Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 16, 1901, Image 4

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OfjleJal Xewmpappr of fit tl
County NebranLil
Subscription 1 no pr year in ad vane 5150
when not jtlil hi
Display mlrertlslnK i inch 15c per iasuo 10
pur column hy the mot u
Local NdfirrK 5c pet iiite each issue
Brands VJ Inches- M00 per yr in ad-
vance daioiitfl fpu 00 per inch per ypar J
engraved blocks extra too each
Parties living outside Cherry enmity not pr-
SDnally known are requvsteu to pay hi arivaiirp
10 per cent additional to above rates II over
6 months In arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
Thursday May 9 1901 -
Omaha painless dentist June 1 and
M F Clynes takes Hopkins place at
the Donoher
Dr J J Evans of Springview is in
town this week
Mr and Mrs J McNair were in town
on business Saturday
J C Petti John went to Lincoln last
Wftek to visit his danghter Myrtle
M JL Jordan and Phil Fleming of
Arabia are attending court this week
We will give a full report of the court
proceedings up to the time of going to
presss next week
Dr Vithers Omaha painless dentist
will bo in Valentine June 1 and 3
Office at Donoher hotel 17
O W Baker of ONeill was in town
Wednesday to see about engaging in
business here of some kind
Wm Maier went to Gordon Tuesday
night to see about getting some brick
to use on ourcourt house until his brick
arrives fioni the east
Leroy Leach and his brother in law
n 8 Ilollenbeck of Omaha came up
from Woodlake to day on business and
to visit friends at the county seat
A daughter of Wm Maier the con
tractor came up from Omaha Tuesday
night and will probably remain here
with her father during the summer
See Dr Withers Omana dentist if
you want your dental work done bv an
experienced dentist and at Omaha
prices St of teeth 5 22 years ex
perience 17
Attorney Wood of Itushville Allen
G Fisher of Chadron M F Harring
ton and M P Kinkaid of OXeill to
gether with our home attorne3s are at
tending court this week Judge W II
Westover and his reporter J D Scott
as usual aie looking well and court
work is managed in a way that is ad
mired by lovers of justice law and or
der Though our couit expenses are
unusually high at this time there is no
time Jo t I y delay
Program of G A It Decoration day
on May 30 1901 and memorial sermon
May 26 1901 Comrade W W Thom
pson is made a committee to take
charge of decoration service at Ft Nio
brara Memorial termon by Rev
Cumbow at M E church May 26 1901
All old soldiers whether they belong to
theG A It post or not are invited to
meet at Judge Townes oflice on the 26
by 1036 a m sharp and march to the
church On the morning of the SOih
meet at Judge Townes file e at 930 a
m -hip go fjom thereto the cemetery
ago accepted a position -with Crabb
the Met JMr baieer is an all around
good liinn and will be able to take an
sictive part in Mr Jordans extensive
btiMiiws He luiBbeen an honest con
scientious industrious and faithful clerk
and having been intimately acquainted
with M r J irdon for 20 years past will
be a val liable man in his business We
wish htm success as their efforts are
woi thy
The case of Coble vs Jas Skirving is
occupying the attention uf the court
ing and Al P Kinfcaid and Judge Wjl
cott are attorneys for Mr Coble
Z sassspxtsKrm
doubtas to the propriety of
tr s J
in ibis connti y
btay in front
Made Easy
You will find it economy of
time money and patience to
shave yourself Ibe trick is
easy it your equipment is right
and we make you safe on that
8 core
The Re deforuse Strop
Makes it impossible for you to
have a dull razor The most
perfect strop on earth You
cant afford to be without one
If you dont like it well buy it
back 1 to 175
The Other Things
High grade razors at a variety of
prices best lather brushes
mugs and soaps We have any
thing you want and the price
will be right
Quigley Chapman
Z Valentine Neb 0
As we go to press the damage case of
Samuel E Howe of Woodlake against
M P Jordan of Arabia is the only
case that has been completed Mr
Howe was working iirEly Valentines
livery stable at Woodlake during the
winter and spring of 1900 and while so
engaged Mr Jordan put a horse in the
stable that was bad about kicking and
warned Mr Valentine to be careful
abou t going into the stall Mr Howe
thinking he had seen the horse before
was afraid to go into the stall but upon
being assured by Mr Jordan that the
horse was harmless proceeded when
he was kicked by the horse breaking
h is leg from which he has suffered a
great deal and being an old man will
never have the use Dfhis injured Hmb as
before It appears that Mr Jordan
took up a subscription for Mr Howe
but did not turn it over to him on ac
count of his refusing to accept it claim
ing Mr Jordan asked him to release
him from further liabilities for dam
age Mr Howe was given a verdict by
the jury awarding him 1500 and tax
ing the costs of the prosecution against
Mr Jordan rlhe complaint was made
for 3825 and costs The attorneys
for Mr Howe were G Fisher and
A M Morrissey for Jordan were W
W Wood and Ed Clark
We are told that in Will Panes nove
The Story of Eva which the Chicago
Record Herald says comes nearer to be
ing a finished literary production than
any thing that has appealed in a long
time There is a typical Nebraska girl
whose hopeful ard robust nature coun
tei acts the timidity and weakness of
her New England husband and finally
saves his character Eva who is one
of the most attractive and womanly
heroines of recent fiction comes from a
western Nebraska town somewhere near
Hay stings Nebraska is coming to the
front and there will be a demand for
Nebraska girls
You are all invited to be present
Saturday June 1 to attend a grand pic
nic in the grove near town The edi
tors all along the line will be here to
help entertain Come and enjoy the
da Bring your basket and well eat
dinner on the ground
J H Fritz is in town
2 with the Dfouockat
lie dropped
Ed Blakey returned to Valentine Sat
urday night
P u cyclinc in South America
turn to tornell hail when further ar
rantemiMits will be annmmrnd The repieseirtatives of a large New
J y Oidr of G Alt York exporting house who receutly
murned from South America says that
1 rank M Sageser this week takes
ino a a i
at in esnt as indeed has been the case
his departure from Valentine much to
f e e i
i for three or four fears past bicycling m
the regret of the Valentine neoule f
as i f i
that country is far and away the most
Air baeever has made
many warm i u i t i
Jjopular ot all cut door snorts In the
friends here and is a popular clerk1
iv i r a i
v l
Jaiger cities of Brazil and the
MrsaKferm several in the
years linpH 1P Rtinrfc tft Anv a nt lllA hnht
emplov of E McDonald in his general
1 fci iiiu i u a u
0f lts popularity and although the
merchandise business and three
years i i x
J women there at hist were somewhat m
rifHunr in
frt rrti ulitn1i Kifii no mw 4 -
7 V V F 1 PWic they qnickly followed the ex-
a pos tion with the Jordan Hardware
i e c i i i a
ample of some of the social leaders
Co of tiordon Ne br the largest and
h i i m r i t
who boldly went in for the sport as
most extensive hardware harness sad-
i a a i i
had their
soon as thav mastered wheels
dla vehicle and machinery
concern in a i
anj now there are as many petticoats
awheel -as there are nicerbockers
Buenos Ayres is perhaps the greatest
cycling center in South America where
at certain hours of the day the whole
city seems to be awheel There are
some fine roads leading to beautiful
parks in the Miburbnn districts and
along ihej e as well as in the parks the
proceNsion of cyclists m the early morn
ing mil afternoon hours is almost a
never ending one The racing end of
the sport has developed rapid of late
and will prebabJy go to the jury this according io this traveler and he is of J
evening Mr Harrington and Mr
Morris y ate itloi ne s for Jas to day of giving the fastest men
all thev aut to do to
Educational Department g
JJF jy Vy
Blessed is he who has found his work
Let him ask no other blessedness
He bsis a life a work i purpose
lie has found 11 and should follow it
Mr Maxwel has resumed his regular
Miss Ina Flowers visited the high
school Friday afternoon
The 9h grade went botanizing again
last Thursday afternoon
The 9th grade are to be oxcused from
school at recess every day for two weeks
that they ma botonize
Miss Bertha Kneeland of the class of
00 has returned from Pueblo Colorado
where she has been visiting with rel
We are proud of the high schooll
There were thirteen in the room circus
day while the other rooms ranged in
attendance from nine to two
The members of theJOth grade can
now speak of getting their Caesar
with as much dignity and sadness as
any 11th grader ever thought or dream
ed of
The 10th grade must hold on to all
of its membbrs because if one escapes
there will be thirteen in the class of 00
and it would never do to tempt provi
dence that way
We thought we were going to have a
visit on last Wednesday forenoon i e
Miss Helen McDonald whom we ob
served approaching at recess but we
were disappointed
Miss Cook in history Was there
ever a third triumvirate
Absent minded pupil Yesm
Miss Cook Who were they please
Pupil I think they were Hie
Doc and Scipio
The hearts of the 10th graders are
stirred with sympathy when they see a
9th grader spending five whole minutes
in mounting a flower artistically They
think of the time when that same 9th
grader will mount a flower in a min
ute and a half forgetting the artistic
Commissioners Proceedings
Continued from last week
May 1 1001 Board met as per ad
journment Present L Laufer and W
E Haley On motion clerk was order
ed to write Justice Sims in regard to
Herman Ahlard a county charge for in
formation On motion Hugh Boyer
was appointed justice of the peace
Steen precinct On motion road peti
tion of 1 N Garner et al was laid over
to June meeting On motion Henry
Becker was appointed road overseer
district 4 On motion road petition of
T B Hamilton et al was approved ad
section lines between sections 16 and 17
t 26 r 27 was declared to be a public
road as prayed for in the petition On
motion the sej ne 18 28 36 was assess
ed at 30 and ordered placed on tax list
for 1900
On motion the following amounts
vere deducted from claims on file and
ajplitd ujrn dtlnqccnt pnscnal tax
Thomas MaloHe
C H Cornell
J B Pones
Wm Dahljihi
U i Ciiger
L L rivens on real estate tax by request
J W Daniels
F K Vanish
Allen Williams
C E Sherman
J W Stetter
W D Morgareidge
W E Cady
M Dunham
Geo M Hull
Frank T Lee
J A Runcnr
1 H Itadielor
J 11 Lord
Ed Ilirri
Albert llrlev
John S Grooms
Alfred Lewis
N J GroDms
Id Parry
Daniel Aider
J C Dwyer
S loo
l oo
18 l5
8 55
20 00
4 00
4 CO
6 50
400 j
12 02
vertise for bids for two bridges ac ross
Loup river one at Brownlee the other
at II B Edgars place One span CO
feet long 14 feet roadway 6J feet from
low water mark to top of bridge floor
at Brownee One span 75 feet 14 feet
road way to be 6 feet from low water
mark to top of bridge floor bids to be
opened June 14 1001 On motion com
missioner W E Haley- and the county
clerk were authorized to issue warrants
in favor of Wm Maier against the
building fund in payments on court
house as they become due under said
contract On motion bond of Wm
Maier for building court house was ap
Whereupon the board adjourned to
May 2
Mav 2 1901 Board met as pr ad
journment Present L Laufer W E
Haley On motion the board entered
lliHfjiiiiiinii ilmt tlMi is niAteriitl there inU contract with L Hreuklander to
move jail eage and place it into position
in the new court hotibe for 48 On
motion road petition of W J Allen et
In a ton of Dead Sea water
there is 387 pounds of salt Red
sea 93 Mediterranean 85 Atlan
tic SI English channel 72 Baltic
18 and Caspoan
general in
Funston the little hero from
i in mnnnn fiorir ivnc nrriarori t r o i t i
w wwU j wnni en n an- i ixniicjic line rofOirnf o
fckj iiu J svs VVI
An excellent preservative
Reduces cost of you- harness
Never burns the leather its
Efficiency is increased
Secures best service
Stitches kept from breaking
Is sold in all
gift of
the regular
army from the President for his
danngyexploits in the capture of
ome Keasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Unequaled by anv other
Renders hard leather soft
Especially prepared
Keeps out water
A heavy bodied oil
Manufactured tj
Stamlaril Oil Conipnnr
al was laid over to June meeting
All tax payers are requested to meet
with the Board of Equalization on June
11 12 and 13 to haye any errors which
may be made in assessments corrected
after which time no corrections will be
On motion the following accounts
were deducted from claims on file and
applied on delinquent taxes
W A Pettycrew S 6 10
W E Haley on real estate tax by requesfc 29 60
Whereupon the board adjourned sine
Attest J W Daniels
County Clerk
atiflcifkA jftr Tc lc sanftrrSrjfirjgksJg
gr y jy BFFjnF3
own the JSiver
Listers are scarce in these parts
Who has corn sled to loan or sell
John Bowers and family visited with
his wifes mother on May 8
J S Grooms and familywere visit
ing at A W Grooms Sunday
Supt Miss Brown visited the school
in district no 9 last Thursday
Wheat is looking very well and lots
of it is being planted even if it dont
Sunday school at the Kewanee
school house every Sunda at 230 also
preaching at 330
Abraham Farrah and wife were vis
iting with the Davis Bros their cous
ins who live at the Berry bridge on
the 12th and 13th
The school in district no 9 will be
clossd about May 24 There will be a
school picnic near the Berry bridge
about that time
Little liaitruBice Slinul Dead
Geo Shaul and wifes little boy Law
rence died Tuesday morning from pneu
monia and conjestive chills aged one
and one half years The child appear
ed unwell Saturday and Sunday Dr
Davis was called who stayed with the
little fellow and did all she could for
Lawrence -until death claimed him
The parents have the sympathy of the
Democrat in their sad bereavement
It yon would have your business
done go if not send
man ever looked on the
side of life without find-
Men are like pins One with a
little head may be just as sharp as
one with a big one
It would be better for some of
our college girls to learn to say no
than to learn to sav latin
Miss Georgina Thompson of Den
ver oolo recently encountered
a burglar in the family residence
Desiiise not small things they
often accomjlish great results
The little toe will have the great
est corn
There are still some people who
would not object to burning witch
es if they were allowed to select
the witches
No public officer ever looses
anything by showing that he has
a backbone of his own and that it
can be made good and stiff when
mere is occasion
Am I as intelligent as your
other young man Golly Well
you quote more poetry than he
does but I think he beats you on
Renovate Renovate Renovate
White Lead Oils Turpentine Putty
Paints Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes
APnUTQ CfiD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Muccd Paints
ULE HUE Ti I 0 rUll Varnishes and Stains There is none other so Goofe
We Xee in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in
prices ranging from lOcts to 50cts for a double roll
And it is as cold as Greenlands Icy Mountains
Great Reduction
In Prices of Sliirt Waists x
It will pay you to investigate also see what we have to show
yow in Summer Dress Skirts Corsets Hosiery etc etc
We wish to announce that we will take or
ders for Hair Goods and guarantee
satisfaction See our MILLINERY
- a I- gran
Bates Eeasonable
Monthly Meterological Summery
Wkathkk Buueau 1
Valentine Nebraska month of April 1901
Date Tempkratuuk Trecipita Character
Max Min I Mean tinn of day
1 41 24 32 0 Clear
2 43 27 85 0 Clear
3 4G 30 38 01 Clotldv
4 35 31 34 T Clear
5 47 29 3 o Clear
G 55 22 38 0 Pa cloudy
7 58 32 45 0 Clouby
8 03 41 52 T Cloudy
C 52 43 48 0G Cloudy
10 44 40 42 20 Cloudy
11 40 34 37 72 Cloudy
12 43 3G 40 10 Cloudy
13 47 31 40 04 Cloudy
14 55 28 42 03 Clear
16 4G 3G 41 14 Cloudy
1G 38 27 32 04 Cloudy
17 45 21 33 T Clear
18 54 31 42 0 Pa cloudy
19 1 34 48 08 Clear
20 70 41 5G 0 Pa cloudy
21 75 47 01 0 oieir
22 71 CO GO G Clear
23 75 4i 58 6 Clear
24 S2 47 G4 0 Clear
25 83 50 08 T pa cloudy
20 0 57 74 o pa cloudy
27 02 45 54 o pa cloudy
28 4 51 5S 01 pa cloudy
20 so 55 08 o pa cloudy
30 80 57 72 0 Clear
Mean 58 5 380 483 I
Mean atmogphene pressure 3003
Highest pressure 3035 Date 9th
Lowest pressure 2950 Date 26th
Mean temperature 48
Dmhest temperature 90 date 2Gth
Lowest temperature 21 date 17th
Greatest d ily range of temperature 35 date 25
Least daily range or temperatur 4 date 10th
Mean temperature for this month 188952
1800 50 1891 48 189242 189342 181449 1895
53 1S9C47 1897 45 1898 46 1899 40 1900 50
1901 48
Mean temperature for this month for thirteen
yaars 48
Average deficiency of daily mean temperature
since January 1st 154
Accumulated enxess since January fst 1
Prevasling direction of the wind South
Total movement of the wind 9333 miles
Maximum velocity of the wind direction and
date 34 miles s outh east 7th day
Tota precipitation llG inches
Number of days with 01 inch or more of pre
cipitation 11
Total precipitation in inches for this month
in 1889387 1890134 1891312 1892312 1893
276 1894 2C0 1S9532G 189G288 1897223
189S 1 09 1899 74 1900470 1901 14t
Average precipitation for this month for it
years 281 inches
Total deficiency in precipitation since Jan 1st
1 35 inches
Accumulated defiiency in precipitation since
January 1 l 32 inches
Clcudnldr f 9leai daS3 I3 piVrtly cl0U3y days 8-
Dates of frosty Heavy 7th
Killing Gth and 14th
Obsr Weather Bureau
Omaha Nebraska Atkiij U7 loo
To AllAgents
The following
Special Excursion to Hot Springs SD
are authorized
DATE OF SALE May 21 1301
RATE One fare plue J200 for the round
trip ntlding odd cents to make the rate end in
0 ore
LIMITS Continuous passage in both dirce
tionsTniaI limit 30 days from date of sale
General Passenger Agent
Cor 19th and UTQ
ff n fTonn ais aftt
rruduco each a disease
having definite Dathol
eabliy to the Double1
TflrUnRn Chloride of Gold Treat-
v ment prepared by Dr
USITIB Leslie E Keeley
lutiuuie a i uiumm ihi irn
ibcoulmlarnlnilinf i P
Hie irllUlIlA Koelev lnllu fj
Trelinout 1 v ii
Signed TheLeIieEJCce7cuCo
IVlh and Leaventcovll Sta
4 tai
WalcolV8 anil Tllsons uld Stands
A Schatzthaner Propr
Give Me a Trial
Notice to Bridge Builders
Sealed proposals will bo received by the coun
ty board of Cherry county fledr up to June 14
at 1 ocIock p in for the construction of two
wrought iron or steel bridges across the Loup
river about 45 miles Bouthwest of Woodlake
Nebr One at Browulee and one at H It Ed
gars place
Dimensions of bridge at Brownlee P O
Length 75 feet roadway 14 jeet
One al OK Edgars GO feet In length 14 feet
Both bridges to be single span and set on Iron
legs fasiened to oak piling for foundation and
to be 6lA feet irom low water mark to top of
bridge floor au4 to be covered with 3 inch nurd
pine or oak
Bide should be addressed to L LauTer chair
man boare of county commissioners Valentine
Nebr ana endorieu bridge proposal
The board reserves the right to reject any or
all bids
Nalentme Neb May 7 1001 Co Clerk
Following- is a list of the lands non
advertised for final proof at the Val
entine U S Land Office
J Lisle se4 27 -29-20 May 1G
xtJ sQmoIit s 1 se sec 28 ei nej 10 23
Peter ReJgese 9 33 30May is
ai BioFIniiey mvJ4 el 3e 13 1824
John Steckel n swK nwi 23 81 May 18
Ses20and IJ mvJ
29-32-26 May w
Maa 20S 1L ltay neJ nVz lm 23 33 37
William Pullman nJfueX stf sej i 18-28-17
Aiay 20
Edward Quirk se 32 3125 May 21
August Doehen sJi svJ4 and sJ4seJi 12-29-28
iijiy 22
Vreye1 aV ueli Mav27
A P Taylor swft netf w4 8ei sec 11 w
nek May 27
AIfirGc3man uy seand ntfswtf 11
J S Layne seJi 14-30-18 May 23
M Anisk Lots 1 and 2 eS nw 193023
Ila V Rovey n nw and seli swli and
nVi swM and sws setf 29-39-31 June 13
r 30S30 jy n ne se ue4 andneJiiiwJi
Between Omaha and St Paul
is the North Western Line
One Fare For the Round
Eates to the biennial meeting Head
Camp Modern Woodmen of America
have been announced at one fare for
the round trip Dates of sale Jnne 7
8 and 9 limit leaving St Paul June 10
to 18 inclusive
The railroads of Nebraska connect
ing with the North Western Line at
Omaha are
The Union Pacific
Missouri Pacific
and the road connecting at Missouri
Valley is the Fremont Elkhokk
Mo Valley
Delegates and their friends from all
points in the state can therefore secure
the best accomodations bv buying
through tickets from their home towns
via the most convenint road to the
Missouri Eiver and the Northwest
ern Line beyond
Two Through Trains Daily
Lv Omaha Union Passenger
Station 75g P 3I
Lv Omaha Union Passenger
Station 655 a 3L
The night train has modern broad
vestibuled coaches and Pullman sleep
The day train has modern broad
vestibuled coaches and observation
buffet parlor car
We note the fact that W of A
always want the best when they can
get it gov the same monej The motto
of the North Western Line is The
Best of Everything-
J R Buciianan
General Passenger Agent
i ii
DFS Caldwell Hutchinson
I c
Over Hornbys Grocery 11
c r - 3 a