J THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE EDITOR Merrlsaan Items Fred Hussong and -wife were up from the ranch Monday returnihg the fol lowing day Emmett Sanbourn expects to leave in a few days for the Alberta Country where he expects to locate E M Fuller took the train Saturday night for Long Pine to attend the meet ing of the Bankers Association which is in session there this week Prof Stone Arthur Bowring F E Dickey Clara- and Stella Crowe and Mi38 Berry were a party of pleasure seekers who went over to the rserva twolaetf JFridfty i 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVEEY THURSDAY Kntered at 1 b e Post office at Valentine Cherry eunty Nebraska as Second class matter Ready Made Shoes It is always safe to travel in the path of duty Make no haste to be rich is you would prosper The city of New York includes 2508 miles of streets Save while you are young and spend while you are old Good company and good conver sation are the very sinews of virtue The man who eats the biggest piece of4pie will have the biggest pain If any one speaks evil of you let your life be so that none will believe him When it is sun set January 1 at San Francisco it is sun rise Jan uary 2 at Pekin China The best way to conquor a balky horse is to beat him with brains rather than a club There have been 315 cases of bubonic plague at Cape Town and 107 deaths including 22 Europe ans Tha Buckeye Match Company with 200000 capital has been organized at Akron O to fight the Trust LesB noise from the political tinkerers and more from mach inery would bring the country up to a more prosperous condition Its a long time ago and it Beems ungenerous but still we cant help remarking that Mrs Lot wouldnt have turned to rait had she not first turned to rubber Nothing on earth can be more pleasing and more anjelic than a virtuous young lady adorned with the grace arid elegance of finished politeness based upon a sound in tellect and a well improved mind Washington never gave a better bit of advice than when he said JBe corteoes to all but intemate with few and they be well tried before you give them your con fidence The true and noble young man of your country are those who do not touch whiskey nor carry a pistol They deserve great praise and encouragement While they may be in the minority as to num bers they are greatly in the ma jority as to quality Ky recently beat a f elkrw to death with his fist for making unbecom ing remarks about his sister Serv ed him right Any man who will make Tiilgar remarks about a lady is hardly fit for the society of a digger squaw in predition A Chicago business man deter mined to spend all he maid in one year in advertiseing He soon found that it was impossible for the simple reason that the more he advertised the more he maid and after a streneous effort to get rid nf his money in advertising he gave up the idea This is a fact ll 5t SUi for cash 11 tf G H Q Smith Valentine John Onnesner Koticoto the Stock Holders of the Valentine JTCuildintf and Jboap Association Take notice that an annual meeting of the stock holders of above named association will hold its annual I tion of directors at the associations omce in Valentine Nebraska at 7d0 p m May 21 1901 I wouldreguest that all stock hold ers be present if possible Dated May 1st 1U0J W Haley High Grade Bulls I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 8 high grade Harford bulls two and three years old and three head of ful blood Gallowas which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G Ballard Wpodlake Nebr PS CCCOOO J3030I0C 2 2 O O CCS 3 j fITY DELIVERY V- Call JOHN D EATON To haul your TRUNKS VALISES and PACKAGES 10c o c o o ccs cccooooc oo s cro cs a DRS Caldwell Jiutchinspn Over Hornbys Grocery o usats Jack Carlow has been hauling lumber for his new house the past week B F Carter stock solicitor for the F E M V was in town Monday Greens old barn has been torn down in order to make room for a store room Miss Clara Nelson has been quite sick for several days but is slowly im proving J W Crowe and F E Dickey went over on the rerervation Monday to buy some horses Dickey Holsclaw have improved the appearance of their drug store by puiting up an awning CratenMcManimee started Sunday for Hay Springs where he expects to join a party bound for Idaho Mr Frank Peacock moved to the Shattuck ranch Monday where he will work for Mr Shattuck Will Hitchcock went up to Crawford last Friday evening to look after some horses returning Tuesday Amos Burwell came down from Gor don Monday to look after the Anchor bank in the absence of E M Fuller A little niece of Chas Larson got lost Monday evening going home from school and when found was a mile and a half from home A disease resembling scarlet rash has made its appearance in the community and several of the children have been laid up for a few days Mr D E Samson a gentleman from Iowa and warm personal friend of Miss Downing has been visiting in this com munity for the past two weeks C D Valentine Lodge No 6 SO XJ JL Meets every second and fourth Wednesday even ng of etch month at Hornbys Hall A cordial nvitatlon is extended to all visiting members O W MoREY President MAUD V MORG AREIDGE Secy FOB SAIjE One 1100 pound bay horse five years old For sale cheap Taken Up A t my place on Schlagle creek March 30 1901 one crev horse about six years old No marks or brands noticeable Weight about coo pounds Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will STATE OF NEBRASKA ss Cherry County ik thk jiattkr of the estate of patrick shanley estate On reading and filing the petition of A M Morrissey praying that the instrument filed on the 29th day of April 1901 aud purporting to be the last will and testa ment of said deceased may be proved probated allowed and rucorded aa the last will and instrument of the said Patrick Slianley deceased and that the execution of mild instrument may be committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to Mary Slianley as executrix ORDERED That May 18th A D 1901 at 10 oclock am is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county eonrt to be held in ami ior saiu county ana snow cilSQ Hie prayer of petitioner should not be granted anj lhat notice of the pendency of said peti tion ao4 JJie hearing there of be given to those interested iu said natter by publishing a copy of this ordep n fhe Valentine Desio crat a weekly news pper published in said county for three successive fteeks prior to sf4 day of hearing W R TOWNS County Judge Notice of Sal1 In the matter of the sale of Real estitu of i jiff estate of Abram Coleman deceased by V E Haley Administrator Notice is hereby civen that In pursuance of an order of Hon W H Weetover one of the Judges o the JDIitrict Court of Cherry county Nebraska made on the 9th day of April 1901 for the sale of real estate herein after described there will be sold at the front door of the court house in Valentine Cherry county Nebraska oil the 25th dav of May 1901 at lOojlofk ain at public Vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit si i ueH and WA n r n Ji Section 33 Township 35 Range 3L Cherry JOling iellow in JL0UlSVllie 3 county Nebraska said sale to remain open nna hnur vui uuui W JK HALEY Administrator Estate Abram Coleman Decd Dated April 30 1901 F ilcio Styles In Jewelery Xcic Arrival of Watches Xeiv Patterns in Kings Xew Ijot of Fishing Tackle JVrto Musical Instruments Acw ways of doing business All at the old stand OWMOREY T Good work and prompt attention If you want good work nut your Name and Post Office addiess on a Tag and send to me I ictll send estimates of work on re ceipt of watch through mail Send in your Watch Valentine Nebraska ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Henry Flinianx f5jnipp Nebraska Brand Registered No 81C Quarter Circle Club Cattle branded on left if ip Seme without quarter circle Horses brand edon left shoul der R U Faddis Co Postofflce address -Valentine or Kehne J P GARDINEtt Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side of cat tle horses o right arm Range north and south of Niobrara Rfver12 miles south west of Cody Cattle bonded same as cut Some branded on lett thigh Some on leftside or hip E 9 7 s D N GOURLEY JSPWao lefp hip also oh left sIde KBft Horses WH left IMf r3SU0Uf3 er Postofflce address Rushville Neb RaxuedarLake y MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 80c per cwt 1500 ton Shorts bulk 85c per cwt 1600 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 90 1700 Corn 75c 1400 Chop corn 80c 1500 Oats 110 2100 J G DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE NEBRASKA A N OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND STJRG EON Office At Quigley Chapmans Drugstore Nights -At The Donoher Hotel Mi - t T - iii O M SAGESBR ONSORA 3 HOT AND GOLD BATHS F M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Vilqtine Nebraska Practices in District Court and JJ SLand Office Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter A M MORRISSEY ATTORNEY IT LAW O fir O VALENTINE UEB You want a TUBULAR WELL pr an ECLIPSE WIND MILL JOHN POEATH Or write Wm at Riege Nebraska Wells Guaranteed for FIVE Years 2292 un leit nip of cattle Horse3 same left should er also OAH leftside Range South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon C P Jordan m wtf v - if bearingany of these brands Gordon Nehr in ii hi in fgifjr SSD FD I W Wife Wm J Alien Ft Niobrara Neb Brand reglsteed IN 0 870 Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara rivpr 12 miles east Oi valentine Rosebud SD Horses aud cattle same as cut also CI BE JJ on right hip Range on Oak and Butte creeks A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock Morey Hewett Brand registered r -2-Sr- WWib - Shadbolt Fleishman Wll Hervey llanch Two miles east of Crookstonin Cherry county Nebraska uactte Dranaea uu on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 lnch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookstou Neb Bailey Nehr Left side S P left shoulder llerdmarkdew lap Range Ritnee 36 and 37 be tween Niobrara ana the sne W ocj George F Damon Albany Neb Cattle branded FIon left ribs or right shoulder J on right hip and left ribs 6 on left hip Horses FD or SL on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent lor Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine James Goodfellow lll5 imrfv tfltt MKS Ty Cody Nebr 1 umm Cltt5e branded I Ka j Horses n on Kennedy Nebr left jaw Ess - N Pat Peiper George Heyne Neb Brand reentered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cufconili Lake iu Cherry Co Irvyin Nebr i f lac 6 S i lfiliirii T i i i Cattle branded as on cntleft side Some on left hip Horses same on left shoulder Range Square Lultie yiTTZ liWfe i3nAt JCr J 15 Lord jCCjf Simeon Neb stock branded awe as cut buck of right shoulder and on right hip Range on Ibe Niobrara D M Sears WLLLIA5I FERDON Postofflce address Brownlee Nob lviV1gW Like cut on oitbor vViSiEi ffiSliiiJ le sl1 or biP lESi - r2 W STF 1 fore r ji tasm Hive aZdsanio is JLilloWr J 1 ara itf ZJr 1lSVfaHlB z -it cut on left hip S 2300O R E- iAriwinMtMmwu t i i ii eomiction of anyone Ublawluliy handling cattle in these brands William Shjinjmtn Cody Nebr On left side Horses same Range Lake Orcek S Dakota Vi 2 s m PS IJQUSCIIE PoatofrtVe address urownlee Neb g3sis953fTOssa 0n lefc 8kIe or y fes v -A Part oi animal Ear- f horses branded saa iiosi siuue on leit uiiaiso - has staek brnndea U f i ftoiiMdi or sliulder 4rt a c cswj ur or u BgTSAS3r O or FZ Aisa the follomng the Uvt one bctrjr on side and hip BEEVES 5EaMB5SS3BnifSMH - L Udl iti Brand registered 2fj5 UaTtle branded on left sile as eut brantd jn left hip Also ome branded cistle fe 1V15 lis fef Rtmse Sti end Gregory 2 b Cherry Co ATetz Branded nn left side uimL thigh Earmark crop right eir H orscs have i sitae brand on left thgh Range on op tion aud CreeJs eix 7i z jziz in us t SWEENEY BROS Iostofflpe address Pullman Ncb CRT ie Drandeu as on cat horses branded san as cattle except reversed g VA Bee block Ritty ltane StoverF a and Sltnienoii Lakes and South V 0irsssff S Rancre IMween EKSSWS KSBaH cfaa crf a - uCi fJM M grwVSfra Ka3 fazd feSSi tittA Hft A T BRACEJiTT BogjtofDce address Biege Neb Branded on left ide ltange Thfee mjles Southeast of Georgia TJX1 J fcr 7 Syih liobert ii Postofflce address have charge ot these C F COOPER n i orses Ijou H thojlder some stock brands V i tS in wliere nn i f Range Snake iu L VJ Snike 23K i - CS r kf st nf Ha kberry Lrer Bros - 7 tj Bfin5 - Bj rl ra sn c a V9 -- V -a VV Vl Hrf WVA V rK VIeutlne Nebr J Saie Brand pittJe and bores branded bate ja left nip ijre 2 miJes e f oi Ft bra sst -- - D Slinrrd r jaC P B STONXR SON Ne mb Nebr Brard resl tered No in Gail branded same u cut on left side or It ft htp Krss same on tett shonkksr catitte South of Gordon Cre 4 Teeter Bros Sirw Si ii awfy HfcMy5TyjT JB2WOWrWrr qriTpa i Charles II Faulhaber AB H KmM PVVRJ If BE Brownlee Right or left side of cattle Horse same on Ieftshouldcr Left ear cut off of cattle Range on Loup river Stotts Stetter Cody Nebraska Branded on left side Range Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats TTU5 j Newton Nobr CattlehriimMAB left side earn at cut Horss on loft shoulder liange BetweB tfie Gordon ami Sake Louis JF Kichards Merriman Neft Garner Brothers B I S23i5i aaaSaagg Cody Nebr Anywhere on cat tle Horses on loft shoulder Range- North Iili fe5 T3Juy irf w fc v VK tiglSzSM C Evenson Codv Xebr On left side and thiKh horses The same on left side Raiuce -Between Niobrara anil the Snake GEORGE N DAVIS Sin eon Nebr Cattle branded on leftside Hordes same on lett shoulder Rnnge reek Gordon JJ m the Niabrani aud 20ifi W 1 Ri 3 Chesterfield gawEE Medicine Lake gfeffif WmT P T Vinflpffrii Cattle branded J K -v - anaegriic j O O J swe s cut on J I I left side Horst3 v 35a I ff une on left Brownlee eb 4 Wer I RICHARDSON m Same a on rt EiO I fLu -- Xfi J ltii Side Postofflce address BSS Ranje Between I M McCannNeb 51 oose Creek and J - ionli Loup f WH t t j Branded on leftside MmWMM W ft DAWSON BALL flanKe McCann 1 rjfe Pcfflce address rn J w im fa NebpSJEigfe iSSjfer vVi rr Cattle branded on w9SHXfrryvs S8Mssk3 Frank T Lee et side a on cut ZMWjttMiLBR - al soV lett ne kandZ V Bjys2l SjpP Brownlee Neb ihfS lJVn V f15 MSS B J lf3Eg35ffi CHARLES GART3IDE O sldffi J JWfoSSff W fM Postofflce address f j on left shoulder feS5sli Cattle branded on V s AVSa Range Four left side also CG M W BrIeb A S I on left hip of cattle m fcfe v t m andleftshoulderon fllsssi rfl fevffiSSfS trcjory Net horses r v i 10 mi south west Cody g m KBftawgf horses same on left Wheeler Bros rH 1 mW A Un T8 n rrnhty - ty 1 JULIUS PETERSON ange Chamberlain I 8 t fficeadir WSSVSSSh ggg 44 Snake P595 Julius Ileekman GregorjNeb vt i B -- - Branded as mi out SsfSwtaa Srirr Rsnsre two nides SSJS LK Jy t Hiattx sonth of afth of Gregory- fl M fjspwaas Brownlee JSeL WS Parker Son uvg y gsa PO Address L V Parker 1 Jfur WILLIAM BEAM ER I Brandsameascut 5tv C Utwdon NalMr n - Also ZP Sawder Bros F g gLVT Ranire on Ninbrarc kv Pncmmna oi I 55 Ew fcftf lt ennth rf nnllrf tSEbSBp0 rs 3 t SS M M Cattle h nief same ad cut on left si e Horses bi tnded fl JSSt uasis euraasa 3 I tnded7ttS nn lf t 3fl shoulder 3 Item 5 lattow south of irwln fYJ11 fciesaaaa g iajg Sl -yr g1 PULE BROS isir55 r r a yz rt PoswfSee aflrfj Cnioksio Xal Braaoe1 on eithe iji nie E n right hip ggyj Raape On ft- i eit or Croofcu J A Adamacn V entine N iOu t sWe of hip -I s Jt d or til A Xrirara nf SBO vrtll be paid lo aiiv On left side person for unriiatiori leadncr to thaar r nA anaKvnvietirtttf anv person or wnmK ttr ttaosron J ntfcat fc iwww w Or ftirh aboieuraud LA 5lqbrar jtfjy iti p r iSa t k