Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 25, 1901, Image 7

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latest Quotation from South Onealia
and Kansas CItv
CATTLE Thero was a fair run of cat
tle -and tho demand from packers being
in good shape the market ruled active
and full steady all around on anything
at all desirable The bulk of the receipts
were again composed of beef steers about
seventy five cars being included in the of
ferings Packers started out early and
paid good firm prices for the more de
sirable bunches The common kinds
however were rather neglected and in
some cases sellers found it difficult to get
steady prices There were only about fif
teen cars of cows and heifers on sale
and as buyers all wanted a few It did not
take them long to clear the pens The
market could best be described by call
ing it active and steady to strong There
were not many stockers and feeders of
fered and the demand for them was a
little better so that anything desirable
was picked up early at good strong
prices Stock calves were ready sellers
and the prices on that class of stock
have Improved considerably this week
HOGS There was a heavy run of hogs
and as other points reported a drop in
prices the market here opened 710c
lower The bulk of the early sales went
at from I582 to 58 with the choicer
loads selling from 587 to 6 Tho hogs
began moving toward the scales at an
early hour and it was not long before
the bulk had changed hands The light
weights however were very slow sale
and bids ranged from 582 down to 5
SHEEP There was a heavy run but
the big bulk of the receipts was composed
of Colorado lambs about 45 cars being
Included in the receipts Packers did not
seem to be at all anxious for supplies this
morning and as a result the market was
very slow and up to a late hour but lit
tle stuff had changed hands What did sell
brought just about steady prices with
yesterday the 5 lambs of yesterday
bringing the same price today Sheep
were also about steady but slow
CATTLE Native and Texas steer3
steady to 10c higher cows and heifers
stockers and feeders steady native
beef steers 475550 mostly 500540
stockers and feeders 425525 western
fed steers 4503542 Texans and In
dians 420500 cows 335445 heifers
400495 canners 235325 bulls 345
460 stock bulls 5XXg600 calves 500
625 f
HOGS Market 2g5c lower top 605
bulk of sales 5856 00 heavy 595G05
mixed packers 585595 light 5505
87 pigs 440545
SHEEP AN1 LAMBS Sheep steady
lambs 5c lower western lambs 490
500 western wethers 4503485 western
yearlings 465490 ewes 425450 culls
300400 spring lambs 550700
Agninaldos Address Will Have Proper
Influence on Filipinos
WASHINGTON April 20 It is be
lieved by the administration that the
manifesto of Aguinaldo will have a de
cidedly good effect in the Philippines
and in this country It will take some
time for its dissemination among the
Filipinos but it is expected to be of
considerable service and to make more
rapid the change in the situation
vhich set in some time ago and has
become Quite marked of late
Especial gratification is felt at the
unreserved tone of the document and
the full acceptance it indicates of
American rule This it is felt will
bring to the support of the government
many Filipinos who wishing peace
have hesitated to assist the Taft com
mission In this country it is expect
ed to reduce the criticism of the ad
ministration and to cause less discus
sion of the general policy of the war
in the islands and more consideration
of the important matter of the best
administration to be evolved for their
government It is to this work that
the Taft commission is now bending
all its energies
Aguinaldo now that he has accept
ed American sovereignty probably
will be given more liberty than he
has enjoyed hitherto His services
-will be used as far as possible in the
pacification of the islands The ex
tent however to which he will be
permitted his freedom is for General
MacArthur to determine with the as
sistance of the Taft commission for
the aim of the home government here
will be to rest largely upon the
views held by its representatives in
the island
Regatta Date Is Selected
The executive committee of the Iowa
State Regatta association met here
and decided to hold the annual regat
ta of the association in this city July
23 and 24 The members of the com
mittee are R A Belding Burlington
E A Blood Sioux City W H Mc
Cullough Cedar Rapids D D My
ers jr Dubuque E C Currier Sioux
Frlcks New Scheme
stated on what appears to be good au
thority that an immense sieel gorging
plant will be built at Billingsport N
J on the Delaware river Henry C
Frick and his friends are said to ba
interested in the new enterprise
In Arkansas River Suit
DENVER April 20 Attorney Gen
eral Post will leave for Washington
about April 27 to combat in the Uni
ted States supreme court the petition
of the state of Kansas for leave to
file a suit in equity against the state
of Colorado with regard to the use
of the waters of the Arkansas river
If the peition of the state of Kan
sas for leave to file the suit is grant
ed then a number of leading attorneys
-will assist in hearing the case
Arizona Sheriff Proved Himself Qualified
for His Office
From the earliest times the office of
the sheriff of Maricopa county has
been the lodgeroom of the Amalgamat
ed Association of Prevaricators until
an honorary membership and an abil
ity to shine in It came to be regarded
as a necessary qualification for sheriff
only a little less important than the
ability to get enough votes at the con
vention and the polls says the Arizona
Republican Sheriffs have usually been
represented by proxy in the meeting
of the association and the proxy has
always been some deputy generally
Charlie Slankard who as a prevarica
tor has always successfully held his
own against all comers There was
some apprehension that Sheriff Stout
would not fill the bill He was sup
posed to be too matter of fact Billy
Moeur and Billy Williams were not be
lieved to be any more able liars than
the sheriff and Captain Hi McDonald
as an outside deputy could not be ex
pected to attend meetings of the as
sociation Still in a pinch there was
the ever reliable Slankard to fall back
upon But Sheriff Stout yesterday
proved that he didnt need any deputy
prevaricator An old settler who had
lived in the valley longer than any
body was telling at the sheriffs office
yesterday of the driest season the val
ley had ever experienced There had
been nothing like it before and nothing
since None of his hearers had ever
seen anything so dry He couldnt tell
them how dry it was so they would
comprehend Sheriff Stout was re
minded of one very dry summer within
his residence in the valley He had
just embarked in the cattle business
and had a herd of yearling calves
There was a little water on his ranch
but no feed within ten miles Every
morning he used to turn the calves out
so they could go to the nearest range
where there was some grass but no
water He accordingly hung a canteen
filled with water around the neck of
each calf One day he went out to the
range to see the condition of the grass
which he thought must be getting
short When he got there the calves
were feeding quietly on the bank of
a dry water course All at once they
were stampeded and wildly scattered
in every direction bellowing with fear
The sheriff went to see what was the
cause of the commotion and found it
to be a huge catfish which had climbed
up the bank and got into a fight with
the calves over the water in the can
Strange Looking Craft That Ply the
Waters of the Muscovite Empire
Everywhere up the Volga and its
hundred tributaries ascend the iron
barges of the Caspian sea oil fleet
while through the canals to St Peters
burg alone pass annually during the
215 days of tree navigation thousands
of steamers and barges bearing mil
lions of tons of freight Every known
means of locomotion is used from men
who like oxen tramp the tow paths
hauling the smaller barges to power
ful tugs that creep along by means of
an endless chain laid in the bed -of the
canals and minor rivers dragging after
them at snail pace great caravans of
heavy barges From the greater
streams immense craft nearly 400 feet
long fifteen feet in depth carrying
6000 tons of freight drift down to the
Caspian where they are broken to
pieces to be used as firewood on the
steamers going up stream In all
there are 8000 miles of navigable
waterways in the valley of the Volga
or if the streams which float the giant
rafts that form so large a part of the
traffic of the rivers are included the
mileage is increased to nearly 15000
or as much as that of the valley of the
Mississippi Fifty thousand rafts are
floated down the Volga annually many
of them 100 feet long by seven thick
and this gives but a faint idea of the
real traffic of the river for in addition
there are 10000000 tons of produce
passing up and down the river during
the open season Much of this centers
at Nijni Novgorod To this famous
market steamers and barges come
from all parts of Russia bringing
frnnrts to be sold at the great annual
fair over 200000000 worth of mer
chandise changing hands in a few
weeks 30000 craft including rafts are
renuired for this traffic they come
frctai as far north as Archangel as far
eask as the Urals from Astrakan in the
south St Petersburg and Moscow to
the west while great caravans of ships
of thevdesert arrive daily from all parts
of Asia
Hotty Greens Humor
Mrs Hetty Green is not without a
streak of humor though perhaps it is
a trifle saturnine Recently an over
dressed woman while in conversation
with Mrs Green commented at un
necessary length on feminine apparel
Oh well said Mrs Hetty wealthy
people can afford to dress poorly you
know The poor and vulgar must
wear fine clothing if only for purpos
es of disguise
Wife Xeft Too Often
Frederick Rhodes has applied for a
divorce in Akron O In his petition
he declares that his -wife has left him
twenty seven times and that he has
at last grown tired or such foolishness
The last time Mrs Rhodes deserted
him she said she had gone for good
Astronomers figure out that the di
ameter of the earth at the equator va
ries 3048 feet so that our planet Is
not only flattened at the poles but
slightly squeezed in the middle
Stamp Counterfeiters Baffled
For more than a year past says
the Philadelphia Record the treasury
department has been defrauded of
thousands of dollars by the washing of
canceled revenue stamps Those en
gaged in the business have secured
canceled stamps of all denominations
washed them clean regummed them
and sold them Now however the
treasury chemists have found an olive
gray ink for the stamp itself which will
fade away if any attempt shall be
made to wash out the cancellation
mark Unfortunately it has proved
impossible to blend this fugitive ink
with any chemical producing an agree
able color and beauty has therefore
been sacrificed to safety The design
of the battleship Maine will be retain
Take Garfield Tea for constipation
it has this to recommend it it is made
from health giving herbs and it surely
Australias Capital
There is every probability that early
in next year the site of the Austra
lian federal capital will be decided and
competitive plans for laying it out in
vited The idea is that it should be
one of the finest cities of its kind in
the world enjoying a salubrious cli
mate and possessing beautiful sur
roundings Only the public buildings
will be constructed at the cost of the
commonwealth all others being left to
private enterprise
If everyone knew how good a remedy
was Hamlins Wizard Oil its sales
would double in a day
The less veracity a man has of his
own the more he admires it in other
148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments Write for catalogues
Schmoller Mueller 1313 Farnam
street Omaha
When a woman denies an accusation
and wants to prove her innocence she
Are Ton Using Allens Foot Ease
It is the only cure for Swollen
Smarting Burning Sweating Feet
Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens
FootrEase a powder to be shaken into
the shoes At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
- -
In a theater D No 2 or E No 3
may be considered an A No 1 seat
Are You Interested In the Northwest
Cut out this advertisement mention
paper in which it appearedenclose with
10c in silver t address given and
Home and Garden illustrated month
ly will be sent you free for one year
Regular price 50c Address Home and
Garden Newspaper Row St Paul
Never belittle your own acts Peo
ple are very apt to take you at your
Pisos Cure cannot bo too highly spoken of as
a cough cure J W OBrien 322 Third Ave
N Minneapolis Minn Jan 6 1900
Says an old bachelor Marriage is
a means of grace when it leads to
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn
Shake into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a povder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cures
-Corns Bunions Swollen Hot and
Sweating Feet At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores 25c Sample sent FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy NY
Spring Cleaning Made Easy
Much of the terror of Spring Cleaning may
be avoided by good management Settled
weather should be selected for the work and
every thing necessary provided beforehand
Ivory Soap will be found best for -washing
paints floors and windows it is harmless
and very effective in making the house clean
and fresh
Beware of the friend that advises
you to go to war or get married
The finished performance of an actor
is often a great relief to the audi
f You Have Rheumatism
Send no money but writo Dr Snoop Itacinc Wis
box 143 for elx bottle of Dr Snoop Rheumatic
Care express paid If cnredpay5J0lfnotitlafrce
There is no pride like that of a beg
gar grown rich
duce the fastest and brightest colors
of any known dye stuff
Regret cannot bring the arrow back
to the bow
Mrs Wirwlows Soothing Syrnp
For children teething softens tho gams reduces trr
fimmatlon allya pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
A Dublin Feat Boom
A large Dublin manufacturer has a
room entirely furnished with Irish
peat The carpets on the floor the
curtains at the windows and paper on
the walls are made from this sub
stance For years he has experiment
ed with the material which is now
very largely exported as fuel and he
has discovered that from it it is pos
sible to procure almost any kind of
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
There is no profit in religion where
there is no loss
Throw physic to the dogs if you dont want
the dogs but if you want good digestion chew
Beemans Pepsin Gum
Sometimes Gods storms are but to
drive us into harbor
Simplicity strength and purity com
bined in Garfield Tea the herb medi
cine that cures constipation and liver
Willingness to be Gods slave is the
way to become His son
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case or Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls
Catarrh Cure
P J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O
We the undersigned have known F J
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm
West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo
O Waldlng Kinnan Marvin Wholesale
Druggists Toledo Ohio
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally act
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces
of the systom Testimonials sent free Price
5c per bottlo Sold by all druggists
Halls Family Pills are the best
The more a wise man thinks the less
he is apt to talk
Ask youi grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 1G oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
The bore who is looking for no
body in particular should look in the
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
All the worlds a stage and all the
doctors are merely ushers both ways
A FnllSIrr 21 Treatment of Dr O
Phelns Browns Great Remedy for -
Vlis Hnilensv and all Nervous Diseases Address
O PHELPS BHOWX 03 Broadway Nenlurgh HY
If you take up your
homes in Western Can
ada the land of plenty
Illustrated pamphlets
giving experiences of
farmers who have be
come -wealthy in grow
ing wheat reports of
delegates etc and full
information as to reduced railway rates can ha
had on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa
Canada or 10 W V Bennett 801 N Y Life
Bdg Omaha Neb Special excursions to
Western Canada durins March and ApriL
OUAHAATEED TO CUBE all bowel trouble nppendlcltls biliousness
bad breath bad blood wind oa tho stomach bloated bowels fonl month
headache Indlsestlon pimples pains after eat1nc liver trouble sallow com
plexion and dizziness When year bowels dont move recalarly you are
fcttlnc sick Constipation bills more people than all other diseases torether
t is a starter Tor the chronic ailments and loner years of suffering that cose
afterwards Ho matter -what alls yoa start taking CASCAKETS today Tor
yon will never eel well and bo well all the time until you pat your bowels
right Take oar advice start -with CASCARETS today under an absolute
guarantee to enre or money refunded 153
Mrs Edward Stevens of Carthage
N Y writes as follows
I now take pleasure in notifying
you that my husband has entirely re
covered from catarrh He is a well man
today thanks to you and Peruna He
took six bottles of your medicine as di
rected and it proved to be just the
thing for him His appetite is good
and every thing he eats seems to agree
with him His cough has left him and
he is gaining in flesh and seems to be
well every way I hdpe others will try
your medicine and receive the benefits
that we have Mrs Edward Stevens
When the catarrh reaches the throat
it is called tonsilitis or larnygitis Ca
tarrh of the bronchial tubes is called
bronchitis catarrh of the lungs con
sumption Any internal remedy that
will cure catarrh in one location will
cure it in any other location This is
If afflicted -with
sore eyes use
Thompsons Eye Water
fJCCQ athermvsteries Effects of a sporting
ruEr nfe 20 illustrations 9G pajre book
post paid 10c Jacob Uerk Denver Colo
IB m SB Sbv Hfei 1 H
H M mk of tiPIBk Pk ttB V 61
H El bMr ma i Umwn VLB
qyl H iIaOUlliiGC made
The real worth of my 300 and 350 shoes compared with
other makes Is 400 to gSOO My 8400 Gilt Edge Line cannot be
equalled at any price Best In the world for men
I make and cll more mens flue ahucx Goodyear
WcItEInnc Seved Proccim than any other manufac
turer In the world I wilt pny Sl000 to any one whocan
prove that my statement is not true
Signed W Xi 3ongng
Take no snbstttnte I Insist on having w L Douglas shoes
with name and price stamped on bottom Your dealer should
keen them I give one dealer exclusive sale In each town If
he does not keep them and will not get them for you order
direct from factory enclosing price ana 25c extra for carriage
Over 1000000 satisfied wearers New Spring Catalog free
Eyelets csedezclnsiTely W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass
jw HidlK Xi
Jm 2m Vfll r
air t tbim hobo mo bo troocks 1 uck
MI have been using CASCAKETS
for Insomnia with which I nave been afflicted
for over twenty years and I can say that
Cascarets have given me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried I shall cer
tainly recommend them to my friends as be
ing all they are represented
Thos Qillabd Elgin m
The Coldest
wlev Tai wr rv
T2071 Tjamil
Cheerfully Recommend Peruna to All Who
Want a Good Tonic and a Safe
Cure for Catarrh
Prominent members of the clergy e giving Peruna their unqualified erP
dorsement These men find Peruna especially adapted to preserve them
from catarrh of the vocal organs which has always been tho bane of public
speakers and general catarrhal debility incident to the sedentary life of tho
clergyman Among the recent utterances of noted clergymen on the cura
tive virtues of Peruna is the following one from Bishop James A Handy
D D of Baltimore
take great pleasure in acknowledging the curative effects of
Peruna At the solicitation of a friend I used your remedy and
cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a good Tonic
and a safe cure for catarrh James A Handy
nTUCD UftTAQIE P1IBEQ wy Peruna has become eo justly
Ulncn nUlADLE UUnCOi famous in the cure of catarrhal dis
A KUSband ESGaPed the PangS Of cated Its cures remain Peruna does
Rfltflrrh nf fhP innffQ not Paintaie u cures
UdldllH Ul Itie LUIIfri Mrs Frederick Williams President
Most Cases of Incipient Consumption Are SJiffCthfSSIS
Gutarrlli words of praise
Edward Stevens
for Peruna from
973 Cuyler ave
Chicago 111
My home is
never wi t h o u t
Peruna for I
have found
ing the past six t
-trance lqf P
is no remedy
mat win at tw t
alleviate suffer- iTrnnnrtiirmiim tniw
ing and actually Mrs Fred Williams
cure as Peruna does Four bottles
completely cured me of catarrh of tho
head of several years standing and if
my husband feels badly or either of us
catch cold we at once take Peruna
and in a day or two it has thrown tho
sickness out of the system Mrs
Frederick Williams
Mrs W A Allison of 759 Sheffield
avenue Chicago 111 is the Assistant
Macron oi ine m11
Peoples 3
tal She has tho H
following to say
about Peruna
I have had fre
quent opportuni
ties tn observe 2
I mxi
MM -1
tho Ttrnnr rf n 1 3 oS
miiOf ftra fiffonta
rt PoniTin 3
ciallv on nersons 3
i imiMM
t ix v fc t v
suffering With a grrrmMniimnnn nnia
congested Mrs W A Allison
tion of the head lungs and stomach
generally called catarrh It alleviates
pain and soreness increases the appe
tite and so tones up the entire system
that the patient quickly regains strength
and health Mrs W A Allison
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
For Top Prices Ship Your
To Headquarters
G XV Icken Company
Bnttcr Eggs Veal Hides and Furs Fotatoej
Onions In Carload Lots
Omaha NebraflJca
We believe it will sell at 50 cents
Send your order now Our book
Successful Speculation sent free
Did you ever have that feeling of oppression like a weight on your chest or a load of cobblestones in your
stomach keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you Thats insomnia or sleeplessness and some unfortun
ates suffer with it night after night until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad The
cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet refreshing sleep Always insist on getting CASCARETS
25c 50c
GUARANTEED TO CURE Five years aeo the first box of
wns sold Xow It Is over six million boxes a year arreatcr than any
similar medicine In the world This Is absolute proofof treat merit and
onr best testimonial We have faith and will sell CASCARETS absolutely
sraarantecd to cure or money refunded Go buy today two SOc boxes elve
them a fair honest trial as per simple directions and If you are not satlseed
after one SOc box return the unused SOc box and the empty box to
us by mall or the druggist from whom you purchased It and eetyonr money
back far both boxes Take our advice no matter what alls you start today
Health wlllqnlekly followand you will bless the day you flrst started the use
ofCASCAKETS JBook free by mall Add BTXRLIsa RK1XDT CO H Yrk