V t H ttM f9 A 4 49 v - t VOLUME XVI Vvi r For Shoes SPEING footwear in- the 4 same styles shown by leading city stores but at smaller prices is our boast and we make gig the assertion good Our experience in this 419 line and know how in picking out good quai ls ity stylish footwear to retail at close prices 43 is a direct benefit to people who buy shoe8 8 here for they get superior value for their S money Why not see if we cannot please you ft better than anyone else Our shoe man knows wl how tor IT shoes Thats as important S Quality and style for it means comfort too j Hosiery 4 4 49 4 as O0R M300030W3M3OM3WOWaWOW3WO30SWo6 39 39 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 PAINTING R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING x All work well done to to to to o to to to to to to to to ryrTvrvrvi 0 ft o c fr to 2 2 i o ftfr ftfr will wear out no matter how good but some wears out a lot sooner than our Kind We to buy from manufacturers who know how to put jjj long wear into their hosiery without sacrificing jf appearance In childrens school hose we have to an especially desirable line at 25 cents that jj saves darning Try the BLACK CAT hose fo THE RED FRONT I to to JrrfrrfrrfrT1J WINTER BUSINESS IS OVER Full Line of Spring and Summer Goods now on hand Pfc a- M U Gen Childrens Shoes TAILORING IN ALL BRANCHES JS3E2 mnA im AA C II COKSEIX President II V KICHOIiSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correnponluits Chemical -National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb JW go v I XA21C2 c I CHOC14 HAD QUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Valentine OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Nebraska 1 rrHE owl saloon - Tr I III I I JL v - v 3 Sole Agents for I HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY I 1 Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER 1 I Choicest Wines and Cigars I I VALENTINE - X NEBRASKA r 4fr r PRINTING S rcfsL i i ni iiii mi I wmtmtMmm aKW fp We Can Satisfy You in Qualify Price and Workmanship pfe Wm Klingaman and Ely Valentine were up from Woodlake Monday Miss Pearl Ray of Chadron is visit ing friends in Valentine this week wesr ana jaamara are doing a grain and Hour business at Woodlake W A Parker of Woodlake lias his new store completed and it lonks real neat Grant Both well from south of Cody is spending a few days in town this week Stetters Bros saloon building is be ing painted by Dennis and Brown this week Claud Reece has moved his familvN into the house recently vacated by F M Sacreser Jas Welford has moved his family into thejhouse recently vacated by Claud Reece Martin Chri3tensen has finished putting a neat coat of paint on W F A Meltendorffs saloon Stove Wood Cord Wood Deliv ered promptly to an part of the city 14 tf M S Welch Monday afternoon we received a much needed shower A few more such showers will insure good crops Miss Inez Pettycrew came down from her school at Georgia to spend Saturda3 and Sunday -at home last week Miss Helen McDonald of Crookston has lor the past week been visiting her friends and former schoolmates in this city Wm Ferdon spent several davs in town last week Mr Ferdon thinks a telephone line should soon be put up connecting the south hills Boy wanted to work on a farm Stead work 15 per month 16 Mark D Cyphers Valentine For rent 40 acres of land broke suitable for planting south of track For particulars write Mrs E McDon ald Crookston Nebr 16 4t We have a complete line of trim med hats latest styles lowest prices also latest styles in belts Give us a call 16 tf Esther ONeill Court re convened here Monday in regular session There will be a large number of civil cases to dispose of and the case against Antoine La deaux for shooting John Bull-walks-behind Barred Plymouth Rock eggs from Son of Edwards Blue Champion that scored 92 points by such judges as Russell Todd Hitchcock and Shane Eggs 100 for 15 Leave orders at Crabb Cos 2t School closes Saturday nijrht at Woodlake with an entertainment The last Loaf Miss Morgareidg e will visit for a few dajs before leav ing fane nas maae many irienas there and is well liked as a teacher John Whillans and family returned Saturday morning from their visit to the home of Mrs Whillans father at Bloomington Wis called there by his death a couple of weeks ago They made the trip there in 24 hours and 20 minutes The annual election of officers of Miunechaduza Lodge No 192 A F A M will be held in Masonic hall in Valent ine Is ebr on Tuesday May 4th 35 1 i 1 7 H v M tlbiy Al members are requested to be present W W Thompson T C Hornby Acting Sec W M The editor made a business trip to Woodlake Tuesday and found a few people doing business there and but for the sand the wind and the pur rounding sand hills Woodlake would nt be a bad place to stay as there- is something to eat fresh water a plen ty and the people are sociable and entertaining Pat Hett his bin lmuliug out -wire to fence a large pasture in connection with Mike Kennedy and John Mellhon He stopped at the Dkmoouat office left a dollor on subscription which puts him one year ahead Mr Mellhon had 50 head of yearlincs shipped mi from Omaha yeste i day and taken up to the much up the Minueehuduza V THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Cherby County Nebraska VALENTINE NEBRASKA MAT 16 1901 i i h - r - ttttv i TATJC OP THE TOWM r - - v A AW A r YT A Bob McGeer has put a new erator in his saloon ftiiftn ir ini Clarence Walcott is day bartender at the Bodega C L Latta was a pleasant caller at this office Monday Work is progressing rapidly on the electric light plant muuj Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture t Weather Bureau f Naleutine Nebraska week ending Tuesday Slay 15 1901 Mean temp for week 5s cleg which is 4 deg above the average Highest temp for week SG deg on the 9th Lowest temp for week 32 deg on 12th Total rainfall 55 of an inch which is 08 of an inch below the average Highest velocity of wind 45 Percentage of sunshine 87 The daily tejegraphic forecast from Chicago received this morning indi cate a continuance of thunderstorm conditions which means more rain and cold weather all of which will it is thought be beneficial to growing crops and vegetation in general D C GKUNOW Observer Weather Bureau Co Supt Etta Brown handed us a copy of the program for the teachers association last week which we give below This will be the last teachers meeting of the school year and should be a pleasant aad successful one Program for the Cherry County Teachers Association at Valentine High School May 23th 1901 x 1030 OCLOCK A 3r The Teaclier3 Mission Miss Kate Weed TQrawing in the 1nblic Schools Miss Mabel Towne Discussion opened by Mrs Angie Ford Election of Oflicers i30 oclock pm Music Life Ticture Made in School Mis Mabel Hahn Means of Enriching History Miss Grace Cook Sash Drill Pupils of the Gth and 7th gradea Possibilities of th j Twentieth Century Prin U M Stone Development of the Childs Inner Life Prof R II Watson Lecture in the evening Now let eyer3one turn out and help to make a success of the editors meeting to be held June st and we must show them that Valentine is a good place and that there are some good people here as well and we want a place to meet and a dollar a piece from those who are willing to con tribute towards the entertainment of Ifceeditors J E Cochran came up to Valen tine I uesday evening and left next morning for Sioux City for a short business trip Mr Cochran is in fa vor of the telephone being built out from town connecting the ranches and will take stock in the company Now it the other men who are inter ested in this proposed telephone line will get together it can be put up this fall Misses Emma Por ath and her sis ter Lizzie departed Tuesday morning for Omaha where they expect to work during the summer Miss Emma goes back to work in the family where she had previously had employment They stop over a few days at Stanton to visit their sister Mrs Henry Sch leuter The Democrat will follow them to their home and keep them informed of Cherry county happen ings Wm Ferdon is in favor of a tele phone counection to the ranches and post offices through the south part of the county and will make his home in Valentinewhen his ranch can be reached with a telephone The cost will be small compared with the good of this line for both the ranchmen who need occasionally to send to town for medical aid and those who can constantly be benefitted by it Branch lines can be connected with this main line connecting different ranches to great advantage Miss C 1 ira Rogersand Elsie V Bax ter of Fremont and Cara Carpenter of Vaiiey were brought to Woodlake by S S McClean from near Brownlee where they have been holding down claims during the past week and took the passenger train Tuesday morning Mr McClean helped with carrying some of their belongings on board and seemed to have some hesi tancy in saying good by to them The train stopped down by the stock yards for him to get off It takes more time than they allow while the train stops at Woodlake to say J good by to three fair maidens We would sugirest that Mr McClean take advantage of the cruel train men I next time by beginning his adieus be fore the train comes in Sam takes it goodnaturedly and says they locked the door on him and he couldnt get out Well we would object to being locked up in a car under ordinary cir cumstances but we are inclined to the opinion that one of the fair just one girl is enough to chain the ordi narj young man and Sam cant ba blamed at all for there were three oi them RAAAAAAi 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 AAi i r - NUMBER 17 WE NEVER SELL C00D8 LESS THAH COST WE DONT HAVE TO But Give 3ETull Vtvhie Your Money We Quote a Few Prices Fancy Sugar Corn - - - - 21h cans 3 for Baking Soda Best Quality - IB pkg C for Refugee Stringless Beans - 21b cans 3 for Strawberry Beets Try Them 3ib cans 2 for California Peaches 3fl - - - cans 25 25 25 25 10 Prunes Good Size Fine Quality - 201b 100 Whole Codfish - - per lb 07 Gedneys Pickled Onions - - - pint bottle 10 Smiths Anti Trust Syrup - 1 gallon can 35 Ladies Shirt Waists carried over - 75c to 8150 quality 35 50 Mens Summer Shirts carried over 175 150 quality - - 50 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants vv Let Us Give You a Few of to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to- to to to OUR PRICES Good IZoasted Coffee - - jper lb lOe 5 Pound Sacks of Pearl Hominy - lOe 8 Ears Diamond C Soap - - 25e 5 Bars Ztaiuje Bar Wool Soup - Se 20 Pounds ofGood4Hc - - 100 Bargains in EVERYTHING the Next Two Weeks to Make Room for Our Spring Stock CROOKSTON NEBR MAX E VIERTEL - MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon THE DONOHEl Ts the Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest - and Best FIEST OLASS MODERN- HOTEL A collection will be taken oclock in the Methodist church Miss Kearney in a most ornate and grace ful manner held th attention of a large audience unwearied for an hour in a lecture on the subject xjf W C T TJ She handled her subject in a masterly manner and exhibited rare erudition We were fasciuated and cc uld have listened an hour to her The Weekly Examiner t Aderdeen Miss In Northwestern Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Ioomss YALEHTIHE - rHEBRASKA W E Cadv from the south part the couutv is in town this week Miss Belle Kearney the reat lec turer will speak at the M E fchurch Wednesday night Ma3r 22 at 8 oclock Everyone should hear this famous and free t W II Of r If VOU dont Want to huv linmp rrnnfl fence posts come and examine our HIGH GRADE COFFEES 15 tf W A Pettvcrew tf Miss Kearns personally is a beaut i f ul southern woman full of ma- talented speaker Admission i tism and enthusiasm and carries her Mrs E McDonald who runs a gen eral merchandise store at Crookston was in Valentine Friday attending to business matters She informs us that she intends to move her hotel building down from Crookston some time this summer This is a fine buil ding being worth about 2500 and will be situated on the corner of Cather ine and Cherry streets She will prob -ably rent it On Sundav morninjr at eleven audience with her all through her address Daily Encinai California May 6 1897 Belle Kearney every one knows and here inMissouri she is so throughly liked and respected that she adds prestage to the org inazation Na tional Suffrage Bulletin New York May 1897 The lecture of Miss Kearney of Mississippi at Unity church last night was very fine being as a live coal of truth on the alter of progress Miss Kearney is a forceable speaker Daily News California October 1897 Strayed from my pasture 3 miles west of Sparks one black horse five years old lame in right front foot and has shoe Branded 15 on left shoulder Had halter on when last seen 15 tf Geo Bristol Valentine Nebrv I