattle are coming into this part of
the country by the hundreds There
wont be enough grass this fall to feed
Court Proceedings
Mrs Bennett of Valentine was grant
ed a divorce
Case of state vs Antoine Ladeaux was
continued to July 9 and bond fixed at
II S Brock sued the county for
2500 damages for falling through the
bridge across the Niobrara down below
the Fort breaking his font and employ
ed two able lawyers to fight his case
Judge Kinkaid and Judge Walcott
County Attorney Morrissey stood up
for the county alone and proved that
Mr Brock knew that the bridge was
unsafe and that it had been condemned
The jury brought in a verdict for the
Case of Fisher vs C C Parker was
Case of McCloud vs Miller and Cypheis
was get for July 9
Great Reduction
In Prices of Shirt Waists
Eates Seasonable
e AND 3-
Omaha Neukaska ArjtiL 27 ioo
To All Agents
The following
SpEciiL Excursion to Hot Springs SD
are authorized
DATE OF SALE May 21 1C31
RATE One fare plue 2X3 for the round
trip adding odd cents to make the rate end in
0 ore
LIMITS Continuous passage in both direc
tions final limit 30 days from date of sale
General Passenger Agent
Henry Aiiguston
Does General Blacksmithing
St hard time prices for cai
Kotice to Creditors
In the County Court within and for Cherry
county NebrasRa in the matter of the estate of
John Dunn deceased
To the creditors of said estate You are
hereby notified that I will sit at the County
Court room in Valentine in said county on the
13th day of June 1001 at 2 oclock p m to re
ceive aud examine all claims against the estate
with a view to their adjustment and allowance
Tne time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is on the 14th day of June
AD 1831 and the time limited for the pay
ment of debts is one year from said 13th day of
October 1DC0
Witness my hand a nd the seal of said county
court this 22 day of May 1001
18 4t W R TOWNE
County Judge
The case of A V Coble vs James
and J H Skirving was brought to a
close Friday morning by the judge in
structing the jury to find a verdict
for the plaintiff The particulars
are that Jas Skirving and son J H
were running a store at Brownlee
during the fall and winter of 1899 and
1900 and sold out to Arthur V Coble
some time in the winter Coble pay
ing 1000 down and agreeing to pay
balance when goods were invoiced
and turned over to him The time
set for this was claimed to be April 1
1900 by Skirving Coble claiming that
he was to invoice and receive the
the goods between the 1st and the
10th of April and that invoicing would
begin not before Apr 1 which was on
Saturday Coble had gone to Ains
worth employed A C Tolliver and
got back to Brownlee Sunday Apr 2
and that night the store burned down
James and J HiSkirving claimed that
Coble had forieited the 1000 by not
being there Apr 1 Coble sued for
the recovery of the SI 000 paid by him
as he had not received the goods A
large number of Browniee people
were up attending as witnesses in the
Died in the Plunge Rath
Manv of our business people regret to
learn of the death of E A Seaman the
traveling salesman for the Carpenter
Paper Co at Hot Syrings after leav
ing here last week We give a clipping
from the World -Herald of the 18th re
garding his death
Hot Springs S D May 17
E A Seainon a traveling salesman
of Omaha died here to day in the plunge
bath as a result of too long a bath
He was seemingly well when he went
into the water but in forty five min
utes he became helpless and nothing
could be done to relieve him Heart
failure was the cause of his death It
is the second death at the plunge in the
past ten years both from the same
cause -
Renovate Renovate Renovate
White Lead Oils Turpentine Putty
Paints Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes
APEfclTQ CflD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints
mE AUErciO rUa Varnishes and Stains There is none other so Gcob
We Kee in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in
prices ranging from lOcts to 50cts for a double roll
And it is as cold as Greenlands Icy Mountains
It will pay you to investigate also see what we have to show
3ow in Summer Dres3 Skirts Corsets Hosiery etc etc
We wish to announce that we will take or
ders for Hair Goods and guarantee
satisfaction See our MILLINERY
J tt WkX3
Ms K4
2l 23XJ
Give Me a Trial
WalcotV s find Til son 8
old Stands Jf v
A Schatzthauer Propr
Jotic8 to Bridge Builders
Scaled proposals will be received by the coun
ty board of Cherry county Nehr up to June U
at 1 oclock p in for the construction of two
wrought iron or steel bridges across the Loup
river about 45 miles southwest of Woodlake
Nebr One at Brownlee aud one at H K Ed
garS place
Dimensions of bridge at Brownlee P O
Length 75 feet roadway 14 feel
Oneaill KEdgars GO feet In length 14 feet
Both Dridges to be single span and set on iron
legs fastened to oak piling for foundation and
to De CJi feet from low water mark to top of
bridge lioor and to bo covered with 3 inch hard
pine or oak
Bids should be addressed to LLaufcr chair
man board of county commissioners Valeutlne
Nebr ana endorsed bridge proposal
The board reserves the right to reject any or
all bids
Nalentuie Neb Slay 7 lOOl Co Clerk
Following is a list of the lands now
advertised for final proof at the Val
entine U S Land Office
J Lisle se4 57 -1020 May 1C
J Smolit ss seJ4 sec 28 eJS ne 1623
May 18
Peter Reige seU 9 18
J B Flnuey uvVt ue uyx seJi 13 is 24
May 18
John Steckel uVJ sw nwi 23 31 May is
Margaret Heelenstf awJi sec 20 aud u nw
29 3220 May 18
James H Bay n ne nVJ nvli 233337
May 20
William Pullman nJ4ne sVt seJ4 1328 17
May 20
Edward Quirk se 32 -3425 Mav 21
August Hoehen s swJ4 and sytseli 12 29 2C
May 22
t W Sewel n4 neJi nw410 27 39 Mav 27
A P Taylor swfci neli syt se sec 11 riwK
neii 14 33 89 May 27
Mary Gesman ntf seaud nJ4sv n -28-34
April 27
J S Layne se 1430 18 May 28
M Anisk Lots 1 and 2 elA nw 193023
June 7
Ella U Rowley n nwj and seli sw ami
nVt sw and swj seJi 2930 31 June 13
Chas McCay nyt ne se uej audueJi uwa
17-30-30 June 13 Jju
Between Omaha and St Paul
is the North Western Line
One Fare For the Round
Kates to the biennial meeting Head
Camp Modern Woodmen of America
have been announced at one fare foi
the round trip Dates of sale June 7
8 and 9 limit leaving St Laul June 10
to 18 inclusive
The railroads of Nebraska connect
ing with the North Western Line at
Omaha are
The Union Pacific
Missouri Pacific
and the road connecting at Missouri
Valley is the Eremont Elkhorn
Mo Yalley
Delegates and their friends from atff
points in the state can therefore secure
the best accomodations bv buying
through tickets from their home towns
via the most convenint road to the
Missouri Hi ver and the Northwest
ern Line beyond
- Two Through Trains Daily
Lv Omaha Union Passenger
Station 755 p M
Lv Omaha Union Passenger
Station 655 a 31
The night train has modern broad
vestibuled coaches and Pullman sleep
The day train has modern broad
vestibuled coaches and observation
buffet parlor car
We note the fact that M W of A
always want the best when they can
get it gor the same monej The motto
of the North Western Line is The
Best of Everything
J R Buchanan
General Passenger Agent
o e c o e cecsccsosa
c c
DRSr Caldwell Hutchinson
Over Hornbys Grocery J