fl I fef i r if THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE LIOUOR MGRPHIHE TOBACCO EDITOR Official Newpnper of Cherry County Nehraaka Thursday May 2 1901 Robert Good has bargained for the Basset Eagle down the road and this week takes charge Bro W T Phillips retiring Bob is a good newspaper man and we look forw ird and predict that with his past ex erience he will profit and prosper Wo wish you suc cess Bob and as you jnter the news paper arena again w reet you with a Hello Bob The Elkhorn Valley Editorial Associ ation meets at Valentine this year and the editors all along the line and in the district must consider that they belong and do not need an invitation especially prepared So all ye editors must make arrangements to be here and enjoy yourselves in the best town with the best surroundings for a good time in the west If you miss this you miss a chance to tell your readers what you saw when you attended the association at Valentine We may give you all another invitation but dont wait for it Make arrangemeuts to come on this one Tha first Saturday in June Col E J Davenport went down to Omaha Tuesday as one of the eleven delegates of Nebraska to meetwith the same number from Iowa to organize an Inter state Merchants ltetail Associat ion the purposes of which are to be able to work together understandingly in opposition to proposed bills before congress which are only gotten up for the bene fit of department stores that send out tons of mail at an expense to the government and are wanting a re duction that they may be better able to skin the people The Parcels Post Bill being agitated by several congressmen and a host of lobbyists for the benefit of the eastern merchants to make the gov ernment stand the expense of carrying merchandise at a loss is another scheme that those eastern sharks are noted lor ADDITIONAL LOCAL Levi Sparks is down from Cody The commissioners are in session Dance at Cornell hall Friday even ing April 30 15 2t Leroy Leach was ness Tuesday in town on Miss Sadie Dewey was in Valentine the first of the week Go to Collins for Ice Cream Pop Lemonade and Raspberry Cider 15 Sagesers barber shop was Kalso mined Monday by Dennis Brown Wm Ballard and his cook were in from the ranch proving up on land last week There will hall Friday are invited be a dance at Cornell evening April 10 You A nice entertainment was given by the WC T U at the Cornell hall last Tuesday evening At a meeting of the town board last night Webb Hilsinger was elected village marshal to succeed J AHoot en Millinery Before going to the show call and see our latest styles of hats and belts 15 1 Miss Esther ONeill When you come to the circus go to I Collins restaurant for a square meal Only twenty five cents 15 1 Meltondorff and Jackson Bray ton have put in a telphone line con necting their residences with their business places If you dont want to buy some good fence posts come and examine our HIGH GRADE COFFEES 15 tf W A Pettycrew Geo D Huggins of Norden spent two or three da3rs in town this week Mr Huggins has a fine herd of Gal loway Pole Scotch cattle His brand is GH on the right or left hip John Kirkwood was in town two or three da s this weeK and went up to j cook for the AJlotting Agents at Rosebud Tuesday evening Mr Kirkwood is said to be a splendid cook by those he has worked for A prairie fire started out north east last Saturday and burned up a strip of country from Britt to Yank OBri ens and east to Norden and Ponca south as far as Sparks north toChar boneaus Neiss andGeoHuggins - a- 1 eefey L OMAfU NEB Cor 191 h and 11 Worth Sts Produce tlcli a diseubej livhiT definite i hol l osy Tlits dls euKi yields f si y to the Double Chloride t Gold Biint prepared by Dr USING Lople E Keeloy i THB piTIMLS K ely f lustliiit at OmuliH N lriUu 1 j ilin only iIhp In ilmf mi iv here I lie Cliuuic ley K jm tfle and A I tiiiiii ii 1 HZflvd 2Ur I flf JC Jvrrlrji In BTr POM PUIL PARTICULARS THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Omiki Nb V or Jiftli mul I rnrentrvrih at e tfrsa fiBl r SftWiisWtJTi i i I lure rrysrrerrc Wall Paper In Connection with our stock of medium priced wall paper we have a line of sam ple boxes of high grade pap er from which we can fill or ders in 3 or 4 days at very close prices ww QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS VALENTINE NEBR j SA1AASASAA Drs Caldwell and Hutchison of Chicago have decided to locate here and have secured the office over Horn bys store They come well reco mmendedby Dr Bailey of Omaha as men deserving of our patronage Strayed from my pasture 3 miles west of Sparks one black horse five years old lame in right front foot and has shoe Branded 15 on left shoulder Had halter on when last seen lo tf Geo Bristol Valentine Nebr Sic rife rfkj Educational Department By LETA STETTER Whats in a name Shakespeare Mr Growden Miss Cook how ma ny lives did Plutarch have Miss Cook One Dont ask foolish questions Mr Growden Well it says on the back of this book Plutarchs Lives Jay Morey of the 8th grade and Ir vin Query of the 9th were absent last week on acconnt of illness The ancient Greeks and Romans would no doubt be shocked if they could hear some of their conversations letters and reflections which were last week brought to light by the 10th grade history class Mr Jeffers skull not the one he wears has been described by the II S girls as frightful ghastly grim grisly horrid terrible and awful Now when Mr Jeffers wants adjectives to use in literature work especially in vizualiz ing old maids all he has to do is bring the skull to school and set it up on his desk when Eureka immediately he hears more adjectives than he can write down Only eight more weeks of school The Philomathians rendered their program lasi Fri evening with brilliant success Although the hall doors were not to open until 720 the stairs were so crowded at 700 that it became necess ary to admit the people and from that time until the doors closed shortly aft er 800 oclock a continual stream of our good townspeople thronged into the hall All were expecting something good because of what they had exper ienced two weeks before nor were any dissappointed The total proceeds of the evening was 3675 and after pay ing expenses it was found that 2760 remained for the benefit of the library This together with the proceeds of the preceeding program leaves us with a sum total of 6390 which will exten sively improve our library We great ly appreciate the spirit in which the people of Valentine have met our ef forts in this line of work The pupils of Misses Moses and om all gave programs in their respect ive rooms last Friday afternoon Each and every one was largely attended and afterward highly spoken of by the ad miring friends and parents who wit nessed them Each of the teachers of the Valentine H S was presented by Mr Andrews with a button bearing a neatly finished pholograpn cf the Valentine II S last Monday It seems quite familiar to see the or gan back in its place The new book case purchased to ac commodate our new physics apparatus etc is quite imposing The 9th grade took a botany excurs ion last Monday afternoon and are con templating another in the interests of physical geography for some time in the near future TJie high school and grammar de partment voted to expend a portion of the funds on hand for the immediate purchase of new books We heard one of the 11th graders say that she had 1500 words written on her oration Contrary to the positive statement of the history Scipio is neither dead or buried Merriman Items The grass is growing nicely and the stockmen are wearing broad smiles these davs W E Nehon went to the south hills Monday to put down some wells Win Alder went to the hills Monday to receive his cattle which were win tered at Hairy Uownings ranch Samuel TTale is nutting up a neat res idence in the south part of town which he expects to occupy soon Pat Clark with his force of men are doing the work Dorris Quible daughter of Mr and Mrs Quible who has been quite sick with pneumonia for some time is again able to be out Miss Delia Mapes who has been stop ping with Mr Wess and family at the depot returned to her home at Eli Mon day We learn that the family of Mr Geo Jaquins who formerly resided m Mer riman have moved near Valentine Born To Mr and Mrs F E Wess on Tuesday evening April 22nd a boy and a girl all parties concerned are do ing nicely even the father is improving and Ins many inends have some hope that he will survive the shock The White hotel is taking on metro politan airs these days in the form of some very extensive improvements having added five new rooms and made some material changes in the interior which will make it a very commodious stopping place for the public The Epworth league held their an nual election of officers Tuesday even ing and elected the following officers Pres E E Wess 1st Vice Pres Mrs Crowe 2nd Vice Pres Mis Connell 3rd and 4th Vice Pres Clara Crowe Sec N S Gates Treas F E Dickey They haye also planned to have an ice cream social on Friday evening May 10 They hold their regular devotion al meetingSunday evening at 730 Mr J T Evans of Rushville was in town on Titesday looking after the in terests of the Singer Sewing Machine -Company Rev C E Connell has the agency for the Williams Organs and Pianos and also for the Vermont Marble Gos tombstones and monuments any per son needing anything in these lines should see him before buying else where as he can save you money on either one Merriman has had almost one whole week of rest so far as we are able to learn no new sensational rumors or scandalous reports have been started about any of our people for about a whole week for which the peaceable and lawabidmg citizens of Merriman are truly thankful In almost every community there are one or more per sons who haye nothing else to do than to meddle with other peoples affairs and try to find out every particle of news in the community so that they may have something to gossip about And many of them are not satisfied with that but when they fail to find what they want they at once sit down and try to manufacture something that will float upon the breeze Merriman has more than her share of this class of people and any community needing a start in this kind of trash can be sup plied by application to he mayor of the city He can furnish any brand desir ed from the malicious wilful scandal monger to the common every day gos sip carrier and can furnish either male or female as desired Niobrara Falls After so long a delay we will make up again although the hot weather makes one feel like sleeping more than ever Doc Johnson moved his house the 25th He was aided by Cole and Mart Amslie Richard Grooms C J Thom pson and son John This team of six started the work about eight oclock a m and by 6 p m had landed safe and sound with no accidents Doc is now holding down his homestead Dawson Ball are rounding up this week and will start for Oak creek with several hundred head of cattle as soon as they are through Johnnie Ormesher went over to the Schlagle to work for his uncle Ted Or mesher Henry Ballard took a cool bath in the river Sundayas he pulled a cow out of the quicksand His saddle girth broke and Henry saddle and all went backward into the water Walter Goodin and his mother moved to their new location last week Earl Iettycrew visited with Delbert Johnson Saturday and Sunday and re turned to his school Sunday evening Martin Ainslie has his house com pleted on the Gordon and is holding down his claim Minnie Adamson is home from school Mrs Paxton and Mrs Reece stayed one night on the hitters claim since our last writing Bad Boy McCaiin Items Spring is here and farming has com menced George Monier bas commenced fence his school lands fitting to it for a cattle and horse ranch A prairie fire started on the south side of the Niobrara river in the sand hills and came on the river doing con siderable damage to the timber near the Galloway bridge also crossing the river but was put out before it did much damage The cattle roundup is on in this part of the county P C Galloway has completed house on his place HeSFOXbIBLE 15 Years Ago Those were the days when Wentine was new New men newly here and with the vigor and perseverance of the then early pioneer when men came and went with scarcely more than time to make money for that was the prin cipal occupation then In looking over a page of the Democratic lilade of May 7 I8S6 being the first issue in May we glean the following terse ads of our now prominent business men also a few happenings as recorded by that is sue which was 15 years ago this week Those advertisements spoke praises of the energies and push of men who have made money and these records are guide posts to others showing conclus ively that he who advertised then is now at the front and he who advertis es now will be at the front in tne next fifteen years There is no mistaking the signs of the times of that early day when we can now pick out every judi cious and liberal advertiser and find him or them at the hsad of a good bus iness The Cherry county bank is now pre pared to make real estate loans at the lowest rates for final proofs DennisDaly is a sufferer from a lame leg caused by coming in sudden con tact with the hind foot of a horse To Trade A large load of merchan dise for a small load of bones Spaiiks Bros The spring boom has commenced and the boys at the Eed Front are cor ralling the trade by selling good goods at low prices O W Morey from Illinois will be permanently located in the jewelry bus iness here next week Work skillfully done and satisfaction guaranteed Capt It B Howell one of the car penters at llosebud was in town yester day and though not a resident of Val entine contributed towards the building of the church We appreciate the kindness and commend the example Tom Allen has taken charge of the Green Front hostlery and is making the place as popular as he is himself personally He is now fitting up a pri vate club room in gorgeous style with Brussels carpet walnut furniture and stained glass windows It will excel anything on the road Notice All peosons indebted to Thacher Cornell Co must call and settle at once either by cash or note as we are now closing out our business Tiiachek Cornell Co THE OLD ESTABLISHED LINE Between Omaha and St Paul is the North Western Line Eates to the biennial meeting Head Camp Modern Woodmen of America have been announced at one fare plus 300 for round trip The railroads of Nebraska ing with the North Western connect Line at Omaha are The Union Pacific B M Missouri Pacific C R I P and the road connecting at Missouri Valley is the Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley Delegates and their friends from all points in the state can therefore secure the best accomodations by buying through tickets from their home towns via the most convenint road to the Missouri Eiver and the Northwest ern Line beyond Two Through Trains Daily Lv Omaha Union Passenger Station 755 p m Lv Omaha Union Passenger Station 655 a m The night train has modern broad vestibuled coaches and Pullman sleep ers The day train has modern broad vestibuled coaches and observation buffet parlor car We note the fact that UM W of A always want the best when they can get it gor the same mone The motto of the North Western Line is The Best of Everything- J R BucnANAN General Passenger Agent Omaha S ocseoosooo oo ooocoaoccooc - p o Dps Caldwell Huhhinsor DENTISTS Over Hornbys Grocery s scccoscjcssososoaoo ccos Notice of Sale Tn the matter of the sale of Eeal estate of the estate of Abram Coleman deceased by W E Haley Administrator Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Hon W H West over one of tliH JndKes of the iitrict Court of Cherry county ebraska made on the 9th day of April 1001 for the sale of real estate herein after described there will be sold at the front door of the court house in Valentine Cherry county Nebraska on the 23th dav of Mav 1001 at 10 oclock am at public Vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit s neM siml nv sek hectioii33 Township 35 Rauce 31 cherry county Nebraska said sale to remain open one hour W EIIALEY Administrator Estate Abram Coleman Decd Dated April 30 1901 BBJSilELiiiiiiWiiiS hs SsSSrrSi 5sfB m Jellies I B preserves and pickles spread H m a thin coating of xeiined flj PARAFFIN WAX Wyi tosp then absolntcly rcoitare snd seal proof Paraffins Wax is also nsefnl ia adozeu other ways about the house Fall directions in each poand package Sold everywhere STANDARD OIL CO n m Renovate Renovate Renovate White Lead Oils Turpentine Putty s Paints Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes Sole Agents for the Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints Varnishes and Stains There is none other quite so good ELLIOTTS DRUG STORE Eates Seasonable mV Af i ivsaB V Ip is w fS VSh x WalcotVs and Tilsons old Stands A Schatzthauer Propr o 8 t Give Me a Trial iriyg Mfyjfi aif Grand Showing OF SPRING MILLINERY 100 Trimmed and Pattern Hats are now being displayed We couple art with business economy and place the most artistic designs within the price limit of all iCTlill Consolidated Railroad Show Will Exhibit at Valentine Neb On Wednesday May 8 1901 TWOPE RFORMANC AFTERNOON ywvvwwwj AND NIGHT Two Rings Elevated Stage MUSEUM EQUESTRIAN MENAGERIE PARADE AT 10 OCLOCK A M ON May 8 Campbell Bros steam Caliope plays ahead of the the hi paxaue mac tanes place at 1U U0am followed hv TFTRFF ha bnee l xt ri r r u I T 1 a J uauus a uruiu corps ana a nair mile line of elegantly designed wagons and cagesof wild animals rarely exhibited Champion bareback riders Japanese family acrobats contortionists tra nprfnrmo leapers bicycle riders and twelve funny clowns of every nationality take pari m the parade making it particularly interesting for everybody LARGER grester and grander than ever before with an entirely new show new elegantly finished costumes and wardrobe throughout The parade will be a swell affair FREE to the vast crowd of people that throng the streets An interesting signt never beford witnessed in Valentine After the parade remember the high dive Free out door performance at the showgrounds - A FREE EXHIBITION -4 GREAT HIGH DIVE AT SHOW GROUNDS AFTER PARADE The big show program is particularly interesting throughout the entire performance Such neoDle as Mr Rnnnev nrl twa wia champion bareback riders appear in their many difficult feats The JSydon Nelson family horizontal bar casting and return act-gymnastic and acrobats by the Brandon troupe and Mr Frank Smith first am0Di d balancers- These are but a few of the many performers with the big show of National reputation Menagerie museum and- an exhibition of trained animals fivfi V nnn pmnhnfinolTt fVo 1- n r l xo unxjr au ieature snow tor tne season Modest in its promises honest m its announcements lavish in its per formances presenting at all times twice as much as advertised pro ducing performances that cannot be duplicated by any other saow no matter how great Trained elephants rjonies dnrrc mnnl ovo nniq u highest jumping pony on earth Positive to appear on day date Announced ONE DAY ONLY X v V V